#thank you for sending me this i always love it when people pop by 😊
magniloquent-raven · 3 months
What do you think of an AU where Billy lives post season 3 and gets adopted by Murray and Alexei?
They would probably have a dynamic very similar to the El and Hopper's one in season 2.
What do you think?
OOooo an anon blessing my inbox, hello 💜
I think it would be an absolute mess tbh. At least at first. Because Billy is difficult, and Murray is prickly at the best of times (and not above fighting with children lmao). Alexei might be the least confrontational of them, but he's more likely to get a kick out of all the arguing than try to stop it.
Mostly aimless rambling under the cut lol
I'm thinking no Hopper death fake-out in this AU? He never liked Billy much, despite how polite the kid always was when he got pulled over. Something about him always seemed off. But then he nearly died saving El. She pulls him aside while Billy's in the hospital, and with that serious crease between her eyebrows, tells him just enough to convince him Billy doesn't have a home to go back to. So he makes arrangements.
And like. Murray isn't exactly his first choice. But. He doesn't have a lot of options. He needs someone with the funds and the space to house an entire traumatized teenager, and it needs to be someone who knows what happened to him.
It's temporary, Hopper assures them. The kid's eighteen, he just needs somewhere to stay while he heals up and gets enough money together to get a place of his own. It won't be that much of an imposition. It's the right thing to do. Say yes, because he needs somewhere to go, I swear to god, Murray.
Billy treats Hopper doing him a favour like it's a punishment. He's sullen the whole way there. Silent in the passenger seat of the cruiser, a half-full duffel bag in his lap. He doesn't want to be back in Hawkins with Neil, but that doesn't mean he wants to stay with some creepy guy and his weird Russian roommate. He can take care of himself, and this charity bullshit is fucking insulting.
Thing is though, Billy doesn't outright say that. He doesn't talk that way to adults, as a rule. Neil's rule. He will say please and thank you, no matter how wooden it sounds. He takes his issues out on peers, not the people with power over him.
So he barely says two words to Murray and Alexei that first day. They're not exactly thrilled to have him around, so they're not getting in his business anyways. It's awkward. Billy holes up in the guest room Murray's been using for storage, and alternates between restless sleep and staring at the water-stained ceiling.
It takes three days for Murray to get annoyed at Billy's I'm On My Best Behaviour act. It's insincere as hell, and Murray's always hard pressed not to call people out for lying. So he prods. Under the guise of small talk, at first. He asks how Billy knows Hopper. Asks what he's planning to do once he's healed up more. Mentions that Max has called like four times and Billy has yet to even check the messages.
Which. Does not go over well. Billy knows what he's doing, Neil does it all the time. Asking pointed questions, hoping to get a rise out of him. If Billy reacts he has a reason to punish him. If Billy breaks, he's not strong enough, not good enough. He needs a firmer hand, more discipline. But just because Billy knows doesn't mean he can stop himself from snapping, lashing out, getting angry and defensive and sneering.
And then he braces himself for the fallout. A belt, a hand, an insult. Punishment for not keeping his mouth in check. It's instinct, getting keyed up, waiting, waiting...
For a hit that never comes. In fact, Murray seems relieved. Delighted. "Fucking finally," may have been his exact words.
So Billy's just wound up over nothing, without direction he's snapping at shadows, flinching and biting. But no one seems to mind the teeth.
They argue a lot after that. Billy and Murray. Over music being played too loud, and whether Billy's allowed to drink when he's still got hospital stink on him, and dumb, inconsequential shit like that. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's Murray saying too much and Billy tasting blood. Sometimes it's Billy getting pushy and entitled, using his scars as an excuse to take up more space than he was invited to.
Meanwhile Alexei just seems to be along for the ride. Billy teaches him some English swear words (mostly by accident and then definitely on purpose) and Alexei returns the favour. They are both absolute menaces when Murray declares he's going grocery shopping, and they've taken to teaming up about it. Murray is this 🤏 close to kicking Billy out after Billy introduces Alexei to Metallica and discovers that he likes it.
And then there's the gay thing. Like. Murray and Alexei aren't hiding their relationship, they decided it would be too much work and if the kid had a problem with it he could find somewhere else to live. But they're not super obvious either, just. Naturally. So it takes Billy a minute to realize. In his defence, he's got a lot going on.
It's not a huge grand reveal, he just sort of. Notices some things. And then puts the pieces together. And then panics. He spends the entire day after his revelation hiding in the guest room. Panicking.
He doesn't know why exactly it terrifies him so much. He doesn't have to hide from Neil anymore, and barely anyone even knows he's alive, it's not like there's going to be rumours going around about Billy shacking up with some old gay dudes. But he feels exposed anyways. Self-conscious. He starts to wonder if Hopper knew somehow, and that's why he's here. Maybe the girl who was in his head has been going around telling people about him.
The next day, he manages to come out of his room, but he isn't over it. They notice him acting weird, despite how hard he tries to keep it under wraps. Alexei figures it's a PTSD thing, they all know Billy has nightmares. He's entitled to some off days.
But Murray clocks him. Because of course he does. He flinches when Alexei touches Murray's shoulder, briefly, innocently, but Billy has to look away and that's when Murray realizes.
Not the why of it, not at first, but he realizes that Billy's being weird about their relationship. And he doesn't handle it the best. He's started to like the kid, is the thing. Billy's a pain, and he's an awful little brat, but he's grown on him. Like a hissy little cat that never lets you pet it. It's not nice, but sometimes it does cute little cat things and you're endeared anyways. Billy can be funny, sometimes. He helps out around the house but pretends not to. And he's unexpectedly smart.
And now he's being. Like this. And maybe it sort of hurts. So maybe Murray says some things he shouldn't. Pointed comments, from what Murray knows about Neil he's sure that's where this came from, and he doesn't hesitate to let Billy know that. Billy might've moved states to get away from his father but it looks like he might've brought him along for the ride anyways.
Which obviously does not go over well. And it's the way Billy responds, his fear and the cadence of his anger. That has Murray saying "Oh, this is a self-hatred thing." Without thinking.
It's the first time Billy cries in front of them.
It's not for long. A moment of shock, and tears slipping down his cheeks, he's there just long enough for them to see his face before he bolts, and locks himself in the guest room.
They don't ever really talk about that whole conversation. Not outright. It takes weeks for things to go back to normal. Billy's back to not saying much of anything, and Murray feels guilty enough not to push about it. Alexei's trying to mediate, for once, but it doesn't help. Everyone involved is too stubborn to take advice.
Months later, when Billy's a little bit drunk and a little bit sleep deprived, he finally admits out loud that Murray was right. Entirely out of the blue.
They still don't discuss the fight, not directly. They just. Talk. About growing up queer. About parents. It's a little stilted. A little awkward. But it's a turning point. And it's good.
misc. thoughts:
Alexei helped open the new gate and is therefore a little bit responsible for what happened to Billy? When Alexei realizes this he starts coddling Billy to make up for it. It's little things at first, buying him sweets and letting him choose what they watch on TV, but Billy starts to notice him walking on eggshells and gets irritated, pushing to see where this sudden grace will end. He kind of just assumes he's being treated this way because of his injuries, but when he eventually finds out who Alexei actually is and what he did shit kind of blows up. Billy straight up leaves the house for the first time since he moved in. Just walks out. Alexei tells Murray what happened and Murray gets angry at Billy, only realizing later (after Billy comes back, at like 3am) that he was so pissed because he was worried
Hopper has no idea that Murray and Alexei are together, and part of the reason Murray was so annoyed about taking in another stray is because babysitting would cut into the time he can spend with his boyfriend
Everyone in Hawkins (except the main characters) thinks Billy is dead, and this has been really hard for Max. Neil left, and she's glad he's gone, she's glad Billy's away from him and that her mother doesn't have to deal with him anymore. But it's also extremely difficult to watch her mother grieve both Billy and her marriage.
Briefly considered making that thought Billy had about Hopper putting him up with Murray and Alexei because of the gay thing actually true
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exhaslo · 10 months
Hi!! I was wondering if you can write about Miguel x spider women. she was there in the beginning when spider society first started. They was together but something happened and they end up breaking up. She went back to her world and haven’t had no connect with him since. Few years have pass and a anomaly ends up popping up her world she gets reunited with Miguel, and they rekindle their love. Thank you ! 😊
Ohhhhhhh this sounds nice!! I can see this happening fr fr.
