#thanks for tagging me rye!
Y ⭒ youngest daughter by superheaven
O ⭒ oceania by björk
U ⭒ use me by grace jones
N ⭒ not sorry by the cranberries
G ⭒ gas panic! by oasis
E ⭒ every night by odetta
S ⭒ schizophrenia by sonic youth
T ⭒ the stars by ocapello's
D ⭒ do i move you? by nina simone
A ⭒ any other way by jackie shane
U ⭒ unpunishable by ethel cain
G ⭒ get gone by fiona apple
H ⭒ happens to the heart by leonard cohen
T ⭒ the upper peninsula by sufjan stevens
E ⭒ everything goes to hell by tom waits
R ⭒ rollin' tumblin' (remix) by r.l. burnside
S ⭒ solo estoy by los yorks
Y ⭒ you're so cool by nicole dollanganger
N ⭒ never say never by romeo void
D ⭒ destroying angels by sneaker pimps
R ⭒ run....run by elizabeth cotten
O ⭒ our ages or our hearts by roberta flack
M ⭒ missed by pj harvey
E ⭒ earthmover by have a nice life
Was tagged by my darlingest @supersonic1994 to do this yayyy thank u <3<3<3 ive no idea whos done this yet so ignore if youve done it already lol @twoheadedfawnn @concordewillfly @rivertigo @evebabitzgf @peachboy27 @projectiondepartment and if u wanna do it say i tagged u <3<3<3
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maingh0st · 4 months
Are you reading the old or new version of tithe? How you like it so far?
oh I actually was unaware there were different versions! if anyone sees this and knows the differences, I’d love a primer. but I assume mine is the new version—it’s the newer cover.
I’m about 70 pages in, and as a disclaimer, I’m mostly paying attention to holly’s craft (I like learning!) so most of my notes so far are related to that. but some random thoughts:
breakneck pacing. the first chapter is so cursory that it’s odd. if I had to guess, I’d assume Holly does not struggle to move plots along, but does have to go back & create space for moments & characters to breathe (it seems like a skill she’s grown in since tithe)
her talent for capturing the feel of a place can definitely be seen in this book, even through some other more odd writing choices. like there’s an old, dilapidated coastal town, and I fully felt like I was there based on the sensory details she decided to highlight. I’ve also made note of other turns of phrases that I’ve found lovely—like at one point, there’s a line about the stormbright sky painting the woods silver. simple but beautiful. she’s just great with visual treats like that
I have no strong feelings about the characters yet—obviously I’m interested in Roiben, and I’m inclined to like Kaye, but that’s more a symptom of having read tfota. I don’t know how differently I’d feel if I’d picked this book up first
I’m excited to learn more about other courts. also, just getting more of a feel for how the fey work is cool—like the iron-tipped arrow, kaye’s magic, etc.
The tone of this one is wildly different than tfota lmao. I think @thewinecoloredsea called it fairy Euphoria or something like that and I see it now
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remindertoclick · 25 days
Your reminder to Click for Palestine today!
Once you've done that, here's a fun poll to say thank you!
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One For The Road [1]
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Cecil Dennis x AFAB!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals• masterlist • ao3• want to be tagged? • request info • ko-fi •
Series Masterlist
Summary: Cecil forgets he invited you over.
A/N: The biggest thank you to @thexsanctuaryx for beta reading this and fixing some of my British-isms <3 I owe you my life!
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of weed, weed use, fleshlights, Cecil talking about 'Catcher In The Rye', fingering, Cecil coming in his pants, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 3404
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You Sit and Talk to Me on the Floor
You lean back against the sofa, getting comfortable as your high pleasantly buzzes in the back of your head.
You’d been pretty pissed when you’d got here and Harry was nowhere to be found. (You, him and Cecil and Harry’s new girlfriend Mary-Ann, who you hadn’t met yet, had plans to hang out and watch a film. Or at least that’s what Cecil had told you.) He’d grinned when he’d opened the door, “What are you doing here?”
Turns out he’d been high (unsurprising) when he’d messaged and asked you. And had promptly forgotten all about it without letting Harry or Mary-Ann know. 
And now Harry was ‘working’. Or something. Cecil wasn’t exactly clear. 
Ever since he’d been dumped by his girlfriend Cecil had been staying with his cousin to ‘get back on his feet’, or more correctly, ‘make a mess, panic, tidy the house in a crazy rush to a standard that would put a professional kitchen to shame and then repeat’. 
He’d apologised for a good fifteen minutes when he realised his mistake, and had offered you a brownie as he ushered you inside. 
“Is there weed in this?” 
He stared at you like you’d grown an extra head. “It’s a brownie.”
“You know pot isn’t a standard ingredient, right?”
He’d pulled a face that made you laugh. “What’s the point in that?” 
Cecil sits on the floor, leaning against the sofa and lolling his head back as he talks to you, “I’m really glad you came actually, sorry again,” he smiles shyly, “I was kinda lonely.”
“You can hire people for that.” You tease and he snorts.
“No, that’s not what I mean. Besides,” he shrugs, “I’m broke.” 
You giggle, finding it far funnier than you normally would. 
He grins and takes a swig of his beer before another hit from his bong. 
“How many brownies did you have?” You ask, interested, you’d only had one. 
“Two… and a half.” 
“And you’re smoking too?” 
“Yeah? I mean,” he puffs up his chest proudly, “I got a high tolerance.”
“If there were an olympics in getting high you’d probably get a gold.” 
“I definitely would get a gold, I bet they used to have that, weed consuming, in the olympics I mean. They used to have poetry and people competing naked and everything, and then it got ruined.” 
“With clothes or lack of poems?” You smile.
“Both.” He nods confidently. “Though maybe some clothes is a good idea…” He ponders for a moment, “I bet if you run and you got no pants on your dick just,” he flops his hand around like crazy and you giggle, “I mean, that would hurt. And boobs!”
“Boobs?” You wheeze out. 
“Yeah, I bet some boobs would hurt too, you need those high impact bras and all that.”
“How do you know about that?” You run your hand through his hair absentmindedly, he always did have such soft, rich curls. 
“I’m a guy of knowledge, you know. I know many things.”
“Like what then?” 
He leans a little into your touch, smiling as you stroke his hair. “Erm, I know that this,” he taps the part of the sofa he’s leaning against, “is called a sofa skirt.” 
“Is not.”
