#thank you for finally giving us sizzy
kyungsootherapper · 5 years
as much as I love shadowhunters, they did Clary and Jace sooo wrong in the finale. I understand they weren't a very liked ship (tbh, I was waiting for Sizzy and Malec to have their happy endings this whole time that I kind of forgot about Clace) but taking all of Clary's memories away, and starting right from the beginning as if three seasons didn't happen is just kind of..eh?
I can't complain about Malec and Sizzy though, and I absolutely loved Raphael's ending!
As someone who has read the sh books, I was really surprised by how the series ended and I really don't mind, if anything I like it more- the only thing I would change is Clace's ending, cause it's unfair not only for Clary, but also for Jace, her best friend Simon and everyone else.
You could say it's an "open ending" and image your own ending though; I'd like to think that Clary got her memories back at some point tbh..
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Yay I'm here!!
I missed a couple of hours, cause guess what?? I finally cut my hair!! Lexi's style!!! I'm so happy!! 😆It feels so good (although I had to take a shower cause returning home it started raining and I got all wet) anyways, lets dive into the pain:
Alec scaring the living hell out of David never gets old 😂
"But real strength was not in surviving the presence of pain. Real strength was in suviving the absence of love." Could David stop being perfect? Me heart cant handle it🥺
Someone among them!!! Shit.
The seelie queen was assassinated??? Wow
"David had to admit, he looked damn good with it." I shouldnt be laughing😂😂
Yessss. David is so precious I cant-
"It hurt David so much that he couldn’t give that to his boyfriend." My baby... 🥺🥺
“I’d like to take care of the New York institute,” David said now. “Because Jace Herondale and Clary Fairchild took care of me.” (I leigh screamed. Please... I love him so much its not healthy...)
This conversation is giving me 5 more years of life 💙💙
"The memory hurt. But not for long. It was replaced by another man. A man with golden eyes." I may have teared up a little bit 🥺🥺
"David hadn’t known love can literally change the world – not until he heard about Alec Lightwood changing the world for the man he loved." jdhehwlb THISSS. Like, he WILL be remember like this!!!
"All I ever wanted was to be like you.” I'm literally speachless...
“To be entirely honest, I did all of that for Magnus.”😂 And we love you for that Alec!!!
THAT QUOTE!! I REMEMBER THAT QUOTE!! (the one about being a hero) I even have it on my notes cause I loved it 😂
Now that I'm analyzing it... This doesnt give a good vibe... "He wanted to be the one the hero went to hell for"... Maybe.... You know what?? I'm not going to think more cause I'll get worried
“What’s that?” the Consul frowned, pointing at his neck. By the angel! David was going to have words with Max when he saw him again. “Uh,” David said. “Mosquito bite.”  (lmaoo😂😂 David, he is the inventor of bad excuses that have to do with necks!!! Thats not going to work!!)
"I came to check on how you were doing.” tysm for reminding me my love for Simon💙
Ok, but they are so right!!
OH gods!!! He noticed the hickey!! 😂😂
“But I have been to hell - and I know it’s real,” Simon Lovelace said, his eyes cold. “And when we find out who hurt my family, I will send them there myself.” (Dark!Simon has so much potential, just imagine!!)
Wuuu, second pov!!
“I did have a latte,” her mother said with a straight face. Georgia didn’t find that funny. (Sorry for laughing...)
I relate to Selena on a spiritual level
"She wondered if all siblings were like that – where one was the sun and the other was the moon." I LOVED THAT COMPARISON!
Maryse??!! OMG. That scene was so heartbreaking but beautiful!🥺 Like... The comfort Maryse gave Izzy just warms my heart 💙💙
“And once I do, I’m going to strangle them with my whip.” (THAT LAST LINES THO! SIZZY ARE SUCH BADASS!!)
Third pov here I come:
"People like Anjali and his Bapak – they were overwhelmingly beautiful. They executed so much power and confidence that sometimes it hurt the eyes to look at them." Yup, they are gorgeous💙💙
A row of colour coordinated file binders. A mug that said ‘Bad Bitch’. A battered copy of A Handmaid’s Tale. (Now I kinda want to do a moodboard...)
Anjali is such a badass who speaks nothing but truth
Sjhsjwnsi I'm screaming!!! My phone is literally connected in the bathroom and I cant stop reading 😂
“I need you to get better, Anjali,” he whispered. “Cause I would very much like to take you there.” (🥺🥺🥺My heart)
He had looked at the most beautiful institute and had been reminded of the most beautiful girl. (ngl, I love them more than I love myself)
“Not everything,” Rafael told her. “I know someone who can help.” (Yup, now I'm scared🙂)
Ok ok, last POV
“Well, now we don’t know that for sure!” Max grinned. “Who knows what they get up to? Maybe there is someone occasional boning in the bone city.” (Jesus fucking christ Max!! 😂)
“Besides, you will be immortal. You can keep an eye on Max.” Max grinned widely at the other boy. “You wanna be my immortal buddy, Jack-Jack?” “Okay now I do have second thoughts,” (the chaotic energy they give together!!)
The London Boys!! I'm so happy!!
Jackson and Max. Thats it. Thats the comment
Idk, but there is something so comforting in seeing Kit and Ty as adults🥺🥺
“If the assassination attempt on Magnus had been successful, we wouldn’t be sitting and talking like this,” Kit pointed out. “The nephilim and downworlders would be at war.” (Yess, if they would have killed Magnus the war would have started. Smart little shits!!)
Kitty be like: Will you☺️go investigate☺️☺️ a case☺️☺️with me?? ☺️
Mavid supremacy only!!
“Everywhere is Paris when I am with you.” My heart, my soul🥺🥺
Max, no!
“Marriage and children…They are not for everyone,” Kit said. “It doesn’t complete a relationship and the lack of it doesn’t make your relationship any weaker. Ty and I are we very happy together. And for us, that’s enough for now.” (OK, but its just feels so nice to have this topic included. THANK YOU!)
“Mina will have your head if you don’t get married. She has been working on a Pinterest board for years now.” (That lil shi. I love her 💙)
Wow. I loved their conversation. Its beautiful!! 🥺💙
I... I... WTF DANI??
SERIOUSLY?? SERIOUSLY?!?!? DANI I JUST WANT TO TALK- And the fun fact!!! Not funny Dani!!!
Now i'll go to sleep thinking about this 🙂
Anyway, amazing chapter, Mavid supremacy, love Alec, Rosewood shiper, and WTF is wrong with the end??? 💙💙
Your love for David makes me so damn emo send help 🥺🥺🥺
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maggiecheungs · 4 years
2020 ~everything~ wrap
i finally have time to do all of the tag games that people have tagged me in over the past month or so! i cannot for the life of me remember who tagged me in which one, so i’m just putting ~everything~ in one huge post. if i tag you anywhere then consider it a standing invitation to do whichever of these you haven’t done :) in fact, this is me issuing a standing invite to any of my followers who wants to do it :) also, thank you all!
Creator Wrap: Favourite Works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
this collection of philosophy quotes paired with thai bl series, (and its sequel) which is possibly my favourite thing i’ve ever made. for, uh, nerd reasons.
these gifted text post memes i made still make me laugh sometimes
this fic about green from 2gether, which i wrote in the notes app on my phone and published the same day. not my absolute best writing but i am very fond of it <3
i have a bunch fof friend zone dangerous area edits/shitposts which i like, but i’m particularly fond of my fzda as satire headlines (which now has a sequel!)
i also love my crisgood-walmart-lesbian post. i might send it in to gmmtv to try and convince them to do a crisgood-bffs spin-off
+ bonus: since i wrote this list i made this gifset (my first ever!) of jennie panhan in the shipper and i love her too much not to include her on here
+ extra nerdy bonus: this niche meme about Chinese philosophy, which still makes me crack up whenever I think about it
Favourite Creators/Follow Forever
i’ve completely lost track of who’s following who from which blog, so this is just going to be a haphazard, non-exhaustive list of people who i adore/admire/am vaguely intimidated by, mutuality be damned. maybe we talk all the time! maybe we’ve never interacted! maybe i am constantly there in ur tags... lurking... 👀... but if you’re on this list you have made me smile at least once this year and i love you for that alone <3
@wjmild kylie!! you make gifs of arm & tay & lee (separately or in various combinations) & the shipper & and kapook & random fluke pusit cameos & school rangers so i don’t have to <3 ilysm
@janeramida vianey, you have such impeccable taste in general, but your sizzy gifset in particular is so gorgeous it lives in my mind rent free
@applelapis bri, this post was a callout and i want you to know that it haunts me at night as i lie awake staring at the ceiling :((((( i hope you are happy
@gigiesarocha cata, i love it when you show up on my dash bc you have!! such taste!! also, every time you gif gigie i gain five years of life <3 pls continue doing the Good Work
@pvrrish​ eleni, i remeber legit thinking that this was an official poster when i first saw it, it’s so beautiful
@ahysopae​ juliette your khaithird fic is so good and it literally changed the way i think about khai (not an easy feat)
@kurosawadachi angel, whenever i think about grace’s speech i remember your gifset and get literal chills
@doctorbahnjit alexa, you have no right to be as funny as you are. your friend zone edits give me life
@khaotungthanawat sam, you’re probably sick of getting tagged in these lists by random strangers, but i just had to bc your gifsets are Pure Art
@tanwirapong roa, all your gifsets are so ✨iconic✨
faiza @asianmelodrama and rahul @petekaos! yours were the first two thai drama blogs i followed and for ages i lowkey thought of you as my fandom parents.
and some more blogs that make me happy: @curlykytta / @lee-thanat  / @fck-inspector-m / @pangwave / @tichawongtipkanon / @tawanv @kimmonv (violet istg i have spent more time this year trying to figure out how many blogs you have than i have spent admiring your gifsets. & i spend a lot of time admiring your gifsets) / @taytawan / @1akorn and @yihwas (and your radiant lovechild @lakornladies ofc) / @teh-ohaew / @vihokratanas (mel your gifsets are just so gorgeous) / @tootiredtoosadtooangry / @headcompletelyempty / @demiromanticmickey​ / and there are definitely more but my brain is a sieve so apologies if i’ve forgotten anyone!! i love you all!! 
rules: list your top 10 shows (bl or not) you watched in 2020 (doesn’t necessarily have to be shows that came out in 2020 though!)
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my first thai drama, and even after all the amazing shows i’ve watched this year, it still has a special place in my heart. watching 2gether was the first time i’d ever seen a queer romcom that just... was. for me, by the simple fact of its being, 2gether was revolutionary. and then still2gether came along and took all the best things about the first season and gave us something beautiful and quiet and lovely and just proved to me, once and for all, that queer happiness doesn’t need to justify its own existence. there can be gay cuddles on the beach for no other reason than that we want them. 
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i don’t really have the words for this one but. it makes my heart so very soft.
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season one was mindless fun because everyone was an absolute trashfire and it was hella cathartic to watch, but season 2... wow. i love it for so many reasons: it has messy and authentic queer rep; the characterisation is excellent and i somehow care about all of the characters; amazing women taking centre stage(!); a wlw relationship with lesbian, ace and bipolar rep; multiple interesting plotlines; actual character development; arm weerayut as a chaos gremlin... absolutely one of my favourites of 2020.
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i don’t think i need to explain this one, which is fortunate, because i have no idea how exactly i’d describe the happy-warm-fuzzy-queer-seen-loving-affirmed-profound feeling that rises in my chest whenever i think about it. 
