#thanks for the concern I didn’t mean to scare anyone 😭
slurpeesoverromance · 11 months
hey is everything ok ???
yeas but we’re down a laundry room😭💀🕊
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johnnycakesswitch · 3 months
hi!! I love ur headcannons :D I was wondering if you can do some jally headcannons? <3!
Thank you so much that’s so sweet!! Of course I can <3 I’m assuming you mean like jally as a ship so that’s what I’ll do but if you didn’t mean it that way, the majority of these can be read as platonic as well :)
Tw for suicidal thoughts
• literally the definition of that song where the line is like “I just can’t come between them, they got their own thing”
• no one will ever truly understand their bond, it’s just a known thing that Dally and Johnny are the most important people in the world to each other
• they honestly can’t even pinpoint when they developed feelings for each other, they’ve just always felt so much love and affection toward each other so strongly, they just didn’t know it was mutual for awhile
• one night Dally and Johnny were taking a walk because Johnny had been down all day and even though he didn’t say it, Dally just knew and was determined to get him talking. So they’re walking in silence for awhile until Dally asks, “so are you gonna tell me what’s the matter, johnnycakes?” and Johnny just breaks down. He hadn’t let himself cry in a long time before that and the way Dally spoke to him was so genuine and concerned that he couldn’t hold back anymore. He told Dally that he didn’t know how much longer he could keep living like this and that everyone would probably just be better off without him and Dally is livid, not at Johnny, but because he doesn’t deserve to feel this way. So he tells him that he better not hear him say that ever again because he can’t live without him and “if you go, I’m coming with you.” And Johnny just looks at him for awhile because Dally makes him feel more wanted than anyone ever has. And in the heat of the moment, they share a kiss. That night they talked and while they both knew they wouldn’t be able to publicly be together, they only wanted each other, so they would take what they could get. No one else mattered to them anyway as long as they have each other
• Johnny will stay with Dally at Buck’s a lot and they’ll both squish into his twin bed. The only problem is, Dally moves a lot in his sleep, so Johnny has to be sandwiched between Dally and the wall or else he’ll accidentally be pushed off ✋😭
• they love going on drives together when Buck lets him have the car. Dally can do a really good Elvis impression and Johnny will take that to the grave because he knows if he tells anyone Dally will stop doing it
• speaking of Buck, he knows about jally because he walked in on them making out one time. That was one of the few times that Dally was genuinely scared, not even for himself, but for Johnny. He didn’t want to put Johnny in any type of danger ever. But Buck actually likes Dally a lot and cares about him, so all he said was “make sure to lock your door if you don’t want company” and they could both breathe again
• the gang was like. Not surprised whatsoever. They didn’t even rly tell them formally, they just figured if anyone reacts badly they’ll cross that bridge when they get there. So they just started being physically closer and kissing and stuff around the gang and they’re all like “about time”
• around the holidays at the Curtis house they always “coincidentally” wind up under the mistletoe. Total coincidence. Not because Soda keeps moving it.
• Johnny calls him Dallas when he’s exasperated with him 😭 so like at least a few times a day
• speaking of exasperated, the gang cannot stand playing football w them anymore bc they’re on opposing teams and literally can’t keep their hands off each other. Jally will tackle each other when it’s not even necessary just so they can be touching. “Oh wow Dal like how did I end up on top of you sorry about that 🤭” Ponyboy mad as hell because Johnny isn’t paying attention and Darry is carrying their team 😭
• will share clothes without realizing it bc a lot of their stuff looks the same. Like they’ll both have the same black shirt and sometimes they’ll be out wearing each other’s and the only way to tell is because Dally’s is a little big on Johnny and Johnny’s is tight on Dal but they never seem to notice
• Dally gave Johnny his ring and he wears it on a chain as a necklace
• cleaning each other up after rumbles 🥺 and Dally’s always like gushing over him like “glory John I didn’t know you had all that in you you looked so tuff out there” and you can hear Ponyboy like gagging in the background
• he’s a hater as if he and Curly aren’t the absolute worst either
• always napping together. Just laying in bed or on the Curtis’ couch or wherever honestly next to each other and just sleeping 😴
• Dally’s always trying to make sure Johnny gets enough to eat
• when Dally jockeys Johnny will come hang out with him when he cleans the stables after and tell him how good he did. He always comes to watch Dally, he never misses a rodeo 🥰
• Johnny likes to play with Dally’s hair since he canonically doesn’t grease it. He thinks is so soft and fluffy and Dally’s just like “my hair’s tuff Johnny 😒” and Johnny’s like “whatever you say Dal”
• modern day Pony would record himself third wheeling jally and make a TikTok to that sound that’s like “mama y papa”
That’s all I have for now!!
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justagalwhowrites · 8 months
Oh my god.
