#thanks for the ask Zelmo!
linktheacehero · 2 years
The Sky and the Light???
Sky and the Light is a original work comic that I’m working on! It’s about a human who wants to become a mage and a demon that wants to prove he’s better than what others think of him. It’s full of found family, gay pining, magic, lore. It’s all heavily inspired by Zelda, Dragon Prince, AtLA, and other hyperfixations
Here are some concept designs and ideas I have written down for it!
I've got this world that is like Xadia with all the magic stuff but I still dont have a name for. There's 4 sources of Primal Magic- Sky, Fire, Earth and Water and they came from the Goddess of magic Akura. There's some backstory that she fell in love with a mortal man (major Hylink vibes) and they had 4 kids which sprouted a new species that are named after her- the Akurans, and they're connected to Primal.
There's a evil spirit that wants Akura's power, they fight and she dies but its not all lost because she gives the last piece of her magic to her lover and he manages to seal away the evil spirit. The seal won't hold forever and there's a prophecy that "The Light Briger will appear when the seal has broken and Darkness overruns. With the aid of Sky, Fire, Earth and Water, they will defeat evil ad bless the land." (The lover also gains like immortality from the magic and waits for the Light Bringer so they can train them [like Hero Shade])
Itss been like a long time and the world is like Xadia modern. The four kids are legends because they taught humans how to connect to the Primals and another species is born: elves and they're basically a hybrid of Akurans and Human. Akurans have pointed ears, horns and wings that they can retract and elves have mixed features (some have horns others have wings)but always have pointed ears.
the current main characters are Nexor, Haru (they're love interests), Rhys, Zale and Sten. (Zale and Sten are dating : ) ) The story mostly revolves around Nexor and Haru.
Nexor(they/he) is a demon but like a unique one because demons are created from Dark Magic and have no souls or conscience but Nexor does and has been living like a Sky Akuran for years. He was made to hunt down the Light Bringer but the Dark mages exiled him because he was a "failed project" due to him being basically a baby when he was created and took out his right eye as a symbol of his exile. His adopted father Raiden found him stranded in the forest near the home of Ravizum, the Lord of Sky and took him in as his own. Now Nex is a powerful Sky Mage who wants to learn more of what he is and if there's a chance to become a true Akuran (he knows he's a demon but doesnt know why he's so different than the other demons)
Zale(they/them) and Sten(he/him) are both elves and are dating. Zale is connected to the Water Primal and is also a mute while Sten is connected to the Earth one. Zale wants to be an artifier like their idol Nico Adler (who is actually Nexor's adoptive aunt because she's bffs with Raiden and built his prosthetic arm. She's also latina, hella gay and helped raise Nexor) and Sten just wants to graduate, he's not entirely too sure what he wants to do with his life but is interested in magic so he decided to give it a try.
Haru(any pronouns) is a human who wants to learn how to peform primal magic but struggles to do so. They're the prophesized Light Bringer but doesnt know it yet obvs. She's currently a student at the best magic school in the city of Sayro and is living with her aunts Chloe and Esther who run a magical bakery (gay witches baby). She's also bffs with Rhys, Sten and Zale
Rhys(she/her) is a fire akuran who's pretty shy but can fuck your shit if you mess with her friends. Very skilled with fire magic and a spear because it's her goal to be a warrior that fights dark mages.
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Bonus mini comic
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bahbahhh · 6 months
Fledge catching zelink? B writing Skyward Sword?????
I know right?? Haha, this is actually an old WIP from when I started playing SS last year that has stuck around. I really kind of felt for Fledge...the line...."I'm not like you, Link. I fail at everything I try. "
I immediately made a note he was a NPC I would love to write. I'm afraid don't have much more than that...totk happened, haha! I had "catching zelink" with the idea Fledge might help Link come the realization he's in love with Zelda while Link is helping Fledge build his confidence. I like that it's a side quest in the game but it's focused on his physical strength...I wanted to take the pedestal Fledge has Link on and readjust it a bit.
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hyylia · 1 year
Hey there!
Some random questions for you to get to know you better! 😄
Do you like AUs (modern, pirates, vampires, etc)?
Show me (reblog) your fav Hylink and Zelink art (for all incarnations if you're feeling extra lol)!
A story that has stayed with you and why?
Do you binge longer fics or tag allowing while they're posted?