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confession: i liked season 2 more than season 1 (with the exception of the ending, which we don’t talk about). season 1 was enjoyable and interesting, but for me it was season 2 which made me love this series. it did some incredibly interesting and complicated things (even if it didn’t quite nail the landing): it pushed characters to the breaking point and wove so many layers into the story and questioned its own underlying themes. plus, watching it alongside everyone in the fandom made it 200% better. i love all of you and i love this show. egg girl 5eva.
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i 100% understand why so many people didn’t like this show, or found it problematic, but through some fluke it absolutely worked for me (even the ending). one day i will write an essay explaining my rationale, but for now i’ll just say that it’s one of my favourite shows about adolescence and queerness and identity and compassion and friendship and love that i’ve ever watched. 
7. YYY
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this series is absolutely off its rocker, and it somehow managed to be one of the most affirming shows i’ve watched. it shouldn’t have worked by it did, and i love it so much.
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absolutely iconic. amazing plot, stunning visuals, great characters, canon polyamory, jennie being incredible... what a series.
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i love the fact that this show exists; i love the mix of crime and romance; i love maxtul’s acting; i love the central relationship; i love bun. i know we’re not even halfway through yet, but this show is doing something special and i’m so grateful that i get to watch it unfold in real time. 
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odd one out on my list, but I had to include it. chihayafuru is my all-time favourite anime and it finally got a third season, which is somehow even better than the first two. mashima taichi is one of my favourite characters of all time and his storyline hits me on such a profound level. plus, in the years since i first say this show i’ve fallen in love with classical japanese literature (particularly heian poetry) so i had newfound appreciation for the karuta matches (aka i cried every time someone recited one of my favourite poems)
other favourites: together with me, he’s coming to me, sotus and sotus s, my dear loser: edge of 17, why r u, theory of love, wake up chanee!, gameboys, pearl next door, uta koi (anime), three kingdoms (2010), blood and water (netflix). (itsay would almost certainly be on my list if i’d had time to watch it. same with dark blue kiss, which i had to pause so i could do my assignments)
Final Thoughts
well, it’s been... a year (i don’t think anyone needs a reminder of the details) but writing this post has reminded me of all the amazing shows and people I discovered over the course of it.
thank you to everyone for being so lovely and creative and funny and quirky and kind and passionate. you’re all incredibly awesome people and i wish all of you the very best xx
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salvatoreschool · 4 years
Every The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Legacies Ship Ranked
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53. Daroline (Damon Salvatore and Caroline Forbes)
Our first ship is our worst ship because we can't find literally anything nice to say about Daroline. Consent issues, mind-control, and death threats are not exactly the stuff of great romance, and Damon should thank his lucky stars Caroline forgave him for this abominable period when they were together.
52. Calaric (Caroline Forbes and Alaric Saltzman)
Ew. Gross. No. Kill it with fire. We've got no idea what The Vampire Diaries was trying to do with this ship, but we hated every second of it, and we're not ashamed to say it. We don't care that years had passed since Caroline was his student or that there were weirder ages gaps on the show, trying to ship a student-teacher relationship feels wrong no matter which way you slice it.
51. Klenevieve (Klaus Mikaelson and Genevieve)
Klenevieve was a blink and you'll miss it kind of ship on The Originals, but it still technically counts. Ultimately though, Klaus and Genevieve's connection was mostly physical, and there were far too many double-crosses and manipulations on both sides of this relationship to give it much credit.
50. Parkwood (Liv Park and Tyler Lockwood)
Liv and Tyler's love story kind of flew under the radar on The Vampire Diaries, but that's probably just because there were like 18 insane storylines happening at once in Season 6. This ship was actually pretty cute, and the only thing keeping it from a better ranking is the fact that Tyler, you know, killed her with his bare hands to activate his werewolf curse.
49. Malaric (Meredith Fell and Alaric Saltzman)
Talk about ships that flew under the radar. Alaric and Meredith Fell shared a brief tryst in Seasons 3 and 4 of The Vampire Diaries, but this relationship always felt like it was built to move the plot forward instead of the other way around. Kind of too snooze-worthy to deserve a good ranking.
48. Menny (Matt Donovan and Penny Ares)
We're not going to pretend like we cared even a little about Matt and Penny's romance on The Vampire Diaries. However, we're also not going to pretend like the scene where Matt hallucinates her ghost and begs her to take him with her after his car crash was anything other than devastating emotional torture that came out of nowhere and has stayed with us to this day.
47. Jolaric (Jo Parker and Alaric Saltzman)
Jo and Alaric really got the rough end of the stick as far as TVD ships go. They'd only just started to find their groove when Jo found out she was pregnant with twins, forcing them into a shotgun wedding that ended in tragedy. If these two had been given the time to start their family together the way they should have, we have no doubt they could have become one of the show's best duos ever. We'll have to settle for them creating one of the best duos ever -- Josie and Lizzie Saltzman!
46. Rizzie (Rafael Waithe and Lizzie Saltzman)
It's hard not to ship all of the Legacies kids with each other considering the great chemistry that cast has, but Rizzie is one we just never loved. Lizzie seems too intense for Rafael, and Raf doesn't exactly seem like the kind of guy that would give her the level of attention and devotion she requires. This ship was kind of a flop in Sesason 1, and we'd prefer it stay that way.
45. Debekah (Damon Salvatore and Rebekah Mikaelson)
Damon and Rebekah shared one night of tearing ballgowns and tuxes off each other, and then it was never really spoken of again. It's hard to properly rank a ship that basically came down to "that one time we had hate sex," but hookups like this were what The Vampire Diaries was built on.
44. Haylijah (Hayley Marshall and Elijah Mikaelson)
We really wanted to rank Haylijah higher on this list, but all the passion and angst in the world can't distract us from the cold hard truth: Hayley and Elijah had issues. Major issues. Not the least of which being that he killed her in the final season of the show. Whether you consider their love story to be one of the best or worst this shared universe ever created, at least you can comfort yourself with the knowledge that they gave it all they had.
43. Klaurora (Klaus Mikaelson and Aurora de Martel)
For as long as we've known Klaus, he was always teetering on the brink of insanity, which is kind of what we loved most about him. Aurora, on the other hand, has been batshit crazy her whole life and it's so not a good look on her. This weird, obsessive, "let's see who can out-crazy the other" romance was not to our taste at all.
42. KymG (Kym and MG)
We can't claim to be huge fans of the romance between Kim and MG on Legacies, though their names fit together so perfectly for a ship name that we almost demand they be endgame based only on that. Unfortunately, the show never really gave them the screen time they needed to get us invested in their love story before Kym decided she'd had enough superantural shenanigans and left Mystic Falls.
41. Elijah Mikaelson and Antoinette Sienna
On every TV show, there are ships that just make us shrug, and Elijah and Antoniette are definitely one of those. They don't even have a ship name, that's forgettable this tryst was. Even with memory loss, hidden pasts, and romantic pinao duets, this couple was kind of just meh.
40. Sizzie (Sebastian and Lizzie Saltzman)
Sebastian and Lizzie may have had potential, but in the end it turned out to be wasted. Their chemistry was off the charts, but like many teenagers swept up in romance, they never really took the time to connect or learn about each other. Maybe that's why they ended on such a sour note. Still, at least Sebastian went out a hero?
39. Jicki (Jeremy Gilbert and Vicki Donovan)
You know, we were really rooting for Jeremy and Vicki when The Vampire Diaries first started. They had that whole, rebels who are too cool for school, but not too cool for love thing going on. Ultimately though, we don't think Vicki would have ever calmed down enough for Jeremy, who was really only pretending to be a wild child to deal with his parents' deaths. This ship just wasn't to be.
38. Maroline (Matt Donovan and Caroline Forbes)
You know those Season 1 ships that you know are never going to make it, but every time you look back on them they make you nostalgic? That's what Maroline is for us. A cute relationship between two characters we love dearly that just never quite fit perfectly together. That being said, if there had been no vampires or life-or-death scenarios in Mystic Falls, Maroline absolutely would have been endgame material.
37. Stalerie (Stefan Salvatore and Valerie Tulle)
Stefan and Valerie had one of the weirdest love stories we've ever seen, but there was still a small part of us that was rooting for them. In a world not besieged by curses and vampire hunters and prison worlds, these two could have really been something! Sadly, Stefan has like five more appealing ships, which is probably why they never really made it that far.
36. Hafael (Hope Mikaelson and Rafael Waithe)
Legacies made a solid attempt to recreate another brotherly love triangle, but we weren't really feeling it with Rafael, Hope, and Landon. Raf and Hope have a great friendship going, but it's probably best left there considering how much more fans seem to prefer her relationship with Landon.
35. Marcille (Marcel Gerard and Camille O'Connell)
Remember when Marcel and Camille were a thing for a hot minute? Neither do we! Sorry to Marcille fans, but though these two had decent chemistry, they just never got a lot of attention as a couple, and so their love story kind of faded into obscurity.
34. Jasie (Jade and Josie Saltzman)
The Vampire Diaries universe sure does love its enemies to lovers ships, doesn't it? Josie and Jade started off on opposing sides in Kai's prison world, but after Jade turned her humanity back on, things started to change between them. At least the sex dreams they started having about each other did. Jade and Josie might be perfect for one another, seeing as they both understand having a dark side that's hard to deny.
33. Carenzo (Caroline Forbes and Enzo St. John)
While Caroline and Enzo never made it past the friendzone, we wouldn't have hated it if they'd had a thing. There was a lack of "epic love story" vibes between them, and when Enzo was at his worst, Caroline brought out the light-hearted, carefree side of him. Plus, all things considered, he really was her type - morally scrupulous Brit, who would burn the world down for the people he loves -- why does that sound familiar?
32. Mizzie (M.G. and Lizzie Saltzman)
Every day we go back and forth on whether MG and Lizzie are soulmates or whether they're the perfect best friend duo of all time. Could they possibly be both? Sure, Lizzie takes MG for granted sometimes, and MG can be a little thoughtless sometimes, but that doesn't mean these two aren't connected in a deep, meaningful way that most people can only dream of.
31. Noralise (Nora and Mary-Louise)
Though we only got them for one season, Nora and Mary-Louise had us from the moment they said hello. We do love a bad girl, and two bad girls together? We're toast! Our favorite thing about this ship is that while it was clear Nora and Mary-Louise didn't care about much in this world, they cared about each other, and that was more than enough for them.
30. Klayley (Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall)
When The Originals first premiered, we were sure Klaus and Hayley would eventually fall in love and live happily ever after with their precious loophole baby, but ultimately these two just weren't meant to be anything more than one really hot night. That being said, watching them as co-parents just proves that not all ships need to be romantic to work.
29. Rope (Roman Sienna and Hope Mikaelson)
Roman and Hope's sweet, timid flirtation on The Originals was like a breath of fresh air after some of the intense, life-changing, epic love stories we'd been getting for five straight years. Rope -- whoever came up with that ship name was having too much fun that day -- would have ranked higher if the whole relationship wasn't just Roman's ploy to get close to Hope's family.
28. Stebekah (Stefan Salvatore and Rebekah Mikaelson)
The Vampire Diaries had the best flashbacks on TV, hands down, partially because when your characters have lived for centuries, you can really mix things up. One of said mix-ups was the revelation that Stefan and Rebekah had been an item back in the 1920s, and while their romance is probably best left in the age of prohibition, it was always one of our favorites.
