#thank you for giving me a reason to spew about my oc/canons
birthclod · 1 year
top 5 of ur favorite oc/canon pairings (optional: + why if u wanna gush about them)
for legal reasons this is in no particular order.
I JUST. THINK THEY'RE NEAT. they're both arospec and they both have biomed/veterinary medicine degrees and they work together and they get the other person down to the smallest detail and they're the Only Goddamn Person The Other One Can Stand. shit's great.
2. jet and ammy
they've got good banter honestly. also both of them grew up in bad home lives in america and the whole "being turned into a cyborg against your will" thing is bound to give them a few things in common. they just Get each other you know?
3. tabbybob / tabbygraham
i can't choose between either of my more prominent tabby ships because they're both really good. tabby and bob came first and i can see them being more domestic in the future and they personally click more for me. they also have actual conflict in their arc bc of, certain events in electricopolis. also their names together can be cats puns. tabby and graham is also a really good fit because they're both musicians and they both have the same things (and fears) in mind. also, i paid $130+ for a tabbygraham commission and it's one of the best things i ever spent money on so that's worth something
4. takumezuru
these people are in their 30s. they are depressed and self-destructive and they have some solid trauma they never really got past. takuto takes it too far and after he's stopped he starts over. eventually umezuru decides to turn her life around too and get her shit together. they're both recovering one day at a time and that brings them closer. also takuto thinks umezuru is hilarious.
5. pop and dollie
this is like if when harry met sally was between two people who worked for the mafia together and eventually broke away from said mafia. they'd only see each other every so often. it took them literal YEARS to confess to each other and they've never been separate from each other since. partners in romance and crime.
honorable mention: kurtis and madar, because i love their dynamic a lot but ive never done anything with them really except for rp with friends as either of them more than any other tupper i have. also because disgaea does not interest me beyond kurtis and that makes it harder to get material for them. irene and cottonmouth, because toxic problematic outlaws my beloved. they're awful people and they're the best. megido and mary, because meggy is still fresh on my mind and i love him having a little shit as a girlfriend. and marinoch, because i REALLY love their aesthetic as a steampunk engineer man and gothic woodcarver/dollmaker woman who are both unsettling but together thoroughly harmless. also jigi and natsume bc same universe and jigi is peak supportive girlfriend of her eccentric anxiety-ridden lover
and honorable honorable mention to the newest addition to the group, mothman and mon— /shot
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zozo-01 · 2 years
Where I'm from, Rehna means to stay.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all y'all glorious bastards and bitches!!! Is this a Christmas fic? No, it ain't even a winter themed fic. Butttt, it's a fic I promise to write for @sri-rachaa that I finallyyy decided to finish! So, Rae Rae!!! Here's your surprise (even for me) Christmas fic, featuring your favourite headcanon (that's basically canon), your Lovely OC and my Darlin' OC.
[Thank you soooo much to @daveyistheloml for being my beta reader, and tagging @gingerbreadmonsters and @haradasaya to prove that yes, this is fluff. ;-; I am capable of fluff. ;-;]
CW: Fem! Darlin' and Lovely, both characters have names and use she/her pronous, canon divergent (this takes place in Rae's 'Southern Sibling' AU), Sam is still a freelancer, mentions of Quinn and what he did to Darlin' + Momma Collins talking about asshole Papa Collins, my Darlin' OC is a Toronto girl and for once, I am not ashamed of that
The lack of… anything in the countryside always left her unnerved.
Where are the buildings? The people? The random squirrel trying to cross the street? All there was for the eye to see was farmland, farmland and the occasional horse.
Maybe part of the reason she was uncomfortable was that there wasn’t anything to distract her from her thoughts. Back home in Toronto (despite living in Dahlia for a decade, she still thinks of Toronto as home), there were a million things to pay attention to. 
The crowded streets and equally crowded sidewalks. The cars honking at each other. The trains running beneath her feet. The occasional crackhead that was spewing some wisdom to the people walking by. The guy hiding in the alleyway with something… whether it was a knife or gun, she wasn’t gonna stick around and watch.
Ah, the good old days.
The country didn’t have any of that. Unlike the dangerous city, there was nothing of note to focus on. And the fact she couldn’t focus on anything made her brain go haywire.
In her mind, there was nothing in this world that could make her give up her city ways and live in the middle of nowhere.
“You doing alright, darlin’?”
Or maybe there was someone who could.
Zohniyya looked over to the freelancer driving. She shook her head and said, “nah, I’m good, handsome.” Her gaze returned to the vast nothingness outside. She strained her ears to find signs of life, but all she could hear was the heartbeat of the man next to her.
That ain’t a bad thing to listen to.
Just for tonight, she’ll keep quiet about how much silence bothered her. Sam finds the cornfields and the flat lands comforting, the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves was the sound of home.
But that wasn’t the only reason she was unnerved. She was meeting Sam’s mother for the first time. She is going to have to introduce herself, make a good impression and not fuck up everything like she usually does. It wasn’t like parents didn’t like her, aunties of her childhood adored the girl she was. Always perfectly in control of everything, whether it be of the children or of herself.
But that had been when she was the obedient, depleted girl. Now she was a little wiser, a little colder and knew that the opinions of others didn’t define who she was. 
…But holy fucking shit, Zohniyya will drown in her own tears if Sam’s mother showed any kind of disapproval towards her.
She reached into her bag and fiddled with her concealer. Occasionally, she’d look up into her mirror and eye the scars on her face and neck with disgust. The ones he left behind. 
‘Maybe I should hide the scars… maybe just the bites…?’
“Put the damn makeup away, Zohniyya.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m just saying Sam, the bite marks? I don’t want your momma to think I’m some sorta chew toy.” That comment caused her a sharp pinch on her thigh.
“You’re not a chew toy, let alone that leech’s,” he snarled. It was his default tone of voice whenever her last relationship was brought up. His knuckles were turning white from how tightly he was gripping the steering wheel.
She grabbed one of his hands, and placed a gentle kiss on it. It wasn’t much, but the simple kiss was enough to relax him, slightly. “I know, meri Chandh Raath. It’s just,” her voice trailed off and she turned back to look out the window. “I want your mom to like me, and the scars… ya know.” 
