#thanks for this question Garnet my darling!
theviridianbunny · 6 months
The night of the Black Sapphire Gala holds many stories, memories and secrets.
Victoria Crane belongs to my beloved @another-corpo-rat - thank you for trusting me with her and letting me write her with her wife and hubbie (and soon to give Viridian and Jackie the worst night of their life at this gala ) - Sprimklimg little bits of oc lore into my fics oh Lordy - one day I will give proper exposition to all my world building (when I eventually have the spoons - Ty audhd) This is not beta read and I’m currently posting this as I sit by a pool in Egypt in near 30c heat - the sunshine has spurred me on to try and write again (maybe it’s also the one rum and coke I have in the afternoons :3c)
Part two coming soon (ish) - you can also read this fic over on ao3 here ❤️
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It started off as just a simple question. Victoria’s golden optics studying her partner through the pain of a large back-lit bathroom mirror. She watched as Amrin’s white and orange cybernetic hand steadily applied that last bit of makeup. The handsome mechanic was all dolled up for tonight. Ornately patterned Golden eyeliner and garnet red lipstick - she wore a backless black halter neck jumpsuit - low cut - a lace bralette underneath. Leather heeled boots made her just as tall as Victoria.
“ my darling- how did you get your burn scar? Victoria's tone was inquisitive. Trying not to pry and pick - to mine and dig on insecurities - this question was caring - and genuine.
Sadly for Victoria - it was poorly timed. Victoria noticed how her partner's body language clammed up - her red eyes avoiding Victoria’s gold for just a moment. Their eyes met through the mirror as Victoria came to her - one golden hand caressing Amrins bare shoulder - there was a moment of silence as Victoria waited for her to speak.
Amrin's lips pursed- before she spoke.
“I’d rather not discuss that - not tonight. In time- ill be happy to tell you the story- but not tonight ” Amrin’s voice was unusually stern as she put away her makeup tidy into a small hessian bag - then stashed away into a draw.
She joined Victoria , who was dressed in a sleeveless gold fronted body suit. Paired with motor oil black kick flared trousers and strapped marching black sandals. Chunky Emerald earrings adorned with golden vipers matched the buckles on the sandals.
“Darling, would you like one of my furs?” Victoria asked - gesturing to her rail of mink and animal furs - a mix of synthetic and the real thing.
Amrin shook her head “no thank you - I should be plenty warm without one, once we’re inside…’
And with that, Victoria offered her hand out to Amrin and the two made their way out of Kurt’s penthouse - entering a glass pained elevator to make their way to the ballroom of the black sapphire.
“How did you get your scar Vic?” Amrin asked - trying to throw the attention off of herself.
Victoria smirked - the golden plating over the old facial wound shone magnificently as she pulled the other woman into her - the two shared a momentary kiss - before the older woman spoke.
Her voice soft - spoken close - like the two were sharing secrets.
“Oh, You know how I got it Amrin-” a golden hand against Amrin's back - holding and tracing up and down Amrin’s spine as she continued “ You know of the incident of 75- you know of the little rabbit... word is, she's here with her dullard tonight… the two have been running around dogtown like a pair of stray puppies. “
As the lift reached the outer balcony- the two women made their way to the ballroom itself. They were under a blanket of stars , smog and light pollution.
Victoria heading to the bar - to drink and find Kurt. Amrin on the other hand made a b-line for the open-air balcony. The night was still young and the party hadn't truly started yet. Guests were still arriving. Amrin knew she was alone out there as she leant over the metal railing.
Amrin looked out onto the night city skyline and sighed to herself. Victoria’s question had stirred something within her… Amrin knew her partner had good intentions- she knew Victoria never wanted to intentionally upset her..
Amrin groaned - she thought to herself that maybe her skin was growing thin.
It had been many years since she left night city - since she left Rasmus and the trauma team. It'd been months since she'd heard from the cyberpsychosis researcher - maybe he'd finally got the hint she didn't want to be in contact as regularly anymore…
Amrin and Rasmus had history - albeit ancient now. From friends to lovers- to husband and wife and work partners - Their eventual divorce was probably one of the most difficult and messiest moments of their lives.
There were times her mind wandered back to the Sakura haired medic -mostly to the little things - the mundane things that made her world brighter. … like how she would come home to the apartment after working a night shift on the trauma team..
She’d come home - worn out and ready to have a shower and fall into bed. The apartment would be stinking of smoke and a symphony of swears could be heard, pronounced in a thick brummie accent.
Curiously would get the better of her , she would venture into the kitchen after taking off her jacket and boots - and see Rasmus plating up a synth bacon sandwich for her - the bacon would be burnt , surely it would be acrid and hard to digest..
But Amrin wouldn't care, the food was made with love and care. That's all that mattered. She'd take the plate from Rasmus and thank him - a quick peck to his cheek before she sat down and tucked into her breakfast. She'd watch as Rasmus would linger for a moment- the two sharing smiles before he would go and get ready for his day shift on the trauma team..
The days of Soft smiles and burnt synth bacon were long gone now.
Mostly all that remained were memories of the stormy night - the one that left the pair both physically and emotionally traumatised. There were only memories of the night that really felt like the beginning of the end.
The night was cold - Amrin wished she'd taken up Victoria’s offer of a fur coat. She knew there was one that would have gone just perfectly … Amrin grumbled to herself in her mother tongue and debated moving inside - but ultimately decided to stay out a little longer.
She booted up the hollo , she scrolled down to Rasmus's holo icon. A sakura blossom - entangled between dna heelexis. Her fingers dwindled and she hesitated- before taking the plunge and calling him. Her mouth going dry - she didn't know what to say- she just wanted to hear his voice…
The ringer rung out until it went to answer phone - Rasmus's familiar voice spoke with a calm - yet professional demeanour.
“This is Rasmus Sundburg - Night city trauma team research. Sorry I can't pick up your call right now. Leave a voicemail and I'll get back to you as soon as I can”
The line beeped - prompting Amrin to talk - she sighed deeply, before speaking.
“Rasmus- its me.. Sorry its been a while-” Her mind going blank “Gods- I. . Call me when you can - yeah? We need a catch up.. ”
And with that, she cut the line- before she embarrassed herself further. Face flushed. She reached into her clutch wallet- she pulled out her e - cigarette. Feeling tearful as she took a drag and then exhaled Cherry flavoured vapour.
Hot pin prick tears welling - she sniffed- looking out to the city still.
She cried - silent and alone. Amrin preferred it that way- no one to see her in such a vulnerable state.
Wiping her eyes with her free hand - she grumbled with frustration, more at herself than anything. Her makeup was sure to be smudged by her tears…
Trying to compose herself now- Amrin prepared her to mingle. To be social. To please and be merry - even though all she wanted to do was return to her bed - get into her pyjamas and sleep. She didn't want to be human or socialise - running on empty and burnt out now. The day leading up to this gala had already been hard on her…
As Amrin tried to get herself to breathe - She felt the metal of a cybernetic hand touch the small of her back - Amrin knew that touch from anywhere.
Kurt had joined her now. She was no longer alone.
Dressed down on such an evening. Black tshirt tucked into slate grey cargos. Combat boots polished with new laces.
“What are you doing out here on your own?” His voice stern , but also laced with concert.
“I could ask you the same thing- thought Victoria would be all over you by now” she jerked back at him. Amrin didn't mean for her words to come out as sharp as they had.
Amrin heard how Kurt laughed - how he smiled softly all be it for a moment.
“Oh shes already demanded her quota of kisses - but she made an off comment about you - thought she might have hit a nerve”
Hansen watched as his lover furrowed her eyebrows and took another drag of her e-ciggarette. Blowing out the smoke - she stuffed the cigarette back into her purse.
“I'll take that as a yes-”
Amrin pursed her lips - before speaking.
“ I'm trying to be brave . To talk about the pain- the suffering- the past. But it takes time… I’m just not ready to open up to her Kurt..”
“I know , my dear” his words genuine- soft. Offering out a big cybernetic arm to the mechanic.
“Join me inside? The night is still young- I can direct you to a quiet corner where you won’t be disturbed” a small chuckle arose before he next spoke “and my darling - if any of our guests dares disturb you - know they will feel my wrath and all of dogtown’s too”
He watched how his lover smiled - all be it for a moment - as he took his arm and leant into him. A casual act of intimacy Amrin never thought she would feel again. She stayed close to him for a moment - feeling his warmth against the coldness of the night.
“Ready to go inside?” He asked
Amrin’s reply came as a silent nod.
And so, Kurt lead his dear mechanic inside. Taking her to one of the many bars - where a masculine chromed up bartender was serving a woman in a very expensive dress. Silver hands poured what looked to be an espresso martini, as he wished the woman a good night.
The bartender turned to the colonel and his mechanic.
“What can I get you both tonight?” He asked - instinctively reaching to the scotch for the colonel.
“The usual for me ” Kurt’s gaze travelled to Amrin.
She was still thinking - but then very softly spoke her order.
“A Bloody Mary please - with extra black pepper and spice”
Her social battery just wasn’t there tonight - Kurt could tell as Amrin leant into him.
As the bartender quickly got to work making drinks - Amrin reached into her purse - pulling out a pair of tiny golden plates earbuds - slotting the left one into her ear.
To her surprise - holo rang out quietly.
Amrin quickly rejected the incoming call - now wasn’t a good time. She had a Bloody Mary to drink and a social battery to try and recharge.
She quickly messaged her ex husband - frantically typing
“call you back soon. At a corporate engagement” - this was a partial lie. Yes she was at a corporate engagement - no she did not intend to call Rasmus back anytime soon.
She probably would in time - but not tonight.
The mood began to lift as the bartender handed Amrin her Bloody Mary - Kurt his scotch. Amrin letting go of Kurt’s arm to grab her Bloody Mary. She took a sip - it was definitely spicy enough.
The two moved away from the bar.
Kurt took a mouthful of his beverage before he gestured towards the roulette tables.
“There’s a quiet nook on the right side of the roulette tables - a few comfy sofas with cushions.” He placed his hand over Amrin’s back as a sign of comfort “ You can spend as much time as you’d like there - and also know there’s no pressure to stay, you’ve got a key to the penthouse- you can go and make yourself comfy up there if that would be easier on your mind” Kurt’s tone was reassuring.
“Thank you,Kurt. I think I will be fine down here.”
Amrin’s gaze travelled to the red haired twins at one of roulette tables. Feeling the mischievous energy of the woman in yellow.
“The two redheads won’t cause me trouble - right ?” She asked - debating putting her second ear bud in.
She heard how Kurt laughed.
“Oh, the netrunner twins?” He asked
“Yes, them. The woman gives me uneasy vibes”
“Aymeric” he gestured to the man in blue “and Aurore” the woman in yellow “they will not cause trouble - I promise you.” Kurt reassured his lover.
He took her cybernetic hand and kissed the back of it - before he continued
“If for whatever ungodly reason they decide to give you trouble or grief - or even look at you the wrong way - you are to send me a message on the hollo - I will send Victoria down to give them a bollocking- or I will do it myself.” - there was a slightly comedic tone to his voice.
He placed another kiss on her hand- for luck.
“Does that sound fair Amrin?” He asked. Seeing how she smiled felt like his evening had been made already
“It sounds great” she replied - taking the other ear bud from its case - placing it into her ear - the world around her went blissfully quiet.
The two shared a kiss before they parted ways. She waved to Kurt before she turned and walked away.
As Amrin made her way to the roulette tables - she passed a woman with short teal hair and skull implanted kiroshis. An Arasaka cyber arm partially visible through the mesh sleeves of her blouse. High waisted trousers and blocked heel boots made her appear tatter than she actually was.
The handsome mechanic watched from afar as the woman ordered a very blue looking cocktail and thanked the bartender - she watched as the woman wandered across the ballroom to a very tall and broad man - dressed in a sharp suit. Golden cross earrings dangled from his ear lobes and delicate cable cyberware mapped out his face. Dark hair shaved short at the back and sides - with a top knot tied with a wine red hairband.
Amrin watched as the man bent down to kiss the woman on the cheek, before she made her way to the quiet spot Kurt recommended. As she passed the netrunner twins and found her self a comfy quiet spot - She booted up her holo. Taking a large gulp of her Bloody Mary before texting Victoria.
“I think I’ve spotted your rabbit-”
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aeksion-aekse · 4 months
Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings & Stern Meetings
tag list 🏷️: @eiralune @noeverse @mini-kunoichi @rozendiors @flippydippydoo
word count: 1276 words
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It was another day in the Red Keep and as always, a sunny yet slightly cloud filled sky was on full display, the Keep quiet as all who inhabited it went about their day. Such was usual and standard procedure in the Keep, wandering the halls, tending to important duties and matters….the same paced days that occurred. 
The royal family that ruled the Seven Kingdoms was House Targaryen: King Viserys I, Queen Alicent Hightower, Prince Aegon II, Prince Regent Aemond, Princess Helaena and….a rather unusual and peculiar guest, Princess of Storm’s End Brinaera Baratheon. Highly unorthodox befell the poor bastard girl that led her to live with the royal family since the mere age of three, yet she was treated as if she were of Targaryen blood. As the years would go on, Brinaera never once wavered on her loyalty, as she owed the entirety of the royal family her life, she loved them as if they were her blood. They were her home, her family.
Brinaera, the young Baratheon was no longer a mere girl but now rather a young woman, the ripe age of 19 years old. She was like the most exquisite and fully bloomed rose covered in droplets of rain water on a spring’s day….simply breathtaking and beautiful. She was such a thing of  elegance and refinement. But with such a precocious reputation and personality often came expectations of all sorts, towering higher than a dragon’s flight. 
The young Baratheon girl resided in her private bedchambers, sat in front of the vanity she had and stared into the mirror, admiring the reflection staring back at her as she brushed the luscious locks of long, thick flowing dark brunette hair, humming a song to herself. She had on a rather stunning sanguine red dress, adorned by gold and garnet jewelry, as it complimented her features well, the curves of her short yet thick body filling the fabric out well. As she continued her regime, a soft knock could be heard on the door of her bedchambers, causing the young woman to snap out of her little self induced trance. 
“Come in.” Her voice was soft and sweet yet just demanding enough. As the door opened up, one of Brinaera’s own handmaidens stuck her head in, speaking in a quite timid tone of voice. “Lady Brinaera, you are wanted in the throne room at the request of the King himself.” The Princess of Storm’s End turned to look up and face the servant and smiled a small yet sweet smile, nodding her head as she stood up, smoothing out the fabric of her dress. “Thank you, darling, I appreciate you letting me know. Would you care to lead me?” The mousy little maiden couldn’t help but stare at Brinaera a little surprised and wide eyed, confused but didn’t dare question her. Instead she shyly nodded her head, leading the young princess to the throne room.
Brinaera’s POV
I had my dear handmaiden lead me into the throne room, only to see it completely filled. Every important Lord and Lady possible was there, the septa and maester, servants and maidens, kingsguard, the small council and of course the royal family themself. I smile small and walk towards my usual spot next to King Viserys and Queen Alicent’s children, standing beside them. I smile at all three of them and get a different response from all of them. Aegon eyes me up and down as usual, Helaena offering me a sweet smile and Aemond giving me a small ghost of a grin. I look up at Aemond and return his little subtle grin, raising a brow slightly, letting out a hum reminiscent of his own little hums, muttering under my breath, my tone teasing and full of humor.
“It isn’t polite to stare, sapphire, didn’t anyone ever teach you that?” Aemond just let out a small hum and leaned down slightly, muttering under his breath, the gaze of his single bluish violet eye fixated on me as he spoke. “Any living creature with eyesight would stare, little fawn.” I let out a silent chuckle at Aemond’s amusing little statement, covering my mouth with my hand. “Such titillating conversation already, dear Prince Regent and it is not even half the day yet. As always, Aemond.” Aemond lets out another hum and has his hands behind his back as he stands close beside me. “No one else can hold a conversation the way you do, dear opal.” 
I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes in a playful and teasing manner at Aemond’s words, as he always knew just what to say. In most instances, he was a man of few words, but it seemed that I was able to bring out a side of him most would be unaware of. Our small little conversation died off as soon as King Viserys spoke, his voice not quite so loud but spoke with purpose. “It has come to my attention that some rather….unsavory rumors have come about our dear Brinaera. She has been in our care since she was the mere age of three. None of you even care enough to get to know the poor girl yet you judge her and spread such vile and baseless rumors? By the Seven, you all disgrace me.”
Every single person in the throne room had gone silent, the tension so thick and palpable, it could be cut with the greatest sword in all the Seven Kingdoms. After a moment, King Viserys spoke up once more, the frustration at a front. “Have none of you a thing to say? That she is nothing more than a mere bastard child, that she is a witch, that this– this darling girl is no better than the mere whores that roam the streets of Flea Bottom. I do not wish to hear any more of these forsaken rumors and anyone who dares to so much as entertain them will lose their tongues along with their lives.”
I go slightly wide eyed and as my gaze meets the ones of Aegon, Aemond and Helaena, I can’t help but cover my mouth with my hand to hide the grin forming across my lips. I then feel eyes on me and see that it was King Viserys, as well as Queen Alicent staring at me, their brows raised at me in a curious manner. The first to speak was the Queen “Darling, is there something you wish to say in front of all these people?” 
I shift my gaze to stare at all who gathered in the throne, my hazel eyes scanning across them all one by one as if analyzing who believed such words and who didn’t. I smile a small yet charming smile and let out a hum before speaking, my voice flowing out smoothly like the finest wine in Westeros. “In all honesty, I am not all that surprised that such….frivolous rumors are spreading across the Keep like a plague. However I am surprised at how quickly they are to be believed. Because words are exactly that: a plague. You are freethinking citizens and are free to choose whatever it is you wish to believe. But heed my word when I say you may not like where your beliefs will lead you to. I may be a mere warg, but I am here in the care of House Targaryen for a reason. Make no mistake.”
All of those standing in the room had each wore a different expression, but one thing was for certain:  Just who was this girl? What was she capable of?
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hi emma!! in the dark academia asks, vermilion ♥️
Corra darling!
vermilion— what kind of jewelry do you enjoy wearing, if any?
Oo I love this question! I wear a lot of sterling silver rings that I swap out depending on the season/my outfit/how I'm feeling. Here are pics of some of my favs that I got from Etsy:
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I also love garnets, moonstones, rose quartz, tiger's eye, and labradorite, and I have some silver studs and little gemstone earrings, plus my hoop daith piercing with a tiny diamond (?), an opal stud in my cartilage, and a crescent moon on the other side a bit lower down. When I think to put them on, I often wear leather bracelets and/or a mix of these kinds of bracelets:
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(Not my pic but I have made similar ones to a lot of these).
Thanks for asking love, I hope you're having a good day! 💕
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mindninjax · 3 years
also not on anon but to starve away the boredom~
hey min min~ first of all.
second of all, am i the only one who every time i see Levi on my screen i instantly say or think "hello daddy" ? or is that just me XD *wiggles brows suggestively*
and third of all -here's the question- what got you into writing in the first place? and what makes you continue on the writing journey?
tee hee hello sweet Garnet💖
Second no you are not the only one. Levi Ackerman could tell me to crack my skull open like and egg and serve my brain to him on a silver platter I absolutely would.
Third! If you'll allow me to get mushy on main for a bit I'll put it under a cut :)
I will absolutely give all credit for me starting writing to this gem here @itsleese. Ms. Weese was one of my very first friends in fandom and legit took me in like a mama cat takes in a scared lil baby kitten. Her writing is amazing and legit opened my world immensely to fanfiction because ima be straight up, I dead ass didn't know this shit existed until December 2019. I remember reading Weese's Notice and Of Love and Lemons and being blown away that I could like be apart of the story. Everything felt so realistic and the way she wrote the characters, specifically Bakugo, made me feel like they were like attainable which is such an amazing skill to have.
NOT ONLY did Weese choose to take me in as a friend and be kind and loving and introduce me to so many other amazing people that have become my closest and dearest friends as well, she was also SUPER supportive when I had an idea to write something. She encouraged me to finish it, she read over it, encouraged me to post it and made sure to let me know how much she enjoyed it when she read it. I just.... I am eternally thankful to Weese and so fucking grateful that she considers me a friend because she's honestly one of the most kindest and beautiful and most amazing people I've ever met on this app.
