#thank you for the ask i look forward to reading and answering
zaczenemiji · 17 hours
Curtain Calls and Curveballs III
Kenji Sato x Reader
Synopsis: Your long-standing feud transformed into a legendary public dynamic where you navigate your high-profile careers, and confront your true feelings.
Word Count: 1,629
Genre/Warning: Confessions, Enemies to Lover, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn
Author’s Note: The last part aaaaaa im gonna miss this 🤧
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With every passing year, you were getting a step closer to your dream. The stage became a set and curtain calls became wrap parties. You no longer had rehearsals, you had takes.
There’s no audience, there’s cameras instead. Your live performances were now edited ones, and changing costumes didn’t have to be done so quickly anymore.
Projected voices and exaggerated gestures were no longer your thing. You were now more subtle—nuanced. Micro-expressions and quieter dialogues became your new thing.
These are the many changes you went through to become who you are today, the It Girl of Hollywood. You were known for your sharp wit and an even sharper tongue; thanks to the thorn on your side since high school.
Your rivalry with Kenji became the stuff of tabloid legend. Your public feud became a part of your brands. This time around, though, it was you who had the unerring knack for getting under his skin.
How the tables have turned, indeed. And Kenji looked forward to your verbal sparring matches even more so than before.
Whenever Kenji had a big game, you would inevitably tweet something snarky. And whenever you had a new movie release, he would make a point to mock you in interviews.
It was a dance you two perfected through the years; one that hid the truth neither was willing to admit. The world knows, oh they do. “The more you hate, the more you love,” as they said.
Your one-of-a-kind relationship with Kenji is all over social media, with fans and fellow celebrities alike piqued by your long-standing rivalry of sorts.
“Okay, (y/n),” your manager said. "I need to brief you on something before we get to the studio."
The two of you are headed to an interview with your one and only enemy, Kenji Sato. The limo you were on glided smoothly through the bustling streets of LA.
"What is it this time?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “Another last-minute change?"
"Not exactly," she answered. "There's been a lot of buzz on social media about you and Kenji."
“Buzz?” your eyes widened. "What kind of buzz?”
"Well, let's just say the world is very interested in your... dynamic," she replied, smirking.
You took your phone out and started scrolling through tweets, heart racing as you read the comments from various celebrities.
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You couldn't help but smile at the comments, a mix of embarrassment and amusement swirling inside you. "Wow, they really think we're... in love?"
It seems like the world ships you two. You can’t blame them. Sometimes you wonder if you’re giving too much away that they’re starting to notice.
But everyone knew already. They have done so since high school. The only ones who didn’t know, or rather, didn’t admit, were you and Kenji.
You were a study-first type of girl when you were a student. And now, you’re a career woman who loves her job. Somehow, there is currently no spot in your life for dating.
Your agency tried, they really did. They tried putting you in a love team with other actors but for every interaction with Kenji, the fans seemed to love it more.
But no matter how you deny it—to others and to yourself—there is something that you refuse to face, a repressed admiration blanketed by faux hate.
Meanwhile, in the studio, bright lights were beaming down on Kenji as he adjusted his jacket. He’s tossing a baseball form hand-to-hand as he waits for you.
In a short while, the door swung open. You walked in with the grace of a seasoned actress, smile dazzling and eyes sharp. You made your way to the stage, commanding attention.
Kenji’s smirk widened as you approached. You looked elegant and sophisticated in the chic dress that you wore. You always did. You were always so beautiful and smart, and all so dense.
“Kenji!” you said with a mock sweetness. “I didn’t know they let amateurs in the show.” You sat down on the couch next to him.
Kenji leaned back in his chair, still tossing the ball. “Well, they needed someone to balance out your overacting,” he replied.
The host, catching the vibe, jumped in with a chuckle, "Welcome, both of you. The dynamic duo, or should I say the dynamic rivals. How are you feeling today?"
Kenji shrugged, his eyes never leaving you. "Feeling great,” he answered. “Especially now that I know (y/n) here is going to try and one-up me."
You crossed your legs and leaned back, matching his intensity. "Oh, Kenji, it's not about one-upping,” you said. “It's about showing the world who truly deserves the spotlight."
The host laughed, clearly enjoying the energy between them, "Well, let's dive right into it. You two have a practically legendary history. Care to share how it all started?"
Kenji glanced at you, his expression playful. "It's simple,” he answered. “(Y/n) has always had a talent for annoying me."
You rolled her eyes, "And Kenji has always had a talent for being easily annoyed."
The host leaned forward, sensing an opportunity. "But there's got to be more to it than that,” he said. “You both always seem to have this... chemistry."
Kenji smirked, leaning closer to you, "Chemistry that explodes, you mean."
You shot back, voice dripping with sarcasm, "Yeah, the kind that blows up in your face."
The host laughed, clapping his hands together. "So, Kenji," the host said. "You’ve got a big game coming up. How do you feel about (y/n) always commenting on your games?"
Kenji chuckled, glancing at you. “Honestly?” He replied. “ I look forward to it. Keeps me on my toes."
You smiled, a genuine one this time. "And I watch every game,” you said. “Gotta make sure l have enough material to roast you."
The host raised an eyebrow, "Sounds like you two are more invested in each other than you let on."
He then turned to you. "What about you?” He asked. “How do you feel about Kenji's constant critiques of your acting?"
"I think he's secretly a fan,” you laughed. “Why else would he watch all my movies?"
Kenji leaned closer, his voice low, "Maybe I am. Or maybe I just like seeing you try so hard."
“You wish,” you met his gaze, eyes twinkling with mischief. "Please, Kenji, you couldn't handle me if you tried."
Kenji leaned ever closer, his voice dropping to a low murmur. "Is that a challenge, (l/n)?"
“Maybe it is,” you met his gaze, heart skipping a beat. "Do you think I do not know about the flowers being delivered to my set—where they come from?”
Kenji was silenced, blush creeping on his cheeks. “Like, come on, Kenji,” you continued. “Flowers, seriously? For who knows since when—just ask me out already!”
The people in the studio gasped at the revelation. Everyone else was on the edge of their seats.
You weren’t dumb to not know where those flowers came from. It started with the very first movie you filmed and it continues until now with the latest one that has just been released.
“If you knew, then why didn’t you say anyt—“ Kenji was cut off by you, “Because I was waiting for you!”
The tension in the air seemed palpable. No one said anything, no one made a move.
“You were too busy chasing a ball! And you were so happy with it, I didn’t want to interfere!��� you continued.
“Yeah, well!” Kenji said, thinking of a good comeback. “You were always paired up with another man, I didn’t wanna ruin your love team!”
“Then I’m glad none of them ever worked!”
“Thank heavens! Dinner, later at 7PM, Michelin-starred restaurant, your pick!”
At that moment, everyone in the room burst into squeals. The floor beneath you shook with the intensity of people jumping up and down at the same time. Even the host stood and did a victory dance in front of the camera.
It felt as if the world rejoiced in unity. This was a memorable day for all the fans that were watching live.
The celebration of each person in the room had blurred as you and Kenji stared at each other. “Took you long enough,” you said softly. Kenji chuckled, “You weren’t so dense, after all.”
Without hesitation, you leaned close and threw your arms over his shoulder, hugging him. He hugged back, tighter, for he was also waiting for this moment for what felt like an eternity.
The screaming in the background loudened at your interaction but none of you paid mind. To you, Kenji’s hug felt warm and comfy and oh-so lovely.
The years, no matter how long it has been, were all worth it for this moment. If there was anyone who knew you best, it was Kenji. The same goes for him.
Your phone, in your manager’s care, beeped with so many notifications. Checking your account on her tablet, she was greeted by over a hundred thousand tweets in just a few minutes.
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That night, the two of you didn’t go out for dinner as said on TV. Instead, you treated your team to the dinner at the Michelin-starred restaurant you picked while you, with Kenji, stayed at home.
You found yourselves dancing together in the comfort of your living room. The air was filled with a soft melody, and as you swayed to the music. Kenji realized how natural it felt to have you in his arms.
"You know," he murmured, "I never imagined we'd be here." You remembered high school, the graduation ball, your first dance with each other.
“I think I’ve been in love with you for a long time,” you said, head on his chest.
“Wow you’re even dense with yourself,” he chuckled.
“Shut up,” you replied. “And you’ve always been a dork.”
Taglist is open! Comment if u wanna be tagged on future Kenji oneshots
@hismistresss @sweetangle8 @aerivina
@eternallyvenus @puppyminnnie @wattpadsuckssohard @sakura-onesan @reggies-eyeliner @buggs-1 @miffysoo @spencerrxids @stupidbutsmart @marimargirlies @mixvchelle @lannnu @lailuv21 @christiinee @abracarabbit @youngbananamilkshake @flutterfly365 @o-schist @brazilsho @arrozyfrijoles23 @finestflora @mmeerraa @mianbaobaoo
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luimagines · 15 hours
Reader confronts the boys about the events of loopy from a poisoned plant.