Sam took the concealer from Zohniyya’s hand and chucked it to the back seat, ignoring the complaint from the wolf to be careful with the bottle. “Darlin’, my momma’s gonna love ya. You’re her perfect woman, and she’d kill me if I broke your heart.”
“Ok, but like, wouldn’t you be concerned if our kid brought home a partner with a shit tonna scars?”
“I’d be concerned about our child’s partner rather than judge them.”
Neither of them noticed that they’d said ‘our’ and not ‘your’.
She let out a soft laugh. “You’re such a stubborn piece of shit. Let me loathe in peace you southern bastard.”
“No can do, my darlin’ princess. I made a promise to make you happy, safe and loved. And that’s exactly what I plan on doing, so get that pretty head back onto earth.”
She groaned, “I am not a princess, Sam. We’ve talked about this.”
“Well sure as hell gorgeous like one, Zo.” He barked out a laugh when his darlin’ tried to hit him from her seated position. “There’s that smile of yours.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Despite the harsh words, she was smiling and blushing and feeling light and airy and giddy and she just wants to kiss him and oh God Sam is the best and-
“REHNA!!! She’d be terrified of the scars!!”
Sam scoffed. “Please, Missy likes the weirdest shit, and you are far from weird.” He pulls up to the quaint but beautiful house in the middle of farmland. He stopped them from opening her door, and quickly came to her side of the car, opening it for her.
“Thank you, gentleman.” 
He held her hand and helped her out of the car, but before she could walk to the front door, he pulled her close to his chest and wrapped his arms around her. “I know you’re nervous, and I get that.” He rubs her back in a soothing manner. “But I promise you nothing bad is gonna happen in there, I won’t let it.” He kissed her hairline to seal the promise.
She smiled at the reassuring words and let out a deep breath. “Ok, handsome.” She pecked his lips and dragged him to the front door. Was her heart pounding so loudly that a human like Sam can hear? Were they three seconds away from shifting and running back to Dahlia? 
‘Get your head in the fucking game! You’ve fought people way worse and you were a hockey player and figure skater. You so got this.’
Sam rang the doorbell and she heard someone rushing to the door.
‘Oh I so don’t got this, ami help!!!’
Sam placed both his hands on her shoulder to ground her. He didn’t have to be Avior or Gavin to feel the anxiety roll off her. “You are the Zohniyya Qadir. Toughest wolf from the north. And the only person crazy enough to call me your boyfriend.”
“Hey! If anything, you’re the crazy one for accepting me as your girlfriend!”
She tries to ignore the wolf within her, the one screaming at her to call Sam her mate.
Before Sam could rebuttal, the door opened and a golden blur bolted out the house towards Sam’s legs. “SAMMY’S HOME!” A young girl latched onto him with a death grip and nearly knocked over the healer. 
Sam chuckled and patted the little lightning bolt on her back. “Hey there ducklin', happy to see me again?” He didn’t get a verbal response, only a sniffle and a nod. He gave a small smile and lifted her up to carry the little girl. “I know I am, ducklin'. Missed you so much and it’s good to hold you again.” 
Little Rehna rested her head on his shoulder and clung onto his neck. “I don’t want you to leave again Sammy… Please don’t leave again…” She started tearing up and Zohniyya had to steel herself to stop herself from crying. She knew the pain of losing a sibling, and she would never wish that pain on anyone.
“Rennie, I’m never gonna leave ya. Sure, I’ll be leaving you once in a while, but I’ll always come back to you and momma, I promise.” He held out his pinky, waiting for Rehna to wrap her own smaller pinky around his. She does, sealing the promise and love between the two siblings. 
‘Awww, this is kind of cute… Oh fuck, bitch, do not get baby fever now-’ 
“Now, I want you to meet someone. Darlin’, this here is my baby sister Rehna, but you’re free to call her Rennie.”
‘Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, do not fuck this up Zo! Or you can start running, whichever works.’
Rehna turned her head to see the brunette and brown eyed shifter standing to the side. She watched as Rehna went wide eyed and her mouth fell open. The worst thoughts filled her brain. That his little sister didn’t approve of her. That she was right, the scars scared her and that the concealer was necessary.
That despite everything she tries to do, she’ll never be enough for Sam and his love.
“Are you a princess? You’re so pretty!”
Oh, so that wasn’t what she expected.
Zohniyya’s shocked expression dissipated when she saw the cocky smirk on her cowboy’s face. She opened her mouth to tell him to ‘fuck off’, but his eyes gestured to the child in the room. It wouldn’t be the worst thing if she swore, it wasn’t like the people around her when she was a child kept it PG.
Right, she had to make a good impression.
“Aww, I’m no princess, kid. I’m just Zohniyya.” She smiled at Rehna, hoping to appear less scary. Her scared and expressionless face tends to terrify people, and little Rehna was the last person she was trying to push away.
The young girl let out a loud and exaggerated gasp. “You’re Sam’s lady! He talks about you all the time! Is it true that you can turn into a wolf? Can you do it now? Please, please, I wanna see!” Sam barely held onto her with all the thrashing and moving she was doing in his arms.
“Alright missy, no need to blindside her like that. She can show you her wolf form if she chooses to, ok?” Despite the pout and puppy dog eyes on Rehna’s face, she nodded in understanding. He put her down onto the ground and continued. “Run along ducklin’. Why don’t you head inside and tell ma we’re here.” Rehna yelled out an “okay” and ran into the house, leaving the wolf and her freelancer outside.
Sam pulled Zohniyya in by her shoulders and rested her head on his chest. “See? Now was that so bad? I told you everything will be ok.” He kissed her forehead and smiled reassuringly. 
She let out a shaky breath and whispered, “yea, it wasn’t bad.” She did what she always did when she was overwhelmed and buried herself in his chest. The warmth in her chest brought forth by his heartbeat and scent was enough to bring her down from her spiral. “I’m still worried about your mom.”
He chuckled, “don’t you be worried about ma. She’s been waitin’ to meet you since I told her about us.” Sam gently moved Zohniyya’s head from his chest, needing to look into her eyes. It was his way of telling her that everything will be ok. He kissed her on her lips, wanting to see and adoring the smile that came soon after. “Let’s get inside before the heat knocks ya out, you winter wolf.”