“Is too.” He grins at you when you poke out your tongue. “I know the sky’s blue because of Rayleigh scattering-”
“What’s Rayleigh scattering?” 
“Why the sky is blue.”
“Cecil…” You roll your eyes playfully and he giggles. 
“Okay, okay, it’s to do with light particles and how they,” he waves his hand to the side making a buzzing noise, “move about when they’re in a wavelength.”
“How do you know that?”
He shrugs, “I dunno. Just do. Something stuck once I guess.”
You nod, “Pretty impressive skill.”
“Nah,” he shakes his head, “I don’t control what sticks, I’ve literally read every single math book I ever could on how to do algebra when I was in high school and nothing.” He pauses and then smiles, “I can quote Catcher in the Rye to you though.” 
“What?” You shift a little, leaning closer. “Like the whole thing?”
“Mostly,” he shrugs again but he puffs his chest out, obviously pleased at your interest. “But I guess I could just be making it up if you don’t know it word for word and don’t have a copy in front of you.” 
“I trust you.” You say kindly and he beams. 
“Well, okay, look, first paragraph, because it’s easy,” he swallows and clears his throat. 
“If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth.” He puts on a voice as he speaks, at first it’s jokey as he tries to poke a little fun at himself, but as he continues it relaxes, becomes more like he’s inhabiting the voice of the character. 
“That’s very, very cool.” You grin and he smiles shyly, looking down at his hands before taking another hit. “Yeah, well, doesn’t help much.”
“You like Catcher in the Rye?” 
He nods. “Got an A+ on that report.” He grins, “I always thought it was sad, you know? The story I mean. Just a kid trying to be an adult because that’s what society implies, when really he just wants to be… you know… enjoy his childhood.” He nods a little. “I like that his little sister is more mature than him, that he has this innocence to him. That even though the story is about a loss of that, in the end, I dunno, I don’t think it fully happened.” 
You incline your head, staying quiet so he’ll continue.
“I mean, I think he’s still innocent. Still playing at being an adult. Like everyone is.” He shrugs, shaking his head. “But whatever.” 
You give his shoulder a light shove, “But whatever? Cec,” you lean forward, your hand still in his hair, “that’s so good, like insightful.” You say sincerely. 
He gives you a bashful smile, his eyelashes fluttering a little as you compliment him. “Yeah, you know, thanks.” There’s the smallest flush to his cheeks. “You’re so smart and everything so that means a lot.” 
“Cec,” you say softly, shaking your head, “you gotta think better of yourself.”
He nods halfheartedly.
“Really, you got to, you…” You pause, trailing off as something catches the light and inadvertently, your eye. It’s shoved to the side, on the floor between the right hand side of the sofa and the wall. 
Cecil looks around to where you’re staring, mildly interested for a moment before his eyes widen. “Oh, shit, sorry!” He goes to push it further under the couch and out of sight but doesn’t reach far enough and ends up falling onto his side and flailing about. 
“Is that what I think it is?” You giggle, unable to stop yourself. 
“Erm…” He looks up at you, trying his best to give you a winning smile from the floor. “That depends on what you think it is?” His voice is hopeful. 
“A flesh light?” 
He groans and puts his hand dramatically over his face. 
You laugh harder. 
“It is?” You ask excitedly, unsure why this is amusing you quite so much. 
“Oh my goooooood,” you lean down and ruffle his hair until he has to take his hand off his face to bat you away and starts laughing, “Cecil getting it on in the living rooooooom.” 
“No!” He lies.
“Ohhhhh, is that what you were doing before I got here?” The glee in your voice is palpable. “Is that why it took you so long to answer the door?” 
“Stop.” He tries to pout but keeps laughing. “I hadn’t got that far yet.”
“You came over! That’s more important than jacking off.” 
You snort loudly. “I’m honoured.” 
He pulls a playful face and lightly smacks your calf. 
“I wouldn’t have stopped having a wank just because you came over.” You joke and Cecil bursts into hysterics. 
He manages to calm down long enough to spit out his next words, “I wouldn’t ask you to stop.” 
“If you wanted to get down and whatever, that’s fine, I’d just hang in the kitchen.” 
It’s your turn to have a laughing fit. “Oh, you’re so slimy.” You tease, adjusting your skirt as you move.
“No, no,” he sits up, still giggling, his cheeks flush. “I wouldn’t watch or listen, I’m not being a perv.” 
“Sure, sure.” 
“Hey! I don’t need to spy on people, I can, you know.”
“What?” You grin.
“See it on the TV whenever.” 
You start laughing again. You had been expecting a bit of macho, ‘I can pick up willing partners whenever I want to’, not ‘I’ll watch some porn’. 
“Yeah?” You prod him in the arm playfully. 
“Yeah.” He nods, “that’s what I was doing before you came over.” 
“Oh, good to know.” You chuckle. Part of you knows it’s the weed that’s making you a little less guarded than you usually were, but you can’t help yourself. “What were you watching then?”
“Well, I hadn’t decided yet.” He shrugs, but he’s grinning, obviously quite happy to talk with you about this. “I was having a look.” 
“On what?” 
“PornHub,” he shuffles towards the TV on his knees and grabs the remote and then his phone. “I cast it, see,” the screen mirrors his phone as he scrolls through. “I was just browsing.” 
“You say that so casually.” You goad him playfully. 
“Yeah, well, I mean why not? Most people look at porn.” 
You nod.
“Don’t you?” He asks, quite innocently as he cocks his head to the side. 
Heat rushes under your skin. “Well, erm, yeah, I mean.” 
He grins, but not in a gloating way, more pleased that you’re both sharing something. 
“What, erm,” you squirm a little, feeling foolish and trying to push the focus back to him. “What do you normally watch?” 
“Like porn wise?” 
He grins, “lots actually, my tastes are very varied.” He says like he’s talking about wine. “Sometimes two girls, sometimes a guy and a girl, sometimes two guys, sometimes a group. Sometimes just someone by themselves.” He shrugs and looks up at you, when he sees you’re still listening he swallows and continues, “I got a favourite.” 
You nod, your mouth dry. 
“It’s two girls, erm, it’s not even like, that,” he waves his hands, “it’s just, it’s quieter, I guess? They sound more… natural. Like it’s not being put on for show, and they got like, these suits. It’s not like latex or anything, not that there’s a problem with that, it’s sort of like body suits, skin tight, but hands are free, and boobs, and,” he motions to his crotch, “down there, and… they sort of… like just…” his face reddens a little more. “They, rub together in like missionary and come and… and it just sounds so nice. They look like they’re really enjoying it.” 