OK enough with the mushy feelings lol. Why do I continue to write? Simply put. It makes me happy. I've always kinda been a daydreamer with a kick ass imagination. Putting stories down on paper, exploring plot and relationships and characters I love is fun to me. It pumps so many good feelings into me when I am creating a story (even if I'm hard on myself or don't think it's worth sharing).
Recently though what's been keeping me going is escaping my current reality. Plunging myself into a setting that I can control, into a fantasy where things are a-okay or not a-okay should I choose to make them so. Life has been....shitty recently.
Last year was no cap and not to be extremely dramatic but dead ass the worst year of my life and will like forever and always be the worst year of my life. Writing absolute became a coping mechanism for me, it became a sanctuary where I could feel safe and warm. Escaping to a fantasy and writing or planning it out has saved my actual life on many occasions and I have no doubt that it will continue to do so lol. 💖
Come chat with me
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jade-parcels · 3 years
i heard we were talking about dadbod luc so… 👀
imagine being snuggled so comfortably in his thick arms with your head tucked under his chin, feeling the warmth radiating off his warm and soft skin. it would’ve been a perfectly good night spent with your husband if not for one thing- his shaky breathing.
growing increasingly concerned, you whisper, “diluc, love, is everything alright?”
diluc acknowledged your question by squeezing you a little tighter. he was silent for a few moments before giving you a reply. “i… it’s no cause for concern. don’t worry yourself over it, darling.”
try as he might you knew him well enough to discern the waver in his voice, an indication of his silent pain. 5 years spent with your partner tended to make you quite receptive of the slightest of cues. you carefully pulled your head away from the safety of the crook of his neck before cupping his face tenderly in your hands.
“it’s your body again, isn’t it?” the way he let his garnet orbs stray down away from your own eyes told you all you needed to know. “sweetheart, look at me please,” you gently coaxed.
ever so carefully like a new born deer taking its first few steps, he did as you asked. the clear pain and insecurity in his eyes made your heart clench but you smiled at him nonetheless.
“there you are, gorgeous,” you cooed at him softly. with as much care as you’d hold a new born baby you held his face closer to yours, but still gave him the chance to pull away should he feel too uncomfortable.
he flushed beautifully- from the pet name you often used or the proximity of your faces, you didn’t know. regardless of the reason he was still breathtaking. you huffed amusedly. you’ve been with this sweet man for so long and yet he still reacted as if you were a new and inexperienced couple.
you pressed a tender, lingering kiss to his forehead. “believe me when i say that you are nothing short of perfect. everything about you is so unbelievably beautiful and honestly, just thinking about you makes my heart full,” you punctuated each sentence with more kisses around his face. “i know that having let go and relaxed has made you insecure, but this?” you caressed his chest and slowly made your loving way down his upper body. “this is all just a testament of how comfortable you’ve become. of how much you’ve grown since we’ve first met. and for that, i’m proud of you, ‘luc. so incredibly proud.”
“i love you. everything about you, your body included. i couldn’t care less about the so called ‘fat’ you put on. in fact, it just makes you that much more comfortable to hold. i just,” you paused, inhaling to try and steady yourself. you often got emotional just thinking about how much you loved this man, and it hurt you knowing that he didn’t see himself in the same light. you could ramble on endlessly about all the things you loved about him, didn’t he understand? but for his sake, you stood strong and held the sting in your eyes back. “i just wish that you saw yourself the way i see you.”
diluc was silent for the duration of your comforting words but you knew he was listening. he always did. tears shimmered across his eyes but you wiped them away with your thumb before they fell. before you could utter another word, he burried himself beneath your chin and into the familiar safety of the crook of your neck. he held onto you as if you were his lifeline, squeezed you to him trying to get impossibly closer to you.
you carded your hands through his velvety hair and let the silence take over for the both of you. it was a comfortable silence in which the both of you were allowed to breathe with ease. with one hand used to caress his head, your other travelled lower to rub small circles on his back the way you knew he loved.
he sniffled before placing a thankful kiss to your collarbone. “thank you, darling, for once again quelling my insecurities. i’ll never understand how someone like me managed to find someone as loving as you. but i…” diluc planted another kiss, but lower this time, to the place he knew your heart rested. “i love you.”
you held onto him tighter in response and smiled, happy that he finally seemed placated.
“i love you too, ‘luc.”
you both let the comforting presence of each other gently lull yourselves back to sleep, and all was well.
(aaaa i love him sm i could die)
You sent me this…. For free…. Come here 🫂
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honeyhenry · 4 years
A Tiny Valentine
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A/N: Another little instalment of the Tiny!AU that I have been writing this month! I hope you all had a lovely valentines or galentines or palentines! Now onto my favourite little family! Please feel free to request some more about this AU or my Syverson AU because both are helping me through this month! 🥰
Warnings: none! just some sweet fluff!
Read Tiny here!
Read Tiny Vol. 2 here!
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You’re awoken by the squeaks of a fussy baby, opening your eyes in time to see your husband shush the child cradled in his right arm ever so tenderly. Henry catches you looking from where you laid in the bed and grins, making his way towards you with Will in tow.
“Good morning, and Happy Valentine’s day, Mummy” his deep voice giving you butterflies still after all this time as he leans in to kiss you, 5 week old Will pressed between your chests, a warm safe haven for him as his parents shared their love on the cosy Sunday morning. Sitting up, you cradle Henry’s face in your hand, whispering a treasured valentine sentiment back, before turning your attention to your second, yet no less important valentine.
“Hello baby boy, good morning! Are you wishing me a happy Valentine’s too?”
Will now weighs in at an impressive 2.3kg, and hasn’t left your or Henry’s side in the past month. His tiny frame fits so perfectly into the crook of Henry’s forearm which is much larger than the precious child it helps to support. Somehow he’s managed to fit Will into a new, slightly-too-big onesie decorated with a large heart detailing the words “I Love my Mummy” inside of it.
“Yes, I have fed, burped, dressed, undressed, changed, re-dressed, and soothed him since 6am. He likes his early mornings but we did have a small poo-splosion. It’s been dealt with, and we’ve had a chat, haven't we Will?” Henry addresses the question to his son, who pays him no mind, other than to clench his little fist, making you laugh.
“Here, I’ll take him. I want cuddles from my littlest Valentine.”
“Oh I see how it is...maybe I’ll have to return everything I got you and only give you the gifts from Will.”
You’re about to reply that he needn’t worry, that his Valentines will come later tonight, but your jaw drops as Henry pulls a few bags onto the bed, alongside the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers that must be 10 times the size of Will, and have cost him half the earth.
“Henry!” you gasp, careful to hold Will securely as you shuffle up the bed to see the gifts he has presented to you.
“A couple of the gifts were supposed to be given just before you gave birth but I wanted to wait until now, so you’d still  get them on Valentine’s Day.”
You look at him with utter adoration, tears almost spilling over and you manage to hold it together until-
“Oh no, Henry” you cry out, immediately setting a pit of uncertainty in Henry’s stomach.
“What? Is something wrong? Is Will okay? Is it the flowers?”
You sigh and let a few tears slip out, cuddling Will close, looking down at his sweet innocent face, not wanting to meet Henry’s gaze. It doesn’t do much good, as Will truly is his daddy’s double. 
“I- I didn’t get you anything. I completely forgot, I’m so sorry” you whisper, wishing you could turn back the clock and remember to at least put some of his favourite chocolates or cologne in the shopping cart when you last went out. “Like, not even a card. I’m a rubbish wife.”
“Well that’s just ridiculous. I could’ve sympathised with you until that point but I’m afraid you’re completely wrong. On all counts.” He moves up closer to you on the bed, resting a large hand on your knee while using his other hand to gesture his points.
“First of all, you are not a rubbish wife. I don’t ever want to hear you say that again. You are perfect and I really hope that these gifts will be worthy of you wearing them or eating them or just having them exist around you. They cost money, but money doesn’t light a flame compared to what you got me for all my birthdays, valentine’s days and Christmases combined.”
He keeps one hand on your knee, with the other now moving over to hold Will’s whole hand with just the tip of his finger. Wrapping his palm around the familiar pointer finger, you hear the tiniest sigh from your son’s body, feeling utterly relaxed in your arms and holding Henry’s hand.
“But he’s 5 weeks old-”
“He wasn’t even meant to be born until the end of this month, and I would've told you the same thing as I’m telling you now if that was still the case. You grew him and nurtured him and now we get to know him and love him every single day. I can never thank you enough for the gift of our child.”
Resting his forehead to yours, you sit there in that moment, soaking it up in the hopes to carry the weight of the emotions for days and weeks to come. Upon the gift opening, with Henry explaining each gift while Will lay in his arms, you realised that you truly had been spoiled rotten by your boys. Will had “bought” you a framed picture of the constellations in the sky at the exact time and place he was born, as well as a year’s supply of your favourite breastfeeding cookies sitting in a large crate out in the kitchen.
Henry had truly outdone himself, assuring you that the flowers were from him “but Will helped with his floral expertise, obviously.” He had waited to give you the last gift deliberately - a long, smooth rectangular box wrapped very delicately. Opening it, you see a note inside, setting the box down as you read aloud.
“January is represented by the garnet stone. Derived from the word “seed”, this fruitful gem keeps the wearer safe. And May is represented by the emerald to mean “rebirth”...and gives the wearer foresight and good fortune...what does that....oh Henry!”
You lift the box and remove the protective paper to reveal the most beautiful necklace you’ve ever seen. There are small diamonds detailing it and allowing it to glint in the light, alongside a small cut of garnet and emerald woven together in parts.
“Happy Valentine’s darling. It’s mine and Junior’s birthstones. Had to send it back when he came early to swap February for January. And more can be added...whenever they need be.”
You knew the tears would start again, and before they can mark tracks on your cheeks, you leap onto Henry to kiss him with passion, careful not to knock Will in the process.
“You are the most loving, thoughtful, wonderful person in the whole world. It’s beautiful and so personal...and I know it couldn’t possibly compare, but how about some Valentine’s pancakes? We can show Will how to properly celebrate.” 
The three of you head to the kitchen soon after, cooking up a storm and dancing to the love songs playing on the radio. You even have the opportunity to feed Will again while Henry expertly flips the pancakes in the pan. He plates them up, drizzles them with your favourite topping, and feeds you while you feed Will.
One thing your son will never have to question, is the love that his parents have for each other.
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taglist: @ohmygoodie​ @michelehansel​ @la-cey​ @palaiasaurus64​ @sassy-pelican​ 
request / feedback etc. here!
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simeonisalesbian · 3 years
Pretty eyes
I've been working on this on and off for a few months now and i finally finished it :3 So have some MC telling the boys how pretty their eyes are.
Lucifer's look like a Garnet. Arguably they’re his best feature.
“Is there something wrong with my face Mc?” Lucifer set his pen down and tilted his head in question. “You’ve been staring for quite some time now.”
Mc was supposed to be helping with some of the paperwork but they ended up starting at Lucifer as he worked instead. "Sorry I was just lost in thought for a minute there."
"Oh? What were you thinking about if I may be so bold?" Lucifer smirked, and Mc was almost certain he was aware the answer was about him.
"I was just thinking about how pretty your eyes were."
"Oh?" His eyebrows raised in question waiting for them to continue.
"They're a nice dark red like a ruby or Garnet stone. They also seem like they're almost glowing at times." They left out the part about how they seem to soften just a bit when it's just the two of them alone like this.
"Seems you've thought on this for quite some time." Lucifer chucked when Mc blushed slightly at the observation. "Either way, thank you, Mc. Compliments are always nice to hear from you." He finished going back to the paperwork that littered his desk, a smile still on his face.
Mammon's are like a pretty blue sky like I could really get lost in those fuckers. The gold in his eyes is also really cool like how there is gold in a lapis lazuli.
Mc watched as mammon excitedly explained his latest money makin’ scheme, his eyes lit up to match his bright smile.
“What do ya think?” He finished explaining, hoping for some sort of feedback from his human.
“Your eyes are really nice,” Mc said, fondly smiling at the demon who was now a blushing stuttering mess.
“Wha?! Mc- Oi-” He buried his face in his hands softly yelling for a moment. “Ya can’t just say shit like that outta nowhere!” He pouted, crossing his arms trying his damndest to look upset.
“It’s true though. I like looking at them, they're like a bright blue sky.” Mc expected Mammon to preen under the praise but instead, he got a bit smaller looking off to the side. “You don’t like them do you?”
“They look the same as the damned angels. Demons ain't supposed to have angel eyes. Makes me look weak.” Mammon refused to meet Mc’s gaze.
“The great mammon? Weak? I don’t think those fit together very well. You’re one of the strongest demons I know.” Mc insisted, hoping to boost the demon’s ego a bit. “They also remind me of Lapis Lazuli. Did you know that royalty used that stone a lot?”
Mammon looked up at the mention of royalty. “You saying I’m like a king or somethin’?” He paused thinking over it for a second before smiling widely. “I like the sound of that. King Mammon. You gotta be my second in command though ya hear?”
Levi’s reminds me of a goldfish. Like Henry. Feel like it’s lame but he’d probably just be impressed u noticed something to compliment lmao weeb boy with no confidence
“Hey, normie? Are you even paying attention still?” Levi waves a hand in front of MC’s face as they snap back to reality. ”If you didn’t want to listen to me you didn’t have to come. I get that it’s probably boring to listen to me talk on and on like this.”
Mc shakes their head. “Sorry Levi I didn’t mean to zone out and you aren’t boring me.” They were listening to him at first however the way his eyes always lit up when he talked about his special interests. “Your eyes are really nice, you know that right? They’re like…” they paused, their mind coming up a bit blank. “They're kinda like Henry 2.0 I guess. A nice golden orange… sorry that sounds kinda lame.” They turned attention back to Leviathan who was covering his face in an attempt to hide his blushing embarrassment.
“Yo-you can’t just say- say stuff like- like that normie! It’s like you’re trying to kill me here! A direct hit to my heart, It’s super effective!! Stop laughing!! I could have died MC!”
Satan's are also hard to describe because they’re such a unique greenish-blue color. The forest. They’re like the forest. They’re wild and unknown but you can’t help but wonder what lies within.
"Do I have a cat on my head again Mc?" Satan barely even looked up from his book. "You keep staring."
Mc laughed pointing at the cat that had settled on their lap a whole ago. "No, the cat is sleeping, I was just thinking."
"Oh?" Satan fumbled around on his armrest looking for something to save his page in the book."Penny for your thoughts?" He picked up a random piece of paper looking it over before closing it in his book and turning his attention to you.
"It's just your eyes, they're pretty." Mc shrugged.
"Pretty?" Satan sounded genuinely confused. Though when you think about it not many people would be calling the Avatar of Wrath's eyes pretty.
That is except for the human sitting right in front of him. "They're like a nice deep green forest. And they match the cat's." They set a hand on the cat's head as if to emphasize their point.
"Oh. That's…" Satan sat trying to figure out what to say. He apparently couldn't find the words since he just smiled before settling on "Thank you Mc. That means a lot."
Asmodeus’ are hard to explain but god they’re pretty…. They feel like the taste of the orange creamsicles. That makes no sense but that's the best way I can describe them.
“I can see you staring at my reflection darling.” Asmo smiled at Mc through the mirror on his vanity. “I don’t mind of course just wondering if you’d like something from me.
“I was just admiring your eyes, Asmo nothing big,” Mc replied simply. There wasn’t any reason to hold back any compliments from the demon, in fact, he’d be more upset with compliments being withheld from him.
“My eyes? Well, keep talking Mc. I’m sure you have lots to say about them since they’re the best in all of the Devildom after all!” Asmo quickly got up from his vanity sitting down in front of his human as if to give them a better view of his eyes.
“Well, they’re very pretty.”
“I know they’re pretty Mc.” Asmo playfully rolled his eyes. “Come on, don't hold back now. I know you have some better words in that pretty little head of yours.”
Mc tilted their head and sat thinking for a few minutes. “Well, I guess they kind of remind me of those orange creamsicles but specifically the taste of them if that makes any sense.”
Asmo giggled. “Well, it’s certainly a unique way of describing something. But I get that you can’t find words to describe something as beautiful as me. You have wonderful eyes as well darling. Only second to me of course.”
Beel’s and Belphie's are like dawn and dusk and I think that's beautiful…
Mc sat across from Beel and his twin who was snoozing away. It was quiet and peaceful for once, aside from Beel’s munching away at his pile of snacks. They smiled to themselves staring at Beel’s violet eyes.
“You okay?” Beel asked, pausing before taking another bite. His eyes shifted to a slightly more worried expression.
“Yeah, why?” Mc asked, tilting their head slightly.
“You’ve been staring at me a while now. I was worried I did something.” He smiled happy that nothing was wrong but was still curious why the human had been staring for so long.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Beel.” Mc was quick to reassure the demon. “I was just thinking about how pretty your eyes are. They’re kinda like a sunrise you know.” Mc smiled fondly at the demon.
“You’re too sappy, it's gross,” Belphie spoke up causing the other two to turn their attention towards him. “Not to mention you sleep in too late; you probably don't even see the sunrise.” He lifted his head just enough to glare at Mc. There was no malice behind it though and felt softer than what was clearly intended.
“I’ve seen a couple here and there.” Mc shrugged now staring into Belphie’s eyes causing the demon to avert his gaze. “Your eyes are like a sunset.”
“We have the same eyes stupid. Can’t be both a sunset and a sunrise.” Belphie mumbled just enough to be heard.
“You don’t though. Beel’s eyes are more warm and optimistic like the coming of the new day, while yours are cold yet peaceful like the cover of the night sky. They’re the same yes but they’re still different.”
“That’s beautiful Mc.” Beel happily smiled as if the human had hung the stars.
His twin just mumbles something about them being gross and sappy again burying his head in his arms to hide his blush.
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Headcanons, my dear Cricket!!!!
8, 11, 17.
For these two sweethearts: Jacob and Dottie.
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Hi there, my darling Giulietta, my dearest! <3
thank you so much for sending in these questions! <3
I will try my best to answer them!
And because you asked me about the two of them, I shall answer my headcanon for them in regards to each other as a couple, so within the context of my story.
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So,here are my answers.
11) Wardrobe headcanon
Dottie: Dorothea has a vast wardrobe. It bears repeating. VAST. GARGANTUAN. ENORMOUS. She adores garments and clothes, the more the better, and she can be considered a true fashionista in her own right. This stems from the influence that both her parents, her mama Countess Annette and her papa Crawford Starrick, had upon her while growing up. Her mother would always indulge in the latest fashion, her father would always dress impeccably, and Dorothea followed in their footsteps even there. Her taste is refined, never over the top, in line with her own reserved personality. However, most of her dresses are either in the most immaculate of whites or in the warm shades of burgundy, wine and garnet (or sometimes a mixing of those colours) along with golden accents all over.
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this is her signature dress, tho I truly need to redesign this gown for her, good gods above.
Also this one is a special dress because it's the one she wore the night Jacob kissed her for the first time, so it has a special place in their memories.
Jacob: I imagine Jacob having his usual clothes, the one we see him wearing in Syndicate; When he first met Dorothea, he was wearing his Simply Jacob outfit, and that's the one that made the biggest impression to her (although I think it was more connected to the ways of their meeting rather than the garment itself), but if we want to go with her favourite ones, I'd say they are the Outdoorsman outfit along with the one he wore in 1888 during the JTR DLC (mostly because she loves to just be completely engulfed in those enormous leather coat of his. She truly loves the feeling of wearing his coats). However, I imagine that at least once, in order to impress Dorothea, he would wear a proper suits with cape and his trademark top hat. This would have varying degree of success, because as much as Dorothea adores fashionable garment, she very much prefers Jacob to be his natural self, rather than someone he is not for her sake. This will prove not to be a huge problem, since she will gladly assist him in taking off those constricting clothes, *wink wonk*);
Soft spot headcanon
Dorothea: Dorothea's soft spots are children and her family. Because she was an only child, and her only companions were her cousins Phillip and Charlie when they went to visit her in Dover, she always yearned to have a larger family, more people around her to give all the love she felt in her heart. So, whenever she is visited by acquaintances with children, she puts herself in charge to keep them entertained and happy. She cannot bear to see any child suffer, be it sadness or malady or anything, she would do everything in all her power to prevent anything bad to happen to a child. She frequently visits the Orphanages around London, and brings toys, clothes, and warm blankets to the children, reading to them and entertaining them with her violin, first with her Lady Mother when she was a child herself, and then by herself once she reached an age when she was allowed to do as it pleased her. This is something that she has taught to all her children as well.
