#thank you for the tag Gisa! 💜
artycreaty · 4 years
Thank you for tagging me @meitanteisachi 🤗✨
Name: Aina (not real name but call me this anyways!)
Gender: Female
Star sign: Aries
Height: 5’8 (Few years ago one day I came home from uni for a break I was like, dear my youngest brother by about 8 years, I love you very much but please stop growing so much taller than me! You’re not even 15 yet! 😂😂😂😭😭)
Phone wallpaper: the default iPhone wallpaper, the swirly half ball thing (shut up its soothing ok!)
Ever crush on a teacher: Nah. Unless you count Aizawa Shouta maybe?😅 😂
Coolest Halloween costume: I don’t really wear that. I used to wear one a long time ago but don’t remember. The coolest one I’ve had was a scary mask and a scary hat 🤷🏻‍♀️
Last kiss: Uh, does kisses on the cheek count? No? Then no. Unless you count the one time a boy kissed me on the lips when I was like uh... 10? 🤷🏻‍♀️ (No, I don’t have and never had a boyfriend, leave me alone 😩. Yes, I want one but who? How? 🤦🏻‍♀️)
Ever been stood up: Again, no boyfriend so no. Unless you count the few times friends did, but they were unintentional and didn’t hurt my feelings, so no.
Favourite pair of shoes: Anything so long as they’re comfortable. Mostly sneakers and sport shoes. 👟 (most recently I’ve come to like wearing these shoes that are a bit higher cuz I like to feel a bit taller)
Ever been to Vegas: No. The closest I’ve ever been to was in New York on a Uni trip. Want to go one day tho. Maybe. Possibly. If I ever have money lol 😂
Favourite book: Don’t really have any favourites at the mo. (I really should start reading published books and not the fanfics cuz I read that all the time 😂). But my favourites when I was younger was any of the books by Michael Morpurgo that I’ve read, particularly Alone on a Wide Wide Sea which was my first book that I used to carry around with me and read on the way home from school (I learnt the ‘London Bridge is Falling Down’ lyrics from this one, and it’s been stuck in my head ever since 😂), and I’m also particularly fond of Private Peaceful and War Horse, they’re so painfully beautiful 😭. Plus a few ‘Stardust’ series by Linda Chapman. It was my favourite then, but not my favourite now. I’m fond of it yes, but when I bought the first book last May 2020 and decided to try reading it after a looong time, I did so. And after finishing it I think I was like, ‘👀... it’s so damn short and unsatisfying 👀’ 😅😂. Oh! I almost forgot! One of a current favourite of mine is Mind Blind by Lari Don! I saw it at a book shop like 4 years ago and, being curious, went to a random page and read a sentence or two, I became interested and bought it right then and there. It’s really interesting! 🙌🏻 (sorry it’s damn long 😂)
Stupid thing you ever done: There are lots of stupid things I’ve done but I don’t remember most of them from the top of my head🤦🏻‍♀️ like, I need to think. So sorry! 😅 Ah, there was one time but it brings bad memories so I don’t wanna talk about that 🙅🏻‍♀️. Ah! Not sure if it counts but there was another time where a lecturer asked if we (my coursemates and I) wanted to come over and help out one of his friends with the children at a kindergarten (or was it primary school?). And I misunderstood it as a location shoot and thought it was a mandatory thing and brought with me a bag full of camera and lenses and laptop (it was so heavy lol, and he never said to bring them lol). Upon arriving at the destination, my coursemates didn’t have those big bags and I was the only one who brought it. I realised that when my lecturer said ‘help out’, he really did mean to just stay with the kids and help them with their projects involving photographs and the like. Nobody said anything but it was embarrassing to see my big bag amongst all the small ones in the corner of the classroom😳. I didn’t even use the camera at all that day 😂🤦🏻‍♀️.
All time favourite shows: Mostly anime lol 😂 like: Detective Conan, BNHA, Naruto, Munto (anyone seen this? It’s so beautiful! 😭 Why the heck is it so underrated??? 😭😭😭), One Piece, Demon Slayer, CardCaptor Sakura, Tsubasa Chronicles (it’s so beautiful! 😭😭😭), Fruits Basket, etc. For non-anime, though... Off the top of my head, my favourites are: Ghost Whisperer, Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye (where the heck are the subtitles??? I wanna watch this but I NEED SUBTITLES!!! GIMME THEM SUBTITLES!!! 😭😭😭), Sherlock, Friends, Descendants of the Sun (K-Drama, have you seen this one? No? Then go watch it right now! It’s so freakin’ beautiful! 😭😭😭). I think that’s it for now? 🤔
Last movie I saw in theatres: I think it was Avengers: Endgame back in May 2019. I don’t really go to cinemas that often unless it’s with friends lol 😅😂
Hoping to get to know:
@shelling4869ford @blenderfullasarcasm @trouvelle @raventhekittycat @nymphadorathetemplar +++ more! I don’t know many people that well but even if you aren’t tagged please feel free to do this or ignore! 😇💁🏻‍♀️✨
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