#thank you syn and juno for requesting more lore posting!!
doctorjackdaw · 1 month
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Ikiaq lives in a small town in coastal Alaska and followed in his father's footsteps towards becoming an artist. He helps his father with his exhibitions in the surrounding area, and spends most of his free time surfing (oftentimes driving down into Canada for slightly warmer water).
Eventually he meets Phinneas, a charming fisherman with a lilting Scottish accent and a funny smile. As the two grow close, and Ikiaq truly falls in love for the first time in his life, he begins to realize Phin has a secret... they're a selkie!!
Ikiaq's gender is complicated - he was raised in a traditionally feminine way and came into his masculinity as his family and community recognized him as Two Spirit. However, he was still offered and accepted the face tattoos also worn by his mother and female cousins because he is deeply connected to the matriarchal power of his ancestors - as far as I've researched, there's no direct gender in Inuktitut, so in discussions with his family, he's seen as feminine or nonbinary. In english, he uses he/him pronouns only as is his preference.
All of my development of Ikiaq's character has come through researching Inuit culture and the Inuktitut language online, which means I am certain to make mistakes - please let me know if you notice anything incorrect, glaring or otherwise, and I'll make it right!
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