Sex Headcanon
Jacob: Jacob's soft spot. I'd say, it's his family, both of origins and the one he has created with Dorothea, and his "gained family" aka His Rooks. Jacob has one of the biggest hearts around, and once he takes someone under his wing, once that particular person finds a niche in his heart, he'd do anything to keep them safe and sound. I can imagine him actually knowing each and every one of the men and women that are in the gang, not because he has to, but because he wants to. They are the people that fight alongside him, so of course, he would know them all.
In regards of his family, he is a fiercely protective papa toward his six potatoes (lol, thanks @siofra3448 for this appellative for them!😂I adore it.), though he is a true Papa Wolf toward his sweet Robin, due to his disability and the fact that with his birth, he was losing both him and Dorothea. Due to this and all they went through together, he is fiercely protective of his Dorothea too, and a devoted and loving husband to her. Jacob is the kind of person that puts his heart on his sleeve, something that could be both a blessing and a curse, depending on the person who sees that heart, but he is the kind of person that loves without reservation. When he fell for Dorothea, he gave her all that he was, and luckily for him, he found in her someone willingly to cherish all that he had to offer while giving him all that she was in return, returning all his love in full.
Dorothea: Dorothea is composed and truly reserved, as it is proper of a girl her station. However, the moment the doors of her bedroom close behind her, she finds a sense of freedom in letting out all her sensuality and mischievousness in bed. Because she is too shy to tease Jacob while they are outside, and he is the one doing all the teasing, she awaits to be safe and sound in the privacy of their own rooms to unleash her sweet vengeance on her dear husband. More often than not, she is the one taking the initiative, and Jacob let her gladly be the one in charge. She adores to see Jacob come undone under her, but she knows that, when doing so, she is in for the sweetest payback possible from him. One of the things she loves the most is when Jacob picks her up and has his way with her against the wall OR when they are in bed and he is keeping her pinned at the bed by her wrists. Dorothea loves to be in control, but oh boy, she melts when Jacob is the one taking charge.
Jacob: Jacob,on the other hand, is a flirt. Doesn't matter he has been married with Dorothea for 1 month, 4 years, a decade: he will always fluster her and tease her until she is the same colour as her gowns. Just like Dorothea, the moment they are together behind closed doors is the moment he let his passion take charge, with Dorothea gladly indulging in all the amorous congress that would ensuite the continuous teasing. While usually he loves Dorothea to be the one in control (he adores when she whispers all kind of dirty thing to him and when she is the one setting the pace), when he is the one taking charge, he is in for a long passionate session with his wife, continuing his teasing attitude even in bed (substantially edging her to her limits, with the great pleasure that derives for both of them).
(and now I am going to hide away, because am shy when it comes to these things lol)
thank you for your ask, Giulietta!! <3
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nuttytani · 4 years
Just like a movie
fandom: ikevamp
pairing: vlad x gn!reader 
words: 2000+
warnings: mentions of food and that's pretty much it
a/n- this was my secret santa gift for my dear friend: @jiyuu-chan ! + if you enjoyed it; feedback is highly appreciated!
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People say that you are meant to meet a special someone in your life. Someone who would change everything, who would complete you like a piece of a puzzle- someone you are destined to be with from the moment you are born, a string of fate tying you closer.
Soulmates have a special bond with each other; a red string that is attached to their pinky- which can only be seen by them. Such is drilled into every child’s brain from a young age.
When you were younger, your father would always tell you stories of how he had met his soulmate, his wife...your mother. It was otherworldly he said, like nothing else- an indescribable moment, and he wanted you to just know when you had met yours.  
“One day, you’ll also meet your one and only, sweetheart!”
“Really? But…. how will I know?”
“Really! It’s simple. You’ll see a red-,” your dad said- looking a little too excited.
“DARLING- STOP! DIDN’T WE DISCUSS THIS!?? Don’t annoy the poor child…,” your mother screeched from the kitchen as she stormed to your place- giving her husband a sharp look before turning to look at you,  “sweety- you’ll know when that day comes, alright? Why don’t you go play, hmm?”
You only nodded meekly, and rushed upstairs- glad to have your dad stop talking. Your parents’ banter was now muffled, but your mind was clouded with thoughts of what your father was about to say. Perhaps your mother was right...it’s better not to know to keep the moment special.
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As you grew up, from kindergarten, primary school to highschool and finally college; you stood by and watched most of your friends find their other half- until you were the only one left. You’d always feel a dull pang in your heart...what if you were destined to be alone for life? When were you going to meet your soulmate? Will people keep on taunting you? These thoughts would lurk in your head, until you couldn’t think anymore. But now you were older and more carefree than before, such thoughts didn’t bother you any longer- at least not completely.
Every once in a while, your family and friends would dreamily tell you about their experience, while you’d just listen and nod. An exhausting cycle, where all your concerns would come rushing back to you. Then, of course, they’d never forget to ask about your nonexistent love life... It wasn’t fun to watch them shoot you a sympathetic smile and say “don’t worry, your time will come soon!”
Truly, having a soulmate or not didn’t matter to you, at least that’s what you think. It wasn’t uncommon for few people to be ‘alone’ although that was quite rare and an unfortunate occurrence. Why was it so hard for people to leave you alone? Real life isn't a romantic movie, like everyone would depict it as.
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“There we go! I think that’s it now,” the strawberry brunette sighed as he placed the vase of wildflowers on the coffee table. 
“Finally! I’m so tired,” you groaned, slipping to the floor as your back pushed against the couch.
Fumbling with the book in your hands, you motioned the man to sit beside you- not too long after, he too sat lamely next to you on the cold hardwood. Exactly five hours passed since you and your friend Charles began organizing your new house. The two of you were working nonstop- tirelessly to get the place looking more liveable and comfortable. It was a struggle, but the effort was worth it.
“You know...you owe me for this big time,” Charles announced cheekily.
“Spill it. What do you want Charlot?” Brows shot up your forehead, you knew that smile all too well.
“First of all...stop calling me ‘Charlot’ it’s weird! Only Faust calls me that. And to answer your question- I would like to eat your pancakes.” He flashed you a toothy grin.
“Sure whatever you say Charlot,” you snickered, “with coffee?”
With a roll of your eyes, you stood up and threw the book on the couch before heading to the kitchen. Straight away- you pulled out the mixing bowl and sieved the dry ingredients, while humming to a tune that was stuck in your head.
About a week had passed since you moved into your new house, it was a decent place and safe neighbourhood. But the best part about it was the fact that your house was a five minute walk from town. That meant no more lazy drives to the market, quite the bonus actually.
Remembering a task- you shouted to Charles, “Can you be a sweetheart and do me a favour?”
“Ask away child, your wish is my command,” he said with a flourish of his hands.
“Haha very funny- go get the mail”
“No no no- you’re forgetting something. What’s the magic word~” he sang in a high pitch.
“...Monsieur Charlie, can you please get the mail,” you huffed in annoyance.
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Sounds of pancake sizzling and boiling of the kettle filled the kitchen, you were too busy flipping the pancake to notice Charles' presence back in the living room. His eyes were squinting hard at the brown box and some mail sitting snugly between his arms. He looked back and forth between the parcel and your back before he cleared his throat, capturing your attention.
“Hey uhh...is your home address 216b?”
“No. It’s 215b- why do you ask?”
“Are you sure? Because your mail says-”
Before the man could complete his sentence; you snatched the package from him- your eyes widening momentarily.
“I suppose the addresses got mixed up…” Charles muttered
“Yea looks like it…”
The two of you just stared at the package, not knowing what to do. Your first thought was to drop it off at the right address. The house was just in front of yours, it shouldn’t be a problem and maybe you could introduce yourself to your neighbour at the same time.
A smoky scent filled the living, interrupting your train of thoughts; your nose scrunching up in disgust- “What’s that smell?”
The two of you stared at each other quizzically before exclaiming at the same time “THE PANCAKES!!”
[Unfortunately, it took a great deal of time trying to scrape the burnt pancake off your pan and clean it. The unknown package was the last thing on your mind.]
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“Thanks for the help Charles, I appreciate it.” You smiled at him.
“No problem, after all, I got to eat a good meal in turn,” he gave you a wink before bidding his byes.
The sky lost its pale blue colour and was now transformed into soft red and violet, all blending in to create a beautiful gradient with specks of white clouds adorning like freckles. A mop of unfamiliar silvery hair passed by your peripheral as you stared up the sky, taking a shy glance towards the man.
You stared at his back discreetly as he fumbled with the keys before opening the entrance to his house. 
‘216b’ the golden letters glistened. 
Huh. So that’s your neighbour! Maybe now’s the time you give him back the parcel, and that’s what you did.
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You knocked thrice on the emerald green door, while balancing the huge brown box on your other arm- waiting patiently while you internally panicked. Your hands started to sweat and the box started to slip. Rushed footsteps echoed from the other side before halting suddenly, the green door opened with a start; giving you a little shock.
Once again, you were met with the silvery haired man; his garnet red eyes flickered to yours and at that moment- you felt as if everything froze around you. Your heart started to beat way too fast, and your breathing became shallow- it felt as if you were underwater. A tingling sensation ran up your left hand, your eyes flashed down to see whatever the problem was- only to be met with a scarlet thread wrapped around your pinky. You looked at the man in clear surprise and he too- looked very taken aback as he followed your eyes.
The silence stretched far too long for your liking, with a clear of your throat- you introduced yourself to the perplexed man and spoke
“...I’m the new neighbour”
“Bonjour, how can I help you?” He stared at you with wide eyes.
“So err- the package— I mean...I-I believe this is your mail?” You motioned to the box in your arms, “Looks like the mailman mixed up our home addresses.” You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“Ahh! Why yes- actually I have yours as well- the mail I mean,” his eyes softened in understanding, “Please! Come inside.” He invited you in as he took the parcel from your hands.
“I wouldn’t want to intrude.” You shook your head meekly, still recovering from your speeding heartbeat.
“Not at all! Come in, please,” he insisted with shining eyes.
The house was similar to yours, the same white walls with wooden floors and fixtures- it had a relaxing ambience. You spotted several plants and flowers decorating the house, giving the place a much more peaceful vibe, you were too busy admiring the place to notice your neighbour returning.
He placed two plates of strawberries and tea on the coffee table which caught your attention.
“You have a lovely home uhh…”
“Vlad. I’m Vlad- my apologies, I completely forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me,” Vlad said with a slight smile.
When you turned up his doorsteps, you had no idea of what was to come- you definitely didn’t expect to finally meet your soulmate after all these years and in such a way. Now you understood what people meant by ‘feeling butterflies’
“No, it’s quite alright,” you chuckled while calming your jittery hands.
Vlad took a seat on the couch and pat the place next to him for you to sit. He elegantly picked the teacup and blew softly on it.
“So, how long have you been here?” he asked.
“Not too long actually, been just a week. I’ve finally finished organizing today,” you said while taking a bite into the deep red strawberry- the sweet juiciness making you sigh in delight.
“These strawberries are particularly my favourite- in fact, these were in the parcel you brought,” Vlad said with a deep laugh.
You gave an awkward ‘oh’ as you took a sip from your cup.
Not too long after, the awkwardness disappeared as you two got lost in conversation after conversation and more endless conversation, and a few giggles in between. It was quite easy to trust Vlad- he had a calming and serene aura and had you feeling comfortable in no time, perhaps too comfortable that you didn’t realize how late it was until you glanced at your wristwatch.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry- I lost track of time…”
Vlad gave a hum of acknowledgement as he eyed the wall clock, “It’s not that late.” He looked at you with twinkling eyes, ”Why don’t you stay for dinner? I’d like some company.”
“Hmm I don't know… I’ve overstayed my welcome,” You said with furrowed brows.
“Well I for sure know you haven’t —as I’ve said—I enjoyed your company.”
“Ahh fine! You’re good at tempting people you know?” With a grin, you folded your arms which earned a hearty chuckle from Vlad.
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Dinner went smoothly as you two chattered on and on. The two of you stalled your return home but stayed in each other’s presence by washing dishes, eating dessert, extra dessert, and washing dishes yet again until there was nothing left to do.
Once again, you stood at Vlad’s doorstep with a meek smile.
“I had fun, thanks for having me”
“Me too- and it’s not often to find that your neighbour is your soulmate,” Vlad gave you an impish smile.
“Yea— it was, just like—”
“Just like a movie?”
“You stole my words, monsieur.”
“Perhaps this is our movie,” he said while tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
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a/n: if you enjoyed reading this, please don't forget to leave a like and/or reblog. feed back is always appreciated. + join my taglist here
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babygemsau · 3 years
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Welcome everyone to my official Tumblr page for my SU AU, "Steven Universe and the Baby Gems". Here's some information about this project, so you'll know more about it.
This "series" was loosely inspired by the "Steven Universe" internet short, entitled "How are Gems Made?" And in that video, Steven asked if Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl started out as BABY Gems, seen in this picture below
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And after seeing a post with the Baby Gems on Twitter, someone in the comments said something about if the Baby Gems had their OWN show or episode. SO... me and my friend on Instagram, jaredwood2021 teamed up to give these cosmic cuties their very own AU, along with making Steven, Connie and a few other characters as babies too, for MAXIMUM CUTENESS!
About the different episodes this AU has, they will be a mix of all new ORIGINAL stories starring these little darlings, as well as rewrites and new takes on episodes from the original series, with some being re-written, having new plots and nothing that would traumatize any of the characters, including Baby Steven. Oh! And I'll explain the whole "Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond being the same Gem" thing in a future post
This is NOT meant to be a rip-off of @gemkidsau , this AU is TOTALLY separate from hers, which BTW, is FANTASTIC.
This is meant to be a LITERATURE series, so don't expect any animated footage coming anytime soon, because I can't animate 11-minute episodes, Cartoon Network would put me in court and I'm finishing up my final year of high school.
This won't have any inappropriate or (gulps) ABDL references in any of the pictures or stories I share online, because I don't want to disturb anyone and I'm not that kind of person.
I'll upload a new episode or short whenever I get one or two fully-written or have any free time, so please remember to be patient.
If any SU fan-writter or artist wants to contribute to this project, feel free to contact me on my Instagram or Tumblr page, @colinthecartoonist
You are welcome to draw and sketch any fanart with the Baby Gems, I would LOVE to see what you can create. I might even tag you in a future episode.
If anyone says anything hurtful or rude in the comments or in a message, you will get blocked and your comment will be removed, (remember, if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it at all)
Anyway, thanks for visiting our Baby Gems AU page here on Tumblr, feel free to send me any questions, comment, like and follow our page for more cute stuff.
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 18: Growing Pains (originally published on July 12, 2021)
AN: Welcome back everyone. Now, this is going to be a pretty heavy chapter for me to write. Well, mostly the A-plot, the B-plot will be courtroom nonsense ala Phoenix Wright and Harvey Birdman. But I'm getting off track, as someone who have faced some very tough times before in my life, I hope I can be as respectful to both the original episode and everyone who watched it as possible. Now then, let's get rocking and rolling.
Synopsis: Steven goes to his first doctor's appointment and realizes how deep his problems run.
Zach Callison as Steven
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Volleyball, Yellow Pearl
Grace Rolek as Connie
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn as Priyanka
Tom Scharpling as Greg
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Charlyne Yi as Navy
Hayley Kiyoko as Morganite
Jennifer Paz as Lapis, Zuli
Shelby Rabara as Peridot, Squaridot
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Amy Sedaris as Yellow Zircon, Blue Zircon
Patti LuPone as Yellow Diamond
Featuring Casey Lee Williams as Cat's Eye
The day after his failed date with Connie, Steven stayed in his bedroom for most of the morning where he was surrounded by ice cream and watching the preview for a new Dogcopter movie, which showed the titular canine standing on top of a black car chasing a blue car and a mail van while a pug gave him orders.
"I know you're eager to catch the mail truck Dogcopter, but it's really a decoy!" the other dog at the wheel named Drew ordered Dogcopter. "Chase the blue car instead! Good boys chase the blue car, and you're a good boy Dogcopter!"
With a fearless expression, Dogcopter leaped off the black car and used the propeller on his back to fly towards the black car, followed by using a pair of extendable hands to open up the trunk, revealing a bomb and a ring box inside.
"Nice work DC, now get the bomb outta the trunk and off the bridge!" Drew congratulated Dogcopter. "We're almost out of time!"
However, it was too late for Dogcopter. The bomb went off as he tossed it off the bridge, and the resulting explosion blew him away. As Dogcopter collapsed on the bridge, the ring box fell from his mechanical hands and onto the asphalt.
"Dogcopter, no!" Drew cried as he burst from the car to keep his friend alive. "I can't lose you Dogcopter!" Luckily, Dogcopter was unharmed and he woke up to pop open the ring box, which contained a ring shaped like a dog bone that he presented to Drew. "Is that?"
"DOGCOPTER 6: TILL DEATH DO WE BARK: I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU MAN AND WOOF!" the announcer read the film's title as it appeared on the screen, making Steven groan in agony at the irony of the trailer he was watching.
"Everyone's getting married except me!" Steven yelled as he sank into his bed and started turning pink. "Even Dogcopter succeeded in popping the question! I feel like poop." Steven then picked up his phone and tried calling one of the Crystal Gems, but he unfortunately got no answer. "Wish the Gems weren't doing a field trip to Homeworld today. I wonder if they got any reception?"
Meanwhile, on the Gem Homeworld, it was a rather tense time. Following the exposure of Black Rutile's revolution and attempted massacre of the Crystal Gems, the citizens were in fear of who among them could still be a supporter of her. And three followers, in particular, were about to be put on trial.
Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth led their classes into the Diamonds' throne room, which was already set up like a courtroom with stands for the judge, jury, witnesses, attorneys, and the accused. Those accused were Holly Blue Agate, Morganite, and Navy, who sat down at the plaintiff's bench with varying expressions of irritation, resignation, and sadness.
"Now class, we want you all to be on your best behavior," Garnet advised the Gem students. "This is a serious time for our kind, and we want absolute silence for most of this trial. Are we clear?"
"Yes, Garnet." The Gems obliged before they retreated to the jury box while their teachers took their seats at the prosecutor's stand. That was when Garnet took notice of Pearl sticking her nose in the book by George Ikari that she had gotten at yesterday's signing.
"I see you're keeping yourself busy Pearl." Garnet remarked, forcing Pearl to look up from her book.
"Thanks for noticing Garnet." Pearl replied to the fusion. "I've just been a little enraptured by this little tome lately. George uses such flowery terms for such simple concepts, and the concepts in question could be very useful to Steven too."
"All y'all, shush!" Amethyst ordered her two seniors. "Here comes the judge!"
"All rise for the honorable Yellow Diamond!" Yellow Pearl announced, serving as the bailiff for this trial, before her former Diamond emerged from the curtained entrance and made her way to her throne.
"Good day to you Gems." Yellow Diamond greeted the other Gems in the makeshift courtroom with utmost seriousness. "In case you are wondering, Blue and White Diamond are out searching for more of Black Rutile's supporters, so I shall serve as sole judge for these proceedings." She informed. "Now without further ado, read the charges."
"Holly Blue Agate-12B, Morganite-8HK, and Ruby-EJ9, you stand here accused of your support of the intelligence officer turned terrorist Black Rutile." Yellow Pearl announced as she read off a hologram. "How do you all plead?"
"Not guilty!" Holly Blue declared, speaking on behalf of all three of them. "Black Rutile is no terrorist, she had big dreams for our kind! She simply wanted to restore us to our old ways because she believed Steven had made us weak, no doubt weak enough to be so easily conquered!"
"Liar. Kinda not surprised you would do this." Amethyst snarked in-between fake coughing, inciting a glare from the Agate before she continued her plea.
"If you can find it within yourself, your most grand clarity, to scrub this silly trial altogether and let us go, it would be most grand." Holly Blue continued.
