#thank you for ssending this!! and noticing how often i switch my povs in between chapters :)
tennessoui · 1 year
#7! I notice you switch between POVs a lot in your fics, and it works so well. Would love to know how you figure out which POV to write in for what scene!
ooooo i was just answering #7 from another ask when you sent this in!!
(answer here, ask game here)
to expand a bit on what i said re: choosing povs, i also think about which character i want the audience to know more about and even which character i want to focus the growth and journey of the story on. like for use my body to break your fall, the majority of the story rests on the growth and journey of anakin, so it made sense for him to be the POV through which the audience reads the story, keeping obi-wan as an important, mysterious character set on his path while anakin fights internally with himself. same sort of goes with PBATMB
committing to a POV for a story means losing all the internal narration and fighting that the other person does, so i do often weigh the pros and cons between obi-wan and anakin when choosing which person I want to write from. sometimes it's easy though - for time & tide and like saints, like monsters, i wanted to explore anakin's mindset because he Goes Through It in both those fics with a lot of internal conflict and guilt and grief. i wanted those feelings/themes to be central to the fic instead of the flavors of emotion that those obi-wans are experiencing
for foolproof, foolhardy, it was a bit harder to decide because i know master skywalker was also internally wrestling with a lot of things that padawan kenobi was. but it came down to what sort of padawan i wanted this padawan kenobi to be and what sort of tone of the story i wanted to have!
for stories where they switch POVs it's because i really think the story benefits from a snapshot of both their POVs - like couples counseling au for example!
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