#thanks a ton for sending valoop to visit
kerra-and-company · 3 years
A Mist portal opens up in front of Kerralind, ejecting an armed and eager Quaggan. She quickly introduces herself as Commander Valoop, visiting as part of an Interdimensional Commander Exchange Program! What does Kerra show her guest that she thinks would impress a fellow commander, what do they talk about, and whose kneecap priviliges do they revoke together?
ICEP is a fantastic idea, and one I wholeheartedly support--thank you so much for this ask!! :D Kerra would no doubt be confused and have all manner of questions (such as how the portal was made, is Valoop able to get back home safely, does Valoop's world need help or is she really just visiting), but after she properly understood the situation, she'd be very pleased to meet Valoop! As for what Kerra would show her, hmmm...Valoop would probably end up meeting her sprout kids, which would be an experience in and of itself (as well as meeting Nisha, and Kerra's dimension's Canach). And depending on where Valoop wanted to go, Kerra would be glad to show her what Sun's Refuge, the Eye, and/or the Pact looks like in Kerra's world. And this last one wouldn't be shown to impress Valoop, but if Kerra learned that Trahearne was no longer alive in Valoop's dimension, and if Valoop wanted to see him in Kerra's, then that would definitely happen, too. They'd have plenty to talk about, I think. Even if their start towards the Commander job was pretty different (and they're decently different people, too), they've also gone through a lot of the same stuff, which is a hell of an icebreaker. Kerra would also definitely ask Valoop about herself, both out of curiosity and in order to make her feel as "at home" as possible while she's there. And this isn't talking, but Kerra and her partners sometimes help train folks in Lion's Arch, and I could see her roping Valoop into a sparring demonstration, if she was willing! And last but not least, we've got some revoking kneecap privileges! I saw that Fox already put forth Anise as a possibility for Valoop and Laighe, and Kerra would be happy to join them for sure. I've been trying very hard to think of someone else (who's still alive, that is) whose kneecap privileges should be revoked, and I have to go with anyone from the Consortium who Kerra and Valoop happen to run into doing sketchy things. Kerra trusts the Consortium about half the distance she could throw them, and they have done absolutely nothing to improve that perception since LWS1.
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