"Request denied." Yellow declared coldly. "If you really insist on begging on your knees this whole time, then I guess your defense attorney might not be needed."
"Wait, attorney?" Amethyst wondered out loud just as a new Gem stepped into the room.
"Sorry for being so fashionably late, Yellow!" a tall, confident Gem apologized as she strode into the throne room. In addition to the honey yellow pantsuit with large diamond-shaped buttons she wore to match the gemstone above her upper lip that resembled a mole, a straight bob-cut, and a cat's tail emerging from her rear, this new Gem also wore a large sunhat, a neon fur coat, sunglasses, high heels, mustard yellow opera gloves, and a cigarette holder in her left hand. "Had to quell a few uprisings a few districts over. Hope you're not too mad."
"Oh goody." Bismuth shared the sentiments of her fellow Crystal Gems as they grimaced at the cat-like defense attorney, all except for Amethyst.
"Who's the new pussycat here?" Amethyst asked about the attorney.
"That's Cat's Eye, one of the most affluent uppercrusts on Homeworld." Bismuth informed the smaller Gem.
"And one of the most irritating." Lapis groaned as she buried her face in her hands.
"She's almost like an Earth cat in a way." Peridot added. "Incredibly smug, loves making others mad solely for her amusement, and that grin on her face just rubs me the wrong way."
"So Cat, how have you been lately?" Pearl asked the opposing attorney with a strained smile.
"Miserable, my darling Pearl. Perfectly wretched." Cat's Eye answered as she made her coat, hat and sunglasses disappear with a snap of her fingers, revealing a pair of cat ears atop her hair. "Now then, let us get down to business." With that, Cat's Eye took her place alongside the prosecuted trio and kicked her legs up on the table.
"Oh Cat's Eye, thank you so much for coming out today!" Holly Blue exclaimed gratefully. "These horrible traitors have framed us for a crime we clearly didn't commit, and now we could lose every-"
"Could you move approximately 30 centimeters away from me?" Cat's Eye raised a paw-like hand to Holly's face while filing her sharp nails. "You're invading my personal space." The Agate meekly complied and returned to her seat, causing Amethyst to laugh raucously.
"That cat may be trouble, but seeing Holly put in her place will always crack me up!" Amethyst cackled, but her chuckling was cut short when Cat's Eye turned her cigarette holder into a riding crop to whip Amethyst in the hands with. "MEOWCH! Bad kitty, what the H?!"
"Order in the court." Cat's Eye declared crossly as she returned her weapon to her gem and took a stand. "Now, without further ado, I'd like to make my case for these three Gems and call a witness."
"Go right ahead Cat's Eye." Yellow rolled her eyes before the cymophane made her plea.
"Your honor, Gems of the court, these three stand here wrongly accused by these band of ingrates for allying themselves with a known terrorist who once filled a high seat in White Diamond's court." Cat's Eye stated. "But, maybe they could've been spared this fate if the Crystal Gems had simply shown them a little kindness."
"OBJECTION!" Pearl yelled and pointed an accusing finger at Cat. "We tried to show Navy here kindness, but it was all a ploy to steal back her squadron's ship!"
"That is true." Navy agreed. "But I simply played nice because you left us all to drift forever in space, even after Steven said you'd get us all back!"
"I'll admit, she raises a good point." Garnet found herself agreeing with the Ruby. "We were in a rush to get back to Earth, so rescuing the Rubies just flew over our heads."
"I rest my case." Cat's Eye declared with a prideful smirk. "Now, if we have nothing else to discuss, I'd like to call Yellow Zircon to the stand."
The Gems in the gallery began muttering among themselves as Yellow Zircon sadly got up from her seat and marched to the witness's stand, while her blue counterpart gave her a cheeky grin. "Whatever you do," Yellow Zircon said to Blue Zircon. "don't make a fool out of me."
"Oh, I won't." Blue Zircon said innocently as Yellow Zircon made her way to the stands, where Cat's Eye sat down in front of her with a seductive gaze.
"Now my dearest Zircon, do try to not make a fool of yourself for me." Cat cooed, cupping the Zircon's face in her hand and squeezing her cheeks, making her usually arrogant witness blush.
"I-I won't." Yellow Zircon sheepishly obliged and sat down in the witness's box. "But how did you become an attorney? You don't know the first thing about law and order!"
"Well, I'm here because I'm smarter than you think I am!" Cat's Eye yelled at Yellow Zircon's face, a far cry from the smug seductress she presented herself as. "Not because I'm so gorgeous! Though I really am."
"This is going to take a while." Pearl groaned before picking up her book again. "I wonder how Steven is doing."
Back on Earth, Steven continued to scroll through all the numbers he had on his phone. Pretty much most of the people in his contacts had either already began to drift away from him, would probably be too busy to call, or simply didn't have time for him. All except for one.
"Hi, Steven!" Greg greeted his son on the other end after Steven decided to give him a call.
"Hi Dad, how's it going?" Steven asked his father.
"The tour's been going great!" Greg replied happily. "Which reminds me, how have you been doing? You been throwing any dope ragers while you got the house to yourself?"
"Yeah, you know me. Steven the party animal." Steven responded sarcastically. "I'm glad you're finally coming home tonight Dad. I wanna talk to you about something that's happened between me and Connie?"
"Oh, this isn't that whole situation after you came back from Homeworld the first time again, right?" Greg asked sympathetically. "By the way, Sadie and Shep wanna say hi while they're working on a new routine that they're excited to show off. And guess what? The tour got extended!"
"Wow, that's-that's great." Steven tried to sound happy for the musicians and their manager, but at the same time, he was sad that he'd have to wait a little while longer for his dad to come home.
"Yeah." Even if they were far apart, Greg could sense the disappointment in his half-alien son's voice before trying to turn things around. "I get that you want to see me again soon, but this manager job is working great for me! Takes me back to when I was touring as a lad. Anyways, we're gonna go through a tunnel. You wanna call me back about your Connie sitch?"
"I-it's not really important." Steven fibbed.
"You sure?" Greg asked Steven. "You know, I can make a quick stop when we pass through Delmarva."
"No, I'm totally fine. Have fun!" Steven reiterated before hanging up and letting out a deep sigh. "Maybe I should get some more ice cream."
Steven then walked down to the kitchen to fetch some more of that dairy goodness from the freezer, but when he opened the freezer door, he discovered Connie's glow bracelet left in there after last night. Taken by surprise, the depressed half-Gem once again turned pink, but this time was different.
This time, parts of Steven's body began swelling up like a balloon and tearing through his pajamas as he accidentally tore the freezer door off its hinges before slowly turning back to normal. As Steven was left aghast at this new development, he decided to take a breather on the couch. However, his body began swelling up for the second time in a row as Connie began calling him on his phone.
"I shouldn't worry her." Steven tried to hang up on Connie upon realizing her promise yesterday to call him at noon. "You know what, I'll let her go to voicemail!" Steven's body had other plans as his right arm began to inflate and took the call for him, allowing Connie to be seen on his screen while the arm returned to normal.
"Steven, are you there?" Connie asked through video call.
"Hey Connie, what's up?" Steven casually asked, trying to hide the strange new changes his body was going through.
"I've been worried about you Steven." Connie answered when she noticed how pink her best friend was. "Um, are you glowing?" she asked before Steven's face began to puff up. "Good grief, what's wrong with your face?!"
"Wait, my face?" Steven mumbled through his inflated head. "What's wrong with my face?"
"Uh…." Connie replied.
"Oh right, the swelling." Steven realized what his would've been-wife was talking about. "Parts of my body have been randomly growing for some reason. But I'm sure it doesn't hurt, I'm perfectly fine!"
"How long has this been happening?" Connie inquired.
"Since this morning." Steven meekly replied, causing his face to blow up some more.
"What do the Gems think?" Connie began pressing further.
"Can't reach them right now." Steven answered as his face returned to normal while the rest of his body kept growing. "Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl were asked to serve as prosecutors for a trial on Homeworld, so they decided to make it into a Little Homeschool field trip." As Steven finished, his form returned to its normal size. "It's really nothing to worry about."
"You don't look well." Connie nervously observed. "I think you should see a doctor. I can ask my mom if she'd like to give you a checkup."
"I wouldn't want to bother her." Steven declared. "Besides, I already got a pretty okay idea of what doctors do when I went to see Lars in the hospital after his crash landing."
"Steven, you need to see a medical professional," Connie demanded. "Doesn't matter if my mom can see you or not, you need help."
"Okay, you're right." Steven accepted the opportunity while his face began to deform yet again. "Call me when she's ready."
Thankfully for Steven, Connie's mother had an opening and soon enough, Steven was sitting in her office with Connie by his side.
"You're lucky I had a cancellation today," Priyanka stated as she prepared for work. "Usually, I'm booked weeks in advance."
"Think you'll be able to help Steven out?" Connie asked her mother. "Even if this is some sort of Gem issue?"
"Gem issue or otherwise, he still has a human body, which means we can run tests." Priyanka remarked. "At the very least, we can see if you're suffering from a non-Gem condition, Steven."
"See? Everything will be fine." Connie assured Steven. "I'm sure everything will be fine." As Connie left the examination room, she began dialing on her phone and put it to her ear.
"Okay, give me all you got." Steven said reluctantly to the doctor.
"Alright, let's check for symptoms first." Priyanka said before putting a thermometer in Steven's ear to check his temperature. "Mild fever." She observed before walking away to pick up a stethoscope, returning to find that Steven is starting to once again glow pink. "Glowing pink color to the skin." Priyanka continued as she put the stethoscope to Steven's heart and then his gem. Next, she reached for a blood pressure device to check Steven's blood pressure, but it caused his arm to swell up and break the machine, causing his doctor to fall over in alarm.
However, Priyanka was quick to regain her composure as she looked over the notes she had taken. "Blood pressure is high!" she realized as she got up. "Well, these readings are quite interesting. Tell me, Steven, if you don't mind, who's your GP?"
"GP?" Steven wondered.
"Your general practitioner?" Priyanka explained to her patient. "As in, your regular doctor?"
"I guess you?" Steven answered confusedly. "I never have been to a doctor's appointment before, mostly because I have the Gems, my dad, or my healing spit to rely on whenever I get hurt."
"You're almost seventeen and you have never seen a doctor?!" a shocked Priyanka yelled, causing Steven to once again turn pink and inflate before she tried to calm him down. "I-it's okay, it's okay! I'll talk with your father later, but now we'll just need to run some more tests."
Steven looked nervously at Connie's mom as she walked over to a cupboard, opening it to fetch some hospital gowns. "Get undressed, then we'll help you into a gown." Priyanka ordered.
"Is that one of those blue things that don't cover your butt?" Steven asked embarrassedly before he was thrown a hospital gown.
"Yes, now let's get started." Priyanka declared before snapping on a rubber glove.
"Thank you for your testimony little Peridot." Cat's Eye thanked Squaridot, while licking the back of her hand, as the square-headed Peridot finished her testimony. "Tell us your designation so we may enter it into the records."
"Peridot, Facet-4E3M Cut-7ZY." Squaridot stated as she left the witness's stand and rejoined her classmates. "But everyone calls me Squaridot."
"Squaridot?" Cat's Eye repeated with utter disgust. "Who comes up with these abhorrent names?! I mean, Laz, Zuli, and now Squaridot?!"
"Would you care to get to the point?" Bismuth snarked to the catlike defendant.
"Gladly." Cat's Eye answered before clearing her throat. "Gems of this courtroom, the testimonies we have heard so far have given me enough to make my deduction." She announced to the courtroom. "These Crystal Gems are only kind to other Gems who treat them kindly in exchange. And that DOES, NOT, MAKE, SENSE!" She emphasized her declaration by slamming her fist into her open palm with each word. "If they say that they practice restorative justice, then why didn't they use that kind of justice on my clients here?"
"OBJECTION!" Amethyst yelled. "Girl, did you even see the Human Zoo back in the day?! Holly Blue was treating my quartz peeps like garbage!"
"That is because they were beneath her in the caste system!" Cat's Eye argued with Amethyst. "I swear you droll quartz, did you emerge yesterday or something?!"
"Actually, she was," Pearl answered for the purple Gem. "And you're just making stuff up in the hopes of sounding smart!"
"Do I have 'stupid' written on my gem, you no-good servant?!" Cat's Eye shouted at the white Gem, making sure to whip Pearl's hands for added emphasis. "Let's review what we have learned so far. Those two Lapis Lazulis retaliated violently when ordered to not terraform and their friend came close to poofing them both, yet 2F8D immediately forgot all that when coming to your silly little school!" she analyzed. "That does NOT, MAKE, SENSE!"
"Laz and I argued about going to Little Homeschool!" Zuli objected to Cat's Eye's observation. "An argument you obviously weren't there for-" Before Zuli could finish, she got a whip in the hands by Cat's Eye's riding crop.
"No backtalk!" Cat's Eye exclaimed as she returned to her statement. "Back on subject, then came Miss Squaridot here," she once again cringed at the name while gesturing to Squaridot. "who was given a second chance, yet was poofed without a second thought! That does NOT, MAKE, SENSE!"
"I tried to give Squari a second chance after I released her from her bubble," Peridot began. "but she then just ran off and got herself taken over by Hessonite's warship."
"Ah yes, the swashbuckling vigilante Hessonite." Cat's Eye said smugly. "Tell me, why isn't she here today to give a testimony?"
"Hessonite is off weeding out more of Black Rutile's supporters across many of our former colonies, alongside Citrine." Yellow Diamond answered.
"Speaking of Black Rutile, what if, and a very big if here." Cat's Eye stated. "What if Black Rutile wanted to do better than the Crystal Gems by offering these lost Gems a helping hand?"
"OBJECTION!" Pearl roared and once again pointed straight at Cat's Eye. "That no-good Rutile didn't care one bit for her subordinates! Not only did she let them all get defeated by us, but she abused her Topaz as well!"
"As I had stated earlier with Holly Blue, the Topaz was merely a subordinate to Black Rutile, especially since the Rutile had such a shockingly high status in White Diamond's court." Cat replied.
"Same with my Ruby and Pearl that fused into Rhodonite," Morganite spoke up. "It was only natural that we mistreated those beneath us."
"And on the topic of Pink Diamond's entourage," Cat declared. "allow me to call her former Pearl to the stand."
Rising from her seat, Volleyball separated from her Little Homeschool classmates to walk to the witness's stand, where Cat was awaiting her.
"My dear Pearl, you truly deserved a better Diamond than Pink." Cat cooed to Volleyball while stroking her broken eye, which was now showing the absolute faintest signs of a pupil following her fusion with her white-colored successor at the Reef. "Tell us all this court needs to know sweetie,
"Actually, you can call me Volleyball now." Volleyball corrected the defense attorney. "That's the name Steven gave me."
"VOLLEYBALL?!" Cat's Eye shrieked outrageously at the top of her lungs, quickly returning to her normal condescending tone. "I shouldn't have spoken too soon after complaining about that Peridot." She muttered while pointing a thumb over to Squaridot. "Now tell me, word on the street is that you may know a thing or two about this revolution. Is this true?"
"Yes, it's true." Volleyball revealed remorsefully, shocking the prosecutors and the jury. "Not too long after Era 3 began, I was left wondering what purpose I could still serve now that Pink Diamond was gone, until Black Rutile and Holly Blue Agate approached me with the chance to seek revenge by spying on their enemies."
"That is a bold-faced lie if I ever saw one!" Holly Blue fibbed while beginning to sweat profusely. "I never approached her in the slightest, the poor Pearl came crawling to me in tears, begging, no, pleading that she get some sort of payback for the abuse she suffered!"
"Really laying it on thick Holly." Morganite stoically muttered to the Agate.
"Yes, I can clearly see you lying." Pearl added before she walked over for Volleyball. "But as for you Volley, is it true? Did you really join Black Rutile and spy on us this whole time?"
"I'm truly sorry Pearl, they gave me no other choice." Volleyball apologized, now on the verge of tears. "I was so horrified by how they wanted to fight back against you, that I decided to back out after you and Steven offered to fix my eye." Volleyball then began to sob as she rushed out of the witness's stand and into Pearl's arms. "Please forgive me, I just didn't know any better!"
"It's okay VB, I'm here." Pearl comforted her crying fellow ex-servant. "Just let it all out."
"Wah wah wah, I betrayed your trust!" Cat's Eye mockingly cried. "Please forgive me even though I was allied with a proud sociopath! Oh brother, this era has lost all sense of justice. At least give her a week's punishment, anything."
"Big talk coming from the alleycat who doesn't have a single clue about justice." Pearl growled at Cat while Volleyball's tears started drying and she returned to the jury.
"Big talk coming from a Pearl who wanted to be free despite still essentially serving her Diamond." Cat snapped back at the Pearl. "And on that note, I feel we are ignoring the big Jasper in the room." Biggs Jasper raised her hand. "I wasn't talking to you!" Biggs lowered her hand while Cat kept a stiff upper lip. "But really, I wish to speak of a certain Jasper that has been housed on Earth lately."
"Here we go." Lapis rolled her eyes at whatever outlandish claims the defendant was going to make now.
"You see, the Jasper is just as much of a victim of Pink Diamond's faked death as pretty much everyone on this planet." Cat's Eye proclaimed. "And did the Crystal Gems ever try to extend a hand in friendship and sympathy? NO! They just let her get dragged to the bottom of the ocean in an unstable fusion, fall into an earthquake, rocketed sky-high by that Lapis, and later corrupted! That does-"
"Not make sense, we get it." Garnet interrupted what was essentially Cat's catchphrase at this point. "We tried so many times to help Jasper, but she just kept refusing out of her vendetta against Rose."
"And doesn't anyone find it ironic that Jasper has a burning hatred for a Gem that was her Diamond in disguise?" Cat shook her head with a cheeky smile. "Oh, how cruel fate can be."
"Good grief, how long can this puddytat keep yapping?" Amethyst whispered to Pearl, who just groaned and got back to her book.
As for Steven, Priyanka had gotten to work on examining her unusual patient. However, with each test she made him take, things just kept going wrong. Sticking a tongue depressor in Steven's mouth made him glow pink for the second time this appointment, taking his height stretched his neck up high, and testing his reflexes bubbled the hammer she was using. But it was taking Steven's X-rays that really clued Priyanka in on what was going on.
"So this is an average human skeleton." Priyanka demonstrated the X-ray image of exactly that to Steven before moving on to X-rays of the Crystal Gems. "By comparison, these are X-ray images that the Crystal Gems allowed me to take for research purposes. Their charts look like this."
Due to Gems having bodies of light, only their gemstones could be pictured. And in Amethyst's case, whatever she ate that day could be seen too. The doctor then showed off Steven's own skeleton, which was covered in cracks. "And this is your chart." Priyanka continued. "Definitely the skeleton of a human your age, albeit quite a large amount of fractures in the skull." She pointed out the various cracks that decorated Steven's skull. "Yet despite the injuries, everything is still perfectly aligned. Almost like the injuries healed just as fast as they were gained."
"That's good, right?" Steven nervously asked.
"Well, you've made miraculous recoveries," Priyanka replied. "but that doesn't change the fact that you've clearly been traumatized. You may have recovered physically, but what about mentally?"
"Are you saying there's something wrong with my brain?!" Steven cried as he glowed pink.
"Not wrong!" Priyanka assured Steven while kneeling to his gaze, turning his body back to its normal hue. "It's that adverse childhood experiences, or childhood trauma, can leave a lasting impact on how your body reacts to stress." She explained. "This can affect all kinds of development, social, emotional, and physical. When humans are in crisis, their brains release a hormone called cortisol. It can cause your heart to race, your muscles to tense, among other effects. I wonder if your body is perhaps reacting to the Gem equivalent of cortisol, if any. Steven, can you recall any childhood experiences that particularly stuck with you?"
"I can list so many." Steven stated before he began recounting some traumatic experiences. "It all started when I learned my favorite ice cream was discontinued around the same time I nearly got eaten by a bug monster. Then there were even more monsters that threatened my life, I got stuck in a bubble & nearly drowned, I made a new friend who nearly killed me; which is pretty often, I got turned into a giant pulsating blob of cat heads after an attempt at shapeshifting, got so old I nearly died, saw the Gems die multiple times, I woke up on a spaceship with a black eye, and more recently got tossed off a cliff."
