fake-your-smile · 3 months
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fake-your-smile · 2 years
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I rlly don’t wanna post this but
Rlly rlly struggling financially and the job market near me is 💩 rn.. if anyone can afford to give even a £1 it would be great appreciated 😩
As I was raised; if you don’t ask, you don’t get
Pic of my sons food from the other day for attention
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fake-your-smile · 2 years
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fake-your-smile · 2 years
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fake-your-smile · 2 years
““Do not be afraid to walk the path that you must go just because you cannot see the end. The path becomes clearer as you continue to go on.” - Unknown”
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fake-your-smile · 2 years
‘Ni!’ is probably the shortest quote in history that gives away the actual movie title
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fake-your-smile · 2 years
New ride
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fake-your-smile · 2 years
No questions, only ducks
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fake-your-smile · 2 years
“This is Leny. He likes rolling down hills. Be like Leny.”
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fake-your-smile · 2 years
The happiest dog
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fake-your-smile · 2 years
6 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and a day.
If I’d have been successful, my gorgeous son would’ve been without a mother. I’d not have met my best friend in person. I’d not have met Christopher, Kimmy, Theo or Ivy. Jaydon probably wouldn’t be riding a bike right now, sure he’s only just nailed it today, but I helped him with that. I’d have died, and left them behind.
6 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and a day.
I’d never have known the love of Jay and his family. I’d never have known the love and support of Ted and Carole, and I’d never have gained an extra set of parents, siblings and aunts and uncles. My brother-in-law and his husband would’ve never taken me to Skye. I’d have died, and not have experienced it all.
6 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and a day.
I’d have never found out that I’m not just “the weird kid in class” and that I am actually Autistic. I’d never have been able to live as the truly authentic, autistic, me. I’d not have discovered my stims or my happy songs/textures. I’d have died, still being the strange kid.
6 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and a day.
There are still days when I get that low, I’d be lying if I said that I don’t have those days anymore. The difference is, on those days, I lay in bed and I just be, being sad. On those days, Jay and Tanya will try everything humanly possible to cheer me up, and most of the time, they succeed. On those days, I drag myself out of bed and I see my gorgeous little mister man.
6 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and a day.
And while I’m not in the best position right now, I know that I’ll be back there soon, living my best life, again, being able to spoil my people. Because as cliché as it is to say it, things do get better, it may take more time than you’re willing to wait, but until it comes, you look forward to the “little things” like the next time you see your friend, or your next cheeseburger.
6 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and a day.
And I can finally say;
I’m glad I’m still here.
And I’m proud of me.
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fake-your-smile · 6 years
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This dog was depressed for 2 years after his best friend died, but then this duck showed up
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fake-your-smile · 6 years
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Man found the stoplight cameras were activated during yellow lights and decided to cut the wires of it.
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fake-your-smile · 6 years
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Based off of this post by @sheisrecovering
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fake-your-smile · 6 years
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via @extramadness
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fake-your-smile · 6 years
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via @extramadness
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fake-your-smile · 6 years
I cried for you tonight, a little boy I’ve never met.
The little boy that stole the heart of my Bestfriend.
I cried for you, because I feel your mummy’s pain.
I cried for you, because I cannot imagine the stuff that your mummy’s going through.
Trying to get through to you, to tell you how she really feels.
Because of that stupid ‘Post Box’ with all its stupid rules.
She’s trying her best, I hope you know.
She’s trying to win this battle, with everything she’s got.
The battle within herself and the battle that we’d rather leave on the shelf.
Left on the shelf for months on end, because she doesn’t really know how to respond.
Not to the standards of mr post box, at least.
I know that if she could, she’d write to you, a thousand times in a day. Telling you how much she misses you.
How much she longs to have you in her arms again.
To be able to see your face, tickle your toes, and maybe even boop your nose..
But things are not fair, in this day and age.
Because of these stupid people, like mr post box and mrs social.
These people that like to pretend that parents don’t have feelings.
These people that like to tear families apart.
And I hope you know, little boy, although we’ve never met,
You stole a piece of my heart too.
Your mummy is my best friend. And its really hard to say, but I really do hate seeing her this way.
I hope that one day, we all get to meet, me, my little one, your mummy and you.
But for now, little boy, I hope they’re treating you well, because you are a prince.
Little boy, I love you.
And I know your mummy does too.
Much more than I do.
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