She gasped in offence and punched his shoulder, resting her hand there. “I ain’t ever gonna tell you my southern adventures ever again if you keep teasin’ me about that shit.” Her hand slowly trails down the length of his arms, holding his elbow. “Shall we head inside?”
The southern freelancer pulled her close and straightened his back. “We shall head inside,” he said, and the two walked inside Sam’s childhood home.
The first thing they noticed was the plethora of photos on the wall. Some were as recent as a few months ago. Others were as old as the ranch house. She assumed that every picture was of the Collins family. Sam had mentioned that the Oklahoma ranch and land had belonged to his family for generations, it only makes sense for so many memories to be captured in this space.
It also felt like the old generations of the Collins family were judging her.
“City Scum.”
“Vampire fuckthing.”
‘No no, do not let those thoughts mess with you now. You’re about to fucking rock this shit and Sam’s mom is gonna love you… Just… don’t fuck it up.’
“See, I knew I was right callin’ you princess.” His smug smile brought her back to reality, if only to want to smack the cocky grin off his face.
“Meri pyaari, meri dunya aur meri akhirah. I love you deeply. But I swear if you don’t knock this shit off, I will smack the shit out of you.” The threat didn’t have its usual heat because of her beaming smile. He didn’t need to know that he’d be the only one who can call her princess. 
The couple stepped foot into the living room, where an old woman was fussing over the throw pillows on the couch. She turned to the sound of footsteps and cried out, “dear Lord, you made it!” She launched herself at Sam and pulled him into a tight hug. “Are you ok? How was the drive in? Are ya hungry? Thirsty?” Her lips couldn’t hold back the flood of questions that poured out of her.
The only thing that stopped her borderline interrogation was Zohniyya shyly standing behind Sam. The Collins’ mother shoved her son out of her way to approach the wolf. “Oh where are my manners, my name’s Delilah, Sam’s mother. And yours darlin’?”
“My name’s Zohniyya, ma’am and it’s an honour to meet you. Sam has told me incredible things about you.” She tried to keep her city accent from dripping on her words, something she knew Sam noticed, judging by his quirked eyebrow aimed at her.
Delilah laughed and wrapped her arm around Zohniyya’s shoulders. “No need to be so formal with sugar! Call me DeDe, that’s what all my friends call me.” 
Her bright smile made the white wolf relax. “Well in that case, you can call me Zozo, it’s been my nickname for a long a- long time.” 
‘Ok, ok this is good! We’re exchanging nicknames, so that means she must somewhat like me.’
Delilah pinched the wolf’s cheeks. “Aww, aren’t you a beautiful precious thing. Sam’s told me a ton about you as well but I wanna hear it from you! Where ya from?” Delilah turned her back to the couple and went back to organizing her living room.
Before Zohniyya could open her mouth and give an answer that bends the truth of her city status, Sam shot her a look that screamed one thing. 
“Don’t you dare hide anything about yourself darlin’. All of you is wonderful and I want my mom to understand that.”
She sighed. “I was born in Toronto, but I moved to Dahlia when I was 16. It’s where I live now and I’m in law school to be a lawyer.”
“Ohohoho, my son managed to snag a city slicker like you? And a pretty one at that!” Delilah chuckled at the embarrassed expression on Sam and Zohniyya’s faces. “I hope our humble home is to your liking. I know it ain’t compared to city houses.”
“No, no, your home is wonderful! It’s cozy and I like it!” She was honest when she said that. The Collins’ family home was warm and bright, unlike the harsh grays she’s used to. Every room and crevice had proof that there was love in this house. It was a foreign concept, but not an unwelcome one. “Besides, it reminds me of my uncle's ranch. He had one and we went there all the time as kids.”
Delilah’s eyes widened as her curiosity piqued. She asked, “you have family in the south?” 
Zohniyya’s eyes sparkled at that question. “Yea! My mom’s sister and my grandparents lives in Texas and my dad’s brother lives in Louisiana! We used to go down every summer to see’em! The only shit thing was the damn heat. I swear the amount of times I passed out was fucking insane!”
Sam smiled at the sight of his mom and girlfriend conversing as if they were old friends. The more and more Zo spoke, the stronger her accent, one that he loves very much, became. It made him feel giddy to see his wolf laughing with no care in the world, a stark contrast to when he first met her. And sure, part of her laughter was from the stories his mother was spilling, but he’d become a court jester if it means his princess will smile.
Especially if it means she saves that smile for him.
Delilah smacked her thighs and got up. “Gotta get the food ready for us to eat. Sam, come with me and we can let Zo relax for a bit,” she said while walking to the kitchen. 
Zohniyya let out a quick “wait” that made the two southerners stop and look back. She shifted her weight between her legs and stuttered, “it’s just- Sam’s been driving the whole way here, the least I could do is help out with dinner?” She said the last phrase hesitantly. She was acutely aware of how seriously ‘southern hospitality’ is taken (it’s no different than ‘Canadian niceness), but truly, she wanted to give the stubborn healer this one break. 
“Darlin’, it’s ok. I can set up a table-”
“Sam, why don’t you take Rennie and unpack your truck?” He tried to argue, but his momma gave him the look, the one where you don’t dare defy her orders. 
He sighed in defeat. “I swear, y’all are two of the most stubborn women ever.” Sam kissed Zohniyya’s forehead, mumbling, “I’ll see you later.” He called out to his baby sister and left the living room.
Delilah stared at the stubborn yet determined shifter and chuckled. “You remind me of when I was younger.” ‘Is that a good thing? That better be a good thing!’ The old woman started to walk to the kitchen, beckoning the winter wolf to follow her. 
The two women started to set up the table before Delilah spoke up.
“There is… Something I wanted to ask… Only if you want to answer.”
Zohniyya quirked her eyebrow and tilted her head. “Of course, ask away.”
���The scars… what happened?”
Her heart dropped to her chest and for a moment, she wanted to shift and run as far as she could. Away from her past that kept her from moving on. Instead, she used her words to try and make things right.
