#thanks again for the ask 🤗
winterballads · 2 years
1, 2, 14, 26, 27 and one more time for #6! 💞🥰
Hiiiii, omg thank you so much for these! 💕💕
one. what song makes you feel better?
Right now, anything by Zhou Shen - for example 鮫人之歌 and 归处 🥺
two. what’s your feel-good movie?
The Lord of the Rings trilogy, always ❤️
six. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
I like the golden brown colour of my hair
I've got chubby hands like Deng Lun 🥰
My body is doing its best to keep me going everyday and, even though it does kind of a terrible job at it, the effort still counts for something 😂
I'm scared of many things but I'm also very brave in my own way?
Although I may occasionally mess up, my intentions are always good and I always strive to become a better person 💕
My brain sometimes does Things when it comes to literature and languages 👀
fourteen. what's your favourite feel-good show?
Due South 💛
twenty-six. what movie would you want to live in?
The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity 🥺 It already lives inside me forever
twenty-seven. which character would you want to be?
I spent way too long thinking this over and wasn't able to land on anything I was satisfied with... In the end, I'll have to go with Roach from The Witcher 3 aka a glitchy legend 😂
Send me a soft ask 💌
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2aceofspades · 5 months
hi you probably got this question asked before. BUT who are your favorite duos in rottmnt??? >:D
btw i love the f!Cassandra and f!Leo they are my favorite duo (after disaster twins 🥳) but love your art and keep up the great work :DDD
Hi hello! 🙌✨ Oh! My favorite duo is Leo and Raph in the show 💙❤️ I don't draw them all too much cuz ✨EMD brainrot✨/pos, but I love them very much.
Here's a lil semi-old doodle of them that I never posted on here~
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Them 🥹❤️💙
I also like Donnie and Mikey as a duo in the show 💜🧡 I love how they interact with each other in the show
I will say though, my favorite duo in my own au is probably f!Cassandra and f!Leo cuz they've got such interesting tension between them. I would love to draw another comic with the two of them 🌟
Awwwwee! Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it 🤗✨!
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demiesop · 11 days
What’s Sorn’s opinion on Karlach?
Hello!! Thank you for the ask!!!
I'm sorry this took a while! This came out longer than I thought it would be 💦
Sorn's opinion of Karlach...
They fight together back to back, drink ale and eat dirt together. Sorn thinks it's nice that she finds it funny when Sorn attempts to eat something weird.
She's aight.
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Karlach is a very capable combatant and he respects that aspect of her. I like to think they always go all out when they spar. They probably roughhouse a lot.
Sorn shares her honesty with their own feelings, but does not share her intensity. Karlach can easily express her rage, but Sorn is uncomfortable expressing pain and anger. It is a trait he both admires and is envious of. He holds the same sentiment towards Astarion regarding that specific emotion.
Karlach is fond of her family and friends, something he has never really experienced before. He thinks it's nice to listen to Karlach talk about her parents and everyone else. He sometimes wonders if he ever had an elder sibling, it might've been someone like her.
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All in all, Sorn looks up to Karlach and thinks of her as a good friend. He's ready to kick ass for and with her. 🪓
She's aight.
I hope this answers your question! 🙇
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elitadream · 10 months
I am incredibly serious when I say I have the biggest crush on your Mario. Granted, I have mad a crush on him since I was about 4. But your Mario makes me feral.
Oh Anon, you don't know how happy this makes me! 😍
I always make a conscious effort to pour as much gentleness, compassion, selflessness and humility as I can into Mario's characterization and present him in a way that feels both genuine and comforting, so to hear that my version stands out to some of you really means a lot to me! 🥹
Be it for the elements I've mentioned or purely his visual aesthetic (I also love when people tell me they find my Mario handsome! 😄💕), that kind of feedback is always an absolute treat to get and I highly thank you for it! 😁
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westealtoys · 2 years
I would really like to learn about your fhr canons and your step :3 i figure your step favors marshall :D
Hi, thank you! I'm happy to share ^^. Yeah, I guess I'm he's not exactly subtle about it. :D
My main Step is Ryder Becker. Average height dude, black hair, hazel eyes. His villain persona is Hunter, a truth-at-all-cost anarchist type and a tech-savvy fighter with telepathy boosters and strength upgrade. High arrogance and daring, because why not make him the idiot asshole for extra flavour. Yeah, right... This will be surprisingly long (apologetic) - so have a treat for a good start - my Steppy.