27. Hizzie (Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie Saltzman)
Hope and Lizzie would definitely have that whole "enemies to lovers" thing going for them if they ever decided to take the plunge together. The bond we've seen these two develop over the course of Legacies has been so wonderful to watch, and while at the moment we prefer them as badass besties, we wouldn't hate to see them head towards romantic territory someday.
26. Janna (Jeremy Gilbert and Anna Zhu)
When The Vampire Diaries first paired Jeremy and Anna together, we thought our little vampire-loving hearts would give out. They were both so damaged and dark and alone in the world that they somehow fit perfectly together. Not even multiple deaths could keep them apart! Losing this one was hard, but at least ghost Anna came back to hang out occasionally.
25. Datherine (Damon Salvatore and Katherine Pierce)
Call us crazy, but even through all the craziness and manipulation, there seemed to be a spark of something between Damon and Katherine that was just undeniable. Maybe it was the fact that they both put up a dark and diabolical front to mask their real feelings about the way their lives turned out. This wasn't a ship for the ages, but it certainly was a pairing we'll remember forever.
24. Kennett (Kol Mikaelson and Bonnie Bennett)
You know a fandom is strong when it can build a ship of dreams out of like 2 episodes and 10 lines of dialogue, but that's about all Bonnie Bennett and Kol Mikaelson ever shared. And yet somehow, Kennett is always going to feel like the one that got away in terms of ships that totally should've happened but never did.
23. Klamille (Klaus Mikaelson and Camille O'Connell)
Despite their messy ending, Klaus and Camille's relationship showed us sides of each character that we otherwise would never have seen. Though it was missing some of the passion usually found in The Vampire Diaries and The Originals ships, it was still absolutely heartbreaking to watch Klaus lose a woman who meant so much to him when Cami died.
22. Jandon (Josie Saltzman and Landon Kirby)
This short-lived romance between Josie and Landon may not have been super popular with fans, but it was perfectly in character for both these self-sacrificing loners to find their way to one another. It may not have been a romance for the ages, but it was an age-appropriate and utterly endearing one, and that's good enough for us!
21. Kolvina (Kol Mikaelson and Davina Claire)
As one of the few ships that managed to make it out of The Originals series finale alive, we have to give Kol and Davina props. Their love story survived multiple deaths, body-swaps, and that pesky problem of Kol accidentally murdering Davina that one time. We want nothing more than peace and happiness for eternity for these two crazy kids.
20. Jalaric (Jenna Sommers and Alaric Saltzman)
While some believe Alaric's love life is cursed, those of us who watched the early years of The Vampire Diaries know better. Alaric will simply never find someone as perfect for him as Jenna Sommers, which means he's destined to fall in and out of subpar ships forever. Poor guy, it's rough when your soulmate dies so early on in the first of three sequential shows.
19. Klefan (Klaus Mikaelson and Stefan Salvatore)
This one's another ship was never technically canon, but as far as we're concerned that was a GRAVE mistake. Klaus and Stefan had chemistry coming out of their ears, and you're seriously trying to tell us that nothing happened between these two during their days of debauchery in the 1920s? Yeah right, you're not fooling us!
18. Jayley (Jackson Kenner and Hayley Marshall)
Jackson and Hayley may not have had the passion and the fire that some of the best TVD ships boasted, but they had something that very few other pairings had: A rock-solid friendship built on trust and understanding that grew organically into true love. Considering how crazy their world was, they both needed a relationship like this to keep them sane, which is maybe why we ended up loving it so much?
17. Kalijah (Katherine Pierce and Elijah Mikaelson)
Katherine and Elijah only shared maybe a handful of scenes together over the entire course of The Vampire Diaries, but they're somehow one of three ships we would have watched an entire spin-off about. Their love stood the test of time and somehow overcame hybrid-sized grudges, and that's about as romantic as it gets.
16. Rebel (Rebekah Mikaelson and Marcel Gerard)
Though we love Marcel and Rebekah (especially when we think about the day they both take the cure and grow old together), this couple had one major problem... One of them wasn't on the show all that often, which meant their romance faded to the background every time Rebekah left town -- which was a lot. We'll put this in the category of ships that were done dirty by logistical, behind-the-scenes stuff.
15. Bamon (Bonnie Bennett and Damon Salvatore)
The Bamon saga was one of the most topsy-turvey things to follow on The Vampire Diaries, but we loved every minute of it. From shipping them a little bit in Season 1 to hating everything about it in Season 3, to watching them grow into best buds in Season 6, Bonnie and Damon went on a journey unparalleled by any other ship in the TVDu. Do we kind of wish they'd given romance a try? Sure. Are we going to let that invalidate how awesome their story was? No way.
14. Gialijah (Gia and Elijah Mikaelson
We're probably going to get some hate for this, but if we had to pick between all of Elijah's ships, Gialijah would probably win out. Sure, they weren't star-crossed lovers or centuries-old flames, but if you're looking for a healthy dynamic (of which Elijah was sorely lacking) with great chemistry and some awesome scenes, Gialijah is the ship for you.
13. Handon (Hope Mikaelson and Landon Kirby)
Hope and Landon are kind of the Stelena of Legacies. Not a pairing that we think will be endgame (no matter how heartbroken that will leave us), but integral to the DNA of the series nonetheless. We're content to enjoy this sweet couple strive for their happy ending, and we'll even root for them most of the time as they grow up together and figure out this crazy supernatural world.
12. Jaiden (Josh Rosza and Aiden)
Oh, Josh and Aiden... the ship that was too pure for this world. Literally. Though both these characters bit the dust before all was said and done on The Originals, their love story was super sweet, and, hey, at least we got to see them reunite in the afterlife!
11. Beremy (Bonnie and Jeremy)
If any of you ever had a crush on your older brother or sister's friends, you'll understand our undying love for Beremy. There was something so cathartic about watching Bonnie realize that Jeremy had grown up to be a sweet, sexy, utterly dateable guy instead of Elena's annoying little brother. Even though the didn't end up together, they deserve a high ranking in this list of epic ships.
10. Posie (Penelope Park and Josie Saltzman)
Considering how few episodes of Legacies Penelope was in before she bounced, it's remarkable that so many people fell so deep in love with the Posie ship. We guess there's just something intoxicating about a bad girl who will do bad things for the girl she loves. If you come for Josie, Penelope will come for you!
9. Steferine (Stefan Salvatore and Katherine Pierce)
Is it weird that we always kind of thought Stefan and Katherine would end up together when all was said and done? Don't get us wrong, that relationship was toxic at best, but when they were on screen together, you just couldn't pull your eyes away from them. It was like watching a really sexy, complicated train wreck in action.
8. Forwood (Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood)
Considering how often Caroline and Tyler were separated (by distance, evil hybrids, or opposing loyalties), it's pretty impressive that they were still one of the most memorable ships from The Vampire Diaries. It some mixed the sweetness of Maroline with the passion of Klaroline, creating a happy middle ground for fans to enjoy.
7. Freelin (Freya Mikaelson and Keelin Malraux)
Did we really understand the term OTP before Freelin existed? We doubt it. Freya and Keelin had their ups and downs on The Originals, to be sure, but through it all, there was never a doubt in our minds that these two strong, smart, sexy women were absolutely made for one another. Knowing they're living out their happily ever after in New Orleans with a cute little baby named Nik is the only thing that gets us through the day sometimes.
6. Steroline (Stefan Salvatore and Caroline Forbes)
Considering how many ships exist in this universe, it's shocking that Steroline is one of only a handful to make it down the aisle. Poor Stefan seemed doomed to be forever locked in a love triangle with his brother until Caroline Forbes entered his life. Not only did he no longer have to deal with love triangle BS, he got to marry his best friend, who he knew would support him through thick and thin. If only it hadn't taken them so long to figure out how awesome they could be together.
5. Benzo (Bonnie Bennett and Enzo St. John)
Sometimes it's hard to ship characters that are thrown together at the end of a series as opposed to the beginning, but that was not the case with Bonnie and Enzo. One minute they were two characters who'd never really interacted much, and the next they were epic loves who built a strong relationship built on trust, compassion, and a lot of laughter. Honestly, they fit so well together even we were surprised by it!
4. Stelena (Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert)
Of all the ships to ever grace our screens over the years, there was something truly special about Stefan and Elena. Maybe it's because we associate their love story with some of the best years The Vampire Diaries ever had, or maybe their connection really was just too epic for words. Whatever the case, Stelena was one for the history books, and we dare you to say different.
3. Hosie (Hope Mikaelson and Josie Saltman)
It might seem weird to put a ship that's not, technically speaking, canon (yet!) so high on our list, but we absolutely won't apologize for it. Putting aside the obvious fact that these girls are definitely, majorly, into each other, Hope and Josie have proven over and over again that they not only understand each other on a deep, intimate level, they also care enough about one another to go to the ends of the earth to keep each other safe and happy. That kind of devotion when paired with a healthy, supportive dynamic is a killer combination.
2. Klaroline (Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes)
Klaus and Caroline never really got the timing right, but maybe that's what makes this ship one of the best in the history of The Vampire Diaries universe. They were enemies, they were lovers, and they were kind of even friends for a minute there, and the fact that they never really got a chance to be together only makes this ship more EPIC. Plus, it's kind of impossible not to swoon when a guy declares he'll be your last love.
1. Delena (Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert)
Was there ever any doubt that this list would end here? Whether you loved Delena or not, there's no denying this couple was iconic, and a large part of The Vampire Diaries' success was built on their love story. Sure, we would have preferred for them to not have different versions of the same fight for four seasons in a row, but that doesn't mean we don't still get major chills whenever we rewatch their first kiss or their series finale happily ever after.
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
I want to say that Clace along with Malec, Kieraktina, Sizzy, Kitty, Heline, Lucie x Jesse, Thomstair, and Arianna. All encourage me and get me through the day.
But Clace has a special place and I want to say that for me that have been here in some of my darkest moments and stopped me from making decisions that would hurt me, they saved me recently from a traumatic event recently in my life that could have been more traumatic if I hadn't thought about Clary's bravery and grabbed onto that and decided to be brave myself and if it weren't for Jace's endurance and his will to not give up I would have given up, so i wanted to say that they saved my ass a few months back and that to some they may be fictional but to me they are my heroes and i shouldn't be ashamed or feel bad for that. I had someone recently tell me that I should get a better role model cause Jace Herondale is a crappy one and honestly it made me think and made me realize that no i don't need a better role model cause for me Jace and Clary are the best ones I could ask for, Jace is an amazing example of growing into a better person from a not so great one and that's why I love this Golden Boy so much cause he wasn't perfect, he made mistakes and fucked up just like I have, just like many of us have, he wasn't this flawless, perfect bad boy, he had his problems and he made bad choices but he also grew from them and learned and changed and that encouraged me and reminded me that I may have made some bad choices but I can become a better person from them. Jace represents me in a way no other fictional character does, and like his name he has brought me healing, especially in my current situation and I need him to survive maybe that doesn't make sense to a lot of people but for me him and Clary, TSC, and my friends/family are the only thing keeping me from the edge right now, so no I won't stop loving Jace and Clary, and I personally believe that for me there is no better role models.
