#thanks for the ask very epique
aquapede · 1 year
Uhhuhhhuhhh I use MS paint for my art all the time do you have any tips mayhaps 👁️👁️
oh yeah, quite a few! here's some things i think are crucial when using paint:
use the pencil tool or (as i prefer) eraser tool!! the other brushes are there to fool and deceive you these are the two big boys to use
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and each of these also has a right-click function that is super useful! with the pencil tool it's pretty simple, just switching what it colors with from whatever is in the Color 1 slot to coloring with the Color 2 slot (i.e. from black to white)
but the eraser's right click function is a game changer, because it instead will replace whatever color is in the Color 1 slot with the color you have in the Color 2 slot, without effecting any other lines/colors!
it can seem confusing at first, but it's insanely useful. take this for example; i've drawn my beautiful slugcat and Oh No i need to draw random scribbles behind it! how will i do this without killing my boy???
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and then it comes to me in a vision. i know what i must do.
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another really overlooked feature of ms paint is the 'transparent selection' option in the drop-down menu of the select tool.
this makes it so that (given your background is only One Color) you can make your Color 2 be the background color of your drawing and then you can move it onto something else, like a picture or shape! like this:
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you can even make Color 2 be a certain color of your character and then replace that with something else, like a stock texture image or underlay something else you've drawn in there!
be warned though--transparent selection can get incredibly laggy (very very occasionally to the point of crashing paint) so be sure to save your drawing before using it!
i hope this can be of assistance to you, and good luck out there my fellow ms paint warrior o7
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tactician · 1 year
for reidesypoo as well :D — 14, 15, 22, 32, 47!
FINALLY DOING PT 2 OF BREE'S EPIQUE QUESTIONS thank you my fwend  ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 
💌 sixty-nine questions for your ttrpg characters!
14. what keeps them up at night? right now he's extremely nervous about fucking up his status as his homeland's ambassador. it's been his dream to thrive in this role for a long, long time - even when it was just a like... long-shot silly fantasy. if he does a bad job at it, he's worried it'll ruin all the positive developments he's had with his family as of late (especially regarding his father lmfao), or that it'll endanger his home (WHICH HE LOVES!!!!! he looooves laverathia so much).
LIKE. reides is a confident person most of the time but he's made a lot of big choices lately. he was at a crossroads and he made a choice to start walking down a specific path. and it's the path he WANTS to take! more than anything!!! but now he's dealing with the responsibilities that come along with it. he was previously the type to run from his responsibilities as quickly as he possibly could so you know. big changes. big challenges. ;LDFKDLKG it's the most serious he's ever been about anything and he's gonna do his BEST but he's genuinely not sure he has it in him. lots and lots of fears circling around him rn!!! sleepless nights aside, he will meet them head-on >:)
15. is there something that never fails to make them laugh? as cheesy as it is, he loves aske's silly stories a lot. because......... he loves aske. 😳 LDKGDLGK otherwise i think he gets super, super happy every time he learns a new spell - especially when he manages to teach himself one. as a teenager his process of trial and error was a lot more funny, since his experiments would have some wacky little results, but he still has those bursts of joy whenever he succeeds at casting something new!
22. how would they decorate their living space, if they had a chance? he would probably opt to have it on land for convenience's sake, but having some sort of indoor pool for a water portion of it would be ideal for sure, since there's some stuff he'd likely want from laverathia which wouldn't be too well-suited to the surface world! and he would also definitely like to be close to the sea, too - so maybe the inside of this water zone has some sort of connection to the sea...? a sea pool? idk. technicalities. but that would be The Dream. a shrine to persana in that pool would also be ideal since reides is very faithful to him. ;^; that's his GOD!!!
but layout aside, the room would resemble a big study with tons of books and bottles of ink and various writing utensils!!! and it'd be decorated with a whole lot of whimsy!! lots of colourful furniture and paintings that make reides happy, prob with a bit of a nautical theme... and there'd be a lot of random objects (TREASURES!!!) that he picked up along the course of his adventures. along with a huge bed. huge beds are one of reides' weaknesses i'm ngl. it's the princely background showing. LMFAO
32. which of your decisions led to their voice being the way it is? i don't really put on a specific voice for reides - at most it's just like, a tone to accomodate his mannerisms - but in terms of how i speak as him... honestly it just comes to me with how i characterize him!!! i knew i wanted him to be kinda ditzy from the get-go, and i wanted him to say fun things very often (he definitely has no qualms with speaking his mind LOL)... so he generally has a cheerful, casual quality to how he speaks. and when he's angry, i want that anger to surge and crash!!! much like a storm. he's very emotional as a character so it's fun when i get to show off his volatileness. there's also usually a bit of a mischievous edge to him that i really love portraying hehe.
