#thank you so much for the lovely comment nonie I’m glad you enjoyed!!
dearly-somber · 2 months
OMG OMG ITS FINALLY HAPPENING, EVERYBODY CALM DOWN 🏃‍♀️😲🫨 I am so so so excited to see how YN acts now that she knows she is in love 💓
Ps. I love the series so much, you're an amazing writer 💞🤧
SNDJJA YOU’RE TOO SWEET THANK YOU SO MUCH <333 It really means the world to me 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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delirious-donna · 3 months
Donna darling! ♡
I'm utterly sorry for delaying my response to your fic about Kento and the kitchen service. You and @anonimusunnoaniswriting have been very cheeky sneaky smutty magicians that have been drinking potions from the fountain Smut Goddess ! As I said earlier to Noni dearie, My migraine attack has quieted down, but I'll probably end up in the ER again with a possible multiple heart attacks due to yours and her Nanami Kento Kitchen delicatessen! Oh my goodness! 🙈🔥❤️‍🔥🥵🥺
This was deliriously delicious to read !!! And worse, if I was already addicted to fanfiction, now my condition has worsen with this. LOL
As I said to Noni, I haven't been able to look right to my small kitchen that my mind wanders to both your fics, and my legs just wobbles. Lord I'm ending up in Dante's Inferno circle which shall read "welcome to the smut club if you've read any single one, your place is here". And I'll happily take my place giggling like a school girl.
Thank you for your magnetic writings and inspiring imagination! Blessed be thy writer's hands !
Thanks so much, love. It always means so very much to receive asks and comments like these. I’m just glad that there are people that enjoy the stories in my head, even if they are mostly filthy 🤦‍♀️
Have a great day, dearest! <3
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Not eveyone is solo or anti . My bias is also tae but i feel very bad for jimin bcz he is v's soulmate . Every single time it is always jimin who gets hate. If ww say anything about jm or defebd him , yall call us solo and if we say about jikook yall say we r jikook anti and shit. But No . We also care and i just care too much for jm. He us not on SM , he must be chlling and all without him knowing what is happening here bcz of his so called mf 'jungkookie'. All jk needs was to bring up jm , and sit and enjoying the hate he revieves from his MOTHERFUCKING SHIP. Woww👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏. Today reading the tweets about jm , people makong fun of him i remembered the past. When jk used to rank him last in the looks bcz he was 'too ugly' for him. 'Chubby' 'cheeks' 'fatty' 'ugly' . Jk is still immature & selfish person. I can never watch jk anywhere near jm today after all this he did. He better stay the fuck away from jimin like he does when there are no cams selfish mf. Disgusting.
Nonie I know you’re upset at all the hurtful things Jimin was exposed to today because of JK’s comment. But that’s crazy fans’ fault, not JK’s… There’s plenty of evidence that all BTS members have been insensitive to each other and a tad selfish at times over the years—they are human and have grown up under extremely unusual (idol life) circumstances, always in the public eye.
But remember also how much Tae and JK and Jimin love each other—truly, not just for the cameras. Remember that JK compliments JM so often, said in front of everyone on record that he’s the hardest working member and hardest on himself. Remember JK climbed a mountain to bring Jimin snow. Remember he planned the whole Tokyo trip to please Jimin. He got Jimin a special birthday present one year but didn’t do that for any other member. He raves about Jimin’s mom’s kimchi. He showed Jimin how to teach Bam tricks. He went on a OMAD diet with Jimin and it was the only time Jimin stopped starving himself—to protect JK’s health. They stay up all night together. He spends hours sitting quietly in Jimin’s hotel rooms after concerts. He waits hours after a long work day just to share a car with Jimin. He’s always watching Jimin. He’s always copying Jimin. He literally carries Jimin on his back even when he’s exhausted. He loves Jimin.
And Jimin is a consummate professional, a global superstar, a taekwondo black belt, a millionaire, with 8 years of kendo and Chinese martial arts training, plus an IQ of 128. He’s smart and can take care of himself. If he considers JK a true friend, I trust his judgement.
