#thank you teatea!!
delusionaid · 5 months
✖☠♢☢✿ teehee <333
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salty munday meme
You just want to see the world burn~
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
My gods, where do I start? When I started we all had ridiculous URLs with 4 dashes in each, we all used random huge gifs as reactions, nobody formatted anything or used small text, and a LOT of people I knew were actually in RP groups and not independent blogs. None of the common staples of RP now were a thing the people I used to write with thought about, I feel: blog rules were none-existent or very very short and basic, exclusivity was not that big a thing (except for the group RPs), blog graphics really didn't matter.
Obviously I can't speak for all of tumblr and all fandoms, but that was my experience in the early days. It felt very low effort and low pressure but high fun. There was a lot less drama than nowadays too, from what I remember, and the overall atmosphere was quite welcoming and.. silly.
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
Be rude or mean or cruel or overall obnoxious to me or others. I don't agree with everyone on everything and I don't expect that from anybody else either. But there are things like common decency and manners and mutual respect and tolerance. As long as these things are present, we're going to be just fine. If I see you hating on others or bullying them - and I don't care about your reasons for it - I'm out. We could have absolutely opposing views on e.g. ships but be respectful about it and we'll get along. However, we could have the exact same taste in ships yet I see you hating on other people or being a bully (even if you're nice to me) and we'll absolutely not be friends. Be kind, it takes less energy than being a terrible human being, actually.
Gotta put the rest under a cut because it's long :)
♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz
I'm not sure about RP, I don't really pay attention to that. I don't particularly care as long as someone doesn't kinda copy me and then try to go to my writing partners with the same ideas. If someone took my verses or headcanons 1:1 to write them with their own friends and writing partners, honestly have at it. My headcanons also have to be quite specific for me to feel like they're unique to my portrayal. People who write the same muses often come up with similar things because we base it on what we deduce from observing canon and there will be overlaps.
I've had people steal and repost my fanfictions though. And I've had my graphic edits and gifsets reposted without my permission.
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
Purple prose writing - I never liked it and I never will. Generally excessive formatting too, to be honest. It get that it looks cool, but unless you are engaging in calligram poems the focus on aesthetics over content for me seems a bit misplaced. As always, to each their own, and if that's the art you are aiming to create here then you are doing a fabulous job, but it's simply not what I am looking for.
✿ What do you think about public call out posts?
I think they're bad. More often than not they feel like an excuse to bully people and they create more harm than good. They are never fully honest, never an objective recount of events and never lead to any positive outcomes as far as I can tell. They're the modern online version of trying to create an angry lynch mob to get someone burned at the virtual stake. I reject callout posts and cancel culture in general wholeheartedly.
Of course there are dangerous and shady people in online spaces (like there are away from your computers as well) and in very rare cases it might be good to make a community aware of an ongoing issue or the possibility of something happening. There should be a GENERAL awareness of the dangers of the online world and strangers that could help prevent actual serious incidents. That said, most callouts I've seen are not about serious cases, they're about people having personal altercations that have nothing to do with the rest of the community and should not be discussed in a public war of who's better at making the other look like a psychopath. There are good reasons why in real life, if someone is accused of a crime it's forbidden for people to take justice into their own hands and go after them. When you see a callout on your dash, you never have all the facts, nobody ever seems to question the source of these callouts (enough), they're always incredibly biased and presenting "evidence" out of context (which is the opposite of transparent), and never encourage you to listen to both sides of the story and make your own opinion of it. All of that should make you think twice before you even consider reblogging that. Also: imagine someone wrote a callout about you, with ill-intent, fabricating lies and making your past (& private) messages look shady out of context. Would you want total strangers to shun or even attack you without giving you the benefit of the doubt? I guess not, huh? Do not carelessly treat things as good that you don't want to happen to you in a bad case scenario.