"Steven, this is serious!" Priyanka yelled worriedly.
"That was only some of the earlier stuff!" Steven cried. "You really should've been there when I was tossed off the cliff. Black Rutile was a sociopath and proud of it!"
"I think all these experiences have subjected your body to an almost inhuman level of stress, and it's affected your ability to healthily react to new forms of stress." Priyanka deduced as Steven looked back on more harrowing experiences he's been through, from legitimately traumatizing moments to parts that would at first be seen as mere jokes or accidents. "You've been dealing with genuine threats to your life from such a young age, whether big or small, your body is responding to such minuscule threats like your life is always in danger!"
"But, why am I only swelling up now?!" Steven began fretting as he slowly felt his body change once more.
"Stress can be far less harmful when we have a circle of loved ones who can help you," Priyanka advised, causing Steven to flashback to yesterday evening's failed proposal. "Maybe if you've been drifting away from people who would've supported you, or if a recent experience had felt particularly off-"
Before Priyanka can finish, Steven began trembling in place while bolting from his chair before he began to swell up to possibly the biggest size he's ever been today, to the point of cracking the ceiling with a bash of his head.
"There are just some who don't want to be helped, and we try to respect that!" Pearl kept arguing with Cat's Eye while everyone else in the courtroom awkwardly spectating the event.
"And there are also some who you've forced to change without their consent!" Cat's Eye replied, baring her sharp teeth at the former servant. "Think of it, Black Rutile believed she could be a better ruler because she would take into account the feelings of everyone!"
"Are you sure you're not another one of her spies?!" Pearl asked, folding her arms and turning away from the defendant.
"I couldn't care less about what she's doing, I just think she raises many good points for a maniac!" Cat answered while her stuck-up image began cracking apart more and more, slowly revealing the petulant aristocrat underneath. "For example, in ending an oppressive empire, Steven created an even worse one where all who don't agree with him are deemed outcasts!"
"Steven is simply trying his best!" Pearl yelled back.
"You know, I am so glad that we invited our Homeschool classes, because this is way too much fun for just us three to get involved in." Amethyst whispered to the other Little Homeworld teachers.
"You're right, watching an uppercrust get humiliated puts a real big smile on my face." Bismuth grinned.
"They've been going on for too long." Morganite mumbled as her face was buried in the table. "Can't we just shut them up and reach a verdict already?"
"Well, if you're so loving towards Steven, then where is he now?" Cat's Eye asked one final question. "Did you actually care for him to begin with?"
"That is where you are absolutely wrong Cat." Pearl declared with a smug grin as she presented George Ikari's book to her opponent. "Steven is currently going through some tough times, and we're trying our best to help him thanks to this book from Earth. The author has a son much like Steven who lost his mother too, so he knows what he's talking about." With that, Pearl returned the book to her gem and took a bow. "Court adjourned."
It was here where Cat's Eye finally lost all control and lunged at Pearl with a mighty yowl. Gone was the smug and austere wannabe lawyer, and in with the furious predator going in for the kill.
"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" Cat's Eye shrieked as she wrestled with Pearl and kept trying to chomp at her face. "I AM CAT'S EYE, AND I WILL NOT BE TALKED DOWN TO BY A MERE PEARL!"
"Woo, catfight!" Amethyst cheered before Garnet put a stop to her revelry and prepared for a fight.
"Get ready Gems, we're in for a fight." Garnet declared while summoning her gauntlets, and the other Gems prepared for battle against the feral defendant. But fortunately for them, and unfortunately for Cat, the judge finally decided enough was enough.
"Okay, I've had enough sitting down and watching." Yellow declared fiercely before getting up from her throne and flicking a ball of electricity at Cat's Eye, making yellow lines course through her body and finally poofing her, leaving only her small gemstone to be collected by Yellow Pearl. "Now that that's settled, have we reached a verdict?"
"I believe so." Pearl responded after getting up and dusting herself off before turning to the other Gems. "What shall be decided?"
The Gems in the jury all rose up, their decision clear as day. "We, the jury, hereby declare Holly Blue Agate, Morganite, and Navy guilty as charged. In addition, Cat's Eye shall be tried for public assault of the prosecutors." Squaridot announced on the behalf of her classmates, to the horror of Holly Blue as she and her two compatriots were escorted away by Amethysts. While Morganite and Navy had resigned themselves to their fates, Holly was far less than pleased. In fact, she was furious.
"Get your hands off me, you no-good Kindergarten spawn!" Holly Blue shrieked at the Amethysts dragging her away by the arms before turning to the Crystal Gems with hatred in her eyes. "I hope you're happy Crystal Gems! Era 3 has destroyed this planet!" she yelled at the Gems. "Pretty soon, this planet is going to burn! We're all going to die! The Gem race shall be driven to extinction all because of you!"
As soon as Holly Blue was fully removed from the premises, all was finally quiet in the makeshift courtroom as the trial adjourned. Pearl let out a dramatic sigh as Garnet and Amethyst helped her back to her feet and walked her back to the prosecutor's table.
"Court is usually a lot more funny on TV." Amethyst remarked. "What Cat and Holly tried to do was just sad."
"Still, what if they're right?" Pearl moaned in exhaustion and grief. "What if we are soon to be our kind's downfall? Maybe we should've just ended colonization and left it at that."
"Don't get too down on yourself Miss Pearl." Blue Zircon lent some comforting words to Pearl. "You all tried the best you could, and that's all that should matter."
"Uh, can I go now?" Yellow Zircon shakily inquired to her fellow Gems, still reeling from being publically humiliated at the witness's stand.
"Yeah, you're dismissed." Blue Zircon told her fellow Zircon and turned back to Pearl.
"Yeah, we tried our best with Era 3, kinda like how we're trying our best with Steven." Lapis reiterated the other blue Gem's kind words. "Speaking of which, wonder how he's doing?"
"I'll go call him right now!" Pearl stated eagerly as she unsheathed her phone from her gem and began dialing Steven, but she got no answer. "Darn, no signal on Homeworld." She huffed in frustration. "Well, I hope he's doing fine."
Little did Pearl know, there was more than one reason why as to why Steven was unable to reach her, that reason being he was so stressed out, he was swelling up to a massive size.
As Dr. Laurie walked past the office Steven was in with a cup of coffee, he took one look at the giant pink boy, then back at his mug before dumping its contents into a nearby drinking fountain while Connie raced back to the office to aid her friend.
"Mom, what's happening?!" Connie asked her mother while they watched the inflating Steven fill up most of the doctor's office.
"I'm not sure dear, I just asked if he had any stressful experiences lately." Priyanka answered, trying to remain as calm in a crisis as possible while other doctors huddle around the window to watch what was happening, along with a man in sunglasses who seemed to blend in with the crowd.
"Steven, you don't think?" Connie then asked Steven.
"It's not you Connie, it's everything that's been going down lately!" Steven yelled as he grew larger and larger with every second.
"What is he talking about?" Priyanka asked, glaring at Connie.
"You haven't told your mom yet?!" Steven yelled.
"Told me what?!" Priyanka started yelling as well.
"It's not your fault Connie!" Steven tried to assure Connie amidst his growing stress. "But I still think you need to leave!"
"I refuse to leave your side!" Connie's mom fiercely declared. "This is a medical emergency!"
"Hey, you know one of us can take over!" one of the doctors watching Steven called from outside.
"No, he needs to be alone!" Connie stated. "I think anyone else being in here with him is making things worse!"
When Steven's height increased to the point of ripping his hospital gown, breaking the ceiling over him, and causing alarms to sound, the doctors took it as their cue to leave. "Point taken." That same doctor who suggested one of them take care of Steven realized before rushing away.
"Oh no!" Steven was in full-on panic mode now. If he grew any larger, the hospital would surely be destroyed. "Please, just go!"
"Steven!" Connie yelled sorrowfully.
"I just…" Steven began to cry before starting to get angry. "I CAN'T BE AROUND YOU RIGHT NOW!" The Maheswarans braced for impact as Steven's screaming broke the window behind them when suddenly, Greg came barging into the office.
"Steven!" Greg called his son's name while Connie and Priyanka turned to notice him.
"Dad?!" Steven exclaimed while finally beginning to settle down at the sight of his father.
"I'm here for you kiddo!" Greg declared as he ran up to his giant son, turning to the Maheswarans who took it as their cue to leave the area as well.
"Come on Mom, let's give them some space." Connie said to her mother as they abdicated the office.
"Alright." Priyanka agreed and took her daughter's hand while Greg took Steven's side.
"How did you know I was here?" Steven asked Greg.
"Connie called me an hour ago." Greg answered comfortingly. "Plus, I was the only one she could reach since she told me the Gems were off in space today."
"Connie?" Steven called for his friend when she and her mother were outside. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Connie beamed and spoke to him through the broken window. "I'll come when you're ready."
"I'm so sorry Steven." Greg apologized to Steven. "If I had known, I definitely would've been a big help."
"It's alright Dad," Steven sighed. "you were super busy and I didn't know what was going on."
"Come on Steven, talk to me," Greg suggested. "Just you and me, father to son."
"I, well, um," Steven stammered before tears began welling up in his eyes again. "I tried proposing to Connie!"
"You what?!" Greg yelped in alarm. "Steven, aren't you a little too young to think about marriage right now?"
"I know." Steven kept on crying. "That's one of the reasons why she said no."
"Oh, Steven." Greg sighed.
"My body, it keeps reacting like it's always the end of the world." Steven kept on complaining tearfully. "I think I've nearly witnessed the end of the world so many times now, that everything that goes wrong for me just feels that extreme! I should be feeling happy these days, Earth is at peace and it's Era 3, but Black Rutile is still out there saying I'm a bad person and I'm swelling up over all these third-era problems! What do I do now?! How do I move on after every horrible thing that's happened to me?! How can I still live my life when every day it feels like I'm going to die?!"
Despite Steven being overcome with trauma to the point of sobbing, Greg was there to lend a hand like he always did. "It's going to be alright Schtu-ball." He said while holding his son's giant finger. "I'm here for you till the end of the line."
At long last, Steven finally calmed down and began to regress to his normal size, and he only had one request for Greg. "I just want to go home."
"You bet." Greg obliged, and Steven began to fetch his clothes while Connie and Priyanka stepped back into the office. "So, what's up doc?"
"This has certainly been an eventful appointment," Priyanka stated shakily. "Real eye-opener. As I'm sure your son has already told you, he has been through more stress than is normal for a human. I suggest finding ways to monitor these breakdowns."
"I'll see what I can do." Greg nodded while Steven returned to his side fully dressed when Connie gave Steven a big hug.
Outside the office, the doctor in the sunglasses from earlier peeked from behind a corner and spoke into an earpiece. "Giant boy crisis averted." He spoke in a deep voice to someone on the other end. "Yes sir, retrieving copies of the Gems' X-ray scans as we speak." Looking around to see if anyone had caught him, the man then took off his doctor's coat to reveal a black suit underneath and walked away with no one the wiser.
That night, Steven had been returned home and taken to bed, where Greg had prepared him a warm cup of tea and a sympathetic ear to his son's plight.
"I guess I thought I could follow Connie to college." Steven explained to his dad while sipping the tea. "Like, if we got married, I'd know what to do with myself for once. But turns out I still gotta figure everything out on my own."
"Cut yourself some slack, kiddo." Greg smiled earnestly. "It's okay to be worried and make mistakes when figuring out what to do with life, nothing unusual. Okay, maybe turning pink and the swelling is kind of unusual, but I'm sure the Gems will know what to do. And if you want to be a giant boy, I can lend you the carwash to take a shower in."
"Yeah, that's the thing." Steven revealed calmly. "I haven't told the Gems everything yet because I don't want them to worry so much, just like the old days when I was just some little kid who was way over his head." That was when he made a realization and spat out his tea. "Wait Dad, your tour!"
"Don't worry about me." Greg assured his son. "Shep and Sadie will be fine on their own. Just get some rest Steven; you can't just solve every problem in one night. Speaking of the Gems, where are they?"
Just then, the father and son heard the Warp Pad activate from Steven's conservatory, and the Crystal Gems marched into his room utterly exhausted from the trial they had just returned from.
"If I meet another Gem like Cat's Eye ever again, I swear I'm going to freak!" Pearl yelled with her hands buried in her face when she noticed Steven and Greg in the same room. "Oh, good evening you two. How was your day?"
"Nothing really special you guys." Steven fibbed. "Nothing at all."
So ends Growing Pains. Have to say, this might be one of the longest chapters of Alternate Universe yet, probably because of the B-plot. How hateable did you think I made Cat's Eye? I specifically wrote her with Cruella de Vil and Franziska von Karma in mind. And speaking of despicable characters, next chapter has Steven facing quite possibly his greatest challenge yet: making Kevin a better person. Oh, this should be fun.
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monaownsmyass · 4 years
My Girl
If you have any fic ideas or requests you’d like me to write, you can leave me an ask!
Book: Queen B, Chapter 15
Pairing: Zoey Wade x MC (Bea Hughes)
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G, none
Word count: 3,649
A/N: Literally just chapter 15 with more fluff. If you read my fics, I’m pretty sure it’s obvious I’m a whore for characters slow dancing or just holding onto each other so this chapter was my dream lol. I wrote this cuz when I read it, this song was playing in my head and I knew I had it include it somehow. Highly recommend listening to it while they dance together. Song is ‘My Girl’ by The Temptations
Tag list: @ineedskyecrandall @kamilahsayeet2063 @avalawrencefl @lovekamilahsayeed @thequeenkamilahsayeed @heygmicheelle @djtjsmith14 (lmk if anyone would like to be included or removed in my next fics.)
"Zo? This isn't some Hollywood red carpet premiere, right?" I asked hesitantly while peering out from our limo's window. I suddenly felt very intimidated, realising that I was about to be greeted by a swarm of flashing cameras. "Why are there so many of them?!"
"Hey, we already talked about this! You can't show fear! Paparazzi are like wolves, they smell that stuff!" Zoey took my hand gently and brushed a kiss across my cheek. The sudden spike of anxiety I felt when I saw all the cameras subsided as soon as it appeared when she did so and was replaced by butterflies. "Besides, I'll be there to fight them for you if they get too rabid. You've got nothing to be scared of."
"You'd really fight them for me? You wouldn't mind risking your manicure?" I asked incredulously.
"As long as you cheer me on," she teased. "I'd be a campus legend!"
"I already think you are, Zo." I looked at into her bright eyes that were only made more captivating by her eye makeup. "You're officially the best date."
Zoey leaned in closer to me, eyes sparkled playfully, her breath against my lips as she answers.
"I know."
My heart jumped as her lips brushed mine, but all too soon the limo stopped and the chauffer opened the door. Zoey grinned and pats my cheek, stroking it lightly.
"It's time for your entrance."
She gave me one last kiss on the cheek before sliding out of the limo. I followed her, eyes screaming in pain as I tried to fight not to squint at the camera flashes. My heart started thumping in my chest at all the attention, feeling a little uneasy.
But then I noticed Zoey. She was waiting for me, her hand extended, smiling radiantly and outshining all the cameras while gazing at me lovingly. The sight made my breath hitch. She was seraphic and the flashing lights only made her look like she was glowing.  All the camera flashes were going off behind her but her focus was on me. Their attention may have been on us but her attention was only on me.
"Come on, darling. Remember, it's your moment."
I grinned back at her and took her hand, feeling warmth and ease spread through me as she laced her fingers with mine.
"It's our moment."
As we strode down the red carpet, I felt like cowering. I was used to getting attention since my ranking increased but that was nothing like this. All eyes were on me but with Zoey's hand in mine, it kept me grounded. An amity in the sea of unfamiliarity. She would give my hand a squeeze every once in a while as encouragement. 'You're doing great!'.
A little further, an interviewer and his camerawoman stopped us.
"Chad Bentley for Celeb Highlight. You look stunning tonight Miss Hughes!"
"You obviously haven't seen my date,"  I joked and gestured towards Zoey, feeling much more relaxed knowing she was by my side. "She's the stunning one."
Zoey laughed and squeezed my hand. "We're both the stunning ones tonight, babe."
"Only tonight?"
"Tonight, yesterday, tomorrow and always."
I turned back to Chad to address him. "I'll have to thank my wonderful date for this look tonight, she's the one that put it all together. She really knows how make me stand out even in a crowd as large and glamorous as this one."
"You're tiara is absolutely to die for too! Please tell us a little about it."
"It's garnet  and white diamonds in 18 karat gold. Once again, I have to hand all the props to my girl." I removed my hand from hers only to wrap it around her waist and tug her closer to me. "Miss Zoey Wade."
Chad averted his attention to Zoey. "Miss Wade, not only do you look gorgeous tonight, you styled, dare I say, the best-dressed person here tonight and a little bird told me you also produced the top-chart hit of the summer! Is there anything you can't do?"
Zoey lets out a brilliant laugh and responds, "I have yet to find out, Chad."
"That's my girl," I beamed in pride.
"You heard it here first, Highlighters! Looks like we have two new trendsetters on the scene! You both make an adorable and beautiful couple as well! Thank you for your time!"
Zoey and I continued to strut down the rest of the red carpet together, arms linked.
"Heard that, babe?" I nudged Zoey. "Adorable and beautiful couple."
"That's old news, we already knew that."
We laughed as we walked into the ballroom where we heard the guests complimenting the stellar decoration Zoey and I put together.
"Looks like another win for team Zea!" Zoey cheered.
"Since when were we known as Zea?" I questioned. "Why not put my name first? Let's call ourselves Boey!"
"Oh, babe, I adore you, but no," she patted my arm,  giving me a sympathetic look.
Just then, Thomas stepped onto the stage and grabs the mic. "Good evening, alums, faculty, Person to Watch hopefuls, and guests alike! Our talent show will begin at ten. In the meantime, please enjoy the refreshments as you mingle. Yes, the mini quiches are wrapped in gold foil. No, they won't poison you... but no promises about the guests. just try to be friends. You might even make some new ones."
The other guests laughed but I didn't know whether to join along or break into a sweat. I felt Zoey bumped her hip against mine lightly and snaked an arm around me to pull me into her. I instantly lost my train of thought at her close proximity.
"That's your cue to get out there and talk up the guests," she hinted at me. "Butter 'em up before the talent show."
"Are you coming with me?" I asked, giving her my best puppy dog eyes, already knowing the answer.
"You're so cute," she turned towards me and gave me a small peck on the forehead. "Unfortunately, I have to do my own rounds. Don't worry, I won't be too far."
"Don't take too long either."
I grabbed onto her hand as she moved to leave my side.
"I'll see you soon, babe," she laughed.
She moved further away, making our arms stretch out 'cuz I refused to let go.
"Bye...," I spoked sadly with a pout.
"I'll be back before you know it, babe!"
My hand slipped out from hers and hung limply by my side. She blew me a kiss before turning her back to me and walked away.
I sighed and went to go talk to the other guests, already missing her presence by my side.
While I was mingling, I snuck glances as Zoey every once in a while. I would get distracted by the littlest things she'd do. From the way her smile lit up her face to her every hand movements to even the way she stood, I noticed everything. It's always been that way with Zoey. Ever since I met her, I'd always catch myself getting enthralled by anything she did. She was a force to be reckoned with and all I could do was stare in awe. She was a celestial being and I was lucky for her to even give me a second glance.
But that's what she did.
Zoey was by the snacks, enjoying a mini quiche when she glimpsed at my direction. She caught me staring and gazed back at me, locking her eyes with mine. I felt myself getting breathless as we shared a heated look. The electricity between us was palpable and I couldn't take it any longer. I needed to feel Zoey's arms around me.
I excused myself from the person I was talking to and made my way towards her, never breaking eye contact. I stopped right in front of her and just stared at her for a second before dropping into a stupid curtsy that I don't even think I was doing right but I didn't care. She was a queen and she deserved to be bowed at. I'm sure Zoey was used to my weird and dorky antics by now anyway.
"May I have this dance, m'lady?" I asked with a huge grin.
"You are so embarrassing," she giggled at me. "Of course you can."