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During the Gala he had messed up the Rangers badly. In the end he 'didn't kill anybody, but had seen enough death to last him a lifetime', enough to question his motives and settle for 'killing villains and agents, not civilians' eventually. That's why during encounter with The Marshall in Carter's mansion, when things go south, he takes the leadership over to save the staff. First red flag. I should have known something's up…
The Heartbreak incident leaves him with an Outsider scar, making it difficult for him to pursue meaningful connections. This changes in Retribution, where his fondness for Spoon expands into the fondness for the Marshall. Red flag.
Ryder develops the Wei Chen addiction (even if he's still in denial and says it's about Spoon) and I'm sure it's contagious, because by now I have one, too. Another red flag. There's also this 'thing' with Ortega reaching back his Sidestep days, making things 'complicated'. Because why not eat a cake and have a cake…
He doesn't confess to anyone, identity kept secret. Argent knows only that he's a Re-Gene. But since he has a subtlety of a brick, Marshall has already managed to connect all the dots, which he makes obvious during the kiss scene…
Anyway, Ryder's self preservation instinct kicks in (whatever's left of it) as he decides against attending the HG meeting in person. So while the puppet is stuck in the Hospital, he tracks HG movement and pinpoints it to the exact location. Soon HG will know Hunter's wrath. (insert evil laugh here)
The call from Wei Chen catches him of guard, but he agrees to a meeting, which (we well know) ends with some lovely fireworks and a relationship status change. To break whatever's left of the thin ice he's standing on, Ryder confesses to Chen about being Hunter. RED FL… you know what, nevermind. It's too late for any flags anyway, the dashboard is full of them by now. They become bros in crime. Sort of.
So that's how the narrative of I-don't-care-about-the-consequences changes into one of I'll-destroy-you-if-you-as-much-as-touch-the-Marshall. At this point I'm completely out of control. We don't have the mental power required to stop smooching Wei Chen. The Dog and the Dog dad were a trap and we fell for it. There just weren't enough red flags on the way to know how it all will end.
I've accepted the defeat and came to peace with the knowledge I don't have what it takes to follow the-truth-at-all-cost path and that Ryder is not exactly how I've painted him. If you managed to read through this wall of text - I love you - thank you for enduring. <3
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Happy birthday Lena💕💕 i hope you have a wonderful day!
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Thank you so so much Kai! 🥺🤗🖤🫂. I hope you have a wonderful day too!!! 🤗🤗🤗🖤
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rosicheeks · 1 year
Sorry for the spam I feel like you weren’t on my dash for awhile and I wanted to fix it 👉👈
Hope you have a fantabulous day and get lots of rest and accomplish everything you want to accomplish 🥰🥰💜💜
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woozi · 1 year
thank u for giving this lil blog lots of love even though i'm not as active as i used to be 🥰
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fireladybuckley · 1 year
The next coworker to interrupt me for something stupid or to ask me to find something for them without giving me all the details is going to get a fucking smackdown 😤😤😤
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 2 years
Hello! I’m loving Red Life Might Stream Again. The world building is *impressive* to say the least. Are you able to say how you come up with the names for everything? Like the countries, plants, towns, etc. It’s just all wild to me and I’m fangirling a lil bit 💙
Oh wow wow wow ☺️🥹 You're fangirling?? Darling, I am fangirling right now, this is so sweet and means so much coming from your amazing and talented self! 💖
As far as how I come up with any of the names... hmm, well, first I think of a letter I like and then I try to think of what other letters would follow well after that one and how they would sound, idk if that makes sense?? I have echolalia so I often repeat words, phrases, and sounds to myself A LOT and so sometimes I just mesh all that together to create a name that sounds fantasy-esque but isn't too long or a jumble of letters 😆 I like taking my favorite words and sounds and putting that twist on them. It sounds like such a process as I'm typing it out but it just kinda pops into my brain real fast
Thank you for this ask dearie! This fic is very dear to me and it warms my heart that you are enjoying it and wanna know more!
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2aceofspades · 11 months
good evening (or whichever time of day it is)
what's your favourite rise dynamic? 👀 doesn't have to be limited to only the turtles or two individuals!
✨ Good evening ✨ Good morning ✨ Good afternoon ✨
Covered all my bases 👈👈😎
That's a great question! It'd have to be these victims- I mean, these two...
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Raph and that blue guy
I love the older brother and middle bro dynamic cuz it's um...familiar to me hehe
Whether it's in the show, the movie, or my own art, I just love them and their dynamic very very much
Peepaw Leo and Casey jr are a very close second though. And honestly, as I draw more bad future stuff, I really enjoy exploring f!Mikey and f!Leo's dynamic.
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halohamilton · 2 years
Giiiiiiiaaaaaaa I miss you ❤️
HELLOOO I missed you too!