Warning: Fluff, mentions of sex
Let's go back, just one more time. It felt like years, but in reality, it was only just two years ago. You were one of the first people who got created by Miguel O'Hara for the Spider Society. You became close to the futurist Spider, a little too close. You were not ashamed to admit it, you had fell in love with Miguel.
The two of you were a couple for a few months. Life was good. The two of you were happy. Hell, the sex was amazing. It was a shame that the two of you broke off. It was a hard time for the two of you. You and Miguel had a disagreement that led to a huge argument, which led to you breaking up with him.
You cried for days and refused to return to the Spider Society. The worst part about the breakup was that both of you were stubborn as hell and refused to apologize. Inside, you remained in your world and stayed away from everyone.
You had hoped that maybe one day, just maybe, you could reunite with Miguel and apologize. The only problem was that you were afraid. It had been so long. Would Miguel even remember you? Would he even accept your apology?
You didn't know.
Present Day.
You were sitting on top of the Empire State Building, watching the city below you. A soft sigh escaped your lips as you thought about your past. You had just gotten invited to one of your friend's wedding and they had asked you to bring a date. If not, they were going to try and set you up.
"I haven't dated anyone since..."
You frowned at the thought, thinking about Miguel. Hitting your head gently, you tried to think of something else. You could ask a favor from another friend, probably.
"All units, Mystero sighted in Center Park. All units keep guard, he's not normal."
Your ears perked as you heard your walkie go off. You turned towards Central Park and gasped at the stroke of lights. This was not your Mystero. A shudder ran down your spine, knowing that other Spiders will appear soon. It had been so long, but you could not ignore this. You were Spider-Woman. You had a job to do.
As you swung towards Central Park, you started to calm down. Swinging always helped. Besides, now that you thought about it, Miguel wouldn't show up for a small anomaly like Mystero. He would send others.
"Ah! Can you not shoot your filthy webs towards me! I am TRYING to perform some magic!" Mystero cried out dramatically.
"Do it in your world," Miguel spat, using a device to trap Mystero.
"Miguel?" You whispered in shock.
Upon hearing your voice, Miguel froze. The two of your stared at each other for what felt like hours.
"So, am I just going to lay here all night or-"
"Shut up." Miguel hissed as he tossed Mystero into his dimensional portal. You watched Miguel face the portal and felt your breathing halt,
"Miguel, wait-" You reached out for him. Miguel tensed up,
"I'm sorry," The two of you said in unison.
Your eyes widen as your grip soften against Miguel's wrist. The portal closed and Miguel finally faced you. He was much larger than before. Miguel had seriously worked out since the last time you saw him. It wasn't a bad thing, but you could sense something lingering within him.
"Want to talk while swinging around?" You offered. Miguel nodded and followed your lead,
"You've gotten thinner."
"And you've gotten buffer,"
"How have you been?" Miguel asked, breaking the moment of silence. You faced him as you swung,
"Day to day...You?" Miguel stopped on top of a nearby building, "Miguel?"
"(Y/N), I messed up, a few times. I shouldn't have blamed you for what happened that day. I realized that I can't replace what we had, I just make things worse," Miguel sighed heavily. You could hear the hurt in his tone,
"And I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you. You were just trying to keep me safe. I...I'm really sorry with how we ending things. I wanted to go back...but...but I was-" You started to cry, finally breaking down.
Miguel stood in front of you, unsure if a hug was allowed. He did not deserve to hold you anymore. You were not his. Watching you cry hurt. Deactivating his mask, Miguel slowly approached you. He brought his hand to your cheek, wiping a tear away.
"I'm sorry!" You cried as you tackled him in a tight hug. Miguel's eyes soften as he wrapped his arms around you,
"I'm sorry too," Miguel whispered and held your head, "You know, after you left, no one was able to kick some sense into my stubborn head. At least not until recently." He muttered the last part. You sniffed,
"I could barely do that," You said with a low chuckle, "Hey, do you think we can...be friends again? I missed you...and the others." You asked.
Miguel smiled as he withdrew his arms from you. He fixed your hair and your mask, causing you to smile.
"Friends is a good start."
"Sorry I had to drag you to this, but I didn't have anyone else to ask," You apologized again to Miguel. Miguel, who had to fix his suit, just hummed in response,
"It's fine. At least you didn't come up with a lame excuse like I did at the last wedding I went to."
"Oh, I have to hear that."
Miguel rolled his eyes towards you as the two of you took your seats. It had been three months since you and Miguel had became 'friends' again. It was a nice and slow start to rebuilding what you had. Every not and then one of the two of you would flirt, but it would lead to nowhere.
As the wedding continued, you found yourself dozing off. You had a long night patrolling the city. You wanted to make sure your friend had a crime free wedding. Leaning against Miguel, you slowly felt your eyes drift. Miguel wrapped his arm around your waist, keeping you up.
"I told you not to stay up late," Miguel whispered in your ear. You flinched awake,
"C-Crime doesn't sleep!" You huffed back.
The two of you playfully bickered with each other until hearing everyone clap around you. Joining in, both you and Miguel resisted a laugh. You followed the crowd towards the reception, ready to eat some food and hopefully leave.
"Just a few drinks and we can do. I want to avoid my friend questioning us."
"(Y/N)! I'm so glad you came!!! And with a date!!!" You friend squealed happily.
You just joined in on the joy, a few too many drinks in your system. Miguel was keeping a close eye on you since you rarely had fun. It was cute. You had told him not to drink too much and there you were. He just loved how cute you were.
"Sooooo, tell me about your date!" You friend begged. You laughed and sat on Miguel's lap, hugging his neck,
"Dis is Miggy~ We dated...It vas great, bestest man ever!" You slurred, nuzzling your head into his neck, "Smells so nice~"
"And she's done for the night," Miguel sighed, carrying you in place, "It was a pleasure meeting you. Perhaps next time it will be under...better circumstances."
Miguel grunted an embarrassed sigh as he carried you out of the party. You kept whining in his ear, nuzzling your head against his neck. Miguel felt his face burn as he resisted his yearn for you. You brought out his neediness.
"(Y/N), I'm taking you home, okay?" He said, looking around before opening a portal. You whined softly,
"Staaaay, I miss you Miggy. Please stay with me~"
"(Y/N)" Miguel groaned lowly as he placed you on the bed, taking your shoes off, "You wanted to stay friends...right?"
"At firsssssst," You crawled over to him, bringing your face close to his, "Can you gimme another chance? Pwease?"
Miguel looked into your eyes, seeing the want. He sighed softly, kissing your head before tucking you in. He sat against your bed, stroking you head as you started to fall asleep,
"When you wake up, we can start again. It's funny, I was going to ask you to give me another chance," Miguel chuckled lowly.
Hearing you snore, Miguel smiled softly. He laid beside you, pulling you into his embrace, missing your warmth. Miguel just missed you. He closed his eyes as his head rested against your shoulder.
"I still love you, (Y/N). I never stopped."
Hope you enjoyed!
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hey there! nice to see another active star trek blog 😃 could you do some relationship with Data hcs if that's okay? what it would be like?
Hello! Welcome to my blog, and thank you so very much for taking the time to pop this request into my inbox! I agree, it's always nice to find other active Trek blogs 😊
Yes, that's absolutely okay!! I think we all know that being in a relationship with Data would be so wonderful because it would be a very happy, healthy, and exciting one, but I think the specifics of the relationship would vary, based on one major factor: whether or not you both were stationed on the Enterprise together. Thus, I split these headcanons up to sort of compare and contrast this factor. As a result, this response got really long...😅
I hope that's okay, and I hope you enjoy!
Being in a relationship with Data if you're not stationed on the Enterprise with him:
Data is very detail-oriented and enjoys following a routine (or at least as much of a routine as he can follow when living on a galaxy class starship that runs into unpredictable problems several times a week), and I think he'd be even more detailed and routine-oriented if you were posted somewhere other than the Enterprise.