I’d absolutely prefer if JK and Tae came right out and told toxic fans to lay off Jimin, but it probably wouldn’t do much good—haters thrive on hate. I’m glad there are fans like you who may have a bias but still see the good in other members and have empathy for them!
I can only hope our boys demonstrate their love for each other enough in private that they never doubt how much they mean to one another. The way they care for each other can be clumsy and needy and cringey and strained at times, but it’s real—not for clout or fan service—it’s a genuine bond we fans might never fully grasp.
Keep the faith, Nonie. I believe JK just needs to grow up and learn how to interact unscripted with fandom. Anything he says can and will be used against him (and Jimin). The sooner he learns to navigate that, the better. But V and Jimin are too smart and self-sufficient to keep close to a selfish asshole. I really do think this is just a case of JK making a teasing comment and the dark side of fandom weaponizing it. And weaponized social media is why Jimin is so inactive. I worry BTS will relinquish social media to their label if fans don’t settle down soon.
But yes, thank you for loving Jimin and wanting him to be appreciated and considered.
In any case, I hope the upcoming concert has some amazing and fun moments that heal your heart, with lots of great Tae and Vmin moments to enjoy!! <3 Be well, Nonie!!
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rainy-day-coffee · 4 years
idea: how would riddle react if someone told him he acted just like his mother?
This question is absolutely amazing. This has so much angst potential and it brings me pain. Nony, thank you for opening the gates to my brain! I could go on so long about this, you have no idea.
Riddle's reaction to being told he acts like his mother
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Answer under cut for possible triggers (mainly mentions of abuse.)
First of all, the place of the situation would definitely affect his reaction. If he were in front of his mother or in a place where his mother would be able to know what his response is, he would simply smile and thank the person. If he were to do anything but that, his mother would certainly be immensely disappointed and bring out some sort of punishment. That punishment wouldn’t necessarily mean something physical. It could be something as simple as words, “Riddle, all that I’ve been doing is for your own good. It’s perfectly fine if you hate your poor mother. However, please know that she’s only doing what she knows is best for you.” Although it’s just a couple of sentences, they’re enough to make anyone feel guilty. Riddle’s mother is more emotionally and verbally manipulative, I’m sure many know this already.
If he were at school, he would most likely stare blankly for a couple of seconds before donning a poker face. He would do his best to maintain his composure. Seemingly brushing off the comment and going on with his day. The watery eyes you saw just now were simply a figment of your imagination, he'll assure you. Someone extremely close to him, like Trey or Che’nya, would be able to tell something is wrong immediately. Whether they are there or not to comfort him is another situation entirely though. 
Behind closed doors, Riddle will sob long and hard. He’s a strong soul, but by the end of the day he’s also a teenager who was devoid entirely of motherly love. He already looks into the mirror each day and is remind of who made him the way he is. He doesn’t need someone else pointing it out as well.
To be told you act like the woman who abused you emotionally and verbally, would probably shatter someone inside completely. In no way, shape, or form does Riddle want to be like his mother. Of course, he still follows rules and studies hard because that's something he has ingrained into him. It’s also something he has learned to enjoy doing. He pushes his beliefs of the ideal student onto others because he believes it’s the pathway to success. He pushes his dormitory especially hard because if they were to act out of line, it would reflect badly on himself.
A part of him is thankful to his mother, he's glad he's been able to accomplish so much. Another part of him is absolutely frustrated and filled with anger. He hates that he never had a normal childhood, or that he never had a normal family. He hates that he was always pushed to be perfect. But regardless of what she’s done, Riddle still loves his mother. He loves her because he knows she tried to do what she thought was best for him. Unfortunately, she was horribly wrong. Riddle knows this as well. Admitting to such will be much more difficult.
Perhaps now that he has some solid friends, they’ll be able to help him slowly crawl out of the mold his mother forced him into. He’ll need to learn to understand that having fun doesn’t equate to forgoing your ideals completely. It simply means you’re balancing hard work with relaxation, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
I hope I did this well! Quite honestly, I just let my fingers type out all my ideas. I really love Riddle so much. I just want to give him a hug and tell him everything will okay.
