#thank you for sending an ask! :D
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daily-dragon-drawing · 10 months ago
Hello, I really like your art, and I assume you’ve likely already made a fire dragon, but a picture I took reminded me of your dragon art. So I thought I’d send it anyway and see if you could make a dragon from it or link towards the post of the fire dragon if you’d already made one.
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#107 - 火焰 (huǒyàn / flame) - Summon them with just a few dry sticks and a match! 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥
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peace-hunter · 1 month ago
Question for baby prime Orion au: how do the rest of the gang take that Orion is the "lost" prime. Because here's the reaction I think they'll have:
D-16:oh primes my friend is a prime and I punch him in the face yesterday!?
Elita: oh primes, this trouble making bot is a prime!?
B-127: one of my new friends is a prime, this is awesome!!
"How well am I taking that one of my friends is actually a demi-god?" reactions from best to worst:
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you're pretty much right with Bee. this has been the wildest day he's had since forever, he's very much just along for the ride and he's kinda just "this may as well happen :)"-ing through everything. he's also lowkey clinging to the one (1) good new he's gotten from this whole affair for dear life. like. he could freak out about the fact his entire life has been a lie and he's been working himself to death for a tyrant that's betrayed their entire race to their sworn enemies. or he could be happy his new best friend is extra cool now. so. y'know. glass half-full half-empty kinda deal.
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Dee's reaction is,,,, complicated. obviously.
on one hand holy crap his friend is a prime that's the coolest fucking shit ever he's friends with someone directly related to megatronus prime-
on the other. this is just one more thing he's been wrong about for cycles. everything he thought was true is turning out to be a lie and even if this isn't a betrayal like sentinel's it's still something he has to accept is not what he thought it was. Orion, his best friend, the person he trusted the most, is not what he thought he was.
and even though Orion didn't know (which... is also a point of contention between them with Dee not being quite able to believe one could forget such a thing even as Orion swears over and over again he had no idea) there's still a divide between them that wasn't there before. now Orion is this almost mythological being directly created by their god for greater things while Dee is just... a miner.
now Orion is a Prime. and Dee has just found out what happens when you trust a so-called Prime.
and he also can't help but wonder, as he remembers all those times Orion ignored what he said and involved him in his crazy schemes with no regard for what he thought about it, if it's just in the nature of Primes to do as they wish without considering what it means for everyone else.
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but the real victim here is elita who is experiencing a level of cringe that hasn't been seen in cybertron before nor will be seen again until maybe four million years and a war later during peace negotiations. pray for her.
baby prime orion au
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potato-lord-but-not · 8 months ago
hi i hope you know the moisthur fanbase (me and like four other people) just went batshit insane over your most recent reblogs and tags,, anyway hope youre having a wonderful day :)
gather children for I have your meal.
I need it be shot for feeding into this.. but it’s too late now it’s been done. Sorry to everyone else except the five people who created this god forsaken ship.
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also some Adora and John because well. it’s Adora cmon
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qin-qin16 · 21 days ago
Drawings I'm drawing request the clover asking for hey
Can you draw your fav characters or ocs like this?
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Like this?
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I feel like some dialogues between Killer and Color would end up with them staring each other like this
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happi-dreams · 14 days ago
Omg I love your little player(poppy playtime)
I just imagine in this au when safe haven toys ask for food they actually get to have some.
Also I can see player trying to feed pianosorous but doey comes in and absolutely traumatized player.
AAAA thank you so much !! my little player is my pride and joy :DDDDD
and yes your absolutely right, i doodled a little drawings for this since it was stuck in my brain :]
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player quickly becomes liked within the safe haven through positivity and (most importantly) having food that isn’t scraps!! and lending it !!
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and they probably would try to talk to pianosaurus but honestly they would NOT of survived without Doey
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maofa · 2 months ago
I have see this headcanon that I love which is:
In every Alive!Kuina AU she is the one to save Hiyori, not Zoro. Ecen if Zoro is alive. ESPECIALLY if Zoro is alive. New ship! It got called Hiyoku (i'm not the one who decides these things tho)
But the funniest part of this is Zoro teasing Kuina about her crush and she just uno reverse it vy bringing up... everything he dies towards Luffy.
They end up fighting over who has the better s/o and she beats his ass every time
oh my gosh hiiii
ok so that’s something I didn’t know I needed in my life so please accept these messy doodles of them being silly ;3
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psilliguykai · 13 days ago
An impulsive, apathetic man’s misanthropic jams. An eclectic collection of futile dissensions, a pretentious pile of literary bile filled with self destructive theatrics and rectifying tactics and any other slew of showy words.