It's just a hard pass for me. I reject this as a way of dealing with personal problems. Not to mention that I don't relate to people's desire to air their dirty laundry on social media. Try to fix your personal issues in private and think about the future consequences of your actions before you publish a lengthy text about someone who wronged you, calling them all sorts of names and things that you will likely find far less appropriate in a year from now, potentially ruining their other friendships, messing with potential new friendships, their chance to calmly reflect on their behavior, and possibly get them ostracized from an entire FANDOM.
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writerscornercafe · 2 years
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Here's the collection of fics from our Discord Secret Santa! Thank you to all the members who participated! 💖
🎄All I know is I'm in trouble (cause the atmosphere's so cold) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed for @onlythesweet
Larry, T, 8K
While on a holiday with his best mate Zayn, Louis meets Harry, who seems to dislike him from the start. It's just his luck he ends up getting stuck on a ski lift with Harry. Except maybe the universe knows better and he really is lucky.
There is also a podfic version available here. Happy holidays!
🎄Mistletoe Cove by @wabadabadaba for @beardyboyzx
Larry, GA, 4K
Once everyone from the competition was gathered in front of the small makeshift stage, the mayor started to thank everyone for coming and participating. He talked about how everyone were winners in his eyes which made Louis want to hurl. Finally, it was time to announce the winner.
“As the manager of Mistletoe Cove,” Liam spoke. “I am so happy to invite the winners of the competition to enjoy a free meal on us.”
“Why is he taking so long?” Harry complained. “Just say it.”
“The winners are…"
or, a small town throws a snowman competition in which two teams are convinced they will be winners of the coveted prize- a reservation to Mistletoe Cove. Only one team can be the winner though, who will it be: Harry Styles and Niall Horan or Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson?
🎄If you ever feel alone (Don't) by @beardyboyzx for @chai-hat-tea
Larry, GA, 9K
Louis is too busy worrying about helping his mum and paying the bills to let himself enjoy his teenage years and hang out with his friends. Enters Harry, who will help him reconcile with his friend and understand the difference between feeling lonely and being alone.
🎄Snow Squalls & Kitty Paws by @littleroverlouiss for @sun-tomato
Larry, GA, 8K
Louis and Zayn own The Future is Meow, a bookstore-slash-cat café, and are spreading the holiday cheer to their customers this Christmas Eve. A few morning snow flakes turn into a full-blown blizzard and before they know it, the safest place for them and their employees to spend the night is the bookstore.
Shop regular and object of Louis’ affections, Harry, is also snowed in with them— as is another man who Harry seems more than friendly with.
Will it be a Christmas miracle if Louis survives the snow squalls, a seemingly unrequited crush, and a curmudgeonly tortoiseshell cat?
🎄Storm Warning by @restless-rebels for @lululawrence
Larry, Teen and Up, 4K
What makes you think he’ll listen to me? He hasn’t for the last few ye-” Harry was suddenly cut off when Remi jumped from her seat on him and took off with the rest of the dogs, pulling Harry so harshly that he landed hard on the ground, his face pressing right against the hard day old snow.
“Haz? Harry? What happened? You stopped talking all of a sudden.” Liam yelled into the phone, clearly frantic.
Harry scrambled to his feet and held the phone up. “I’m fine, I gotta go!” He shouted and ran to catch up to the dogs who were currently jumping around a man, holding his small puppy close to his chest. He breathed harshly as he caught up and put his hands on his hips. “Everyone, heel!”
Immediately, the group laid on the ground and stared up in excitement at the dog in the man’s arms. Harry rushed to collect the leashes and held them in a tight grip, even though they were looped on his wrist. “I’m so sorry about them! They normally don’t rush other dogs, especially when they’re on their leashes..”
“Yea, well maybe you shouldn’t bring so many to the park at one time.” The man chided and looked Harry up and down. “Isn’t there a rule about it or something?”
