#thank you to everyone who submitted a prompt <3
enjoythesilentworld · 3 months
I can’t believe I almost missed the chance to ask you to write smth. That’s what I get for having a busy tumblr dash. Anyway. “Join me” as a prompt pls? 💜
hello my darling Lia. you know i'd write anything you asked me to. for today, here's a (not) little ficlet in which Simon neglects to read the fine print and somehow it actually turns out really well for him.
💜enjoy xx
Alone in a foreign country, Simon must find a stranger to join him on the romantic couples food tour he’s accidentally booked. (a 2.3k strangers to lovers, fake dating, speed-run of an AU) if you see this again for day 2 of simon's month dont worry bout it
Simon curses under his breath as the confirmation email comes in.
So, he’d booked the food tour a little quickly, possibly without reading all the fine print. He can’t even blame a language barrier because he’s in Spain and, thanks to his mamá, his Spanish is really better than his English.
The solo-travel thing had been a bit of a last-minute decision. Spurred by the post university graduation crisis of, ‘Oh Fuck What Am I Doing With My Life?’ whichled twenty-somethings around the globe to grab a backpack and buy a one-way plane ticket. Simon’s decision was also encouraged by the fact that he’d woken up one day and realized he was in a toxic relationship, quickly packing his bags and saying Hejdå to a two-year relationship. He’s only about three weeks into the whole self-discovery shtick, but it seems to be going well so far. He enjoys the independence of it all. Not that he’s not independent at home — in fact, he’s been a little bit too much of an adult since he was 10 — but more so that he doesn’t have to worry about anyone else. Simon goes to museums when he wants to, stays for as little or as much time as he wants. He eats when he wants, goes to shows he likes, and doesn’t spend every second of every day worrying about everyone else. (Of course, he’s called his mama and sister nearly every day since he left, but he’s working on it.) He also, apparently, incorrectly books guided food tours that are actually romantic couples excursions. 
Glancing around the nearly empty breakfast room at his hostel, he chews on his options. One is to show up to this tour alone and look like a dumb tourist. Two is to find someone willing to go on it with him.
There’s a pair of British girls in the corner, giggling over their plates of breakfast. Simon recognizes them from the stand-up comedy show the hostel had organized the night before; they’d been attached at the hip the whole night. Slim chance of separating them. Crowding around the cereal bar is a group of American guys who all look like fraternity brothers. If Simon remembers correctly, he’d overheard some vile words from them in the bar last night, and so he’s is not too keen on participating in any sort of tour with any of them, romantic or not.
The only other person in the room is sitting a few seats down at the communal table: a very good-looking man with light auburn hair and high cheek bones. His long fingers, nails painted a deep purple, hold up a book with one hand and gingerly lift a coffee cup to his lips with the other. He’s dressed quite casually, in an un-done button up over a tank-top and baggy trousers, but somehow makes it look refined. Simon noticed him yesterday afternoon in the hostel café, noticed the way the man’s eyes tracked Simon from across the room.
His pretty brown eyes are no longer locked on the pages of the book, but have found Simon again and caught him staring. Simon forces himself to hold his ground and smiles, glancing down at the book title. It’s by a Swedish author, he realizes, and a gay Swedish author at that.
Gesturing with his head, Simon asks, “Is it good?”
The pretty man places his coffee cup down clumsily. “Yeah, it’s one of my favorites.”
“I hope I’m not interrupting.”
“I’ve read it a million times,” he says, closing the book. “I’m Wille.” 
The light blush on his cheeks is endearing.
Wille smiles softly and nods, “Trevligt.”
He’s polite and looks suspiciously rich to be in this hostel, but his eyes are kind and has a rainbow pin on his tote bag so, before Wille can say anything else, Simon slides one chair closer.
“Are you doing anything today, Wille?”
Wille moves to the chair across from Simon. “Nope.”
Simon props his head on both his hands and gazes at this beautiful stranger, wondering why he didn’t speak to him the day before. “Would you like to join me on a romantic food tour around Barcelona?”
Wille quirks an eyebrow, then mirrors Simon’s position. “I would love to.”
The tour doesn’t begin for a few hours, so they sit and chat while the breakfast room fills up around them. Wille laughs when Simon explains how he’s gotten himself into this situation, and the sound sets little sparks bursting in Simon’s chest. What luck he’s had this morning.
Simon learns that Wille is also at the beginning of a self-discovery trip, running away from a family legacy and a desk job he desperately did not want. He also learns that Wille is incredibly funny and quite flirty, though whenever Simon starts flirting back he becomes incredibly flustered. His stare, though, is the thing that gets Simon the most. Wille looks at him so intently, gaze flitting between Simon’s eyes and his mouth, listening to every word and seemingly staring directly into Simon’s soul. It would be troubling if he wasn’t so goddamn beautiful.
The conversation flows so easily between them that Simon, so wrapped up in Wille’s laugh and crooked teeth, almost forgets they have somewhere to be.
They walk quickly through the streets of Barcelona together, heading towards the café at which they’re meant to meet the rest of their tour group. Wille’s fingers brush against Simon’s a few times, though his voice never falters, so Simon isn’t sure if it’s just him that feels the jolt of electricity each time.
“You said this is a romantic food tour?” Wille asks, reaching out to pull Simon out of the way of a passing cart.
The city is bustling with life around them, the sun shining hot between the buildings, people hanging off balconies, chatting with neighbors or stringing up laundry to dry. It’s absolutely beautiful, and somehow it seems a bit more colorful than it had the day before.
“Is it going to be obvious that you and I just met?” he says, letting Simon go ahead of him to squeeze through the crowd, staying close, with a hand hovering over Simon’s lower back.
“Well,” Simon muses, “we could make it a bit of a game. If you’re down.”
Looking over his shoulder, he sees Wille’s eyes light up with mischief. “I’m down. What kind of game?”
Simon chuckles and shrugs, checking his phone to make sure they’re still headed in the right direction. “We could pretend to be a couple. You know, really put on a show.”
“That sounds very, very fun, Simon.”
For the last ten or so minutes of their walk, they establish some basic rules. They’ll hold hands and gaze lovingly in each other’s eyes and ramble to anyone who asks about their beautiful love story. The goal is to one-up every other couple there by acting sickeningly in love. By the time they make it to the café, only a few minutes late, they’re holding onto each other and cackling at the increasingly ridiculous ‘meet-cute’ ideas they’ve come up with.
There are three other couples in the tour: one looks like a very young newly-wed couple, another is a pair of middle-aged ladies, and the third is a pretentious-looking, older couple who already look fed up with everyone else. As the tour-guide starts on their spiel, Wille wraps a tender arm around Simon, pulling him close and whispering jokes into his ear, somehow making them look more like a couple than even the newly-weds.