This really went from answering an ask to a tangent rant about Riddle.....
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orlha · 5 years
Where Orochimaru & Sakura are (platonic?) soulmates! Thank you for doing this thing, I love your writing! Sorry I'm just living for rare [crack] character pairings lol
Thank you Nonie for your comment! I’m glad you’re enjoying my writing ♥ 
Orochimaru had guessed that his soulmate was most likely dead. There had been some people who went through life never meeting their soulmates, but it was almost unheard of. He was well past the average age to meet his soulmate. It had naturally made him bitter after hearing all the stories of soulmates meeting, falling in love or finding their lifelong best friends in unlikely situations.
Was he not worth of meeting his soulmate too?
Sometimes he wondered if Sarutobi-sensei’s belief had any shred of truth to it. In his younger years, he had tried to drown his doubts by working harder to prove himself. 
A soulmate-less monster is always a monster.
All because he never found his soulmate? Is he really soulless?
Orochimaru turned away from Konoha that day. Sarutobi-sensei Hiruzen had chosen to believe the rumors and voices of other people over his. That Orochimaru was a soulless monster, and not a student that he had taught for over two decades, one that had been unwittingly sprung a blackmail trap.
“W— We won’t go down easy, Kusa-nin!” The little pink-haired girl says even as he slowly thickens his killer intent against them and a sharp spark on his skin. Dainty words writing itself into existence around his wrist. Its black words blod against his pale skin.
The girl pales. “Y— you’re—”
He lets a smile crawl onto his face as he stared down at the young pink-haired girl. Not quite a shinobi yet, not by his standards but not a civilian. 
“It appears that I’m your soulmate,”  Orochimaru says and like him, his first words to her materialises on her wrist. They might be platonic based on the words appearing on their wrists, but he’s no longer soulmate-less. 
He rips the flesh skin off his face, watching her face pale further.
His soulmate.
It wouldn’t matter if he had originally come here for the Uchiha body. With a soulbond, his vessels would stabilise. 
She looks at the Uchiha, body shaking further as she takes in his face. He wonders if she’ll recognise him.
“You— ou’re O— O— Orchimaru!”
The little Uchiha stiffens, his pretty red eyes spinning almost angrily like a little kitten. His soulmate isn’t that ignorant as he had expected a newly-minted shinobi to be after all. All the things he’ll teach her, all the jutsu-crafting and jutsu-dissecting techniques he’ll pass on. Orochimaru doesn’t need to read their files to know that in a team with the jinchuuriki and last Uchiha, she would cast aside in favour for them.
He leaps. The little Uchiha has barely lifted his kunai before Orochimaru had swept his soulmate into his arms. 
“Take good care of that body, Little Uchiha. I’ll see you another time.”
“Sasuke-kun!” she screams, enhancing chakra into her fists, trying to beat him off. 
Exciting! His soulmate seems to have a gift for chakra enhancement.
So quick points because I’m going to end it here before it grows into a massive plot bunny. (it already has, so we’re doomed)
Sasuke doesn’t defect because suddenly Orochimaru have no need for him
Orochimaru is currently too invested in his soulmate. He really means that he doesn’t need to keep changing bodies anymore because of his soulmate so he has a lot of time for other shit. A.K.A training Sakura
Sakura blossoms under real, proper, 1 on 1 teaching.
Sakura becomes a huge fucking badass because Orochimaru teaches her how to craft jutsus and dissect them in mid-battle. Who needs sharingan when you can do that?
Orochimaru may or may not have paved the way for her learning to enhance her strength.
Konoha did not bother pursuing her because she doesn’t have a kekkai genkai, they regret it much later when Sakura becomes the Otokage.
Team 7 (minus Sakura) did, however, try to get her back by diverging every fucking time on their way to and from missions until the mission room got fed up and send them in the opposite direction.