But everything turns out okay because reader likes them too :)
- glitter ✨
The aftermath of loopey plant? Got it!!
You can read the first part right here!
Content under the cut!
Long day finally over with, you get ready to end it as you crawl into your bed roll.
Four was busy sleeping off the rest of the poisoned pollen and whatever antidote Legend had all but shoved down his throat. You're not sure you're willing to deal with the aftermath but the morning cannot come fast enough.
You lied. The morning came too fast.
You wake up quickly and try to figure out what to do next. You turn in your bed roll and see that Four is already awake.
He sees you before you can pretend to still be sleeping and you curse your luck. Internally, of course. Outwardly, you smile at him and sit up, trying your best to stay causal despite everything he said into your ear the day before.
"Good morning." You grin.
Four winces. "Too loud."
You flinch in return and lower your voice. "Whoops. Sorry."
"It's ok."
"How're you feeling?" You whisper and move to sit next to him. You're suddenly not all that tired. You wait on baited breath to hear his answer and if he's retained any memories from yesterday at all.
Four bite his lip and knocks on his own head gently. His own voice is quiet. "I have a headache but that's about the worst of it. I wasn't too bad yesterday, was I?"
You smile. "You slept most of it off. It wasn't so bad."
He sigh and nods in relief. "Good. I was worried I might have made you uncomfortable."
"Why would you have made me uncomfortable?" You lean forward, trying to keep your smile innocent and less shark like.
Four blushes and looks away. "I have the vague suspicion that I was speaking out loud for a good part of that but I can't seem to tell if I actually did or not."
"Oh." You tilt your head. "That's not so bad. I don't think you were."
"Really?" Four looks back at you, relief flooding his gaze. "Thank goodness."
Your grin turns sharp anyway. "So when do I meet your dad and grandpa?"
Four stills and curls his lips into his mouth. "...Come again?"
"You wanted a summer wedding, right?" You tilt your head. "I was thinking about it and I think you've got the right idea, but I've always my wedding to be outside and the summer might get too hot. So an early summer or late spring wedding might work best if we got that route."
"Oh my god." Four covers his mouth as horror begins to step in.
You giggle and kiss his cheek. "Think about it, yeah? Let me know what you think. I'm not opposed."
Warrior carried Wind back to camp in record time.
Wild returned with Legend, Hyrule and Four and sicked them all onto the groaning and pained boy in front of you.
You tried to stay closer but word spread fast and soon everyone had a hand in helping Wind get back on his feet. Even if that included distracting you in the process.
The day ended before you knew it and everyone was settling in for the night since Wind was now stable and more coherent than he was hour before.
You crept close to the boy and laid nearby, just in case Wind tried calling out to you again. Feeling a little brave, you grabbed onto his hand and let your eyes close shut.
Wind tightened his grip on your hand, calling you name weakly into the air. Your eyes were open in an instant.
"I'm here, Wind." You answer him, crawling a little closer to the boy. you sit up, hoping that the angle would allow him to see you. "I'm here. I never left."
He groans and turns in your direction. "Really? I thought you wouldn't come."
"No." You don't let your voice waver. "I was always there. You just didn't see me."
Wind doesn't seem too convinced but he's also exhausted, no doubt from the treatment everyone had painstakingly shoved down his throat. "I'm tired."
"I know." You smile softly. "It's late. You should sleep."
"What happened?" He asks you instead. "I don't remember what happened after the plant. It was pretty."
"Pretty poisonous." You grit. "Don't go near that thing again. It hurt you really bad."
"Ok." He doesn't fight you on this. "Is that why everything hurts right now?"
"Kinda, yeah." You tell him, because it would be mean to lie. "And everyone freaked out when you were poisoned, so the guys might have been a bit rougher on you than they should have been. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive them."
"They owe me."
You laugh. "Sure, buddy. Sure they do."
"Of course. I'll be right here when you wake up."
You managed to get Hyrule to the group camp with less damage than you thought would be needed.
Hyrule wasn't helpful in the slightest, but you're thankful to the shadow that has been helping you thus far.
He comes to his senses a few hours later, after you've filled the others in the situation. The Traveler groans loudly and rolls over. "My stomach hurts."
You don't have it in you to feel sorry for him. "Probably because you literally ate the dirt." You shake your head. "Let me get you something to drink; maybe that'll help."
"Thank you." He looks your way but doesn't move from his spot on his bed roll.
You get him some water and mix in some white power Twilight said would help him with any stomach problems. He had a bit of humor to his voice but you're willing to bet that was just because he was holding back laughing at your rendition of the earlier events.
You were a bit dramatic about it but Hyrule doesn't need to know that.
You come back and give it to him with little fanfare and sit nearby. "Here."
"Thanks." He starts to sip it closely. "Why does my everything hurt?"
You smile a little, amused that your little turn of phrases were making their way through the group. "You were literally dragged all the way back here. Not dignifying, but I didn't have many options."
He hums and continues to slowly drink the water. "....That would explain why it feels like I fell down a mountain."
You see the shadow tease Hyrule's hair in the distance. It's subtle but Hyrule visibly relaxes. "What damage did I cause?"
"None." You shake your head again and move to sit closer to him. You can at least pretend that the shadow is you, just so no one asks questions. "Unless you count damage to my psyche from the strange things that came out of your mouth."
"Oh god, don't tell me I confessed." He whines and drowns the last of the glass to avoid eye contact.
"I said it, didn't I? I told you I loved you. Crap. I'm sorry-"
"No." You stop him before he can continue with that train of thought. "...But you did now."
Hyrule freezes.
You're also left staring at him.
The shadow acts quickly and pulls your head down so that your lips touch Hyrule's head. You pull back quickly with a bright blush.
"We'll talk later." You steal the glass away and scurry as fast as you can to busy yourself with something unimportant.
Hyrule will be fine. Right? Right.
You were absolutely correct.
Twilight and Sky had found you and had tease you relentlessly once they managed to pry you away from Time. The Old Man didn't seem to want to let you go.
It would have been a little more humorous if he hadn't looked on the verge of tears at the thought of you leaving him.
You stayed with him, because anything else would have sent the poor man into a panic.
It took a total of two days for the effects of the pollen to calm down and for Time to be restored to his quote unquote, former glory.
Luckily for him, he didn't seem to remember most of it. Only that he kept looking at you in a way that had your chest clenching and your breathing coming out in short bursts of pure emotion.
It was maddening. ...And the boys weren't helping you in the slightest.
You had to clear the air at the first chance you got. You didn't want to continue this strange dance you've found yourself in with the Old Man.
You pulled him aside and were ready to interrogate him when your words died on your tongue. There he went again, looking at you with the most tender and adoring look you had ever seen on a man, let alone him. "...Link. What is it?"
You can't bring yourself to be accusatory. Something about the flower changed him. He's never been this vulnerable on this journey. What had he gone through?
Time raises a hand and runs the back of it on your cheek. "...I thought I lost you."
"Never." You grab his hand, holding it close. "You could never lose me."
"I found myself powerless." He takes in a shaky breath. "Tell me. What changed between us? What did I do?"
"N-nothing." You gulp, feeling your legs go a little weak at the sheer power he carries in his voice. "You called me a flower... and then wouldn't let me go. It was innocent."
Time doesn't seem convinced. But he doesn't have enough in his memory banks to dispute this. "Very well."
"Link?" You hold his hand a little tighter. "....It was the most romantic things anyone has ever said to me. I... should thank you."
"I hardly doubt something said in the midst of confusion and loss of cognitive function would be considered romantic." Time glares at the ground. "I could do much better now that I'm sober."
Your breath hitches in your throat and you decide to get a little brave and reckless. You lean closer and nearly poke your nose with his. "Prove it."
Something ignites in him. A wicked grin blooms on his face. "Are you sure?"
"Yes." You whisper. "Because I would have said the same thing about you."
You ended up needing to change your shirt.
Wild was apologizing profusely and on the verge of tears afterwards.
Legend was kind enough to help you with the mess and steal one of the Captain's shirts for you to wear while Four and Sky helped Wild get himself situated and settled.
You sighed and fixed the way the clothes clung to you. It highlighted just how skinny Warrior was but you didn't want to think about that when you were more worried about Wild and his current state.
You rushed back quickly. Wild was sniffling and whining like a kicked puppy while Hyrule brushed his hand through the Champion's hair, trying to calm the other boy down.