They sit down to start, and Wille lets Simon order for them off the selected menu. They feed each other bites of tomato toast and gently wipe crumbs from each other’s cheeks, all the while giggling to each other and only half-listening to the explanations of the food. It also seems they’ve unintentionally started a competition with the other young couple of who-can-look-more-in-love. When Wille hands Simon a napkin before he can even ask to wipe up his splashed juice, the man of the other couple tries to lovingly whisper something in his wife’s ear but gets brushed off as she’s too busy listening intently to the tour guide. When Simon holds out a forkful of potato omelette for Wille, the man tries to do the same, but his wife shakes her head, smiling, and fondly pats his cheek then turns back to her own plate.
As they move through the next few stops — a restaurant, a food cart, and an open-air market — he and Wille fall even further into their ‘game’. There’s plenty of very intentional touches and exchanged loving glances, but Wille also asks Simon about himself. About his family and his dreams and where he’s going next. Simon learns even more about Wille’s obsession with frogs and his love for lakes and his passion for writing. The rest of the tour group fades away, and things between them start to feel a little less like a game and a little more real. The prolonged eye contact becomes less playful and more loaded. The lingering touches become less out of competition and more out of some deep urge. Simon’s eyes flick more often down to Wille’s lips, watching him lick cream off his fingers or clean gazpacho off his spoon.
Maybe it’s the wine, but as they head to their last stop of the day, hand in hand, trailing behind the group, Simon finds himself hoping Wille isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. He’d made a few friends over the past few weeks, but it always seemed to work out that when he was having a great time, the person would be leaving the very next day, heading off to some new country or heading back home.
Wille grins over at him and points out a pretty sculpture, mumbling something smart about the artist and looking absolutely ethereal in the light of the early evening with his flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes. Maybe it isn’t just the wine.
Their final destination is small tapas place on the beach. Simon and Wille have given up any pretense of listening to the tour guide or of playing their little game. Instead, they sit close at their table and chat about their favorite memories growing up and tell embarrassing stories. Simon, as he’s done at every place, translates every bit of Spanish on the menu and giggles helplessly as he corrects Wille’s pronunciation. They share a plate of pulpo and split a liter of sangria and it’s one of the most perfect days Simon’s ever experienced.
“I’m really glad I misread that website,” Simon says, fiddling with his fingers. When he glances up, he finds Wille grinning at him. He takes Simon’s hand.
“Me too.”
After the tour concludes and their guide bids they all farewell, their group mostly scatters. But, Wille and Simon stay at their table, finishing off their pitcher and becoming increasingly rowdy with their jokes. After a few annoyed looks from their waiter, they collect their things and stumble down to the beach. Simon jumps onto Wille’s back, laughing loudly and savoring the feeling of Wille’s strong hands wrapped securely around his legs. Wille wades out into the shallow water of the beach, and Simon yelps when he pretends to nearly drop them both into the cool water.
Eventually, Wille lets him down but takes his hand instead, and they walk down the sand, talking about the food tour and realizing that they maybe didn’t pay attention at all.
There’s a warm buzz in Simon’s body, making him giddy and calm all at once. When they make it to a small concrete pier, Wille pulls him out to the edge of it and they stand, arms wrapped around each other, staring out at the Mediterranean.
Simon sigh happily. “Beautiful.”
“Yeah. Very,” Wille says breathlessly, and Simon looks up to see Wille staring down at him. He smacks Wille’s chest playfully.
“You’re an idiot, Wille.”
Wille laughs, “I’m being serious!”
“Sure,” Simon hums, turning back to the water, biting back a smile.
“Hey.” He turns back again and Wille’s face has sobered, and he’s now gazing down at Simon with that same intense stare. “You are beautiful, Simon. You’re also funny and kind and— I had a really, really great time today.”
He squirms slightly at the force of the words, the conviction in Wille’s tone, but can’t help but let his eyes flicker down to Wille’s lips. He’s so close and looks so pretty in the cool lighting of the twilight evening and Simon’s never thought it could be possible to fall for someone like this, this hard, in one day.
“Me, too,” Simon whispers. Then, “Wille?”
“Can I—”
Wille nods, gasping, “Yes,” before Simon can even finish his sentence and then they’re both rushing forward.
Finally, after thinking about it nearly all day, Wille’s lips connect with his. He tastes like fruity wine and olives and something so Wille, and Simon melts into his arms, coming up onto his tiptoes to press further into him. Wille’s hair is soft under his fingertips and though they’ve basically been touching all day, this is different and overwhelming and everything.
When they break apart, giggling into each other, the lights have come on along the paved pathway by the beach.
“Maybe we should head back?” Wille suggests, looking just as much like he doesn’t want to head back as Simon feels. But, it’s getting late and he’s also starting to feel tired from all the wine and walking, so Simon nods and takes Wille’s hand again.
They trail slowly back through the streets, pausing occasionally to exchange a quick kiss, or to slip into an alcove and exchange a slightly longer one. By the time they make it back to their building, Simon’s limbs feel syrupy with sleep and his chest feels warm with the events of the day.
Two steps up the stairs to the front door of the hostel, Simon stops and turns.
“Where will you be tomorrow?” he asks, looking down at Wille.
Wille smiles. “Wherever you are.”
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p3girlsweek · 4 months
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Hey everyone! P3GirlsWeek2024 will be taking place from August 5th - 11th, here is this year's prompts!
You can read the rules and guidelines for the event here!
Text version of the prompts can be found under the read more.
Day 1: Festival / Music / Comfort Day 2: Dark Hour / Training / Dorm Life Day 3: Childhood / Future / Promise Day 4: Fashion / Girl’s Night Out / First Date Day 5: Grief / Companion / Memento Day 6: La Dolce Vita (the sweet life) / Celebration / Crisis Day 7: Sleepover / Swap / Free Day!
The prompts listed above are only suggestions, feel free to interpret and combine them however you like. Happy planning!
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augusnippets · 3 months
Prompts are out!
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plain text and "rules" under the cut
path of hurt:
day 1: gaslighting/hypnosis/brainwashing
day 4: amputation/degloving/vivisection
day 7: waterboarding/drowning/choking
day 10: execution/fake execution/begging for mercy
day 13: drugging/poisoning/cannibalism
day 16: humiliation/dehumanisation/conditioning
day 19: collared/branded/chipped
day 22: captivity/recapture/tearful goodbye
day 25: intimate whumper/sadistic whumper/reluctant whumper
day 28: mind control/body control/betrayal
bonus prompts: forced to watch/whipping/stalked
path of comfort:
day 2: platonic bathing/hair care/make-up
day 5: drunk caretaking/concussed caretaking/feverish caretaking
day 8: reunion/found family/friends
day 11: escape/breaking the conditioning/safe and sound
day 14: toys/gifts/celebration
day 17: forgiveness/grace/resolving a misunderstanding
day 20: homemade meal/quenched thirst/favourite treat
day 23: massage/wiping away tears/gentle touch
day 26: nightmare/warm blanket/snuggling
day 29: singing/first words/inside jokes
bonus prompts: tending to nonhuman whumpee's nonhuman parts/protective caretaker/whumpee wearing caretaker's clothes
secret third path — whumperless whump:
day 3: thunderstorm/blizzard/heat wave
day 6: car accident/plane crash/ship wreck
day 9: hypothermia/overheating/dehydration
day 12: lost/trapped/avalanche
day 15: food poisoning/starvation/throwing up
day 18: apocalypse/infection/self administered medicine
day 21: delirium/vertigo/hallucinations
day 24: animal attack/bear trap/land mine
day 27: migraines/chronic pain/phantom pains
day 30: self-harm/addiction/overdose
bonus prompts: flashbacks/relapse/medical complications
day 31 — bonus day :) write whatever you feel like writing today or have a nice day of rest
AuguSnippets is an event that encourages the short and sweet of the whump genre. Ideally, your drabbles would be under 500 or even under 100 words, maybe even just a dialogue prompt. This, however, does not mean I won't reblog longer prompt fills! Don't stress too much on that limit. I just think it's sometimes nice to challenge yourself to write shorter drabbles, and it can also work as a very good exercise to write daily or semi-daily, and it doesn't need a lot of prep.