Feel free to ignore questions that are not your thing 😅
hi zelmo! tysm for the ask & also happy zelink week! 1 - i LOVE aus so much! i don't read as much modern as i used to, but i'm a sucker for a good fantasy au, especially when there's lots of fun worldbuilding tidbits included. aus are my favorite to write too! i like trying to turn a world that already exists into another--it really sparks my creativity. 2 - i have so many favorite pieces of art that this might be difficult to do LOL but i'll try to queue some up with the tag #fav. maybe that'll cut through the amount of zelink week i'm about to reblog LOL 3 - i'm a lover of stories so there are SO many that i hold in my heart. i'm definitely one of those people where, when a story has touched me, it stays with me for a long time. it's hard to pinpoint just one, but i'll say the chronicles of narnia because that's the first to come to mind and probably the first story to ever really HIT. i read them all in the span of a week when i was younger and i think that was the first book series where i bawled my eyes out at the end. even that young, the themes of growing up and life and forgiveness and faith and having courage just really hit me, and i felt so connected to all of the characters. i know i didn't understand it all then as i'm able to now, but it still does something to me when i think about it. i don't know if that answers this question but yeah LOL 4 - it depends on the fic and what kind of mood i'm in! if i'm in the mood for something long, i tend to look for completed works or longshots that i can devour in one sitting. i'm a very impatient person when it comes to stories (i can't stand being left on a cliffhanger, i always need to know what happens next!), however, if a story sounds interesting enough, i'll follow along as it updates!
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mistresslrigtar · 24 days
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It’s here! Love is Forever (sequel to I Belong to You). This story is rated E.
Chapter One - You
‘You are the sun and moon and stars are you, and I could never run away from you.’
It’s simpler than his other pieces, straight-forward, to the point and she knows he means every word and note. Zelda’s heart thrums at the words being softly sung only for her. Closing her eyes, she rests her head on his shoulder. The murmurs of the tourists around them and the pond water lapping at the shore fade as she allows the music to sweep over her, whisking her away to a place where it’s only the two of them for a little while longer.
Link continues to play, even after ceasing to sing, and when she opens her eyes to look up at him, she’s met with two bright pinpoints of blue filled with endless love–for her. As he holds her gaze, his fingers gently strum the strings, playing a chord progression that changes the key as he transitions into her song. When he sees the recognition in her eyes, Link smiles and mouths, ‘I belong to you.’
Reaching up, Zelda threads her fingers through his silky hair and pulls him closer to tenderly kiss him before whispering, “I belong to you, too.”
Read the rest on AO3! Enjoy!
Many thanks to @zeldaelmo and @hyylia for being amazing friends and betas. Zelmo asked me to participate in the WIP Big Bang, and I’m glad she did! It motivated me to focus and get this done! She also pushed me to work on my descriptive writing with this story, and told me several times when something didn’t work. It meant having to go back and do several rewrites on a few chapters, but it was worth it. Thanks for making me work harder!
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zeldaelmo · 1 year
Hi Zelmo! I have 2 dialogue prompts for you! Hope that is okay. “What are you listening to?” And “Wait, are you really serious?”
Obviously Zelink, but maybe this is set in a modern au?!!! I’ll leave that up to you ☺️
Thank you, Missy! This completely and utterly ran away from me. Yeah, it's an 90s AU. 😆 Been there, done that, so... Booyah, enjoy!
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It had been two days since Link left the tape on the cracked step that led to her backdoor. He had made sure that it was leaning against the wall so that she would spot it immediately but it was safe from the rain (never mind it was midsummer). For Zelda, he had written on the cover in blocky letters so that she didn't need to bother with his bad handwriting (and her roommate didn't steal it). Ten songs, hand-picked, painfully recorded on his stereo. He had to re-record “Romance in the Air” five times because the buzzkill of a radio host kept butting in toward the end every single time, just before the last chords faded away.
Two days and still nothing. She didn't say anything that would imply she figured out why he left it there. A mix tape, just for her. Could he get any more obvious? But nothing. No reaction. No wink, no joke, and surely no kiss. Nada.
He glanced over to her where she sat next to him on the bus back home, her leg casually touching his. Fishnet stockings brushing over baggies, close but never close. Nothing but nonchalant contact, never sitting on his lap, never pushing her fingers into his hair, and never ever pressing her lips to his.
Best friends forever.
It was driving him crazy. She smiled at him, blue-painted eyes crinkling at the corners and lips too kissable for his sanity, showing perfect teeth. She leaned her head against his shoulder, just like they’d done it dozens of times before. The strands sticking out of her space buns kept tickling his cheek and he held his breath. How could she look so cute, no matter what she wore? The one time he tried to be cool and bleached the tips of his hair, he looked like a hopeless idiot. No wonder she ignored his tape.
