#thank you to Homare too lololol
natsu-tte-noodle · 3 years
What's this? Noodle's inbox?! Hmmm...What can I drop in here...? 😊
Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome!
(Surprise! 💖 I couldn't r e s i s t sending this to you because um??? Hello?! If Nice Noodle isn't your name!!!! 💖 Seriously, even though we haven't interacted much, anytime that we have has been such a heart melting experience with how kind and thoughtful you are!!! 💖 You're also so so fun; I get such enjoyment out of reading your posts and comments both here and on oh-boy-me, plus indulging in your works! So, thank you for being such a delightful noodle and for making me smile and feel joy so much. 💖 Homare said it best when he said:
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Hehehe, couldn't resist. 😂 But yeah, you're just all kinds of super wonderful, and I hope you have a fantastic day/night/etc wherever you are Noodle! All my best, as always. 😁🌟)
Moon you’re far too sweet 😭😭 I’m so glad you enjoy yourself when you’re on the blogs or we interact because I love hearing from you too!!  Seriously, never hesitate to drop by because it really does make my day 💛
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Mankai Stage Winter Troupe Live 2022
First of all, their singing got soooo much better (the harmonies were so beautiful), their dances are also a lot cleaner, and. Wow, don’t even get me started on their acting. Absolutely phenomenal performance. I was watching this with a friend, and she said that this had to be her favorite Live. Which I agree with. I feel like every Live was better than the last. And Fuyu’s performance was seriously no joke.
All the songs were just killer and just so so fun to watch. The transitions in between songs flowed really nicely. 
The “story” bit for this Live is a bit shorter than the others, but that’s probably because the Live was already so long. It opens with Tsumugi and Tasuku doing a workshop at Yuzo’s theater. They did a really intense scene, and it was fun watching the two of them do an action scene. Then they invited Yuzo to go out drinking with their troupe. But the day of, Tsumugi and Tasuku are running late due to the lack of trains, and so it’s just Yuzo with Hisoka, Homare and Azuma, and it’s just... So awkward, lololol. To be honest, this is the part where my listening comprehension of Japanese isn’t really up to snuff yet, so I couldn’t really make out what they were saying, but I think Homare decided to drink a lot so that he would be eccentric enough to make Yuzo feel welcomed... Or something... So the song, “The Great Detective, Arisugawa Homare,” got remixed into Homare just getting hopelessly drunk. It’s so dramatic and chaotic, and it ends with Homare bawling all over Yuzo. It’s great.
In the end, everyone concludes that this is just Homare expressing his love to the troupe in his own awkward way. And after Yuzo goes home, they end the night stargazing. And oh geez, the stage was just so pretty.
Also, if you thought that Nocturnality couldn’t get any gayer... Oh ho ho, I am here to tell you that you are so wrong. They somehow amped up the gayness. Like, I can’t even believe. 
For the transitions, instead of Matsukawa or Sakoda, it’s now led by Yuzo. And he did a good job! I just couldn’t understand most of it yet, lololol.
They had the same backup dancers as the other troupes, so it was a treat to see them again. 
Akigumi’s message to Fuyugumi was just so them. Omi was recording it, and Taichi first started the message, but then he got sidetracked and started acting out a potential scene between a fan of his and him, until he got interrupted by Banri, who got interrupted by Juza which... Just led to them fighting that Omi had to put the camera down to help Taichi break it up, which ultimately led to Sakyo just barging in and setting everyone straight. And then Sakyo restarts the message to Fuyugumi that devolves into one of his infamous lectures. They’re so cute, I love them.
Unlike the other troupes, Fuyu got to sing “20 for Colors”, which is a song from Mankai Movie, which was neat to watch.
One little detail that I absolutely adore, is that when Fuyugumi sang “To Bloom,” they had these mics that were wrapped in their flowers. They were so pretty.
If I had to describe the overall tone of this Live, it’d had to be whimsical. And nostalgic. ...Yea, I think that’s a good way to describe it.
Also, at their curtain call, Tsumugi’s actor was talking about how last year, due to Covid, Fuyugumi was the only troupe where their performance might’ve been cancelled, and the pressure and the anxiety was just a lot, but thanks to everyone’s support, they were able to pull through. As he was talking about this, he almost cried, and then I almost cried. I really appreciate the vulnerability that he shared with us, since I just knew that there was no way that they didn’t struggle last year. 
To be honest, out of all the troupes, I always felt like the actors of Fuyugumi weren’t as close as the others, but you could just tell that they were just having so much fun during this Live. I was so happy for them, and I had a lot of fun watching this too. It has got to be my favorite Fuyugumi performance.
And with that, I finally got to watch all of the Lives!!! 
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utanotranslations · 4 years
Blog Post Translation: November 7th, 2020: 676* Honopi Thought About My Habits
Enjoy, and please don’t repost without credit!
Yaa This is Satoyoshi Utano!
Thank you very much for the comments and likes yesterday as well! <3 :) <3 I read all of them <3
Today! We did a Hello! Project concert in Itabashi City!!
It's the first time since AraBEYO ended!! It's been about a month since I sang solo :O :O
Today, Uemura Akari-san, Inaba Manaka-san, Onoda Saori-san, Akiyama Mao-san, Kobayashi Honoka-chan, Okamura Homare-chan, Yamazaki Mei-chan And myself, Satoyoshi Utano, It was the 8 of us!!!
