#thanks anon xxxD
irrfahrer ยท 2 years
Stop being mean to me!!! { my muse secretly thinking about yours }
Anonymously send me something your muse is secretly thinking about mine.
By the question Ziv narrowed her eyes to thin slits, her ears automatically lay flat against her head until her face looked pointy and small like a white needle: "Benny-cub? Is that you, Kriffer?"
She blinked and without her wanting to her pelt strated to bristle like from electricity. Without wasting another second the young woman turned around, took a deep breath and lifted a finger as she started mercilessly: "Okay, listen Kriffer, what-kriffing-ever: I am not kriffing mean, I am never kriffing mean. I am just kriffing honest. Because I happen to be a kriffing Healer and if I am not beeing honest people-and yes that kriffing happens, lo and be-kriffing-hold - people will die if I am not beeing honest. Its not that I can tell my patient who had just had their arm ripped off by the Wookie they decided to annoy that I will wait three minutes till the painkillers work before I burn their happily blood-splashing artery closed, because in three minutes they will be kriffing dead. Its also not that when my patient is suffering from a poisoning and they are begging me not to flush out their stomach because they will be nauseatic and feel bad, that I will not be honest and not push my fingers down their throat because that poison is going to kill them if I am not doing that so kriff this and open the floadgates, Kriffer! Its also not that I am beeing mean when I crack their open bonefracture back in place while they are still looking, despite me saying more than once that I will now crack the bone back in place for the bones to heal back together in the proper place. And yes, I know these are very kriffing specific examples, but, listen, I had a hard day and if you come at me with 'stop beeing mean', I just have to tell you the kriffing facts: I am not mean, I am kriffing honest and I am doing what has to be done to keep my patients kriffing alive and you can be kriffing mad at me about that but at least you are kriffing alive and able to be mad."
Ziv let go of a long breath that had been stuck in her throat like a clot. Her colourless Whiskers bristled in the long sigh, fluttering wildly. Then, rolling her shoulders as if she had just thrown off a heavy weight on her shoulders, the young woman just waved a small paw and turned around: "Okay, in all honesty, after that day I just need a kriffing drink and go let someone kriff my sweet little brain out, so what-kriffing-ever, Force be with you and such kriffery, I am out of here."
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