Because Data loves the older, more traditional aspects of humanity, I think he would love writing letters/messages. I like to think that every M-class planet has a post office-esque space station next to it, so people can "mail" things to each other (maybe every quarters in a starship has a little mailbox-like transporter where they can receive mail from these stations?). Whenever Data visits a new M-class planet, he would try to pick something up for you, and drop it off at the mail space station nearby.
Despite his love for handwritten letters, I don't think he'd do that very often if you weren't on the Enterprise (he'd definitely include one whenever he sends you a "package", though), but he would send you subspace messages via your PADDs fairly frequently.
He'd try to send you messages almost daily, depending on how busy he is and what nonsense the Enterprise is currently involved in.
The messages would probably be similar to his personal logs, but with a more jovial and romantic touch:
It has been quite a day! An accidental virus was created in Sick Bay this morning, which later became airborne, causing the entire ship to de-evolve into ancestral life-forms. The Captain and I were on an Away Mission during this time, and did not succumb to the virus (the Captain was infected upon on our return, but he did not fully succumb to the infection nor de-evolve). With the Captain's help, I was able to create a remedy for the virus, and all of the crewmembers have since returned to their normal, humanoid forms.
Meanwhile, during all that 'excitement', Spot birthed a healthy litter of kittens! She had five kittens in total: four males and one female. Strangely, one of the kittens elicits thoughts of you in my neural net. I am uncertain why this kitten seems to 'remind' me of you, but I believe that is something which you would find endearing.
Has your day been equally or comparably exciting? How is your current project progressing? Did you receive the 'package' I 'mailed' to you last week? (I shall reserve the extraneous details about said 'package' until our next correspondence, so as not to ruin the surprise, if you have not yet received it.)
I anticipate your response, and look forward to our next 'meeting'!
Your 'Sunshine',
In addition to frequent subspace messages, Data would also schedule weekly video calls with you!
Those calls would be more personal and less clinical, but still professional and sweet.
Spot would also make frequent appearances in your video calls!
You always end your video calls by blowing each other a kiss (sometimes, Spot steals your kisses, and Data will teasingly scold her "Spot, that osculation was not intended to be received by you!")
Data probably has years worth of Shore Leave racked up, which comes in handy for you because he can almost always take his Shore Leave at the same time as you.
You're able to spend nearly all of your scheduled Shore Leaves together (except in the few instances where a last minute emergency happened on the Enterprise, and you weren't able to reschedule your Shore Leave to accommodate this). You usually try to visit a different planet each time, but if the two of you have a favorite or preferred planet, you would also schedule multiple Shore Leaves on that planet.
I think that Data is a very private person, in the sense that he doesn't offer personal information unless he feels it can be used as a helpful anecdote or example, or someone directly asks him about it.
Thus, I think he wouldn't mention you to his friends for a while, but when he does mention you, it would probably be seemingly random, as a somewhat relevant afterthought:
Riker: I don't know how couples stationed on different ships or stations make it work. Our current technology is great and makes it much easier to keep in touch than in previous centuries, but I just can't imagine not waking up next to the one I love every day...
Data: It can be difficult, in that sense, but my partner and I do not see it as a difficulty or challenge. In fact, in some aspects, it is more rewarding, as it makes our physical encounters more 'passionate' and meaningful.
Riker: I guess you're right, Data. It would be more pass---wait, did you say, "my partner"???
Data: Indeed, I did, Commander.
Riker: Data!! You have a partner, and didn't tell us??
Data: *soft, confused look* No one has inquired about my partner thus far, and I did not deem it a relevant aspect of my personal life to discuss, until now.
Riker: *shocked Pikachu*
Of course, once the rest of the crew finds out, they practically beg Data to meet you, which leads you to scheduling your next Shore Leave to be a trip to the Enterprise.
Data is so excited for your visit, but he'd never admit it.
He spends weeks planning everything he wants to show you, what activities he wants to do with you, and updates his quarters a bit to accommodate a second person temporarily living there.
Although he's not quite worried or anxious about the crew meeting you, he is a bit concerned that they might overwhelm you. So, he makes sure that he's the only one in the Transporter Room (aside from whoever is manning the Transporter at that time) to greet you when you beam aboard.
The first thing you see when you materialize on the Transporter Pad is his sweet, gentle smile, and his arms stretched out completely in front of him for a hug, "Welcome aboard, Dearest!"
The rest of your trip is spent doing date-like activities (i.e. holodeck adventures, trips to the Arboretum, painting and/or reading with him and Spot in their quarters, etc.). Overall, it's a very relaxing and sweetly domestic/mundane time, which both of you enjoy greatly.
He gives you a tour of the whole ship, which ends in you meeting his friends for a small celebration in Ten-Forward. The celebration is very chill, and mostly involves them telling you stories about their adventures and funny things Data has done or experienced during his time on the ship.
They also tease Data relentlessly, much to his chagrin. It's all affectionate taunts, like how he could have kept you a secret for so long, how he managed to "snatch you up", whether his romantic subroutine was "effective", etc.
While Geordi proceeds to tell the story of when Data let him "borrow" Spot, you move a hand under the table and take Data's hand softly but firmly into yours. Data blinks and turns his head to look at you in soft surprise, and when you return his gaze briefly, you flash him a warm smile.
Realizing this was likely a sign that you were feeling comfortable in the presence of his friends, and despite the jesting of his friends, you felt an enhanced desire to express romantic affection with him somewhat publicly, he softened his expression and posture, and entwined his fingers with yours as his lips curved upwards into a faint smile.
Troi, who's sitting beside you but angled in such a way that she can see slightly underneath the table, catches this and beams happily.
The evening ends with lots of warm welcomes and words of acceptance into their little Found Family. Everyone already loves you, and Data is so pleased!
After that first trip, whenever Data is unable to schedule a Shore Leave at the same time as you, you schedule yours to be on the Enterprise (much to Data's delight).
Being in a relationship with Data while being stationed on the Enterprise:
As mentioned in the previous set of headcanons, Data is very traditional and old-fashioned (in the best way!), and would enjoy older forms of romantic affection, such as handwritten letters, surprise gifts, etc.
Since you're on the same ship, now he can give you handwritten letters more frequently! They would come in the form of daily/routine notes, such as leaving a little sticky note on the replicator with a silly scientific joke on it, and formal love letters. He'd also leave you a little note on his pillow, if he had to unexpectedly leave during the night/earlier in the morning, and won't be able to join you for breakfast (more on this a little later).
As far as his penmanship goes, I think he would write in perfect, beautiful cursive, and probably use a quill and ink when writing a full letter. When writing official/formal love letters to you, he'd also probably use melted wax and a stamp to seal them (both as an additional security/privacy measure, but also because he's so delightfully extra like that). For his little notes, he'd probably just use a regular pen, but it would still be written in neat cursive.
You return the favor by leaving him little notes written in binary code around your shared quarters or his work areas, which he absolutely adores. He's very pleased to have this sort of inside joke, although he finds it difficult not to discuss it with others (he knows this defeats the purpose of an inside joke, which is why he refrains from doing it, but he wants to share this amusing tidbit with someone else so badly sometimes).
One of the things I think Data would covet in a romantic relationship is spending time together in a very literal/strict sense (especially because he knows that this part of a relationship is always threatened when serving on a starship), but also keeping in mind personal space.
He does this in two ways: First, he'd have scheduled, formal dates with you, probably once or twice a month. These dates would typically include holodeck adventures and trips to the Arboretum. Second, he'd have routine, daily "dates" with you. These would include having meals together, doing your individual work separately but in your shared quarters, and having philosophical/intellectual conversations.
Because Data enjoys traditional romance, he would want to share meals together, even if he decides not to eat himself. He tries to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with you every day. Of course, this is not always possible when stationed on the flagship of the Federation, so he's a bit more lenient about missing breakfast and dinner.
However, he is very strict about lunch. In all your time stationed on the Enterprise together, you can count the number of times Data had to cancel lunch with you on one hand. All those cancelations were due to extreme circumstances (i.e. him being kidnapped for several days).
He (almost) always makes sure that you both take an official lunch break together. It's never anything fancy or formal (usually just the two of you in one of your offices or in a quiet corner in Ten-Forward, chatting about how your days have been so far), but it's very special and important to both of you.