There were a lot of members who I was on a team with for the first time......!
With Okamura Homare-chan <3 Today, she was really cute in the MC <3 :) <3 I'm happy that I was able to talk a lot with Homa-chan~ It was really cute when I was talking with her and Mei-chan~ <3 <3
Also, today, for the first time, I did 5 songs, including one I did for the first time :O <3 <3 <3
Until now, I've done four songs, but this song has a completely different atmosphere!!
I want to sing this song a lot and make it even better...... <3 :) <3
And, and, I feel like it was the first time that I wore a new costume in front of everyone......!
My hairstyle was braids x pigtail braids x twintails (that's long) (By the way, the dressing room's walls were blue, it was cute <3)
I did a second pose, and I think that I want to pose it next time <3
Today was the first time that I've been on the same team as Kobayashi Honoka-chan for a concert~ :) It's been a while and we were able to talk a lot~ <3
Though, more than talking, we were just always blurting out jokes to each other (?)
Today, Kobayashi Honoka-chan was thinking about what she often says, And it wasn't related to me so it was fine if I didn't think about it but, Suddenly, in the dressing room, Pi-chan started to think about what I often say......??
I thought, I wonder if you have time to think about my part? It seemed like she thought that I needed to think about mine, So she was thinking about it LOLOLOLOLOL Ah, it was too sudden
By the way, Pi-chan says that what I usually say, or rather, my habit when I'm talking is That it seems like, "I make fun of myself" lololol
Personally, I think that My own habit is that I say "cute~ <3 :) <3" too much  - but it's because everyone is cute
It was just a break where I was told my own habits with no meaning LOLOL What the heck
The Hello! Project concerts will continue until December!!
I'll do my best to keep being able to have a lot of growth *
"BEYOOOOONDS FC Event 2020 ~Christmas Jin ZIN~"
You can apply until 12pm on the day after tomorrow! :)
It's a Christmas party a little bit early!! Everyone, we'll be waiting to spend time with you <3 <3
My beloved Akiyama-san <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
It was actually the first time we were on the same time, But I was happy when she said to me, "It doesn't feel like the first time! :)"
Talking with Akiyama-san makes me feel happy <3 Ufufu
Well then! I'll do my best tomorrow, too! Okay! <3
See ya!
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[A3!] Re:FebMAGIC Part 5
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We finally get to see them in glasses!!!!
This event is so my weakness right now!
Who’s your favorite look? Mine is Sakyo’s and Tsumugi’s!
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Finally, the Actor’s Cafe Day is here!
Yosh, let’s all do our best!
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...Why are you here?
It’s sad that even though I wear glasses, I’m the only one excluded!
I’ll be in the back, so please let me join~!
He’s even got the apron ready.
It suits the manager well.
Thank you very much! Fufufu, I’m surprised that this kind of apron would suit me so well~.
Being in the back is good, but don’t break any plates or glasses.
Please leave it to me! Although I broke a plate in the dorms yesterday, I feel like today is going to be okay!
...I’m anxious.
A-Anway, let’s do our best today!
(Slight Time Skip)
*Door Chimes*
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Female Customer A:
Female Customer B:
Ah! Everyone is wearing glasses today!
Exactly. Let’s enjoy the tea time, ladies and gentlemen.
(It seems Tsumugi-san drew some inspiration from Homare-san for his character.)
Welcome, please sit here.
Female Character C:
Ok, thank you very much.
Oh, whoops~
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...Hey you, watch where you’re walking!
What if I got hurt?
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I-I’m sorry...
Don’t get so angry.
The customers will be troubled.
Mikage-kun, put on your glasses.
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Ha...! What was I doing...?
Female Customer D:
Wah, a dual-personality character!?
Gu, gufufu... When this is over, I’m going to buy the new game released today...
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(...Itaru-san, isn’t this just the real you...)
Yes, you.
You look like a good experiment. I’d like a blood sample...
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Furuichi-kun! You are also strange...!
Female Customer A:
Ah ha ha, everyone’s interesting~!
Female Customer B:
But isn’t Chikage-san the same as usual?
Mm? ...Is that so. If you cry and ask me to change, I’ll think about it. 
Female Customer B:
Eh!? I-I’ll do it!
How will you change...?
Ha.... I said that I would think about it, not that I’d actually do it.
Aren’t you thinking too highly of yourself?
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Female Customer A:
Eeh!? What should I do, even though he’s cold, my heart won’t stop pounding...!
(Although the customers find it good, I can’t tell if Chikage-san is acting or not...!)
(Slight Time Skip)
Everyone, thank you very much for the first day~!
It wasn’t very crowded, but it finished safely.
Thank you!
Everyone’s glasses characters were very popular!
It was good. I’ll come with these members to help again during the Valentine’s period, so I look forward to working with you then.
With unique glasses-chara, the Actor’s Cafe will continue to flourish!
Oof, this was an image heavy post, but I hope you all enjoyed seeing them all in Megane form!
Honestly, I feel like this is an opportunity for both Itaru and Chikage to reveal their true selves in public, lololol.
But why is it only Tsumugi that has a pose change??? I screamed when I first saw his sprite.
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