47. what could they talk about for hours on end? there's the obligatory wizard answer here (his magic), which is absolutely true, but on a more personal level? his home!!! laverathia!!! he never really gets the chance to talk about it (it's. you know. secret. for the most part. like most of the ppl up on the surface have no idea it exists sooo you know it's just not something he gets to talk about often. and he doesn't want to jeopardize its safety so he's not about to go off about it unprompted LMAO) but if anyone he trusts were to ask him about laverathian stuff he'd literally go on and on and on. it's crazy because he would deflect so much about it in the past but now that he's reconnected with it, he's just full of love for it. he will tell you all about the shipwrecks he explored and all about the stuff his fellow tritons craft and all about persana and all about EVERYTHING!!!!
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fansoffrozenyt · 5 years
New Frozen 2 infos from Annecy about the spirits and the fog
Here’s more of some infos from interview of Marlon West and Becky Breese at Annecy [SPOILERS HERE] (You can read the first part here:https://fansoffrozenyt.tumblr.com/post/185733644097/so-heres-a-little-frozen-2-qa-asked-to-becky)
----------------------THE SPIRITS----------------------
Marlon West: "The Nokk [or Nixe, a water genius in Norse mythology] is one of the biggest challenges we've faced on this film, because it's present under and on the water. He must behave like a horse while also being a spirit. It disintegrates, moves into the shapeless water and then regains its body. Some parts of his body act in a certain way when they are in the open and in another way underwater. It is a translucent horse that swims underwater: how can we see it?
These spirits in relation to the elements [fire, water, wind, earth] are actually quite difficult to animate because they do not correspond to any rigging traditionally used in animation [rigging is a process that allows objects to have a skeleton]. The Nokk looks like a horse, but its tail does not correspond to the rigging.
The spirit of the wind, on the other hand, has no shape: when this character intervenes, it is quite a challenge, because he has a strong personality and we must animate him in the most delicate and subtle way possible, without dialogue, just through clothes that float , leaves that fly away... The spirit of fire, which can be seen in the trailer, also communicates in a different way: it moves like flames, but has been animated like a human being."
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----------------------GRAND PABBIE----------------------
Marlon West: “Grand Pabbie was already present in the first film - almost all the characters in the first film make an appearance in the sequel. What's interesting with this character is that the rigging [or skeleton] has been updated. The characters' textures and hair detail are now much more sophisticated than when we made the first movie."
Becky Bresee: "The challenge is that these characters look as much as they did five years ago while improving them graphically thanks to the new technologies that were invented between the two films."
Marlon West: "We learn a lot from working on these kinds of films, and the studio has released four films [Big Hero 6, Zootopia, Moana, Ralph 2.0] since the release of Frozen, and technological advances have been very important. especially for everything related to hair animation."
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Marlon West: "They are created by Elsa."
Becky Bresee: "She's getting stronger and stronger ..."
Marlon West: "These symbols that we see in the movie - and on the movie poster - represent the four elements: fire, water, wind, earth, and I know they raises a lot of questions on the Internet, but I try not to look at the speculations of the fans! These crystals emanate from the same place as the ice and snow of Elsa. She has no limits: her magic unfolds with what is surrounding her".
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----------------------THE ENCHANTED LANDS----------------------
Becky Bresee: "It's the magic forest where Elsa, Anna and Kristoff come in. That's where the elements are ..."
Marlon West: "The forest is surrounded by a fog that keeps the people inside and outside, but the first Frozen actually took place in the summer. The kingdom of Arendelle was a prisoner of an eternal winter, so the film was covered with ice and snow.The second part is taking place this autumn and so we explored all the ranges of orange.We worked hard so that the environement match both to the world of Frozen and Norway - although Arendelle is a fictional realm, we draw inspiration from reality to create our world, so in the case of Frozen, we were very inspired by Norway, and especially the flora that can be found there.The artistic director of the two Frozen [and many Disney classics like Pocahontas], Michael Giaimo helped us a lot. e for all that is colors and shapes. He excels at finding the perfect color to tell the story. "
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----------------------THE MYSTERIOUS FOG----------------------
Marlon West: "We wanted this fog to be both friendly and a little bit threatening, it was our biggest challenge on this stage, and we always try to mix these two aspects to surprise the spectators. Anna and Elsa are drawn to this place, this wall of fog allows the characters to enter and then close on them ... What is there on the other side? We were often asked if Frozen 2 was darker than the first movie The short answer is 'yes', although the film is not much darker than the first film, which already contained rather sad moments, and the second part will have scenes that are both moving and hilarious. "
Becky Bresee: "This mix works very well, you'll feel like you're going to see the first Frozen, the second one just bigger, it's more epic.
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Frozen 2 will be a extention of the first Frozen, it will feature a whole story but not meant to draw the line for a 3rd film
Thanks to PopofColor on our Frozen Fan discord for theses articles ^^, join our Frozen fan discord at the folowing link we’re almost 400 on it: https://discordapp.com/invite/bQYbprF 
Source: https://people.bfmtv.com/cinema/annecy-2019-la-reine-des-neiges-2-sera-plus-sombre-et-plus-epique-que-le-premier-1712889.html#xtor=AL-68
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