#thank you for your ask! :)
basiatlu · 11 months
C2 and Drarry!
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“Hah-! Wow. Your hair’s gotten a little longer, yeah?”
“It’s hair, Potter. Does that every now and then..”
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tokidokitokyo · 4 months
I heard someone use お冷お願いします at an Izakaya. Would this be appropriate for most "casual" restaurants to ask for water?
お冷 (おひや) is the word to ask for water with ice specifically.
Sometimes people don't want ice in their water (for example, those with sensitive teeth, or for those who don't want to cool down their body, or for those who need to take medicine) and some restaurants or izakaya will give you water without ice as a default. If you use this word, ohiya, then you will receive water with ice in it.
The history of the word is that it was used by people who worked in restaurants and izakaya, so perhaps that is why it is associated with "casual" speech. It is also considered somewhat old-fashioned because language is always evolving, but it is easily understood by people and is not considered informal to use at any location.
This word is considered 業界用語 (gyoukai yougo) or industry terminology.
Other interesting lingo from restaurants and izakaya, used by the staff but not normally by customers:
むらさき (murasaki) = 醤油 (shouyu, standard Japanese) = soy sauce
がり (gari) = しょうが (shouga, standard Japanese) = ginger
Hope this helps! ^.^
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frosty-tian · 8 months
Do you have anymore stuff on your SG!graham? (It's okay if you don't)
Hmmm… not a lot, but some notes.:
-He’s more competitive and actively joins in bickering with his siblings.
-Doesn’t fight as much physically, but likes to start them with snark comments and/or simply watches (for his own amusement).
-Somehow knows which exact buttons to push to brutally strike anyone’s nerve, or win them over. Maybe both within three hours, depends on his mood/calculations.
-Outside of being an engineer, he’s also a black hat hacker who’s very good at both jobs. Got a lot of dirt collected from almost everyone he knows, not even his own family members are safe. Certainly not above selling/dealing various information either for his family’s or his own benefits.
-Related to above point, he possibly runs an illegal small business on the side where he sells self-altered weapons.
-The pens in his pocket are actually stealth weapons, one conceals a blade, the other a type of sleeping dart.
-Possibly the more two-faced member of the Burns.
Bonus doodle of what-if SG!Graham attempted to sweet-talk canon!Boulder (his taste is still the same (or ‘impeccable’ as he describes) after all.:
(Graham literally about to beat himself up over matters.)
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2aceofspades · 3 months
As an artist and/or writer, what is one thing you think you do well? What is one thing you would like to improve on?
Hm...I guess hands...? And if not hands then unintentional symbolism/parallels.
Here are some of my favorite hands teehee~
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And then for something to improve on...um...literally everything else/gen
...like coloring, rendering, detailing, poses (making them more dynamic and interesting and not wonky), pushing expressions/faces, interactions between characters, consistency w/character sizing, backgrounds, line art, line variation, confident lines, perspective...there's probably more but those are the big ones. It's difficult for me to pick just one to be so honest.
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inkcat1987 · 26 days
Hiiii 👋
I saw you accept requests so if you can, please draw shattered dream. Your style is cute.
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Ta-da! :3
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fakeprowrestlingfacts · 4 months
Kenny Omega
Fact #200
Kenny Omega has consistently had some kind of facial hair for the last several years not for aesthetic reasons, but because cats like to rub up against beards.
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thegoldenshi-shi · 8 months
Poor, Sunstreaker he deserves something! :( *Gives Sunny some paints 'n' brushes* It may not be a proposal but something different to make your day alot better bud :)
You have given Sunny art supplies. As an artist I can tell you that giving an artist supplies activates feral excitement.
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You have made his day and enabled him to graffiti decorate his room further. (insert confused Max noises)
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drumbbot-brian · 1 month
Who's the best crew member to snuggle with then? :3
It depends! Jonny when he’s not being awfully grumpy!
Tim is interesting cause he tends to fidget with my hair!
Ivy’s breath tends to slow when I snuggle up with her so that’s interesting!
Raphaella because she hums to me and it’s pretty soothing!
Ashes often rambles about her mafia-crime-boss-lord-god moments and they know I like that!
Marius also rambles off about medical things!