As for tagging your work, please use the appropriate trigger warnings. This is so everyone can stay safe and avoid potentially triggering topics while participating. Also, if your work is nsfw, please don't forget to tag it as mature content! If your work is not tagged properly, I won't be able to reblog it! Thank you!
Our special tag will be "#augusnippets day [x]". On the first day that would be "#augusnippets day 1". This is so I and others can find your work easier! You can also tag the blog, that's an even more surefire way to get me to notice your prompt fill :)
Is this a writing only event?
Yeah, this one is exclusively writing focused.
Do I have to use the special tag or tag this blog?
Not if you don't want to get featured on this blog :) It's just so I can find your work easier and reblog it here! If that's not something you're interested in, just scribble away without it.
Is the "under 500" a hard limit for the word count?
No, but I encourage everyone to try and keep to it in the spirit of this event.
Can I submit nsfw works?
Yes! Just please tag it properly :)
Can I mix and match the prompts from different paths?
Yes! Have fun!
What do I need to do to get the completionist badge?
Either you need to complete one whole path, or complete 10 prompt fills altogether while mixing and matching. Those who complete all 30 days (and maybe even the bonus day) will get something extra special!
Can I write fandom related things?
Yes! This event is both for original characters and fandom related writing.
Will there be an AO3 collection?
Yes! Here
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nejiweek · 6 months
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Neji Week 2024 Prompts
Thank you everyone who submitted suggestions! Apologies that we can’t have them all, but the amount of suggestions and love have been submitted has meant a lot ❤️ Thank you again, and please enjoy the event! If you have any questions, please feel free to submit an ask!!
🕊️July 1 (Day 1) - Family Time | Fashion
🍃July 2 (Day 2) - Wings | Sasuke Retrieval Arc
☯️July 3 (Day 3) - Celebration | Holiday
🕊️July 4 (Day 4) - Teamwork | Domestic
🍃July 5 (Day 5) - Marked | For the Mission
☯️July 6 (Day 6) - War | Fate
🕊️July 7 (Day 7) - Any AU | Food/Cooking
Neji Week Rules
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fuckyeahfraxus · 1 month
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Fraxus Week
                                      is approaching for yet another year!
We haven't forgotten or dropped this event! Due to admins' personal issues, it takes place around a different time this year. Thank you all so much for your patience and your continuous love and support ❣️
Save the dates and please help spreading the word as much as possible. Even if you don't plan on participating, it would be a great help if you share the post 😊. Every reblog helps us to get the information around, so nobody misses the oppourtunity ❣️
As every year we can't wait to see what you guys will come up with for the prompts and thank you for everyone who sent in their suggestions. We made sure to try and mix and match them well!! It's always a highlight of the year and it's so amazing to see that the love and fandom for this incredible ship still very much existent and strong. Newbie or oldie, we welcome you!
The week will being on the 31st of August with the first Bonus day (we call it Fraxus Week Eve) and end on the 8th of September with the second Bonus day, as usual. The rules haven’t changed but please make sure to read them again, especially if this is gonna be your first time participating.
So, the prompts, finally, - here goes!
August 31st/Fraxus Week Eve: (Dancing in the) Rain / Height of Summer
September 1st/Day 1: Learn how to love / Transformation
September 2nd/Day 2: Sports & Competition
September 3rd/Day 3: Hidden moments
September 4th/Day 4: Dusk/Dawn or Moonlight/Shooting Stars
September 5th/Day 5: Solace / Haunted
September 6th/Day 6: Mischief and Debauchery
September 7th/Day 7: Guildmates / Family
September 8th/Bonus day: Mythology AU/Crossover or Videogame/Movie AU/Crossover
Everyone is allowed to participate and basically every sort of entry is allowed! Art, a fanfic, edits, headcanons, …everything! Just make sure that it has to do with Fraxus and does not imply something else/negative/other ships/trigger topics like r*pe etc! It also shouldn’t include something n.sfw. Entries bordering on n.sfw or suggestive mentions are alright.
Please put at least one of the tags fraxusweek or fraxus week in the first five tags of your entry! fraxus will suffice, too, if you forget to tag it otherwise but using the first two named tags will just make it easier for us to find the entries for this week! If you have twitter, you can also post your entries there with the tags!
You can also combine prompts, create multiple pieces per prompt or not use the prompts at all. If you’re not inspired by any of them, it’s okay to do your own thing or do something similar to the prompts.
The prompts can take place in the Canon Verse or an Alternate Universe, it's up to you!
Don’t worry about being late/on time! Late entries are always welcome, no matter how late. We know that things can get stressful very easily, so don’t worry about it!
Do not steal other people’s content! That won’t be accepted and that applies not only to this week but in general. Also refrain from reposting somebody's work without permission.
You can also submit your entries to our blog if you want.
If you’ve got any questions, just shoot us a an ask or a private message!
That’s it! We’re super looking forward to the event again. Let’s celebrate our beautiful ship!
The artwork on the banner is drawn by the absolutely lovely @intelligentbiscuit! We used it with their permission and want to give a shoutout for y'all to go and support their artwork! Y'all can find the original artwork post right >here< and they're also currently taking commissions. Thank you again for allowing us to use your artwork for the banner <3 😊
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deadonmayn · 6 months
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In case you missed it in the boopening and dannypocalypes, we released the prompts! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted, there were so many good ones! We tried to provide a range of moods and prompts that we hope inspire you!
You can use any of the prompts for a day, none of them, the bonus prompts, or go for broke and use every prompt for a day! Remember that fan art, fic, moodboards, playlists, etc-- it's all game! We can't wait to see what you make! Here is all the prompts as one sheet. The text version is below the cut!
Dead on Mayn Week Sun May 19th- Sat May 25th
Day 1 - Sunday
Trope | Courting Rituals Word | Flickering Situation | Dinner is interrupted by a rogue/gang fight. Dialogue | “Are they gone yet?”
Day 2 - Monday
Trope | Jason Has Magic Word | Ritual Situation | Danny and Jason are abducted by the same cult. Dialogue | “You were never monstrous to me.”
Day 3 - Tuesday
Trope | King Danny & Knight Jason Word | Blood blossoms Situation | Jason and Danny get stuck in a coffin together. Dialogue | “We may have come back wrong but at least we came back.”