Contrary to Konoha’s fears after Sakura becomes the 2nd Otokage, Sakura is actually apathetic to them.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Feel free to send more prompts!
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lala-pipo · 4 years
(1/13) Ahh, yeah I just went over to the shower scene again, the scenes before and after it, and maybe because I was really immersed in Taem’s perspective at looking at things – I quite literally took it as is, like Jong had mood swings, not sure why and that’s it? But there IS something fragile in Jong, he acted oddly, and you are right that Taem does feel helpless and stuck in his own thoughts… it’s kinda hard to see the scenes unfold without Taem’s opinion on it right hahaha
(2) but that makes it really interesting for me, since I just literally follow Taem’s train of thoughts every time, until you pointed it out to me! Kinda feel bad about for not noticing it though ^^;; but yeah, for sure as an audience, we are just “pls come on you guys!! :(“ But, from chapter 10 we get to know Jong’s thoughts and feelings ououou sooo excited since so far we see Taem’s world and yeah!! I think maybe we would be able to see why Jong acted the way he did in the prev. chapters :3
Cricket nony!!! ❤️
How are you doing???
I mean it will still be Taemin’s POV from chapter 10 on (I don’t like it when people switch POV in the middle of a story Stephanie Meyer style :’D) but Jonghyun will be more expressive and talk more – so I guess this will be helpful to the reader to grasp his view on things. 
(3) Right! He did get blinded by his own feelings, because maybe he doesn’t realize, well he does realize that it mirrors Jong-Key relationship to an extent, but not the whole of it? Like how he said to Jong, Key made Jong feel bad and upset so therefore he should just leave Key, and told him to stop pining for Key, but then eyy he can’t stop pining for Jong lol but then maybe he sees it as a slightly ~different~ situation hahaha
Let’s say Taemin is blindsided by love and acts and behaves in odd ways lmao, he will continue to do so in chapter 9. ^^”
(4) OMG CHAPTER 8!! YOU DID! YOU WENT IN like a warrior indeed omg… I cried cried cried… I re-read that outside club scene like so many times… because it just makes me so sad and *sniff* you did cut all the strings without any mercy uhuhuhuhuh I am looking forward on how the story will continue omg Taem going back to the hometown?? Where will the story go?? Drought onto chapter 9? Will Taem skip a semester on University and be back for Autumn instead?? T__T
(5) Right in front of your own salad lol YEAHH I saw the JongTae oneshots, I haven’t read them yet, I think I will read them when chapter 9 gets too much (honestly, mentally preparing myself for what is to come) T__T Hahaha but I think slice of life genre has some angst and fights sometimes too right, since it supposed to reflect real life right right, so it’s still generally a chill read, as in we even get to know Taem’s thoughts as he reads the bible, and also on dystopian-what-ifs scenarios l
Awww ... don’t cry :(
No, Taemin won’t skip a semester – that would be – too dramatic? Someone wasting their life away for half a year because of someone who doesn’t reciprocate their feelings? Don’t know about that. That seems a tad unlikely to me. ^^” But maybe that’s just me because I’m such a cold-hearted human being. :’)
(6) LOL yeah that is true you do know ~ the truth~ lol but perhaps you telling us that Taem is an unreliable narrator might help us? Lol might help us to doubt everything but literally will not help us to actually see the things, the scenes, the people, the relationships as is? honestly that is one of the big mysteries – everyone gets along so well with Key! And, for sure I’m taking everything with a grain of salt but still can’t help but feel sad for Taem :( obviously, since we are in his head
I mean if you come to think of it, Taemin got along well with Kibum as well in the beginning until he started developing feelings for Jonghyun and realized – or thought that Kibum is the one intervening with the happiness he could experience with Jonghyun.^^ I mean Kibum doesn’t do much, he just lives the typical life of a university student and enjoys himself - we can’t blame him for doing that. 