"How is he?" You whispered as you got closer.
Hyrule looked up at you and cringed. "I'm sure you can guess. He might have ingested some of whatever it was that made him this way. He says his stomach hurts a lot despite not eating anything. I'm inclined to believe him."
You sighed and copied the movements the resident healer performed on your friend. You lean in and kiss Wild's forehead. "I'm sorry, buddy. You'll feel better soon."
Wild looked up at you and swallowed harshly. "Promise?"
"I promise." You smile tensely. You look to Hyrule for confirmation and he looks just as lost as you feel. You repeat yourself anyway. "I promise, Link."
He groans against and curls up tighter. "I'm sorry...'bout your shirt."
"Soap and water exist." You wince, trying to keep your voice light. It was your favorite shirt, but you don't want Wild to feel worse. "Legend is taking care of it."
"Oh... ok."
"You've been very nice and good to me." You whisper. "I don't think I have the capacity to be mad at you. Much less for this. I like you too much, Wild."
"I like you too." He tries to look up at you. "...I didn't like that plant."
"I don't like it either." You agree, if only to make conversation. "Let's not get close to it again, yeah?"
Wild nods and closes his eyes, reveling in the way your hands feel in his hair. "I'm never cutting my hair."
You giggle slightly. "Good. I'd miss it."
He smiles.
It had taken many hands to get Twilight to behave enough for him to be treated.
You didn't think he would be as possessive as he was. He growled in ways you didn't think was possible and nearly tried to bite Time.
It was... fascinating, if a little scary.
You watched him and tried to calm him down with the others. Eventually he fell asleep.
Only to wake up less than hour later.
You wanted to yell and scream. He had just calmed down. What mess do you have to deal with now?
"Ow my head..." He sits up in his bed roll and hold his head in his hands. You step closer to him and poke his shoulder. "How're you feeling Rancher?"
"Like I got kicked in the head." He mutters under his breath. "What happened?"
"You got poisoned." You smile softly, gathering that it was more or less safe to be next to him now. "And then hugged me. And smelled my hair. And I think you kissed it."
Twilight had gone completely still in the time that you had begun talking. You noticed but decided to keep going if only to save yourself from blushing at the reminder of his not-quite-kiss.
"You also tried to punch Warrior in the face, bite Time and wrestle Wild." You shrug. "Sounds normal if you ask me."
"I won't." He rubs his forehead. "...Did I do anything else? ....To you?" He adds hesitantly.
You feel just as hesitate but honestly? He wasn't all that bad, if a little too honest. You shake your head. ""No. You were well behaved."
"Thank Ordana."
"I like you too by the way." You blurt and lean closer. "And you don't have to be scared to talk to me, ok? I like talking to you too, Link."
You kiss his cheek, if only because it's fair- implies your traitorous brain. You don't see Twilight short circuit, but you do see Warrior and four give Twilight some thumbs up from their corner of the camp.
"Get better soon, ok Darlin'?" You copy his subtle drawl and watch in gremlin delight at the way he completely flushes red.
"YeAh." He clears his throat, unable to meet your eyes. "I will. I will."
The loud curse that slips past your lips was enough to get the group to look over to where you were.
Legend and Twilight naturally started laughing at the sight of Warrior face first in the dirt before you called out for help. Wild and Sky responded quickly, helping drag the unconscious young man to the middle of the camp where it was safe.
You instantly started explaining what you say and how he reacted, giving your own ideas about what might have happened without actually being there to witness it.
Time and Four got to making a spot to put his body where he would be comfortable until he slept it off.
You hovered around like an anxious hummingbird. You had all this energy and no where to spend it. Feeling your plight, Hyrule and Wind took it upon themselves to keep you occupied before you started to mother hen the Captain while he was unconscious and unable to defend himself against it.
Thankfully, it didn't take that long for Warrior to wake up- complaining quite loudly that he'd swear off drinking for the rest of his life.
You had the sudden suspicion that it wasn't the first time he had woken up such a manner- even though you knew that there was nothing alcoholic in the vicinity. Still, you decided to commend him for the attempt. "Good. We'd hate to deal with you hung over as it is."
He groaned and rolled over in his bed roll.
No one bothered to correct him in his incorrect assumption that he had been drinking with the boys.
Time had snorted at the claim and at his reaction but there was a subtle wince to his face that you couldn't help catching. Was Time familiar with the feeling as well?
You shake your head and make your way next to Warrior. "Hey."
"Hi." He grumbled, clearly not happy with his current predicament.
"What do you remember?"
Warrior tenses up before he can stop himself. He clearly remembers something but he doesn't to tell you, less you confirm it for him.
You smirk. "Do you remember the kiss?"
He shoots up. "What?!"
Given that you're not entirely sure what going through his head, you're willing to make a bet and let his own mind fill in the blanks for you. Besides, fireside cuddles sounds nice- but if he had something else in mind you don't think you're inclined to turn down that offer either.
You giggle and kiss his nose to tease him further. "There wasn't none but you mentioned it. If you ever want to follow through with what you told, just let me know."
Warrior looked horrified.
"Let me know." You repeat yourself to get through to him. "Ok?"
His voice is small and disbelieving but he nods slowly. "...ok."
It took a while for Legend to cooperate enough for you to bring him back to camp and get him checked up on. He wouldn't stop going on and on about how you were one of nicest people he's ever met and that he never wanted to leave you and the thought of leaving you made him sad-
Honestly, you had to tune him out for the most part. If you continued to listen to him talking and rambling you would have probably started crying. You never would have guessed that Legend was incredibly sentimental underneath it all.
You had to leave him to the care of the other boys while you went to collect yourself off beyond the forest line.
With time, when you no longer felt all mushy and soft for the boy had to grow up way too fast just to survive, you made your way back to the camp where Legend was looking properly hung over.
He groaned and maybe vomited a little given the looks Wild and Four were giving him as Time cleaned his face. You're a little ashamed that you more or less ran away from him but you doubt he would have wanted you to see him like that anyway. Right?
Eventually, you gather up the courage to get close to Legend and sit next to him where he would actually notice you. He sees you and rubs his face. "I was told you brought me back."
"Yeah." You admit quietly. "I found you first."
"I already told everyone to stay away from that stupid flower."
You pale slightly. In your attempt to rid yourself of the embarrassment, you had completely forgotten about the plant that got Legend into this mess to begin with. "Oh. Good."
Legend nods and rubs his head a bit. Warrior steps in to give the Vet a glass of water. He drinks is greedily.
"Do you still want to braid my hair?"
Legend chokes.
You bite your lip. "I wouldn't mind it."
He looks at you with a scarlet face and with wide, almost scared eyes. "Oh my god, what did I tell you?"
"I lot of things," that you don't think you have the strength to go into right now. "But it's really not that bad."
Legend smiles, but it's not like he believes you.
You'll just have to prove it to him.
After you successfully managed to drag Sky throughout the unmarked trail back to the camp, you started barking out order to the boys to help him. They rushed to put their hands to work.
Hyrule first went about healing any injuries he may (read: absolutely) have obtained.
Four and Warrior went about making a tonic to help rid the pollen slash poison out of his system while you went to clean yourself off and pretend everything Sky said to you didn't actually happen.
When you returned feeling better about yourself and the current mess, you found that the boys had managed to corral the chaos of the camp as well. Sky was stable and dinner was already over the fire. It would be ready in a matter of minutes.
Luckily, Sky didn't stay asleep for long and soon it was as if nothing had ever happened.
But you decided that you still needed to get some answer out of the boy.
The following morning, after everyone's morning routines were done and over with, you found yourself guiding Sky away from everyone else just to see how much of yesterday he actually remembered.
He seemed unable to meet your eyes.
"Good morning." You bump your hip against him. He nearly falls over but catches himself. Sky's blushing. "Good morning."
"Sleep alright?"
"As good as I could given the pollen from that weird flower." Sky scratches the back of his neck.
"Oh perfect, you brought it up first. I was going to ask you about that."
Sky blushes harder. "Yeeaaah? What about it?"
"What do you remember? Do you remember what you told me?" You tilt your head, not bothering to acknowledge how awkward he no doubt feels. You feel a little vindicated since he made you drag his dead weight all the way back to camp on your own.
Sky looks away.
That's all the answer you need.
"Did you mean it? Truly?" Hope enters your voice before you can stop it. Sky catches it because of course he does.
"Yes. I did." He mutters. "I also recall that you said... you said that I was pretty too."
"You are!" You kiss his cheek, taking your shot. "Ok?"
"More than ok." Sky takes your hand softly, lacing your fingers together. "....Do you really think I'm the good child?"
"....you're one of the best ones here."
"I broke a chandelier on purpose to get an item."