Day 4 - Wednesday
Trope | Mistaken Identity Word | Inertia Situation | Love square (Danny/Jason/Phantom/Hood) Dialogue | “Don't call me that name.”
Day 5 - Thursday
Trope | Soulmates Word | Pretend Situation | Jason and Danny were childhood friends. Dialogue | “I never thought I'd see you again.”
Day 6 - Friday
Trope | Ecto-hunger Word | Core Injury Situation | Danny 'rescues' hood from the Bats. Dialogue | “Careful, he bites.”
Day 7g - Saturday
Trope | Accidental Child Acquisition Word | Ecto-parasite Situation | Jason is in Amity Park and meets the mysterious local hero. Dialogue | “I’m starting to understand why you didn’t want me to meet your family.”
Bonus Prompts
Trope | Danny heals the pit rage Word | Fangs Situation | Danny starts a fan blog featuring Red Hood. Dialogue | "Oh, it's probably a terrible idea. But it would be so funny."
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bumblebyweek-blog · 7 months
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On this day we're happy to present…
Bumbleby Week 2024's prompt list!
Day 1, March 25th: Bumblebaby Day 2, March 26th: Jock & Nerd AU Day 3, March 27th: Soulmates/ Reincarnation Day 4, March 28th: Nomad Blake & Farm Girl Yang Day 5, March 29th: Evil Yang/ Blake (or both) Day 6, March 30th: Comfort Day 7, March 31th: AU Day Day 8, April 1st: Bonus/ VA Appreciation Day
Thank you to everyone who submitted their prompt suggestions and voted!
The official tags for this year will be #bumblebyweek and #bumblebyweek2024 ! We'll be making another post concerning the tags once the date nears, but for now know that those will be the main tags that we'll be using during the event in order to reblog and share what's made!
If there are any questions feel free to read our Q&A or send us an ask! We apologize for the delayed announcement and thank y'all for all of your support and participation! We can't see what you'll make this year!
See y'all then!
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bluelockhalloweek · 2 months
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Your Blue Lock Halloweek 2024 prompts are here!
👻 Reblog with your favorites prompts & share with your Blue Lock crew!
👻 Find the event on Twitter @/BllkHalloweek
👻 See below for more info, typed-out prompts, & prompt examples if you need clarification or inspiration
👻 If you would like to volunteer to translate prompts so more people can join the Halloween Party, go here!
👻 Original fanart by Qoffee51 (twt | insta) and graphic design by @suosage (​​twt)!
👻 Feel free to mix and match, and take prompts as literally or as tangentially as you want!
👻 Work doesn’t have to be specifically Fall / Halloween themed as long as it fits a prompt. (If you’re writing a Wild West fic for “Cowboy,” don’t feel like you have to stick a 🎃 in a corner unless you want to.)
👻 Work can be as lighthearted, scary, or spicy as you want as long as you follow the guidelines!
👻 Find the 2024 event Archive of Our Own Collection here!
👻 The event is hosted on Tumblr, Twitter, and AO3, so share your contribution on all three!
👻 Thank you to everyone who submitted prompts! Credit to @/unhingednagi who suggested "Dance with the Devil" (😈) & the several anons who suggested an undead/resurrection 🧟‍♂️ theme. A lot of other suggestions were already on the longer list or were very similar, or might be better saved for another year. If your favorite isn’t on the list, it's perfect for “Free Prompt”!
👻 Did you like last year's prompts? Use as many as you want on Day Five for Free Prompt!
Blue Lock Halloweek 2024 Prompts (Oct. 28 - Nov. 3, 2024)
Monday Oct. 28: Pumpkin Spice + Dance with the Devil  
Tuesday Oct. 29: Myth + Resurrection  
Wednesday Oct. 30: Whisper + Scream
Thursday Oct. 31: Sugar Rush + Haunted
Friday Oct. Nov. 1: Incantation + Free Prompt!
Saturday Nov. 2: Festival + Instinct
Sunday Nov. 3: Space + Cowboy
Prompt Examples + Explanations 
I’ve had people ask for prompt examples in past events I’ve hosted and this event is open to any language, so here you go! These are the quick brainstorming notes I took while narrowing down the list, now expanded with links & definitions. These are only some of maaaany interpretations—go wild!
Your host is a fic-writer with ADHD, so…you’ve been warned.
🎃 Day 1: 
Pumpkin Spice: Cozy Autumn vibes. Putting up Halloween decorations, carving Jack-o-lanterns, coffee / tea shop, pumpkin patch, scented candles, baking, fall sangria, sweaters and beanies and flannels, momijigari (Autumn Hanami 🌸, basically) / admiring gorgeous fall foliage, fresh hot apple cider in an orchard. Itoshi Bros and their love of turtle/mock-neck sweaters. Pumpkin Farmer Aiku and Karasu scarecrow!
Dance with the Devil: Defined. To dance with the devil is to engage in risky, reckless, or potentially immoral behavior. Or going out dancing; Demon and priest, hell, listening to the angel or the devil on your shoulder (making a questionable decision because it’s tempting), devilish fun or spells, sin, temptation, a deal with the devil. Ohhh, Sae and Shidou, your night has come! 😈 (Suggested by unhingednagi) 
🎃 Day 2:
Myth: Myths or legends from any culture or time period. Greek, Roman, Japanese, Egyptian, etc.!! Gods and mythical creatures and beasts. Dionysus or Eros or Apollo Shidou; Persephone and Hades, so many! Hercules Kunigami!
Resurrection: reincarnation, zombies (Lorenzo!), waking up a vampire or werewolf after being bitten; …having a little too much fun on Halloween and having to pull oneself together the next day (sugar hangover, ...hangover-hangover). (Suggested by several anons!)
🎃 Day 3:
Whisper: soft voices, trying not to be caught/found/discovered, whispering a secret, whispering something spicy, hearing voices. 
Scream: screaming in fear or excitement or…; calling out for someone. Scary movies, pranks. Awkward meet-cute. Bachira’s monster. 
🎃 Day 4, Halloween: 
Sugar Rush: the “rush”/“high” or energy you get from eating a bunch of sugar! Trick-or-Treating, candy corn, so much candy, caramel corn; being sweet, a different sort of rush; ..."give me some sugar"
Haunted: Ghosts, spirit entities like yokai, strange noises in the night. GhostBusters, Ghost Adventures. Gagamaru as a friendly Yokai! Shaman. Possession, possessed or cursed objects. JJK. Ouija board game! Monk Igaguri. Real or funhouse haunted house, ghost stories; being haunted by the past; being possessed or haunted. The twisty, creepy aura thing Rin gets.
🎃 Day 5: 
Incantation: a set of words that could be a sort of incantation / magic words, any type of magic, witches, wizards, curses, Ness the Magician, Harry Potter, Quiditch, Lord of the Rings, crystal ball, tarot. Wands, spells, magical objects, magical creatures, etc.. Making a wish. Non-literal magic words in relationships (saying / hearing just the right thing). 
Free Prompt: Whatever Halloween stuff you want that doesn’t quite fit a prompt. The day to use any of last year’s prompts! 