His head bumped against the headrest of his seat and he pulled his foot on his knee, toying with the soda tabs she had threaded on his shoelaces for fun. It was his own fault that he had a crush on her, not hers. Which idiot fell for his best friend? And left a mixtape on her doorstep? He would never worm his way out of this one if she confronted him about it. Maybe it was for the best that she simply ignored his little misstep altogether so that he wouldn’t ruin their friendship. He closed his eyes, trying to doze off. Yes, that was probably the way he should see it.
He snapped out of it when she nudged his side. "Coke?" she asked, wiggling the open can already in front of him. He nodded groggily.
"I only have Cherry Coke, I'm sorry."
"As if," he snorted, took a swig, and grimaced wholeheartedly. "Hmm, no better way to catch cavities."
"It's just because it's warm! If you would try it cool, you'd see how superior Cherry Coke is!"
"Not," he deadpanned, but the Walkman in her lap had caught his attention. His gaze followed the cords up to her earbuds and back to the blue, transparent device. There was a tape inside, he could see the little gears turning inside. His mouth went dry despite the awfully sweet Coke. "What are you listening to?"
"Oh!" She giggled and offered him an earbud. "It's a tape someone left on my doorstep the other day. I've been hearing it nonstop. They left no name, sadly. I thought about Groose, but I don't think he hears music like that."
Link stared at her, his brain trying to catch up with the words that just came out of her mouth. She had found the tape and not only that, she liked it! She heard it nonstop. Nonstop!
The tape wasn't from talk-to-the-hand Groose, it was from him! And, oh snap, he, the biggest dumbass in Hyrule, had forgotten to sign it!
He managed a wobbly smile, the earbud falling two times out of his ear when he tried to put it in.
"Glad you like it," he muttered, eyes firmly on the gears of the tape going round and round in the Walkman, half-hoping "Romance in the Air" would drown him out.
No such luck.
Neon-yellow nails waved in front of his face, forcing him to look up at her. Her face was pink.
"It's yours?" she asked, voice a little high. Link wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not, but what else should he do than nod?
The next song, 'Not this time', played in their earbuds. It was about a guy finally finding back to his love and never letting her go again. Link's favorite, mainly because of the lyrics.
"Link," Zelda said.
"Not this time," said the song, and Link had trouble keeping eye contact with her. The sky-blue eyeshadow was smeared to her lower eyelid; she must have dozed off on his shoulder as well.
"I know we're best friends," she said now, wiping even more eyeshadow over her face. "But you can't just give me a mixtape. You know what making a tape means, right? Goddess, you even have 'romance in the air' on it. And as the next to last song on top of that! You just can't!"
Link watched the words spilling from her lips. She was still pink, but now she also seemed angry? Hurt? Maybe both.
"The bridge makes me think of you," he murmured. "Of when we… when we…" The words caught in his throat and he waved her off. "Just forget about it."
Of course, she forgot about absolutely nothing. She snapped her mouth shut and opened it again, her space buns vibrating. "Wait, are you really serious?"
He shifted on the awful polyester seat cover that grew hotter by the second. "Hella serious, yeah."
"Oh, wow." She leaned back, the cord of the earbuds stretching between them. "I ruined this, right? My bad, let me try again."
A small smile graced her lips when she looked up again and lifted the Walkman. "You made this for me, right? I love it! Have been listening to it nonstop. Wanna go out sometime on the weekend?"
His smile grew tenfold bigger. "Yeah. I'd love to."
Chuckling, she dropped back onto the place on his shoulder, readjusting her earbud. A little bit of shifting was necessary to find a comfortable position, and eventually, Link put his arm around her to give her more space. "This okay?"
"Very," she said, a smile in her voice.
Link chuckled under his breath and pressed a kiss to one of her buns.
Best friends, forever-ever.