"....my statement still stands, honey. But I'll remember that."
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kindly requesting a matty fic/blurb with him & reader fully clothed fucking in a dingy stairwell 😁
thank you for your request!! had to write immediately because this is super hot. mdni 18+
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This should be disgusting.
The walls are grainy, gray painted wood, same as the outside of the apartment building. You know this because even through your shirt, you can feet it, scratching and snagging at the fabric.
It is stuffy, here in the stairwell, still outside, though sheltered from a muggy summer rain. Matty’s eyes are and glow rather strangely in the dim. You don’t even care about the lightning, not with lips at your throat, burning into your skin in ways you’d dreamed about the whole night.
Ever since Matty has been growing out his curls he got hotter day by day. Today has been especially hard, having to look at him in front of everyone knowing that you can’t drop to your knees.
That’s why you tried to be subtle about touching Matty. Tugging at his hands to make him stay behind until people were gone, to have one last kiss. Begging him to keep kissing you until he pulls away, ‘what are you on about’ he said with a big grin on his face.
You couldn’t possibly tell him in that moment. But the next agonizing hour Matty realized that you were so turned on. Your cheeks flushed, your thighs clenching and you can’t stop staring at him.
That’s how you ended up in here. In the stairwell of a good friend of Matty and you, your back pressed against the wall and Matty hovering over you, his hands roaming over your body.
“Want to tell me why you’ve been giving me ‘fuck me eyes’ the whole evening?” He mumbles, still sucking at your neck.
You shake your head with a giggle, grabbing his neck to find his lips on yours again. His tongue slips through your lips and battles with yours, obviously having the upper hand.
“No?” He asks, pulling back, “s’ a shame, I thought you could use your words f’me.”
He lets his hands begin to wander, mapping the shape of your waist through the material of your dress. “I can give you anything you want, but I need you to open your sweet mouth.”
Matty swoops a hand down around the curve of your ass towards the back of your thigh, the motion smooth and leading to the lift of your leg around his waist. He steps closer still, head bent down to kiss you again as he slowly rocks his hips between your parted thighs, showing you just how horny he is for you as well.
The pressure of his cock against your core even while blocked by layers of clothing makes you want to tear the jeans jacket from his body. Instead, you curl your fingers into the fabric and hold on, lips parted and tongues meeting, following the subtle motion of his length grinding against your cunt.
“Fuck,” you sigh into his mouth, “I’m just so glad you’re letting your hair grow, and your mustache is just,” you groan, licking your lips as your fingers with his hair under his nose. “You’re fucking hot.”
Matty laughs at your reaction, “that’s what’s got you all excited? My hair growth?”
You nod, “I can’t wait to tug at your curls,” you say this so innocently but you both know you mean to tug at his curls when he’s devouring you. The past weeks you had to hold on to the sheets instead of his hair, and it didn’t have the same effect.
“You want to do that, yeah? Want to keep me in place by pulling my hair ‘cause it doesn’t work anymore. Can’t control me anymore, s’that it?”
A whine slips from your lips as he reads you like a book. Your head falls forward, into the crook of his neck, hiding your flushed cheeks.
“I knew it,” his fingers pull at your hair now, your face in front of his as he grabs your chin to make sure you can’t pull away, “filthy girl.”
“Matty,” your voice is barely above a whisper. “Please.”
“What?” He asks, lifting his eyebrows, “want me to do something?”
He doesn’t leave you any room for an answer, his attention back to your neck and your chest, his lips and teeth alike tugging at your skin with a bit of suction or a bite that leaves you whimpering. You don’t think you’d need to see a mirror to know that blooms of color had to be littered across your skin, giggling lightly as he sears another bruise into your flesh with the heat of his mouth.
“Got a thing for hickeys, don’t you?”
“Only from you.”
“That’s right,” he grins, “decided to not be a brat f’ one night tonight?”
You shake your head, “I’m always good.”
“Fuck,” he laughs, “you’re definitely not, even tonight you’re begging me to fuck you in a dirty stairwell. Lucky for you I won’t be real mean.”
His mouth reaches the edge of your dress, nipping at your cleavage before his tongue teases along the line where the fabric meets your skin, wanting to taste more of you.
You’re craving his mouth on the most intimate parts of you, fingers pulling the top of your dress aside to reveal your breast to him completely, so glad you’d chosen a dress that hadn’t required a bra.
“Fucks sake.”
The cuss sounds appraising, further compliments paid to your skin by the stroke of his tongue against your nipple, back arching when his teeth closes around the tender peak. You lock your upraised leg tighter around his waist, holding on without a need for the steadying grip of his hand and he uses the freedom it provided him to cup your breast, head turning to the other, exposed with another urgent tug of your own fingers exposing yourself to him. His hips reared back, just enough to give his other hand space, angling under your skirt to rub you through the damp material of your underwear, lips moving back to yours when he felt how warm and ready you’d become.
“You’re drenched, love.”
He slips his fingers past the waistband of the thin garment, needing to touch you directly, and the groan he lets out is evidence of his approval, his delight to feel how slick your cunt is, digits dragging the wet of you across your clit. It swells beneath his fingers, shudders of growing pleasure making you thrust your hips towards his hand, begging for more until you felt one long digit easing into you.
“You’re really pushing my ego, bet I could slide right inside, without having to prepare you.”
A second finger has you leaning forward to bite into the denim that covers his shoulder, trying to stay quiet for the concern that your moans would echo in the stairwell and lead someone to find out what the two of you were doing.
Even with a slow pump, palm pressing and cradling your clit, you felt close to delirious with pleasure, unable to think of anything else other than how much you want him to give you his cock soon.
You reach for the front of his denim jeans, feeling the cool metal of the chain dangling from his belt against the back of your hand, fingers undoing the buckle with a clumsy urgency. Matty doesn’t stop you, lifting his head from your kiss-marked breasts to look you in the eye as you work his pants open, brows furrowing when you delve beyond the band of his underwear to wrap your fingers around his cock, length twitching against your palm.
“Jesus christ,” he groans throwing his head back, his fingers still pumping in and out of you, “bless you n’ your pretty hand.”
“Matty,” you moan again, feeling as if you’re very close.
Matty feels thick in your hand but he always fills you up so well without discomfort, the way he curves promising so much pleasure once he was deep inside.
You watch his eyes close for a moment when you give his shaft a firm squeeze followed by a slow upward stroke. You feel a small pearl of precum crowning the tip of his length, but it isn’t enough to properly lubricate the touch you desire to give him, leaving you to consider other ways to make him feel good.
Reaching down for his wrist, you gave a soft tug to ease his fingers away, Matty relenting with a look of confusion and though your core feels so empty with the loss of his touch, the pleasant curling of his digits making you wetter still, you have other things you want him to do. He leads his hand upward, eyes darting from his coated fingers to his mouth.
He flashes you a pleased smirk and makes a slow show of sucking each finger clean one at a time, grin growing wider at the way you shiver in response to his apparent delight. He even licks his lips once he is done, further showcasing just how much he relishes the flavor of you on his tongue.
“Taste so fucking good, darling,” he groans, “why’d you stop though hm? Wanted to make you feel good.”
“You do make me feel good, need you though,” You say, fiddling your hand in his pocket to look for his wallet. “Wanted you the whole night.”
“Bet you did,” he says, helping you by taking the wallet from your hand and pulling a condom out faster than you would’ve done it. “Don’t think I won’t properly fuck you when we get home.”
You shiver, knowing that you’ll try different positions after Matty’s done with eating you out.
“Pull your panties down,�� he orders, ripping the condom open and rolling it down his length while your panties rest on your lower thighs.
The touch of his cock brushing against your tender slit had you sighing in relief, eyes closing as Matty pushes in just enough for you to become a puddled mess. His hands are moving to grip your hips just so he can lead you back as he oh so slowly presses himself forward.
“I fucking love your cunt, baby. Always taking me so good, fuck.”
For a little while, all your prior urgency is forgotten, falling to the wayside with the satisfaction of just being so full, of having Matty leaning over you, to trail kiss and bites along your neck and shoulder.
Matty’s hands on your breasts and between your open legs, stroking the tight bud above the gentle thrust of his cock stretching you out just right is rapturous. You want more, faster and harder.
“Matty, please.” You moan, gripping his broad shoulders to signalizes him you want him to fuck you.
“Don’t be a beg,” he teases, but at the same time thrusts inside you harder before moving almost all the way out and slamming back into you. “Want it like this?”
You nod, your hands all over his bag, not knowing where to steady yourself. That is until Matty takes your hand and leads it into his hair.
“C’mon, try it, knock yourself out.”
You tug at his hair and you moan, louder than you’ve ever moaned tonight. You feel his curls growing and you already have something to grip on.