Just listing some of the things I would draw (if I could) or write (if I had time): Video game au for Hiori! Little French imp Charles as the Joker or a jester. Pokemon! Barou as the “Cowardly” Lion in the Wizard of Oz. And finally, artists, if you’re reading this, please, please consider Noel Noa (of the 🇫🇷 French National 🥖 Team!!) dressed as Bonjour Man from Life Lessons with Uramichi Onii-san (clip, manga cap). This is my second year making this wish. This image has literally been haunting me since starting this event and the manga/anime (even the dub!) is soooo funny. And technically, Bonjour Man is a cursed spirit sooo 👻
🎃 Day 6: 
Festival: String lights illuminating festival stalls, costumes, traditional attire (Aryu looking stylish!), food and drink, games, Isagi devouring fried fair food. Fall Music festival. Mid-Autumn Festival (with all the pretty lanterns and mooncakes 🥮), Harvest / Fall Fests in general. Bobbing for apples, caramel / candy apples, carnival rides and games, Ferris wheel, corn maze. Oktoberfest; Kaiser and/or any Bastard München player in Lederhosen—please, I’m begging!! Fun house / haunted house. Day of the Dead festivities. 
Instinct: fight or flight, fear, instinct to hunt like vampires, instinct to save someone, instinctively drawn to someone, instinct to grab someone’s hand or hide behind them; that gut feeling that it’s time to leave a place. Hairs on arms raising, chills going down one's spine, one's whole body trying to tell one something.
🎃 Day 7: 
Space: All things celestial. Nightfall. Stars and moon, werewolves, moonlight, Tsukimi / moon viewing + Tsukimi dango 🎑, celestial myths and gods. Stars, moon, aliens, Star Wars, astronauts, and planetary hotline Isagi and Kurona! Kurona and Isagi planetary hotline. Astrology. Wishing on a star. Fun fact: The Orionid Meteor Shower peaks just before this event starts, the night of Oct. 21-22, and continues until Nov. 7th! Cowboy Bebop.
Cowboy: Not much is wilder than Blue Lock—except maybe The Wild, Wild West. Outlaws, Gunslinger Isagi (see recent manga chapters), sheriffs Aikuuu and Nio, horses, rodeos, Ego and his little football bolo tie in cowboy getup pleaseee, the works, Nagi and his lil Choki cactus. Ego as a gangly cowboy, ⚽️ bolo tie and all.
Okay, that’s it. Hope y'all have fun. Please reblog and spread the word 🧡🖤
PS: ...If y'all want ✨spicy 🔞 prompt inspiration, I could always make a separate post (that would be tagged #spicy; please remember to block that if you're a minor or uninterested in mature themes). Let me know!
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tweekweek2024 · 2 months
Tweek Week 2024!
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What is Tweek Week? ☕ Tweek Week is an annual character appreciation week dedicated to Tweek Tweak from South Park! 2024 marks our second year running and we can't wait to see what everyone brings to the table. Tag us with your art, fics, playlists, memes, headcanons & more—if it's Tweek related, we want to see it! Tweek Week runs from August 11 - August 17! ❗Tag your posts #TweekWeek2024❗If we somehow missed your post, please shoot us an ask!
📝 Fic writers! You can also add your stories to our AO3 collection under "TweekWeek2024". 📝 Links: Carrd ☕ Guidelines ☕ Twitter/X ☕ 2023 Fic Collection
🎉☕ Thank you to all who participate and enjoy, and here's to another successful Tweek Week! ☕🎉
Below the cut is a written list of prompts with examples ☕
✩ DAY 1 ✩
SUMMER: beach, summer outfits, pool party, fireworks
FIRST DATE: either with a specific partner or ever! Any pairings welcome
✩ Day 2 ✩
SLEEP: napping, pajamas, cuddling
HORROR: zombies, vampires, demons, aliens, yandere, disaster, apocalypse, ghosts, etc.
✩ Day 3 ✩
BAND AU: musician Tweek—in a group or solo!
Y2K: 90s/00s AU, fashion, turn of the century party, etc.
✩ Day 4 ✩
GENDERBEND: different genders or forms of expression!
SUPERHEROES: Wonder Tweek, Superman—Tweek as any hero, magical girl, or even guy rescued by a hero
✩ Day 5 ✩
ANIMALS: pets, familiars, animal/human hybrid AU (like Beastars), anthro
FANTASY AU: Stick of Truth, Barbarian Tweek, witch Tweek, dragon Tweek, Robin Tweek
✩ Day 6 ✩
HOBBIES: sports, art, gardening, arts and crafts, legos, origami, baking, fishing, meditation
POST COVID: old man yaoi
✩ Day 7 ✩
BIRTHDAY: parties, celebrations, anything birthday-related!
FREE DAY: anything you'd like!
Thank you everyone for submitting prompts! We hope you like what we went with!
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lqtraintracks · 2 months
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I'm so excited to get to claim my 2024 @hd-wireless fic! This fic would not have been finished ever if not for the encouragement and support and betaing of @nv-md; I seriously can't thank you enough! Another big round of gratitude goes to the amazing mods of this equally amazing fest! Y'all are rock stars! And to everyone who created something this year, the readers, the commenters... you people are the best! 🎵 Explicit, 24,545  ❗ Warnings/Tags: BDSM, BDSM Scene, Kink Negotiation, Dom Draco Malfoy, Sub Harry Potter, Sex Work, Auror Harry Potter, BDSM Club Owner Draco Malfoy, Bondage, Spanking, Flogging, Nipple Play, Mild Cock & Ball Torture, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Praise Kink, Endearments, Kissing, Pain Slut Harry Potter, Harry realising he is indeed a kinky freak, Kneeling, Subspace, Aftercare, Good Dom Draco, The Ministry of Magic is Corrupt, Magical Theory, Angst with a Happy Ending, (Mostly) Top Draco Malfoy, (Mostly) Bottom Harry Potter, Brief Switching, Masturbation, Hand Jobs, Anal Sex, Falling In Love  🎵 Song Prompt: Undisclosed Desires by Muse submitted by @apricitydays-lazynights who I gifted this fic to because I'm so glad we've become friends and I'm really grateful for how much love and enthusiasm you've put into this fandom in a relatively short period of time. Thank you. <3
🎵 Summary: 
When Auror Harry Potter is sent in undercover to determine if Draco Malfoy is laundering money through his BDSM club, will he be able to keep up the ruse and close the case? Or, more to the point, will he keep from falling in love?
Enjoy! <3 Say When
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outerwilds-events · 2 months
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Well, Campfire Fest was an absolute blast. We had 18 participants and 65 submissions. This is a huge accomplishment that all of you made together! Thanks again to everyone who participated, it wouldn't have been such a great event without you. Major kudos to @noofl, @poisonhemloc, and @sawyer-is-eepy for submitting something for every day of the fest week during fest!
Honorable mention to @unnamedpebble for submitting something for every day of the fest week with the late submission period. Links to each days works are below the cut. If you haven't had the chance to peruse everything you really should. Everyone did such a great job and I continue to be so impressed with how talented this fandom is.