He looks up at you again and fidgets, his eyes dark. 
The nervous expression, the flush to his cheeks shouldn’t be endearing, shouldn’t make you feel a twist of heat in your stomach. 
“I could… show you?” He says quietly, like he’s trying to tiptoe around something else. 
You find yourself nodding once, saying, “Okay.” before you even realise it. 
He finds it quickly on his phone and sits down next to you on the sofa, a hands width away. 
You stare at the TV while looking at him from the corner of your eye. 
“This reminds me of high school.” He says quietly, biting his lips together. “A group of us used to, when porn was harder to get hold of, used to like, watch it together and smoke.” 
You nod, a quick reply simply not coming. 
The video starts, the two women posing for the camera before they make their way to the bed.
“I used to worry,” he continues, “because sometimes weed makes me really horny.” He shrugs, flinching inwardly at why he said that. 
“I get that.” You swallow. 
One woman climbs on top of the other. 
“You do?” He asks. 
“Yeah,” why are you speaking, why can’t you just shut up? “The horny thing.” 
“From smoking or watching porn?” He asks innocently. 
“Both, I guess.” 
He hums, nodding. “Me too.” 
You both continue to watch for a moment in an odd silence, the air is thick with an oppressive weight. You want to look at him again, want to see his soft eyes and plump lips. 
Cecil shifts a little, fidgeting once before he pushes the heel of his hand against his leg and… wait… not his leg. 
His erection is straining against his jeans.
You can’t help but look, going over the shape and outline and- You freeze. He’s looking right at you.
“Sorry.” He gives you a sheepish smile as if he was the one that had been caught perving. “Guess it’s a bit more obvious on me.” He jokes, but the tips of his ears still flush. 
“No, yeah, I mean…” you stumble over your words, trying to fill the gaps as the moans from the TV grow louder and… they did sound like they were having fun. “I mean,” you swallow and start again, “I, if I had a dick, you’d see it,” you motion your hand upright. 
You nod. 
“Not just saying that to make me feel better?” He asks, gently nudging you in the shoulder.
“No… I would.” 
He gives you a sweet look, but it’s still disbelieving. 
“Cecil, I’m not lying.” 
“I don’t know…” 
“Why would I lie?”
“You’re too nice all the time, it’s not lying it’s ‘sparing my feelings’.” He motions with his hands.
“Well, I’m not,” you fold your arms. “I’m being truthful.”
“I said okay,” he teases. “I’m agreeing with you.”
“But you don’t believe me.” 
He nods. “That’s true.”
You huff air through your nose, exasperated. “I’m not lying.”
“There’s no point to me lying.” Your voice raises a little at the end, which only makes it sound more like you are lying. 
“Oh, fuck you.” 
He laughs, “just because you’re a dirty and bad liar, doesn’t mean-”
You don’t know why you do it, but you grab a hold of his hand and press it forcefully between your legs. “See?” Your voice sounds sure of itself, like a gloat. But your mind is just only catching up with your actions. And the sensation of Cecil’s warm, thick fingers against your core. 
You’re wearing a skirt, the only thing separating your skin from his is the thin material of your panties which are undoubtedly damp. 
“Oh,” he breathes, his cock twitches. “Yeah, you’re…” 
You freeze, still holding his hand against you. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. 
His fingers brush a little against the cotton. The action takes you by surprise and much to your dismay a weak gasp leaves your lips.
He glances up to your face as you keep your eyes closed, screwing them shut to avoid his gaze. But seemingly he finds what he was looking for. 
He moves his fingers again, a little firmer this time, tracing a soft circle against your clit and you shudder. 
There’s a pause, a fraction of a second as he waits for you to stop him, to tell him no. 
You don’t. 
So he does it again, and again, and again until you’re squirming. Your breath is coming out fast as your hips shallowly move in time with his fingers. 
He inches closer to you, pressing his chest against your shoulder and resting his forehead on your temple. 
Cecil moans softly in your ear as you whine, your lip between your bottom teeth as you watch the two women fuck on screen without really seeing. 
He slowly presses on the damp patch, rubs along your core before he slips your underwear to the side and touches you lightly. 
You jolt, gasping, turning your head to press your forehead to his. 
He groans as he traces his forefinger along your slit, marvelling at the slick that coats the tip of his finger before he lightly pinches your clit. 
“Cecil,” you breathe. 
“It’s okay,” he mutters, kissing your cheek and then your lips gently, “it’s okay, it’s just a friend helping another one out. Just helping…” He drapes his free arm around your shoulders, his fingers mirroring the pattern of his other hand on your arm. 
He kisses you again, soft and sweet as he lightly teases you with the tip of his tongue. 
The second you part your lips he inhales deeply, angling his hand and pushing two fingers deep inside while flicking your clit with his thumb. 
You gasp, your moans music to his ears as he kisses you wantonly as he curls and strokes your walls. 
“Oh, god, you’re really wet,” he bites his lip, grunting as he presses closer, curls deeper until you’re bucking and practically sobbing. “Really tight, mmm, feel so nice inside.” He mumbles, not really registering what he’s saying as he pants in your ear. “Thank you for letting me, oh,” he shivers as you whine, grabbing hold of any part of him you can reach and clinging on, silently begging him to continue.
“Is that good? Is that where it’s nice?” He swallows, stroking the same spongy spot again and groaning when your thighs quiver. 
You nod rapidly and he coos, “oh good, good, mmm,” he kisses your neck, breathing deeply to fill his lungs with your scent. “God, so nice and warm, bet you got the cutest little pussy? Fuck.” He groans, moving so he can rub his crotch against your thigh, “you’ll let me look sometime? I would love to see it, bet it’s so sweet.” 
Your eyes roll back, your muscles tensing as he keeps moving, keeps pulling you closer to that edge. Your moans are overshadowing the sounds of the TV, the squelch of his fingers fucking you relentlessly bouncing around the room. 
You can hardly think, hardly form words, your mind obsessed with the reaction that all consuming pleasure that is so, so near. 