“Pleased?” He asks and you smile into his mouth, softly biting down his bottom lip.
“Very much.”
You moan into his mouth as you enjoy the intensity of him spreading you and filling you. You nip playfully at his lips, rolling your hips forward and back, meeting his long, deep, and demanding thrusts.
“Fuck, right there,” you breathe as he hits a particularly sensitive spot inside you.
Matty’s hands squeeze your ass, helping you move against him fully. Your wet, smooth walls rub against the hard veins on his cock, and you can feel him begin to lose the rhythm.
“Touch yourself f’me,” he says, both hands of his occupied, one hand holding your leg up while the other steadies himself. “C’mon, love, fingers on your clit, do it like I do it.”
You hear him. You trail your fingers over your sensitive bud, rubbing slow circles until you get faster and closer.
“Matty, I- m’ gonna,” you moan as he hits your spot over and over again.
“Yeah? Look at me, love,” he orders, “cum f’me.”
Your mouth gapes open in a silent gasp. You hold him inside you, your walls gripping his cock, before he can no longer delay his own release inside your warmth. With a final thrust, he clutches you to him and with a loud cry that bounces around you in your concrete oasis, his cock pumps and twitches deep within you.
Your head falls forward against his shoulder, your breathing hard and fast. You feel limp and sated, and can only imagine the effort it was taking him to keep you both upright.
With a tender kiss against his neck, you lower your legs to the ground, but you stay tightly wrapped in his arms. He holds you, your ear pressed to his chest, his racing heart against her cheek.
“I don’t think I can ever walk this stairwell without thinking about this,” you give him a small laugh.
“I would hope so, this was mental,” he says, pulling your panties up again, before removing his condom and pulling his pants up as well.
“D’you want to go home?” Matty asks, removing a sweaty strand of hair behind your ear. You shake your head, appreciating that he leaves the choice up to you.
“Let’s stay, enjoy the people for a while?”
“F’course, anything you want, baby.”
He kisses you before heading towards the door, adapting his walking pace to yours when he notices that you can’t properly walk.
“Maybe we should wait for a bit,” he grins, sitting down. “C’mere.” He opens his arms and you take the invitation and sit down onto his lap, your hands finding its way into his hair again.
You’re lifting a few strands and letting them fall back down, watching how they curl. “Thank you for letting your hair grow.”
Matty laughs and you get a squeeze to your thigh. “Yeah, yeah.”
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lemotmo · 2 days
SWAT Lou speculation
So, earlier today I posted this post on my blog. In it I asked about where all this ‘Lou getting a bigger part in SWAT’ information was coming from. I have been looking around for casting information on SWAT season 8 and I couldn’t find anything official.
I asked this question because over the last week I’ve been receiving some highly interesting information and speculation on the SWAT casting for season 8.
BE AWARE that all that is in this post is based upon hearsay and rumours. As long as nothing official has been posted by Lou or CBS, all of this could just be interesting speculation, but ultimately not true. Whether it is true or not, I found it interesting enough to post about. Speculating is one of the fandom things I enjoy most. As long as it stays respectful and doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s a fun thing to do. But since it is only speculation, this could all turn out to be wrong. But in the meantime we have something fun interesting to talk about during hiatus.
Okay, it all started with a wonderful SWAT Sherlock Nonny (Nonny 1) who had some intriguing information to share. I’m not going to post the entire ask they sent me, but I’m cutting out the parts that are most interesting.
18 June: (he = Lou)
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When I received this ask I thanked the Sherlock Nonny (Nonny 1) and asked them to keep me updated if they found anything else. Here is what they sent next.
I'm putting the rest under a cut, because it gets loooong! :)
19 June:
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Then, three days ago, yet another anon (Nonny 2) messaged me with the following.
23 june:
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Speed forward to today, when I received another message from yet another anon (Nonny 3) as an answer to my question on where people got all this SWAT information.
This person basically shared a post with me that they saw on someone’s blog and they felt it was a very interesting read and interesting information for us to know about.
26 june:
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Can I just say how thoughtful and interesting that answer is. I have been called so many horrible things for pointing out that Lou's character is a plot device and I've been reading so many angry, hateful and spiteful posts about this topic that I’ve come to expect the same tone for all the posts about this subject. But this person isn’t spewing hate. They are just talking about the reality of where this storyline is going. I appreciate and respect that a lot. So please, can we at least treat this person with the same kind of respect? I really don't want to see any hate towards this person in the comments or reblogs. Thank you.
So, that’s about it. It’s a waiting game now on whether or not Lou did get a bigger role on SWAT. It could all be a coincidence and by next week he might be back happily tweeting about 911, but for now this is a plausible theory.
All we can do is wait and see how this story will unfold.
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starlight-starwrites · 11 hours
forehead kisses
din djarin x reader
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summary: after din takes karga's offer of a cabin on nevarro, you find yourself joining the mandalorian and his adopted son on their bounty hunting adventures. or, five times you kiss the helmet and the one time you kiss him. wc: 3k warnings: some description of injuries, and my personal fave, yearning pining aching longing with heavy doses of fluff and smooching, and i revive a fan favorite character (the Razor Crest) note: banner by @janaispunk and fic written for her 1500 kisses celebration! i got the prompt forehead kisses and could not stop thinking of the potential. thank you so much for hosting this little challenge and congratulations jana!!!
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The cockpit is quiet when you climb up. Din sits in the pilot’s seat, the only acknowledgment he knows you’re here is a slight turn of his head. You come to stand at his shoulder and gaze out the viewport at the expanse of stars.
“Call go well?”
“New job.”
“That’s fast,” you say. “Didn’t even get him back the last one.”
“Hot priority. Quarry is supposedly in this system.” Din relaxes back into the chair, finally turns to you. “The kid?”
“Asleep,” you answer. “Think he wore himself out with the…” you wave your hand in the mimic of the child’s magic. “He really likes playing with the new droid.”
Din grunts. “At least someone does.”
You laugh. “Be nice! R5 is very well-behaved.”
You hear his sigh through the helmet before he asks, “You don’t mind the detour?”
“No, of course not.” You lean your hip on the side of the chair, and Din’s bracer brushes your leg.
Your time spent traveling around with the Mandalorian and his adopted son has actually been some of the most relaxing bounty hunting you’ve ever done. They’re both more polite than you expected and it feels…domestic, even if the stream of gunfire and criminal cargo never stopped.
Din Djarin has been a surprise as well. What started as professional camaraderie has developed into an unspoken tenderness that puts a smile on your face and—if he ever took off the helmet to show you—maybe on his too.
“I can prep your locker and the carbon freeze. How long to the designated point?” You push off the chair where he sits.
“About an hour.” He looks up at you, reaches to squeeze your hand. “Thank you.”
You bend forward to press a quick kiss to the crown of his helm. “Don’t worry about it.”
You’re still smiling when you make it down to the hull of the Crest.
Nevarro was not the sort of planet you would think of as relaxing, but between Karga’s development of a well-respected port city and Din keeping one of the most quaint cabins you’ve ever visited, it has been the only place you can relax.
You carry a tin plate from the Mandalorian’s kitchen to the next room. Through the window you watch the kid wobble over the rocks to chase after a desperate frog. By now, the little critters know when he’s coming. At the table, Din sits scrolling through a datapad.
“Dinner is served,” you announce.
His visor raises to meet your gaze when you enter. “I could have gotten it.”
“I know.” You incline your head to the pad. “I had a feeling Greef got to you already. More work? We only got back this morning.” You set dinner in front of him, come around his side to look at the file over his shoulder.
“Just a side project,” he says. He closes out of the screen before you can read. “It can wait.”
“Well, well,” you say, raising your hands. “Keep your secrets then.”
He leans back in his chair to face you. “It’s not a secret.” His voice is dry, but he knows you’re teasing. “I wanted to thank you. You…saved my life today.”
“Oh, that?” It’s true. He fell off a building. You actually let him, before you remembered he wasn’t wearing his jetpack. In some odd stroke of luck you’d managed to steal some poor sod’s skyspeeder, catch the free-falling Mandalorian, and total the quarry’s speederbike in one arc with no casualties. “Hm, yes, I was thinking you should be the one serving me dinner.”
“Maybe I will.”
The way he says it catches you off guard. Your heart skips a beat.
“Next time then.” You smile, marvel at the frantic beating in your chest. Then you bump his shoulder with your hip. This time you’re bold enough to place a finger under the edge of his helmet, tilt his head a little more. You place a kiss to where his forehead would be. “Don’t worry, I’ll let you eat in peace.” You nod at the food getting cold, and leave him to do just that.