🎄Louis' "Harry" Christmas by @chai-hat-teatea for @tommokat
Larry, M, 9K
Louis can't go to his family for Christmas because he injured himself. Harry, the wonderful friend that he is offers to take him back to his house. Cue in the confusion and chaos of family, Christmas, and their feelings.
🎄Silver-White Winters by lululawrence for @beelou
OT5 Relationship, NR, 9K
Liam Payne had learned many things as a bartender. He'd learned when people needed to talk, or when they needed a gentle smile. He now knew when they wanted advice or someone to just agree with them. He also had come to recognize when someone was past the limit and needed to be told no.
But when it came to holidays, Liam had learned that when people came into the Neighborhood Pub alone on Christmas Eve, it was for a reason.
Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Louis all definitely have their own reasons for showing up at Liam's bar alone on Christmas Eve. With the help of a surprise winter storm, none of them will have a reason to be alone for long.
🎄Ho Ho Hopefully by safetyfilm for @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
Larry, Teen and UP, 5K
Attached to the gift, just under the bow, was a paper tag, and Harry wished desperately that he could write his own name there. ‘To Louis, from Harry.’ What a dream that would be.
He’d grown fond of Louis over the time that he’d been watching him, wishing that he could be part of Louis’ life, of his world, regardless of the fact that the only thing Harry had ever known was working for Father Christmas—or Nicholas, as he’d preferred to be called.
The one where Harry is an elf in Santa’s workshop, and Louis is one of the humans he’s been assigned to.
🎄Christmas Pretenders by @larryatendoftheday for @littleroverlouis
Larry, Teen and UP, 4k
When Niall convinced Louis to come home with him for the holidays as his fake boyfriend, he never expected he’d run into the loveliest man he’d ever seen.
Or, a twist on the fake-dating for the holidays fic, where the real love interest is the fake-boyfriend’s best friend.
🎄'Sno(w) Joke by @sun-tomato for @londonfoginacup
The last thing Louis wanted was to get stranded on his birthday. But perhaps it was exactly what he needed.
Featuring a snow storm, a library, and a very grumpy Harry Styles.
🎄Baking Spirits Bright by @beelou / Cherrylarry for @wabadabadaba
Lirry, G, 2k
“Hello, and welcome to day 20 of our Advent Series! I’m Harry Styles and this lovely man on my right is Liam. Say hi, Liam,”
“Hi, Liam!” Liam waves at the camera with a grin.
Harry rolls his eyes with a fond smile. “Alright so today we’re making hot chocolate! Different recipes from all over the world. Mexico, Italy, France, and Brazil.”
🎄While the Moon is Bright by @tommokat for @larrieblr
Larry (Girl Direction), Teen and Up, 1K
Refusing to be the only one over 25 at her family's annual Christmas party, Harry turns to a speed dating event to find the perfect date. Too bad said perfect date hates Christmas.
🎄Odd Dogs by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry for @restless-rebels
Ziall, G, 3k
Zayn is not a dog person. Zayn does not understand dogs. He doesn’t know why they do what they do.
Yet here he is, at the doors of the Allegheny Dog Rescue, staring in at an odd dog and a blue eyed boy.
🎄Snow on the beach by @onlythesweet / onlytheclouds for @larryatendoftheday
Larry, G, 9K
Louis Tomlinson is a busy man.
When he travels to his mother's new smalltown for Christmas, nothing goes as planned. He's starting to think he might be cursed…
Especially when this one guy, Harry Styles, keeps showing up everywhere he goes, doing every single job in town.