Data also likes to end these little lunch dates with a literal "treat", like a cookie, tart, or whatever other sweet treats you enjoy, that he'll share with you.
He doesn't do this every time because "the element of surprise can make the reward even more pleasurable", but you do somewhat expect it. Regardless, it always brightens your day and makes you smile!
He insists on eating it with you, and always lets you have the last bite.
He'll also try to be extra cute every once in a while by attempting to do the classic Lady and the Tramp spaghetti moment (it doesn't work very well for desserts, but it always makes you laugh because he ends up getting some of the dessert on his face) or by feeding you a bite or two.
Lunch dates always end with a soft little peck, exchanged smiles, and gentle farewells.
You'd be very perceptive of Data's love for routine, so I think your main form of love-language for him is to incorporate a little routine into your romantic affirmations and affections with him.
One of the major ways you'd do this is by sort of scheduling your kisses. I strongly believe that cheek kisses are his favorite/preferred form of physical affection, so you'd always start your days with him by giving him a cheek kiss. You'd likely do this right after your shared breakfast/before the two of you part to start your days.
Once this becomes routine, he'd be a little cheeky (pun completely intended 😈) about it. For example, if you're running late one morning and try to leave without giving him his morning cheek kiss, he'd give you a very pointed look and extend his cheek out towards you, "Are you forgetting something, Dearest?"
If one of you isn't there in the morning due to work, don't think he's letting you get out of his promised daily cheek kiss! He'll make sure to squeeze one in during your lunch break later that day.
I think he'd also enjoy nose kisses, both a little peck to his lovely snoot and bunny kisses/nose nuzzling. I think Data considers sharing deep conversations in private together to be a very intimate activity. So, this would typically trigger his intimacy circuits, if you will, which would make him want to cuddle, bunny kiss/nose nuzzle, etc. These moments are likely when he'd be most physically affectionate with you.
In general, he considers these kinds of kisses to be more intimate and not "appropriate" as PDA, so these would be shared exclusively in your quarters.
Knowing his love for routine, right before you both go to 'sleep' each night, you'll kiss his nose softly (and just like the morning cheek kiss, you can expect him to remind you about it, if you ever forget).
Speaking of PDA, I don't think Data particularly enjoys PDA. Personally, I think he would only want to hold hands (especially on your Arboretum walks/dates), and share an occasional cheek kiss. That being said, if you'd prefer more PDA, then he would consider displaying other forms of affection with you in public (he'd still never do anything he deems to be 'too intimate', though).
Sometimes, when Data is really busy but you aren't, you'll just sit near him and his console while he works, with Spot curled up in your lap. He especially enjoys and appreciates this, although he can't explain why. Something about sensing your proximity and your relaxed vitals is very comforting and soothing for him.
I think Data's main love-language for you is sharing time/moments together. In particular, he enjoys moments where both of you are doing your own, individual work/things in each other's company. Usually, this involves Data softly tapping away at his console while you're on the couch with your PADD.
Spot also enjoys these moments, and will go back and forth between the two of you to get her desired amounts of affection.
However, he sometimes feels a little guilty about those moments because he's concerned that you're bored or that your free time could be better spent elsewhere.
You always reassure him that you're never bored and the activity is equally soothing and enjoyable for you, and that usually brings that cute little smile onto his face.
I think both you and Data would also have a bit of magpie instincts, so another one of your love-languages for each other is exchanging surprise and nuanced gifts with each other.
Data would definitely hand-make gifts for you, but those would be very meaningful and reserved for special occasions (i.e. birthdays or anniversaries). For other occasions, the gifts would be seemingly random, but actually quite personal. For example, on one Away Mission, he found a little rock that was the exact color of your eyes (and I mean exact, his positronic net calculated a 99.9999917% match). He can't explain why, but he had a strong urge to bring it back and give it to you, so he did (after intensive testing to ensure the rock didn't harbor any biological or chemical dangers, and was safe to keep aboard the quarters of a starship).
On your side, this would usually include artwork, either something you made yourself or purchased from other artists. Another common gift you'd give him is flowers/plants. I think Data absolutely adores plants, and almost nothing brings a smile to his face as easily as you surprising him with a lovely flower bouquet during his shift (note: I think Data would consider exchanging gifts in public as a form of PDA that he appreciates)!
Eventually, this leads to Keiko joking that your quarters is the Arboretum 2.0 of the ship because "your plant count comes very close!"
When he presents these kinds of gifts to you in public areas, nearby eavesdroppers would find it a bit odd, but you know what a deep and endearing sentiment it actually is, so you always appreciate it very much!
Whenever he'd get a questionable reading, he'd contact you immediately, make sure you're in a private area, and double check you're okay:
On busy days, especially ones where you don't get to see each other as often, he makes sure to check on you through the use of your Communicators. I think Data would keep tabs on you throughout the day, checking on your physical and mental well-being, this way.
Additionally, if you have a chronic illness, he'd also keep track of that (with your permission and approval). For example, if you wore some sort of device that monitors your condition/relevant vitals, he'd adjust that device so that its readings were shared instantly and constantly with his positronic net, especially in case of an emergency.
"Data to Lieutenant Y/L/N."
"Lieutenant Y/L/N here."
"Are you in a private area?"
"Not at this time."
"Are you able to relocate to a private area momentarily?"
"Yes, one moment."
"Okay, I'm in my office now. Is everything okay?"
"That is the inquiry I have for you. I just received some questionable readings from your health monitor, and wished to 'check in'. Have your slightly elevated vitals been reduced? Are you hydrating properly and frequently? Are you feeling alright?"
"Yes, my elevated vitals have been dealt with, and are currently on the path to returning to normal. Yes, I just had some water about fifteen minutes ago. And yes, I'm feeling okay. Thank you for checking in, Sunshine. Are you doing okay?"
"I am...relieved to hear that you are alright. Please refrain from straining yourself excessively for the remainder of your shift, if possible. Yes, I am fine. Thank you for also 'checking in' on me."
"Will do, and of course. I have to get back to work now, but I'll see you at around 21:00 hours for dinner?"
"Yes, I anticipate that my shift will conclude in time to keep our shared dinner arrangement at 21:00 hours. I will contact you immediately if this changes."
"Sounds good...good luck with the rest of your shift, and I'm fond of you very much."
"Likewise, Dearest. Data out."
A/N: Okay, I think that's finally it...I really hope this response was satisfactory for you, anon! These were really nice and comforting to write 🥰 Thank you again for the request, and please feel free to add on to these ideas and/or send in more requests!
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theladyofshalott1989 · 3 months
Hello.. 👋🏻
I read your answer about the motivation to write with low engagement and want to thank you for your words, because I currently struggle a little with this topic.
I love to write, always have, but beeing in the HL fandom helped me to (more or less) consistently write and publish something. For the last months I changed from writing mainly little snippets, to focus on my long fic, because I finally want to put everything on paper, that lingers in my mind. 😅
And I will keep writing, because it has become very personal and some sort of healing for me.
But from time to time I struggle, because I think it's not good enough. There are people who read it, but barely any engagement. And I want to learn and become better so badly.
Sometimes I think, it's because my first language isn't English and I can't convey all the feelings with my translation. But then, it's not that the original is doing so much better.. 😅
I'm sorry for venting to you and it feels a little weird because I don't want to fish for compliments.😅
But maybe you have some tricks up your sleeve that can help with the feeling to be not good enough? Or writing better in general? 😊
Hi! Thank you so much for your ask. First off, you are not alone. Your feelings are valid and shared by many, myself included. <3 I am so glad that HL brought you back to writing. It was the same for me too, and I will also be forever grateful for that. Before I share my practical tips, I want to establish that engagement does not always equal quality. It could FOR SURE (I am not calling out anyone here!), but, like with all things, certain tropes/pairings/topics are more popular in one fandom than the next. Sometimes someone started writing at the perfect time, usually right when a new fandom pops up, or they are uber talented and can provide not only a story but also fan art! Those people blow my mind and I have so much respect for them.