The hull of the Razor Crest is hard at your back. You sit on the floor, shoulder to shoulder with the Mandalorian.
“You know as much as I love the Crest…maybe it’s time to consider—”
You sigh. The ship has landed ‘safely’ you’re glad to say. Grogu sits in Din’s lap. R5 is…a little banged up, but fine. The rest of the Crest? Complete disarray. Anything not tied down has been flung around, and there is a gaping hole across from where the four of you sit.
“She is an old ship.”
“She has seen worse.”
Sadly, you believe it. You lean closer to him, let yourself feel the relief of having made it. He leans into you, and the kid lets out a small sound like he’s disappointed too.
“Think we can find a mechanic for this one?” You raise a hand to gesture at the torn metal and frayed wires that frame the picturesque view of open fields and rock spires beyond them. Of all the places to be attacked, here is pretty nice.
You let your head fall to the side. Din shifts with a sigh, and his temple rests against yours. “We’re going to need more than a mechanic.”
You snort. After the distress of the last hour, it feels nice to sit like this. To relax. If that’s what you can call it.
You want to curl up beside him, long to know what it would be like for him to hold you. Part of you thinks he would, if you asked. But still you say nothing, content with the small doses of affection you give each other now. Closeness that is expected - known - but goes unspoken. You turn your head, and your lips brush over his helmet, just above his visor. His head stays tilted down, allowing it. He sighs when you move away.
“We should get to work.”
A tether pulls as you both stand to get things in order. Connection. Longing. You wonder if he feels it too. You brush a hand over your lips, savor the feeling of cool metal.
You don’t like it. Not one bit. But you understand. With every day that passed, you’ve been feeling worse—caught some bug on one of the trips you’ve made in the last week. It started with a cough, and now you can barely speak. You’re tired, and drained, but still you managed to stay on the ship with the Mandalorian. He wasn’t about to let R5 stay alone with the kid, and to be honest, you think he’s gotten used to having the backup. You have to be content he’s letting you do as much as he is.
“If they give you any trouble at the dock just send them this.” He presses something on his vambrace, and you check over codes on your datapad. You nod confirmation. “Keep the engine running. I shouldn’t be long, and if they decide they want a look at our cargo…”
You both turn to face the short line of frozen criminals.
“You’ll have to make a quick getaway.”
The problem you’ve found with working on newly established New Republic territories is the freedoms of the Outer Rim are being slowly taped over in red. Even bounty hunting hasn’t escaped the notice of the bureaucracy. Din hates it. You hate it even more. And now here he is going out alone to find a rich slimeball that likely paid his way into immunity with the New Republic officers here. Stuck sitting in the pilot’s chair was hardly helping. You nod anyway, watching as he straps on more weapons and gear discreetly into his armor. A knife slips into a hidden sheath under his chest plate. You try to be comforted that at least if he doesn’t have you, he’s well equipped.
You clear your throat, hopefully in a way that he understands your upset. You’ve mostly communicated with him about this job in a series of frowns.
He sighs. “I know.”
You huff.
“I know,” he says again.
Your shoulders slump, and you don’t know how else to tell him right now, so you tuck your pad under your arm and reach for him.
He’s slow to it, but he folds his arms around you to return your hug, awkwardly patting your back before holding you closer. You pull away after a moment, and take his helmet between the palms of your hands. You search his visor, wondering if he really does know.
His hands come under your arms to hold your elbows, thumbs rubbing in a comforting manner. You pull him toward you, rest your forehead against his.
Come back safe, you think. Come back to me.
His hands squeeze tighter. He must know. Surely, he must know.
You pull from him, but keep hold of his head and tilt. You press a kiss to where you rested your head just a moment before, willing his safety. Then you let go before you do anything else. Perhaps it’s good you lost your voice. His hands slip from you when you take a step back, though one hovers between your bodies like he’s not sure. You watch it drift down slowly.
Behind you, Grogu coos a goodbye, but you don’t take your eyes from Din. He looks down for a moment then back to you. Another beat, then he nods. You return it. He walks down the ramp of the hull, and you watch him until it closes, sealing you and the kid inside.
You press your fingers to your mouth. Come back safe.
Your hands shake as you pull away fabric and leather. The Mandalorian’s chest plate, marked with carbon scoring, rests on the ground beside him.
“Should have been here,” you whisper. Your voice isn’t better, but you try. You press a bandage to the wound, ignoring the way his blood sticks to your fingers.
“The kid…”
“Safe. On ship.”
Din’s hand clasps around your wrist. “They’ll find—”
You shake your head. You didn’t like it either. Your only comfort was that R5 could pilot the Razor Crest if absolutely necessary. The ship was locked and sealed tight to protect both of them while you found Din.
“I moved ship,” you croak. “They safe for now.”
You can’t see how far the wound reaches—his skin is covered in blood, soaking his clothing over his shoulder and neck. Does it go under his helmet too? Din takes your hand, halting your frantic search. You stop, eyes darting over his visor as though you’ll find answers.
“We have to go.” His voice is strained, but he is right. You can’t stay. Most of your medical supplies are stored on the Crest.
“Din…” his name is barely more than a breath through your lips. You want to say so much. Look at him, barely lucid himself, slumped and abandoned for dead when you arrived. You fear for him, even now that you are here.
“I’m…okay.” He takes his hand from yours and moves to cup your face instead. You can smell the old leather of his gloves, feel the rough patches on your cheek. But his hold is firm, grounding you back to him. “I’m okay. I just need you to help me there.” He breathes heavy, and so do you, but you can see his resolve once more. He’ll make it.
Tears spring at your eyes, and your bloodied hands grasp the sides of his helmet, mirroring how he holds you. You lean in, press a kiss to his forehead. And then another. And another. Then one more for good measure.
He has to know what he does to you. The bandage is pressed to his wound and tucked under the straps of his armor. You’ll have time to properly heal him later. He does his best to help replace his chest plate.
You take his good arm around your shoulders, wrap your arm at his waist. With your help, he stands. The coast is clear for now, and the two of you creep down the streets in the direction you hid the Crest. He follows you without question, each of you pulling the other closer at every turn—so close your shadows become one.
The image follows you all the way back to the ship—haunting you the same as the memory of cold metal against your lips.
The lava flats are quiet this evening. The sun sets behind a smattering of clouds, painting the sky an orange-pink you aren’t accustomed to seeing. The view from the Mandalorian’s front porch is unobstructed.
So here you sit, here you stare. You’re not sure when it happened, but it feels like home.
A steady beat of footsteps interrupts the quiet, and Din walks out of the doorway. He pauses there before crossing your view to join you on the bench. His movements are slow, and he’s not wearing his full armor where he’s covered in bandages. You sit up straight, gaze tearing from the sky to follow him. Your hand settles on his arm as he seats himself beside you.
“How are you feeling?” he asks.
“Better. Much better,” you say, eying where a bandage disappears under his helmet. “What about you? Doc still expects a full recovery?”
Din nods. “The bandages are just to protect his work. I should be able to take it off tomorrow.”
Upon your return to Nevarro, you had rushed Din to the nearest med center to fix the first aid you had attempted. Whatever device was used to cause the explosion he survived was nothing you had seen before. After a good soak in the bacta tank, some careful skin grafting, and a hefty dose of painkillers, Doc assured you the Mandalorian would be just fine.
Grogu had fussed profusely from your lap, but Din had set firm rules on when the kid was allowed to use his powers. If Din was still conscious to tell him no, then no it was.
“Starting to consider Greef’s offer? Retire as a bounty hunter, become marshal here,” you ask him gently. Karga had offered it to him before, and on several occasions. Still, your Mandalorian found himself back among the the stars. Something felt different this time. The way he settled in to his cabin, sought the comforts of home. The way he let the kid play and wander longer. “It doesn’t sound too bad.”
You filled in for the job when you were on world, worked bounties as they came in when Karga needed it. You knew he hoped Din would take the job—both of you knew he would be the best at it. After following him around the galaxy, seeing him in action, there was no way to deny it.
Din looks away from the sunset to face you. “I admit I’ve been finding more reasons to stay.” His hand takes yours. He’s not wearing his gloves. His skin is rough but warm, and you skim your thumb over his knuckles.
You don’t take your eyes from him even as you lace your fingers with his. The light from the setting sun reflects on the metal of his helmet, and it makes him look softer somehow. Perhaps it is the pink glow or, when you look him over again, you realize the only beskar he wears is his helmet.
Time slows. The moment feels frozen, the cooling evening air, the touch of Din’s shoulder to yours, the pull of your gaze to search for his. His hand reaches for the helmet, lifting it gently from his head.