Be on the look out for more information on mod applications and on the winter event!
Day 1: Hourglass Twins, Angst, Slate, Locating the Eye
Tugging the Tether by @sawyer-is-eepy (fic)
Hour Glass Twins Warp Tower by @660percent (art)
Okay Maybe There Was One Death From The Space Program by @poisonhemloc (fic)
A Ship In Need of Repair by @carolkinopf (comic)
Bitter Medicine by @noofl (comic)
broken window by @tippertot (fic)
Campfire Fest 2024 Day 1 by @jellyfish-grave (comic)
Assurances by @merrydock (fic)
The Arrow of Time by @spitzyyyy (fic)
dropped in a canyon (help has now arrived) by @tksfandomhellhole (fic)
Post Feldspar's Disparition Slate by @unnamedpebble (art)
Time Stops for No One by SpaceMange (fic)
Day 2: Timber Hearth, Fluff, Hornfels, Music
Revelations by @sawyer-is-eepy (poem)
Hornfels - The Astronomer by @unnamedpebble (art)
What if Hornfels Didn't Know How to Whistle by @noofl (comic)
If You're Going to Play around a Campfire (You gotta have a Fiddle in the Band) by @poisonhemloc (fic)
Technically Kazoos are after Mirlitons Timeline-wise But by @poisonhemloc (fic)
a favorite of the formerly deceased by @spitzyyyy (fic)
Campfire Fest 2024 Day 2 by @jellyfish-grave (comic)
Child of the Stars by spacemange (fic)
Artistry by @merrydock (fic)
anti-fall tarp by @tksfandomhellhole
Day 3: Brittle Hollow, Hurt/Comfort, Gossan, Warp
Gossan by @unnamedpebble (art)
Gossan by @noofl (art)
Good Thing No One is Watching the Black Hole and About to Freak Out by @poisonhemloc (fic)
Brittle Hollow/Warp by @660percent (art)
warp to me by @tippertot (fic)
Untitled by @sawyer-is-eepy (art)
Campfire Fest 2024 Day 3 by @jellyfish-grave (art)
you're lucky they won't remember this by @spitzyyyy (fic)
Day 4: Giant’s Deep, Humor, Prophy, Sap Wine
Porphy and the Good Stuff by @cobaltbluesu (art)
Small Doodle by @noofl (comic)
This is a Speed Running Strat by @poisonhemloc (fic)
it do go down by @tksfandomhellhole (fic)
Porphy Tasting their Favorite Batch of Sapwine by @unnamedpebble (art)
Humor, Porphy, Sapwine by @jellyfish-grave (comic)
Behold! Sapwine! by @sawyer-is-eepy (comic)
Reflection under stormy green skies by CrimsonQuill086 (fic)
Thanks for Being my Time Buddy by SpaceMange (fic)
Day 5: Dark Bramble, Horror, Solanum, Ghost Matter
Noooo Hatchy by @unnamedpebble (art)
Our Friend with Ghostmatter by @noofl (art)
I Like to Think They are More Salamanders Than Fish by @poisonhemloc (fic)
The Horrors of Basic Biology by @tippertot (fic)
Solanum by @jellyfish-grave (comic)
Horror by @sawyer-is-eepy (comic)
Horror by @sawyer-is-eepy (art)
The Day After the End of the World by @tksfandomhellhole (fic)
Day 6: Space Station, Romance, Hal, Time Loop
White Hole Station by @unnamedpebble (art)
Hal and the Hatchling by @noofl (art)
Space Station by @660percent (art)
Space Station, Hal, Time Loop by @lutiaskokopelli (art)
River Chats by @poisonhemloc (fic)
If You Can't Talk Someone into Being Your Weighted Blanket Homemade is Fine by @poisonhemloc (fic)
Romance by @2isted-chocol8-art (comic)
Hal the Pal by @sawyer-is-eepy (art)
My future is in the forest of the stars by CrimsonQuillo86 (fic)
Day 7: Open Prompts
Time Buddies for the Soul by @unnamedpebble (art)
Don't Worry Guys They're All Fine by @noofl (comic)
Trailblazer 1 by @cobaltbluesu (comic)
Just a Weird AU Started by a Fall Out Boy Song by Fallout Boy (@poisonhemloc) (fic)
Universe by @2isted-chocol8-art (art)
Let's Walk Together by @jellyfish-grave (art)
Final Day by @eldritchcats (art)
Good-bye Campfire Fest by @sawyer-is-eepy (art)
The Divergence Hypothesis by @tksfandomhellhole (fic)
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Sundae Tropes - Milestone Event - CLOSED 🍨
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Well, hello everyone! I can’t believe it’s finally happened but we’re celebrating a milestone! 300 followers?! Like what? I want to thank each and every single one of you for supporting my little blog. I love the interaction and going forward, hope to have more engagement with everyone. To celebrate, I thought I’d throw together a little event. This is intended to be an 18+ event, so minors MDNI. Welcome to Sundae Tropes! Open to all my followers and moots!
Give it up for the talented @actuallysaiyan for the super cute banner!
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🍨 Make your sundae!
1. Pick a flavor of ice cream 2. Choose 1 or 2 toppings - One per group 3. Pick a man (or woman) from either Bleach or JJK 4. Please note the waffle cone option if none of the toppings appeal to you
So for example, your request could look something like Chocolate with whipped cream and caramel with Renji.
🍨Please note: Since this is meant to celebrate my moots and followers, I will not be accepting anon requests. Anyone who follows me and wants to submit a request, but are shy to have their name show up, please DM me, and I will add your request to the list and reach out to you separately when I’m done writing, without responding to the ask publicly. 
🍨 The reader will by default be written as female unless specified otherwise. Please have a look at my rules for characters I don’t write. All characters are either written as adults or aged up.
🍨Also, since each fandom has certain characters more popular than others, I’m capping the number of requests I receive for these characters. 
🍨This will be open for a week (closing April 12th). 
🍨I will be writing a good number of these and will be feeding all requests into a random generator to pick what order I’m writing these in. 
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Vanilla - High school sweethearts 
Chocolate - Boss/secretary
Strawberry -  Enemies to Lovers 
Rocky Road - Teacher/student
Cookie dough - Strangers in a foreign city
Coffee - Friends to lovers
Moose Tracks - Fake dating
Mint chocolate chip - Soulmates
Butterscotch - Forced proximity
Cookies and Cream - Marriage pact
Fudge - Captor/Captive
Peanut butter - Secret Billionaire
Butter Pecan- Love Triangle (pick 2 characters)
Birthday cake- Amnesia/Mistaken identity 
Cotton Candy- Secret Admirer 
Cherry- Return to hometown/reunion love 
Toppings (pick up to 2 - one from each group)
Group 1
Sprinkles - Threesome (pick 2 characters)
Whipped cream - Creampie, Breeding Kink
Crushed Oreos - Clit spanking, Nipple play, Bondage
Marshmallow -  Teasing, Edging, Toys
Kit Kats - Exhibitionism, Dirty talk, Hair pulling
Maraschino Cherries - Praise kink, Lingerie, Blowjob
Strawberries - Passionate/romantic sex, Emotional bond
M&Ms - Virginity loss, Soft sex, Sweet talking
Group 2
Banana - Doggystyle
Reeses Pieces- Cowgirl
Chocolate-covered pretzels - Missionary
Nutella - Butterfly Position
Caramel - Thirst Position
Gummy bears - Facesitting
Brownie bits - 69
Chocolate chips -  Lotus position
Kinks and fetishes not your thing? Want something fluffy and SFW? Add a waffle cone to any flavor! Pick a waffle cone prompt from the list below:
A waffle cone request could look like: Vanilla waffle cone #4 with Gojo
"I'm going on a blind date." "In hopes of them actually being blind?"