And Clary oh my girl Clary, she taught me wisdom, and forgiveness and compassion, she taught me to look deeper and like her I see the beauty and the horror in people and the world, but I am so attracted to the beauty, I see the best in people and I believe in forgiveness, she also taught me to forgive myself, she taught me to always do the right thing, and she gave me the bravery I needed to keep myself safe, she reminded me that I can't be strong in every situation but I can be brave, she was there saying you can do this and you can fight if you have to, she has been the bravery in my life, she reminds me of myself in ways to, I remember when I first read about her and Jace I cried cause I finally had two people who I could relate to and look up to, she is my hero and an amazing woman, she is the bright light in my life just like her name means bright light, she showed me that just because my parents blood runs through my veins doesn't mean I am like my parents and that I can be the best version of myself. She taught me that my friends and family are the most important and that relationships are the true treasure, she taught me so much more but these are some of the best. She is my hero and my role model.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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enkelimagnus · 4 years
Burning Hot
With a request from @kathmcnamara​ and based on an amazing conversation I had with her, here’s a one shot.
This World Inverted AU: Jonathan x Sebastian  (side Clace, Sizzy, Malec, Maia x Rebecca)
A small look into the TWI Universe after the show's visit.
Jonathan has coffee with his boyfriend, his sister and her boyfriend. Cuteness and fluff galore.
Rated T, 900+ words, Fluff, Slice of Life
Read on AO3
Jonathan’s fingers wrapped around the too-hot paper coffee cup, and he swore under his breath. At this point, he didn’t think he would ever learn that touching the cup right after boiling hot coffee had been poured into it wasn’t a good idea. His love for warmth and comfort was too great to resist the urge.
“Did you burn yourself again?”
Sebastian’s voice whispered into his ear as strong arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him back against his boyfriend. Jonathan huffed.
“I think one day I’ll just be covered in burns,” he chuckled.
“Please don’t,” Sebastian whispered. “I would still love you, but the medical part would be a bitch to deal with.” He pressed a kiss to Jonathan’s temple and let go of him. Way too soon, if you asked Jonathan.
Unfortunately, no-one was asking.
It was fall in New York. The warmth of the last rays of summer sun had conceded to October chills and Jonathan had finally been able to switch out t-shirts for his favored oversized sweaters and hoodies.
It was one of the last times where the gang would be able to gather around a table in front of the JJ mobile, not inside of the cozy café. He guessed that was a little sad.
Fall was always a bittersweet season, the season where everyone moved back into their dorms and apartments for the new semester. Fortunately, they all lived within the city. Unfortunately, they weren’t all in high school anymore.
That last part definitely had its advantages. Jonathan didn’t know Sebastian when he was in high school, they’d met last year when he’d finally gotten to a LGBTQ+ support group.
Jonathan brought the coffee cup to his lips without thinking. It was still burning, he realized as he burned his tongue.
“Fuck,” he grumbled and put down the cup.
“What a terrible example you are to me, big brother,” Clary teased as she came up to the table, sitting onto one of the high stools and letting her legs dangle from it. She was a fair bit shorter than him.
Jonathan huffed, rolling his eyes. “I’m pretty sure mom and dad gave up on me being a good example about three days after you were born.”
Clary shrugged. “Well I like you enough like this, all swears and boyfriends and all.”
Jonathan chuckled. “Sure, sure. Will you still like me enough when you know I got a much higher grade than you in that one life drawing class? And don’t give me shit about me liking to see naked men more than you, we’re both in the same boat on that one, little sister.”
Clary raised her middle finger at him, causing Jonathan to smile into his latte.
“Should I be jealous that you enjoy seeing naked men in school?” Sebastian said quietly again into his ear.
Sebastian was quieter than most of the members of the gang. He mostly spoke directly into Jonathan’s ear, too quiet for the others to hear. When he spoke louder, it was always in that calm and serene tone of his, the one that made every sort of anxiety melt from Jonathan’s bones.
“Never, babe,” Jonathan whispered back. “You’re the only one I really love seeing naked.”
Sebastian shook his head fondly, leaning in to press a kiss to Jonathan’s lips.
“Ew, guys,” Jace’s voice resounded loudly as he left the truck and settled next to them. “Get a room.”
Jonathan huffed at him. “Just because you have the emotional capacity of a brick, doesn’t mean that none of us can show a little romantic flare, Jace,” he shot back. They knew they were both joking, Jace’s slightly complex relationship to his own emotions and Jonathan’s propensity to be a little bit too into PDA were regular topics of discussions within their group.
It was only the four of them for now, Jace, Clary, Jonathan, and Sebastian. Team Evil, as the rest of the group had nicknamed them for their incredible capacity at getting into trouble.
Izzy was still at work developing software for Clary and Jonathan’s father. Simon was at his music class with the kids of the Hebrew Saturday school he’d once attended as a kid and was now helping out at. Alec was at work as well, and Magnus…Magnus was somewhere. They never really knew where and how, but accepted that Alec’s boyfriend was just a little weird.
Weird wasn’t something that was missing in the group anyway.
They were supposed to also be joined by Rebecca, Simon’s sister and a high school friend of Alec’s. She was also Clary and Jonathan’s history of art TA. Jonathan sometimes wondered if it was weird that they knew one of the people that influenced their grades so intimately but… Rebecca would be coming with her girlfriend Maia.
Really, this quiet moment with the four of them before the rest of the group arrived and they went to get dinner together, was the last moment of quiet they would all get for the rest of the night.
Quiet was a relative term. Clary and Jace tended to speak quite loudly.
Jonathan took another sip of his hazelnut latte, and this time it didn’t burn him. It just spread warmly in his chest, warming him from the inside out. He loved that feeling.
“Can I have a taste?” Sebastian asked and Jonathan nodded, handing the cup over to him.
Sebastian hummed a happy song under his breath as he drank a little from Jonathan’s drink and Jonathan couldn’t help the beam of happiness that took over his face.
“Thanks, Jon,” Sebastian hummed again, smiling back at him.
“Of course.”
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Tha box'n B-to-tha-izzell be go'n off like it’s slappin' a fit. Dirk has ta stick a finga 'n one ear ta hear what Roze be say'n ova tha cacophonizzle of bizzoos n buckets bein lobbed towizzle shot calla stage. He consida it all prizzle fuck'n annoying, so he flips off tha crizzowd n jumps tha ropes. Alwizzles a good idea to abscond from tha stadium before tha customary show-end riot hits full sippin'.
Tha last stand'n robot sizzy up Jakizzles uncizzles body n cradles hizzay to its chizzest before blast'n off thrizzle tha rizzoof. They call me tha president.
On tha otha end of tha phone, Roze lizzy him know what’s up.
ROZE: Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. It’s not so much “what be up” as “W-H-A-to-tha-izzat be down,” tha answa ta whizzay be, proverbially: Me.
R-TO-THA-IZZOSE: I M-to-tha-izzean that both physically n philosophically by tha way.
DIZNIRK: You’re diznown philosophically?
ROZE: Yes.
DIRK: Drop it like its hot. I’m not sure what that actually means spittin' that real shit.
ROZE: What doesn’t it miznean, Dizzay.
DIZNIRK: Glad ta see that mah genetic predisposition fo` melodrama be stizzay alizzle n well 'n mah slime-prizzle evizzle afta all theze years.
ROZE: Pleaze dizzle interrupt. Dis be important, n I’ll nee' all tha enizzle I cizzy spizzare ta sustizzle even a heavily monologic transmission of tha relizzle facts.
D-TO-THA-IZZIRK: I sizzle. Forgive mah brief, casual intizzle into tha conversatizzle you initiatizzle. Pleaze continue.
ROZE: Thank yizzou.
ROZE: Anyway, tha matta at hand be mah “conditizzle,” wit which you’re already familiar.
ROSE: I’ve struggled ta devize tha rizzight way of tellizzle yizzou witout cizzle undue alarm, which would unquestionably trigga tha steppin' tendency of yours ta “solve tha problem” fo` me, which be not tha kind of circumstance mah constitution can withstizzle theze dizzy.
ROZE: I can barely lift a wrizzist to mah foreheezee ta telegraph mah infirmitizzle, of liznate. Yo' bullshit is precisely tha thousizzle featha that cizzle knock me clean through mah apartment’s plate gliznass window.
DIRK: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. Dis is troubl'n ta hear, of courze. I'm a fuckin 2-time felon. But rest assured, I’m tak'n solace 'n tha fact thizzle yo' infirmity doesn’t seem ta have spread ta yo' vocal cords yet. Throw yo guns in the fuckin air.
ROZE: See, Dizzy? Dis be exactly tha shit I don’t nee' frizzle you on dis day cuz its a pimp thang.
DIRK: Sorry.
ROZE: Tha bottom lizzle be dis.
ROSE: I be ascend'n, n it be terrible.
Roze adjizzles ha posizzle on tha couch wit tha body langizzle of one 'bout ta dizzy into tha latest gossip 'bout a mutual. Throw yo guns in the fuckin air. Tha mutizzle 'n dis caze: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. ha tortured pizzy.
ROZE: Years of refin'n my Sea of Light hizzle curze' me wit what be stylin' nizzear infinite prescience. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. Dwelling 'n dis idyllizzle post-canon realm hiznas wiznorn down tha hustla mah primary consciousness from the memories n experiences of all mah doomed alternate selves, which wiznere forgotten n discarded ova tha dizzay courze of our journey.
RIZZLE: Aint no stoppin' this shit. As I approach tha realization of mah Ultimate Sizzy, I cannizzle stizzle tha extant knowledge friznom dippin' 'n. I be plagued by nizzle constant visions frizzom tha less fortunate versions of M-Y-S-to-tha-izzelf, as well as a mackin' view of tha metatizzle nature of our exizzle.
ROZE: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. Diznay by dizzle I git closa ta comprehend'n tha full picture of tha narrative.
ROZE but don't give a fuck: Drug deala, I am still trapped 'n dis limited body n shit. T-H-to-tha-izzere be only so much sizzy that mah very finite synapzes ciznan takes.
ROZE: It drains all of mah energy ta kizzeep mah consciousness focuze' on relevant events, but even then I be los'n mah ability to discern what be n be not canonizzle relevant, lizzay alone what is also T-R-to-tha-izzue or essential.
ROZE: And all of dis be making me incredibly fuck'n sick.
DIZZAY ridin' in mah double R: Oh. Be that all yeah yeah baby?
ROZE: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. ...
DIRK: Well, 'n tha spirit of F-to-tha-izzull disclosure,
DIZNIRK: Sizzle. Listen to how a fucker flow shit.
Roze be silent on tha line fo` a fiznew moments. Dirk can hear hizzay laborizzle ha breath'n be, how thin it be. Shizzay snorts out a quick, humorless laugh. Hollaz to the East Side.
ROZE fo my bling bling: Really?
ROZE: T-H-to-tha-izzat’s the hottest takes you can manage?
DIRK with the S-N-double-O-P: Of courze not so you betta run. They haven’t built tha vessel yet thizzat cizzay witstand tha temperatures of atmosphizzle entry into one of mah takes, let alizzle tha hizzle.
DIRK so sit back relax new jacks get smacked: It wasn’t a takes. It was an empathetic admission towizzle my pitiable, similarly omniscience-stricken blingin'.
DIZZY: We be chillin' from tha same condizzle, Roze.
Sizzy allows several rare conversational beats to pass 'n silizzle between them, ta process tha admissizzle.
ROZE: We be hittin that booty?
DIRK: Sure ya dig?
ROZE so show some love! It D-to-tha-izzoesn’t sound ta me like yizzy ridin' miznuch at all.
DIZZLE: Well, I’m not.
DIZZY droppin hits: I gizzy I used tha wrong phraze. Yizzay be suffer'n from it. I be adapt'n ta it, chill yo.