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
i need to draw zarbon more.. for you.. and for myself.. i need to draw jeice too
oh!!!!! that'd be so nice to see more of art of Zarbon on here, but you don't have to do it because of my tags!!! that's so very kind of you though!! 🌸🌺🍀🌹
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elitadream · 1 year
Your Mario (and gang!) art is just wonderful! It kept reminding me of the new movie, the adorableness (Random Toad: "Look at us, we're adorable!" 😄) level is pretty much like the one in the movie! Very, very cute! The ones of Mario and Peach, especially... *chef's kiss*! Love it! 🥰
I'm glad you like it!! 😍 Thank you for the lovely feedback!
(Also it's a good thing the Mareach stuff happens to be your favorite, because my hyperfixation hasn't relented one bit and I doubt there is any cure for my obsession at this point 😵‍💫😆)
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girltomboy · 11 months
Well, forget about the peaceful Saturday I was daydreaming about. As it always happens with my mom, she did her best to rattle and unsettle my spirits.
I was watching instagram reels in bed to tag my bf in, when she came into my room and sat on the bed next to me. Her footsteps sounded so rushed when I heard her walking towards my room that I thought she had something important to tell me, but she just came to hang out. And I could feel that something terrible was coming by the way she was stroking my hair, forcefully or forced, idk how to describe it. Mechanically almost. And then she asked me what I usually do on Saturdays. I told her I just lie in bed until noon, have a meal, chill inside or go for walks if it's nice outside. She then asked me if I don't feel bad spending my time alone, and I said no, I like being alone. The truth is that I'm almost never alone, because most of the time I'm on video calls with my boyfriend, or hanging out with my coworker. But I didn't even get to say that, because she asked me "wouldn't you like to find a boyfriend in that city?" I was like...? Huh? What for? Well, just to spend time and hang out and go on walks with... And just have a boyfriend. :-) I said well, I have a boyfriend. She replied "but he doesn't live in that city!" oh, I need one for every city? She was like "for all you know he could have someone else in his own city too". I was so mad I started shaking, I asked her why she would say something like that to me when she doesn't know anything about him, us, or me for that matter. She doesn't know our relationship, she's never cared about it, now suddenly she's worrying about me and who I spend my time with in my city? How can she say that to my face so casually like a joke, then smile? That is truly psycho behaviour and I shut that shit down immediately. She apologized (well, not really, she just told me to not be mad at her and tried to change the topic) and told me to tell my bf to take care of me. Like thanks, he's really gonna appreciate that after you just implied that he's cheating on me and suggested I do the same. Anyway, after this she told me the story of how she discovered that my stepdad had a mistress and about how so many ppl tried to tell her about it but couldn't because of him. And how they had so many fights because of that. I wanted to tell her to not allow this betrayal to project her insecurities and bad experiences onto me, but I just couldn't find the words, and we had to whisper so as to not be heard by him. It's terrible, I know she skipped some details because she also told me this story via text, and there were some truly truly barbaric and mind-shattering aspects of it. But after our discussion from before I couldn't find it in me to feel as terrible for her as I should have, or to display the affection she might have needed. I just started tweezing my eyebrows 💀 like, she could just put her money where her mouth is and divorce him like she did with my cheating dad, but then her living/housing situation would just worsen. I mean, not tragically, but she would have to move back home with grandma, and the last time she had to do that she got super depressed. I know that because we shared a room 🙃 and, well, it would just be really sad. I get it. Plus, I don't think my stepdad is still fooling around, although you can never know. She told me "men are just like that" as a justification for why she said that hurtful thing, and while I know she was just projecting and she was also kinda right, I just don't feel like it's the thing to say about a relationship you know next to nothing about, your daughter's relationship at that.
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amaranthineghost · 2 months
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🥥 ꒱ TWO WHEEL DRIVE: CROSSWALK COLLISION ( lando norris. )
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lando norris x biker!reader
it's race week in miami, but instead of being on four wheels, lando has some two wheel trouble. he feels bad enough to where he turns to twitter to help find the girl he nearly caused a collision with.
authors note: I love bikers so I had to do this (and I know that lando didn't help oscar win his sprint, but she doesn't know that! yet!!!) second and third part will be out in the next few days or so!
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liked by yourbsf and 2,947 others
ynusername sunset ride and almost hitting a guy on the crosswalk core!! 🤗🤗🤗
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yourbsf always so fun to ride with you 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 maybe next time don't almost hit a pedestrian? 😅
user this is the girl lando was looking for?! SHES STUNNING
⤷ ynusername who's lando? 😅 and thanks babes 🫶🏼🫶🏼
⤷ user oh lando? we go way back, he helped rescue my cat from a tree!