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atmymercy · 1 year
feedback hii teatea, glad to hear that youre doing well! of course i care! im your lil sis 🤣 im doing well too ^^
wow my fs seems to be very patient lol this reading is really funny because these days im really in bad mood lol i guess that my pms really hit me hard 😭 and some readings you've done about my FS you put situations or something that is part of my present, that's really cool >o< i think it's kind of authentic of you to do that
btw the illustration of 2 of wands is very beautiful reminds alot the king from enjoy the silence depeche mode song !!
hope you have a good week and take care ! x
hello princess lil sis p! lol this title suits you!
lolol so true! omg! get over here! i'm so glad you're doing well! especially if you have been feeling bad about your pms! ps. i think we're synced or very close, lil sis! lol which is cool! we're on the same moon phases if so!
aww! thank you! i love being authentic as hell! lol especially because i'm not surprised! your future spouse wants to help you, honey! even when they can't be there in physical form! so i love that they're taking care of you from past the veil and using me to do so! eee! makes me feel so special to give you a moment like that! yay!
omg what song is this?? i need to hear it! also yes! it does give off king vibes, doesn't it? i love that you picked that up! so true!
you too, honey! have a good week and stay safe!
love & light!
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rednet-archive · 3 years
Pick at least 5 mutuals from your list and assign them an Emoji you think it describes them in the best form. You can explain your decision and your mutuals can keep the game going on by tagging others
@a-story-of-atoms linalinaaa !!! thank you for tagging me angel!!! (btw my emoji for you is ❤!!! you're always so sweet and kind to me, like an older sister, your heart is filled with love!! and I adore you for it.)
1. @atinyhater - 🥰 and 🍧
teatea the 🥰 is because you're literally the cutest person everrr, and you're so sweet just like that emoji!! whenever I see it I just get reminded of you fhdjsjsjsjs and the 🍧 is because I associate you with ice cream idk why
2. @lovedsoup - 🦉
minniee you're my little owl <33 owls are my favourite birds!! and you're one of my favourite people ^-^ also you stay up a lot and you sleep during the day fdhdkshsj you're just a cutie overall like an owl!!!
3. @iwaizurni - 🌸
i love cherry blossoms so much yuyu, and i adore you even more, they really. you're like a cherry blossom, small, delicate and prettyyy. my neighbours have like a little cherry blossom tree and when the flowers sprouted like 2 months ago I'm just like ":O they really remind me of yu". you really are pretty like a flower!! also cherry blossoms to me... they're really really elegant flowers and you really radiate elegancy to me yu :)
4. @gackthater - 🦋
I know you assigned this butterfly for me but listen!! you act all cool and things on the outside but you really are just a butterfly no matter what you say >_> you're beautiful like one, and people can't help but to look at you whenever you're around. everyone just has to love you <3
5. @izams - 🦦
fhdjshsjs nikoo!!! you always end your messages sometimes with an otter (I know you also regularly use the sloth and the seal, but the otter one just stuck) and now whenever i see it I just get reminded of you!! in my head this emoji is only yours to use fhskdhsjsj <3
6. @oiikawaii - ☀️
elsieee you're the sunnn!!!! you make me smile so brightly whenever I see you on my dash and ahhh just like the sun to a sunflower I can't help but be happy whenever I talk to you ^-^ I adore you so much
tagging everyone that I already tagged above and anyone else who wants to do this!!!
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yeosbirthmark · 3 years
teatea!! 🌷 here's this flower for you, i hope you have a good day today :)
gigi!!!!! thank you🥺💕
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illia-ast · 4 years
The real question: 81. Tea or coffee? OwO (Oh, and maybe, if you want: 28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?)
(( @pjarox thank you!! )) (( Make me admit stuff? ))
81. Tea or coffee? OwO 
I actually love both. . . and I treat both of them much the same in that they need milk and sugar. Other than just southern sweet tea because I’m not a monster. Though at the absolute top of the pyramid would be spiced tea (chai tea teatea) with milk and sugar. 
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
I laugh at any and everything. I am very much a gigglepuss. My nonsense blog, whatever my husband has said, these videos he’s listening to right now while I’m half awake. 
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A different Brit here, that ask confused the crap out of me and me being crap at geography, I honest thought that Yeehaw land was a place and now I feel like a right numpty. My bad.😶If it helps, and anybody wants their own back, I have an American friend that likes to call me and my other British friends Teatea heads as in titty heads, although the jokes on him really because I find tea absolutely revolting. (So I guess that's my tat for today, a poorly whumpee spilling tea all over the floor)
😂 😂 😂 this ask just made my day. Thank you, Nonny. And I love the trope!
