#thank you for these questions!
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in-my-loki-feels · 9 months ago
📆, 💞, ✨, and 😭 for the fic rec asks!
📆 A fic you’d re-read 10 years from now
a white demon love song by officecowboyyy
I love vampire AUs, I've always loved vampire AUs, and it stands to reason that I'll still love them in 10 years. Especially when it's vampire + hunter. *chef's kiss* The author described this as a "speedrun of enemies to lovers" and I think it accomplishes that without making it feel rushed at all.
💞 A fic that led to you making friends with the author
Oh no! I played my hand too early with my other answers.😆 I think spirit box is what led me to making friends with @punch-love.
I can't remember exactly the timeline of when I became friends with @devilbearingtrouble but it might have been because of Brought Lipstick to a Knife Fight.
First of all, Loki gets to wear make-up, which we love to see! Second, Mobius in Loki's lap, hellooooo??? It's sweet, sexy and fun. What more do you need?
✨ A fic you wish you could read again for the first time
The Hardest Cut - @cha-melodius
Bodyguard AU, another flavor I adore. Mobius is the key witness in a huge trial and Loki is tasked with keeping him alive. This is a great fic for rereading because you pick up more on sequential reads, but there's also a scene (that I won't spoil) that was a huge "!!!!" moment the first time I read it. It's a great moment no matter how many times I read it, but it won't ever land the same way as the first time I read it, which is why I chose it.
😭 A fic that ripped your heart out (but it hurt so good)
This fandom has a lot that could fit this bill but this was the first to come to mind:
Like a shining angel at my cabin door - @lamardeuse
I don't know why this doesn't have more kudos. Maybe because it has few tags? I don't know. This is one of my favorite post-finale fics dealing with Mobius trying to move on (and not really succeeding). There are several really good moments in this, but that one in the fish and chips shop felt like a hand punched through my chest (in a good way!). I also really love the ending. <3
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embbu · 11 months ago
can lukas breathe on land or can he only breathe water now
Fortunately he can breathe both underwater and on land! c:
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klainelynch · 1 year ago
12 and 23 for the end of year book asks :)
12. What was the most unexpected book you read this year?
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The protagonist is a boy whose baby brother is very sick, and because of that, his parents can't give him as much attention or help him through his own anxiety and obsessive compulsion. He dreams that angels, or perhaps wasps, come to him with promises of curing his brother. Of course he accepts, not truly believing that his dreams are anything but that.
I wasn't sure what was real or not for most of this book, and I absolutely loved the ride. It's in the mystery/horror section of my school's library, and I've tried to get a few kids to read it. Some of them pick it up because it's not very long (just around 250 pages) but it is a big of a thinker and a kind of weird book. I hope it finds a place in some kid's psyche and they think back, twenty years later, "Why did Ms. ______ let me read that?!?!?"
23. The book with the prettiest cover
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I'm going to do my very best to not answer every possible relevant question with this book, but come on. This cover is magnificent even if you don't know the context, and once you do? It's Red and Blue, and they're a bit broken but still whole and similar and opposite and connected and looking in different directions but doing the same thing and I just *chef's kiss*
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vivalavillain · 1 year ago
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
For Archer!
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
{For Archer, this would have to be Karen first, but specifically @pkmnsdarkqueen's Karen. As a former Rocket, even if it was an off-shoot of Rocket that he was never part of, and as a person, Archer has a great deal of respect for Karen. She's come through quite a bit and has pulled through all the stronger for it. And, like him, she has an affinity for Dark-types. She's respectful to him, knowing who he really is and keeping it a secret despite being an Elite, and they get on rather well together as people. However, given her Elite status, he cannot abide by the work she does, no matter how much he might trust her otherwise. So long as her loyalty is to the League and Lance's leadership, they will always be at odds with one another in some form or fashion.
{As for the vice versa, the easy answer here is Giovanni, but I feel like that's cheating a little. I think, perhaps, the better answer here is Elaine/Chase. They were the catalyst in the ruination of Rocket in Kanto and he still holds a great deal of anger and hatred for them and their meddling. That being said, they are clearly a strong, capable trainer and he cannot deny their accomplishments. Anyone who can take down Lance and then their strongest rival back to back is someone not to be trifled with and he can give credit where credit is due.}
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
{The idea that respecting one's elders is to be expected/demanded of anyone a decade or more younger than the person in question. He doesn't believe that someone is deserving of respect (outside of basic human decency-- although it's arguable whether he would offer even that much to someone if not absolutely necessary) simply because they are older and supposedly 'wiser.' People, regardless of age, are people and people can be backwards, hateful, mistrustful, and dangerous in their beliefs at times. The idea that someone is automatically accorded respect (read: obedience) based solely on age is ridiculous and as someone fighting against the elderly of Johto to get anything accomplished, he's especially uninterested in such archaic beliefs.