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aurathian · 11 months
Yes, I'm asking about 'love me (and leave me to die)', what about it? 😆
How did you come up with the idea? What's your favorite part of the story (mine is Impa lying to Zelda).
thank you zelmo this fic is like a beast lying dormant within me waiting to be unleashed i need to talk about it so bad 24/7 (read it here)
i don't remember entirely how i came up with the idea, but i was inspired by the carvings the player finds underneath the castle in totk, ESPECIALLY when you can go back and unveil the rest of the carvings covered by rock. i found the lore it revealed so intriguing, and it inspired my favorite part of the story, the scene where link and zelda secretly meet in the middle of the night underneath the castle. (this is the excerpt below the cut!), which in turn inspired the whole fic.
this is usually how most of my fics come about--i get inspired by something and have a scene in my head that i base the story around, which is what happened here. i played around with ways i could fit it into the various zelink week prompts and had to do some tweaking to make it work, but i am so so proud of this fic and everything that it is. like... my planning doc has SO MUCH worldbuilding in it that i just couldnt ultimately fit into the final fic i put so much thought into it.
i also got the idea from botw with zelda's struggle to awaken her powers. she knows what she has to do but she can't do it. the zelda in this story has a similar but not identical dilemma--she (thinks she) knows what she has to do and is willing to do it but when she finds out the truth, she doesn't know if she can. but in the end she accepts it and angst occurs lol.
i already mentioned my fav part of the story but to elaborate. ow they hurt me so much i love angst and tragedy and oh my god they are sooooo in love and sad. this is such a quiet and tender and lonely scene and i love it. here it is (very long excerpt):
“You are much more hopeful than me,” she teases with a grin. “I don’t dare fantasize.” And even though she has convinced herself there is no point in imagining a future, she pictures it in her mind. The tension in her muscles starts to dissipate and she worries she’ll melt. A sparkling blue lake brimming with fish, surrounded by dense forests, in the middle of nowhere, where nobody can reach them…
“You should try it sometime. It’s good for you,” Link suggests, and although his expression is teasing, his words are sincere. So, Zelda tries. 
“On warm days, we can swim in the lake,” she musters, entertaining the idea. “Then we can go home and enjoy some tea afterwards, before turning in for the night.” Imagining such a peaceful scene feels like a sin, but when his palm comes to rest on her face, cupping her cheek, all notions of divinity leave her mind. With a sigh, she relaxes into his hand.
“We can get married,” Link dares to say. “Just us, by that lake, with only the birds and the water as our witnesses.”
Her breath catches in her throat and she wants to say yes right then and there, but her holy senses return for just a moment and she blurts, “And the Goddess Hylia.”
“No.” The Hero, chosen by her, shakes his head. “By that lake, there are no goddesses or calamities. There is only us.”
Then surely this lake is fictional, Zelda thinks. For so long she has tied herself to the Goddess and her wishes that to even think of a world without her is blasphemous. But something about the idea is charming… alluring, even, something she desires deep within her. A land, green and lush with sparkling blue waters, untouched by divinity or holy, otherworldly ambitions, a land where the Hero and the Princess are no longer tied to destiny or fate or duty. A land where they are simply Link and Zelda, where they are in love and they hope.
“I would like that,” is all she whispers.
“We have children.” Link strokes her cheek with his thumb. “Two of them, and a pet. A cat, maybe. And we live on that lake and teach them what normal kids are taught and we play with them, raise cows and ponies.”
“They are carefree.”
“Yes, and we live there for the rest of our days.”
Tears are pricking her eyes and she angles her head so he can’t see through the fickle light. “And those kids grow up, have children, and they spend their days there until we become part of the Long Ago, too.”
“And they are not Princess or Hero. Simply our sons and daughters.”
A silence looms, floating in the dusty air between them, and Zelda cannot bring her teary eyes to meet his once again. Because she knows–she knows it's wishful thinking, and that such a thing will never come to pass. For this eternity and the next and the next and the next, there will always be a Hero and a Princess, doomed and destined to save the world. The Princess and the Hero, by blood and soul, bound by fate, were doomed to a life of calamities. In the Now, in the Long Ago, and in the Far Away Future, there would never be a lake void of calamities and goddesses.
“Not in this life, Link.”
“No.” He looks down. “Not in this life.”
“And not in the next, either, or the one after,” she proceeds. Her posture straightens in an effort to hide the shaking she feels in her hands and the quivering in her lips as tears threaten to fall. “Perhaps it is not meant to be.”
She curses herself as his thumb swipes away an escaped tear and he moves to pull her in close, his other hand finding her back and nudging her into him. He is warm and strong, arms firmly wrapped around her, head placed atop hers. He knows it cannot be, and still he fantasizes, bringing her into his head and allowing her to live peacefully if only for a few moments, even in the shadow of her fate.