“I’m so sorry, I know the scars are intimidating, but I promise that I’d never let anything like that happen to him. God, I love him so much to ever hurt him like that. I’d burned myself from the inside out than let Sam go through any kind of pain. But if you want me to never speak with him again I totally understand and I’m sorry and-”
Her panicked blabbers were cut off by warm and loving arms wrapped around her. “Darlin’- No, I didn’t mean it like that. You’re perfect for my son, and if I’m being honest, even if I tried to keep him away from you, he’d rip heaven and earth apart to see you again.” She cupped Zohniyya’s face and wiped her tears, like a mother would do for her child. “I wanted to ask because I was worried. Wanted to make sure you were ok.”
Zohniyya choked back a sob that was rising from her throat at the tender words that Delilah was saying. How long has it been since the shifter felt the kindness of a mother? She’d argue that she’s never received that warmth. 
Holding the shifter steady, Delilah said, “and if Sam ever lays a hand on you, you come to me and I’ll set that boy straight.”
A pained but quiet laugh came from Zohniyya. “He would never do that, but I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Good, it means I raised that boy right.” Delilah went somber. “Sam and Rennie’s father, he… he was a bad man. And I couldn’t bear thinking about if my boy was like him too.” She scoffed, “I know it’s stupid, but there’s a part of me wondering if I left earlier… then maybe it be better for them.”
“Hey.” She held Delilah by her shoulders. “If there is anyone who gets not leaving earlier it’s me.” Zohniyya took a deep breath, preparing her to talk about that asshole. “It took my last boyfriend nearly killing my best friend for me to come to my senses, and the shit I let him do to me…”
Delilah grounded Zohniyya. “We didn’t let anything happen to us, it was their fault, not ours. We didn’t want to get hurt, just to be loved.” Delilah played with Zohniyya’s dark, curly hair. “And I’m glad you got out and that you’re happy.” 
“I am, Sam’s to thank for that. I just… You must be such an incredible woman to raise a man like him and I am forever thankful for that.” Her eyes may have been watery, but her smile shone as bright as ever.
Delilah rolled her eyes at the praise. “That’s all him, I didn’t do anything.”
“Sam would call bullshit on that. He always goes on about how you’re responsible for the man he is today, I can see why.” 
It was more than the eyes and facial shape the mother and son shared. She could see where Sam got his compassion, his kindness, his stubborn nature and his capability to love from.
Despite his fears that he shared with her, Sam was nothing like his father and now she has the proof to back it up.
Delilah wiped her own tears from her eyes and sniffled, “we should set up the table before Samuel and Rehna get back.”
Zohniyya nodded and picked up where she left off, and for the first time since she got to the house, the weight on her chest was lifted and she could finally breathe again.
“Also another question, I heard that wolves had a thing… mates was it? So am I getting grandkids anytime soon?”
Zohniyya’s stuttered and embarrassed answer was all Delilah needed to let out a good laugh.
It was pitch dark and silent that night.
Way too silent than the shifter was used to. 
Once she untangled herself from Sam’s arms (she had to put a pillow in her place to make sure he didn't wake up), Zohniyya walked down to the kitchen for some water.
As she drank, she heard another set of footsteps coming up behind her, kicking her senses into overdrive. She damn near shifted at that moment, anything to make sure her man and his family is ok.
But she calmed down when her dark eyes met the watery eyes of Rennie.
She dropped to her knees and opened her arms for the little girl. Rehna ran into her arms and held onto her like Zohniyya was her lifeline. “Hey, hey, you’re alright meri jaan. Wanna tell me what happened?”
Rehna’s voice was muffled from her burying her face in Zohniyya’s chest, but she was able to make out that she said, “scary nightmare.” And that was all she needed to act.
Carefully, she tightened her arms around Rehna and stood up. She ran her hand through the young girl’s blonde hair. “Want me to take you back to bed?” She felt Rennie shake her buried head, a no. Zohniyya stopped for a bit and said, “what if I stay with you tonight?”
That made Rennie pause before nodding her head, prompting the wolf to carry her back to Rennie’s room. Once she got there, Zohniyya tried to put her down, but the blonde had a death grip on her. 
When Rennie said she wants Zohniyya to stay, she meant she wants her to hold her while she falls back asleep. She racked her brain for ideas on how to get Rennie to sleep again, until the perfect idea struck her.
“You know what my pack Alpha used to do whenever I couldn’t sleep?” She asked the question quietly, but it was enough to grab Rennie’s full attention. 
Her eyes sparkled. “What did he do?” Her voice dripped with childish curiosity, a sort of innocence that Zohniyya will die defending.
“He’d shift for us and let us cuddle his wolf form.” Her eyes went misty from remembering her old Alpha. “Gabe’s wolf form was huge, so even as teens, he’d cuddle us. Something about having wolf fur surrounding you made the nightmares… go away. Or maybe it’s a wolf thing.”
Rehna fiddled with her blanket and shyly asked, “can you give me wolf cuddles too?”
She smiled. “Pyaari, it be my honour. First I need you to close your eyes and no peeking, or else you’re gonna get it.” As with all of her threats from today, it was empty as hell.
Rehna giggled and covered eyes. 
Zohniyya got off the bed and removed her clothes. The tension left her body when she shifted, always a welcome feeling. Thankfully, Rehna’s bed was big enough to fit herself and the wolf. 
Gently, she climbed onto her bed and nudged the little girl with her snout. It was her cue to finally open her eyes and see the beautiful white wolf in front of her.
“You’re so pretty! You look like snow on a mountain top!” Rennie curled up beside the wolf and buried her face in her fur, her littles gripping the wolf for dear life. She rested her head against Zohniyya's fluffy stomach. “Thank you… for this… I’m gonna go to sleep now…” Rehna’s breathing went quiet and soft snores filled the room.
‘Sonay jao, chunni se munni. Khal, ap tumhari daraona khawab yaad nah rehna.’ 
“Samuel, go get the damn camera now!”
“I’m grabbing it ma, I can only move so fast! I ain’t a damn vamp.”
“Are you giving me attitude Samuel?”
“No ma’am.”
“You did well loving her and making her feel loved.”
“Momma, I think it’s my life's greatest achievement having the honour to call her mine.”