(Info under the cut)
*queue WTTH instrumental*
Hello boys, girls, neithers, boths, and in-betweens and welcome to William’s Wanton Weary Wiles, a Will Wood/WWATTW x CCCC AU! Consider this a masterpost. Note that this AU is still very much in development, and this post will be updated as things change/get added :] Also. being totally up front. I’ve never made an AU or attempted a story this complex before, so please bare with me if things get confusing! Feedback is appreciated ^^
Warning! WWWW tackles sensitive topics, but nothing foreign to Will Wood or Chonny Jash’s music. Appropriate warnings will be put in the tags of each post, but overall CW/TW for: alcoholism/addiction, mental health issues, suicidal ideation, manipulation, and (moderate) violence.
The WWWW AU story is very similar to the original CCCC album, but with slightly different themes and tone. It still follows HMSW after Whole splits, creating Heart, Mind, and Soul. However, each character and their dynamics + certain plot points (e.g the Juno incident) are altered.
Asks about this AU are extremely welcome! Could be genuine questions, thoughts, serious, silly - anything (so long as it’s SFW!) is great and will help me with making this a Better and Actual Thing :3
In WWWW each member of HMSW represents and is based off of a WW(ATTW) album. Each character’s songs are from their respective albums, and the story will be told in the form of a written series of covers of songs by WW/WWATTW (plus some visual pieces :]). These will be posted individually and linked here as they get released.
While HMSW still exist with the same vague concepts and color themes, they do diverge a decent bit from the original CCCC album and I would not consider them to be representations of canon HMSW (or of any real people - this includes Whole /srs). I’ll be creating and posting ref sheets for each character along with extra info across the next month or so. For now, here’s some overall important info on the AU/”lore” below :3
Important overall info: 
- HMS exists in a sort of parallel reality I’m calling Marybell (as a reference to Suburbia Overture as well as The Prescription). It’s a town within Will’s psyche that reflects his reality. It can change depending on his state of mind/current situation, and pretty much only exists to provide a physical space for HMS.
- Time loop!! Soul remembers every loop and knows the vague events that happen when Will is whole (though the memories are less clear than when he’s split). Heart and Mind don’t remember previous loops and aren’t really aware of anything when HMS is combined. Physical changes caused to any of HMS remain, even when the timeloop resets.
- LI does exist in WWWW! She’s about as significant as she is in CCCC and will probably get at least an intro, if not her own ref sheet at some point. I also have a sort of Darrell-equivelant which will probably get his own thing at some point as well, just later since HMSW are top priority at the moment ^^
Meet the cast: 
All characters have multiple names which can/will be used interchangeably. I’ve included the pronouns I think the characters would use, but you all are welcome to use whatever you’d like for any of them. Run free :3 here are the posts with the ref sheets for each of them - info on its own is below:
- Whole/Will/William Racheal McSprout
- In Case I Make It
- He/him (GNC Cis Guy)
- 23-24 years old across the album
- Works at a small grocery/general tourist store
- Makes music as a side hobby. Not that successful lol. He makes decent stuff though - within the AU, the ICIMI covers featured would be considered his original music. 
- Spends his extra money on video games, alcohol, music equipment (sorta, though he mostly borrows shit and uses free programs), and serving cunt (fashion/makeup stuff)
- Not aware of HMS, though they’re aware of him. Mostly just feels a general sense of dissonance during splits, rather than Knowing the presence of these Multiple Actual Guys. Can’t interact with Marybell, same as HMS can’t (directly) interact with the “Real World”.
- The Soul/Mr. Capgras/Cotard/Atlas
- He/it
- Whole’s “self” - who he is at his core. His identity and personality at its most raw form. 
- He’s the most in-tune with Will’s actual state of being (health, emotions, etc.) and considers himself to somewhat be William, just separated and with pieces of himself missing. 
- Ultimate goal is to become a Happy Healthy and Alive Whole. Unlike in CCCC, the self-destruction is left more to H/M in this one .
- Knows he needs to get Heart and Mind to work together if he wants to keep William good and well, but he’s growing incredibly tired throughout the loops. He primarily experiences Will’s worst moments and rarely gets a break. Spends most of him life trying to get these. Fuckers. to get along and he’s so incredibly done with both of them. Growing distant, but ultimately does care about H/M on a personal level and really wishes they could all be happy together.
- The Mind/Laplace/Al/Apollo
- He/she
- The Normal Album
- Whole’s logic, as well as his self-control and calculated decision making. Doing his best to keep Will stable and often doing so to the point of burnout.
- Primarily tries to keep Heart in check, to the point of excessively trying to control it and Soul. Wants to keep Whole productive and functional by any means necessary. 
