#thanks for asking bella!!!!!!!
laurasbailey · 2 years
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I’m old. I’m satisfied. And you were my purpose.
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sunny-and-the-flowers · 6 months
hey, remember that conversation we have about what boomer listened to. Do you think he listens to man at work because i saw a lot of edits of him with that song and i think it suits him.
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pushing500 · 9 hours
Hello, me again X'D Just finished reading through the Children of Ecthuctu (god, choosing a favorite is difficult...I think the starting three are up there, though, Bella and Vasso in particular) and it was a lot of fun as well, though I do find it kinda sad that Vasso got to be a sanguophage but without the fun part (surviving the rim as one. the amount of shenanigans hemogenic pawns can get up to, especially with VRE...). I can now wait for the updates on our favorite mechanitors with a clear conscience and lots of impatience (no pressure of course, take it at your own pace, I'll be there)
Looking forward to Kwahu opening an all-out orphanage while Mechi lurks in his research shack X'D
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Vasso and Bella are a lot of fun! I bet they're causing all sorts of mischief on whatever planet they ended up on.
I was also very sad that I didn't get to play with Vasso's sanguophage powers, but I've got "sanguophage" written down on my list of potential next colonies after I'm done with Mechi and Kwahu. I'll definitely have to do another poll to choose between them all. There are too many fun ideas, lmao.
Never fear, though! Mechi and Kwahu's story looks a long way away from ending yet. We haven't even got the first piece of the Archonexus map, so there's a long way to go and a lot more to look forward to. <3
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bellcza · 7 months
i saw your tags and remembered this…..
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threebooksoneplot · 2 years
Thoughts on the latest midnight sun:
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yeah we've been laughing about this nonstop for 48 hours
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jake/bella headcanons???? pls???
Hoe about some late summer/early autumn vibes for our favorite pair??
There is a drive in theater about 2 hours away from Forks. Bella and Jake load the back of Bellas truck up with pillows and blankets (and snacks snuck in under the blankets). They take the long drive and commit to a double feature at the theater, backed into the parking spot, sharing the blankets in the bed of the truck for warmth. The stars twinkle overhead, the vintage corded speaker hanging over the side of the truck blaring the movie's score so loud they don't even have to whisper to heckle the movie
One of the farms past city limits sets up a hay maze, complete with scare actors dressed like scarecrows ready to jump out at passersby. Bella's unphased, she's seen far worse than a raggedy scarecrow. But Jake? Who would have guessed that he would be so jumpy? He claims it was more due to anxiety surrounding losing his sense of direction, but the scare actors would disagree.
For Bella's birthday, Jake arranges a surprise bonfire party in La Push. He collects pine branches fallen from a recent storm. Billy and Charlie provide snacks on a large fold out table Charlie borrowed from the diner. A cooler is filled with sodas for all the attendees, but Jake keeps two aside, warm like they're used to drinking in the garage. Bella hates surprises, and parties, but its really not that different from the other weekends out there, so she lets it slide. Until gift giving time comes, and she lets out a dramatic groan and protests. She's rendered nearly speechless when Jake gives her a beautiful handmade cutting board, and instructions on how to take care of it.
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HI HI HI PLS SHARE YOUR JEGULUS THOUGHTS RN !!!! are we thinking about aus or headcanons or happy things or quotes or your fics??? or all of the above? tell me everything 🫶
i am so in love with domestic and though i burn, how could i fall? jegulus and they are all that has been on my mind recently. them and their little baby girl [name redacted]😭
like. james listening to the baby’s heartbeat because he’s a god with enhanced hearing. regulus calling her “little star.” him putting his hand over where she is and james putting his hand on top of his and they just😭feel her and talk to her😭and sing to her😭and james (being apollo) composes his own piece that highlights regulus’ countertenor and his baritone in a duet and regulus plays his lyre😭and it gets to the point that once their baby is born she only goes to sleep when they sing to her😭and she only stays asleep when regulus holds her against his chest so that she can hear his heartbeat😭
and you know that regulus refuses to let go of her.