(7) Right right as Taem is an unreliable narrator, I can’t tell lol but either way you are right, with or without intentions, humans are humans and we don’t know anything. Knowing that if Minho DID have intentions only add spice in the story but not really change the fact that he might be giving out bad advice unintentionally, like maybe he could have ulterior motives in general, but not particularly on that advice, does it make sense hahaha ^^;;
(8) Ahhh yeah I think maybe the scene in chapter 8 made it clearer of the emotional frustrations that Taem had with Jong? I think even the fact that you added 25k words alone on this chapter I think signifies that Taem was going through his head a lot, muddling his thoughts and frustrations with Jong? To kinda show that maybe not THAT much time has passed by, but surely in Taem’s head it feels like forever – with some many thoughts and feelings going around :(
I think why it does feel like a long time, although it’s just one semester – is the fact that they share a living space – and see each other constantly. That’s a completely different premise in contrast to people meeting out in the wild and meeting up for a cup of coffee now and then, or something the like. So the time Taemin spent with Jonghyun most likely felt far more intense to him.
(9) Dramatic Taem even reading the bible hahaha I really enjoy the biblical references though, most of the time they are funny references on how he compares something trivial to a bible thing xD Oh! And also!! Happy belated birthday! Is it December 3rd? Is that your birthday? Since it was a very specific date in the story that it got me wondering… hmmm could it possibly? I hope you were able to spend it with the people you love, and I wish you health and happiness for the years to come! <3
This is correct. ^^ December 3rd is my birthday and December 3rd was also the date I got to see Jonghyun live for the first time – so it has a double meaning. ^^ Thank you, you’re too kind. I had pizza on that day, so I had a lovely time…haha
(10) Big brain energy for the mythological aspect of Song of Sirens lol but but you know did I mention, ah probably I didn’t since I only do snort comments on Dorm Life lol but interestingly, I thought that Song of Siren would actually refer to a story of Jong having such a beautiful voice – as in he is the Siren and he be singing in the myth, but as it turned ouuut it is not the case lol
(11) That is why!! In the beginning especially I was really excited to know how the story might unfold to reveal that Jong is the siren, but then! (at least for me) it took an unexpected turn hahahah I already created a possible plot for the story before even reading the story lol so it was really fresh mint plot for mee :3
Ah – that’s interesting that you thought Jonghyun would be another siren. :o Jonghyun was supposed to be Selene first – but I thought that was 1) too obvious and 2) the story of the sirens and Persephone actually exists like that and wasn’t completely made up, so it was easier to tie the ends together. And I mean Jonghyun as the goddess of spring? That works well in my head as well. ^^
(12) Oh!! And don’t worry! I actually love doing this – making comments, observations, analyzations and actually asking you if they are your intentions or not! It’s like washing dishes and cleaning up my room, therapeutically calming! :3 I’m happy that it makes you happy <3 I am indeed sorry for blasting your inbox though… it must have been a LOT of messages ^^;; thank you for spending your time with my weird questions and observations honestly lol I read all of your AO3 replies, thank you!
I still haven’t managed to get through all of your comments on ao3 – but I hopefully will by the end of the year. Thanks again so much for leaving me so many comments to read <3 I wholeheartedly enjoy reading them. ^^
(13) I am doing much much better now! Thank you for your kind words <3 I really really appreciate the work that you put in Dorm Life! I have so much fun reading it! Like I only re-read it twice but I noticed things that I didn’t before, I’m just!! I am just super happy and I am super thankful for all your hardwork! I hope you have a lovely December too! I hope you can stay healthy as well! Thank you so much hwarang_number san for reading and betaing also! You guys are amazinggg! <3 Thank you!!
@hwarang-number thank you from me too! ^^
I’m glad you enjoyed the story so far. Chapter 9 will be a let-down in terms of entertainment value – it’s more of a filler chapter, but I still enjoyed writing it so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for me as a writer it doesn’t feel like a filler, but I know it will feel like that to the reader. But I wanted chapter 9 to end on a cliffhanger, that’s why I didn’t add anything to it anymore. I hope chapter 10 will be more enjoyable in that regard again. ^^
Please take good care of yourself, cricket nony. I hope you will have a pleasant rest of December! *sends you all the best wishes*
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lala-pipo · 4 years
(2) and also… omg… Minhooo??? such a gentleman I cannot… there are so many feelings in this chapter (coupled with smuts, but like… my heart… i can’t… from one cute moment to smut then some jealousy then some smut then some more cute moments… it’s like exercise for my heart… Honestly, it’s kinda difficult to see what 13 future chapters are gonna cover, because like these 2 chapters already explore soo much?? omg… I can’t wait for the next chapters!