I take Zoey's hand, immediately loving the comfort it brought me, and leaded her to the middle of the dance floor. If anyone deserved the spotlight, it was her and I aimed to give that to her. Being right at the center also helped me show my gorgeous date. I had the most extraordinary woman on my arm tonight. Why wouldn't I want to let everyone know that?
The only problem was that the dance floor was filled with couples doing old-timey dances that made me think of Pride and Prejudice. And I was no Mr. Darcy.
"So," I started, "here's the part where I admit that I've never taken a ballroom dancing lesson in my life."
"I took one, it was so boring," she rolled her eyes. "You have to hold your partner as if they're some sort of cadaver or something."
"Ew," I said but smiled, knowing I wasn't alone. "Are we about to embarrass ourselves in front of all the old waltzing couples?"
She studied me for a moment before breaking into a grin. "It's only embarrassing if you're embarrassed. And I don't have time for that."
You are so right, as usual," I chuckled. "In that case, let's figure out our own slow dance."
I saw her face soften as I took one of her hands, my other arm slid around her waist. I grinned at the challenging gleam in her eyes.
"You better impress me," she teased. "You know you took me away from the best mini quiche I'd ever had in my life, right?"
"I'm just up against a quiche?" I questioned with an amused look. "Psh, I've got this. And don't act like you didn't want me to ask you to a dance, I saw the way you looked back at me."
"Only 'cuz I couldn't help but admire how good you look."
I slipped my arm a little further around the small of her back, then spun her in a sweeping circle that made the skirt of her dress flare out. She laughed breathlessly, her hand gripped mine tighter. The orchestra was nice and all, but Zoey's laugh? God, nothing in the world could compare. My heart soared from hearing it and pride swelled in my chest just knowing that I was the one that caused that heavenly sound.
"They teach you this move in Farmsville, Fancy Feet?"
I breath out a small laugh. "Nah."
"Then where's all this grace coming from, Miss 'I've never taken a dance lesson'?"
"I'm just feeling inspired looking at you."
She giggled as I slowed down. She brushed her lips against my cheek, her voice warm in my ears.
"You're doing a good job impressing me."
I giggled and leaned my cheek against hers.
I brought Zoey closer to me, hugging her and swaying to the melodic tune played by the orchestra, feeling drunk off the grandness of it all. And yet, somehow, the best part of it all was having Zoey in my arms. I smiled to myself, wondering how the hell I got so lucky to be with her here.
I noticed a few people staring at us and whispered to her, "Is it just me, or is everyone in this room watching us?
"Def not just you. Kinda makes me wish we could just sneak away from all these prying eyes."
I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "What are you saying?"
"Not whatever you're thinking off, get you mind out of the gutter." She rolled her eyes at me but smiled. I just want to sneak you out of the party for a little bit. I'd like to have you all to myself. What do you say?"
I grabbed onto her hand. "Lead the way."
"C'mon, let's find a place just for us."
The two of us snuck out a side exit and darted towards the deserted heart of of campus hand in hand and giggling , fueled by the giddy energy and crisp night air.
"Okay, reiterating, it is so hilarious that we took a limo to the gala when it's like, right on campus," Zoey said, still laughing.
"Idea for next year, we nix the limos, instead we roll out marble walkways from the dorms and everyone arrives fashion show style."
"Babe, your mind!"
We both laughed uncontrollably once again. She laced her fingers with mine, swinging our arms between us as we tried to keep our balance on the wet lawn. I looked at her and let out an involuntary grin. I've never felt happier than right now.
Then I noticed something. "Okay, quick question. The Zoey Wade I know would never walk through soggy grass in designer heels. You're not, like, an alien right?"
Zoey snorted and gave my hand a sharp tug towards her. I gasped at the sudden force but the sound was caught in Zoey's mouth as she kissed me.
"Does this prove it?"
"Mm, I'm not sure, you and that kiss do seem other-worldly. I think I need more time to figure it out..."
I wrapped an arm around her back and pulled her closer, kissing her again. Kissing her truly was transcendental. I shivered as she cupped my cheek, her thumb brushing my cheekbone. I don't think I'd ever get used to her touch. Every small stroke felt like lightning on my skin.
It was hard to focus on her question when her beautiful face was mere inches away from mine. It didn't matter how many times I've been so close to her, she still had the same effect on me since day one. I was always a flustered mess.
"Don't they say that mermaids lure their victims by kissing them then dragging them into the ocean? I joked. "Just saying."
"You're impossible," she sounded exasperated but I could hear all the fondness in the world behind it.
A sudden, crisp, breeze blows through campus, blowing mist off the lake causing Zoey to jump.
I brought my arms around her and pulled her into my embrace, trying to protect her from the cold. I felt her relax into me and hug me back, resting her chin on my shoulder.
"Y'know, I never really said we were done dancing...," I trailed off mischievously.
I couldn't see her but I knew she was smiling. "Hint received, Captain Obvious. Lets just take off our heels first, I can't risk them getting ruined."
We kicked our heels off and set them aside. We returned to our former positions and Zoey started to sway us slowly. Even though we were outside, we could still hear the faint music coming from the orchestra in the ballroom.
"To answer your question earlier, I knew no one would be here now," she spoke gently, quietly.  "We have this entire space to ourselves."
After a while, I noticed the orchestra started paying a different song. I recognised it as 'My Girl' by The Temptations. The music swells and I pulled back slightly to see a smile spread across her face as well. I gazed into alluring eyes. I couldn't seem to tear mime away from hers. Not that I would ever dream of it.
"What's that look for?"
"It's nothing," I brushed off. "I just can't believe we're actually here. We made it to the end of  this year alive. And I definitely couldn't have done it without you."
"Pshh, of course we did! We're bad bitches. You can't kill us!"
I giggled at her and agreed. "Truth. Still, I'm glad you're here with me... especially after everything we've been through. I really am so lucky to have you by my side."
I rested my head on her shoulder and let out a contented sigh before I continued, "Just a year ago I was a humble girl from Farmsville, and look at me now. Dancing with the most amazing, hottest woman I've ever laid eyes on at the Year-End Gala."
"I thought we agreed we we're tied for that title?"
I gave a little shrug and tightened my arms around her. I felt her reciprocate which only made my heart sing. "If you say so. From where I'm standing, I can't imagine anyone living up to your beauty. Or just you in general. You're an absolute goddess, Zo."
Zoey laughed lightly and shifted so she could embrace me further.
"If anyone can, it's the gorgeous girl in my arms."
I lifted my head from her shoulder to share a smile with her but after a second, she got this far-off look in her eyes. I tucked my head under chin and in response, she rested her cheek against the top of my head. I inhaled the intoxicating musk of her flowery perfume, leaving all my thoughts about only Zoey.
"What's wrong?" I whispered into her neck.
"It's just weird, looking back at this year. So much has changed in such a short time." She paused for a moment before resuming. "Before you got here, I didn't have any real friends. I started to think I'd never find a clique to fit into."
"Well, you didn't really get a clique. It's just me..."
"Babe, stop that. You're not just anything. You're everything and so much more."
I smiled into a neck, feeling myself blush at her words.
"I didn't think I'd meet anyone when I first arrived here too. I guess we got lucky that we found each other."
"So lucky." I felt her take in a deep breath. It's like the Fates conspired to make us an unbeatable friends-slash-roommates team."
"You sure you don't wanna add anything else to that?" I half-joked.
Zoey chuckled and nudged me to look up at her to give me a light kiss on the lips.
She looks me straight into my eyes. "I'll add one right now. How does friends-slash-roommates-slash-girlfriends sound like?"
"Zoey Wade," I pretended to be baffled even though my heart was beating like a drum. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend now?"
"It's as good a time as any. It's romantic, isn't it? We're all dressed up, slow dancing to an orchestra playing a 60's love song with no one else in sight."
I beamed at her. "It's perfect."
I leaned up and gave her a long, passionate kiss, trying to convey all the emotions I felt towards her into it. Kissing her was always an experience. It was thrilling every single time. I could kiss her a millions times and I'd still be dazed by the end of it. I thought my heart was going to burst from how full it felt.
"In case that wasn't clear enough," I spoke breathlessly with a smile. "The answer is hell yes."
She grinned back at me, that heart-stopping, breathtaking, infectious grin of hers.
"I hope you know this means that this is our song by default now," she said playfully.
"It's only right. And I'm not mad about it, I'm glad even."
She pulled me into her once again and kissed me. God, I couldn't believe I get to call this woman my girlfriend. I'm the Zoey Wade's girlfriend. I smiled into the kiss at the thought.
I broke the kiss and rested my forehead against hers.
"What would I do without all the happiness you bring me?" I whispered.
"Aww, someone call Hallmark because that was disgustingly cheesy," she teased.
"Only 'cuz it's so true."
I cupped her cheek in my palm, feeling butterflies as she leaned into it. I wasn't kidding when I said I was still very affected by her.
"Really, you've been my sanctuary from all the bullshit. Whenever I'm feeling down, I just have to think of you and I feel better. Nobody makes me happy like you do. You're the first person I see every morning and the last person I see every night."
"Yeah because we share a dorm, genius." She was being a smartass but I could feel her cheeks warm up at my confession.
"And I wouldn't want it any other way. It's the best way to start and end the day. When I'm with you... things just feel right."
"I'm so glad you said all those embarrassing stuff so I don't have to." She leaned in to kiss my nose. "But I feel the same way."
"You say 'embarrassing', but admit it,  your heart's fluttering a little bit." Mine definitely was.
Zoey laughed brightly and spins me, then she dipped me low to the ground with a smirk.
"Try a lot," she whispered against my lips and gives me a peck. "You're a damn good dance partner, by the way."
Before I could respond, I felt water being sprinkled all over me and noticed both our outfits getting damp.
"Oh my god!"
Instead of freaking out and worrying about it, we just looked at each other and laughed. Nothing could ruin this moment and if we had to return to the gala sopping wet, then so be it.
"Who the hell sets the sprinkler to go off at this time?"
Zoey pulled me back up from the dip and into her arms, still laughing as we held onto each other, letting the sprinklers shower us.
I couldn't care less about the damn award or the gala or anyone else. The only thing that mattered was the stunning woman in front of me and that I was incredibly contented to just be here.
And the only thing that could make me feel this way?
My girl.
(More fics!)
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firewoodfigs · 4 years
amendes honorables
Summary: Riza Hawkeye is appalled to discover that her fifteen-year-old daughter has indicated interest in a boy. Her husband thinks she’s being a little bit of a hypocrite.
(thank you @waddiwasiwitch for hosting @moms-made-fullmetal-2020 ! ^_^)
read on ao3
Roy Mustang was having a very hard time trying to contain his laughter while lazing on the bed with his morning coffee in hand.  He was trying, really - his absolute, darnedest best - palms over mouth, holding his breath, distracting himself with boring, draggy books about legal positivism. But try as he might, it was very, very entertaining to see his stoic Captain, now beloved wife, getting so riled up over their daughter’s predicament.
Between the two, everyone always assumed that he would be the overprotective parent, but Roy knew better. He knew his wife like the back of his hand and had correctly predicted that she would be the paranoid parent who would impose a stringent “no-dating-until-you’re-an-adult” rule. Of course, every rule came with loopholes, and the definition of an “adult” was left up to her (legally, it should have been eighteen or twenty-one, but Roy believed that in Riza’s mind it probably ranged between thirty to forty, or more).  
“Stop laughing, Roy. This is serious!” Riza exclaimed, thoroughly flustered by the fact that their daughter had been the recipient of so many confessions, letters, chocolates and whatever frivolities teenage boys thought girls their age enjoyed receiving on Valentine’s Day.
Given how attractive her parents were it was no surprise that Rae Mustang was the apple of many young boys’ eyes at the juvenile age of fifteen. With thick, raven black hair like her father’s, her mother’s sharp features, and eyes like wood smoke in autumn - a lovely blend of her parents’ - it was hardly surprising that boys were attracted to her like moths to light, and while some girls were envious of her for winning the genetic lottery others had graciously accepted defeat.
Her mother was of course, acutely aware of this curse, or blessing, whatever one might choose to call it, and had taken it upon herself to confiscate gifts and letters she had received on that wretched holiday, on the excuse that it was hardly inappropriate for a girl her age to receive such things, and really, what did boys know about love at that age?
Riza had declared over dinner that night that professions of undying, profound love at that age were nothing but intricate lies designed by deceitful young boys, and Rae shouldn’t bother herself with it.
(Roy wanted to call her out for being a hypocrite there and then, but she shut him up with a threatening glare before the first syllable even left his mouth.)
In response, she’d nodded dutifully before returning to the steak and frites on her plate - courtesy of her father, who had taken it upon himself to “whip up a fantastic dinner for my lovely girls on this holiday about love” and “blessed it with a chef’s kiss” afterwards, but alas.
Alas. Her little girl had inherited their talents in covert operations and somehow managed to hide a very important gift and letter from her mother’s prying hands, and it didn’t take a genius to guess that it was gifted by someone she was interested in.
Riza had been utterly mortified when she found the traitorous piece of evidence sandwiched in between her chemistry textbooks (Rae had attempted to use some kind of alchemy she’d learnt from her Uncle Ed a few weeks prior to seal it, but there was something faulty with the array that foiled her plans in the end), which therefore led to the current situation of her pacing frantically around their room as she rambled on and on to her husband.
(She still didn’t know whether to be disappointed or proud of her daughter for possessing such a natural penchant at hiding things, but it was probably the former.)
Finally, she stopped pacing and turned to glower sullenly at her husband, who was hiding his laughter behind a book that he was pretending to be engrossed in. “I think she should be grounded, Roy. We can never know for sure if she’s been secretly planning dates behind our backs with this - this boy - mmph -” her words were muffled by a passionate kiss and a suffocating embrace.
“Relax, Riza,” he chuckled as he held her close in his arms to soothe her frazzled nerves. “We don’t even know what the boy is like. What if he was like me when we were younger?” He lifted his index finger and thumb to his chin, as if stroking an imaginary beard (Riza and Rae had conspired together to shave that blasphemous mustache off his face in his sleep) and pretended to be deep in thought.
Riza balked. “I didn’t like you when I was fifteen, Roy.”
He put a hand up to his heart in mock hurt. “Don’t be cruel, Riza. I know you did -”
“You did, I didn’t. Back to the topic at hand. I believe the appropriate punishment would be to ground her, and she most certainly owes us an apology for lying and hiding such scandalous affairs behind our backs.”
“Alright, alright,” he raised his hands in surrender, hoping it would ease the scowl on her face. It did somewhat, and so he decided to help his daughter with a little… negotiation. “You can ground her if you think that’s proportionate and necessary, but let’s give the boy a chance. We could have him over for dinner,” her frown was returning, and he hastened to add, “which would give us the perfect chance to interrogate him and analyse their rela - friendship, of course.”
The thought of being able to question him excited Riza just the slightest. She did love a good cross-examination, after all, and no one would touch her daughter without first crossing her. “Fine,” she relented. “I’ll talk to her tonight.”
Roy grimaced at that thought. His wife could be the living personification of the Spanish Inquisition when she put her mind down to it, and he hoped that it wouldn’t be a bad mix with the notorious teenage hormones that plagued everyone at fifteen. “Be nice, Riza.”
“You can come in, mom,” came her daughter’s trembling voice from behind the door.
Well. It seemed like they were already off to a bad start. As she opened the door slowly she could see her daughter’s quivering frame hunched over her literature homework, the likes of Austen and Bronte all strewn across her table messily as she tried very bravely to hold in her tears.
She groaned internally. Already, Riza felt her resolve weakening, and it was difficult to remain angry at such a sweet child (she often wondered what she and Roy did to deserve such a lovely daughter, but her husband deemed it necessary to discuss, in great detail, how Rae was made, so she never vocalised that thought ever again). She sat on the corner of her bed and beckoned for Rae to come sit with her, and as soon as she sank into the duvet as she placed a comforting hand over her shoulder.
So much for being strict.
Before she could even say anything, though, Rae started apologising frantically, words tumbling out of her mouth like a gushing stream. “I’m so sorry, mom, I know I shouldn’t have lied to you and I know I’ve disappointed you and I know I shouldn’t have and I’m just, I’m so sorry,” she stuttered, choking over her sobs. “I just… I know it would’ve upset you, but he’s… he’s a really nice boy, but I know what I did was wrong, and I’ve let you down, and I’m so -”
“Rae,” Riza called, her tone stern but gentle. “Okay, one thing at a time. I’m not going to lie, I am disappointed that you hid this from me, and there will be consequences, but I forgive you. I always will,” and she pulled her in for a hug, stroking her soft tresses tenderly as Rae sobbed into her shoulder and threw herself into the embrace.
… It truly was a challenge trying to pull a stern hand on her daughter. Her colleagues would’ve found this incredulous, and she never thought austerity was something she would ever struggle with, but Rae had proved her wrong. While she was supposed to be at the age of rebellion - Riza supposed this was it, the defining act - her daughter was quite the little darling, full of sunshine and joy, and it made it very hard to remain angry with her for long. In some ways, she reminded her a bit of Alphonse, although Rae had been adamant that her Uncle Al was wrong - dogs were better than cats.
Another point to Rae.
And though it was equally difficult to swallow her pride and admit that she had overreacted a little, just the slightest, over the gifts that had swarmed her table, she supposed it would only cause Rae to feel like she couldn’t trust her. “You… you can tell me these things, Rae.” Riza wanted to say she wouldn’t get mad, but that would just be an outright, blatant lie. “It’s better than hiding, or lying.”
“Really, mom?” her eyes glistened with hope, and really, it was hard to say no to a face like that. Riza would give her the stars and a mountain made of gold and diamonds if she just asked for it.
“Yes, really. In fact…” she remembered her previous discussion with Roy. Compromise, Riza. “You can invite him over for dinner one of these days.”
A watery smile crossed her daughter’s face, and it was so hopeful that Riza couldn’t resist chuckling a little. “But you, young lady, are still grounded, and will continue to be so for two weeks.”
She nodded glumly, as any other fifteen-year-old would be at the prospect of having to come home immediately after school, but otherwise relented and gave her mother another hug. “I understand, mom. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, I forgive you.” She grinned at the thought of being able to grill this young man, both literally and figuratively. “So, when’s a good time for dinner?”
Riza had been… surprised, to say the least, when she opened the door to come face to face with a tanned-skin boy with white hair and distinctly red eyes that shone like a dreadful mix of rubies and garnets.
An Ishvalan.
Her immediate response had been to apologise to Rae instead - for how could he bear to look at her and Roy in the eye and seriously say that he was alright with who they were? If he’d bolted there and then, or threw the bag of cookies that he’d painstakingly prepared as a present in her face out of anger or animosity, Riza would have honestly accepted it and forgiven him regardless.
But instead the boy - who introduced himself as Elyas - had proceeded to remove his shoes before asking politely if it would be alright to come in, holding out the dessert he’d prepared with such a delightful eagerness and enthusiasm, and really, it was impossible to reject him.
“Of course, come on in,” she said invitingly, swallowing the bile rising in her throat as she observed Roy’s equally shocked expression. But he said nothing, only smiled welcomingly as he set up the dinner table and thanked him for the wonderful gift.
She’d almost lost her composure when he mentioned that he was an orphan, when Roy asked about his family, but as if reading her mind Elyas immediately sought to qualify his statement with “I’m very sure you two had nothing to do with it, Mr and Mrs Mustang. They died in an accident not too long ago, not because of the Ishvalan War. I’m sorry I brought it up.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for. If anything, we should be the ones apologising. I understand if… if you are uncomfortable being here,” Riza whispered quietly, suddenly feeling like an incorrigible mother.
Underneath the table, Roy stretched out his hand to rest a palm on her thigh, rubbing soothing circles with a padded thumb. She responded in kind, knowing that the same sentiments, though unsaid, were on his mind as well.
Elyas, though, amazed them all by thanking them. Them, a pair of cold-blooded war criminals.
“Ah, well,” he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly with an open palm. “I’m alright. If anything, I’d like to thank the both of you for rebuilding Ishval. My parents often emphasised that it was General Mustang’s office that improved the lives of many Ishvalans because of the trade relations with Xing, and we’ve all benefited greatly from that.”
He flashed them a sunny smile, and his eyes conveyed everything they needed to know - that’s in the past now. “Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Mustang, and thank you for having me over for dinner.”