{Unfortunately, in order to get anything done, he does have to play a very specific part and while he might detest that bit of it, he does follow said etiquette when necessary.}
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
{Getting sick. He's positively miserable and pathetic when he's sick and having anyone see him in such a weakened, vulnerable state terrifies him because his reputation is everything as the Interim Boss of Team Rocket. He's more prone to snapping and flying off the handle when in consistent pain or otherwise unwell in some way. He absolutely detests being sick and goes to great lengths to prevent any instances where it happens.}
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gerec · 2 years ago
Sorry for the excessive amount of questions, I hope I am not bothering you too.
How do you choose which fics to write? How many wips do you have? What fandoms/pairings are they for? What’s the last line you wrote? Post a snippet from a wip. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip. Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest? How do you choose whose POV to write in? What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of? Do you use a beta reader/editor? Do you take fic requests? Why or why not? What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted? What fic are you proudest of? What fic has been the hardest for you to write? What is your most self-indulgent posted story? What’s your most self-indulgent wip? What is your favorite world that you’ve created for a fic? Who’s your favorite character you’ve written? Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet? What is your favorite genre to write? What genre/trope do you tend to write the most? If you could only write one type of AU for the rest of your life, what would it be? Is there a trope that you’ve written before but are now sick of? Who is your favorite character to write for? Has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom? What’s the fandom/pairing distribution of your posted fics? In Legacy of Sin, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote? In Legacy of Sin, is there a deleted scene/idea you wish you could have included? Why did it get cut? Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do? What are your favorite fics at the moment? Are you subscribed to any writers on AO3? What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten? Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love? Is there a particular fic that readers gravitated towards that you didn’t expect?
You're not bothering me at all and sorry for the delay on these; I was away last weekend and it's been busy catching up both in RL and on tumblr lol.
How do you choose which fics to write?
For new fics, it's all about inspiration - usually a prompt that ignites an idea in my brain that I just have to get out. For WIPs it's all about mood i.e. what pairing I want to write/what story I want to advance.
How many wips do you have?
On Ao3 I have 20 WIPs (there are a few that are discontinued not counted in that number). These are stories I intend to finish. I have about 2 dozen snippets in my drafts I've never posted and might never see the light of day.
What fandoms/pairings are they for?
All for X-Men, with the majority being Cherik fics though there are some Xavierine, Kurt/Charles and Shaw/Erik ones too :D
What’s the last line you wrote? Post a snippet from a wip.
He grinned, the smile reminding Charles of the decades-younger Erik teasing him in the early days of their acquaintance. “Really? I recall being told repeatedly that I never give you enough credit, Charles, for the things you do. How strange you would forget with your eidetic memory.”
Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
Charles gets unexpectedly knocked up dun dun dun!!!
Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
Beginning is always the easiest because that's when the idea is hot hot hot. Sustaining the story is the hardest for me; I usually know exactly how a story is going to end.
How do you choose whose POV to write in?
I don't really think about it consciously I just let the story dictate the POV. If I can't decide (or I want a broader view of the verse) than I tend to switch POV within the story.
What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
I'd like to think I'm decent with plot and pacing? And hopefully...with sexy sex scenes lol???
Do you use a beta reader/editor?
I don't, not because I don't believe in the value of an editor or beta but because I just want to write and get the instant gratification from posting it right way lol.
Do you take fic requests? Why or why not?
Usually no, though I sometimes ask for prompts. A lot of times I get asked to write things that just don't interest me, and also, if I don't get around to doing it/finishing it I don't want to disappoint.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
It used to be - unequivocally - We'll Always Have Paris but I'm also very fond of It's Been A Long Time and An End Comes to All Good Things
What fic are you proudest of?
It'll be Gods or Mortals if I ever finish the damn thing.
What fic has been the hardest for you to write?
Same answer as above.
What is your most self-indulgent posted story?
They're all kind of self-indulgent really? I write what I love to read so I suppose it applies to all my stories.
What’s your most self-indulgent wip?
Well, probably the wips in my Legacy of Sin series. They have a small audience but I do love that verse so much and can't stop writing for it ha!
What is your favorite world that you’ve created for a fic?
What Night Brings the Dawn with Paladin!Charles and Mage!Erik. I love that world - there's a 100k fic of story not written about these two soulmates and star-crossed lovers turned bitter enemies...