But I digress! Onto the practical tips... Keeping in mind that I do not always follow my own advice, so typing this up is making me laugh at myself. (It's good to laugh at yourself sometimes though.) 1. Pick up another hobby so writing isn't your only one. For me, it's classes at my local gym. IMO, an active hobby is the most helpful because the endorphin rush helps a lot. 2. Set a day aside each week where you do not go online at all. I did this during peak Covid, and it was so therapeutic. Our minds are not designed to be constantly on. We need a break from social media and the internet every so often. 3. If you can, find a small group of buddies and interact with them. <3 My HL buds keep me sane a lot of the time. They're lovely people too and they've introduced me to other fandoms as well. 4. Block tags and/or blogs you're not interested in seeing. I have only blocked one blog (I'll be transparent here: it's the Hogwarts: Legacy Confessions blog, just for my own personal sanity; no hate toward the creators at all), but I block a lot of tags for personal reasons, and it really does help a lot.
5. Have you tried a review exchange? On Reddit there are groups that swap and review each others' stories. I've done this a few times for some of my one-shots and it's great! You can even specify if you want critique (or not). I can send you links to these subreddits if you wish. Just let me know! I really hope these tips help. Also, please never apologize for venting. Putting yourself out there creatively is a very vulnerable thing; it's only natural to be upset when you feel like you don't get out what you put in. <3
My messages are always open too. Please don't hesitate to reach out!
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imaginespazzi · 1 month
Nivi, I want to start off by saying that you’re one of my favorite authors, and that I loved In Between Shades of Blue so much! I really didn’t think anything could top it, but you’ve out done yourself once again. I am in love with Golden Hour! Monday night is quickly becoming one of my favorite parts of the week. I just read GH with a big smile on my face 😀, until the angst gets angsting and then my face is usually 🫨. I also want to say that reading the reviews after a new chapter is one of my favorite things. It very much gives we are all part of a book club, but not just any book club, a book club with the author. And I just love those interactions so much. I’ve been wanting to join a book club for a while and this very much is scratching that itch so thank you 😊.
Now onto the review:
I loved the flashback of when they were on Team USA. Fetus Pazzi always makes me smile because how are two people so lucky to have found their person at 15? They make me sick in all the best ways. Did they ever discuss their crushes like maybe a celebrity crush? Azzi didn’t seem shocked that Paige’s date was with a girl. I just wondered if maybe they had previously discussed who they found attractive. Oh and the picnic scene was giving me In Between Shades of Blue. I love that in both universes their first date was a picnic. Paige is such a sap I love it. Soft Paige is my favorite.
Azzi makes me want to both hug and shake her. Girlie Pop is so in her head all the time. Whenever her guilt of having said no pops up, I just want to wrap her up in a warm blanket and hand her a cup of tea. I know we’ll find out the reason later, but I can’t help but feel like it was something as simple as she wasn’t ready at the time Paige had asked, and Paige took it as a never and they both made choices off of that misconception that fractured them both. I know Azzi felt she had a good reason when she said no, so I hate that she is constantly beating herself up about it and simultaneously making decisions based on that fear.
It’s cute that Azzi keeps sending her parents to look after Paige. First with the wedding and then the morning after fortgate. It just shows how much she really cares for Paige even when she wouldn’t allow herself to be the one to do it . Makes me wonder how many times during their breakup Azzi was still looking out for Paige, unbeknownst to blondie. There is something just so sweet and pure in the bond they have with each other. They really are best friends first. Also, just as an aside, I really love how you capture their relationship through their banter. It really does feel like stuff they would say to each other, and it’s definitely one of my favorite aspects of their dynamic.
When Stephie says “I better be” to Tim saying she’ll always be his favorite, it just reminded me of the Lebron live when Azzi threatened with “better not” to someone wanting to take Paige out for breakfast. I dunno if I’m reaching on that one, but it was something that jumped in my head when I read it.
Love love all the interactions and family dynamics with the Fudds. Everyone really is scared of Princess 😭. Not only do you capture the bond between Paige and Azzi that feels true, you’re so good at writing for everyone else’s personality as well. It really does just feel like a full fleshed out universe.
Paige asking Azzi “You won’t - you won’t run away again tomorrow morning will you?” Poor Paige is traumatized 😭. But also Azzi answering “I won’t run away again” feels more like a declaration to herself. Like maybe she is finally willing to allow herself to be happy. But also feels like we might end up getting a switch up between the two where Paige is pulling away and Azzi is hanging on. I really can’t wait to see where you take us next, even if I feel like it’s about to get real angsty soon. Please have mercy on us 😭 🙏🏻
Ok, I feel like this has gotten long enough. I can’t wait to read and review chapter 7!
Can I be 📚 anon?
Awwww babes welcome to the book club and of course you can be 📚 anon. I really like that y'all love reading the reviews as much as I do because genuinely I love hearing y'alls thoughts and it actually really helps me flesh things out sometimes. ALSO I love you for calling the UCLA fic by it's actual name lmao.
I think they probably had a conversation about sexualities before for sure so that's why Azzi's not phased but tbh I just didn't want to write Paige with a man lol and idk. Also I love picnics and idk Pazzi just feel so picnic dates coded? Idk how to explain it but they just seem like the kind of people who would love to sit outside and just talk for hours.
OMG! That was not on purpose but I love that you made that connection. Stephie's just such a mini-Azzi, well she's a mini-Pazzi lol.
AH THIS MEANS SO MUCH! I'm always a little worried that I'm maybe not characterizing everyone else right. I like to think I've gotten Paige and Azzi down okay but I've never really written the Fudds like that so I'm glad it seems to true to their irl personalities!
Paige has been put through it so she's just a little scared, my lil cutie baby! I like that everyone seems to think this is a bait and switch and Paige is gonna run this time. I guess we'll find out tee hee <3
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lilacacia · 1 year
When you get this, you (have to) write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them. Then send this (ask or tag) to 10 cool people!
I was tagged by @cantseemtohide. Thank you, Sam 😊
"Eat Your Young" by Hozier I love this song because the lyrics are like poetry to me. The arrangement is perfection. Hozier is a genius!
"Ring Ding Dong" by SHINee This song randomly came on shuffle when I was listening to music yesterday and I had a blast 😁 The beat is great. It's kind of camp. A 2nd gen Kpop gem. You just had to be there when this was the rage! *parties in grandma*
"Can't Tame Her" by Zara Larsson I'm a big fan of her music. I had her album "Poster Girl" on repeat and I'm so happy she did an 80s song like this because I love a good synth pop hit!
"O (Circle)" by ONEW This song is beautiful. It feels universal, like it has everything what life is about, in it. (No wonder it's called circle!)
"Be Mean" by DNCE I like DNCE's discography in general sooo I guess that's why? I just looked at the lyrics and went 😳 but hey, different strokes for different folks literally .
I'll tag @llamabees @plumloup @zmemily @plasmapacks @tarobeans @littlefallsnook @memoirsofasim @dragonflydaydreamer @whyeverr and @paperfriendd. As always, no pressure and don't need to do it again unless you want to ❤
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Hello! Hope you are doing well (or at least, faring better than before). Just wanna pop in to say I recently discovered your works and I love all of them! I love how each of the guys is portrayed with distinctive personality in your stories instead of the similar mass-produced vibe™ that are more common in the fandom (not that I particularly hate it, but it can get repetitive after a while). I think I might come back and give you more fleshed out comments (because I do love sending my favourite writers' long ramblings about how I love their work, if they don't mind of course), when I have more time to devour each and every of your words.
That aside, I keep wondering who are your favourite characters in twst? I know you mention Vil, and from your works I think Malleus might be one of your favourite as well. Or more specifically, who would you love to write about but haven't got the opportunity/the suitable prompt for him?
Wish you a very enjoyable morning/night and that you can gain back your motivation soon!
Thank you muchly!! I’m glad you’ve been liking them!
And as for favorite characters, I think my number one spot has to go to Vil right now. Malleus was my og fav when the game first came out, but overtime there’s just something about Vil that’s so *chef’s kiss* Very up my alley. A very unique character. Which, don’t get me wrong. I still adore Malleus to here and back and he’s very much a strong number two. But I feel like his archetype is much more common to see than Vil’s. It’s one I love, but Vil just has wormed his snarky, headstrong way into my heart and refuses to leave. I think the way my brain looks at it is that like, if I ever met these guys in real life, I could be friends with Malleus—could definitely absolutely be in love with him too, but could be very happy genuinely just being his friend. Versus I feel like no matter what or how, I’d always end up at least a lil too in love with Vil and my heart would break every day 😊 So. You know. That be my scale.