“Not at all, we’re more than happy to have you here, Elyas.” Riza was unequivocally sure that she owed Rae an apology instead, and vowed to speak with her again tonight.
Her husband had offered to do the same as they stood at the sink together to wash the dishes, but after what happened she thought it best to speak with Rae separately herself first, and so his only response was a reassuring, understanding kiss to her forehead.
“We’ll work it out together, Riza.”
“Can I come in, Rae?” Riza knocked hesitantly, the nausea and guilt that had settled in her gut previously making an unwelcome resurgence.
“Of course, mom!” Rae skipped happily to where her mother was as soon as the door was open and gave her a tight hug. “Thank you so much for tonight.”
“Not at all,” she smiled weakly. “I think I owe you an apology, Rae. I… I wasn’t expecting him to be an Ishvalan.” Her daughter was not ignorant to the sins that they had committed decades ago, because she’d made it her personal duty, alongside Roy, to explain history accurately to her - for both of them had agreed that it would be worse if she found the truth out by herself.
And Rae, kind, innocent Rae - bless her heart - had accepted the harsh reality of who her parents were with a grim nod, but after a few hours of introspection she’d knocked on their door to tell them that she still loved them regardless, and that she was proud to have parents who were working so hard to rectify the injustices they’d committed.
But this… this was quite a different story. She wasn’t sure if Elyas was just being courteous earlier, or if he was genuinely alright with who they were, with the wrongs they’d done against him and his hometown and entire culture. How could he? “I do apologise, Rae, if I’ve ruined anything.”
“What? No, mom, you didn’t! When I sent him off at the porch just now, he said that he really enjoyed dinner - said that you and dad are great cooks - and that it was an honor getting to know the both of you personally.” She grinned giddily, like a young girl happily in love. “I… I know why you feel that way, mom. But believe me, you can believe whatever he said. He’s the most genuine person I’ve ever met, and…” her feet shifted in embarrassment as she confessed quietly, “that’s one of the reasons why I…”
“Why you like him?” Rae nodded shyly, pink mottling her pale cheeks flatteringly.
“I see. Well, I can understand that, Rae.” She bent down to whisper a secret in her ear, one that only she could hear - just in case her ridiculous father was snooping around somewhere trying to eavesdrop on their conversation. “I liked your father when I was fifteen, too.”
Rae giggled and smiled brightly at her mother when she heard her admission. Then, looking up at her mother curiously with her best set of puppy eyes, she asked, “Does that mean I’m not grounded anymore?”
“No, you still have a week more to go, Rae,” and while her daughter responded with a petulant, disappointed sulk she could still see the happiness sparkling in her eyes. “But feel free to ask him over for dinner anytime.”
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thepandapopo · 4 years
Sylvix Week 2020 Day 1: Wedding
Synopsis: No matter what world or what timeline they exist in, Felix and Sylvain will always find each other.
Byleth becomes an omniscient immortal goddess that lists her top three favourite SylVix weddings that span across a variety of alternate universes and worlds.
You gave me a wedding prompt and I gave you a three for one deal.
Written for Sylvix Week 2020
AU in which all the canon stuff happens but Sothis is actually the goddess of multiple universes and when Byleth merges with her, she gets to see Sylvix reincarnated in world after world, but no matter what they always find each other. This is her POV recalling her three favourite weddings.
The pirate one was definitely inspired by Pirates of the Carribean because that scene was so ridiculous and all I could think about was how it was SylVix level dumb.
There are not many things in this existence that Byleth finds beautiful, not anymore at least. After living for centuries upon centuries and in worlds that one could only dream of, it was safe to say that Byleth had pretty much exhausted all there was to see in terms of beautiful things.
But one thing she will always watch over fondly and with such heart rending piety that makes her wonder if perhaps there is a god even greater than her, is the way Felix and Sylvain’s souls always find their way back to each other, regardless of what life, regardless of what world, and regardless of what circumstances shape them.
The first world that Byleth has the pleasure of attending their wedding is in her original life. It is the life that she remembers the most vividly and fondly, back when everything was so new and yet not because of the soul of the progenitor god that resides within her.
The cathedral in Garreg Mach is strewn with swathes of teal and maroon fabrics, hanging from the ceilings in graceful arcs interspersed with pristine white. Blue and Red Salvia pepper the towering columns in the empty pockets where the ivy parts way to reveal long expanses of white stone, restored over years of hard work and loving care.
At the base of the altar near the head of the room, Byleth stands tall and proud as the officiant of this historical event, the joining of two territories through marriage in the traditional sense, but also so wholly untraditional in the fact that it is a Duke and Margrave committing to each other in a gesture that has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with building a future free of unspoken rules and obligations.
“Stop fidgeting,” Ingrid hisses at Sylvain from her position as Best Maiden. She is a vision herself in her Gautier red gown that is just practical enough that Hilda and Annette didn’t have to blackmail her too much into wearing.
Across from her, Dimitri – Felix’s Best Man - is also staring at the shifty groom who looks like he is half a minute away from bursting into either hysterical laughter or tears. It’s a bit of an odd sight seeing the King of Fodlan not standing center stage for once, but just for today, he has gladly traded in his royal garments for a simple, but smart looking military style get up (not unlike their old school uniform) in Fraldarius blue.
And in the middle of all of them standing right by Byleth’s side is their very own Sylvain Jose Gautier, dressed in his finest linens with a black jacket lined with crimson fur and golden thread. Draped across his front is an expanse of teal cloth that sweeps back over his shoulders and billows out in a magnificent cape emblazoned with both the Gautier and Fraldarius crests. Although Sylvain has always looked noble in his own way, his roguish grin has always softened the edges of his appearance with a mask of carefree immaturity. Today though, he looks every bit the mature esteemed war general turned Margrave; his shoulders are pulled back and he stands tall even though they all know that there are more than a few individuals in the crowd who oppose this marriage. Standing next to him, Byleth can literally feel the air of assured confidence that a person exudes when they know that they are doing something so fundamentally right, that there is no way that it isn’t fate.
If anyone had told them that Sylvain would be the first person among them to be married, a trip to the infirmary for hallucination would have been the follow up course of action. But here, standing at the altar under the beaming mid afternoon sun streaming through the windows, there is nothing that seems more natural.
Even if Sylvain won’t stop fidgeting.
“Sylvain,” Dimitri’s eyes are wide with suspicion and dread, “you’re not getting cold feet, are you? Goddess, Felix will kill you.”
“Yeah, and not even the pretend kill either. He’s going to really, truly run you through with his favourite sword. That you happened to get him, might I remind you.” Ingrid elbows him again, the sharp pain a gentler reminder of what pain he might be subject to in the near future if he really is considering ditching his own wedding. In the middle of the ceremony. With hundreds of guests around them.
“No, I’m not getting cold feet.” Sylvain rolls his eyes and tenderly rubs his ribs where Ingrid keeps jabbing him. “I’m just… I don’t know. I’m impatient. We’ve been standing up here forever.”
And of course, in typical Felix fashion, he just has to be proven wrong when the massive oaken doors at the entrance of the cathedral open with a groan, just barely audible over the swelling sound of the music changing and the rustling of clothes as their guests stand to welcome in the other groom.
The first time that Byleth gets to witness Sylvain’s entire world fall apart and click back together like two perfect puzzle pieces, is when he catches sight of Felix, led down the aisle by a beaming Annette, and breathtakingly resplendent in all white.
Blown out pupils obscure burnt sienna as they rake over the vision that is Duke Fraldarius walking slowly towards him with what looks to be the most obnoxiously long dress coat ever tailed. It clings to his lithe form sinfully from his shoulders down to his hips in such a way that coax’s Sylvain’s tongue to swipe across his lips, before draping and flaring back in a style reminiscent of a bridal train. The very same golden stitching that weaves through Sylvain’s jacket also glows ethereally in Felix’s clothes, which only serves to emphasize the silky midnight waterfall that has been tamed and woven into a side braid. Atop his crown sits a golden circlet that dips and meets in the center of his brow, adorned with a topaz flanked by two garnet rubies.
It is the first time that Byleth prays to the goddess and thanks Sothis for allowing these two souls, who are just so right for each other, to finally, finally get the happiness they so deserve.
When Felix’s golden gaze finally flutters up beneath inky lashes to meet Sylvain’s, the air in the room charges with tangible electricity and chuckles murmur through the crowd as both Ingrid and Annette reach out simultaneously to stop their respective grooms from bolting towards each other.
By the time Annette hands Felix off to Sylvain, both men are staring at each other with such blatant reverence and awe that Byleth almost feels bad for clearing her throat and ruining the moment.
“Dearly beloved, thank you all for gathering here today to celebrate the union of Duke Felix Hugo Fraldarius and Margrave Sylvain Jose Gautier.”
Somewhere to her right, Annette stifles a happy sob and the couple share a small, amused smile.
“The most remarkable moment in life is when you meet the person who makes you feel complete; the person with whom you share a bond so special that it transcends time and space and is something so pure and so wonderful, that you cannot imagine a life or world without them. For Felix and Sylvain, that moment happened back when they were children and too young to know what love meant, but old enough to know how love felt. Many of you know their story already; some of you have had the privilege to walk along side them as they each wrote their tale. But what we all have in common today is that we get to witness the moment when they begin to write their story together.”
Later in the evening, Sylvain will tease Dimitri about how constipated he looked trying to unsuccessfully supress his tears while also desperately trying not to crush the small pouch in his hands that contained Sylvain’s wedding band.
“Now, I do believe that you two have written your own vows. Sylvain, would you like to go first?”
There is a beat after Byleth asks her question before Sylvain can escape the fogginess of his mind that is filled with thoughts of Fe, Fe, Fe and comprehend what is being asked of him.
“It’s in your breast pocket,” Ingrid hisses behind him.
It’s true. Sylvain can feel the folded piece of parchment tucked snugly against his chest above his heart, but there is something in Felix’s mesmerized gaze that stays his hand and sends it reaching instead for smaller, scarred and callous ones.
“Felix…” his breath escapes him like a prayer. “My darling and dearest Fe.”
Honey brown eyes shimmer with unshed tears and Sylvain feels his chest tighten, squeezing out the lyrics of the song his heart has long been singing, but never aloud.
“For a person who has always had a silver tongue, it’s a wonder how you manage to steal all the words from me every single time. I could still try to wax poetic about how lovely you are or how lethal you look with a blade in your hand, but I feel like if I do either or those, you might just stab me.”
A soft snort and misty glare confirm his suspicion and Sylvain lets out a watery chuckle.
“Do you remember the promise we made as kids? Back then, we didn’t really know what it meant to die together, but we promised each other that anyways because the only thing we knew for certain was that we didn’t want to live without each other.”
Sylvain’s lungs burn with the effort it takes to inhale through the sobs that want to escape him. The rapid thumping of his heart threatens to burst out of his chest, and it nearly overwhelms him before a gentle hand brushes away a stray tear that has managed to escape its confines. Unwittingly, more tears fall even as Sylvain grounds himself with Felix’s touch and forges on.
“Fe, I have loved you for a very long time, even though I may not have known it. I have loved you since we were young children and you would sit in my lap for hours as I read story after story to you. I have loved you since we were old enough to train together and you would trounce me spectacularly even though I had the weapon advantage and you were such a scrawny brat. I loved you even through Glenn’s death when you shoved everyone around you away, building up the walls around your heart that I wanted so desperately to see again. I loved you when we met again at the officer’s academy and I tried to drown my problems in women and empty dalliances, and even through the war where I was so terrified that you would die before I could ever confess my feelings for you.
But Fe… despite how long I’ve loved you, I vow to you today that I will continue to love you for even longer in the years ahead. Dying is easy, but living is so much harder, and so that is why I want to build on our promise and vow to always stand by your side and live the rest of my life with you. I have loved you all my life, Felix Hugo, and I cannot imagine what my life would be without that constant. It grows each and every day, filling my heart more than I ever thought possible. Goddess… I love you Fe. I love you so very much, my beloved, and I hope that one day I’ll find the perfect words to tell you that, but for now, before all these people, I give you my heart and soul because it has always been yours from the start.”
Sylvain’s heart aches with the raw truth and gravity of his words that are so filled with love, bursting from his heart and overflowing from his eyes only to be brushed away gently by the very man who encompasses his thoughts every minute of every day. But despite how shaky his breath is, Sylvain’s hands are steady as he slips the onyx band onto the ring finger of Felix’s left hand.
“Felix? Would you like to read your vows?” It is dead silent in the cathedral, save for the few sniffs and hiccups from their closest friends.
Byleth can see the moment that Felix steels his resolve in the same way he does right before entering battle. Right now, Felix is fighting his own demons, but he is determined to win because he owes it to Sylvain to be just as raw and open as he has laid himself out to be.
“Sylvain. I… we both know that I’m not good at words, but I want to try, for you, because I know that sometimes the voices in your head try to convince you that you’re not worthy of love, and I want to shut them up once and for all by laying everything bare in front of all these people.”
It’s funny and honestly a little bit unfair, Felix thinks to himself, how Sylvain still looks so breathtakingly beautiful even while dripping snot and fully on ugly crying.
“I’m not a good partner, Sylvain. And before you interrupt me, just shut up and listen to the rest of what I have to say. I’m not a good partner because unlike you, I don’t know how to use my words to communicate my feelings. No matter how hard I try, it always comes out sharp and… and wrong. But even though I’m just so fucking awful at it, you somehow always seem to understand me.” Felix pauses to steady his breathing and blink away the tears that are beginning to blur his favourite view.
“I honestly never thought I could have this. I didn’t think there was a future for us because I was so sure that one day you would get fed up with me and leave. But you didn’t. No matter how much I pushed you away, or how many insults I threw your way even though what I really wanted to say was the complete opposite, you always stayed there by my side through thick and thin. And what’s more, you always understood what I was really trying to say.
I hate illogical things. I hate the idea of dying for someone or doing something I hate just because someone else happens to like it. But you… Sylvain, you make me want to do all of those things.”
Felix falters a little, swallowing the lump in his throat that wants to stop his closest guarded secret from slipping out.
“It doesn’t make any sense and it honestly frustrates me just how unwaveringly confident I am that I would die for you in a heartbeat. I would willingly go to those operas that you love so much even though I can’t stand them just so I can see that one smile that makes the world around me fall away. With you, I want to do the things that I’ve always shunned. I want to get married to you. I want to become your husband. I want to adopt children and raise a family with you. I want to grow old with you and spend our days sitting in front of a fire watching our grandchildren run around causing all sorts of mayhem that they probably learned from you.”
“So today, I will vow to you to live with you through whatever bullshit might come our way. I vow to love you until our dying breaths and beyond. But the greatest vow I will make you today, is the vow to lay down my blade and put to rest any lingering thoughts of becoming a mercenary because… because a life with you… loving you… I want that more than anything in the world. I love you, Syl.”
All around them, their friends beam at them through tears and, in Annette and surprisingly Dimitri’s case, elated blubbering. Felix wastes no time grabbing the ring from his king and slipping it onto Sylvain’s ring finger because one minute longer not being married to his favourite idiot is one more minute wasted.
No one cares that Byleth doesn’t even get to say her final line prompting them to kiss because they both lunge at each other at the same time, the crowd around them cheering and whooping, their voices echoing through the halls and much longer in Byleth’s memories.
Byleth’s second favourite wedding between Felix and Sylvain is unfortunately not one that she gets to officiate.
Instead, she’s busy parrying the downward strike of a soggy half pirate, half sea creature and returning a blow of her own and painting the floor beneath them a murky ink color as she cuts into its shoulder. Their ship has been boarded by Davy Jones’ and they barely have time to fire an SOS flare into the sky before they are overrun with the cursed pirates.
“Did someone call for backup?”
Sylvain’s hair is plastered to his forehead from the salty spray, but his crimson hair is still more than easy to spot from where it pops up from their starboard side where his own ship has anchored itself to the Aegis. His men let out a mighty battle cry as they dash across the wooden planks connecting their ships while others swing in from above on ropes hanging from the towering mast.
“You’re late, you fucking asshole!” Felix shouts above the sound of his handheld pistol firing straight into the face of an unfortunate pirate. The thick clam like shells around his body is explanation enough of why Felix is using his gun instead of his sword which he favors.
“Aw, Fe. Don’t be like that! You know I’d never ignore a distress call from you!”
“Then next time answer it sooner!”
Felix ducks when Sylvain jumps off the ledge over him and thrusts his own sword into an enemy that had been sneaking up behind him. Despite being rival captains of their own pirate ships, Sylvain and Felix fight like a well-oiled machine, slipping in and out of each other’s space and covering any blind spots that are exposed. It’s a bit odd seeing them fight in such a different style, but Byleth still admires the fierce skill in which Felix takes down his opponents while Sylvain always approaches more cautiously, using tactics and ploys that befit his strategic mind.
Absolute chaos reigns around the two of them and the clashing of swords peppered intermittently with the loud cracks of gunpowder igniting fill the air. The smell of the sea all around them is thick with the lingering smell of burnt sulphur and even more so the irony tint of blood.
“Are the two lovebirds bickering again?” Claude grins at Byleth as he sidesteps a tackle and plunges his blade through the back of the stumbling figure. His Golden Deer cape billows out as he turns and the bright yellow is a beacon of hope to the rest of their crew. Normally, Byleth herself would be wearing one as well, but she has been on loan from Claude and spending the past month or so aboard the Aegis with Felix helping him navigate some truly terrible waters.
“Yes. Although I do wish they would find a better time to do so.” Claude can practically hear her eye roll which just makes it all the more amusing to him.
“Byleth, you wound me! There’s never a better time for… well, anything really, than the present!” Sylvain laughs, but immediately grimaces when the body whose head he lopped off drenches him in black ichor.
Beside him, Felix looks at the new stains on his already disgusting pants and scowls. “Be more careful, you idiot! I can’t save you if you poison yourself by accidentally ingesting some of that toxic shit.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, regret burns through him and ignites his cheeks with flames.
“Oooh. Is Felix Fraldarius actually worried about me?”
“Shut up before I run you through with my sword.”
“You wouldn’t do that, Fe. Because you loooooove me.”
“Sylvain. I swear I’m going to-“
Suddenly a body goes sailing past them and Hilda stomps out from below decks where she has clearly fought her way out of. She points her axe menacingly at the two captains and if Felix didn’t just see her send a full-grown man six flying feet, Felix would have laughed. “If you’re not going to fight, then at least kiss already. We’re all sick and tired of you guys polluting the high seas with your stupid, angsty, rival love.”
“Well just because you’re bitter that your brother chases away all your-“
Sylvain doesn’t even get to finish his sentence before Hilda swings her axe in a side swipe. It’s only from years of fighting that the red haired captain is able to duck in time, letting the blade of the axe connect with a unsuspecting enemy instead.
“Okay, okay! Touchy subject. I get it.”
Thankfully, their squabble fades into the chaos as they double down to repel the ghostly abominations from their ships.
However, like all the other worlds and lives in which Byleth has known Sylvain, he just can’t seem to keep his mouth shut for very long and is calling out for Felix even while more enemies somehow appear from the depths of the sea, truly outnumbering them two to one now.
“Hey Fe! Marry me.”
“Marry me!”
There’s an awkward pause, only punctuated with Felix quickly shoving his sword into an oncoming enemy.
“Sylvain, this is not the time!”
“Come on, professor! Things are looking kinda bleak and I don’t really want to die without having married Fe.” Sylvain grins and shoots another enemy over his shoulder without even looking. “and plus it would totally boost morale!”
“I’m not marrying the two of you right now. Felix hasn’t even said yes yet, for crying out loud!”
Seriously, Byleth thinks to herself, she is getting way too old for this shit.
“Claude! If you won’t marry us, then Claude can! He’s a captain too, right?” Sylvain shouts up at the golden garbed leader who is sniping people from the safety of the foretop.
“Consent, Sylvain! Consent is important!” Hilda screams.
Another enemy falls from behind Felix and he turns to face Sylvain who has the biggest shit eating grin on his face. “Well, Fe? What do you say? Wanna get hitched?”
There’s a beat.
And then another.
And then,
“Claude. Marry us.”
Sylvain’s smirk is bigger than the time he struck literal gold.