“Bet it’s the prettiest pussy I’ll ever see,” he groans, the friction of his jeans burning deliciously against his cock as he rubs himself over your thigh, making him lightheaded. Being near you is making him lightheaded. The fact that you’ve let him touch you, and be in you is dizzying and those sounds you’re making are enough to make him come on the spot. Right now, so close. Just a tiny little more friction and-
You clench around his fingers, crying out as your orgasm is pulled expertly from you. Cecil whines, keeps moving his thick fingers in that blinding pattern and pressure, as he follows you instantly. Your blissed out expression driving him clean over the edge. 
You shiver, your thighs shaking as you come, as the pleasure seems to stretch onwards and as Cecil moans softly in your ear. 
You both breathe, Cecil’s fingers still inside you as you stroke a hand through his hair. A wet patch starts to bleed into his boxers, but he doesn’t care. Not when you’re so close and he feels so happy.
He opens his mouth to speak and-
There’s a key in the lock, and the front door opens. You both jump, moving away from each other to the opposite ends of the sofa as Harry comes back. 
You feel oddly empty without his touch, without his fingers buried inside. 
Harry pokes his head around before he comes into the room, he looks at the bong and beer and porn still playing on the TV. “You guys started the party without me?” He kids. 
You laugh, not entirely convincing. 
“Cecil, man, what’re you doing showing off your porn playlist huh?” Harry jokes and Cecil shrugs. 
He’s using his forearm to cover any signs of his softening erection and wet patch, while he dangles his other hand off the arm of the sofa, out of Harry’s sight. Where his cousin can’t see how he rubs his slick covered fingers together.
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Thank you for reading!
@pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @whatthefishh
@romanarose @strangerhands @saturn-rings-writes @lonelyisamyw-0love @queerponcho
@steven-grants-world  @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moons @minigirl87 @lunar-ghoulie
@silvernight-m @autismsupermusicalassassin @apesarecuul @reallyrallyauthor @basicalyrandom
@alwaysmicado @mangoslushcrush @marc-spectorr @soft-girl-musings  @spxctorsslxt
@novarosewood @pygmi-cygni
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Muddled Waters 2
No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Part of the Sweet and Spicy AU
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, blood, violence,, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: your boss has a dangerous secret.
Character: Nick Fowler (mob au)
Please comment and reblog if it’s not too much. I always love getting to chat about these stories and hearing all your ideas! You all are wonderful and loved.
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Your shift goes as usual. You make drinks to order and bring them out to the tables, or to set in the windows set into the walls of the private rooms. Those are for the more exclusive patrons, the ones who remain mostly faceless. The Sapphire is as close to a speakasy as you’d find in this century.
As you bring out a single scotch and place it on the ledge of the order window, a voice intone from the other side.
“Pardon me,” the English lilt wafts through, “your boss wouldn’t happen to be in house?”
You pull back your hand and consider the question. The customers in the rooms never talk to you. No thank yous, no pleases, no special orders. Those all come through the screen in the back which lists their demands; no olives, extra salt, double vodka...
“No, sir, I’m sorry, he’s not in,” you reply.
“Pity,” he remarks and a hand reaches to take the glass. “You will let him know I was here. In Room Four.”
“I’ll mention it. Would there be a name I should give him?”
“He will know,” he returns and footsteps scuff away from the window. Right.
You’re somewhat used to the cryptic. As nice as Nick can be, he isn’t always straightforward. The establishment does give you reason to bat an eye but for the most part, your pay stubs keep your gaze in the other direction.
You return to the kitchen and work at cleaning the used glasses brought by the singular busboy. You don’t know his name and he doesn’t talk. He always has earbuds in and only puts bins of dishes in the wash tray.
To say the operation is minimal is an understatement. Yet there is never more demand than you can meet. It makes you wonder how Nick breaks even with such a limited audience. Especially with the grade of ingredients he gets in. You never worked at a bar that didn’t water down their liquor now and again.
The night comes to an end and the lights dim as the bar closes up. The busboy clears the rooms and locks the front door. You leave the glasses in sparkling rows on the shelves and a bin of dishcloths to have washed the next day. You place away a few stray bottles then wipe down the counters.
“You’re here late,” Nick’s voice startles you and you hiss, looking up at him from the edge of your vision.
“Cleaning up,” you say and toss the cloth with the rest. “Just finishing now.”
“Mm,” he nods and hooks his thumbs in his belt loops, “you wouldn’t happen to have time to make me something, would ya? I’ll keep it simple.”
You withhold a sigh. Or maybe a yawn. Your eyes tingle and you shrug, “sure, what do you want?”
“Rye and coke,” he answers as he approaches the island and crosses his arms over the top, leaning on the stainless steel.
You swiftly gather everything you need and put together the simple drink. You set it before him and return all you disturbed back to its rightful place. You face him as he raises the glass and considers the dark elixir.
“Oh, er, someone asked for you,” you untie your apron and fold it over the bin meant for tomorrow’s laundry.
“Someone did? Was she pretty?” He winks.
You shake your head, “no. It was a man. He was in Room Four. That’s what he told me to tell you.”
“Room Four,” he repeats and puts the brim to his lips, taking a slow draw. His cheeks dimple before he pulls it away. “Noted.”
You nod at his strange reaction. Almost none at all. You check the time and drag your hands over your head.
“Well, I’m going to head home,” you say, “if that’s okay?”
“Quitting time,” he says coolly, his eyes stuck on the cabinet, a squiggle in his forehead. “Go on, get some sleep, sweetheart.”
“You too,” you shoot back. “Look like you need it.”
You pass him and he stands, turning to watch you, “hey, what does that mean?”
“Nothing, just... look tired.”
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he scoffs.
You go through to the backroom and grab your jacket and purse. It’s not really a strange night. A few out-of-the-ordinary occurrences, but nothing worrying. The man in Room Four and Nick’s late-night appearance; it’s not really a pattern.
You glance back at the kitchen door before you leave. You head out the back and walk down the next street. You approach your car parked by the curb, the rush hour jam keeping you from finding a closer spot. You take out your keys and they jangle loudly as your footsteps echo.
As you shove your keys into the slot, you’re suddenly taken off your feet, a blunt force jarring your wrist as your fingers catch in the keyring. You hit the ground with wheeze and roll across the stray pebbles as you hug your chest. You can’t breathe.
“Look, honey,” the British voice hisses through the night, “I didn’t wanna bring you into this but I needa send a message.” A figure straddles you on their knees, holding you down by your neck. “Not much, you’ll live...” you hear a metallic shing, “bit of blood is all.”
