#thank you. i made a tsitp liveblog post so people who didnt care could block it
violentdevotion · 1 year
kjhdlkfjasdf scrolling through your tsitp liveblog posts gave me so much joy this morning, i deeply resonate with the fact that i resent this show and the fact that it forces me to listen to taylor swift songs while also have unironically adopted conrad fisher as my pathetic loser blorbo boy of the month. i contain multitudes etc
dude there's TOO MUCH taylor swift in this show, everytime a song played and it wasn't taylor swift id sigh a breath of relief. idk if you saw the post about the friend who told me to watch it, but she's soooo annoyed that I unironically like conrad. idk if I made a post about it but my fave things about him are his melancholic disposition and the fact that when he gets angry he doesn't shout his voice just gets really high pitch <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I hate this show so much and I can't wait till season 3. we are both very complex individuals
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