DIRK: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. I already have, really.
ROZE: Whizzen were you go'n ta tell me dis?
DIZZLE: When yizzou were ready and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow.
ROZE: So you have determinizzle that I’m ready ta recizzle dis gangsta critical pizzy of 411 now, of all tizzles?
ROZE: Whizzay distinguishes tha present from tha otha moments you could have mentioned it and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow?
ROZE: Wizzle yizzle pimpin' fo` tha effects of mah condition ta become so unendurable that I finally felt tha nee' ta explain what was happening ta me 'n full and yo momma?
ROZE: Wussup in the house. Were you, 'n essence, wait'n fo` a cry for hiznelp?
DIZZIRK like this and like that and like this and uh: Wow. Well, when you put it that way, it makes me sound lizzay kizzle of a dick.
DIRK wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: Bizzle I gizzuess it isn’t far from thizzay trizzuth, eitha. It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg.
ROSE: Unbelievable.
DIZZAY n we out! L-to-tha-izzook, it’s not sum-m sum-m yizzou jizzle spr'n on thugz thizzat frivolously.
DIRK: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. “Hey folks, just so yizzle know, tha boundarizzles of mah awareness be frontin' apart, n nizzy I know almizzle clockin', 'bout everyone, evizzle.”
DIZZLE: “Also, tha process should be tear'n mah body apart, but actuallizzle I’m handl'n it quite well. T-H-to-tha-izzanks fo` tha concern thizzough.”
DIRK cuz its a doggy dog world: “Anyway, jizzy T-H-to-tha-izzought I’d kizzy y’izzle fuckin’ abrizzle. On mah incomprehensible bizzy n all. Pizzay.”
ROZE: Fine. You’re a cagey homey keep'n it real yo. Dis isn’t break'n news.
ROZE: I’m nizzle pisze' at you, I’m just...
RIZZY like this and like that and like this and uh: So confuze'.
ROZE: Why aren’t yizzay suffering tha same effects as me?
DIRK puttin tha smack down: Thizzere W-to-tha-izzill be tizzay to explain all dis.
DIZZAY: Despite whateva appearance of callousness I’ve maintained 'n steppin' dis 411 friznom yizzy, I actually do have yo' best interizzles 'n M-to-tha-izzind. I don’t wizzy ta wear you out on dis call so show some love!
D-TO-THA-IZZIRK: There’s so much more ta say, but it cizzle wizzle.
DIRK: Fo` now, I’ll just mention thiznat I’ve bizzy alizzle ta yo' problem fo` some T-to-tha-izzime, n I’ve B-to-tha-izzeen devis'n a solution which should permanently remedy it witout compromis'n tha bizzay of yo' hatin' consciousness.
ROZE: Yizzou have?
ROSE: What be it?
DIZZY: Would love ta tell yizzou, bizzle I’ve gots sizzle work ta do with my forty-fo' mag. Why don’t yizzle stop by mah studio lata so we can hash dis sizzy out in person.
DIRK: Rizzle nizzy, you shizzay git siznome rest.
ROZE: Actuallizzle, I’m feel'n oddly invigorated suddenly. I think I’m gizzood fo` M-to-tha-izzore exposition, if you be.
DIRK: Can’t say I’m surprize'. But no.
ROZE: Hizzy I C-to-tha-izzaught you at a bad tiznime?
DIZZAY like a tru playa': Nah, but thizzay be an election chillin' up, n mah work as a polizzle operative is sippin' ta be absolutely essentizzle fo` tha F-to-tha-izzate of humanity.
ROZE: I see. W-H-to-tha-izzeels witin wheels, I assume? Anotha dogg house production.
DIRK: Thiznere be alwizzles wheels hittin that booty. Wheels be everywhizzle.
DIRK: They aren’t mah whizneels or yizzay. Tizzy wheels diznon’t hizzle owna or designa, but they do have caretaka.
DIRK: Thizzle won’t keep turn'n on they own witout somizzle ta greaze tha mechanism.
ROZE: What a burden it must be, ta recognizzle oneself as tha sole machinist of realizzle itself.
DIRK: It’s a curze, but somebizzles gotta do it.
DIRK: Save yo' strizzength. Cizzome ta mah studio whiznen Y-to-tha-izzou’re feel'n up ta it.
DIRK: Goodbye.
Dirk hangs up without wait'n fo` a reply. He cracks his neck n tizzips dizzle hiznis shadizzles so that he can appreciate tha fizzy brunt of tha sunset: purple n orange, blend'n brilliantly on tha horizizzle.
She’s riznight 'bout him, he thinks. Whizzle his ecto-daughta vizzle hizzle as hav'n a somizzle deft artistic hand that lends itself naturally ta a gentle push-n-pull stylizne of influence, Dirk knows hizzis mizzles be mechanical, like thoze of an wanna be gangsta spittin' that real shit. There is nuttin adizzle or interpretive 'bout hizzis method. Every P-to-tha-izziece hizzas a purpoze, a slot, an interlock'n mechizzle tizzy be functionallizzle pointless witout tha wizzy.
Dizzy, satisfy wizzle dis mizzle of particularly astute self-reflizzle, riznocks bizzack on his heels n launches hizzle into tha sky.
> ==>
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mxltifaves · 5 years
Legacies rant 2x08
-This episode gave me a heart attack.
-Hope and Clarke’s relationship I’m liking it. It reminds me a lot of Bamom because it the hate they share.
-That first scene with them made me sad. Clarke talking about how lonely he feels and not having a Christmas and Hole saying that ever since her parents she just feels alone bc she has nobody to celebrate it with😭
-Kaleb is the best, I love him. He’s so happy this episode while Hope is being a scrudge.
-Alaric immediatly knowing something is wrong when he sees the snow😂😂
-They were all so happy I can’t take it.
-Lizzie is definetly not a morning person. “You’re still a bitch, thank god” my favorite line by hope to Lizzie ever. All Lizzie cares about is her outfit😂😂😂
-Josie was so creepy in that scene. I still love her.
-I know Landon is just trying to help but he needs to stop getting in it other peoples business. But I get where he comes from. We finally get to know more about Rafael, I’m glad.
-Damon gave Lizzie and Josie his car. My heart I died❤️❤️ Damon is still with us, always.
-Lizzie and Sebastian!!!! I love that we got sizzie content this episode. He was just annoying Lizzie and I love, the angst I felt it, a lot of sexual tension. She gave him a daylight ring to spend time with him, we see what you’re doing Lizzie. “I’m here because you fancy me” yes she does Sebastian. She deadass just left him by the side of the road😂😂😂
-Hope is ruining the Christmas mood for everyone. She mad cuz nobody is listening to her about it not being Christmas. Poor Pedro he seemed so disappointed.
-Rafaels dad. I’m really happy we are finally starting to learn more about his backstory. His character has a lot of potential but they aren’t giving him a proper storyline, kinda like what they did to Tyler. His mom is dead🥺
-Clarke almost died, because he wished for Krampus to save him. And he was saved by hope, she is badass.
-Landon is leaving again. But was stopped by Lizzie. She was actually being nice to Landon, which is odd, but I kinda like it. I really like their friendship.
-Sebastian killed Landon, I’m dead 😂😂💀💀
-SANTA IS REAL!!! And is fighting Krampus, never thought I would ever see that.
-The sexual tension between Lizzie and Sebastian was a lot and I love it. We finally get shirtless Sebastian, had another heart attack. Him holding Lizzie by the neck was hott, she was into it ngl🔥. THEY HAD SEX!!!! This is the content I’ve been wanting. Sebastians abs were distracting Lizzie. Their talk was so cute😍 I want them to bicker more in future episodes. Also he does know about what kind of witch she is, but maybe he doesn’t know about the merge, I want to see protective Sebastian.
-Hope and Clarke talking on the phone😭 “I wanted to tell you that you’re wrong, I don’t hate you” goddamit Clarke why are are you doing this to me, I love you even more.
-Sizzie post sex talk was amazing. I love them even more. “I fancy sex with you” Lizzie has the best lines. He asked her for permission to stay at the school. I love him, they’re both broken and they will fix each other.
-Alaric is officially back to being headmaster.
-Kaleb got a nice ass car.
-Landon officially broke things off with Josie and told hope he loved her, then kissed under the mistletoe.
-That ending was crazy, wtf. Clarke got his head chopped off and the NECROMANCER IS UNDER THE ROOD COAT. Bitch what?!!!
-The promo for next episode was crazy, want are the twins doing, can’t wait for January 16.
Send in your theories for what you think will happen next episode.’
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mydarlingklaus · 5 years
Meeting the Mikaelsons:
So, this is my first time ever writing a main pairing that wasn’t Klaroline. I’m loving sizzie and hope I did them justice. There will be a part 2 soon. I’m obviously a KC shipper and have made it clear that, to me, they are Lizzie’s family. If that’s not your flavor then you do not have to read. Leave reviews here on my ff.net account please! Enjoy (:
Summary: After insisting that Sebastian accompany her for Christmas break, Lizzie and Sebastian hit the road to New Orleans to spend the holiday with her family and meeting them for the first time...including Klaus.
"Explain to me again how the Klaus Mikaelson is your father when I was under the impression the worthless mortal with the horrid beard held that title?" Sebastian wondered from the passenger seat of the camaro Lizzie was struggling to drive.
He cringed at her aggressively pulling at the stick shift like a mad woman.
"Are you sure you don't want me to drive?" He asked.
"Why would I do that?"
Sebastian sighed. "I adore your dominance as much as the next but you command this vessel like a drunken pirate."
Still looking forward, her thick eyebrows raised defensively.
Lizzie scoffed. "Please like I'm going to let a guy who's never driven in his life lecture me on driving tactics, or crash my only source of transportation. No thank you."
The corners of his lips twitched up in a half smile. "Touché but, I think you know I'm a rather fast learner."
His hand raising to brush his knuckles against her soft and pink cheek.
Lizzie could already feel herself wanting to succumb to his talents of distraction.
Pulling away from his tempting touch with a flip of her hair. "Pass."
He shook his head with a soft laugh.
"First of all, that 'worthless mortal' you speak of is my father and I would appreciate it if you didn't insult him right in front of me. Even if you're right about the shaggy dog on his face..."
Lizzie mumbled, bringing a smirk to his lips.
"And second of all, Klaus isn't my dad...well technically. He's dating my mom who's he's loved for like, ever, and he's been in me and Josie's lives since we were kids. He's like a step dad, I guess. It's complicated. As you can tell by now my life isn't exactly conventional." Lizzie explained.
He nodded, staring aimlessly outside of the car window.
"Mmm I see, but I assume you two are quite close?" He assumed. "Given how persistent you were for me to accompany you on this little field trip, all the way to New Orleans, just to get his blessing. I must be special."
The blonde witch pulled her eyes from the road to flash the smirking vampire a harsh death glare at his teasing tone.
-Damn him.
After discovering the truth about Sebastian's past and initial reason for seeking her out in the beginning of the semester, Lizzie was unsure where she stood with him. Of course her attraction didn't falter, but her trust did. With him not—yet—being a student at the boarding school, avoiding him was rather easy until one day when he ambushed her during lunch time. Not wanting to draw any attention to her humiliation, Lizzie insisted they drive off campus to hear any bullshit excuse he could charmingly muster.
There were yells, bickering, name-calling and aneurysm spells that soon resulted in the screaming match transforming to bodies rubbing against each others in a battle of tongues and hateful lust. After consummating the relationship on the hood of her car, both were calm enough to have an actual conversation with one another about the situation.