“regulus baby you’ve got to put her down so she can learn to nap by herself”
god they’re just SO SWEET😭and they really just. they go THROUGH it. but once they’re out of all the angst, they end up with the sweetest life, and their little girl is so, so loved, and i just cannot wait to write it all <333
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
if it helps anons i had to read a political science study that focused on interacting with content and for the study they chose facebook rather than twitter because only 23% of the general public uses twitter. so they don’t feel it accurately represents the general public to take samples for studies on engagement with political content from there. so just remember how deeply twitter is not real life.
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edwardsvirtue · 6 months
Okay... but... an AU where it's Edward deciding between Bella and Jacob! There is no Jake in Twilight--that part is easily cut.
When Edward left Bella and his family in NM, he found a new found family with a pack of werewolves. It's there he finds healing, not only from heartbreak but from his self-hatred. For he sees himself in this beautiful boy struggling with his own inner monster. And if Edward could love him... if Edward could see the good in him...
He would have to leave Jake when he found out Bella was trying to hurt herself back in Forks.
Bella is not ready to forgive him, but she clearly can't be without him. He's torn as he has to linger, for her sake. But for Jake's sake, he should go back to the wolves... after all, she doesn't really want him anymore.
Until she does.
And he realizes he still loves her. Just when he thinks of ending things with Jake, the wolves come to Forks to help with the Newborn problem, not for Bella, but for Edward.
And as Edward is forced to decide who holds his heart, Victoria is lurking, asking herself the same question. For, she will kill one for retribution!! And either way, it's lose/lose!!
now THIS is the kind of love triangle drama I can get behind!
one thing I know about edward is that he has 2 moods: "this is the happiest I have ever been" or "I am a miserable monster full of self-hate who deserves no happiness whatsoever." so for edward to go through the experience of ALMOST finding love and happiness and healing, only to lose it all, not once but twice (first with bella, then with jake), puts him at the lowest of lows. he does not deserve to keep either one of them, because he is constantly putting them both in danger.
but maybe... bella and jacob deserve each other. after all, they are the most beautiful and deserving souls edward has ever known (he is such a simp), all he wants is for them to be happy.
so edward hatches his stupidest scheme yet. as they work together to take out victoria and the newborn army, edward is trying to play matchmaker with bella and jake, all along secretly planning to take himself out of the equation as soon as everyone is safe again. (maybe he's just going to leave and hide somewhere, or maybe he's desperate enough to go to the volturi, idk.) the only problem is that bella and jake CAN'T STAND each other; we know they both have possessive and jealous personalities, so they can only see each other as rivals vying for edward's affection. but what happens when they find out about edward's plan to leave them? maybe they can find common ground? maybe all three of them can heal and learn to love themselves... together??
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edwardsdeathcabcd · 2 months
Omg yes finally someone else whos an autistic bella believer LOL. Im reading twilight for the first time and im on new moon. Im autistic and find Bella to be really relatable at times and honestly hate that so many people dislike her because she seems a bit awkward but ive always seen it as shes autistic. What made you also come to this realization?
I don't know if there was a specific thing that made me realize Bella can easily be read that way, I'm not sure if it's something I came to on my own or if I just saw others online point it out and agreed with that take? I think I just have a tendency to notice autistic traits in a lot of characters I like, it gives me a new lens to analyze her character & relate to her through. Or maybe it's just projection lol
It wasn't a headcanon I had when I watched the movies, but a lot of the way she's characterized in the books just really stood out to me, I was surprised at how much more relatable I found her in the books. It's especially apparent to me when the other characters are making comments about her behaviour that she's not conscious of, like Edward in midnight sun making note of her constant fidgeting. Also beyond her behaviour, she thinks a lot about how she constantly feels like she's observing her peers' teenage behaviour from the outside and how she's not in the mood to be human, and it's meant as a nod to her being Destined To Be A Vampire (She's Not Like The Other Girls) but thoughts like that really resonated with how I felt about my own peers a lot of the time. I think Bella's inclination toward the supernatural can be read metaphorically as a lot of different things (which is why I also like queer readings of twilight).
idk, it just makes sense to me! it's just about her vibes. I see weird girl I say Oh You're Going To Be My Favourite and then I hit her with the autism beam.