You don’t move. You are not sure if you can. Lips part, breath stolen. He has tousled brown hair that falls on to his forehead, creases between his eyebrows, wide brown eyes that search yours. You follow the curve of his nose to plush lips that part just as yours do.
You feel the tether once again, pulling you in. All the times you stayed close to his side, all the times you found yourself reaching for him, pressing your lips to his helm in what you hoped spoke of the affection you held. It takes hold of you now, and graciously, seems to take hold of him too.
Your lips meet his. Eyes slip shut. The light of the sun is lost to the warmth of his skin, his breath on your cheek. It’s soft and gentle. Not unlike every kiss you’ve given him since you met. He kisses you now, slow and testing. Slanting his mouth against yours, drawing closer when you don’t move away. His hand cups your cheek, your hand rests on his chest.
He tastes like home.
Your need for air is what interrupts you. Mouth pulling from his, the light sound echoing in your chest. But you don’t pull away. Neither does he.
You rest, tucked in by one of his arms. Your shoulder leaned to his side, his forehead dipped to rest on yours. You smile.
When your eyes finally come to focus again, you can see the curve of his smile too. You want to say something, test the waters of this light feeling dancing over your heart. He lifts his chin first, and his lips press to the crown of your head.
It’s warm. You sink into his embrace, let the feeling wash over you. Both of you linger on that bench, painted over by the fading sunset as a memory of quiet comfort and forehead kisses.
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aldermos · 7 months
bro you converted me from "surgeamy sucks" to "why did i hate this so much?"
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no because at first that was me too 😭 until a couple fanarts and hc dynamics got me like 'wow this has potential', and it eventually lead to this blog
but i totally get it if it's not someone's cup of tea, the ship is going off headcanons and little interaction; still, i think its a fun dynamic for what is technically a crackship 😚
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deoidesign · 14 days
Deo, Deo, Wait Deo.
First of all, HII i love your comic!
And Second of all! What do you MEAN the "vampire hunter" is an "other"??? Was that in the comic? Did i forget about something??? This is very plausible, my memory is horrible. Do we actually know what's his deal? Or was it hinted and perhaps went over my head?? My eyes are wide open, filled with wonder, and ears are listening 👁️👁️
it's not any sort of canon moment you could have picked up on or something you could have missed, don't worry!
That relationship chart is sort of just a little bit of the "what's going on in my head while I'm writing" and a part of that is that to me, I see people like witches and vampire hunters as partially intertwined with the concept of the supernatural. They are human, but they are defined by their relationship to the supernatural, in a way that makes them almost something other than human.
so he is "other" because he's a vampire hunter. Whether this is due to bloodline, his book, some sense he developed or trained, or just a choice he made is up for interpretation, but that's why I marked him as such!
I would also likely mark Eleanor as half other for the same reason!
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nachosncheeze · 9 months
Sending lots of asks today, but I was curious:
I don't think you've written XF fic (which is my exclusive fic wheelhouse, usually), but if you WERE to write XF fic, what would you focus on? Friendship, RST, UST, casefile, MOTW, in-between scenes, or just a drabbles (LOVE me a good drabble.)
Hah! Well, I guess now is as good a time as any; you've outed me! Or, I'm outing myself, since you asked. I actually have written some X Files, but I've never posted any of it. I got back into writing fiction fairly recently, being wildly inspired during lockdown by a tv show called Blindspot (which my original blog @nachosncheeze is based around - I later made @nachosncheezies for other fandoms). I was encouraged by a writer I really respect, and recklessly gave it a go.
I started dabbling with XF a few months ago, when I found myself getting lost in the details on a couple of my Blindspot WIPs. XF has characters I can connect with, but I'm not too much in their heads, if that makes sense. Playing with the Spooky Squad is giving me some practice (especially with dialogue, which I've felt weak at - the ways they talk to each other [and the ways they don't] are SO interesting) and a bit of distance from my other WIPs. The original goal was just to be able to come back to those other ones fresh, but I'm finding I'm enjoying it now, too!
To answer the hypotheticals I suppose it's easiest to look at what I've written in the past. In general, I'm a sucker for angst, I do introspective sorts of character things a lot, and so far everything has been canon-compliant fill-in-the-blanks/extra scenes. At this point AUs, casefic, etc feel a bit too ambitious for me. I've done some ship work but no smut, so not much you could call UST/RST. I think the lion's share of it has been one-shots around siblings and different iterations of [found] family.
When it comes to XF, anything I have/can imagine doing probably fits a similar pattern. My first exercise was an extra Scully/Bill scene for the Reduxes. I wrote it before I knew there was a deleted scene for Memento Mori and I was delighted to find some overlap because it kinda felt like I must be on the right track. 😆 Mostly, I've been playing pretty extensively with season 8. It hits the angst button pretty hard, moved fast enough to leave lots of space for in-betweens, and the second half has some useful places to practice fluff while still indulging my usual angsty "traumatize those suckers!" shenanigans. My house is currently watching 8 too, and I've been challenging myself to try to do a 150-word drabble from Doggett's perspective for each episode. That man is just so earthy and reliable. 💕 Soooo yeah, I suppose if I were to write XF, it would be something like... *gestures broadly*... that. ;D
Huh. Now that I'm chatting about it I guess I actually have a lot. Maybe I'll actually post something sometime. 😂
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
Hello! I saw an ask you'd answered regarding Billy sharing powers, and how you'd seen him do it with the jl before, there was a wizard staff? I was just wondering if you could tell me about it, I'm writing a fic based on that concept and I can't find anything about it! I was so delighted to see your post, it came at just the right time! Anything would be appreciated, I'm still new to dc ^^
Hello hello! I love answering asks! :D
I believe it may be up to interpretation to the writer. From what I saw in the 2019 "SHAZAM" movie, Billy needed the wizard staff in order to share his power with his family members, and with their hands on the staff they needed to speak the name of Shazam as well. However, from the Lego DC SHAZAM: Magic and Monsters, Billy, (from what I remember), didn't need the staff to bestow his power onto them. I believe he only summoned his magical lightning and zapped them with it intensely.
Either way, Shazam (Captain Marvel) can still share his powers with people he trusts or deems as "family" to him. You could even write your own interpretation if you'd like, I know I'd be super interested in seeing what you have in mind 👀
Maybe all it takes is a zap of lightning, or maybe there needs to be a magical ceremony, or even a lightning/lichtenberg tattoo etched onto to skin somewhere (maybe the spine) as a source of temporary power. Anything is possible within the realms of writing!
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remyfire · 6 months
slightly afeared (affectionate) but punnihawk sex therapy? and/or the jock strap one. (also YOU are incredible. 💜)
wip title ask meme
Hello!! Thank you again for the tag :D I love this game.
Okay I was mean to Christina in the last one (because to be fair she was the one I exhaustedly typed the synopsis to right before passing the fuck out so she knows Everything) so I will tell you the inciting event of this silly PWP instead.
Sometimes a triad really enjoys roleplaying. That can take all kinds of different forms. But sometimes what it looks like for them is one adorable dynamo of a woman getting to grab her boyfriend and pretend that they are newlyweds who are struggling to seal the deal because they're both too nervous to finally go all the way after all this time of repressing their desires.
And do you know who can be extremely helpful with that? Her darling husban—I mean, a really lovely and skilled sex therapist whose methods are perhaps unorthodox, but never fear! As long as they're willing to open their minds to close observation, verbal guidance, and some thorough practical demonstration, they'll be on their way to a long and happy life positively filled to the brim with sexual intimacy before they know it!
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infinitelilith · 7 months
where does the name infinite Lilith come from?
The "Lilith" part comes from the fact that my name is Lilith and the "Infinite" part comes from the fact that I will live forever and never die
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allylikethecat · 3 months
Chapters: 1/4 Fandom: The 1975 (Band) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: George Daniel/Matthew Healy Characters: Matthew Healy, George Daniel, Adam Hann, Ross Macdonald, Denise Welch Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Birthday Series: Part 5 of The Infection 'Verse Summary:
He never thought that was a milestone he would reach, he never thought that he would live past twenty seven. He was a tortured artist, a heroin addict, it had all but been accepted, it had all but been decided that he would be joining the twenty seven club. He would be laid to rest well before his twenty eighth birthday. He wondered how many more birthdays he would have, and he wondered if they were all going to hurt this much.
AKA The Birthday Fic™️
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permanentreverie · 1 year
I've been wanting to try Ocean Vuong for a while- would you recommend him? Of the works you've read of his which was your favorite??? I love seeing updates to your reading list!
Ahhh thank you!!! I've actually have only read two of Ocean Vuong's works so far - night sky with exit wounds and on earth we're briefly gorgeous, I'm planning to read his other works in the next little bit and will definitely get back to you!