"Is there something I can do to make it easier?"
“Don’t you dare walk away right now!”
“Do you miss us?”
"I trust you with all of my heart."
“I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.”
“Do you want my jacket?”
"You're all my favorite things about the world concentrated into one person”
"You hugged me like your personal pillow."
“Oh, just shut up, I’m not blushing!”
“Morning cuddles are the best part of the day.”
“Of course I know the way you like your coffee.”
"My heart dances every time I look at you."
Why is your stupid face just so kissable?”
“Your laugh is contagious.”
"I never believed in love at first sight before I met you."
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all dividers by @/ cafekitsune Prompts from @/ creativepromptsforwriting
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submas-november · 1 year
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The official list of prompts for Submas November is now complete! Once more, many thanks to everyone who submitted prompts, there were enough to do a full month of main prompts as well as alternate prompts!
For those who are new:
Welcome to NOVEMBMAS!
Novembmas (aka Submas November) is an event to appreciate the subway bosses Ingo and Emmet, and it starts on November 1st!
Rules and plaintext prompt list under the cut
Tag your posts with "#Novembmas", and don't be afraid to @ this blog! All novembmas posts will be reblogged here. (This is more for organizational purposes -- you don't need to use the tag if you do not want to, but you will if you want it to be seen by this blog.)
Keep things Safe For Work
Tag respectfully and properly
No blanksh1pping whatsoever. (Many well-known shippers have been preemptively blocked, to prevent potential problems in the future.)
And most importantly: be Kind to each other. If someone does something that bothers you, just block them and move on.
Day 1: Sibling Antics / Humor
Day 2: Spooky / Autumn
Day 3: Glasses / Technology
Day 4: Maintenance / Coat(s)
Day 5: Stars / Outdoors
Day 6: Cozy / Differing Tastes
Day 7: Vacation / Anniversary
Day 8: Games / Unexpected
Day 9: Gardening / Cleaning
Day 10: Rainy Days / Arts & Crafts
Day 11: Amusement Park / Stowaway
Day 12: Costumes / Models
Day 13: First Train / Favorites
Day 14: Working Late / Surprise Gift
Day 15: Dragons / Happiness
Day 16: Trade / Receding Hairline
Day 17: Silly Arguments / Typos
Day 18: Heat of battle / Competition
Day 19: Flowers / Fanmail
Day 20: Pride / Sarcasm/Irony
Day 21: Photographs / (Coming to an) Understanding
Day 22: First Capture / Gym
Day 23: Family / Retirement
Day 24: Matching / New Style
Day 25: Sick / Guilty Pleasure
Day 26: Reunion / Hope
Day 27: Movie Night / Pajamas
Day 28: Snow Day / Beach Day
Day 29: Home / Fears/Worries
Day 30: Tradition / New Friends
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
I was thinking of requesting a silly scenario.... like fem!MC is part of a newspaper club at RAD and their director assigned her to make a note about one of Beel's games in campus. <3
(They ended fucking in the lockers room after everyone left)
Hello, anon!
This ask brought me so much joy lol. Anyway, I tried to incorporate all the elements and included them being in a relationship already, as indicated by your follow up ask!
Hopefully this turned out okay... I'm kinda going through a phase where my confidence in my writing is lacking so it's hard for me to tell, honestly.
Thanks for submitting a prompt!
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fem!MC x Beelzebub
Warnings: female anatomy and female clothing described for MC, also MC is described as shorter than Beel, semi-public sex, penetration (reader receiving)
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You held your D.D.D. up in your hand, the voice recording app running as you asked questions of RAD's winning Fangol team. The demons on the team were in a celebratory mood as they had just crushed the competition in that day's game. As a member of the newspaper club, you had been chosen to attend the game and interview the team members afterward. They lounged around the locker room, most of them letting their coach do the talking.
Every once in a while, you couldn't help looking over at Beelzebub. He was standing near the coach, as one of the star players. He blushed every time your eyes met. Every other teammate seemed to know what was going on. One of them would inevitably pat Beel's shoulder whenever they caught him looking at you.
It wasn't exactly a secret that you and Beel were in a relationship, but you weren't often here in this capacity. Your newspaper club endeavors were more likely to send you to school festivals than to Fangol games. But nobody had been available this time and you were up to the challenge. It certainly had nothing to do with the fact that you knew you would see Beel there, too. Definitely not.
You were glad that the team had won the game. It made this interview a happy, boisterous one. Even so, you were glad when it was all said and done. The other teammates filtered out of the locker room one by one. Eventually it was just you, the coach, who was still prattling on about defense, and Beel, who was still in his uniform.
At long last, the coach finished his speech, thanking you for your time. He clapped Beel on the back and asked him to close up the locker room when he was finished for the night. Beel agreed and the coach left, leaving you and Beel alone in the locker room.
You stopped the D.D.D. recording and put it in your bag before smiling at Beel.
He came over to where you were standing.
"Congratulations on winning the game," you said. You pulled him down so you could give him a quick kiss.
"Thanks, MC," Beel said. His hands went to your waist, pulling you closer. "The best part was seeing you here after we won."
You blushed a little, but it wasn't like you weren't used to Beel saying sweet things like this. "I just happened to be the only one available to write the article about it."
"You'll write an amazing article," Beel said. He put a hand on your cheek, tilting your face up so he could kiss you again.
You tugged on his jersey. "Why are you still in your uniform?"
Beel looked at you seriously, but you saw the blush that spread across his face. "I was waiting until you could help me take it off."
You looked at him in surprise. It wasn't exactly unlike him to tell you exactly what he wanted, but you still hadn't been expecting it. You smiled. It was so cute the way he was so serious about it.
You obliged, pulling the jersey up in an attempt to get it over his head. Beel helped you, removing it fully and dropping it on the floor.
You had to work a bit to remove all his pads and gear, but it was worth it when he was standing naked before you. You were pleased to see his cock was already hard, your own arousal pulsing through you.
Beel kissed you, pulling you into himself. He turned and pushed you up against the lockers. You could feel your back pressing against hard metal, but it wasn't too uncomfortable because you were still wearing your uniform.
Beel lifted you and you instinctively hooked your legs around his hips. You gasped as he kissed your neck, your heart racing, your hands gripping his back and shoulders.