Who’s your favorite character you’ve written?
Charles, followed by Erik and Logan.
Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I don't know...I feel like I've written everything I've ever wanted to write? Maybe a horror or ghost story, though only if I can come up with a great idea.
What is your favorite genre to write?
Definitely alternate universe. All the aus I love aus.
What genre/trope do you tend to write the most?
Exes still in love, royalty aus, modern aus, historical aus, pwp.
If you could only write one type of AU for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Oh that's a tough one. Maybe a tie between space aus and historical/fantasy aus.
Is there a trope that you’ve written before but are now sick of?
There is no trope I've written that I won't happily dust off and abuse again lol.
Who is your favorite character to write for? Has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom?
It's been Charles for ever and ever until the last couple of years when I started churning out all the bottom!Erik and Erik POV fics.
What’s the fandom/pairing distribution of your posted fics?
X-Men (144) Dragon Age 2 (5) Welcome to the Punch (1) The Hobbit (1)
Of the X-Men ones, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier (102), Logan (X-Men)/Charles Xavier (50), Erik Lehnsherr/Sebastian Shaw (21) are the top 3 pairings by # of fics.
In Legacy of Sin, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
In the first chapter of Little Girl Lost, Wanda sends her younger siblings off with Pietro to wash up and grab dinner and she goes back down to the bunker for Erik and Shinobi. That scene where she spies on them having sex, and her inner monologue (the resentment, jealousy, self-loathing) is my favorite :D
In Legacy of Sin, is there a deleted scene/idea you wish you could have included? Why did it get cut?
When I started writing the very first fic in the series I wanted to write a scene/scenes from earlier in Shaw and Erik's marriage, maybe showing how they got together but I couldn't make it fit with the story. Of course I've now gone and started a prequel, so all those deleted scenes/ideas will probably end up getting written after all!
Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
Not consciously, but I'm sure I have been influenced by all the amazing writing/writers in this fandom! What are your favorite fics at the moment?
I adore the Krakoa is for two very specific mutants series by Sotano for my comics Cherik fix. Travels with Charles, in Search of America by midrashic has incredible world-building and sort of reminds me a bit of Fallout. Absolutely on pins and needles waiting for the next update of invisible string by soetry. And adored these two recent fics: twenty four hours from tulsa by intentation and Heartbeat by druswriting
Are you subscribed to any writers on AO3? Yes though not very many (5). I'm on ao3 alot so I don't really miss new fics being posted so I don't feel the need to subscribe.
What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten? Wow I don't think I can think of just one! I think ones where people tell me I've made them cry or yell or feel x emotion intensely are my favourite :D
Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love? Same list as my personal favorite fics: We'll Always Have Paris, It's Been A Long Time and An End Comes to All Good Things
Is there a particular fic that readers gravitated towards that you didn’t expect?
The love that Do Not Answer Because The Sex Was Terrible gets relative to my other fics makes me laugh in that I whipped this baby off in no time at all, and mostly on a whim and it has many times more hits/kudos than the ones I worked hardest on (of course) :D
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sharpsuite · 1 month ago
For the free ask munday meme: who are your top five AiB characters? Did this change at all between seasons 1 and 2 (or between the show and manga)? How long have you been into RP and have you roleplayed any muses outside of the AiB fandom?
↳ ASK THE MUN ANYTHING - about her, about writing, about fandoms, whatever!
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Ooo many questions! Alright, lets break this down then!
When it comes to my favorite characters, I'd have to say it would be Chishiya, Niragi, Kuina, Ann, and Kyuma. I like almost all the characters though! Obviously, Kyuma made an addition since we only saw him in season 2 vs both seasons like the other 4. And the live action really added something with him in my opinion. ( Also his unreleased OST is beautiful and I treasure it. ) As for between manga or live action. Hmm... I don't really know? I never thought about it per se. I don't think so, although I think I would FLIP Ann and Kuina's place in the manga compared to the live action list. But otherwise I think it would stay relatively the same. It's really not a hard and set list. Chishiya IS always the top and I would say Kyuma would probably be the bottom but the middle three can sort of float around a bit depending on my mood or the moment. I ended up switching the order between the 3 middle ones while answering this like twice because I couldn't quite pin it down.
As for roleplaying - this depends on how ELABORATE we're talking about I technically started on Club Penguin when i was like...7 or 8. Chat RP in game, you know how it is. Also I was like 7 or 8 so it wasn't elaborate rp like that. I think I picked up more elaborate rp when I was 12/13, and I've been doing it ever since. I joined Tumblr Rp in....2014 I think??? Maybe a bit sooner. I've never actually taken a break from roleplaying other than for things like short vacations, emergencies, etc. - but never extensive breaks.