“Gladly!” Claude laughs and doesn’t even blink as he shoots down enemies left and right. “Deerly beloved, we are gathered here today to-“
“Fuck your deer puns! Just get to the important shit.”
Clearly, Pirate Captain Felix is a lot less patient than Duke Felix. Or perhaps it is more to do with their current circumstance than the actual virtue.
“Jeez, fine fine! Uncultured swine, the lot of you, truly. Do you, Felix Hugo Fraldarius, take Sylvain Jose Gautier to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health, in scurvy and even at the bottom of Davy Jones’ locker?”
“I do.” Each word is punctuated by a sword slash and the enemies around their odd band of allies begins to thin.
“And do you, Sylvain Jose Gautier take Felix Hugo Fraldarius to be your lawfully wedded pirate booty husband? To treasure him more than literal treasure? To have him in all his grumpy glory and to hold him even when he threatens to stab you?”
For someone who is very likely to die in the next ten minutes and also covered in guts and ichor, Sylvain is incredibly happy when he chirps back a gleeful “I do!”.
“Then, by the power vested in me by the guy whose ship I stole after I killed him, I now pronounce you husband and husband. So fucking kiss already.”
It’s by no means their most glamourous wedding, but Byleth can’t help but remember fondly on the matching grins on Felix and Sylvain’s faces as they kissed in the middle of that god forsaken hell of a boat, looking for all the world like the two puzzle pieces that have always fit together perfectly no matter what color or shape they may morph into with the crossing of time and dimensions.
It is such a shame really, that their small moment of respite and happiness breaks when a terrified voice pierces through the cacophony of sound.
Byleth’s third favourite Felix and Sylvain wedding is one where she unfortunately doesn’t get to be there with them, no matter how much her heart aches. Instead, she watches them from above, in a space that no mortal (and honestly not even any god) can truly begin to comprehend nor describe.
“Close it, close it. Hurry the fuck up!” Felix’s voice echoes in the dilapidated church even though his voice is hardly louder than a whisper. “We can push the pews up against the door to bar it.”
Sylvain is exhausted and his chest is heaving from being on the run for the past day and a half, but he nods and gets to work anyways, heaving the heavy wooden benches over to where Felix is bracing his shoulder against the door in case any undead try to get in.
It takes a good while before either man feel safe enough to leave the door unattended. In a world overrun by zombies, there aren’t any second chances or lessons learned – one slip up is all it takes for death, or worse yet, turning into the undead.
When Sylvain’s heart and mind finally slow down enough to observe their surroundings, he wants to laugh at the absurd irony of it all. “A church? Seriously, Fe? I’m kinda surprised we didn’t burst into flames as soon as we crossed the threshold.”
“It was the best option. All the other buildings had too many entrances. This one only has the one door and all the windows are boarded up already.”
Felix is already unpacking their travel bag and setting up camp in a far corner away, tucked away from any line of vision from potential cracks in the boards or windows.
“It’s just, I thought you would automatically avoid churches; especially with how our parents tried to raise us.”
It’s a bit of a sore topic between the two of them, both having grown up as close family friend and their parents being extremely religious. Felix more so after his older brother died in the line of duty and Rodrigue fell to religion to cope.
When Felix and Sylvain came out as gay to their families, it was nothing short of awful. The Gautiers had immediately disowned Sylvain, and although he was expecting it – given their track record with Miklan who was also disowned for the same thing – it still hurt and left a large, gaping hole in his heart. Rodrigue on the other hand had only Felix left. Despite their differences, he was reluctant to lose the last family member he had, instead opting to pile brochures after brochures of conversion therapy camps on Felix’s desk until the metaphorical house of cards finally gave way to years of anger and resentment.
If either of them had known that would be the last time they would see their families before the world went to hell in a handbasket, Sylvain likes to think that maybe they would have tried a little harder to keep them in their lives.
“What’s wrong?”
Felix is looking at him with those piercing golden eyes that Sylvain adores so much. Right now, it’s the gaze that Felix uses whenever his curiosity is piqued but he knows not to push any boundaries. It’s because Felix knows when to push and pull, and how to follow the ebb and flow of his mind that Sylvain loves him with every fibre of his being.
“Just thinking,” he hums. He drags a dirt streaked hand through his hair and ignores the grimy feel of the sunset locks. “About how you’re the only family I have. The only family I want.” He clarifies when he sees the strange look on Felix’s face where he is stirring the can of soup over a pitiful fire.
They are silent for a while, letting only the wind whistling through the empty rafters overhead fill the gaps between them. If they were anyone else, the loud echoey hall would have allowed loneliness to slip its way into their space, but they’re not; they’re Felix and Sylvain, the two boys turned men who have always been at each other’s sides from diapers to survivors.
“You’re my family too.”
It’s only a whisper, but Sylvain hears the declaration clear as day and it sends his heart soaring to heights that are only possible whenever Felix is involved. So high, that a random thought manages to worm its way into his head and burrow itself deeper and deeper until Sylvain cannot help but blurt out:
“Have you ever thought about getting married? Us, I mean?”
Felix startles for a moment, staring at him with wide eyes and Sylvain can see the beginnings of a blush sneak its way up his turtleneck collar.
“Have you ever thought about us getting married?”
“Where is this coming from? In case you haven’t noticed, we’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse here.”
Felix isn’t wrong, but his flaw was that he could never really see beyond the immediate task. Which is exactly why they worked so well together – Sylvain, admittedly, was all about smelling the flowers and walking wherever his path took him, while Felix had the discipline and determination to focus in one goal and hound it with unwavering precision.
Instead of answer, Sylvain walks up to the altar at the front of the room and lays a hand against the podium, his fingers dragging through the thick layer of dust and debris, leaving behind a trail of shiny wood that peaked at him from below.
“I’ve always dreamed of marrying you, you know.”
The admission slips from his lips like a dew drop off a petal, slowly at first, but then falling to gravity and splattering on the floor between them leaving moisture pooling at the corners of Felix’s eyes.
“You… wanted to marry me?”
It’s unfathomable. It’s outlandish and impossible and all things incomprehensible but God, if Felix doesn’t want it with a burning passion that threatens to disintegrate him from the inside out.
“Want to marry you. Still do.” Sylvain flashes him that crooked grin that he loves oh so much. So much so that his heart rends every time he sees it and fills him with so much love that he finds himself uncharacteristically stepping off the metaphorical ledge and praying that he can fly with his next words.
“Sylvain. Marry me. Right here, right now.”
This time it’s the red head’s turn to gawk and splutter, and damn if it doesn’t fill Felix with a giddy smugness.
“I’m sorry. What?”
“You heard me. Marry me. We’re in a church aren’t we? Isn’t that all churches are good for?”
Sylvain wants to scold him and tell him that churches are also for praying, but bites his tongue on the bitterness that begins to coat it; Sylvain used to pray, but what’s the point when no one really listens?
(Byleth wants to go to them. She really, truly, does. But even a Goddess is not all powerful.)
Instead, Sylvain wordlessly extends his hand towards Felix and pointedly keeps his gaze to the crumbling statue of Mother Mary and the large cross that hangs ominously over their heads. When he finally feels familiar calloused hands in his, he pulls and Felix allows himself to fall into warm arms that have made him feel loved for so many years.
“Felix Hugo Fraldarius. Words cannot describe how much I love you. You’ve always been there by my side, through thick and thin, and honestly, I don’t really deserve you. But I vow to keep striving to become a person who is worthy of your love. I vow to live my life to the fullest everyday to become a better person for you because you make me want to be a better person.”
Each promise is punctuated with a chaste peck on the lips, each filled with more love than the last until Sylvain is murmuring his words against the plushness of Felix’s mouth.
“I vow to love you until the day I die and to protect you with everything that I am. You are my family, Fe. You are my home. And I will always come back to you – no matter where, when, or what world; I swear, I will always find my way back to you.”
Felix buries one hand in the collar of Sylvain’s fur lined jacket while the other tangles in his hair, trying to desperately pull him closer even though they are already pressed up against each other, chest to chest and hip to hip.
“Sylvain Jose Gautier. You’re an absolute idiot if you don’t know how much I love you.”
(“Fe, why are you insulting me during our vows?” “shut up.”)
“We’ve known each other forever and sometimes I take for granted just how much of my life you occupy until you’re suddenly not there, and all I’m left with is loneliness and a giant Sylvain shaped hole where my heart should be. I vow to never take you for granted ever again, because despite what you think, you are worthy of love, Sylvain. And you deserve to be happy.”
Something wet plops onto Felix’s cheek but he pays it no mind and continues with his vows, keeping his temple pressed against Sylvain’s jawline and his eyes closed.
“I vow to live by your side for the rest of my days so that I can remind you of that when the voices in your head become too loud. But above all, I vow to love you in such a way that lets you be the Sylvain that you really are, wholly and unapologetically so that you never have to hide behind a fake smile ever again. You are my home, Sylvain. I’ll always come home to you.”
When Felix raises his gaze to look at Sylvain, he cannot help but smile fondly at the teary, lovestruck expression on his face.
“You don’t have to cry about it, dummy.” He says, even as he raises himself on his tip toes to kiss away the droplets clinging to wispy lashes.
They stay like that for what feels like an eternity, clinging to each other in this space that they have made their vows and tied their lives together in the way that they should have long ago. They continue holding each other even as the night falls and the chill settles in, and into the morning when the tell-tale sound of unearthly groaning arrives at their doorstep.
“You have my back?” Felix asks completely nonchalantly as he unsheathes his katana and falls into a battle stance that he has long since mastered from after school lessons and then polished in real life survival.
Sylvain grins at his husband from his position perched on the highest ground available, his rifle and scope already set up and a variety of other guns, locked and loaded, littered around him.
Byleth dreads the day that Felix and Sylvain’s souls reach the end of their life spans and fizzle into nothingness, dissolving back to the void from which all souls are created and returned. But until that day comes, she continues to watch over them as they are born, and as they grow and fall in love over and over again.
Sometimes she will be allowed to step in and take a more active role in their stories, but in the times that she cannot, she knows without a doubt that they’ll be okay.
Because, after all, even if they weren’t soulmates, Byleth knows without a shadow of a doubt that Felix will always choose Sylvain, and Sylvain will always find his way back home.
Want to get the latest updates on my progress and fic postings? Check out my writing twitter.
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evarcana · 4 years
12, 19, 26, 59, 76 & 91 for Ev. :)
Thank you, darling ❤️❤️❤️
12. What are their four trinkets?
Ancient book written in a dead language. Ev says that it’s one of the earliest texts on alchemy which has been passed on in her family. Few wine stained pages give a clue that she might of had a hard time coming to terms with the family’s legacy.
Bottle of the perfumed oil: cinnamon, patchouli, iris, amber. The signature scent of the owner.
Letter from the old friends from Prakra received 7 years ago. Carefully folded and preserved through the years in the elegant envelope, yet still unanswered.
Small golden hoop earring adorned by deep red garnet. An unexpected gift from the observant secret admirer who managed to notice that one of many Ev’s earrings got missing one day.
19. Have they ever cursed someone?
“Oh gods, probably.., when I was younger though. Hot blood, rushes decisions. Who was it then..,” she bites her lip seemingly trying to recall.
“Not like it really matters, curses have never been the family’s speciality,” she laughs somewhat nervously, “so I am pretty sure nothing came out of it.”
26. What were they like as a child?
Ev was very quite, reserved, polite and well mannered child; never gave her family any trouble apart from being extremely picky with food.
Her parents joke that she was born looking serious and that look has never changed.
Definitely too clever for her age, she was always occupied by her books, studies and drawings and preferred playing with the animals to the other kids. She did not have any childhood friends for that reason - not like it has ever bothered her though.
Her family had guests frequently so she was more used to the company of adults anyway.
59. How do they interact with kids?
Ev is not hugely popular with kids.
She speaks to children the same way she speaks to the adults and would happily ask a child questions about their interests, games they are playing, tell them a story or read a book. She could even participate in a game if gets invited, and children drawing or building something are her favourites as she gets excited to help.
As you probably guessed, only relatively quite children like this approach and she is more or less helpless with the more active and lively ones.
76. What meal gives them a sense of nostalgia?
“Sometimes I fix myself a quick meal of vegetables, eggs and cheese - you cook it all in one pan and it’s delicious. It reminds me of the time when I just moved to Prakra and started to live on my own. I was clueless, never had to cook a meal for myself and did not know any recipes! You know my grandma probably thought that there would be lots of time to teach me cooking or that she could always take care of me,” she looks away trying to hide sadness in her eyes.
“This was the hot meal I cooked myself when I realised that I cannot just live on bits of fruit, cheese and bread from the market. Oh, all those memories of remembering to eat only in the middle of the night because you were too busy reading.”
91. Have they ever got in trouble with the law or been arrested?
Ev laughs: “Considering all the troubles I ever got myself into, luckily I missed on that one! Nope. Never.”
You can hear Valerius exhaling in relief somewhere at the background - witch with the criminal record would be too outrageous, at least he did not fall that low.
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Roughly 9 hours after the End of the World that Wasn’t -Day 10 gold and silver prompt
I don’t know why this didn’t post yesterday, must have forgotten to hit the Post button. Anyway, here’s Day 10’s prompt.
For @drawlight
It was a gift not meant to be given. Well, not given yet. There was always the certainty that the recipient would in fact open the box, but that was a someday concept. He’d had centuries to plan it out; lay the scene, sprinkle the sentiment and deliver the gift out of sincere love. It has gone perfectly in his mind, but he should have known by now, that the best laid plans are doomed to fail. But this? Any of what had occurred in the days and hours leading up to today? This he never could have predicted.
Roughly 9 hours after the End-of-the-World-that-Wasn’t
The bus stopped, and one angel no longer aligned with Heaven and one demon most definitely no longer aligned with Hell stepped off the bus and on to the street. Nothing about this situation was remarkable, save for maybe the slightly out of date clothing on one of the gentleman, the exaggerated walk of the other and perhaps the fact that the world continued to exist despite all efforts to the contrary.
“Coming up, angel?” Crowley asked softly, for he knew he needed to move slowly, gently right now.
“Seems strange, I’ve never been to your flat before. Silly even, given all that’s happened.” Aziraphale attempted a weary smile.
He’s hurting. He’s lost everything and he’s hurting. Crowley winced. This wasn’t at all how he imagined this night might go. But here it was, and here he was, and there was no longer any need for the space between them.
“I should warn you, my place is...” Crowley took a deep breath as he opened the door. The sleek, museum-like interior seemed such a cold contrast against the mess and chaos of the bookshop.
“It’s lovely. Thank you for letting me stay.” Aziraphale, as polite as ever, said thankfully.
“Care for a drink, angel?” Crowley offered.
“I think perhaps, as many drinks as you have on hand, considering the occasion.” Aziraphale tried not to stare at the precious items preserved in the demon’s home; items that were equally important to him.
Words had been exchanged between them, declarations of sorts. But not whispered romantically to each other at a table at the Ritz, nor the near perfect moment on their English countryside picnic with Warlock, no, their words were rather frantically screamed in haste on an American airbase. Hardly the way he had wanted any of it to go, but he had his chance to make it right. Now, in the sanctity of his flat, he could do it right.
“Perhaps we ought to propose a toast to Adam Young, the savior of us all.” Aziraphale pulled together to muster some sort of formality.
“To Adam, who is as bad at his job as we are at ours.” Crowley cheered, trying to lighten the mood. Anything to see his angel laugh again.
He watched as Aziraphale drained the entire glass of whiskey in one go; he chuckled as he watched the angel shake his head back and forth as his nose wrinkled.
“This one of your creations then?” Aziraphale, still producing a sour expression, asked.
“Ireland, sometime after the 14th century. If I’m not mistaken, I believe it was your first official temptation.” Crowley raised his eyebrow as he poured the angel another glass.
“It’s still ghastly, even after all these centuries.” Aziraphale replied, yet did not refuse seconds.
“It would appear that Adam managed to defeat Gabriel and Beelzebub just by telling them to stop. He saved our asses, but that goes without saying.”
“Who’s to say we would have lost that fight? I had my sword, remember?”
“How long has it been since you’ve used a sword? Or any weapon to that end. We would have been toast in seconds.” Crowley tried to conceal his concern.
“I don’t know. I would have rather enjoyed taking a swing at Gabriel. Pity I didn’t get the chance.” Aziraphale watched him carefully, almost knowingly.
“Trust me, you do not want that angel swinging a sword at you. Besides, I’m glad it didn’t come to that. Well, not yet at least.”
“I imagine they will come for their vengeance. But let us not dwell on that, right now, let’s drink!”
Both were silent for a moment.
“Aziraphale, can I tell you something without it sounding...well sounding impossible?”
“Nothing would seem impossible tonight.”
“She spoke to me.” Crowley began. “At the airbase, just before we...uh...well, she spoke to me.”
“She spoke to me too.” Aziraphale said as he finished the shot of whiskey. “That must have made you feel very upset, hearing God’s voice after everything She did to you.”
“That’s the thing, angel, She was kind, and loving and sorry. She told me that she loved me.”
“Crowley.” The angel’s voice was gentle as he laid his hand upon the demon’s.
“She offered me a choice.” Crowley grew quiet remembering God’s offer; to live free and at peace in the stars with a blissfully unaware Aziraphale. “I didn’t take it.”
“I didn’t either.” Aziraphale said, remembering his own offer.
“Angel, what if, what if all this was the plan all along? What if, all of this was a test?”
“A test? For who? Us?” Aziraphale asked with confusion.
“It was just a thought.” Crowley tried to dismiss the idea.
“I considered that too. A test of loyalty, of faith...of love.”
“To God?”
“No, my dear, to each other.”
They both sat, still side by side, completely unsure what to say next.
“I think we passed.” Crowley said finally.
“Crowley, do you remember that day? That perfect...”
“Afternoon in the countryside with Warlock. Yes, I remember.”
“I shouldn’t have, that is to say,” Aziraphale stumbled over his words. “I shouldn’t have told you to stop. I wish I hadn’t.”
“No, you were right. It wasn’t safe and it wasn’t the right time.”
“Is it now?”
“Safe?” Crowley asked.
“No. The right time?”
“Oh. Oh! Wait right here!” Crowley shouted as he leapt from the couch, nearly tripping over his own feet as he dashed to a chest he kept in his bedroom; his most private and precious collection of items over the years. One such item nearly fell out of his hands and he dashed back to where the angel sat.
“This is for you.” Crowley yelled a bit too loudly. “I had it made a long time ago and I’ve been waiting for the right moment and here!” He practically shoved the gift into the angel’s hands.
Aziraphale carefully opened the box, revealing a glorious treasure inside, one of gold, delicate and clearly hand made, judging from the careful intricately laid pieces of metal: two golden hearts intertwined together, on top of them, a crown comprised of thin stands of silver woven with thin strands of gold. Set in between the hearts was a magnificent red garnet, faceted and bursting with fire like the sun at dusk.
“Oh Crowley!” Aziraphale marveled with pure delight. “A Luckenbooth! It’s just beautiful!”
“You know what this is?”
“Of course I do! I should have known you’d be the Scottish tradition type. I love it darling!”
“I love you.” Crowley whispered, barely above a prayer.
“What was that, my dear? Just look at the brilliance of this fiery garnet! Just gorgeous.”
“Fire?” Crowley froze. “Angel, didn’t Agnes predict something about fire?”
“Why yes, I have it right here. Choose your faces wisely, for soon you will be playing with fire.”
“What if it’s literally fire, as in Hell Fire?” Crowley shuddered.
“Hell’s fire to kill and angel and holy water to kill a demon.” Aziraphale glanced up at the demon, knowing he was already forming a plan. “I know Hell would do it, but would Heaven?”
“Yes. Without question.” Crowley blinked, flinching as he touched his back.
“What are we to do?”
“I’m not sure yet, but I know we will come up with something. Together.”
“Together.” Aziraphale pinned the gold and silver brooch to his lapel, close to his human heart, a declaration of love as bold as shouting from the rooftops. At least as bold as Aziraphale could manage.
The rest would come in time, but time, as it seemed, was running remarkably short for them both. They had to focus on what was to come. As for everything else, well, they both prayed that there would be enough time....
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