“Good, I want her in our lives for as long as possible. Besides, I need grandbabies Samuel!”
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amorremanet · 8 years
11, 14 & 17? ^.^
asks for fanfic writers.
I did 17 over here, but!
11. do you listen to music when writing?
Sometimes, yes! It sort of depends on what I’m writing and what kind of mood I’m in, but I pretty much always listen to something. It’s more just a matter of whether I’m going to listen to music or TV/movies.
And then in each case, there’s the issue of like, “do I want to listen to the Twilight Princess OST or the Silent Hill 2 OST?” (because video game OSTs are great at both evoking mood and increasing focus), or, “do I want a video game OST, or my playlist for [character, ship, project, the mood I’m in, whatever; I have playlists for everything]”
—or if I’m going to listen to TV/movies, then it’s like, “TV or movies?” and then, “Disney movie or superhero movie? Marvel movie or DC movie? Pink Flamingos, Hairspray, or Female Trouble? The Prince of Egypt or Crimson Peak? Star Wars” or in TV Land, it’s more, “Well, I can’t work and listen to something relatively new [which is one of the biggest reasons why I’m perpetually late to everything new on TV], so… House or Criminal Minds? Yuri on Ice dub [because I can’t watch the subs and write at the same time] or SVU reruns? Firefly or Futurama?”
14. easiest character to write
Oh gosh, that’s…… hard. And it often depends on the fandom, and sometimes it depends on what kind of mood I’m in, but…
Barty Crouch Jr. has always been really easy for me (partly because he has Favorite advantage, and partly because I’ve put 16+ years into his character at this point, so like. JKR could drop all of her notes about his family and backstory and everything on us tomorrow — not that I really think said notes exist, but if they did — and I’d probably just go, “Yeah, that’s nice, but with all due respect, Mum? My version’s better, and I’m just going to continue treating it as if it’s canon because bite me, that’s why”).
AlSev Potter and Scorpius Malfoy are both really easy, too, but tbh, I think that’s because my versions of them are essentially glorified OC’s, since my attitude toward Cursed Child with regard to characterization is, “*nods mildly* That’s nice, but I’m going to pick and choose at my leisure, thanks. No offense, but I’ve been working on these kids since DH first came out, and I much prefer my headcanon Scorpius who is the biggest, loudest, gayest Drama Princess you have ever met in your life and has been trying to shock Lucius into having a heart attack and dying since he was like six,
“and my headcanon AlSev who’s sometimes Ruby Minerva Severus, most often genderfluid but sometimes a binary trans girl and other time a gay cis boy, loves Ginny but has a complicated and often strained relationship with her (but in fairness, AlSev-Ruby talks to Godfather Neville and Hagrid about their problems more than they talk to either Harry or Ginny), has a complicated relationship with Harry too but for other reasons and when Harry and Ginny eventually divorce each other, AlSev-Ruby is going to stay at their Dad’s more often than their Mum’s, and never lets anyone forget that their middle name is Severus because AlSev-Ruby likes pissing them off with that fact — especially their Weasley grandparents
“Ron but AlSev-Ruby usually feels bad about this because they know on some level that they’re usually lashing out at Ron unfairly because it’s not about their name in most of these scenarios and entirely about other emotions that AlSev-Ruby has no earthly idea how to handle or express in a healthy or constructive way, and they boil over very easily when people needle them about their name (and if it weren’t Ron on the receiving end of this, it would probably be James)
“and Snape’s portrait, whom AlSev-Ruby accidentally made respect them by going, ‘You’re a painting. You are oil on canvas, magically imbued with the real Severus Snape’s personality and memories. Snap at me all you want, but you can’t do anything to me that’s worse than what Rita Skeeter and Molly have been doing for my entire life so far. If you want to get to know me, instead of using me as some conduit for all of your lingering issues with my Dad, then cool, I’d like to get to know you, too. You’re the closest I can get to getting to know my real middle-namesake instead of the myth of him that’s been built up since the War. But if you’ve got nothing interesting to say, then please shut up and let me wait for the Headmistress in peace’ in their first year, if not as eloquently because they were eleven and being Sulky™”
As much as I still hate being compared to her, even accepting that I totally deserve it, Hermione Granger is another easy one for me to get into and always has been. The hard thing with her is not reducing her to either Perfectly Perfect Hermione (which JKR can even fall into some times, like when Hermione hexed the DA sign-up sheet and it scarred Marietta’s face without regard for how Umbridge is the one to blame in that situation and not Marietta) or some joke about some of the times in canon when she was Over The Top about something, in ways that Harry didn’t entirely get so the narrative treats them as Totally Hilarious, even though SPEW (for example) is actually not funny when held up to scrutiny and Hermione works so hard at school out of deep-set fear of failure and being dispensable, and probably also fear that maybe she doesn’t belong in the magical world
Luna Lovegood is also pretty easy for me, though the hard thing with her is trying to make sure that I write her thought processes honestly but in a way that makes sense for the reader (it’s a variation on the big problem of stream of consciousness writing, where writing actual facts stream of consciousness looks like Finnegan’s Wake and is tedious as fuck to read, so Luna has to be close to stream of consciousness but tamed enough so that the experience of reading anything written from her POV is more likely to be enjoyable, and less likely to be like getting hit upside the head with a tire iron labeled, “IT’S ART OKAY, IT’S NOT FOR YOU”).
Then, Remus Lupin is by far the easiest of the Marauders for me to write, and Andromeda Black Tonks can actually be pretty hard for me sometimes, but she’s easier than either of her sisters and still one of the easiest MWPP-era characters for me, period.
And as far as non-HP characters go: well, my other biggest source of fandom writing in the past while has been Teen Wolf, and the top five easiest kids for me there are Scott McCall (to the surprise of no one ever), Kira Yukimura (#still bitter),
“Camden Lahey (but lbr, he’s pretty much just an OC with a canon name because literally all we know about him in canon is, “Isaac’s older brother, on the 2005/6 swim team, died in the military” so the rest of it is shit that I wholesale made up and of course he’s easier for me to get into character with than, say, Allison — who is probably the third easiest of the ladies for me to get into character with, after either Braeden or Malia but it depends on the day — because Allison has, like, actual canon shit to deal with and Cam…… kinda doesn’t.