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
this idea is plaguing me, I’d love to know your thoughts! so renesmee develops, but bella doesn’t, therefore the best case scenario is mommy issues from hell, in which bella eternally views her daughter as the unborn child whose life depends on her… please feel free to ignore this if you need to stay in the eclipse headspace!
hi bestie! thanks for the q, very intriguing :)
this is another one of those questions that really boils down to the fandom debate: "what does it mean to be 'mentally frozen?'"
the Illustrated Guide says:
One facet of the absence of aging is that vampires do not develop emotionally or mentally past the age at which they are transformed. A transformed child would remain childlike forever, unable to mature in any aspect.
it also says:
Once they fall in love, that feeling never fades.
to me, this implies that external forces/bonds can change a vampire but internal processes cannot. i subscribe to the idea that even if a vampire can't mature in the biological sense, their experiences still provide them with a way to mature
for example, though he retains the emotional immaturity of a 17-year-old, we see Edward learn he has a soul through his connection with Bella. if you subscribe to the theory that vampires through their bonds & experiences can change, you might think Edward will, from this point on, believe he has a soul. in that way, vampires can grow & develop, even if they can't really develop.
how does this apply to Bella?
first off, girl has a lot of fuckin baggage. not only did she spend the last few weeks of her human life (& the first few months of her vamp life) fighting for her daughter's life, but she never overcame her childhood trauma of having to care for everyone in her life. the hill Bella needs to climb to overcome all this is steeper than Sisyphus'. baseline, she will always consider Ravioli as a child who must constantly be protected from a world that wants to kill her. (though she may have good reason considering Rotolo's existence may have kicked off a cold war with the Volturi lol whoops.) to me, that is less a result of the conditions of her change & more a result of how Bella emotionally developed as a person.
if you subscribe to the theory that a vampire's relationships can change them, her bond with Rigatoni may evolve as her daughter does. that relationship might be the only way Bella can experience permanent internal growth. in the theory stated above, we might see Bella getting past her "my unborn child needs me" mentality, though i could see her having a more difficult time ever getting over her parentification.
her ability to get over this trauma will also depend on what the future holds for the Cullens. i.e., if the Volturi return to whoop some vegetarian ass, Bella doesn't really have the mental/emotional space to give up her protective caretaker trait.
moving on. some in the fandom believe that mentally frozen means mentally frozen. sure, they can fall in love, but all that means is they're in love, not that they learn anything from being in love. going back to the Edward example, we may have seen Edward "learn" he has a soul, but post-BD we would see him return to his depressive, "soulless" state.
applied to Bella: she will never overcome her parentification regardless of how Ragù develops. lil baby will always need protection from others, will always be a lil baby, will always be in mortal danger. Bella is a fucking eternal helicopter parent. yikes, girl
BONUS: ultimate lol would be Bella being CONVINCED Ravioli is trans because in the weeks leading up to the birth she was sure Ravioli was a boy. trans!Resume fanfic WHEN
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They may not have referenced cats for a while but lemme tell you being named Bella during the past month-ish of drawfee while they work through the twilight movies has been JARRING
I CAN IMAGINE I love that they decided they needed a new movie to make jokes about for four years, and I love that that movie accidentally ended up being Twilight of all things.