Her regrets are amplified when she is in his arms, the guilt washing over like a strong wave. In his arms, she is reminded of the talks from her mother and Impa that if she were to be romantic with him, as so many Heroes and Princesses had been before, it would spell the world’s doom. And yet she can’t help it. From such a young age they have relied on each other, understood one another in a way no one else could. It’s only natural, Zelda knows, that sharing a fate so deeply intertwined through thousands and thousands of years would result in, perhaps, a small kiss that became much more over the years; a kiss that turned the Princess and the Hero from an obligatory pair to a couple utterly devoted to each other.
As duty-bound and destiny-aware as the Princess of Hyrule is, she cannot deny her heart.
Link murmurs something in her ear and it makes her heart flutter and sink into her chest all at the same time, so full of love but also brimming with despair.
“My Zelda,” he sighs.
Not in this life, she thinks.
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Has anyone asked after:
(Also, yeah I remember no space into file names days... I also see the _ you put there... 😄)
This WIP is song lyrics/melody/harmony meant to be sung over the Zora's Domain music - it's supposed to be a traditional/well-known Zora song called "My Love Is As The Sea." In my BotW longfic, it's one of Link's father's favorite songs (partly why it appears in the story). I opened the WIP and realized the I could only share it if I did a bunch of editing and mixing work on it first, so I did.
Disclaimer: The Zora's Domain music is owned by Nintendo. I do not make any claim to it at all.
What I did is create lyrics, a melody, and harmonies. This is used in a scene from my BotW longfic where a bunch of guys including Link, Robbie, and Seggin are singing in a storage room. The IDEA behind this WIP was to actually make it sound like all the different people in the scene, so I'd play with the voices to make them sound deeper and different from each other, and eventually drop the Domain music itself out, leaving only voices. But... I have not done that yet.
My love is as the sea, ebbing and flowing in me With the tide it rises and rises and mountains are swallowed inside My love crashes through me, I have no say, I am not free I cannot hide, why try to, why try
Sun in the day and Moon in the night All I can do is surrender and ride The sweet ocean waves as they fly with the Moon And crash when the light of the Sun blazes bright When the two meet in the sky as is fated Helpless before them I float and I face it Lights of my life they lift me and carry me Home, home
My love is as the sea, vast is my home and my heart No divides, nothing, no nothing can tear us apart My love is greater than me, there’s no resisting, look to the stars I know my path to the future, onward Onward
Ride with the sea Ride with the sea Home, home Ride with the sea Vast is my home and my heart Ride with the sea Surrender Ride with the sea Surrender Ride with the sea.
[I have zero intention of selling Nintendo's music or claiming that it's my own. This is merely a project I started to enhance the scene in the fic. I decided to keep the Zora's Domain music in there for this WIP ask so people can tell how the music/lyrics are meant to be sung around the existing piece].
[And picture Link, Robbie, Seggin and some other guys standing around in a storage room singing while Robbie changes his clothes - it's a comedy scene].
Thanks for the ask, Zelmo!
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zeldadiarist · 11 months
Surprise, I'm not asking about playgirl again. 😆
Whats your favorite scene of Pas de Deux?
My dear Zelmo, you know you can drop by and rant about Playgirl all you want!
Back to the question, I think it’s a tie between the “this is not a date” scene in chapter four, and when Zelda gives Link the book about Les Ballets Russes.
I wanted to give the characters some solid background stories, and I think I achieved that despite Pas de Deux being a shorter story.
I also still remember that I listened a lot to Carly Rae Jepsen’s Emotion album while writing this - my favorites from that album are Warm Blood and Run Away With Me!
Fun fact: some ideas I discarded for Pas de Deux were used in Playgirl!
Thanks for the ask, it was real fun to reread this story too!
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tired-twili · 2 years
Da girls concepts?
Sorry this is late haha, but thanks for the ask zelmo!
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Basically, there's so many "Links meet" comics,,,where's a Zeldas meet? Is there one? If so I need it asap.
It may be old but I am still quite fond of the idea haha
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flutefemme · 2 years
Ok, y'all I do not have many WIPs but here I go! (Do ideas count as wips?) Thanks for the tag, @drsteggy !
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!
The Fallback Plan
The Zelink Chronicles
Robbie and Purah
Cowboy/Rancher c. 1910 AU
March of the Koroks
Regency AU illustration for Zelmo
That's all I got...😅😅😅
If you've already been tagged, just ignore me...no obligation to play!