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sarcastictissy · 6 months
Hola :D I just wanted to thank you for being so positive lately and looking at things regarding the qstudio situation with nuance. It feels like people have been so stressed and angry after all of the admin stuff came that they began to take every bit of news we hear as some sign that bad things are to come . I think a lot of people underestimated just how long this process can take, there a lot of factors to be considered here, including: q's lack of experience, the union, the laws, the admins. And unfortunately there is no way to satisfy everyone when it comes to stuff like this. This was never going to take a week or two, I feel like people didn't fully understand that.
Some admins are going to be pushed out of the project due to the lack of funds and the fact that this is a legal issue first and for most. It's unfair but it's the law. Not everyone understands that and because of that people are going to say things without understanding the situation. Not every thing is black and white and sometimes things aren't going to work out the way we want them to. Nobody is perfect and we shouldn't expect people involved in this situation to act like that. Which is why you should always look at the situation from multiple perspectives before forming an opinion.
It makes me feel tired to see the same takes over and over agian with no nuance. So your post have really helped me feel better :) I've seen people from both qsmpblr and qsmptwt act like every ccs involved in this is a war criminal or like this is a admins vs quackity or french/brazil vs quackity. It's kinda drove me off most social sites and forced me to only watch YouTube and stuff (on the good side of things, I've been watching quackity's discord videos and some dsmp vods :D it's been fun)
What I am trying to say is that, scrolling through your blog feels like a breath of fresh air and has made me feel 8× more calm about this situation. I don't think doomposting is necessarily bad but after seeing so much of it, sometimes you just need to distance yourself and look at the good parts of life. No matter how much I complain, I am never changing the course that qstudio is headed and neither can any one else, The only one who can do that is quackity. I hope that he does the right thing and the studio gets better. I love the characters that qsmp has brought us and the community it has formed, qsmp is a beautiful project that I want to see thrive. For now the only thing I can do as a viewer is hope for the best <3
I'm sorry if this came off as a trauma dump, I just really wanted to thank you.
So, this has been in my askbox for a while because I was so grateful and happy to hear I've helped someone!! Thank you sm anon that means a lot to me and knowing I'm keeping others optimistic, helps me feel optimistic too! :D
This is a very complex situation with so many moral grey areas mixed with black and white. It's not simple, it's not easy. These things cannot be fixed in a matter of weeks, you're absolutely right about that.
I also agree doomposting isn't necessarily bad! It's a good way to get off some steam and vent/ rant for a bit. There's nothing wrong with that. We all need it at times. For me, personally, it becomes toxic when that's ALL I'm seeing in social media. When I go on my phone and all I see is negativity, that's when I need to call it quits and start blocking people or start taking time away (which is why I deleted twt off my phone) everyone's tolerance levels are different ofc, so, not everyone is affected by that negativity, but I certainly was. This is why I want my blog to be positive and uplifting and you know what? Each and every time I get a ask or a message thanking me for that, I gain faith in humanity and it just encourages me to keep being positive! I'm so thankful for your ask and dw it wasn't trauma dumping at all!! :D I hope you're doing well anon! Take care of yourself. You matter
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weirdowithaquill · 5 months
Hear me out:
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Tweak it a bit so an engine can work on this, then plop Neil on the skr with this, now he and Skarloey can go on a woodland date (double heading a train).
I would say yes, were there not a few technical difficulties with this set up - ones that have much more to do with the loading gauge of the SKR than the actual bogie wheel idea.
Obstacle one:
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This is just outside the Thin Controller's house - this bridge is quite literally at the exit to Crovan's Gate yards! Neil would not fit under that - I mean, potentially he could if you chopped off his funnel - but that's a bit cruel to the poor engine.
Still, even if you made it past obstacle one - there's obstacle two:
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This is at Cros-ny-Cuirn: the first station on the line. And it's another low bridge - one that's potentially (though it may be the angle) got an even narrower clearance than the first bridge! Were Neil to try and get through this spot, his funnel and possibly any other fittings atop his boxy boiler would have to be removed.
Surely - surely - after all this, they have to be in the clear, right? Nope. Cause here comes the real deal breaker - obstacle three:
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It's Rheneas Tunnel. Rheneas Tunnel is the real dealbreaker behind why Neil (or any other NWR engine) could never traverse the SKR. This tunnel is tiny! Duncan caused the roof to partially collapse - and he's a narrow gauge engine!
And before someone mentions the rock and roll: Peter Sam lost his funnel to an icicle in this tunnel cause it's so narrow that an icicle can dangle low enough to do that kind of damage!
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To be even more clear: the TV series does not do justice to just how tiny and narrow this tunnel is - look at it! It's a miracle the SKR engines fit; Neil has no chance.