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tenticle-pup · 7 years
Rue I just got to say you are really cool and your little seeing eye crocodile is just adorable.
R:" thank you so much buddy!!! Ahh and you also love teatea!!" Wags tail blushing excitedA: "rue please calm down you might scare them... or crush them so plea-UN!!"-now rue was hugging Ariitea and wriggling excited-
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borathae · 3 years
🥲 i want sub tae for ihtily pretty please thank u ❤️ ( i know u love subby teatea miss Sibi! 🤣)
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I see that I have found a fellow sub!Tae enthusiast 🤪 I would love to tell you more, but I am trying not to spoILER THE STORY FOR YOU OAMAMGERE 😩🤐💜
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atmymercy · 2 months
💭late feedback💭
Hii teatea, sorry for the late feedback but im heree
Ive been working with that issue of being insecure and hinding myself and ff course things don't get better overnight, but I think I'm doing a good job, and it's been really fun..
You helped me gain a lot of insights during these period, and sometimes i come back to read some old readings again because there are things that I don't absorb at the time and I can only understand after a while ahaha like for example it was with you that I understood that I should rest my mind and take care with my sleep.
I believe you managed to say everything my spirit guides wanted to say to me for a long time. So im really grateful for helping me create a connection between them and also helping me during times when I was not well with your own advices that you gave to me too.
hello p!
omg! where have you been? it's been forever! lol not that i mind a late response! you know that! late is better than never! so i'm glad you're here, honey! though i'm happy to also hear you're working on yourself, honey! that must feel good! and i bet you are doing a good job!
aww i'm so happy to have been able to help you in any way, honey! i hope you know that and reading old readings brings you that inner knowing to dive deeper within your own soul, honey! i actually love that about my readings! i find every time you re-read something new hits you! spirit guides are so clever and ahead of us! they sprinkle clues and hints all the time and even we can't always see it!
aww thank you, honey! i work really hard to make these messages make sense but also hold the in-depth knowledge and insight they are trying to share! it's a fun balancing act for me! but i do my absolute best and thank you so much for recognizing that in me, honey! woot!
love & light!
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♡ message me for details/questions & to book a reading! ♡
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atmymercy · 1 year
Hii Tea, im here for the feedback
I get that you are excited for the future and what it holds for you but worrying about the future is like hoping for a heart attack.
Lmao this is so funny😭😭😭😭😭
Thats true, ive been worrying too much with future and i get stressed about it but its not only that my big sis... my hair is running from my head because ive been stressed with things that happen and things that make some trigger too, I've been like this for about a month because of some new changes where i live, but i feel relieved and happy what my guides said for me! I do feel what i do isnt enought but im doing what i can do and have some stuffs that i cant control so i need to chill lol i know that its only a phase i will being able to improve my emotions after all in the past it was much worse but I think I'm making progress ^^ I remember once you told me that realization is half of our progress and that makes a lot of sense!
Take care teatea xoxox
hello p!
lol i'm happy you think i'm funny! i like to think i am too! lol
oh yeah! dealing with stress in this life is like half the battle, i swear! but look at you, doing it! like don't you already feel better by admitting all this? i know i would feel light after doing so! and honey, if you're worried about your hair, then i would suggest doing nightly scalp massages! it will feel good. it will help with your stress and help with your scalp health! it should be an overall benefit to you! feel free to add beneficial oils if you would like!
and i'm sure you're already getting better at this and you just can't see it yet because you're busy being present and actively doing better! you got this, honey! keep it up!
and thank you for the feedback, honey! i'm so glad i could help!
love & light!
♡ message me for details/questions & to book a reading! ♡
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atmymercy · 1 year
Hii teatea! Hope youre doing well! I would like to participate in this weekend giveaway!