- At the end of the day, he does want Whole to live a happy life, but (despite keeping up a facade of superiority and strength) fears Heart’s impulsiveness/ erratic nature and feels the need to over-compensate in order to keep Will safe. 
- The Heart/Jimmy/Vestal/Artemis
- He/it
- Everything Is a Lot
- Whole’s emotions, as well as his impulsiveness and indulgence. Sometimes joy-seeking, sometimes self-destructive. Often those two go hand in hand.
- Focused on breaking free from Mind’s controlling nature, trying to get her and Soul to “live a little”. Wants to allow Whole unbridled indulgence (in every whim and emotion, including negative) often to the point of self-destruction. 
- Ultimately it knows he’s wrecking Will, but finds it’s the only way to assuage his suffering. He knows Mind is right about them needing to get their shit together, but finds him difficult to work with and listen to when he’s so excessively overbearing. 
Everything about this AU will be listed under the tags #wwww au and #william’s wanton weary wiles. 
Additional tags (color-coded according to character): #William Racheal McSprout, #Jimmy wwww, #Al wwww, and #Mr. Capgras wwww
Look out for updates over the next uh. While, I guess :D
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yakny · 1 year ago
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merakiui · 1 year ago
Breeding box for goldfish riddle and his darling?
YES YES!!!! EXACTLY!!!!! You have read my mind, lovely anon. <3 goldfishie Riddle who keeps nudging you because the eggs are packed so tightly inside you, and they're stuck and it's causing you such discomfort. >_< he doesn't know what to do. He's trying to help in the best way he can (by chasing and attempting to breed you).
The researchers take notice of this and thus the breeding box is installed into the tank to isolate you from Riddle. He's so distressed with the separation, but he's soothed somewhat since the box still allows him to see you even if you're now separated by a wall of glass. Researcher [insert twst character here, but for me it will always be Azul LOL] gets into the box with you to help you in laying the eggs. Gently massaging your gravid belly, pressing down softly...... orz orz you're clinging to him and crying relieved tears because it feels so much better with his help. Riddle knows the researchers are helping you, but he feels so useless simply watching from the other side. He's your mate! It's his job to help and care for you, and yet he couldn't do that this time. Aaaa he feels like he's failed his duties as a mate.
You're kept in the box for a few days to recover. The researchers check in on you, bring you your meals, calm down a very irritated Riddle, and eventually you're back to feeling like your usual self. Sadly, this clutch isn't fertilized. Riddle fully intends to help you the next time you have eggs, but this time he'll be the one helping you to lay them and, of course, fertilize them so you can start a family hehe.
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sleepis4theweak · 1 year ago
I just saw your post on Mikey doing angry stimms and had to ask for more /nf since this is the first time I've seen someone draw angry stimms for a character (it's not that common from my perspective)
Thank you- love your artstyle so much!!! :D
(P.s. I also get angry stimmys too sometimes)
Aww- thank you so much for this ask! I am really, really happy you liked it!! And yeah I feel like angry stims aren't talked about as much...
Anyways I was really super excited to draw more- still using stims that I have done, though these are a little more uh... aggressive? I wanted to preface this by saying that I do these gently, or they are stims that I've replaced with something else hehe :)
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For my angry stims a lot of it is based on frustration so it's kinda a lot of flailing? Like aggressive shaking. The biting one isn't something I've done in a while- and is one that I would try to do gently (would not recommend that one lol), and the punching of the thigh is something I tend to do (gently) when I'm hella frustrated with homework :)
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enden-agolor · 1 year ago
i love your art!! I'm not a big fan of jesskas but it's nice to see your passion in the ship, it gives me good vibes!! anyway, do you have fanchilds or have you considered them at some point? i like them because i feel like it's seeing a new type of connection between a ship :DD
It’s not exactly a fanchild (I personally don’t care for those) but I do love to imagine that in the far future once Jesse has coped through the loss of Reuben and found comfortable ground and the ability to move on from losing his best friend, then he’s able to open up the idea of adding a new member to fit that role in his life. It takes a long time to get to this point, and I feel like the reason Jesse is so awkward around other animals is because they remind him of Reuben. Eventually though he and Lukas do get a dog. Years prior, he would have been so put off by the idea of having a pet like this, but once the offer is up and he’s mentally ready to handle it, he takes the offer and accepts a new member to the family. He can’t help but hold on to his old ways in the beginning, kind of comparing her to Reuben but he very quickly stops that when he realizes this little puppy is a totally different experience, and very much gets a soft spot for her. Also Lukas loves to see their little family grow…
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towerofluin · 10 months ago
For the extended sainw was donnie always the tallest? Or do they have to get used to his new height?
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M: We'll catch up! at some point!
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D: ...