@zeldaseyebrows @aheavenscorner @louwhose @deiliamedlini
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rai-knightshade · 2 years
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I posted 19,561 times in 2022
10 posts created (0%)
19,551 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,620 of my posts in 2022
#zelink - 375 posts
#shirbert - 317 posts
#self reblog - 61 posts
#malec - 42 posts
#usamamo - 39 posts
#goncharov - 30 posts
#🥺🥺🥺🥺 - 21 posts
#unreality - 18 posts
#yes - 17 posts
#skyward sword - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#(i know he apologized in his acceptance speech but iirc the broadcast specifically mentioned he didnt apologize to chris rock specifically)
My Top Posts in 2022:
I see you liking every single thing on my YJK blog and now I have to stan
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Have a baby Jaina with her aunt Mara
THANK YOU 😂😂😂 i was reminded of my childhood love of the Young Jedi Knights via a crossover with a completely different fandom And i may have fell down the rabbit hole last night 😅 thank you for keeping this fandom alive i was almost certain i was the only person left who remembered/cared about the EU/Legends kids, especially the ones who weren't Solos and Skywalkers 😓 they are PRECIOUS and i LOVE THEM
1 note - Posted May 20, 2022
1 note - Posted April 1, 2022
Hey! 👀+💕 for the asks!
Current ask game!
👀 Do you have any words/phrases you use habitually? 
I really like word "hence", I heard it once in like third grade and I basically made it a core part of my personality from then on. Not sure how often I use it in fic tho.... Other than that, I think I use a lot of -ly words as descriptors; wryly, ruefully, brightly, etc. A bit basic I'll admit but they get the point across and I don't have to dig out a thesaurus to understand what a character is expressing.
💕 What is the WIP that you are most excited about?
Well as mentioned in the tags of my og reblog, I've only got one WIP that I'm actually working on right now! The working title is "rest your head close to my heart, never to part (baby o'mine)", which will probably stay the title cause I always use song lyrics 😂 I'm usually inspired by music to write so it's only natural, I think. It's a fic for Anne of Green Gables, specifically the Sullivan tv movie continuity remixed into the original book continuity. Set 8 years after the third movie and with zero regard for any supposed "fourth" movies you may have heard of, it centers on the eldest Blythe child, Dominic, and how he comes to a sudden realization about himself in relation to the rest of his family, and how his question of "where did I come from?" Is answered.
Or, "so you forgot to mention to your firstborn that he's adopted and now he's asking Questions™ because he's realized he's the blonde sheep of your black-, brown- and red-haired family, what do you do?" But in fic form 😂😂😂.
I'm excited to see it finished cause I've been working on it for weeks, and because it's the first fic I've written in... A year, I think? So to get it written out will be an amazing achievement for me! I'm not sure how it'll be received cause it's a) the most self-indulgent fluffy-ass piece I've ever written--even more so than my Bradyverse, which I didn't think was possible--and is explicitly canon to the Anne movie that literally only me and like 5 other people like 😅😅 but who cares it's family fluff time!
Thank you for the ask Zelmo!!
1 note - Posted February 16, 2022
⏰ What time of day do you prefer to write? 📌 If all your fics/WIPs fell off a ship and were drowning (go with it), and you could only save one, which would it be?
Time of day: whenever I've got a free moment tbh 😂😂 which currently tends to be the evenings as I work the morning shift 5 days a week. I've written or edited during my lunch times before tho so it's far from a hard and fast rule. When the inspiration strikes, it strikes!
Pick one WIP to save: well considering I only have one WIP that I'm currently working on (sorry professors!macdalton au, hopefully I'll get back to you one day), I'd say it's gonna have to be that one, titled "rest your head close to my heart, never to part (baby o'mine)". Even if it wasn't my only wip tho it'd probly be the one I save cause it's also one of the longest-taking wip I've ever had (the Brady verse doesn't count that was less one full wip and more a bunch of little snippets) and the fact that I'm still not done even tho it's been weeks is like. Torture. So I *will* finish this goddamn fic if it kills me. Wouldn't be the first death in the series at least (tho to be clear, nobody dies in this fic. It... Just happens to be about the mc finding out he's an adopted orphan, so. Clearly somebody had to die along the way. Multiple somebodies, even.)
Thanks for the ask!
1 note - Posted February 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
He didn't even punch him, he slapped him.
So I've seen now! (I didn't watch the Oscars this was entirely secondhand.) Honestly like. It smells like bullshit to me man idk talk to me when somebody like, fully assaults someone on stage in a full on brawl or some shit THEN maybe we can talk about losing Oscars. Not a (honestly very easily justified) slap.