I would recommend Ocean Vuong, but I wouldn't say that he's for the faint of heart. I've read books that are more disturbing, but Ocean's writing of his life is very raw and intimate, like there were times where I felt I was intruding and it felt wrong that I was witnessing his memories.
Nonetheless, I do love writers that evoke visceral reactions in me, and Ocean Vuong definitely does that. I would suggest reading on earth we're briefly gorgeous first, as it's novel format provides depth and history for his poems. While his poetry in night sky with exit wounds is very pretty, I did find it a baffling read and hard to decipher the meaning behind the prose and imagery, at the end of it I was left bewildered and wildly shaken.
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mywaywardcupcake · 7 months
For the meme: 2, 3, 8 and 28 (about Ryo) for Tristan?
(I'm still working on yours I promise 😅+😭 I've got three out of five questions finished already)
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Headcanon hill I would die on is a bit hard, I will be honest. Mostly because I know as I learn about characters and interact with the fandom, I tend to change their headcanons a bit. Maybe one will be that he is gay, like he has absolutely no interest in girls whats so ever. That one is lame but also the one that has never changed for me so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3. Obscure headcanon
Oh, that he 100% works in a museum. He absolutely loves being able to handle and work with occult or creepy artifacts. (Was the obscure? Probably not)
8. Unpopular opinion about them
Again, I am terrible at answering these. I don't think I have any unpopular opinions of him? Maybe that I can 100% see how he scored higher on the narcissistic and nonsensical traits list than y.bakura? Though I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. Or may it will be that I absolutely love that damn British accent and prefer it over any other voice???
28. How they feel about Honda.
Oh, so in my ship brain, it's he absolutely loves and adores this man. Canon (ish cause, honestly, still HC territory) I think Ryou still really appreciates him so much. If I think back (still rereading the manga), I don't think there's a ton of interactions between these two as a lot of Honda's interactions are with y.bakura. Honda was one of the few who seemed to always catch on when there was that change in Ryou and also definitely would fight for Ryou. Even though Ryou may have never been conscious during these times, I think he knows either from others telling him or maybe a weird intuition about it. I think that Ryou honestly truly appreciates Honda for all he has done and truly cares about him for it.
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art · 2 months
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Creator Spotlight: @themetalhiro
Hi, I’m Metal! I’m a freelance artist from good ol’ New Jersey. My favorite things to work with are a lot of bright colors, exaggerated poses, and candid scenarios. I try to farm sensible chuckles whenever I can, so I’m also big into comics. I love making them about my life, and the media I’m into, and one day I’d like to publish my own series!  Thank you to everyone who has gotten me this far!!
Check out Metal's interview below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
I guess so! It’s funny, I don’t remember a single time in my life that I wasn’t drawing as a hobby… somewhere in middle school (a little late, I know.) I put the pieces together that animated movies were made by artists, and that it wasn’t just for fun, they were paid to do it. The moment I discovered people could be paid to make art, I decided I would do that, too. Now I’m here!
How has your style developed over the years?
I think the best way to answer this would be with an example! Over the last few years, I have made more of an effort to draw more intentionally, which sounds silly. Now, I put more thought into my poses and step out of my comfort zone with shape language and composition. I had a phase where I drew everyone with a huge, perfectly circular head and no nose. That definitely did not lend much variety...
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Which 3 famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
Ack! I’m so terrible at history! I’d love to give a well-thought-out answer about fine artists of old, but I don't think we’d have much in common… Most artists I admire and who have driven me forward creatively are the people behind comics I’ve read. Andrew Hussie, Bryan Lee O’Malley, Eiichiro Oda... these guys have inspired me greatly and had a heavy influence in developing my art style and sense of humor. I’d love to ask them questions about their processes and upcoming projects. I think it would make for an entertaining night!
Over the years as an artist, what were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
Outside of pure aesthetics like searing bright colors, layered clothing, and loud noises…. the best and most inspiring moments in my life were those surrounded by friends and loved ones! I cherish the hell out of memories of hanging around in fun locations, trying weird food together, and impromptu midnight walks... so I try my best to capture that atmosphere and my own memories in my work when I can, even if I’m imposing fictional characters on top of them. That’s always the core of it.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
I would never permanently refuse a medium, but every time I pick up clay, I’m like a baby using its hands for the first time. Absolutely dreadful. If one day I could make and paint a figurine like the ones I admire in videos, that would be awesome... But for now, I’m not counting on it.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
I’ve had an absolute blast drawing fanart over the years, and it’s certainly played a massive role in my growth as an artist. But my dream has always been to publish my own stories for y'all to enjoy! I have lots of worlds I want to introduce to you before I’m old and gray. I want to get faster, work harder, and get better at drawing interesting settings so I can get the wheels turning as soon as possible. I also want to stop avoiding the color blue like a coward.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating art that you know now?
Pay your taxes quarterly. Tablets will break at the exact moment you need them most, so have a spare. Wear your blue light glasses. You’re going to need to wear a brace on every joint on the right side of your body. It can be lonely sitting at your desk all day. The car on the side of the road that costs $1000 cash….. don’t trust it!!!
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Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@cranity—They use absolutely beautiful colors and weighty line work. Everything looks so sharp and clean! I wanna put it all up on my wall!
@vewn—Their ability to crank out quality short films and illustrations packed with detail is incredible. The off-kilter perspective they use really sells disorientation and catches your attention like nothing else.
@nelnal—They have absolutely banger character designs again and again, I can’t believe one person’s mind can come up with so many creative ideas!
@jinx88kc—They have a beautiful and recognizable style, and the way they incorporate animation into their illustrations sometimes is SO cool!
Thanks for stopping by, Metal! For more of Metal’s work, follow their Tumblr, @themetalhiro! If you haven't seen their Meet the Artist piece, be sure to check it out here!
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ghosts-cyphera · 9 months
pornstar!ghost defo gets millions of views because of the way he makes his favourite costar cum on his cock🥴 i don't make the rules🤷🏻‍♀️
"oh, bloody hell."
ghost blew out a breath, his thumb moving to run across his lips. for the past hour his phone had been buzzing so loud in the metallic locker of the gym dressing-room that the front-desk assistant had eventually been forced to come ask him to turn it off.
yet not for a moment had he prepared for—for this.
whatever the fuck it was.
his social media was flooded. twitter, instagram, even his goddamn fucking tiktok account that his coworkers had forced him to create during a drunken night out a couple of weeks ago.
and it was all because of you.
well, because of the most recent video the two of you had shot together.
apparently it was—ghost's brows furrowed, as he read through the comments flooding his posts—relationship goals. apparently it was all that a girl could ever want. apparently the two of you were now... being shipped.
his fingers working fast, he looked up your name from his contacts and brought his phone to his ear. not two rings later you answered the call, a touch of amusement to your voice.
"you've seen it, haven't you?"
he could hear the laughter in your voice—the warmth of it making him feel more grounded as he shook his head. "fuckin' A, love. not sure I should be shitting my pants or feel fuckin' flattered. they're saying that we'll be—shipped."
"that we'll—" your laugh was bright. "oh, they're shipping us now, are they? no it's—they want us to be—together."
"they've already seen me railing the shit out of you in front of—," ghost's words died down on his lips.
"well I'll be fuckin' damned." the widest of grins tugged at the corners of his lips as he nodded his head, slow. "all because of the way I fuck you, eh?"
"something about the way you look at me when you do." he could hear the smile on your lips as you spoke. "price is reworking next week's schedules to see if he can fit more of us in."
"weren't we already scheduled for—," ghost bit down the rest of his sentence.
"thursday, yeah. but apparently his golden couple takes priority. he's—oh, hold up."
the line fell quiet for a moment, and ghost allowed himself to wet his lips with the deepest chuckle. if he hadn't know himself any better, he would've thought that the sudden heat playing on his cheeks was brought there by you, and not by the workout he had just finished.
it was definitely from the workout.
your warm call only brightened his smile, and he nodded his head. "yeah, darlin'?"
"I'll see you next week on—," you laughed, "four days."
four fuckin' days.
"alright," he managed out a chuckle. "yeah, alright. I'll—err—I'll see you then, yeah? tell price I said—" thank you. "tell him I said hi."
"I will," you hummed. "ghost?"
"yeah, love?"
"I'm looking forward to next week."
fuckin' hell.
he bit down his smile, for nothing. for there was nothing he could do to control the sudden flutter at the pit of his stomach: to hide the warmth of his voice as he nodded his head.
"me too, darlin'. me too.”
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a/n: this is not even smut anymore. this is just—it's just fluff. I'm falling for them so goddamn hard, lmao. / pornstar!ghost masterlist / my inbox is so, so open for all your thoughts about him. 💌
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