As for who I’d like to write but haven’t gotten all the way around too yet—Jamil, mostly. There’s something about him where like he’s never in my number one spot so sometimes he sort of slips into the background (which. Oof. Too close to canon, my guy), but he’s one of the few characters in Twst that I feel is just. Genuinely sinister. Not like straight up at-his-core-evil or anything. But really willing to tear people down at their roots and smile all the while. And every time I read any vignette or story chapter with him in it, I always really enjoy him. So he’s in the works for a Monster Mayhem to hopefully get him some more time in the proverbial sun.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
So, for the reader appreciation day of the event, I used the first personalization prompt for the lovely @softnightwhisp! Even when I get busy and forget to reply to dm’s for months on end, she’s still wonderfully supportive, reblogging my posts, sending asks, and helps keep me inspired to write! Hopefully these little personalized prompts (this one is set in the KHR universe) will be something she enjoys and will be a bit of a thank you 😊
Personalization Prompt #1 – Whisp
Siblings: None – canon or non-canon. You’re an only child, though you adopt ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’ of sorts within your found family and within the work you do.
Best friend: Chrome, Ken, Fran, Chikusa, M.M., and Mukuro…they go beyond just friends to you and are your family, your safe and warm place to return to no matter what. Frenemies/Enemies: Because of your affiliation with the Kokuyo Gang, Hibari isn’t the fondest of you. The two of you aren’t hostile or anything and you certainly don’t pick fights with him or anything. He just doesn’t like the people you adore and thus there’s a cool indifference between the two of you. Crushes on You: I definitely see Ken having developed a crush on you during his later teen years. However, the feelings weren’t returned and though it took him a little bit to get over his feelings, which led to some awkwardness between the two of you for a while, in the end, your friendship with him didn’t suffer because of it and the two of you are very close as adults. First Romantic Relationship: I do believe your first romantic relationship was with Mukuro. There’d been some feelings on your side for a while and the two of you dated for about five years. However, the relationship just wasn’t solid enough to survive the test of time and the romantic love faded into something akin to just life companions. Because of this, the two of you did break up, but you both do agree that you are people that the other one’s life wouldn’t be complete without and there are no hard feelings regarding the previous romantic relationship. Lost Virginity To: Mukuro Married/In A Committed Relationship With: After your relationship with Mukuro, I believe you dated a couple other people, including Byakuran there for a time. You’re in no serious rush to settle into anything super-committed though and I think you just enjoy your life for a bit before eventually settling down into a relationship (there are so many options I could see you working with that who you settle down with is currently undecided.) Cockblocked by: Ken and Fran are both horrible for this. They’re both people who just tend to barge in on people, because they kind of feel a little entitled to other’s time and attention, especially if that person is someone they care about, and they never stop to think about what you might be in the middle of. Affiliation: The Kokuyo Gang
Special Abilities: I know it’s an unpopular opinion, because ‘oh, Sky Flames always need to be the boss of a Family or something’, but nonetheless, I do heavily see you as having Sky Flames. They’re not as pure and strong as say, Tsuna’s Vongola Sky flames, but they are decent enough as far as purity goes, though you do your best not to physically fight anyone anyway.
5 Headcanons About Your Life:
You initially met Chikusa, Ken, and Mukuro when you were all children. They had just escaped from the Estraneo and you being the kind child you were, you took an interest in these poor children, playing with them, sharing your snacks with them, and such. They pop in and out of your life after that initial meeting and befriending them, mostly out after they were captured by the Vindice. However, they returned shortly before they set out to go to Kokuyo Land. They sought you out for a safe place to hide from the Vindice, not letting you know that, of course, while they got their plan all straightened out. When they decided to go to Japan, you somehow ended up going along with them.
As with anyone who is in that little group of his, yes, Mukuro has cut you with his trident and yes, he can possess you and use your body if he so desires. However, it’s not something he often does, as your body is not well suited to his soul and isn’t exceptionally physically strong, though he has done it on a couple of occasions. On one occasion, it was done solely to protect and save you and that’s something you have never forgotten and part of why you’re so loyal to him – because you do know he truly cares.
The Kokuyo do make use of your keen insight into people and how easy people find you to be to talk to. You are useful in gathering information or in noticing things that they would not. However, how easy it is to divulge secrets to you and how supportive and soothing you are? It also comes in useful for these bunch of traumatized people and you often find yourself playing secret keeper/counselor/mental health support, especially for people like Ken, M.M., and Chrome. The only ones who have never fully opened up to you about their inner worlds are Chikusa and Mukuro, who have developed very thick, almost impenetrable walls throughout the years.
Though you are the closest to the Kokuyo Gang, I do see you befriending the other characters as well. You do get close to Tsuna and his family, particularly Tsuna and Yamamoto, who become good friends of yours. You get closer to Kyoko and Haru too, especially once Chrome becomes so close to them. On top of that, kids naturally kind of take to you and I-Pin and Lambo have definitely begged for you to go and play with them more than a time or two.
As said, after the end of your relationship with Mukuro, I do believe you do have fun dating without rushing into anything, and I see Byakuran and Gokudera as both being people you do date for varying lengths of time. Gokudera and you end up being really quite close and he starts to open up to you more, so even if the relationship with him is a ‘maybe it works out, maybe it doesn’t’, he’s someone who really does start to trust and respect you and the two of you will become very close friends either way.
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fiction-is-life · 5 months
1,9,10, and 11 for the Ask Game😊
Hey lovely!!! Thank you so much for sending this ask in!! Since I already answered 2 of these before (here is the link), I picked 2 others. I hope that is okay!!
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
I would have to say the most notable time this happened was when I wrote my first JJ fic. At the time, I had only published fluffy fics about Topper and I was very much known as a Topper blog (I still am, but people know I will write for others too), but the idea of JJ's girlfriend helping him study and him not being able to focus just popped into my head and I could not shake the idea! So I wrote my first smutty fic while also writing for a character I had never written for, and it definitely paid off because I love writing for other characters now, and that particular fic has the most notes out of all of my fics, lol 😂 Here is the link to it!
8. what’s your relationship with constructive criticism and feedback like? do you seek it out? how well do you take it?
So, I usually do not seek out constructive criticism on my writing, but in other aspects of my life, I am always asking for it! I enjoy getting feedback on my fics though, and I often reread the feedback as it brings me a lot of joy to see that someone found my work worthy enough to spend their time giving feedback
10. at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
I usually title my fics after I have written them, and I usually find it fairly easy to title them. I don't think all of my titles are groundbreaking, but I do really like the ones that are based on sayings or poems (like my one Benedict Bridgerton fic series has snippets of a Thoreau poem). There are some instances where I come up with the title of a fic and build the plot around that, but I'm not sure if I have posted any where that has happened.
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
I learned that at one of Britain's all girl prep schools, they assign the older girls "sisters" that are girls from younger grades to help them acclimate to the new school. It is for a Topper boarding school fic that I have not finished yet, lol. I usually don't do extensive research and I tend to write about what I know, especially for modern pieces, but I read a lot of historical fiction, so I rely on my knowledge through those books to write about different time periods. I want my work to feel authentic but I don't take great extremes to make it completely accurate.
Thank you again for the ask! I had so much fun answering!!
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oraclekleo · 2 months
Howdy I’m new here. I was recommended your tarot K-pop readings and fell in love with your work. I do have one question. Can you explain the significance of using the MTBI and favorite color when you did the tiny reading game? I only ask from a standpoint of curiosity as to what it reveals about a person. Hope this finds you well and keep up the good work.
Always nice to meet a new fan of my content! 💖
I'm glad you like my readings.