3 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
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linktheacehero · 2 years
✍🏽 How much do you plan your fics beforehand?😚 A fic you like writing more than other fics? 👌🏻 The fic that took the fastest to write?
✍🏽I tend to plan a bit before writing, perhaps like a week or some days. I like to have a good enough outline done so then when I return to it I'm not lost or confused what my train of thought was 😚Definitely the Vampire AU one! It was so much fun to figure out how they would fall for each other and how their relationship would grow in a short amount of time as well as the mini world building.
👌🏻"We'll see each other again" took me a day to write which is the fastest I've ever written and it still shocks me. The angst brainworms were starving with this one lmao
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bahbahhh · 6 months
🤩 and 🙋🏼‍♀️!
🤩: favorite character to write
Oh boy, that is a tough one. I have to say, Impa has been really, really fun to write. I enjoy writing as Link, but I think I like writing him better from another person's PoV (Impa or Zelda or an NPC). I don't know why, but I feel like it helps keep him a little mysterious and unexpected which, at least in my head, works well with the character in the games.
🙋🏼‍♀️: do any irl people know you write fanfic?
My husband and a few of my close friends do!
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louwhose · 2 years
Tell me about the Regency AU, please!
Regency AU is a picture that I have been rendering painstakingly slowly. You asked about it last time, too! But here's a peak at how it's coming along.
Tumblr media
And, purely because I've spent enough time on it to come up with a story idea (or at least a little bit of one) I'll put that here too. Basically it's a Regency era version with botw zelink and they're in love but she's a noble lady and he's her servant... guard? so they can't really be together so even the few moments they are able to get away and be alone together they are kinda sad about it. Or maybe she's found out she needs to marry someone else and that's what's going on idk I haven't actually thought about it too much but actually writing a Regency AU is definitely something I want to do one of these days.
Thanks for the ask, Zelmo!
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mistresslrigtar · 6 months
Thanks for the ask, Zelmo! Oof! Oddly enough I’ve never used that word in any of my stories - finished or unfinished, so… you get a funny scene from Captain Araki instead 🤣
“Welcome to the King of Red Lions.” Link sweeps his free hand in a broad arc, giving Zelda his crooked, boyish smile that never fails to draw in a pretty girl. Until today…
Zelda skids to a halt beside him, eyes widening as she looks over the battered hull. “This is your ship?”
“Yeah.” Link tries not to let her derisiveness get beneath his skin and restrains himself from rising to her bait. Zelda’s pretty lips curl in disdain, and Link’s smile wanes as his stomach drops unpleasantly and his cheeks pink.
“You’re braver than I thought.” Zelda shakes her head. “That thing looks like floating garbage. Is it even seaworthy?”
“Hey!” Link rears back. Garbage?!
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zeldaelmo · 1 year
Zelmo! Congrats on 500! I have a story request if your interested!
The shrine of resurrection made Link just a lil bit taller. Link thinks it has to be a huge difference and he's very proud and excited for zelda to notice the change! Link creates all kinds of situations to get zelda to notice, but she just doesn't... 😆
Thank you Rezi and big sorry for the long wait! This one is longer because I wrote it in case we needed a pinch-hitter for a zelink community event. It's obviously a crack fic, we all know that Link is shorter than Zelda.
A little on the short side
Link lifted a rock, peeking at the rectangular object underneath.
"Ze—" he started, but then he frowned at the lettering and wiped the grime away with his palm.
"Short people stink" stood on the withered sign. Why would anyone— oh. Oh! 
His skin tingled and the familiar feeling of remembering something crept over his back.
The memory started with… the King. He inspected a display board with technical drawings. Link stood guard, as per usual. There, Zelda joined them, pinning more drawings on the board. She explained and explained, her father nodding along. And then she pinned a sign on the board, directly in front of Link. A wicked grin was shot his way and a blush rose on his face. Short people stink, written in Sheikah, so that her father couldn't read it but he could. Standing on tiptoes, Link grabbed for the sign, but it was just out of reach. The memory faded to black with the King asking if something was wrong and Zelda's shit-eating grin.
"Link? Did you find something?" The real Zelda shouted from the other side of the ruins of the Royal Lab. 
He pocketed the sign. "No, no. Just a minor memory."
She hummed. "Tell me later?"