Can I have a message from my spirit guides?
Thank youu
Xoxo ♡♡
hello p! p! i am doing great! thank you for hoping so! i hope you do as well! i also hope you've been having fun journalling, honey!
for you, i got the 2 of swords (reversed), 7 of coins & 4 of wands.
ah i see! okay! so your spirit guides are saying you are feeling stuck in your life. especially in your mind. you worry about the future a lot. too much so, honey. i get that you are excited for the future and what it holds for you but worrying about the future is like hoping for a heart attack. you're putting yourself through undue stress about things that are not happening or don't even exist yet, right? that's okay! it's fun to have a full mind full of imagination but you should know you will be able to deal when the time comes. why? because you're here and you've made it! and you've been doing such a great job and just because your good job is not always recognized, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. i see you, honey doing your best and that's all the spirit guides want for you. your spirit guides are supporting you and if you do trip and fall, they'll be there to help you up if you just ask, honey! "and then we'll do something fun too!" is what they added so why worry? lol
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee/tip when you can! if you want to explore this further, please also consider a private read. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
♡ message me for details/questions & to book a reading! ♡
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atmymercy · 1 year
Hii Teatea, how are u doing? I want to participate in this sunday giveaway!
How i can be more assertive? these days i get so indecisive what I should do even with simple everyday things and it makes me overwhelmed and I end up doing nothing, i tried to do a diary to help me but i got indecisive even with that omg lol
tyyyyy xoxoxoxoox
hello p! i'm doing great! how about you? and sure! come in! join in! well already i wonder if you have issues with perfectionism if you don't even want to darken a diary page (you can just scribble circles if you want. sometimes its what i do when i'm too annoyed to actually write words!) but let's see what your spirit guides have got to say!
for you, i got the 10 of wands, judgement & queen of swords.
lol i see we are alike, little sis! lol okay! so here's some of the issues when it comes to you being assertive! you understand that if you do become more assertive, it will increase your responsibilities and burdens, right? without even thinking or saying the words, your mind is already acknowledging all the pains and responsibilities that come with being successful! it kind of scares you, a bit, huh? because you already have enough on your plate and you know if you are seen as even more able, you will be given more tasks! and it doesn't help that you will also lay your own judgments on everything you do because your mind has been taught to find issues and nitpick. wow! that's fun! same sis! lol so i'm giving you homework, your spirit guides are saying! you need to fill out a whole page in your diary about all the things you love about yourself! no judgement! just truth and love about yourself! get to it! you can't be assertive if you don't know who you are to be assertive about! lol good luck!
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee when you can! if you want to explore this further, please consider a private read as well. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
♡ message me for details/questions & to book a reading! ♡
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atmymercy · 1 year
Hii teatea! I would like to participate in your giveawayyy
These days my self steem is really low, could i have any advice?
Thank you xoxo
hello p! of course, you can! welcome! welcome! i'm sorry to hear you're feeling low. let's see.
for you, i got the 10 of wands, 2 of coins & the emperor (reversed).
so the advice the spirit guides got for you right now is that you need to take more breaks. and not just physical breaks, though you need to also include more of these, you need to also give yourself emotional breaks. i see you expect a lot of yourself, which is a good thing but honey, not to the point of being rigid. you need to give yourself some leeway. enough that you feel you can breathe when you don't look or sound perfect. there's going to be moments like that. why? you're human and you're learning every damn day. you are not perfect so don't hold yourself up to such standards. especially because i know these standards weren't placed here by you, honey! why would you do this to yourself on purpose? you don't. you feel you have to be this standard of perfection but you don't! nothing bad will happen if you are a bit more tender with yourself. just release and let it be. nothing bad will happen. it's just a low moment right now. you'll see past the clouds in a bit, okay?
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee when you can! if you want to explore this further, please consider a private read as well. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
♡ message me for details/questions & to book a reading! ♡
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