You feel a piercing pain just below your neck, right at the small dip of your collar bone. You cry out as the metal slices down your chest and easily through your shirt. Your skin parts with the fabric as you vibrate in agony.
“Get... off,” you cough out as you regain your breath. “Please...”
“Shh, honey,” he takes the knife away and smears his hand over your chest, your warm blood spreading under his rough palm, “I just want him to see you painted up nice for him.” He drags his hand over your face, the metallic scent staining your nose and lips. “Mm, you are a pretty thing, too.”
The man wiggles his hips lasciviously before he pushes himself off of you. He stands and you cover your ragged skin with your hands and whine, sobs rising from the pain hewn into your flesh. There’s a noise, something distant, maybe a door, and the man’s silhouette strolls off, whistling into the night.
Another set of footfalls approach you as you writhe on the ground. You don’t understand what happened. Why did that man do this to you? You can’t move. You can’t think. You just can’t.
The street light flickers as someone steps around the front of your car.
“Shit,” Nick rushes over and falls to his knees beside you, “shit, sweetheart, I shouldn’t have let you come out here alone. I shoulda knew...”
“Why?” You babble as your blood seeps between your fingers, “why, Nick?”
You squeeze your eyes shut and bawl. He slides his arms under you and lifts you as you exclaim. He hushes you as he holds you against his chest.
“It hurts,” you whimper.
“I got you, sweetheart,” he rasps, “I got you.”
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plasticfangtastic · 3 months
My Masterlist
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Howdy my name is Kay and I write fics for the boys (mostly just Homelander centric) this is a directory of my old and new fics, any projects am working on have worked on can be found here.
I hate short stories and I write long Chapters, I love Butchlander and Butchie content.
I'm currently on a writing hiatus
Old pin post with the following works can be found here:
Of The same Poisonous Ilk (A Butchlander/self-cest fic-- on hiatus)
Building Blocks (a Butchlander fic-- on hiatus)
Anybody Else Won't do (An Ashlander fic-- on hiatus)
Can We be Lonely Together (A HL x reader fic or Homelander x Joe Goldberg from YOU fic-- completed)
American Royalty (A dadlander x reader fic with a homelander daughter OC-- completed)
Carnivorous Lamb (A Homelander x Male! OC priest kink/ntr fic-- completed)
Thicker than Water (A Soldier Boy x Homelander fic-- one-shot)
No Codiciaras los bienes ajenos (A HL x Ashley x Butcher fic-- one-shot)
Behind the Scenes (A Hometek fic)
When the Lion loved the lamb (A HL x Male oc prequel to Carnivorous lamb one-shot)
This wasnt in the job description (An Ashlander fic one-shot)
My current fics:
Quiet Room-- A Homelander fic about him and Jonah Voguelbaum going to see Shrek.
A Garden Without Impurity-- Homelander X GN Reader fic, he is a polygamist and reader is his favorite spouse
Lemon Scented Messes-- A Butchie fanfic (my first one ever)
Charred Steaks-- A Butchlander fic short and sweet involving a partially depowered Homelander
Thank you for reading!
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ryeriy · 2 years
warnings: just fluff
pairings: fem hughes!reader x mark estapa
a/n: my first post like this, hope you like it and please give me feedback.
join my taglist
request: hi girlie!! I know it's not Halloween but could I request a Halloween instagram thing please? Thanks rye!
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liked by markestapa, edwards.73, lhughes_06, and 8,956 others
yn.username happy halloween to all of you lovely humans. we spent the night watching horror movies (mark screamed the whole time) in our costumes eating store bought candy
tagged markestapa
view all 563 comments
edwards.73 why wasn't I invited :(
-> youruser.name my sincerest apologies 🙏🏻
markestapa my bad eddy, I told her not to invite you
edwards.73 I'm offended, so hurt marky
youruser.name I'm sorry but MARKY?! New nickname for mark = marky ✅️
markestapa please, no
user2 marky kinda slaps tho-
liked by youruser.name
lhughes_06 ew
-> youruser.name you're just jealous I can pull
lhughes_06 oh please, I can
jackhughes be honest, you can't luke but me on the other hand...
youruser.name okay where's your girlfriend then...
jackhughes shut up
youruser.name just the facts 🤷🏻‍♀️
user3 classic sibling fight
liked by youruser.name and _quinnhughes
markestapa oh I didn't scream at all
-> youruser.name oh please, quinn probably heard it all the way from canada
_quinnhughes fun fact, I did
markestapa why does your family hate me😭
elblue6 don't worry mark, I don't hate you ❤️
markestapa thank you🙏🏻
youruser.name this is hilarious
user4 we stan ellen 👏
liked by jackhughes, _quinnhughes, youruser.name, lhughes_06, and elblue6
user5 free entertainment
user6 this is why I love them so much
-> youruser.name ❤️
umichhockey this why they are our favorite couple on the team 💙💛
liked by markestapa and youruser.name
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lilithium07 · 8 months
: get to know me🐚🌊 :
tagged by @moonlytte
last song: "streetlight blues" by squirrel flower (thank you @strawberryprincessxx for introducing me to this artist through your post in this taggame)
favourite colour: ivory, sangria red, alice blue, black (I am so indecisive, but I can tell which colour I absolutely dislike - yellow)
last film/tv show: felt nostalgic so I re-watched "girl meets world"
sweet/savoury/spicy: probably spicy
last thing I googled: boneless girl (I have been trying to find this game for the past 11 years, now I can finally sleep peacefully)
current obsession: ribbons (especially lace) and finding cheetah print garments (my search has been unsuccessful this far)
last book: "the catching in the rye" by j.d. salinger (I didn't expect to like it, since it was a school lecture, but I genuinely enjoyed it)
looking forward to: this workshop that i have in a couple of hours and starting a new dance routine/choreography
tag, you're it: @diizzzie @ivoryteacups @fairyfii @pluie-de-sang @poacherspride1 @lilbaegirl @lostgirlintheinternet 🤍
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andthekitchensinkao3 · 3 months
WiP Wednesday! On time this week!
Thank you to @elodiah and @kcscribbler for the tags. Anyone who sees this, consider yourself tagged too! 😁
Here is an excerpt from Chapter 3, aka Loopholes Part 1, in which Loki introduces Mobius to Asgardian cuisine.
P.S: the whole chapter goes up TONIGHT!
“Lead on, my prince,” Mobius said with a courteous smile. He followed Loki through the room to the long, long-table full of food and treats, and pressed his hand to his back in a silent show of support.