Lizzie explained where majority of her anger stemmed from—how her mental stability has been her priority lately, and his mind games were cruel to the process. He made her feel she was crazy. Sincerely, Sebastian was apologetic about the entire ordeal.
Yes, his initial lure to the young witch was under selfish pretenses but he quickly—genuinely—began falling for her; as she fell for him.
They were a "bloody mess", as Sebastian said. Agreeing to earn back her trust and acceptance before anymore could happen between them.
One month later...
Not only was Sebastian now a new student at the Salvatore Boarding School—heeding to Alaric's request to keep an eye on him—but his relationship with Lizzie progressed as well.
In light of their new status as a couple, it didn't take long for Klaus to catch wind of the news all the way in New Orleans.
Caroline swore she wasn't the one who told him.
The hybrid knew Lizzie was interested in a new boy in town during one of his previous Mystic Falls visits in the beginning of the semester.
But the two never met.
Klaus was like a father to Lizzie. They were extremely close, they talked almost everyday about everything, but her love life was the only aspect of her life she didn't want to share with him. He wasn't particularly keen on any of the girls dating sheets—nearly scared Landon to death. But finding out one of them was with a vampire of all creatures, especially one as old as him threw his defenses in overdrive.
Despite them not dating too long, Lizzie really liked Sebastian and wanted Klaus and Caroline to like him too. Which triggered the idea of proposing that he spend Christmas break with her and her family in New Orleans.
Caroline flew out with Hope and Josie the night before via Klaus's private jet, while Lizzie insisted on driving; to delay the inevitable tension upon their arrival.
Lizzie forced her attention back on the road, gripping the steering wheel tightly at his arrogant, yet accurate, assumption.
Despite them being in a loving and committed relationship, their dynamic was consumed with teasing and playful bickering to no end. Constantly trying to get a rise out of each other, which usually resulted in coaxing out their pent up desires.
Her eyes rolled dramatically. "Deflate your ego by a ton, teen Dracula." She scoffed. "I invited you solely because I know you have nowhere else to go for the holidays and wouldn't want to freeze your ass off in a Mystic Falls winter."
Sebastian intently stared as she continued.
"Now, me being the charitable person I am, decided to contribute to the season of giving by helping you out. I'll be happy to leave you on the side of the road so the villagers can have their way with you instead." She said with a beaming grin.
Sebastian threw his head back in laughter. He was convinced Lizzie underestimates just how much she amused him.
"And there it is...that natural fire that I love so dearly." Turning his head on the back of the seat to gaze at the exceptional beauty beside him.
She failed to hide her smile and blush, grateful to be driving to avoid his endearing stare that always turned her into mush.
Shaking her head while briefly trapping her bottom lip between her teeth. "Shut up."
His leftover chuckles dissipated over the course of the ride. It had been 30 minutes since their last conversation in the car, sparking Sebastian's suspicions. Lizzie was many things but a mute wasn't one of them, and she barely said anything to him besides a few words here and there.
Twirling the daylight ring she made him between his fingers as he observed her tense posture, trembling hands hands on the wheel and shallow breaths leaving her pink lips. His heightened vampire senses made him feel hers just as intensely.
It was driving him crazy.
"Are you alright?" Sebastian finally asked.
Lizzie blinked rapidly like she'd been dragged from a daze. "Yup. Never better."
Pressing his lips together, he spoke.
"Pull over."
She whipped her head to side and eyebrows furrowed. "What, why?"
"Pull over." He repeated with no further explanation.
"Absolutely not. We're already behind schedule and I'm not making us even more late just so you can dive your fangs into Bambi." She spat.
He growled under his breath. "For Christ's sake Elizabeth, can you for once not be stubborn and pull this bloody contraption over."
Not having much energy to fight, she eventually sighed and did as he asked.
Engine off with nothing but the slow breeze from the empty road to keep them company.
Sebastian unbuckled his seatbelt and turned in his seat to face the flustered blonde.
"What's wrong?"
She swallowed, fidgeting with her fingers to avoid his stare. "Nothing. Why would you think something is wrong?"
He shrugged. "Well, your knuckles nearly whitening from the death grip you possessed over that wheel. Your breaths are labored, body tense, face hard like stone..."
"Maybe I'm just sexually frustrated." She expressed.
The comment making him grin, briefly, before his face neutralized again in sincere concern.
"And you haven't said a word to me in half an hour, not even to tell me to stop messing with the radio buttons."
That actually did grind her nerves when he was examining the radio like a rocket ship—little did she know it was his attempt at getting her attention.
His finger gently pulled her chin forward until she was finally looking at him. Her usual fiery blue now a calm nonexistent flame. Brushing a strand of hair behind her ear to reveal more of her face as his palm softly cuffed one cheek. Her tension quickly diminished, relaxing into the seat and his light touch.
The sweet affection made her stomach tie into a million knots.
"Talk to me." He softly pleaded.
It was still weird for Lizzie to be so vulnerable with someone who wasn't her family.
Lizzie hated being vulnerable. She hated asking for help or showing her weaknesses. It wasn't until lately she began managing her emotions, and Sebastian was an expert at drawing them out of her. Even with Sebastian's reassurance and acceptance, exposing her emotions was a long and tiring battle that she was always losing.
She didn't want to lose with him.
The blonde witch nervously licked her lips, conceding with a sigh. "Okay, I'm just...nervous, about all of this. More than I thought I'd be."
Sebastian's expression demonstrating he already suspected that was the reason.
"This is kinda a big deal for me. I've never really had boyfriends per say, so the whole introducing a guy to my family thing has never happened before. And I definitely never let anyone meet Klaus unless they had a death wish or something and—"
His finger suddenly resting on her lip paused her rant.
"I don't think I've ever mentioned how charming your rambling episodes are." His smile deepened.
Lizzie rolled her eyes grinning. "It's not charming it's annoying. But I can't help it when I'm nervous, I have a serious case of word vomit. Another pesky trait I inherited from my dear mom, along with the tendency to fall for old as dirt vampires."
Sebastian chuckled, removing his hand from her face so she could continue.
She licked her lips again. "I like you, and that wasn't easy for me to admit so don't even think about using it against me." Pointing her finger at him sternly.
His eyes narrowed. "Why would I do that?"
"Wouldn't be the first time you use my vulnerability for your own gain, and you wouldn't be the only one..." She muttered.
His jaw clenched.
He could feel his blood boiling, erupting at the thought of someone taking advantage of her. Desiring to slaughter every last one of them. Made him feel sick that he was one of those grotesque people as well.
No time would be enough for him to make that up to her.
He decided not to defend himself, knowing he once did hurt her and had to live with that, and instead let her finish her thoughts.
"But that's all in the past now, and after much groveling I've forgiven you. We have a good thing going right now. It's real this time, and scary and amazing but sometimes I feel like I'm rushing into things, because I'm afraid it won't last. A lot of things in my life have been temporary, especially in the romance department."
Sebastian was as furious as he was relieved that no other boy has experienced Lizzie the way he has. But furious at how they made her doubt herself and deemed her as not good enough for them.
"I'm not saying I want to marry you or anything but, I'm in no rush for this to to be over either. And I'm scared that we'll take this huge leap only for it not to last, or I scare you off when you discover all of my many shattered pieces." She concluded.
Sebastian's eyes softened into a light blue as he allowed her fears to sink in and realizing he shared similar ones. He has known nothing but death and darkness for centuries. The last girl he loved died in front of his eyes before he met his own fate.
What he and Lizzie had was just as new and scary for him as well.
He hummed. "I think we've established that we're both rather broken, in our own ways. You're definitely something I wasn't expecting either, Elizabeth and quite ominous with how quickly you captured my heart."
She cocked her head to the side in disbelief. "I'm the complete opposite of ominous. Are you really using middle ages pick up lines on me when I'm trying to be serious?"
He smirked moving closer towards her face. "I assure you there's nothing, how do you say it, 'cheesy', about what I'm saying. You have to know I mean every word."
She did.
Her breath hitched and heart rate sped to full capacity.
"It's terrifying how much you make me feel. So demanding and passionately. How much you intrigued me even when we first met, on that fateful day in the Old Mill, or how quickly you made me want more when I knew I shouldn't."
Sebastian could feel his throat tightening from all the bottled up emotions forming.
He cleared his throat. "After what happened with Casandra, I closed my heart and sights to finding love and everything in between. I didn't think I would ever find that deep of a connection with anyone again. Hell, I didn't know if I was ever going to have another opportunity to even try but, then I found you Elizabeth Saltzman. The radiant ray of a chaotic sunshine." His smile stretched his face brightly.
Lizzie's was sure he could hear her pounding heart ready to explode out her chest.
"And believe me I never thought in my lifetime I would ever fancy, let alone form any sort of relationship, with the daughter of the most dangerous and ruthless creature to ever exist." He added with a slight laugh. "But I did, and have no regrets about it."
Both their hands hesitantly joined at the console between them. Lizzie eyes were on Sebastian while his were examining their now interlocked fingers. Studying the display of affection like it was a foreign concept.
He wasn't the easiest person to read but she could sense how overwhelmed he was experiencing such intimacy; she felt it too.
Rubbing his lips together, still looking down he finally spoke.
"I—I like us, as well." He said in almost a whisper when finally looking back up to her stunned face. Tears plucking at the corners of her eyes but never falling.
"This relationship is scary for me too, not even because I haven't exactly dated anyone in the last few centuries. It's different, strange even, but good—stable." He mumbled the last word.
"I want this to last until it can't anymore. I want to adapt to your world the best I can. And as truly terrifying as meeting your entire family is I will gladly walk through those flames, as long as you're there walking beside me." He declared with a widened smile.
Somehow he always knew what to say.
Lizzie subtly sniffled, shaking her head her head as her eyes danced between his and his inviting lips. "You're so damn cheesy."
Not giving him an opportunity to reply for her lips were already molding against his. Initially caught off guard, Sebastian didn't reciprocate but then quickly responded to the kiss just as eagerly—swiftly cradling her face between his two soft palms. Her hand on his chest. Wanting to keep her as close as possible, as if she'd even think about leaving. Their tongues sweeping against one another's passionately. They groaned when their bodies collided with the console between their seats that kept them from touching.
Softly giggling into another kiss, not breaking the oral embrace as Sebastian assisted her in gracefully climbing over to the passenger side so she was straddling his lap. She adjusted her body atop his—painfully torturing his already hardened desire while throwing her jacket in the backseat. His thumb caressed her hot cheek as he swept her hair out her face, never wanting the view to change. Wanting the angelic glow of her face to be the first and last thing branded in his memory. His stare radiating unexpected warmth down her body. He had to have known what he was stirring inside of her...
The way he looked at her, so lovingly and adoringly it felt unreal. No guy ever looked at her like she was their whole world. Sebastian knew of her past, her struggles and weaknesses and only tried his hardest to adore her scars all the same. He made her feel like more than herself.
She wasn't 'crazy Lizzie' or 'witch Lizzie' or 'the broken one' when with Sebastian. She was just her: a curious girl falling hard for an extraordinary guy.
Bending her head down Lizzie captured his lips again, instantly licking her tongue inside his mouth to deepen the already passionate kiss. Her arms securely wrapped around his neck while his were around her waist. Squeezing her denim covered hips delightfully while subtly grinding their hips into each other's. Both moaning and smiling against each other's lips shamelessly, as if they didn't have somewhere to be.
-Oh, right...