I truly didn’t know what would shake out with Savvy, if they’d find her or not, who would find her, when, where, how. This was so good. So perfect. The fact that Ellie was with Joel surely put Savvy at ease. He knew just what to say. The fact that truly Ellie was integral since she clocked the snare in the first place.
I have read SO MANY Pedro fan give in the last year. Like a gross amount. Three have made me cry, and I’m not a crier. This chapter, this moment was one. For the record the other two were also yours 🤣
THANK YOU and holy CRAP I want to keep reading!! I know it can feel weird but please consider setting up a Kofi or something. Maybe you can’t use the money but then maybe donate it to a cause you love bc you deserve SOME kind of compensation for the professional quality gut punch beautifully crafted work you deliver, and with some an incredible speed at that 😭❤️
(ALSO I was very concerned knowing Bambi was going to tentatively get with someone else and even knowing it wasn’t going to work I was so scared. But I think it was important she doesn’t just get back with him. She’s been so hesitant and guarded it makes sense her incredibly strong feelings be tested and dang if the proof isn’t in the raspberries that Joel is it for her.)
Hi Bestie!!!!!
I really tried to keep Savvy's fate a mystery so we really felt some of how Bambi's been feeling all this time! But Joel immediately going into girl dad mode with her just... I love him. I love him so much. And Ellie being there helped so much, both because she saw the snare but also because she was basically a walking green flag. This young girl is OK with this man - clearly willing to kill for this man - so he's trustworthy. She was integral to getting Savvy home. Joel's baby saved Bambi's baby and I love them for it.
OMG I'm so happy my writing has made you feel so deeply! These characters and stories mean so much to me and the fact that they have an impact on others is so extraordinary to me. I love storytelling so much, that we can all experience these things together and share in the grief and the love and the passion and the joy.
You're not the first to mention a Ko-Fi and I haven't set one up simply because I genuinely don't need the money? In a lot of ways, I've lucked into a fairly comfortable life (not trying to downplay the fact that I've worked and struggled but I've had a lot of privilege and a lot of luck) and have everything I need, most things I want and a nice savings account. But the donation thing is a nice idea! So I think I'll turn on the tip function here on Tumblr and see what happens with the intent of donating what I get from it. That being said, if something I've written moves you to the point that you'd like to pay me for it, please consider tipping another author who hasn't been as lucky as I have financially. I'm sure they would really appreciate it and I'd love to support other authors vicariously!
And AHH yes I totally get you! I wanted Julie to happen for a few reasons? Mostly so Bambi wasn't just singularly focused on Joel. I don't think that suits who she is as a person and I don't think it would be good for her to do that, either. But I also wanted her to really understand that yes, Joel is it for her. She's never felt this way about anyone else and she never will again and moving beyond that - especially when he's RIGHT THERE - isn't going to happen. She needs to learn how to accept and forgive his past and trust who he is now otherwise she's going to be stuck living without the kind of love she knows is out there. She really knows that now and it's putting her in the right place to really process what happened with Joel. They're so close! They really are!
Thank you so so much for reading and for your kind words, Bestie!! Love you!!
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mangoposts · 9 months
OKAY im finally alone so TW for anyone reading this, i will be mentioning rape & knives/scars.
i'll try to make this short but the summer before i went into 10th grade, i had hung out w this guy and i really did just wanna hang out and go for a drive, but he thought i wanted to hook up. i definitely did not because i was a virgin and never done anything with a guy at all. he was a senior and a lot bigger than me and forced me into having sex w him, i kept saying no and stop and take me home but he just kept getting angrier and eventually held a knife to my like pubic bone? pelvis? just down there idk. so i caved. i hated every second and cried but i stopped fighting. i haven't had sex since then, im 20 years old now and i haven't even been fingered by a guy, never given or received head, and never given a handjob. and im honestly really embarrassed about it and wanna have sex with someone SO BADLY but im scared.
the main reason i'm scared isn't because i'm scared i'll be forced into it again, although that is absolutely in the back of my mind. i'm completely fine now and over the situation, but it does worry me that i could get overwhelmed and the guy im with wouldn't wanna stop. but my bigger fear which im 100x more embarrassed of, is what a guy is gonna think when he sees my pussy. now hear me out bc i know that sounds weird😭 but all throughout high school i always heard guys make comments about how ugly this girls pussy is or how gross this girls is and it terrified me. but now i'm even more scared because of what that guy did to me, he literally cut into my skin and left scars. what is a guy gonna think when he sees that? how am i supposed to explain all this? i just i have a lot of questions and concerns but i'm a fucking 20 year old "virgin" if i can even call myself that, i've technically had sex but i didn't want it so idk if i even count that as a body. i just have been panicking over this for forever and have no idea what to do, if you have any advice at all i'd really appreciate it so so much
- 🌙
Oh baby :-(. Im so sorry this happened to you. You were really young and you didn’t deserve that whatsoever, if you can feel it im giving you a hug thru the phone. Im so so so sorry and i hope that man is dead in a ditch somewhere 🤍
On the other hand, i promise you you have nothing to worry about at all. Im telling you rn and i know it sounds so corny and lame and everybody always says this but its true, the right person is not going to judge you for anything and im so Fr when i say that. Trust when i was in high school guys would say all kinda stupid shit like that about girls in the school and it never bothered me because i knew there was at least one person out there who wouldn’t care about anything other people would talk shit about, and i was right 🤷🏻‍♀️ There’s so many people out there who would find u beautiful the way u are and just because some guys in the past thought in that immature goofy ass way doesn’t mean every guy will you know what i mean?