⤷ user yeah, he's a real one, he gave cpr to my goldfish after it flopped onto the carpet 🤗🤗🤗
user hello??? SHES SUCH A BADDIE
user thanking lando for helping us discover this gorgeous woman
⤷ user right like maybe she did us a favor by almost running him over...
user the internet becoming his wingman so he doesn't fumble this baddie 😭😭
⤷ user lando norriz and nowins better prove one of those statements wrong soon 🙌
user nahhh because what's wrong with her?? nearly running him over and then posting with a stupid caption about it?? 🙄🙄🙄
⤷ user this girl clearly doesn't understand who he is 🫣
user i need to see lando on a bike, he'd rock that shit
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liked by landonorris and 6,037 others
ynusername safe to say i won't be falling asleep tonight 🫶🏻
view all 174 comments
user OH MY GOD
user bro's doing charity work out here
user LANDO NORIZZ HAS RIZZ?? (he rescued my entire family from a house fire)
user please LET THAT BE LANDO
yourbsf i thought i was your backpack 😕
⤷ ynusername you are bbg i just gave a man a short ride
⤷ yourbsf uh huh 🤨
user lando backpack confirmed
user lando actually rescued me from a desert island on his multi-million dollar yacht!
landonorris pretty sunset
❤️ by author
user im gonna faint, lando commented
oscarpiastri lando actually helped me win a sprint race
user she's clearly just using him
⤷ user stay mad
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liked by ynusername and 807,438 others
landonorris i think two wheels suits me
view all 6,273 comments
user omg that's the same sunset in ynusername's post??
user lando on a bike? YES PLEASE!!!
user i can barely handle him with four wheels, i don't know about two!!!
user oh my god the second picture is goals
ynusername what a cute cat! 😊
⤷ landonorris not as cute as you
user im not the only one who saw that comment from lando right?
⤷ user no i definitely saw that
user i know my goat
user backpack lando has too much power
⤷ user lando anywhere near a bike has too much power
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liked by mclaren and 50,974 others
ynusername sorry i had plans <3
tagged alexandrasaintmleux, iamrebbecad, mclaren, landonorris
view all 1037 comments
⤷ user i bet lando asked mclaren to invite her 🥺
landonorris thank you for coming to support me on four wheels this time!
⤷ ynusername of course, i had so much fun and you deserve it so much! 🫶🏻
⤷ user smooth lando, smooth
⤷ user on four wheels this time...THIS TIME?!
user stop she was there supporting lando MY HEART
⤷ user i can't take it I LOVE THEM
alexandrasaintmleux so amazing to see you darling 🌺 can't wait to see you again
⤷ ynusername i had such an amazing time, i love you so much 🥹 i'll be waiting impatiently
user stop the other wags interacting with our new (potential) wag
user i need to see her with all the other wags now
⤷ user it's a must
iamrebeccad a pleasure to meet you! you looked absolutely stunning and i look forward to hanging out again!
⤷ ynusername i love you so much, you are drop-dead gorgeous! i would love to hang out again soon 🫶🏻
user the way everyone loves her
⤷ user i mean, can you blame them? she's a hot, incredibly stunning and badass biker who's insanely sweet and kind! who wouldn't love her?!
⤷ user i don't blame them, i fear i would gravitate towards her like a magnet if i ever met her 🥲
mclaren lovely having you at the hospitality! should keep you around if it means our drivers will win 😉
⤷ ynusername thank you for giving me this amazing experience and opportunity! i'd love to do it again sometime 🫶🏻
⤷ user please let this be a sign
⤷ user mclaren please we need to see them again
user they need to be together
⤷ user as much as i would love to see them together, she lives in miami and he's leaving 😭
⤷ user no shush i'm manifesting
⤷ user okay real i'm right there beside you
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liked by ynusername and 1,028,202
landonorris nowins and norizz? okay lol
view all 9,263 comments
⤷ user soft launch, but we already know its them
⤷ user let them have their fun!
user bro really said lol
user lando has a win and rizz??? is the world okay???
ynusername so proud of you! you deserve it 🫶🏻
⤷ landonorris i won because you were watching
⤷ user lando said "this one's for you" and SCORED
oscarpiastri congrats on the win mate
⤷ landonorris thanks osc!
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taglist (found here): @poppyflower-22 @sapphiccloud @darleneslane @decafmickey @slut4lrh @kaa12 @taylorslovesswifties13 @sbella13 @nhlfs @beskardroids @hiireadstuff @lorenica @delululeclerc @c-losur3 @casperlikej @soamericn @tellybearyyyy @geniusalpaca @namgification
proofread by @foreveralbon <333
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