#thank you for tagging me jo im sorry this took a while 😔
nako-doodles ¡ 5 years
kpop member profile
I was tagged by my love @nervousatthenightclub 🌸🌸
Stage name (nickname, preferred name): 
the dumbass? tbh all of my fave nicknames are too specific, too egotistical, or too hard to pronounce on non-native tongues to even try 
iris. mostly bc the goddess iris travels and sends messages on rainbows, and is the companion to females who ascend to heaven. my obaachan also used to plant irises that looked like butterflies in her old garden as a purifying boundary against evil spirits. 
Debut Date (when did you first get into kpop): 
sometime in 2008/2009? I dont actually remember the date other than stumbling upon dbsk’s love in the ice, and then listening to mirotic......and by the time dbsk did the two openings of one piece, I was Hooked(tm)
pro tip: if you sell your soul to the devil sm, they might let you move on to smaller companies after about a decade. earlier if you’re good at weaseling yourself out of responsibilities.
Group concept (favourite concept, concept that suits you the most): 
my fave concepts are bangtan’s whole HYYH era, akmu’s how people move, oh my girl’s concept for closer, and mamamoo’s wind flower...and my fave aesthetic was vixx’s fantasy and shangrila, and lee hi’s hold your hand and breathe
however, 12-year-old shirley would have been o v e r t h e m o o n if she got a concept like orange caramel’s catellena or copycat
Debut song/album/mv concept: 
as much as this pains me to say this, 12-year-old shirley would have rocked the cutesy girl next door concepts of the late 00s early 10s. think: snsd into the new world, secret shy boy, wonder girls like this, f(x) chu~ etc etc...I mean I still regularly get mistaken as a 16-year-old, and I didn’t have a decade of memeing and chaos written on my face.
Position (vocal, rap, dance?): 
vocalist, sub dancer? 
as to why I refuse to be the rapper, I once made my friend fall out of her lab chair laughing. while she was holding the stack of e. coli cultures we spent 2 weeks on. because I was rapping to nicki minaj’s super bass (our ap bio teacher had the bright idea of playing pandora during our labs). the casualty wasn't terrible (I mean we didn't have to fumigate the lab bc it was only e. coli)...but that day lives on in infamy....
Role in group (maknae, mum/dad of the group,…): 
to the surprise of no one: the chaotic one  
Older or younger line: 
younger. and if my soon-to-be baby nephew even THINKS about stealing my position as the youngest in the family im going to RIOT!1!!11!
Leader or nah? (Need help deciding? See below)
Make the decision for everyone
Listen to everyone and them decide based on what the majority wants
Let someone else decide
If you picked one of the first two options, congrats, you are probably the leader. 
listen....despite choosing 2, i wouldn't trust my 12-year-old self to tell left from right....much less with decisions that affect the group as a whole.....how the fuck did namjoon do it
Foreign line? (are you an ethnic minority in the country you live in?): 
nah, lots of east asians here in east asia. however, back home, asians are only 6ish%? so I guess ill just be that one grey area person as usual. not local enough to be local, not foreign enough to be foreign. 
Special talents: 
being an annoying little shit. sassing people. being an annoying sassy little shit. 
can braid complicated hairstyles. good at unknotting jewelry, yarn, and embroidery floss. can maybe speak a language on a good day. selectively flexible if the weather allows. remixes music depending on what a singular sound triggers the ear and then hums that remix for the rest of the week. a cute acute gravity checker. occasionally punny. 
tldr; I only function when the cosmos ordains it so
How many members do you want in your group: 
not to be biased but 5-7 members seems like a good number
Tag that amount of people: @cafejoon @jinkookswife @producerjin @jinseas @jingraphic @yunkisunbae @jincentvangogh 💕💖🌸💫✨
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