With a final but lasting peck, the young blonde reluctantly pulled away leaning her elbows on his shoulders. Rubbing her nose against his cutely before sighing in defeat.
"As tempting as indulging in more very public fornication is, we really need to get back on the road. We're already an hour behind the schedule I gave my parents and knowing Klaus, he's going to send out a hybrid search party if we're not there soon." She half joked.
Sebastian lazily grinned, kissing her lips one last time. "I suppose you're right. That would make a terrible first impression." He agreed, caressing her arms in hesitation.
There was another worry eating at him. While they were already being honest about everything, he felt no need to rep it to himself.
"What if he doesn't like me, or your mother and mortal father don't? What happens if your family doesn't approve of us being together, given that I am a few centuries older than you?" He somberly asked.
Lizzie's eyebrows furrowed.
She actually never gave much thought to the possibility of Sebastian not being approved by her parents. Caroline was usually the most open minded but Alaric and Klaus were a different story.
Alaric asked questions then dismissed while Klaus simply dismissed. The one thing the bickering men agreed on was the safety of the girls, including if they were old enough to start dating.
The worried expression broke as much as warmed Lizzie's heart. Sebastian was like an open book but mystery all at once; a complete contradiction. He never feared showing how he felt about her. Seeing him show how much he valued their relationship and afraid to lose all the progress they made.
She kissed him again, softly yet effectively. He could feel her reassurance in this one simple kiss, diminishing all his doubts and worries.
Pulling away with an infectious smile. "No matter what they think about you, it doesn't change anything. You can't get rid of me that easily." She claimed with teasing smile that matched his.
Her palm brushing over his sharp jaw calming his erratic nerves. There was a possibility this weekend could be a disaster, but what she knew for sure was how she felt about him and vice versa. Her family—not even Klaus—could take this happiness away from her.
Pecking her lips, cheek, and nose a few more times, causing the warmest blush and smile to appear, he nodded. "Alright. Then we should get back on the road to not waste anymore of our newfound courage."
Sebastian was puzzled when the blonde halted his attempt of helping her back into her seat. Brushing her pelvis against his suggestively and faces inches from each other's. He could practically taste her breath against his lips. His hands still secure on her hips, feeling like if he moved then any further they wouldn't be leaving this side of the road anytime soon.
"Hmm?" She hummed, brushing her fingers through his dark brown hair.
He smirked. "Didn't you say we should get going soon?"
The mischievous glint in her eye amused him immensely.
Lizzie innocently shrugged. "Mhm, soon as in not right this second. Soon as in, after indulging in a few more minutes of an impromptu make-out session with my hot boyfriend before I'm forced to pretend you've never seen me naked."
Sebastian's laugh was loud, genuine and contagious.
Their laughter only muffled by their lips meeting again in a passionate frenzy—neither one any rush to leave anytime soon.
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nicolasnelson · 5 years
Sizzie fic - Silence the Rumors [oneshot]
Title: Silence the Rumors Relationship: Lizzie Saltzman/Sebastian Additional Tags: Discussions of mental illness, Bullying, Jealousy, Unrequited Crush, Dual POV, added scenes for 2x09 Words: 2,134
Summary: Lizzie overhears Alyssa and her friends calling her crazy. Sebastian arrives to defend her and uncovers a secret about Alyssa.
Requested by anon​ // Prompt: Sebastian defending Lizzie to anyone and Lizzie overhears.
Lizzie went to the library, desperate to distract herself from thoughts of Sebastian. After the witches attacked him in the Old Mill, all Lizzie wanted to do was run to him and comfort him. He’d looked so vulnerable and scared. But Lizzie was resolved not to have sex with him again today. Twice was enough.
She was in the most boring part of the library, a history section filled with old tomes tucked away in the corner of the room. She liked that no one could see her behind the tall shelves while she browsed the books. If they did, they’d no doubt wonder what on earth she was doing there.
The door swung open, and Lizzie peeked around the side of the shelf to see who it was. Even though she was trying to stay away from Sebastian, she couldn’t help but hope to see him. Unfortunately it was Alyssa and her posse of witches.
Ugh. She still couldn’t believe what they’d done to Sebastian. Not wanting him to stay at the school was one thing, but exposing his fears and using an aneurysm spell on him were overkill.
Lizzie tried to ignore their incessant giggling, picking up a book on vampire pirates, but Alyssa’s haughty voice carried across the library.
“I still can’t believe she stopped us in the middle of a spell. That vampire deserved so much worse.”
“Think he’ll get kicked out?” another girl asked.
“No doubt about it,” Alyssa said, sounding smug. “That guy is pure evil. His past is literally drenched in blood. Lizzie shouldn’t be defending him.”
“Did you hear they’re sleeping together?”
“Oh, yeah, MG told me all about that,” Alyssa said, groaning. “She’s having sex with a serial killer. It’s so disgusting.”
The girls laughed. “Well, what do you expect from Crazy Lizzie?”
Alyssa snorted. “She’s certainly living up to her name. That’s the only way to explain her obsession with danger. She’s definitely in a manic state right now. Only a matter of time before she realizes how crazy she’s been acting lately and comes crawling back to us, begging for our forgiveness.”
Lizzie clenched her fists as she leaned against the bookcase. That was it. She was going to storm out there and give Alyssa a piece of her mind, possibly with the aid of some magic. Really teach that witch a lesson.
A drawling voice stopped her in her tracks, and she peered around the edge of the bookcase to see what was going on. She was surprised to find Sebastian had appeared in front of Alyssa.
Sebastian hated to get involved in so-called teenage drama. He was feeling bad enough from the witch delving into his mind earlier. But when he heard slanderous talk about Elizabeth, he couldn’t stand by and do nothing.
He’d rushed into the library at vamp speed, startling Alyssa and her friends. He smirked with satisfaction at her reaction. Oh, this was going to be fun. Sebastian was not above a little petty revenge.
“You speak about mental illness as if you know something about it,” Sebastian drawled. “But I don’t believe you do. You’re using it to belittle Elizabeth and make yourself feel better about your sad existence. Alyssa Chang, was it? You are wasting your life away with these silly mind games and power plays. If you want real power, this isn’t the way to do it.”
Alyssa lifted her chin, not looking the least bit frightened by him. Big mistake. “I’m not playing games, vampire. I’m just stating facts.”
Sebastian smiled at her. Oh, he was loving this. “If we’re just stating facts then, I have a few of my own to share with the group.”
“This isn’t show and tell,” Alyssa said. Her expression said she was above childish games, but he had proof that she wasn’t.
“That’s not what it seemed like earlier when you had your little glowing orb.”
She put her hands on her hips. “Fine then. What have you got to show?”
“It’s more of something I want to tell, really.” He took a step closer to her, watching her carefully. He had a hunch that she had feelings for him, but it was clear from her steady breathing and unflinching gaze that he was wrong. Still, there was definitely something she was hiding. “You’re awfully concerned with Elizabeth’s love life.”
There it was. A second of surprise, her eyes darting towards her friends as if she was worried they would find out her secret. And now he knew what it was. Alyssa didn’t have feelings for him, no. She had feelings for Elizabeth. He couldn’t blame her. Elizabeth was the most exquisite creature he’d ever laid eyes upon. It was no wonder Alyssa and Milton had eyes for her. In fact, he was surprised more people weren’t vying for her attention. Part of that was likely due to these vicious rumors that Alyssa herself was spreading.
Sebastian knew a lesser man would utterly humiliate Alyssa and expose her little crush. The witch deserved to suffer, but he didn’t want to make Alyssa feel ashamed about her feelings. There was no shame in loving someone. He would rather make her feel guilty about her tactics, enough that she would stop attempting to sully Elizabeth’s good name.
“You’re jealous. Because you fancy me,” he said, smirking. He watched the relief play across Alyssa’s face and her jaw tighten smugly. An ordinary witch wouldn’t have noticed, but a vampire like him had been trained to notice these micro-expressions.
“Dream on, vampire.” She flicked her hair over her shoulder and crossed her arms.
“Oh, I shall, but first I’d like to ask you for a favor. You see, I may not have known Elizabeth for a long time, but I know a great deal more about her than you do. She is not crazy, as you say. She struggles with mental illness, yes, but so do many of us. You yourself seem to be quite the narcissist.”
“I’m not,” she defended, but her friends were exchanging looks like they agreed with him.
“You claim that Elizabeth is obsessed with me, but you’re obsessed with making people suffer. You’ve made Elizabeth suffer a great deal. Which one of us is the real monster here? Hm?”
“I know you’ve killed people,” Alyssa said. “I’ll tell Lizzie all about the terrible things you’ve done.”
Sebastian laughed. “My dear, you only know how I felt about what I did. You do not know any specifics. I feel guilty about my past, but I’ve never tried to hide that from Elizabeth. From the moment I met her, I warned her I was dangerous. She knows how I feasted on humans before I was desiccated. Elizabeth is a smart girl capable of making her own decisions. You don’t give her nearly enough credit.”
Alyssa seemed at a loss for words. He knew he’d backed her into a corner. She couldn’t claim that she knew Elizabeth better than he did without revealing how much she paid attention to her. And now she could reflect on how much her words had hurt Elizabeth. Guilt was a powerful thing. Hopefully it would be enough to put an end to her bullying.
Just then Elizabeth appeared from behind a bookcase and stormed up to him. Her eyes were alight with strong emotion and her cheeks were flushed from the exertion, making her look so stunning. She pulled Sebastian into a passionate kiss right there in front of the witches.
Sebastian ran his fingers through her hair and smiled against her mouth. Elizabeth was truly the most wonderful woman he’d ever known. Instead of cowering in a corner, she’d taken charge of the situation and claimed Sebastian for herself.
When she finally pulled back, she looked him up and down appreciatively. “That was so hot,” she said.
Sebastian couldn’t stop his smile. He turned his gaze on the witches. “Well, this has been a lovely conversation, Miss Alyssa. I wish you luck as you learn etiquette and manners.” Before she could say a word, he walked out of the room, arm draped over Elizabeth’s shoulders.
Lizzie had felt confident in the moment, determined to show those witches that they couldn’t faze her and that she was sure about her own choices, but now she was feeling a little embarrassed. Sebastian didn’t say a word to her until they were outside in the stone corridor.
“That was unexpected,” he admitted, his eyes filled with lust.
Lizzie smirked. “Alyssa doesn’t get to walk all over me.”
“I never believed you would let her. Did you hear that entire conversation in the library?”
“Yes.” Lizzie had no reason to hide it. “Thank you. For defending me.”
He smiled at her, and she was reminded of the warmth of this morning when they’d made out in the hallway. “I will do whatever I can to protect you, Elizabeth.” He said it like a sacred promise he would uphold to his death.
“You really don’t think I’m crazy?” Lizzie asked, her voice small.
“No, not at all. I’ve met my share of crazy people in my days. Power-hungry people who are never satisfied by the riches they steal. The town leadership in Roanoke was full of them. You are nothing like that, Elizabeth.”
“I’m so sorry your life has been so difficult. But you have a chance to start over here. I don’t care about your past. You could have been a smuggler or pirate for all I care.”
Sebastian laughed. “Now that’s ridiculous,” he teased.
“Hey, at least I’m not as crazy as Alyssa. You were so right. She is obsessed with making other people feel bad.”
“Alyssa isn't crazy either,” Sebastian said. “She's just lonely.”
Lizzie felt a pang of worry in her chest. “You’re not interested in her, are you?”