Sorry to be a bit of a Debbie Downer, but Neil just couldn't traverse the SKR: he's too tall and too wide. Though I may be relatively open to the zanier ideas of the Thomas fandom, I am at heart a bit of a purist. I grew up on the books more than the TV series, and it very much instilled in me a similar outlook to the Reverend himself.
Then again, the Reverend would tell me I've lost my mind for entertaining the idea of engines being in relationships so...
Were it the CGI Skarloey Railway, they'd be fine - but both classic and book series would be a no.
(Then again, nothing after Season 7 actually exists...)
Thank you for the ask!
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maiios · 1 year
your rw dried au looks so neat! i love the character designs :D how's the little 'wet mouse' themself doing in the more arid environment? does riv have any problems with drying out?
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"Ruffles has had no concerning effects regarding the searing weather, especially since we have been residing in my fallen superstructure. It still has copious amounts of water in the rooms underground, as it would be harder for the weather to evaporate the water down there, so they should be fine!"
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tokidokitokyo · 5 months
hey, i didn't know how to get this out into the wider japanblr area, but you seem like a pretty wide-reaching blog so i thought i'd mention it here! - huckleberry finn in japanese is an easier read with lots of kanji in hiragana and very simple language, (as it is from the pov of a young boy i believe) so for anyone looking to read actual japanese in longer quantities, (and understand it!) i'd recommend you check it out! :)
Thank you for the recommendation!
The book is called ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険 and I found a copy on Z-library if you have access there and want to read it.
This is a classic English book that I had to read in school about a poor young boy in the American south going on adventures. It would be interesting to see the Japanese treatment of this novel, especially since Mark Twain (the author) was writing a satirical novel and there is a lot of slang/spoken accent used in the writing.
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frosty-tian · 1 year
I give Bean Blades a giant teddy bear.
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The bean has been pleased!
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2aceofspades · 11 months
good evening (or whichever time of day it is)
what's your favourite rise dynamic? 👀 doesn't have to be limited to only the turtles or two individuals!
✨ Good evening ✨ Good morning ✨ Good afternoon ✨
Covered all my bases 👈👈😎
That's a great question! It'd have to be these victims- I mean, these two...
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Raph and that blue guy
I love the older brother and middle bro dynamic cuz it's um...familiar to me hehe
Whether it's in the show, the movie, or my own art, I just love them and their dynamic very very much
Peepaw Leo and Casey jr are a very close second though. And honestly, as I draw more bad future stuff, I really enjoy exploring f!Mikey and f!Leo's dynamic.
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silliestofbilliest · 5 months
OKAY top three merlin couples!
If I had to pick (keep in mind i’m barely onto season 3 so MAYBE i’ll change my thoughts in the next two parts of the series)
1) Merthur 🙏‼️💗
(I mean,,,, c’mon that’s like a given with how much I post about those two losers. Like wdym you’re destined to be with a man 🤨🤨🤨 and willing to die for each other within the first few weeks of meeting???🤨🤨 But fr tho I love the devotion these two share whether or not the writers realized how romantic it was. Like AUGH WHAT DO YOU MEAN MERLIN WAS WILLING TO BE BY HIS SIDE FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE AND ARTHUR COULDNT IMAGINE (even fantasize about his dream life on a farm) LIFE WITHOUT MERLIN WITH HIM- I need a second,,,,)
2) Morgwen 🫂💕 🥰
(They were just SO sweet together in the first few seasons I just- 😔😭 And I KNOW I may be biased since I’m a sucker for any wlw couples in media bc of how few there are BUTTTT I love these two. Which is why it’s SO SAD to see how they end up when so many things could’ve been easily reasoned if ppl on the show actually communicated but nooooo dEsTinY- Season 1&2 Morgana and Gwen you will ALWAYS be special to me 🙏🙏🙏)
3) Gwencelot 🫶🗣️💞
(OKAY OKAY so maybe I just like Gwen a lot BUT I will back up every iteration of Gwen and Lancelot in Arthurian media till the day I die. The longing???? pining??? unspoken love??? EVEN BEFORE SHE STARTED TO FALL FOR ARTHUR these two were SO cute together oh my gosh I’m gonna stop here so I don’t make a whole essay but as much as I love Gwen and Morgana, these two have my whole heart.)
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fakeprowrestlingfacts · 4 months
Wheeler Yuta pls
Fact #202
Ever since joining BCC, Yuta likes his steaks a bit more bloody than before.
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