(1) … oh… my… god… chapter 2 update!!! It was such a roller coaster ride omg… after the movie scene and he went to the kitchen and saw Jonghyun there, honestly what I was thinking was that… why is he studying there, was it for a reason wink wonk (or maybe I’m reading too much into it, because jongtae are my babies lol). Honestly not surprised if that was not your intention, I’m just too close to the ship that I would start seeing things lol
(3) I might have said it before, but you are an amazing writer! … this part right here had me squeezing my own heart “ignoring how awful the thought of Jonghyun sleeping with someone else made him feel” TnT… and you can write the flow of the story so beautifully, like it’s not forced or paced too fast or too slow, it’s perfect! Your choice of words and characterizations are just amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your stories, and for all your hard work! Looking forward for the next update! (4) Oh!! and I saw on ao3, I did enjoy chapter 2 very much!! Thank you!! It’s kinda cheesy but I was so giddy when I saw your message to cricket anon lol… it’s like senpai remembers me… hahaha anyways, stay safe and I hope you have a goood day! (5) (umm... I honestly forgot if I asked the first question as an anon or not, oh welll, if you figured out it's me... it's okay... hahahha) you don't need to reply to this one, just saying that I'm not sure if I pressed the ask anonymously button before I sent the first message lol... have a good daaay!! - cricket anon ********************************************************* Dear Cricket nony, You did send the first message non-anonymous, but we just pretend that never happened and keep your identity hidden, so I inserted the first message to the others. ^^ Thanks so much again for sending me so many asks. That was such a lovely surprise after waking up. ♥ 1) The kitchen table is like the pivotal element in this story, so a lot of important conversations and actions happen at it, but it’s also the place where Jonghyun comes to study, so of course it was crucial for the end of this chapter that Jonghyun stayed at the kitchen table, but it’s also the place where he would have been if it hadn’t been for Taemin. ^^ 2) We are far away from reaching the tip of the iceberg, dear. haha But as I’ve said last week, the first 6 chapters (maybe also the 7th chapter) are kind of quick paced like the first 2 have been, but it slows down after that. The other chapters are exploring feelings more ‘deeply’ if that’s the right word to use. It also might be a relief to some that there are also some chapters without any smut in them. I know! Shocking 😂 But those might feel a little less than a rollercoaster ride then. ^^ 3) Thank you so much, dear! I’m glad you enjoy my writing. At the moment I’m struggling a lot with self-doubt, so reading that someone enjoys what I write and the way I write is very nice. So thank you! ♥ It’s so hard to gather an audience for SHINee fics these days unless you are known to write for one specific pairing (which I’m not because I just like to jump between pairings a lot *lmao*). I mean it does have its advantages to see a different group of people read your stories depending on the pairing you write about (e.g when I wrote an OnTae oneshot I’ve seen people in the comments I’ve never seen before which was fun), but I have the feeling that especially these days people mainly read fics from specific authors because they know they solely write one ship (or two at max) and don’t even check the ao3 page anymore. This might not apply to Jinki ships as I always have the feeling MVPs are the most supportive fanfic readers no matter the ‘On’ ship (MVPs love their fics it seems, which is lovely). Anyway, I don’t know how things are on other platforms. Meanwhile, there is me who sits in her multi-ship bubble. ^^” 4) How could I have forgotten about you, dear cricket nony?! Your last messages were so lovely that I won’t forget you so easily!  ^^ Please stay safe as well and once again thanks so much for your messages! I hope you will have a lovely weekend and a splendid week! ♥
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