Mobius listened to his self-appointed tour guide, making appreciative noises even when there was mostly fish. Cured fish. Pickled fish. Fermented fish. With bones in ‘em. A detail Loki was far too enthusiastic about, in Mobius’ humble opinion.
But he was also visibly proud to be sharing this part of his life with someone, and Mobius couldn’t take that away from him.
“Salted and cured herring in mustard gravy. On rye bread, huh? That’s your favorite?”
“Mhm!” Loki nodded, positively beaming. “The crisp flatbread kind. Oh! You must sample the soft buckwheat ones. The smell of cumin seeds always reminds me of home-made bread.”
Mobius did his best not to grin like a fool, but he couldn’t resist a bit of teasing. “Is that to disguise the bones as they go down? The crisp bread thing?”
Loki smiled, careful about it, but blatantly happy if you knew what to look for. “I suffer through your warped perception of what makes a good key lime pie, the least you can do is sample the food of my childhood.”
“Of course I will!” He had his glazed plate at the ready, picking out a bit of everything that caught his eye. Loki did a lot of picking for him, too. “I’m just teasing. It looks nice. With all the herbs and vegetables…”
“And whole peppercorns,” Loki supplied. “Don’t be afraid to eat those too, with the pickled herring. They’re almost chewy from the pickling liquor.”
“Chewy, huh? So, the fish is sweet, or…?”
“Most of it, yes. Tangy, sweet and salty. The fermented one is incredibly salty, but you’ll have soured cream with that. And raw onions.”
Mobius practically vibrated with the happy fuzzies. And the dread of sampling a brand new cuisine. “I think I’m starting to understand why you don’t like the Automat pies. You don’t have any taste buds.”
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alienshifter · 9 months
I was tagged by my love @sink--orswim thank you baby 🥹💛🥹 Rules: shuffle the 'on repeat' playlist on Spotify + the first 12 songs that play will predict your year January: Oh My God - Leah Rye February: Ordinary Love - Roosevelt March: Drifting - Night Tapes April: Deep End - Pacoussa, Fraen May: Sweet Life - Amilli June: No One Listens Anymore - Leah Rye July: ALIEN LOVE CALL - Turnstile, Blood Orange August: Love on the Ground - Cannons September: If You Let Me - Alina Baraz October: Sensational - Chris Brown November: Talk Talk - Cannons December: Stream of Consciousness - Lola Young
I'm tagging a whole bunch of you so here goes 👽 @wetwicksdry @mossworldsstuff @in-kind @m-kv @afterhovr @burnitoffyourmind @timeoverload @chameleon-sol @vibrantvoid @kloudzzz @starlet-sky @strwbrry5evr @aethereal-sol @cnsu8 @urtopia @losingmymindx @halosydne @celestial-anomie @zohalia @onedonofdons @planetaerium @alien222 @sodaman1 @psilocybinsagittarius @xxintuitionxx @krasivvyy @slfctrl @e1even--e1even @tendergesturess @predure @thewavefaaaaarwest @inlovewetrust555 @blvckburlesque @dotglobal @onlinedotcom @liquid-luv @youputasmellonme @lilalienniy @wide-awake-slappy @phoenix----rising @lesselsprout @hazeus-trails @of-earthandlight @psyhorizon @roguetelemetry @placz-pozniej @illuminfae-ix @you-were-my-insomnia
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chaotic-history · 2 months
Thank you @enlitment for the book tag! Putting it in a new post since it's long. This probably isn't the best time to do this when my brain is still brain fogging, but here goes
Last book I read: The Satyricon by Petronius, specifically the 1694 translation (shoutout to V's birth year). It's the second most fully preserved Roman novel, and I don't know what I was expecting from it, but it's just kinda meh? In its defense, the translator has a very specific writing style that didn't read very smoothly for me, so I'm sure it's much better in the original. The best parts imo were Encolpius and the poet complaining about modern (ie, to them) things in the exact same ways that we complain about the exact same things now.
Book I recommend: The Terra Ignota series by Ada Palmer. It's a sci-fi series with a philosophical bent set in the year 2454 and written mostly in the style of the Enlightenment era (the narrator, Mycroft, has a very bad case of 18thC brainrot). One of the things it touches on really well is how gender is perceived in different ways according to different standards, and I don't want to explain that since I think you have to go into the book not knowing a lot-- it's throwing you into a society that's as different from ours as the 18thC is, and you're supposed to feel like that. And I know "the worldbuilding is good" is probably overused, but it really is; parts are fantastical enough to feel like it's verging on a dream, and it's grounded in enough of a potential reality to make even the impossible things seem achievable. Featuring a very politically significant 18thC brothel, the ghost of Thomas Hobbes, the actual Achilles, Humanists, the world's #1 unreliable narrator, and a sex scene taken almost word-for-word from de Sade until the reader asks the narrator to stop.
Also Candide because I need to keep up my streak of convincing people to read Candide.
Book I couldn't put down: Do not underestimate my ability to put down literally anything. That said, the fourth and last Terra Ignota book (can you tell I'm trying very hard to sell it?). I can't say much about it because almost anything at that point is a massive spoiler, but books 1-3 are all gradually building up to a major event in book 4, and it's sort of the quiet kind of suspense where you know what's going to happen, but all you can do is wait and see the extent of the damage, and the main focus of the tension even during it is how you're going to rebuild, and any solution is so painfully flawed but it's something and the narrative drags you along throughout all of it by the sheer force of its hope.
Book I've read twice: Quite a few, but my favorites that I've read multiple times are Catcher in the Rye and L'Immoraliste. I read Catcher in the Rye the first time for class, and I don't want to go on another long rant, but I love Holden so much and I'm incredibly glad that I read the book when I did; I can see so much of myself in him and having sympathy for Holden taught me that maybe I need to have a bit more sympathy for myself as well. Also, sorry Mrs. [redacted] for stealing your copy of the book. It wasn't on purpose but it'd feel weird to return it now.
L'Immoraliste I originally picked up at the library to read the first time because based on the year published and the title I assumed like a 90% chance of it being gay, then I fell in love with the writing style and so I reread it in French. The part where Michel is going out to lay in the sun naked (<- absolutely terrible desc. of it but I can't think of smthn better right now) is up there in my top three book scenes ever.