You clung onto him the best you could, but you wanted to feel him. His name came out of you in a pleading whine. "Beel…"
Beel put his hand up your skirt, reaching between your legs to push your underwear aside. He circled a fingertip over your clit, making you gasp at the sweetness that ran through you. Then a couple of his fingers went inside you, gently pumping in and out, preparing you to take him.
You squirmed against the lockers and tugged at Beel a little. He responded right away, pulling out his fingers and repositioning himself. You moaned as Beel carefully pushed his cock inside you, his lips still on your skin.
You tightened your legs around him as much as you could, holding on as he set a fast pace. The lockers clanked quietly behind you in a regular rhythm. You let your head fall back against them, creating a slight thud. Beel pulled away from you, pausing to hoist you better, putting a hand behind your head.
You were about to protest, to say that you were fine, to tell him to please keep going, but he had already begun thrusting again and the words fell way to moans. The angle of his cock inside you was so perfect, hitting the right spot every time, over and over. The bursts of pleasure shot through you until you could feel yourself tightening around him.
You cried out his name as you came, your hand grasping at his bare shoulders, running up the back of his head, fingers in his hair.
Beel mumbled your name over and over as he came inside you. Then he was kissing you all over, your cheeks, your eyelids, your nose, your lips, as though he just couldn't help himself.
Since you were already in the locker room, it was easy for you to clean each other up. Beel was attentive to your every need, even checking to make sure the metal of the lockers hadn't hurt your back.
When you finally left the locker room holding hands, everybody else was long gone. A few days later, you received an abundance of praise for the article you wrote about the Fangol team's victory that day. Any time Beel brought it up, the two of you would look at each other and blush.
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flufftober | kinktober | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
taglist: @anxious-chick @t0tallycoolname @libidinous-weeb
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kataang-week · 5 months
Round 3 Voting is Now Open!
You can vote for your favorite seven prompts HERE.
Thank you to everyone who voted in Round 2!  There are 35 prompts remaining to choose from.  
Round 3 Voting will close at the end of the day on Friday, May 17th!
Please reblog and spread the word!
- The Mods
The 48 prompts cut after Round 2 are listed below.
Prompts that received 5 or fewer votes were unfortunately cut.
So we had to say goodbye to the following prompts:
Captive Audience
Date Night/Double Date
Doctor/Healer Katara
Hanging Out
Homemaking/Building a Home
Inspired by a Quote
Interrupted Naps
Long Distance
Lost and Found
Mythical Creature
Note Passing
One Umbrella
Past Lives
Penguin Sledding
River Rafting
Rock Climbing
Rocky Coastline
Sea Legs
Sea Sickness/Swaying Ship
Sheepdog/Highland Herding
Sheep Shearing 
Showing Off
Soft Wool
Sweet Nothings
Sweet Tooth/Dessert
Tea Time
The Headband Dance
Times Are Changing
And please do not be discouraged if prompts you submitted or voted for get cut - as always, there will be a free/AU/crossover day in addition to the 7 main prompts. This means you can use any of the prompts that were initially listed - or come up with your own ideas!
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koolades-world · 3 months
hewwo congrats on ur 2k journey! more blessings for you to come :3
can we have a prompt 23 & 24 with Levi?
thank you!❤️❤️
thank you! consider it done :)
this is the last prompt!! thank you for everyone who submitted a request. it was super fun and it was a god way for me to great creative haha. will post a masterlist of everything from the event soon!!
enjoy <3
prompt 23 and 24 w/ Levi
It was well known that Levi didn't enjoy going out. Anywhere outside his room was uncharted territory, and he had no desire to light up that gray part of the map. He was content with only occasionally leaving his room for events out in the real world. Other than that, he enjoyed staying in his room. It was his check point and everything about it was comfortably predictable. He didn't expect the human exchange student to understand him so well.
He'd actually expected to only see you several times max, but you kept going out of your way to do things for him, such as delivering him dinner, or slipping a postcard of his favorite character under the door. Each time, he managed to miss you, but he knew it had to be you, because his brothers didn't care about him or his interests enough to do that for him. The first time he worked up enough courage to thank you, he accidently caught you midway through your act of kindness. Levi felt as if he was he was about to die of embarrassment, but he carried through with the plan and slammed the door on you. He regretted it afterwards, so the next day, he opened the door again to apologize. He hadn't expected you to invite him out to the anime cafe that had just opened nearby. The rest was history.
From then on, he thought of you as another check point of his. Anywhere you went, he felt more comfortable. So, when you wanted to go out, he couldn't help but feel the desire to tag along. He'd tried staying in, but he always felt left out. Because of this, he ended up going with you more often than not. He saw lots of things that he didn't get to see much by your side, such as unfamiliar shops and restaurants that he didn't even know existed. Sometimes, a brother or two of his might be there, but since Levi would be with you, they didn't need to come.
Being out made him nervous, but being alone with you made him even more so. A couple times, the two of you were mistaken to be out on a date. Every time that happened, he felt as if might explode from the overwhelming feelings within. He loved to spend time with you, but you contributed to the building internal pressure he often experienced. Often times, just looking at you caused him to grow shy. You were so gorgeous, and gave him your undivided attention. The intense way you gazed at him while he rambled just got his heart racing, but he'd be damned again before he told you that.
"Earth to Levi!" You waved a hand in front of his face.
"Mc! Sorry." Levi tucked his D.D.D. in his pocket. It seemed he'd been absentmindedly staring at it while he'd been lost in thought.
"No worries! Our table is ready." The two of you were trying out another restaurant you'd been dying to go to, and as the sucker he was, of course Levi wanted to go with you. He wouldn't let his brothers do it, that was for sure.
"Oh, alright." He followed you through the restaurant, glancing around as he did. It had a very casual, rustic vibe. He sat down across from you at the table for two, and flipped through the menu briefly. You began to talk to him about your next project for your hobby, and he sat and listened carefully. He didn't know how to engage since he didn't know much about what you were talking about, but he could at least ask questions and show you he was interested.
As you were talking, you suddenly stopped and stared at him. He grew nervous under your gaze. "What is it?" He frantically began to wipe his face and straighten his clothes.
"No, it's not that." You leant over the table and swept his bangs aside. You held them there, and clipped them with a couple cute little barrettes. He reached up and touched them.
"What was that for?" He could feel himself growing warm.
"You know how I feel about your hair in your face. You have really pretty eyes, and I hate not being able to see them. Orange is my favorite color for a reason." Levi had to stop and process your words, and once he didn't he had no clue how to respond. You knew just how to get him to feel loved, but so incredibly anxious at the same time. "You don't have to answer that. I just wanted you to know that you're beautiful." You understood him so well, which was part of the reason why the two of you were as close as you were. He found it in him to smile at you without turning bright red.
When the waiter came to ask how the two of you were, and asked if they could get you any drinks, you ordered for the both of you. The two of you got on like a house on fire, because you complimented each other. You knew each other's strengths and weaknesses, and instead if criticizing each other, like Levi's brothers might to him, you did what he couldn't and helped him. He hadn't expected to find such kin in a human he hadn't even intended to get to know, but he was glad that he did.
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