Babe, my only advice for you is to stay the way you are, hang out w ur frennies and the right person is gon come trust. It’ll come when you aren’t looking for it or worrying about it, when you least expect it to be honest. What you went through was horrible and it might be the worlds way of saying you gotta give yourself time before exploring that area of your life yanno. There’s NOTHINGGG wrong with being a virgin at any age let alone 20. You’re still young and you have ur whole life ahead of you. Don’t worry about this, when it happens it’s gonna be fine you’ll see it
Thank you so much for trusting me to be vulnerable with, im sorry if im treating you too delicately im just speaking thru the soul rn 😭 And again im sorry this happened to you. Even if i dont know u i love u a lot and im proud of you for moving past the situation despite how hard it might’ve been
Also im sorry for taking awhile to get back to you, i just scrolled through my inbox and finally found this
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classificationhell · 8 months
also don’t know if hellhounds are treated badly “I mean it’s possible in canon bezzlebub helped em who knows” the misfits became overlords by taking out the main 3 behind the possession of the hellhounds and a good part of the caregivers “who can be bought”
now! Time for some info on the misfits! “Who are all overlords btw” YAY :D
Name: Polar “literally my oc and yet IT FITS 😭”
POWER: pocket dimension, can store a lot of stuff inside it, that being healing kits, food, water, guns, bazukas
SECOND POWER: ice, like alastors tentacles werid bs, but instead it’s icicles, how chilly no?
can create ice and use to
looks like a polar bear, has tusks (and the stereotype devil horns)
pronouns: He/Him
goofball, very friendly, (unhinged at times but that’s not a shock) was surprised with the non status (convinced he would of been a omega/little AT LEAST A LITTLE),
when he found out about the hellhound situation on top of the littles, he went straight to the main overlord and destroyed his ass “literally”, when Polar met the over misfits and learned of their true statuses, became hella concerned considering what happens to littles who don’t have a caregiver
(I mean his first night was during an acid rain, and forced to listen to little porn commercials, yeah he despises Valentino but will put up with him to not start anything)
Desired to earn the other twos trust right away, and form a team together, so the 3 of them could unite against hell and create a safe place in their territory and hopefully someday
Power: he can fire off slashes from his claws of psychic energy at someone, yeah getting hit by one hurts to say the least
Appearance, wolf in sheep’s clothing “get it”? They are sort of like a hyrbid, but their mainly a wolf, and got the horns
pronouns HE/HIM
personality: before misfits: mentally and physically unstable, body wasent responding correctly since he wasent regressing, talked to himself a lot, nervous wreck, drug benders were unfortunately hella common
and him seeing one of the overlord behind the hellhounds helped him yes! But not that overlord, he ate that overlords ass
REASON for not regressing! When he first fell into hell, he was taken in, and almost became known, but before he was discovered and marked he snapped and ran away, since then he refused to regress since he KNOWS what would happen,
killed the assholes behind his torture with a angelic dagger he found
MISFITS: he was fucking confused and couldn’t for the life of him understand polars goals towards him, but when polar eventually earned their trust, he broke and tried to regress found it hella hard to but polar helped” HELLAProtective of his pack, will cuddle with polar and omega and give him licks that’s his close friend and daddy after all ;) his body is a bit better but not 100% but don’t worry he’s got his misfits to help him :)
POWER: STRINGS OF FATEEE “the strings can connect to someone’s soul and do the following “out right murder them, heal them, pleasure them!?!