A book on my TBR: Way too fucking many, reader, way too fucking many. On the top of the list right now is Goethe's Faust since I'm intrigued by @iron--and--blood's Faust AU for Morton's Hope, and also since I should maybe read some philosophy that isn't just French (does Goethe count as a philosopher? At least by the 18thC definition I think he could). And Goethe said V was good, so at least I know he has good taste.
Also I should maybe finally start reading all the Molière/Racine/Corneille stuff I've been stocking up on lol.
A book I've put down: Voltaire et Frédéric II by Roger Peyrefitte. It sucks shit and I've tried to read it at least five times now and every time I have to stop because it makes me want to personally murder the author by like 50 pages in and I am not exaggerating in the least.
A book on my wishlist: There's a couple 1780s editions of Villette's works for sale that I like to look at every so often... I'm sure I'll eventually cave in someday but for now I'll keep trying to convince myself I don't need it.
A favourite book from childhood: I had to google a bunch of stuff to find this since I couldn't remember the title, but it's first book from the Epic Order of the Seven Series by Jenny L. Cote, about a bunch of talking animals during various Bible stories/major events (yes it is very weird). This one is about Noah's Ark, and since the animals were from all around the world, parts of their dialogue were written in a bunch of different languages with a little dictionary at the back which I thought was the coolest thing ever (it kinda is tbh).
A book you would give to a friend: Depends on the friend and what I think they'd like, but the last book I gave to a friend was Discourses on Livy since we were talking about The Prince.
A book of poetry/lyrics you own: Childe Harold's Pilgrimage! Yet another book I haven't gotten around to reading yet.
A non-fiction book you own: Changes in the Land by William Cronon. It's about the ecological changes in New England from before the Europeans arrived roughly up to 1800 and how the environment shaped and was affected by the economies of the Native Americans and the settlers, and one of the points that really stuck with me was that one of the major differences between the two groups' relationships with the environment was that the Native Americans primarily viewed resources as being valuable in terms of the function they served, while the settlers saw natural resources as being valuable firstly because they could be sold, and he talks about how it was that mindset which we still had today that made a healthy relationship between the colonists' economy and the environment unsustainable. It's also written in a way that's super easy to follow, even if you know nothing about ecology (which I do not).
Currently reading: The first volume of V's correspondance from the Garnier edition. So far I've made it up to 1731, and I realised I'm still thinking of him then as young V even though he's 37. There's so many gems in the letters though (especially to Thieriot) and it keeps leading me down a bunch of rabbit holes.
Planning on reading next: Faust!
Tagging: @ouiouixmonami, @acrossthewavesoftime, @apurpledust, @captainsamta, and @orchatab
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hyunjinbiased-blog · 1 month
And Hell Followed - A Far Cry 5 x FtM Reader series part two
Deputy Y/N Jackson is in the middle of a Holy War in Hope County Montana. Originally sent to arrest Joseph Seed he ended up becoming the leader of the Resistance, but the deputy has a secret. A secret that only Whitehorse knows. When his younger brother and sister show up one day out of the blue, Y/N finds out that his own personal hell has found him. Now with the help of the very people he was supposed to stop can he save his family and himself?
I know this summary sucks.
Anyway I hope you enjoy this slow burn series
Trigger Warnings
Mentions of past child abuse
Mentions of past child SA
Mentions of SA
Religion bashing (the Deputy has religious trauma)
Religious trauma
Tag list
@gamergirl-06 @capriskunk
Before I forget this part contains the following trigger warnings
Mention of death of a parent
Mention of SA(Dep stumbles on John being assaulted by a couple of Peggies)
Mention of past child abuse and SA
It's been a few days since my last encounter with the Seed family and things have been more hectic than usual.
To start with, both Whitehorse and Tracey questioned me relentless about what I got up to when I was with the Seeds. Tracey fully believes that I'll switch sides, which has caused some of the Resistance members to give me the cold shoulder. But Whitehorse is on my side saying that I would never do that, I can understand their concerns, I did spend a whole afternoon with them.
Next, I had to deal with some cult members who where tormenting a family who were refusing to join.
And then to top it all off, Kim went into labour, which was unexpected since she's not ment to give birth for another two weeks.
Currently I was waiting outside of the doctors, I had just dropped Kim and Nick off and it gave me some time to think about everything that had been going on.
The sound of the door opening startled me, but i soon calmed down when I saw Nick pushing Kim out with the tiniest of babies in her arms.
"Hey, come meet your Goddaughter" Nick said as he wheeled Kim and the baby closer to me.
"Oh she is beautiful you guys" I whispered as I knelt down to get a closer look at baby Rye.
"You want to hold her?" Kim asked, nodding I carefully took the baby from Kim's arms and started to slowly rock her in my arms.
"You're a natural at that Dep" Kim said as she went to take Nick's hand, who quickly pulled it away in pain.
"I'll let you both in on a little secret that only Whitehorse knows, I have younger siblings, Ava is six and our mom died giving birth to her, so I had to learn how to take care of a baby" I said as Nick came over to gently pull me into a side hug.
"I don't know what to say Dep, that sucks" Nick said as he gave my arm a squeeze.
"It's ok, anyway what's this little cuties name?" I asked steering the conversation back to them and the baby in my arms.
"We were thinking you could name her" Kim said.
"Oh wow uh how about Carmina, I know it's the name of your plane but its a name that means a lot to you already so yeah"
"It's perfect Dep, and you probably don't hear this very often but thank you for everything you have done for us" Kim said as I helped Nick move her so that she and baby Carmina were safely in the car.
"See you later Dep" Nick said as the truck pulled away and drove off.
I decided to take a walk back to falls end as it wasn't that far from my current location.
After walking nearly a mile I could hear the sounds of someone crying so I decided to check it out.
I was not expecting what I stumbled across, John Seed was being held down by two Peggies as a third had his pants down by his ankles, his hands working on getting John's legs spread.
Before he could do anything else to John one of my throwing knives was in his head, causing him to fall to the floor dead. The other two let go of John's arms as they scrambled to get their guns, but it was too late, I had already snapped the neck of the one closest to me and slit the throat of the other one.
By the time I had managed to calm down, John had already pulled his trousers back up, walking over to him I knelt down and examined him.
John had cuts littering his face and blood caked his skin. Grabbing my small med kit from my bag I got to work.
"Why did you help me Wrath?" John asked as I helped clean the blood off of his face.
"Just because you're a psychotic ass doesn't mean I could just walk away from what I saw" I replied.