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dailygooii · 3 months ago
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Daily Goo Day 46: Huevember Day 30: Popcorn
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itsmuffiiee · 3 months ago
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Boo.. it’s mid november..
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kigut · 7 months ago
Fat Knuckles is an inspired design choice. Completely fitting. Boy's supposed to be a bruiser, he should either look stacked or like he could knock over a house if he ran into it fast enough, and making him fat a way to satisfy that in a way thats both surprising and makes complete sense. Also the way you draw him makes him look awesome. A+ no notes.
ahh thank you!! i'm glad you appreciate my take! i make him fat because i portray him with a power lifter's body type! a regular body builder will just have a lot of muscle mass and less fat percent - it's often just for show and it isn't very sustainable. power lifters are built to .. well, lift a lot of weight! they have a higher fat percentage and are often a lot physically stronger than bodybuilders.
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here's an example pic from this post on quora
for knuckles, i imagine him as being able to not only throw a devastating punch but be able to lift a lot of weight over his head too. a shredded look wouldn't make much sense for that, especially since he lives on an island and doesn't have gym equipment or anything. i feel like he'd be fatter looking, but he's not overweight per-say. he's just very strong - and naturally so!
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heres a pic i drew earlier this year. you can kinda see what im going for :D altho these days i draw him even bigger lol
another factor for him is his age! i draw/portray him as being in his 30s so he's kinda softer now. that period of time in his life where he was able to evade the gut is long gone. you'll notice that if i ever draw knuckles at a younger point in his life, he isnt fat. being bighuge is a more recent thing for him as a result of him hitting later maturity
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prythianpages · 3 months ago
End of the Year WIP ask game
I have so many WIPs lol but it's been a long time since I shared anything for Cas so here's a snippet of a draft from my Cas x love witch series <3:
Cassian leaned casually against the counter of your shop, his eyes tracking your movements as you approached the shelves lined with colorful potions. The last potion you had given him had left him feeling all warm and giddy and giggly. “Glee brew,” you had called it. “A feel good potion.” 
The potion worked in a similar way to alcohol. It held the power to make you feel light and release your inhibitions without the consequences of losing your balance or feeling hungover the following day. You even claimed it brought good luck.
Tapping one finger against your lips in deep contemplation, your eyes scanned the array of vibrant elixirs. Cassian watched as your eyes brightened, lingering on a vial filled with a shimmering blush-colored liquid.
“This one’s called ‘Butterfly’s Kiss,’” you said as you reached for it and made your way back to him. “It’s said to awaken the butterflies in your stomach, guiding you toward love. It’s one of my most popular—and potent—potions. I just brewed this batch this morning!”
Cassian glanced down at the potion you held out to him. The cork was fashioned into a dainty butterfly, its wings spread as if caught in mid-flight. He examined it for a moment before uncapping it with a crisp pop that startled Honey from his nap. The little feline’s white tail twitched as he blinked open his sleepy eyes and Cassian eyed the cat in a wary manner, remembering the last time he had piqued Honey’s interest.
“The nice thing about this potion,” you continued, drawing his attention back to you,  “is that it smells different to everyone, according to what they find most attractive. The stronger the scent, the more potent the potion.”
Cassian brought the vial to his nose, his brows furrowing slightly in a curious manner.. He frowned slightly and looked back at you. “All I can smell is you,” he said, though the scent of rose and vanilla seemed to have wrapped itself around him since he entered your shop.
“What?” You exclaimed, a look of disbelief crossing your face. You took the vial from him, leaning in to sniff it yourself. “I’m getting the same thing—just you,” you murmured, puzzled. A small frown tugged at your lips as you set the vial down on the counter. “Why didn’t I���Cauldron above, my magic has never failed my potions…”
“I can still try it,” Cassian offered. You opened your mouth to protest, but before you could utter a word, Cassian had already lifted the potion to his lips. 
“Cas…” you gasped, your hand freezing mid air, your eyes widening.
Time seemed to stretch into an eternity as you watched him take a tentative sip and then a large gulp. The atmosphere in the room thickened with anticipation. Honey’s tail had gone still, and even Moxie, who had been restocking candles, peered around the corner.
Cassian felt hot. 
His face flushed and he felt short of breath as a violent flutter tore through his stomach. It quickly escalated into a nauseating churn that spread through his insides. He set the vial down with a trembling hand, his knuckles white against the counter as he leaned heavily on it for support.
“Oh, Cas,” he heard you murmur.
You disappeared from his side with a sense of urgency and returned quickly. Moxie had brought a chair for him to sit and you placed a trash bin in front of him just in time. Cassian barely had a moment to react before he was doubled over, the effects of the potion manifesting violently.
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