Appearance: a marionette but has the stereotypical horns and little wings
NAME: marionette “they thought it was a little funny and then they met polar-“
pronouns SHE/THEM
Literally fucking done at this point, like they didn’t ask to be a little, I mean they would gladly regress BUT NOOOOO IF THEY DO THEY WILL BE TAKEN, needless to say when they say one of the overlords “who had angelic weapons on them and that handled the hellhounds they thought “oh, thank fucking god it’s over” DID NOT EXPECT TO WIN AND BECAME AN OVERLORD THEMSELVES MAY I REMIND YOU, and was more stressed because NOW THEY had to handle being a overlord, an omega/little “did not trust anyone whatsoever” and then they met one of the other dumbasses who had the same idea as them,
POLAR THIS FUCKING BITCH, is like fucking WHAT WHY DOES THIS BITCH HAVE NO STATUS, don’t get me wrong, they take polars deal, mainly because to them polar looks like he would cry over spilled water and trusted him because how the fuck could it get any worse, since they have seen so much bs since falling down here, is thankful that they can FINALLY regress safely, even if it IS POLAR, this bitch burned water HOW THE FUCK, yeah basically thankfully for polar and on board for the safe space for everyone, questions Worf, but loves their unstable and not allowed in 67 public spaces sibling none the less :)
see? Their naming is pure shit, and medico
that’s why their perfect for each other
anywho, anyone can take this for what they will,
sort of fill in the HUGE blanks on the misfits :)
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I'm glad you're so inspired you started fleshing this group out! They sound very interesting and if you wanted to write about them I'd definitely read ot! Made my day reading your oc's based in my weird little universe ^-^
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thedanoriddler · 2 years
I love these Riddler posts!!! I can't stop reading and rereading them! I was wondering if you could do something like S/O and Eddie getting into a fight. Afterwards S/O says something hurtful to Eddie, which leads to him breaking down and S/O goes to apologise to him. Thank you!!!
ASDFGHJKL THANK YOU AND YES, OMG, EDDIE BBY 😭❤️ Sorry for the wait, life’s been… ya know.
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You and Eddie don’t fight that often to be honest - but when you do, it’s bad
It’s easy for you both to get het up and lost in the heat of the argument. I just want to make it clear that the argument is never physical, he’s never laid a hand on you, Eddie wouldn’t do that and you’re never scared he will, but you both tend to say things and snap if you’re arguing
Usually it’s resolved less than half an hour later, you both hate being mad at each other, especially Eddie, and once you’ve both cooled down a little then you’re able to talk like grown ups
Until this one argument
Maybe you made a remark out of concern about him getting caught or hurt for his Riddler work and the argument spiralled from there, maybe you didn’t mean for it to come across rude or disrespectful, maybe he didn’t mean to be so snarky… point is, the two of you end up in a big verbal fight
Except it keeps getting worse and worse, you’re frustrated that he doesn’t see why you’re so worried, and he’s frustrated because you of all people know his work is important, why are you suddenly making a huge deal out of nothing???
Without thinking, you scream that he’s “pathetic, a fucking pathetic nobody freak” - and immediately you know you’ve crossed the line
The way his face falls when you say that, the way the fight leaves him as he slumps, his eyes hurt by your betraying words… immediately all the fight leaves you too
“Eddie, I didn’t mean-”
He walks out of the room and leaves the apartment without a word
You know you’ve fucked up - big time. You know that Eddie has been tormented all of his life by people who’ve said the exact same things as you just did, that what you’ve said has hurt him more than a punch or slap would have - and you feel so awful, so angry at yourself, for hurting him
Eddie comes back an hour later, he wouldn’t leave you for very long even if you hurt him, though he’s convinced himself that you’ve probably packed your stuff and left, that you want nothing to do with him - so he’s admittedly surprised when he enters the bedroom and sees you waiting for him anxiously
“Eddie, I’m so sorry,” you whisper, close to tears. “I didn’t mean it, I swear…”
He sits uncertainly on the side of the bed, but you can tell that he doesn’t believe you, his shoulders are still slumped with defeat, and he’s refusing to meet your eyes - he can’t. He’s scared that if he looks at you, he’ll see hatred for him in your eyes, that you despise him
You try again, apologizing and putting a hand on his arm - and that’s when you see him break
He hates himself for crying in front of you but he can’t help it - he wants to believe you so bad, wants to believe that you didn’t mean it, but he just thinks that of course you hate him, of course you think he’s pathetic, why would you, the most incredible person he’s known, be any different? Why would you like him? It’s brought up a lot of insecurities
“I didn’t mean it,” you keep saying, wrapping your arms around him, and he can’t stop himself from crying into your shirt. “I didn’t, Eddie - you’re the most brilliant person I know.”
It takes a lot of comfort/reassurance to convince him that you truly didn’t mean it, that it couldn’t be any further from the truth: you tell him you’re so proud of him for the work he’s doing to improve Gotham once and for all, that you’ve never met anyone as intelligent and clever as him, that you love him so much
Eventually he starts to believe you, starts to believe that you didn’t mean it - but it’ll take a while for him to forget the memory of you saying that to him, forget how it felt when you called him what you did 😔 he accepts that you didn’t mean it, but he’s so self deprecating that you saying those things hammered it all home and brought back bad memories
No matter how heated things get in an argument after this, you don’t cross that line ever again - you care about him too much to want to hurt him, even if you’re fighting
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