I don't ask only for MBTI and favourite colour, I ask for any little info anyone is willing to tell. And when someone only sends anon ask revealing absolutely nothing about themselves, that's also psychologically significant. 😊 Basically I'm just trying to catch a glimpse of the requester's personality. I can't meet you guys in person, I can't read your face or body language or listen to your voice and analyse its tone, tempo, breath frequency and so on. So I need something else to work with. My tarot readings aren't based in reading energies or consulting guides or deities or angels or any other supernatural entity. My readings are based in my ability to psycho-analyse. That's why I need pieces of information. I never ask for anything too personal and I always make it voluntary. Obviously, my readings for people I'm in contact here with more often, they became my close friends, can hit closer to home because I already know them better and I can see the messages in the cards more clearly thanks to that.
So yeah! It's simply to give me a piece of information. 😊
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judysxnd · 1 year
Your gallery dating Jimmy Pop — tour edition
I’m starting with this, I don’t have a lot of pictures of him so it will not be going very far, but if you do, oh pleeeeaase send me some!!!
I am obsessed with him you have no idea, but I am not yet comfortable writing an entire fanfiction about him. Just little preferences like that I think. 😊
Okay but if you have any idea about him also, stuff to write, like how he would act in certain situation, I haven’t quite figured him out yet so please do!!! I don’t bite 😊
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You took this photo in the hotel room. It was in the middle of the night, no one was sleeping, not feeling tired. Too much excitement. It was the first night going on tour, you were all drinking, celebrating the moment, so no one was tired. You eventually went back to each other’s hotel bedroom, trying to calm down as it was very late. You took this picture when you both laid down, talking, joking and such.
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On tour again, Brazil this time. You had the chance to go with them and you were very thankful. The concerts were at the end of the day, so between rehearsals you could get in tourist mode and explore the city you were in. You couldn’t be in Rio de Janeiro and not go to the statue. It resulted in this picture. James took one of you too but it ended up to be so blurry that it was useless. You teased him for days that he couldn’t take one decent picture.
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One picture for every country you visited on tour. It was the first night you arrived in China (Japan? I can’t determine) . You all drove to the place where the concert would take place to get familiar and ended up exploring the city at night because you were all jet lagged. It was the most fun night you had. You were so tired that not of you could form one sentence without making a mistake, you all sounded drunk as hell, even though you weren’t (a miracle).
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This one is on stage. Of course you’re in front, vip spot for being James’ girl. Since you took this picture you cannot live without thinking about it. You love it so much. He is so focused, he is just so hot. The cap (big weakness), it’s just small things all together. You always love seeing him doing what he loves, what he wants, just enjoying his life. And damn, he always looked sexy playing the guitar.
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And here we are backstage. You put out the camera to take a picture. You were all sitting around, talking about random stuff. He laughed. “Why are you always taking pictures?” He asked jokingly. “Memories” you always answered. He smiled shyly which resulted with this picture. One of your favorite. (Again the cap omg)
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You were at airport, getting frustrated because one of your luggage couldn’t pass for whatever reason. You stayed there for hours, had to take another plane. It was late at night. But as we all know James, he is always making everyone laugh. You were holding the camera in your hand, staring at the people in front of you trying to solve the problem as quickly as possible. James jumped in front of you before making the cheesiest joke just to earn at least a smile from you. “You’re not taking a picture? That’s a memory I want to remember” he joked. You rolled your eyes. He posed like that, so you took this picture. You were going to laugh about it, just not yet.
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naneun-no · 2 years
Hello! I was just reading your ask replies and thought I’d send one of my own:-)
Sometimes I wonder if I’m reading too much into jikooks relationship w/ each other - they clearly are good friends! But sometimes I think maybe I’m just seeing things, when it comes to something perhaps “more”.
But then when instances happen like jungkook starting his live (on white day no less) at 8:11pm (when we think that 11/8 or 8/11 is an important number to jikook) I’m like hmm ok…. And there’s been so many other things like this, surely it just has to be TOO big of a coincidence ?? Because it keeps. happening.
I can think of many times this number has popped up, even like one time Jungkook included it on his Instagram story when it wasn’t even that time in Korea when he posted it.
I just don’t know !! I never know what to think haha. it’s not just number theory that makes me believe in jikook but it’s one little subtle thing that seems to keep cropping up
I hope you have a lovely day:-) thanks for reading my jumbled ask
Hey there 😊 thanks for sending!
Yeah, I think for a lot of people, it’s the suspicious moments for them that just keep adding up, you know? To be honest, all the theories can sometimes be a little much for me. Not to say there’s nothing to them, they just seem to rely so heavily on cultural nuances that I don’t completely understand or have context for, and to be honest, I never needed them to see something going on between them. It was just the very obvious stuff that stuck out to me, which is that:
They do seem like best friends. But when said best friends also seem like they’re probably very likely both queer/into men, and also sort of seem into each other, then it’s not out of the realm of possibility to wonder if something more is going on. They do a lot of things that best friends do (watch the same tv shows, have a billion and one inside jokes, spend so much time together that their other friends mix up their names, always gravitate to being in each other’s space). They just also do things that seem kind of… sexually charged sometimes? (Getting visibly distracted/flustered by attractive pictures of each other or flashes of skin, checking each other out pretty obviously, biting each other on the neck hard and long enough to leave a mark because the other wouldn’t stop spinning them around in their arms 😬, posting sexy thirst trap birthday wishes for each other, calling each other sexy, touching each other much more than strictly necessary, just straight up flirting wow there are a lot of these).
And it’s just… usually when you have two best friends who are sexually attracted to each other, that’s a pretty solid foundation for a pretty solid relationship. For most people it’s kind of a no-brainer, actually. That’s not to say the relationship will inevitably last forever, if it’s even official enough to be a relationship. That’s for them to know and define, not us.
I’ve accepted that we’ll probably never really know, and that’s okay. I want them to be safe, and happy, and at peace more than I would ever want my suspicions confirmed. I don’t really need them confirmed anyways — I have fun watching original content and the occasional Jikook serotonin-boosting compilation, and joking around on here with other people who see and appreciate their magic with me. It doesn’t have to be that serious. Welcome to the club 🥰
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paladinofthelantern · 7 months
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Important Note: Around Christmas of ‘22 my laptop malfunctioned and, due to various circumstances, I lost access to queenofbadgers and bythelightofcamelot. Thus, they are now considered archives and are replaced by thebadgerburrow and camelotisshining. My main blog is, of course, this one. So, if I follow or interact with you, and I have done so previously on any of these blogs, please don't think I'm trying to be annoying!💖
(another important note:I vehemently oppose the views of the author of the above work towards trans individuals and also refrain from buying official merch; any items I purchase that are related to the series come from sites like eBay and Etsy)
Please make sure to read my DNI before interacting or following! Thank you so much!💖😊
Hello and welcome to Kaer Lóchrann (yes, the name is indeed a Witcher reference)! I hope you enjoy your stay! This is just my own little corner of the internet to put whatever suits my whim at the time. This can be anything from silly videos of cute animals to gifs from my favourite movies or shows. If you find enjoyment in what I reblog or post I am ecstatic that I can make your day brighter. I kindly ask you, though, to keep the following in mind as you explore the halls of this great castle.
(note:blogs I suspect are spam will be blocked)
🐿️ I take a neutral stance when it comes to shipping discourse (as a note all characters in my ships are either around the same age or adults). There is of course, content I would rather not engage with, but I very strongly believe in using the block button, along with the tag and post filters, to avoid it, and I see no logic at all in arguing someone I don’t even know over the internet when I could be spending my time on something I enjoy. I have no desire to engage in a debate about what I ship, and I kindly ask that people respect that.
🐿️ I am strongly averse to conflict in any form and do not wish to engage in a fight with anyone. I would rather have someone block me and move on with their life than exchange insults with me. All I want is to enjoy the things I love in peace and I wish the same for others. Everyone deserves to be happy, no matter who they are.
🐿️ If you ever need something tagged please shoot me a PM and I'll do my best moving forward. I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable! And if you decide that you need to block me for whatever reason I bid you a fond farewell and pray you find something that fills your life with joy.
🐿️ My ask box is always open if you ever want to pop in and say hello! I love talking to people!
(note I:please do not send me asks or PMs asking me to donate to something or tag me in a donation post; I will assume the blogs these came from are spam and block them)
(note II:if you follow or interact with me and your blog uses a default icon or doesn’t have very many posts on it, I will probably end up blocking it; please change your icon and reblog stuff so that I know you are human!)
