#thanks again for asking about shana teehee
Ok, I tried to restrain myself because these were all really good questions, but feel free to ignore some if I asked too many:
Shana 💋🍊🍇🌸
Oleander ❌💿🔮💗
Ven 🌹💙 🍆 🌺
WAAA SO MANY!! AND THANK YOU FOR SENDING SHANA ONES!! it’s never too many btw :) you could ask for the entire list and i’d try to answer all of them, might just take me literal hours lol.
💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
the basic thing you have to understand with shana is this: he puts on facade after facade after facade. he knows exactly how much affection different people tolerate or want or what type they prefer. if there’s someone he wants to be liked by, he’s going to treat them exactly how they want it. shana is my most people-understanding character, ollie comes right after.
but. ok. another character of mine who doesn’t have any friends. but while ven has like. 1 or 2 people she genuinely cares about, shana doesn’t consider anyone a genuine friend. the closest thing he has to that are like. business partners. colleagues.
he has no family (anymore) besides an older sister, and their relationship is absolutely terrible. this post is going to be long as hell and it doesn’t really relate to the actual question, so i’m not going to elaborate on that here. i can make a seperate post and tag you if you want to tho. anyways. if he ever hugs her, it’s only because she despises it. any compliments are thinly veiled insults or even threats.
he has no romantic partners either. well, no partners HE loves. they love him. if he has a partner, it’s because it’s beneficial for one of his many schemes. and how does he treat them? i’m just gonna refer to the first thing i wrote here. if they’re not useful to him anymore, he usually drops them immediately. normally he’s even pretty amicable during the breakup, if they don’t cry after/annoy him too much. to 95% of sexual partners the same things can be applied; shana is demisexual and only actually attracted to a tiny number of people.
🍊What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
shana is one of those super healthy people. like if he’s at a company dinner or a similar situation he’ll eat whatever to fit in, but he genuinely only picks out stuff that is healthy in private. while he’s a doctor, i don’t think it’s because of that. he’s just someone who would be absolutely strict on himself like that. he doesn’t drink any alcohol though, even in the company dinner situation. obviously because 1) it’s bad for you and 2) he’s terribly afraid of losing control of himself should he get too drunk. (if anyone comments on why he is fat when he eats so healthy i’m going to shoot block you :])
🍇 Day or night? Sun or Rain? Summer or Winter?
he doesn’t care too much about the time of day honestly, what’s most convenient to him differs from situation to situation.
shana is someone who obsessively checks the weather forecast every day and especially before important events. i think he’d prefer sun purely because rain has the chance to surprise him and ruin his plans for the day.
he definitely prefers summer, because there’s just a lot more shit to do and people around. being around people is one of the things most important to shana; he’s straight up terrified of being all alone.
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
his voice is probably very deep because. most tall people have a deep voice and shana is like 10 ft tall lol. but again. so many facades. the different tones his voice can have is honestly insane. his laugh when he pretends to be someone he’s not might sound light and charming and friendly, but when his masks are down it turns into a cruel, sadistic and mocking sneer. and he’s uhm. not good at singing. but it’s not like anyone no one would ever know because if someone knows that he’s terrible at something, doesn’t matter how minor it is, he gets PISSED.
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there any history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
ollie is very forgiving and understanding to the people he loves, there’s not much someone can do that makes them stop being loved by him. even if they leave him for multiple years like a certain someone :) even when his daughter sennah became a paladin of sarenrae, killed several of her siblings and is now trying to kill him.
💿 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
like i said, oleander understands people real good, therefore he sees through almost any lies (he always suspected cami was lying about the amulet, he just waited for her to want to talk to him about it) and he is usually the one doing the manipulating, or the corrupting, if you want to describe it more accurately for ollie. if you know that he likes you, you can very much trust him with anything, but it’s very dangerous to do so in any other case lmao.
🔮 Star gazing or cloud watching? Hand-holding or snuggles? Early mornings or late nights?
cloud watching, i don’t know why honestly he just strikes me as a cloud watcher lol
i think he doesn’t have a preference when it comes to hand-holding or snuggling, he’d just do whatever camellia wants at the moment. he’s just happy to be there
early mornings, he is a massive morning person and always gets up when it’s still dark
💗 What would your OC say is their best feature? Why? What do their friends/lover(s)/people they know think is their best feature and why?
i think he’d say it’s his tenacity and devotion to everything he does, but i think the majority of people think it’s his kindness. i’d say camellia specifically loves how he is able understand her completely.
💙 What did your OC want to be when they grew up and why? Did they have any lifelong dreams or ambitions they never got to work on or are they currently working to achieve this dream? Has their life taken a very unexpected turn and put all these plans on hold for a while or have they given up on any dreams?
when ven was a teen, she wanted to be something like a circus performer or theater actress. she kind of fulfilled that dream, she just did it on the streets all alone for pennies lol. she never was too good at it and didn’t really care that it didn’t actually happen.
🍆 Tea or Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Sweet or Spicy? Fruits or Vegetables?
she mixes all of these ingredients together >:) (and then vomits everything out. still worth it to her lol)
🌺 Answered!
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