It also reminds me of the episode where they chose a random name and explained all of their jokes in detail to them. Got to be one of my favorite Drawfee bits.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 2 months
i was bella x rosalie
wrote a lot of fics for it too
no i will not share them
No, wait, that's actually a good ship wtf how did I never think of that?! :O
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bellcza · 8 months
My favorite story regarding Pedri’s family being lifelong, inter generational Barca fans is that his town used to be mostly Madridista, but his grandfather decided to go for Barca to be different😭 Like he saw his whole town root for Madrid and said naw fuck that. (If you’re wondering where I got this story from, it’s in one of the Athletic articles about Pedri)
omg i had no idea that tegueste was mostly m*dridista. i loovee that so much he was like fuck it we barça ball. i also love that pedri’s dad is the president of the barça fan club there, too! him and his family are so 🥹🥹🥹
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bellysoupset · 5 months
enjoy the break but know you are missed! If you feel like answering a short ask about your OCs, would you talk about sleeping habits? Given that mine are crap, lol. Who sleeps deeply, who doesn’t? Who functions okay on little sleep and who is a mess when tired? And what are their favorite sleep places/positions?
As always, thank you!
Lis, I'm not on break!! 😭
I'm gonna be a little less around, because I'm in the middle of two huge irl things happening, but I'm definitely not on hiatus! (but thank you anyway 💛)
Sleeping habits! Mine are also crap, we're on the same boat. I'm a "sleeps 3-4 hrs a night and is fine" type of person and one day this will kill me.
Jonah: Gets cranky and (even more) quiet when he's sleepy. People don't really notice this change, but both Leo and Wendy know it. Needs six hours to work properly, but will happily take 8-9 hours if he's able. Normal sleep, not light sleep, nor super heavy. Mild noises, like JD, won't wake him up, but Leo speaking/coughing definitely will. Barely snores, but sometimes he talks when sleeping.
Leo: Gets SUPER cranky when he's sleepy and its highly noticeable. He's a heavy sleeper, so once he falls asleep its a chore to wake him up. He has 20 alarms. Needs at least 8 hours of sleep and whenever he's forced to run on less than that he's extra annoyed about everything. Only place he won't fall asleep is work (too aware), but at home? Around their friends? He'll fall asleep on anything and anyone. JD could climb all over him and he wouldn't even stir. He snores lightly, but not much.
Bella: Bell gets cranky for any reason, lmao. Hungry? Cranky. Sleepy? Cranky. It's not a lot, but it definitely makes her whiny. Lucky everyone else, she'll sleep anywhere. Standing, on a chair, someone's couch, on Luke's back if he's carrying her, in any position. She's notorious for hogging blankets. Needs 6 hours of sleep, no more, no less. Will throw an alarm across the room if it's pestering her. She's got normal sleep like Jon, not too heavy, not too light.
Wendy: Wendy never looks sleepy. She's gonna be hyper chatting and then simply turn off, like someone manually disabled her. Needs around 5 hours of sleep, but those 5 hours are super heavy sleep. The world could end and she wouldn't even stir.
Luke: He gets clingy for any reason and sleep is no different. Loves to cuddle. Needs his 8 hours of sleep, but doesn't tend to get cranky, just more sensitive? It's easier to hurt his feelings if he's tired. A heavy sleeper, normally Bell spends her late nights talking with her DnD party and online friends and he'll sleep right through it. Hair pets will put this man to sleep in 1 minute flat. Snores, but not loudly. Very much the type to take up the whole bed.
Vince: Suuuper light sleeper, he'll wake up over any reason. He needs his 8 hours of sleep, but he doesn't get cranky, he gets headachy and just Feeling Bad if he's running low on sleep. Back during exams season he'd push himself to study and just look very pale and drained. Vince doesn't need an alarm clock to wake up.
Max: Heavy sleeper, but doesn't sleep much. 3-4 hours a night, but those are dead hours, nothing can wake him up. Tends to stir and kick, even mumble on his sleep. If he doesn't get those 3-4 hours he gets furious. If you wake him up mid sleep you better have a damn good reason.
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distort-opia · 4 months
I'm sorry but now that I know you wrote twilight fanfiction I can't stop thinking about it. The curiosity is killing me. What were they about?
Hush, did I not say "no one say anything"??
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