#thank you op for sharing this truly kafkaesque piece with us
dailykafka · 17 days
Okay… here is what I meant about the "Franz Kafka night time fantasies" thing.
Ugh, this is going to obviously be horrible, but I just want to share it, get it off my chest.
Every night, for almost two months at this point, I’ve been imagining myself as this deranged, self-hating femcel who ended up swooning over Franz Kafka, simply because of his stories, to which I felt they somehow "touched my heart".
But because imaginary me is a femcel with lots of hatred towards men because of my supposed past, I do not like the fact that Franz Kafka is a boy. Oh—and also, in my head, Franz Kafka would also be a suicidal, self-hating, body dysmorphic hopeless romantic as well.
The reason why Franz Kafka agreed to date me is because he is a lonely touched-starved man, who desperately wants the touch of a woman, and I’m the only person who gives him attention. Also that Milena has not responded to his letters in 2 days, and it has caused him severe distress and feeling of great emptiness.
Because I don’t like Franz Kafka as a boy (imaginary-me has boy trauma), I would only give him attention if he were to metamorphosise into a girl for me. He agrees, though not without that timid hesitation.
But afterwards, I would go onto dress him up like he’s a pretty doll, let him wear pretty pink dresses, croquette butterfly hair clips, lace shoes, high white stockings, and I’d style his hair. I would tell people I’m a "lesbian" and let them look at my girlfriend, Franz Kafka. We would go out and picnic like girls, play with dolls, drink tea, lie in a field with lovely tulips, and giggle at our favourite short stories.
But all this, of course, would not go down without causing the author himself lots of embarrassment. His father reams at him daily for his sudden feminine metamorphosis, his sisters began to mock him, and people at his work make fun of him. Yet, Franz Kafka is far too emotionally attached to me to ever let go of me, or even let go of being a girl. though he does hate his life even more and wants to die. Clearly he is not mentally okay.
However, in these turn of events, his best friend Max Brod finds out about Franz Kafka sudden metamorphosis into a girl, and… falls in love with him. Franz Kafka is not gay, so he shyly rejects him, but Max Brod is insistent, and thus begins to stalk him, grossly infatuated with the feminine author.
It would come to a point where suddenly, as Franz Kafka walks down a street, all alone as a defenceless girl, suddenly Max Brod would come out to kidnap him, drag him into the basement and perform some terrible kafkaesque things to him. Kafka would plead and sob for him to stop, but the hell would not end.
I am in awe of your rich inner world…
Several responses that came to my mind while reading this:
Okay soo this is insane
Okay, this is fascinating
I think you should check your house for mold poisoning
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