As for other fandoms? Oh god yeah.I have a whole other blog with other characters ( Actually i have 2, one for other live action and the other for animanga. ) Alice in Borderlands had my major brainrot but I'm in plenty of other fandoms too! Hunter x Hunter, Tokyo Revengers, Path to Nowhere, TGCF, MDZS, etc. My first roleplay fandom on Tumblr was Doctor Who actually. I took a LOOOONG hiatus from live action muses - like from 2016 until 2024 when I picked up writing the AiB muses I have now. / @hisinfinities
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notrobinsomethingworse · 29 days ago
Dick: Happy Birthday Tim.
Tim: Yeah. Thanks.
Dick: How’s finally getting out of those teen years?
Damian: Don’t be absurd Grayson. Timothy is turning 17.
Dick: What? No he’s 20.
Tim: Aw first name?
Damian: It is my only gift to you.
Tim: Thanks Dames.
Dick: We are not changing the subject.
Jason: I dunno what to tell you dickbird. Baby birds turning the big one seven.
Dick: Jason you tired to kill him three years ago…
Jason, shrugs.
Steph: I mean he’s always been the little one. Even for me.
Dick: Steph he was the same age as you when you were dating…
Steph, shrugs: Can we have cake?
Tim: Hey! I haven’t blown the candles yet!
Dick, struggling: Cass… please.
Cass, ruffling Tim’s hair: little brother.
Tim: Aww thanks Cass.
Dick: Bruce come on. You gotta believe me.
Bruce: Hm
Tim: You did gaslight me for my 16th birthday. That was before Jason came.
Bruce, thoughtfully: Hm.
Dick: WHAT- No. I’m talking to both of you about that later. Tim is 20. It’s physically impossible for him to have been 17 FOR THREE YEARS.
[Varying degrees of staring]
Tim, whispering: Dick? Yeah kinda pointless doing this. I’ve tried before, they all just shrug it off.
Dick: What? So how old are you?
Tim: Probably 17? I’m starting to think I’m cursed or something honestly. I’m not too worried about it unless Damian starts becoming my older brother or something strange.
Dick: What.
Tim, nodding: Pretty sure I accidentally made a deal with the devil or something. Not quite sure. My memories a bit fuzzy on that year.
Dick: WHAT.
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outkclassed · 2 months ago
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i've heard your pleas
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grey-viridian · 4 months ago
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I've got your back!
(Rottmnt Possessed AU)
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ciderjacks · 7 months ago
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dwarven brew
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notherpuppet · 24 days ago
Will we ever see jealous Al / jealous Luci in MDN?
Oh oh, and considering how fleeting and shallow Alfie's "love" is, does he get jealous when people try to get with his prey of the day?
(no i don't crave the angst of jealousy tropes what do u mean why are u looking at me like that these are normal questions)
I think we’ve seen jealous Alastor a few times in My Deer Nanny
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As for Lucifer in My Deer Nanny, I think he’s more of the type to get sad or feel left out. I can see him being pridefully possessive, but I don’t know if I’d peg him as a jealous type
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(And Alfie would not feel jealous, but vengeful. He’d treat it as a game to win. He’s a monster)
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cherryfennec · 7 months ago
Summer Times
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Hi! I'm finally back from my two week abroad trip!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month ago
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Vibes based grading system.
(for @epistemologys, who wanted some post-canon, teacher WWX)
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beehunterkisser · 10 days ago
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pnf doodle compilasche
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ministarfruit · 2 months ago
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look alive, 2025! femslash february prompt list drop, hot and fresh from the oven. sorry it's late everybody but we are yuri-ing out this year again don't worry ✌️
full prompt list under the cut!
I want you to:
See me
Heal me
Kiss me
Hate me
Kill me
Love me
Hold me
Leave me
Feed me
Trust me
Be me
Find me
Treat me
Save me
Forget me
Ruin me
Marry me
Remember me
Sing with me
Dance with me
Bring me to life
Trick me
Fight me
Understand me
Lie to me
Sit with me
Be here for me
Be mine
For anyone clicking into this who is not aware, Femslash February is a month of creating content of women loving women! Anything can be made for any day and there are no restrictions as long as it's sapphic. Please make sure to tag warnings and R18 content appropriately. That's all! Thank you! See you February!
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lecoindecachou · 6 months ago
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From this Hollywood Reporter interview.
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