John looked at me, the confusion in his eyes was as clear as day. I eventually was able to patch up all of the cuts on his face.
"John are you OK?" I asked him as he tried to stand only to fall back onto his knees.
For a moment he was silent but then I noticed the tears streaming down his face, without thinking I pulled him into a hug. It was awkward at first but then he wrapped his tattooed arms around me and started to violently sob into my neck.
"I know John, I know, just let it out it's going to be ok" I said rubbing his back.
"How would you know? How would you know what it's like to be violated by the people who you are supposed to trust?" He asked, his voice muffled by my shirt.
"I know because I've been here before" I said trying to keep my voice calm.
John stopped crying and lifted his head to stare at me.
Giving him a solom smile I said "My father used to abuse me and it got worse when my mother died, when she was alive he would make inappropriate comments about my appearance then she died and things got worse, my mom was the only member of my family besides my little brother Elijah that knew I was trans, when she died my father found out and one night he came into my room, told me he was going to fix my attitude and bring out my "womanly" side" I paused before continuing "he raped me repeatedly, every night, until one day Elijah saw the bruses on my arms and neck and he started crying, begged me to go to our neighbours and tell them what had been happening"
"What happened then?"
"Sheriff Whitehorse was my neighbour, I went to the police station and asked to see him, he helped me, arrested my father and helped me keep my younger siblings" I said tears now falling freely from my eyes.
After what felt like an eternity of us clinging to each other, John got up and pulled me to my feet.
"Look, I feel like I'm a little kid scared of the dark asking you this but would you mind staying the night at the ranch with me? I don't want to sleep alone" he said not looking me in the eye.
"Yeah sure" I said as we headed to his.
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mthollowell-writes · 8 days
Snippet Sunday!
Saw this and thought, why not! This looks fun! Below is the beginning bit from a Hollow Grove story that I've been working on:
Jimmying the lock was the easy part. Like most of the buildings along the Dead Street strip, Soul’s Rhythm & Blues Bar had a grade 3 cylindrical deadbolt that any novice criminal could pick with their eyes closed. The additional padlock provided a cute little puzzle, but it only delayed the inevitable. Good thing Hero wasn’t your average run-of-the-mill criminal then. He was a concerned citizen. The worst he could be accused of was being curious, but his intentions were pure. “Yeah, I don’t think that’ll go over too well with the feds,” Martin hissed, even though he agreed to tag along on this “heist” earlier. He pressed his body against the grimy brick, making himself the most conspicuous among the three of them. “How much longer will this take?” “I told you exactly what we were going to do.” Hero offered as he examined the padlock more closely. This would be a lot easier if he had more than the weak light of the closest streetlamp to work with.
Martin flinched as the lights of a car sped by on the adjacent street. “I thought ‘breaking into the old blues bar’ was a figure of speech.”
“Like a euphemism?” Hero paused to squint at his progress. “I don’t like euphemisms.”
“Like in fake ids.” Martin continued to ramble on, “But this is an actual crime. If the police don’t shoot me, my mom definitely will.”
Rye rolled their eyes. “You didn’t have to come, you know. Especially if you were going to whine about it.”
“And miss my chance to get inside this haunted historical beauty?” Martin said aghast. “Never!”
“What of it?”
Hero rooted around in the locking pins for several seconds before he heard the telltale click. When the shackle released with a snap, he smiled.
“We’re in.”
“Oh, thank god!” Martin exhaled.
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graham-tails · 1 month
Hello Everyone!
I am Graham-tails, Graham, Rye, or Kurt. I use all pronouns, including neos, except for she/her.
I wanted to introduce myself as a part of the alterhuman community + more
I have technically been a part of the community for a year but still consider myself pretty new so if I say anything incorrect feel free to correct me
I am also an age dreamer and possible regressor
I am a Germanic Pagan
I guess I’m posting a lot of X-men [Nightcrawler] stuff recently too
I tag my original kin posts with: graham tales
I tag my original (digital) art with: graham digitail
Sweat Bee
Nightcrawler [X-men]
Stardew Valley and Moomin Valley conceptkin
Land of Ooo [Adventure Time] and Moomin Valley hearthomes
Questioning kins:
Sea slugs
Valkyrie (this one is complicated)
Moomin Troll
Plants including grass
Adventure Time conceptkin
If anyone would like to share your experiences with these identities feel free
Thanks for reading :)
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mstiemountainhop · 4 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
Thanks for the tag Nicole!🙂🩶
I just shuffled my liked songs for this one.
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causenessus · 2 months
🐝 !!
ask game :)
🐝 -> tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
I'M SORRY I'M PROBABLY TAGGING SOME PEOPLE FOR THE SECOND TIME 😭😭 and i'm not sure if i was supposed to go off of who i feel is my biggest supporter or by what tumblr tells me!! but i just did who tumblr says are my biggest supporters i hope that's okay!!
❥ @wyrcan - THE LITERAL LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!! omg i love wyr so much they have helped me feel so much better about my writing and wyr is probably one of the mutuals i feel closest to <3 i love talking to her so so much in dms or comments or asks!!! i look forward to interacting with them EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. AND I MEAN IT LIKE MAN I'VE SAID THIS BEFORE BUT I CAN FEEL THE SEROTONIN IN MY HEAD EVERYTIME I GET A NOTIFICATION FROM WYR!! she has such amazing works that hit EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!!!!!!! and my goal in life is also to be their biggest supporter <3333 she is so cool they have the coolest hobbies EVER they know so much and i just think she's awesome <3333333333333333 ❥ @froyaoya - MY TUMBLR SOULMATE!! she has SUCH a talent for writing and artistic visions like every single thing she writes and it's really inspired me to work harder at being sort of artistic and creative?? and really look at media for inspirations for my own writing. also she's the nicest person ever and so so cool and deserving of the world!!!! MAN I COULD SHOUTOUT SO MANY OF HER WORKS BUT THEY'RE ALL AMAZING LITERALLY PICK ANY OF THEM YOU WILL LOVE IT!! also you could literally just click on her blog and you'll be sucked into how pretty and aesthetic her blog layout is <33 ❥ @cr4yolaas - literally the sweetest and coolest person ever!!! i love rye's works so much they are all so thoughtful and sweet. i'm so thankful to have their support and you should also check them out!! their works feel like you're entering a literal professionally directed film in my opinion, every chapter of their smaus is perfect and they work so hard :)
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