This… wasn't the only time she had teased him for his height, right? He dug deeper into his fractured memories. Didn't she use his shoulder as an armrest and kept asking "How is the weather down there?" He closed his eyes, a familiar weight pressing onto his shoulder. Oh, yes, she did.
But… he glanced over to her, frowning. He stood up and closed the distance. 
"Oh, hi!" She greeted him, wiping her hands on her pants. "Anything of interest? I only have a handful of screws."
Chuckling, he shook his head, and rested his hands on her hips. "Just missed my girlfriend."
"Ahhh," she cooed, her lips lifting into the smile he went to the end of the world for. 
Her forehead rested against his and… He unmistakably gazed down into her eyes. 
Hm. Maybe he had just grown on his quest? But now that he thought about it, his first clothes had been awfully short. Could…the shrine do that?!
He pressed a kiss to her lips to hide the ever-growing grin on his own.
So, short people stink, huh?
She just wouldn't notice. He tried everything. Her favorite books went up onto the top of the shelf, and in the kitchen, he offered ingredients from the highest cupboard. He made her stand on a rock when they took selfies. He even lifted her chin up to kiss her!
He was the one with the memory loss! How could she forget about one of the main reasons for teasing him?
He needed a better plan. Luckily, Purah once again making fun of him for believing she would repair the slate for free, and Symin charging horrendous prices for his missing pictures, gave him the right idea…
Purah's lab was a crowded, messy place with thousands of papers scattered around and that suited Link's plan quite nicely. His role had long outgrown the simple task of standing guard; He was part of the team, working alongside Zelda (and Purah and Symin if he couldn't avoid it) to improve the slate.
"Ok…" Zelda stood in front of a giant display board, pointing at a sheet of paper. Link smirked at the parallels. "If we single this code out, we could improve the Magnesis rune so that we can extend the operating distance."
A little absent, Link hummed and fingered the item in his pack just to be sure it was still there. He said, "It's already quite wobbly at its max. I believe that we'll need some kind of stabilizer if we want to expand the distance even further."
"Stabilizer?" Purah cried, throwing her little hands in the air and whirling some papers around in the process. "Do you have any idea how complicated that would be? Or how expensive? Who is going to fund that, you?"
Well, probably yes, since he seemed to be the only one in Hyrule with a disposable income, but Link wasn't in the mood to argue. "I'm just stating facts. Try it yourself if you don't believe me." He handed her the slate, but not without the hint of an eye roll.
"On my way, director."
Zelda gave Link a look and shrugged. "I wonder why I’ve even written a stack of reports about this problem."
"Let her see it with her own eyes." Link waited until Zelda had turned toward the door and pinned his little secret at the top of the display board. 
It was hard to keep his giggles at bay outside. Purah went through several objects and distances, all while Symin took notes and Zelda tapped her foot. 
Finally, Purah had enough and grumbled an affirmation at him, but Link's thoughts were at the display board. Not without smugness, he suggested, "Tea?" and they all went back inside.
It took two minutes and twenty-five seconds (he checked the slate) until Purah screamed, "Symin! What’s this?!"
She hopped up and down in front of the display board, trying and failing to reach an old sign saying, 'Short people stink.'
One final, failed attempt and she spun, screamed, and pointed her finger at Symin, before she chased him all the way down to Hateno. It was hard to keep a straight face at the sight, but Link hadn’t been called Silent Knight for nothing. It was only when Zelda narrowed her eyes at him and then also fruitlessly reached for the sign, that his struggle exploded into a snort. Arm up in the air, she grazed the edge of the sign with her fingertips, but couldn’t tear it down. 
Uh, oh, he was in trouble. Link grinned lopsidedly and sweeped her up in her arms so that she could take it off. She slid back down and finally, finally a realization dawned in her —uplooking— eyes. “When did that happen?” she hissed.
Link shrugged, grin growing. “In the shrine, I guess.”
“And I thought memory loss was the most severe side effect.”
“Ah, come on, it’s not that bad.”
She sighed and nudged her nose against his cheek. “Guess not. But you always had the perfect height for forehead kisses and now that opportunity is gone.”
Link tugged her closer and kissed her hairline. “But now you are the perfect height for a forehead kiss. Is that nothing?”
She hummed. “But now I stink.”
Link shook with suppressed laughter. “Well. Sometimes you can’t win, tiny Princess.”
On his run to their house he wasn’t sure what was worse — the kick she gave him against his kneecap or his stomach ache from doubling over with laughter. 
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