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the-hippiesimmer · 11 months
when you get this, you have to write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them. then send this (ask or tag) to 10 cool people
Thank you to @cantseemtohide for the tag! 😊
I listen to these songs regularly all of them are old except N95
Race Car-Aries
untitled 07| 2014-16- Kendrick Lamar ( my bf introduced me to him when we started dating in 2016 and I've been listening since)
I'm Not a Vampire-Falling In Reverse ( oldie but goodie. Listened to this a lot in high school & to this day. Love me some Pop Punk)
N95-Kendrick Lamar
Running Up That Hill- Kate Bush (It's a popular song from that one time but I listen to a lot of 80s songs and 60s and 70s but this is the most recent one)
I'll tag @memoirsofasim @mossysim @sims4-premades @lolathelotus
As always feel free to ignore if you already did this/prefer not to 😊
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againstthegrainphoto · 11 months
Hockey tag thing. Thanks @jules-of-the-deep and @youneedtolookatthis
rules: list your...
✨️ no°1 team?
Seattle kraken….clearly.💙🦑 if you go back far enough on this godforsaken site, you can see me debating if I want to be a hockey fan completely based on proximity…despite knowing zero (0) about the sport. Kci is very close to where I am and now here we are….i roll out of bed and pop in to practice whenever I need that serotonin boost.
You didn’t ask about two and three teams…but they’re the leafs and the penguins if you were wondering. 😊🍁🐧
💌 your favorite goalie?
Gru. 127% Philipp grubauer. I think he is just great. Never got attached to dreiger or jones.🤷🏻‍♀️ and I swear to god Joey is going to give me an aneurysm before the end of the season. Would love to see a goalie goal for him tho. I know he’s absolutely capable.
Also fond of Sammy from the leafs. And jarry from the penguins. I think mostly because I see so much negativity towards them from their own fans and I feel like I need to off set it by liking them. Also fond of bobrovsky(the only thing I like about that team). Also have some residual adin hill support from last year remaining….dunno what I’m doing with that.
Oh and flower. But if you ✨don’t✨ like flower, you’re the problem, not him.
🔟what would be your jersey number?
40 or 44…those were the only two numbers I wore in all the sports I played in high school.
👯🏻‍♂️what team would you love to play for?
Play? For a team? Listen. I’m just happy I have the ability to somewhat skate in a circle when they play the kraken game on the big wall.
❤️‍🔥who is your favorite player currently?
Vince Dunn. The Favorite Squid™️…..I dunno how it happened. But my fren knew he would be my fav before I knew he would be my fav, she kept telling me about him and sending me videos….and yeah…….he is absolutely favorite.🤩🥰
I also unfortunately developed an Auston Matthews thing. I think it happened when I went and photoed their open practice at kci…..I was just like “that one. That’s the one. I like that one”and it hasn’t gone away. 😑🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m not proud of it.
👀a trade that hurt you emotionally?
I’m still upset about sprong.🧽🥺💔
…wasn’t happy about losing Donato either….but I am glad he is there to support and protect the bedard child…
🌈 what is your experience on hockeyblr so far?
It’s good for like 99.9%. Which for the internet is really really good. So much better than Twitter. Made some new frens. So that’s cool. Some of it isn’t for me, but I generally just stay in my own lane and post the content I want to see. Did have one anon ✨super✨ pissed and condescending at me because I didn’t sensor a particular (piece of shit) players name once. aside from that tho…..it’s great here….maybe because I’ve always seen tumblr as me shouting into a void where nothing matters and whatever you want to post about goes, because it’s more for you than anyone else. And tbh there are some days when I’m stuck at work during a game where I live for the “#kraken lb” it’s actually a pretty great community….especially for those who don’t connect with in person people extremely well.
and then tag some mutuals you'd like to know these about ☺️🏒🖤
I feel like all the hockey people I follow have already done this. So I’m tagging @dontforgetoctober3rd 😄 and if you’ve read all of this?? First: I’m sorry, second: now you have to do it.
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miraclesnail · 9 months
and maybe they do not show it but they so worried about new campers. they welcome everyone in their family with open arms nd its just so nice. like a found family
Do u mind answering some questions? i would like to know about callie. i mean, she is six or so. how did she get to camp? her mom/dad dropped her there and left? a stayr? bc i image that it may be different from the way in which the stoll arrived. does connor feel kind of protective with her? not just because she is a toddler, but also bc he was the same age when he first stepped on camp. And she arrived kind of the middle of the war. What travis and connor make her do when they are in the battle? Does she wake up in the middle of the night terrified bc of nightmares? i mean how a toddler deals with all of that? do travis and connor send everyone back to sleep and take her out to calm her down? i cannot imagine their suffering during and after the war.
i dont know, maybe i just a want a chapter of callie jajajajaj
another one: do travis and katie end together? i hope so bc THEY ARE SO CUTE he is a golden retriever and she is not a black cat, maybe a grey cat. less hyperactive, but still supporting him
same anon that asked about callie here! I just realized sth: does callie (and other hermes children) really mistake the stolls names or she does it on purpose most times? bc i believe that after some time that u r all day and night with people that look alike, u can say who is who better than others. So I imagine that Callie tries to seem confused and cute so she can change the focus of what is happening (pranks, lies, not the importamt things). I also think that she and the others can identify the brothers even if they dont see their faces. And another question: when does travis let the children get away with lies? cause his lies detector is always turn on and he knows that better than anyone. So he knows they are children and they do not need to be call out all the time and that should feel they fool their authority figure/got away with sth, even if the things are just small ones well, i think thats really everything, thank u!
(I hope you don't mind me just copy/pasting the second part into the first ask)
Thank you for reading the series! It really, really makes me happy! 😊
I know the topics are kind of niche and I wrote them to suit my tastes, so I'm happy to know others like it as well!
i would like to know about callie.
To answer your questions, it's probably not what you want to hear 😣 but I like to picture Callie as a well-adjusted demigod for her age with loving parents who probably wanted her to start her demigod training early because weird things started popping up and they didn’t want to take any risk. I don’t think I had anything tragic planned for her like I did for my other OCs. I was going to write a one-shot for her where she tells the brothers apart by what snacks they like but I got ideas for Lee’s and Michael’s parts and they took years to write that I completely forgot about the cabin 11-snack chapter 😅. It’s more fluff than angst, so I don’t know if you’ll like it. But I like to think Travis and Connor are protective of her, just like they are with the rest of their cabinmates. I don’t think any of the counselors are crazy enough to let anyone under 10 or 9 fight, so I just picture them ordering their younger siblings to hide in their cabins. And those that they think are too scared/too incapable to fight like how I pictured in Clovis-nightmare. 
do travis and katie end together? 
I'm sorry, but there won't be any chapters with Katie and Travis in a romantic relationship. I probably won’t write Travis or Connor in any romantic/sexual relationship. Mostly because writing romance takes me a long time and also because I like the Will/Travis ship and I headcanon Connor as aroace. Sorry to disappoint. 
Friendship and familial relationships are far easier for me to write so that’s why the series is full of the & tags.
does callie (and other hermes children) really mistake the stolls names or she does it on purpose most times? 
I like to think most of yearrounders can tell Travis and Connor apart in seconds (except for Clarisse, because I legit don’t think she would hang out with them for any extended period of time), but for the summer-only campers I think it’s harder for them. I never been to summer camp so maybe I’m very wrong, but there’s not many one-on-one interactions with the head counselor unless needed, right? They’re just the people that keep things in order and help out the campers that's struggling to adjust? Especially in a big cabin like Hermes, not every camper will have a close relationship with Travis and Connor to the point they can tell them apart quickly. 
But they can always get them back to back and compare the heights easily enough lol 😆
So I imagine that Callie tries to seem confused and cute so she can change the focus of what is happening (pranks, lies, not the importamt things).
I like this so much! It's such a cute picture 😄
when does travis let the children get away with lies?
I like to think Travis and Connor are pretty chill. As long as their cabinmates' antics won't lead to someone dying, then they'll let it be. And in case someone gets super mad and wants to kill them, I'm super sure Travis and Connor got their back 👍
Thank you for the asks! Have a nice day!
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