#thank you shelley
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inthedarktrees · 8 months ago
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Shelley Duvall (1949 – 2024)
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tampire · 7 months ago
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♪ Everyday, it's a-getting closer ♪
♪ Going faster than a rollercoaster ♪
♪ Love like yours will ♪
♪ Surely come my way ♪
♪ A-hey, a-hey-hey ♪
Gabriel and Beelzebub eventually survive the consequences of The Metatron and Satan
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bleeding-seraphic · 17 days ago
Just out of curiosity, is your Michael talking about anything specific? I only recognised Godel's Theorem (I think) being mentioned but I'm really intrigued by what he's talking about + the equations 👀👀
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Everyone say thank you Michael for the theoretical physics lessons
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hypo-critic-art · 2 years ago
Auntie Elizabeth and her peculiar nephew
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They share their love and appreciation for nature!
redbubble ▪︎ kofi
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destructo-range · 3 months ago
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well? are you coming in or not? ꩜⋆.°⭑
sweater design inspired by @toothflowers
link to toothflower's post: https://www.tumblr.com/toothflowers/767798306930933760/another-completely-not-michael-distortion-inspired?source=share
amazing sweater btw and thank you for getting me out of art slump :D
image id in alt text
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mydirtyvalentine · 16 days ago
manifesting michael shelley in s2 of protocol
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braedenhales · 4 months ago
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"We missed our chance at love in this life. I can only hope that in the next one, we get it right."
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trentcrimminallybeautiful · 2 years ago
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thetarttfuldickhead · 4 months ago
Premier League teams being approached to participate in an anti-bullying campaign and Jamie and Nate somewhat suprisingly volunteering to do a bit for Richmond together. And like that’s… nice?... but. Eh. Nate makes some sense, sure, even if his track record of treating others well has been – ahem – bumpy, but Jamie…
“Jamie bullied people,” Jan Maas is predictably the one to eventually point out while everyone else is thinking of how to bring that up. “Everybody knows that. I know that, and I wasn’t even on the team when it happened.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry, babe,” Keeley says apologetically. “It’s a really nice thought, but you do have a bit of a reputation and—“
“No, but that’s the point, babe,” Jamie says eagerly, not deterred in the slightest. “Nate and me, we know what it’s like being shit to others, yeah? So we figured, maybe we talk about that, like what made us start being shit, and what made us stop, and maybe it’ll help others figure out how to stop people from being shit? Or if you are a bully, how to fucking get your shit together and stop being a prick.”
“That’s right,” Nate agrees. He’s both very nervous and very keen. “We thought it might be a, a new perspective.” He and Jamie’s had some initially awkward but good conversations about that since Nate came back to Richmond (touching on how devastatingly easy it can be to slip from bullied to bully, the enabling silence or active support of the crowd, and learning new ways to feel big without making others feel small). Once they heard about the campaign they started talking about maybe taping such a conversation, put it out there, see if it can be of some use.
And Keeley asks them if they are sure (and Roy asks Jamie the same at some lenght) because that’s some pretty personal stuff they want to put out there, and there might be a backlash, but they’re both determined. “It’s taking responsibility, like,” Jamie notes. “Making amends, yeah?”
And of course there is some backlash, because when is there not in this loud and polyphonic world, but mostly their rather heartfelt and earnest talk is received very well.  
(This whole thing maybe also leads to Jamie and Sam actually talking about the stuff that went down when they both first came to Richmond, because for all that they’re great friends now, they haven’t ever really touched that. Hey, maybe Colin and Isaac do some soul-searching too! Lots of fun introspection for everyone!)
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amandasgeekblog · 2 years ago
[ID: A post by Ranger Shelley [verified] @ TheOneAndOnlyShelley. It reads, "Always hike with proper supplies and equipment. Remember, flippy floppies may lead to slippy sloppies.” / end ID]
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on my lunch break, this one is for the ranger shelley fans out there
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hacash · 20 days ago
ALSO I am so mad at scions of the Ted Lasso fandom for retroactively turning Nate’s ‘why are you trying to play like a Brazilian’ moment into an instance of Nate harshly and needlessly picking on poor baby Colin, who never did anything ever, he’s not even part of this, when
A: Colin trying to be something he’s not ends up being an integral part of his character and
B: in that very scene Colin is very fucking happy to laugh his head off at Nate roasting the other members of the team! like, he has no problem with other people being embarrassed in public! he only gets indignant when Nate turns the big guns on him!
like that is MY problematic Welshman, and I will not stand for this blatant Colin’s Flaws erasure, thank you; he’s a strong and capable man and he’s also occasionally a little shit, he contains multitudes
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friszil · 2 months ago
i'm not much of a doorkeay shipper but every time i think about "anybody else" by dom fera as michael distortion and gerry my brain stops workingi'm like ndksodmrnwpalsnfne oh ogdo oh my ogooooood oh god oh ood please no
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punk-o-ween · 25 days ago
i..i just… i just foujd an mcmg edit… IN THE WILD…. (the wild being FUCKING YT OUT OF ALL PLACES) im exploding.
(credit in video)
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happy-little-doorbell · 1 year ago
hm… no I don’t think Gertrude was feeling cold and uncaring when she sacrificed Michael. I don’t think she just dusted her hands off and walked away. I think she was used to risky plans and close calls, even used to an occasional casualty, but her blood ran cold when she realized she was choosing to send one to their death. not collateral damage — a sacrifice.
and I think she tried to be as numb as possible, calculating, deciding, even as she knew deep down that only one of her assistants would walk straight into hell on her word.
and I think she found him a bit annoying before that. the jaded resent the naive — it isn’t fair, but it’s true. but by the time he brought her tea the next day, in her mind, he was already dead. everyone looks better dead. optimism, trust, loyalty all become virtues where they were once liabilities.
I don’t think she didn’t feel the gravity of her choice. I think she did it anyway.
and she did not hesitate.
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serenit-teas · 16 days ago
P is so Frankenstein’s monster coded. Something something created to fulfill a singular purpose only to learn, grow, and react much differently than his creator intended. A bit of horror elements with ‘stealing’ a part of someone else’s body just to create their life (Carlos Ergo). Horrific relationship with their creator/father figure. Being considered a masterpiece until their use runs dry.
Idk what this is. Is this even anything? I absolutely subscribe to the Tin Man theory that floats around when it comes to P, but this idea latched onto my brain bad😔
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lesbiradshaw · 2 years ago
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the one time teen wolf catered to the sapphics.
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