Like, all of the vaguely Actual Canon shit that he has to deal with is stuff that’s off in the realm of extrapolation, interpretation, and, “Hey, nothing in canon says that he DIDN’T visit Derek and Laura in New York on his way back from his first visit home during his service, or that he DIDN’T drag Derek uptown to see Patti Lupone as Mama Rose because Cam is a Fanboy for reasons relating to his and Isaac’s late Mother, or that they didn’t argue at the intermission about how IT’S A MUSICAL DEREK STOP TRYING TO QUESTION WHY THE CHARACTERS SING JFC IT’S LIKE I DON’T EVEN KNOW YOU”
or, “lbr, Derek is as subtle as a brick hitting you in the face at 5,000 mph and Paige canonically figured out that he was a werewolf anyway, so I don’t think it’s entirely implausible that, if we accept the idea of him and Cam being friends — and Cam being one of the only people who, like, genuinely likes Derek, instead of tolerating him because he’s okay at basketball and his family is rich — then Cam probably figured out that Derek and Laura are werewolves, and if that’s the case, he probably got trotted over to the Hales’ place so Talia could give him third-degree about whether or not he’s with the Argents or any other hunters.
“And, because he was like fifteen and had literally just found out that supernatural shit is real, Cam probably showed that he wasn’t a hunter by getting way too excited about hearing which magical creatures are real and temporarily shelving his hate-on for Talia to be all, ‘oh my god, are vampires real? can they infect werewolves? could Derek be like, a vampire werewolf, how would that even work’ or, ‘so silver bullets don’t hurt you, but what about someone saying your True Name? is True Name magic real?’ or, ‘do seances actually work? I’m totally not asking because I want to try and perform one to contact my dead Mom, I just want to know, like. For curiosity’s sake. Yeah……’”
[spoilers: Cam was TOTALLY asking because he wanted to try and use a seance to contact Eleanor. Derek and Laura had to stop him from trying to do the thing no fewer than eight times before Cam and Derek graduated. To his credit, Derek at least skipped trying to give Cam any kind of lecture, but tbf, he did that because he knew Cam would argue back at him about how Derek had no right to tell Cam that he was doing something stupid and dangerous and playing with things that he didn’t understand, and that Cam’s argument would probably be more than fair.
This did not stop Laura from giving Cam the lectures that he completely deserved, though, because: 1. he was essentially walking up to a big red button labeled, “do not push” and trying to push it without even reading the owner’s manual or the informational plaque on the wall that had a full explanation of why you shouldn’t push the button, and he KNEW that he was doing this, but he felt like it was all going to work out TOTALLY FINE because he wanted his Mom to be not dead and in lieu of that, why can’t he have a seance, Laura, UGH;
and 2. because, unlike Cam and Derek, Larua generally doesn’t do shit that’s too horribly stupid or that has completely awful consequences (…mostly), so she had an actual high-ground from which to give Cam these, “don’t screw around the magic, what the fuck are you thinking” lectures and wasn’t intimidated by Derek’s loudmouth little friend who, like, actively repels everything that even vaguely resembles chill.]
—so, anyway, the point is that I can pretty much do whatever I want with Cam and it makes him a lot easier to write. Laura is a similar case of, “this character is easy for me to write because I made her up,” and in fairness, a lot of my characterization for Braeden is headcanon, too. It’s just headcanon that has more of a basis in canon than Camden and Laura do.
I mean.
Except for parts like Braeden’s twin sister Belladonna who is a ballerina because fuck Jeff Davis, that’s why and also the only family member Braeden still talks to on any regular basis, and their parents who teach at Miskatonic University because I’m pretty sure it’s in the public domain at this point so nyeh, I’m gonna use it, and also they’re in the know about the supernatural but part of a group who has a policy of strict non-intervention, which Braeden thought was bullshit so she set out to do her own thing, which initially involved more plans to help people…… but then she learned that a girl’s gotta eat, and the mercenary work got started.
Also, she will wipe the floor with you at karaoke. Because I felt like it, that’s why.
Yeah, that’s all pretty, “this is not even remotely implied by canon and I wholesale made it up because canon wasn’t giving me like any damn Braeden backstory beyond the barest implications and I fucking felt like it, so there. PS: fuck Jeff Davis.”)
Derek Hale (I’m not always proud of this fact or entirely thrilled about it because when I get into Derek’s head, I take a lot of things from his canon characterization — especially in earlier episodes, before he started trying to be less of a jerk and discovered that: 1. he sucks as an Alpha, and 2. he loves Scott sooooo much — to their logical conclusions and his head is usually not a very pleasant place to be.
Like, he’s my werewolf disaster and I begrudgingly love him but we’re still talking about a guy who, when I write him, makes leaps of logic like, “Well, Cam said to look out for Isaac because he’s not here to do it himself. That is totally the same thing as giving me verbal permission to stalk his baby brother and manipulate him into accepting the Bite, very good plan, way to go, Derek!! :D” and thinks that, “Scott kissed ME first and didn’t explicitly SAY that he’s NOT 17, therefore I’m totally not obligated to ask him shit about shit or consider whether or not he’s having sex with me as a form of emotional self-harm” is a completely valid conclusion and way of doing things
He’s also a guy who would do things like cheat on Braeden with Cam and Cam with Braeden, while telling neither of them about this, and then when he gets arrested for doing something ridiculous, he would call both of them to come get him at the Sheriff’s station because he’s pretty sure that one of them will be mad and decide to just leave him there to think about what he’s done this time — which would end up in both of them coming, and figuring out that they’ve both been getting cheated on, and skip right past the, “being mad at the other cheated upon party” part to the part that’s more like,
“going for coffee and complaining about the fuck-up they’ve both been dating and making fun of things like his secret One Direction blog, or the Star Wars fanfic he writes where his blatant self-insert OC gets to bang Han, Leia, Mara Jade, Lando, both of the Solo twins, and Padmé (in some wonky shenanigans involving time travel) — oh and sucks for Derek, but Cam and Braeden decided to tell Parrish to just leave him in his holding cell because fuck him, they’ve been getting cheated on so he can just call Laura and beg her to come save his ass tonight”
negl, one of my favorite places to put Derek in non-supernatural AUs is prison. How he wound up there usually involved him killing Peter, and it sometimes involved him panicking and hiding Peter’s body under the floorboards because he’s a loser who thinks Edgar Allan Poe is actually a good model for How To Handle Murdering Someone, and…… yeah, I just. I love Derek, he’s easy for me to write, but he’s a disaster in ways I don’t always feel like dealing with, so sometimes, he gets to just go the fuck to prison so I don’t have to deal with him today.)
and……… ugh, I can’t pick between Danny Mahealani and Jackson Whittemore for the number five spot, but both of them are really easy for me, and like. Jackson, I am still vaguely ashamed of, but I don’t feel that bad about it because I got here by virtue of writing him when Astrid and I RP’d TW stuff together and she didn’t want to just talk to herself for ages by writing Isaac and Jackson, and I refused to half-ass it with Jackson and found a way into his head and here we are.
And Danny as I write him is, in a lot of ways, only somewhat less of an OC than Cam and Laura, so…… basically, that.
And bonuses, because I like talking about my legitimate OC’s, oops: Margot, Pete, and Sebastian are the easiest for me to write at the moment but in fairness, that’s largely because I’ve done the most work developing them as characters, relative to everyone else in the cast.
Like, Todd (who is officially Seb’s “it’s complicated,” and Seb’s Gawain Stacy, if you ask Pete — or sometimes even if you don’t ask Pete, because he will totally tell you this whether you like hearing it or not, especially if your name is Sebastian) — Todd has this notion that he, Margot, and Seb are basically gay boy!Hermione (Todd), lesbian!Harry (Margot), and, “Ron but like what if his family had Malfoy money and he was gay” (Seb). He’s not entirely wrong (and their Houses map onto the Trio’s secondary Houses because of course I know my OCs’ Hogwarts Houses, like why would I not know that)
(This whole Thing of Todd’s actually STARTED because I knew that he is a Ravenclaw, Seb’s a Hufflepuff, and Margot’s a Slytherin, and went, “lol, it’s like the Golden Trio in an AU where none of them wound up in Gryffindor, heh”)
and it makes sense that this is how Todd sees things with them because the three of them found each other in undergrad (though Seb found Margot when their RA paired them up for some “getting to know you” thing during orientation because they were the tallest and the shortest people on the hall, and he found Todd at the first meeting of the campus LGBTIQ students organization, had a crush at first sight on the cute chubby guy in the hot pink t-shirt with the screenprint of the Pink Flamingos poster, and totally meant to go be Super Cool about asking Todd out……
……buuuuuut he got excited and instead it came out like, “Hi, oh my god, I love your shirt, you like John Waters, I love John Waters, he’s my hometown hero, oh my god hi hi hi, my name’s Sebastian what is yours do you want to go get coffee, please be my friend, do you like Rocky Horror too? there’s a theatre a couple blocks from here that does a regular shadow-cast, we should totally check it out, I have just met you and I like you please be my friend” instead of like an actual date invite. And he totally called his Mom later that night to go, “MOM, I MADE ANOTHER FRIEND. TWO IN TWO DAYS, MOM. yeah no i still kind of hate my roommate he’s a jerk BUT I HAVE TWO NEW FRIENDS MOM”
………He was very lonely before undergrad because his only constant friend who wasn’t one of his siblings and didn’t shun him after he got outed at Catholic school [though technically, he sort of outed himself in an attempt to spare his boyfriend/best friend from being outed because Seb’s parents already knew he was gay and were totally cool about it, but Damian’s parents believed in reparative therapy and his uncle was the priest at their Catholic school, so him getting outed was really not an option]? Yeah, that only friend was Pete. But I digress.)
Anyway, Todd’s view of things is a little skewed by how he’s lived them, and strictly speaking, trying to map any of my kids onto the Golden Trio and Company is going to end up being a discussion of archetypes and tropes more than anything else because…… But they’re not the Golden Trio and Company.
There are some similarities, but they are mostly in the realm of archetypes AND the ones that aren’t quite as trope-y happened by accident (like, when I noticed that Seb actually does have quite a few similarities with Ron, aside from having Malfoy money — right down to his dad having an A name (Abraham) and his mom having an M name (Marceline) — I went, “well, FUCK” and started trying to get some of those similarities to be…… less so? Because…… Seb’s not Ron. And I don’t want him to be too overly similar to Ron because I want him to be himself, in his own right.
Fortunately, though, Ron isn’t a filthy rich, gay recovering addict who’s been living with undiagnosed major depression for his entire life and sort of accidentally stumbles into finding his mutant superpowers, and whose abusers aren’t his parents — because Abe and Marceline are pretty chill and have been fab to all four of their kids — but rather a series of douchebag ex-boyfriends who [unlike Molly and Arthur] are for real in-text acknowledged as being abusive jerks, and that’s a pretty solid start on Seb Is Not Ron)
But if you were going to try to do the Golden Trio And Company map here, then Todd would probably be Ginny, actually. They don’t have a lot in common, but there are some points of crossover, and the biggest one for me at the moment? Is that right now, I’m guilty of something that I bag on JKR for doing all the time, which is, “Ginny is a great idea for a character but you didn’t fully actualize her like she deserved in the text, you regularly reduced her existence to being Harry’s Significant Other, and it’s frankly bogus, Joanne” — and I’m aware of this, so I’m trying to fix it by working on Todd as a character
But I’m also trying to not spend forever fine-tuning every last detail about a story and then not having a draft of it so much as I have a two-foot stack of print-outs about different parts of it that kinda sorta look like a complete picture when you arrange them just so and tilt your head slightly to the left. So, basically, at the moment? Getting Todd to be more fully realized is on my List Of Shit To Do, but it’s way less of a priority than, “actual complete draft of this train-wreck” because I can do some of this work in revisions and rewriting
But since I opened this door anyway and want to complete the thought for the amusement factor:
Seb, obviously, is Harry in the bigger picture, even if this is mostly based on, “Harry is The Protagonist of his series, and although MY series is ultimately going to be more of an ensemble cast thing, Seb is the focal character for the first book because, in fairness to all the others, he was here first”
Todd is Ginny for the reasons that I just said
Pete and Margot both have very fair claim to being either Ron or Hermione, so they could arguably take turns, and ultimately, the big reason why I’m going to say Pete’s Ron and Margot’s Hermione?
is that Pete has two older siblings and some Issues with both of them (though he’s working them out with his sister, and not so much with his older brother) and has been Seb’s friend longer
while Margot’s an only child and they have totally used the, “we’re both gay, we love each other like brother and sister” line when they don’t feel like explaining their no romo soulmates kind of relationship to people (and sometimes when trying to make Seb’s siblings be less…… not pleased that Margot is so important to him, because to varying degrees, all three of them kinda sorta blame her for some of his problems in ways that she doesn’t entirely deserve)
Lucy is Neville but, like, a plucky ginger lesbian. This is probably one of the comparisons that looks a lot more like reaching, because on the surface, Lucy has a lot more in common with Ginny outside of their roles in the plot — but the thing is?
Even once I get Todd to be more developed, and even if he and Seb aren’t endgame (which was my original plan and I might stick to it but they have a LOT of shit to work on before they can go there so we’ll see how that goes), Todd is still going to be Ginny’s closest analogue to me because the ideas of them and their arcs are closer than anyone else’s (though in fairness, my idea of Ginny and her arc isn’t necessarily anybody else’s because JKR botched writing Ginny so much that this is almost, “room for wild mass guessing” instead of, “room for interpretation”)
Whereas…… yes. Lucy comes on strong, she’s a plucky go-getter who would probably try to fight the sun if she thought the sun was looking at her girlfriend funny, she’s a complete loudmouth and not always in ways that are conducive to anything, she’ll call you on your shit but usually without realizing that she’s saying something she needs to be hearing too, she tries too hard to do everything on her own and usually needs to experience some kind of big setback before she’ll consider accepting help with anything, and she will probably shout at someone while telling them to go calm down because they told HER to calm down.
Also, she’s the only one in my main ensemble cast who’s a legit Gryffindor, for better and for worse (Pete is a Slytherin — though in fairness, Gryffindor is his secondary House [he is aware of this, thanks to an ex of his who made him get Pottermore Sorted and was dead shocked when he wound up in Slytherin, but he has no idea what this means but he’s offended by it because Gryffindor’s colors are red and gold and no thanks, he doesn’t like how he looks in red and gold. He loves how he looks in green and silver, though] — and Josie’s a Ravenclaw)
—but a lot of how Over-The-Top Extra™ she is? that comes out of insecurity and trying to be various things that aren’t true to herself, because she deeply believes that she isn’t good enough. Granted, a big difference between her and Neville is that, while Neville spends a lot of time in the early books being terrified of his potential because he might screw up and prove right everyone who’s ever called him useless, Lucy instead tries to outrun her all of feelings of self-doubt and self-loathing instead of dealing with them, and basically plays a game of, “if I ignore them and just act like the popular idea of me — or like the me I want to be — but louder, maybe they will go away!!”
She’s going to be shocked when this catches up to her, because when she first shows up in the story, she’s of the mind that hey, she has accepted that she’s a lesbian — even if she’s only out to a small handful of people because…… uh, she’s Damian’s baby sister and their parents are still Not Really Very Safe to come out to. Their dad is probably going to die without Lucy coming out to him and she has VERY fair reasons for being afraid that he’d disown her for this — but!!! She has still accepted this!!!! Clearly it was the ONLY THING in her life that she wasn’t at peace with and now she IS so everything is going to magically be ALL BETTER NOW RIGHT!!!!!
No, not really, Lucy. Your sexuality is just one of the things about yourself that you aren’t at peace with.
Lucy’s response: *throws herself even harder into trying to outrun her self-doubt and being completely disingenuous to herself in the process, while trying to smile and laugh like nothing is wrong even though it really blatantly is*
So, that’s all going over about as well as you’d expect (i.e., not very well, not even a little bit whoops), and a lot of her arc in the series is going to be about finding peace with herself and finding her own ways of being a hero that may not necessarily line up with any more conventional expectations thereof, or even her own preconceived ideas of How To Hero Good, and yeah. She’s Neville, but like, a plucky ginger lesbian.
Also, she and Seb are foils for each other in a loooooot of ways that make them mapping onto Harry and Neville make more sense than trying to make Lucy map onto Ginny, in structural terms
Josie is Luna, and I’m short-changing my genderfluid empath child a lot right now but I’ve also been writing this post for WAAAAAY longer than I intended and ahahaha, everyone’s probably bored
And Conrad is Draco Malfoy, but absent any of the excuses that fans love making for Draco (especially not the age thing, like. Draco behaves in a LOT of ways that are completely unacceptable for any person of ANY age, but I will acquiesce that his age is a contributing factor in some instances because he’s a freaking CHILD. Conrad’s not, though. Like, Conrad is 46 and the oldest member of the main cast in the first book. Conrad gets no excuse for his bullshit based on his age.
He also doesn’t get to claim anything about being terrified for the safety of the people he cares about, because…… uh. While I think that the HP fandom oversells that point re: Draco in HBP because at first, he was completely gung-ho and proud of himself for joining a group of Pureblood supremacist domestic terrorist fascists, Draco was still abused and manipulated by Voldemort here — and during the entirety of HBP and DH — and…… well. Conrad was lied to and played by people who are even bigger douchebags than he is, yeah. But he wasn’t sold on joining the neo-fascist supervillains by having his loved ones threatened; he was sold on it by having his ego stroked and only giving a fuck about how this could benefit him)
So, basically, Conrad is Draco with even fewer redeeming qualities
Given that I think Draco only has, like, TWO redeeming qualities, or maybe three on a good day (and that’s debatable because at least one point here is, “it’s not really a quality of his own so much as the fact that I hate victim blaming more than I dislike Draco”), uh
Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaah, no.
Conrad is only not The Literal WORST EVER because there are other douchebags in his neo-fascist supervillain club who are even worse than he is.
i just love my oc mutant weirdos a lot, thank u for reading
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