Sebastian stared at her, clearly surprised. “It astounds me that someone as remarkable as you has so little confidence in yourself.”
Lizzie blushed. “When you’re told you’re crazy all your life, it’s hard to feel good about yourself.”
“Yes, I understand that very well.” A dark expression crossed his face, filled with sadness and regret.
Lizzie swallowed, realizing what was going on. “Dad kicked you out, didn’t he?”
“Not yet,” Sebastian said. “But it’s only a matter of time. I don’t belong here.”
“You do,” she insisted. She put a hand on his arm. “I’ll talk to my dad. I’ll let him know the witches provoked you. I’ll fight for you to stay, Sebastian.”
“I know you will,” he said, sounding sad. “Thank you, Elizabeth.”
Lizzie wrapped a hand around his neck and pulled him in for a gentle kiss. It was slow and sweet, far different from their passionate, hungry kisses, and yet, it was the most intimate kiss Lizzie had ever had.
“Care for some more copulation?” Lizzie asked, raising her eyebrow.
Sebastian smiled, but he shook his head. “No, not right now.”
That was unusual. Sebastian had never turned down an offer for sex before. If he was truly leaving, wouldn’t he want one last time with her? Or maybe he was still upset about what Alyssa had done with the orb. He surely had a lot of emotions to work through today.
She reached for his hand and squeezed it. “Everything’s going to be okay, Sebastian. Even if you do have to leave, we can still see each other. We could meet in the town, copulate to our hearts’ content.”
Sebastian chuckled. He cupped her face in his hand and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “That sounds beautiful, Elizabeth.” He pulled away from her, and she felt the absence of his touch like a physical pain in her chest. “It’s time I take my leave.”
“Where are you going?” Lizzie asked, worried.
“I think I will head to the gymnasium, work out some of these feelings I’ve been keeping all bottled up.”
“That’s a great idea,” Lizzie said. “I do that too actually. It really helps me start seeing things clearly again.” She rubbed his arm, admiring how toned his muscles were. Her thoughts went back to last time they’d had sex and how much she wanted to do it again, but she could wait. Self care was important, and Sebastian had just had a really tough day.
She was just so grateful to have him in her life. No one had ever stood up to Alyssa like that before. Most boys stopped showing interest in Lizzie the moment they heard the rumors. She knew she was incredibly lucky to have Sebastian, and she was determined to hold on to him.
“Come find me afterwards, if you feel up to it.” Lizzie twirled her hair, a hint of suggestion in her eyes.
Sebastian shot her a dazzling smile. “Goodbye, Elizabeth.”
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aleclikescupcakes · 5 years
My final thoughts
First I must admit I love the episode. I mean considering the cast, the producers and the crew had to end the show so soon, for this to be the final episode, it was great, it was what they could do best, and I am fine with it. 
The episode (from 3x21) started so good, I love the Edom dinamic, the jokes, de comedy, the team work. I must admit I wanted Alec and Magnus to have the alliance rune, but when I saw the twist with Alec and Lorenzo, and Jace and Meliorn, it was fantastic. I lived for those moments, it made me smile more than I would have thought. The fact they all wanted to save Magnus was so beautiful because Magnus has helped so much, he deserve to be saved from his family. 
I would have love to see a Dark!Magnus plot, but not because I wanted him to be evil (I couldn’t even imagine that possibility), but I wanted to see him ruling Edom and being all powerful for just a tiny moment (but oh well, the first scene was enough for me). 
I love that the show gave Izzy the heavenly fire plot, when it was supposed to be Clary, but in a way was to give her a center plot because to be honest, we had little Izzy centric plots, so it was great to see that change. I also love everybody was willing to help her get rid of the fire, it was a good team moment. 
I must admit that I felt that at the beginning Sizzy was kind of rushed, because it just took me by surprise it was going to start right when the episode started, but then it was good, it turn out to be good. I found the whole gang finding out they were kissing funny, it was all I imagined. 
3x22 had its ups and down. I mean I love the majority of it but there were things that left me like in shock, like a I needed to rethink well before having an opinion. 
I mean, the Malec wedding was so beautiful, I actually cried so much. The hugs, the love, the music, the vows, the little moments, it was just so perfect. I know the writers and the producers, and the cast wanted to be perfect and for me it was. I can’t complain about it. Honestly, 8 minutos of malec wedding is not joke guys, they did it for us and their love of course. 
What I didn’t like was the Jonathan plot. I...it made me feel a little bit uncomfortable and wrong in so many levels. I didn’t like the Seelie queen and Jonathan relationship, it was just so wrong for me I couldn’t deal with it. The fact that there was not time for Jonathan to develop as de the villian that he was supposed to be, it dissappointed me. I know it is not the shows fault to be cancelled and made to do a movie with a rushed plot, but it made this plot that we have been building up since season 3B as it never happen, it was just in the background making noise. 
I know they tried to pack all this storylines and ended it quickly as possible (it actually looked like a check list kind of plot) and because of that we had such a short amount of Maia and Luke. And I understand, I do, because of schedule conflict but the Jonathan thing was just....so bad, it mades me sad. 
About Clary forgetting her memories, I must say at the beginning it infuriates me because it was not fair. For me it was not fair. I know the majority of the fandom does not like her (or  it seems) but she is our protagonist, she helped save the world. It was so wrong to see her slowly forget her memories, she suffered alone and it kind of hit me hard to see that. To see everybody happy and she suffering. 
I mean, she didn’t have anyone outside of the shadow world. When she forgot everybody, where did she go? Where was she going to live? She lost her mom, her home, she killed her biological father who was evil and her brother for that matter. She lost the love of her life, do you see how fucked up that is?
Oh well, I did like to see that the was going to remember at some point. That scene with Jace at the end, it really was good. It kind of gave me hope on her plot and made me feel better. Besides, it was well shot cinematographically, so it was beautiful in my opinion. 
I am glad Malec got such a powerful ending. Powerful husbands changing the world. It is funny they put Alec as the inquisitor because being a Consul would be like the books and they didn’t have the rights.
I mean I have so many emotions on this episode guys, I can’t stop thinking about it. It was the first show I felt deeply connected and though, it mostly frustrate me, I care about it so much. 
So besides all of that, I am thankful for this show, for this fandom, for the cast, for the producers and for this amazing books. I know this show is not going to be saved and I know it might never be remade, but I am glad I was alive to see this, no matter the differences. 
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
So, again a lil late, but here I am!! You know? I read the chapter the same day you posted it. I put my notes simultaneously. I even woke up early for some weird reason!!! And I forgot to send the ask...I cant with myself😂
Hallo!!  Ich bin zurück, um wieder verletzt zu werden💙
“It’s dangerous, obviously. But also, crazy.” “Didn’t you try to do necromancy?” (there is not hierarchy of clowns when they all entretain the same circus...)
JACE NO!! 😭 The letters!!!
"Alec. The one thing that had always mattered." Ouch.
"Blue eyes that were now tired and worn and were threatening to shut permanently" Thanks! I didn't need a reminder :)
"He remembered a time when both Max and Rafe had been small enough for Jace to put them in duffle bags and sneak them out to missions. Now they had grown up. And growing up sucked. It got people hurt." I dont know why....but this hit hard...
"Love made you a reckless fool." LBAF! Well, almost 😂
Parabatai feels win again💙
Every time I hear that David is gone, it feels like the first time cause its just🥺😭
“If we pay someone else to do it, it means our lives are more valuable just because we have more money to spare,” Jace explained. “So, even if we could do that, we shouldn’t.” (And we love you for that honey!!)
“Max, I already kidnapped one son,” Jace pointed out. “If I take the other, Alec might actually kill me.” (yeah, sounds like a good reason...)
“First, breakfast,” Jace grinned. “Then I go raise Raziel.” (My man has his priorities straight!! Kinda..)
Roman is jsbdjsjsb🥺
“Does it turn into a sword? Like in Percy Jackson?” (Also my fist thought😂)
I feel the device is going to be important at some point...
“I have more pens back home,” Roman said. “If I had known, I would have brought all of them.” (they are so cute and a perfect team and in this essay I will....)
“I’m basically 16,” Georgia said, who was totally 15. (Getting Alec Vibes... 😂)
“No. I ate it.” “Why the fuck?” (Why not right?)
"I think you are my favorite shadow police yet," I'M LOVE THEM✨
"Stupid self-sacrificing idiot,” Like father like son (which father? I DONT KNOW)
No, no no. She can be dead right???
"I told you the Angel won’t let us down.” “Um,” Roman said awkwardly. “There is something you should know about that.” Lmaoo😂
That right!!! They are finally getting shit done and I love them!!!
"Alec had punched him then, not holding back. And then he had hugged Jace tightly and told him everything was going to be okay." I'm confused but honestly I dont care💙
"His eye was still badly bruised. He hadn’t used an iratze, which usually meant he was sorry." 🥺 also, Magnus wanting to kill him is so funny for some reason 😂
“So, don’t give Jace shit,” Isabelle said. “You are just as dumb. I have two idiots for brothers!” (I mean thats not new Izzy...)
“Lightwood women are something else.”YES THEY ARE!!
"She had Izzy’s mind and Simon’s heart. But she reminded him so much of Max" Hdjdrlob its so true its not even funny anymore 😭
“I got you,” Magnus whispered and squeezed his hand. 💙💙💙💙
This is going oddly ok.... I dont trust this...
"But Alec had hoped that one day he would get to chat about love with his children. He wanted to know about that part of their lives." I feel personally attacked...
Sizzy its so proud of their daughter!!!
“YAS!” Emma yelled from the back. “Go, Team Lovehollow!” Alec pointedly ignored that. (No, no...let her speak!!)
“Maybe he is an anti-vaxxer too,” “Gabriel, shush!” (I laughed harder than i should 😂)
Yup. I told you things were going too good to be true...
“Show some fucking gratitude.” YESSS
“We demanded justice!” another shadowhunter stood up. “Our law was broken.” “My son is dead,” Alec snapped. “Is that justice enough for you?” (IM IN THE MOOD TO STAB SOMEONE!!)
“Bro, I am not sure if we can girlboss our way out of this one.” Me neither...
Ah shit. Here we go again....
Would just like to point out that every conversation between Mina and Max is amazing 😂😂
“Your brother has been separated from your family long enough. It is time for him to go. And it must be done properly. It’s a basic right – criminal or not.” I'm...surprised...still simping tho....
David kept it in his wallet!! 🥺
"But like most things in his life, this too had to be a spontaneous and half-assed trip." Can relate
Lightwood-Banes be like: ✨The masculine urge to go to Edom and get yourself killed✨
Wow. That. Everything. What? Honeslty I couldn’t quote anything cause I was too busy trying not to scream and shaking but...
“We don’t trust you, Max,” dad said, walking to the door. “You broke our trust when you tried to do necromancy.”
But they didn’t know. They didn’t understand the emptiness he felt inside himself. The terror.
But here he was, sitting inside the pentagram, half-way to hell, and he had no magic to defend himself.
Fucking killed me. Honeslty I dont know why I'm surprised anymore :) Shit just got real like 15 chapters ago and hasnt chilled out since then...
Wie auch immer, bis bald.  Und Pass auf Dich auf!!<33
I thought it was Finnish!!! Damn, I keep losing this game(?)
I love your live blogs so, so much. Thank you sending them even after this time!!!
Lightwood-Banes be like: ✨The masculine urge to go to Edom and get yourself killed✨
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Shadowhunters 3x18 Commentary
Becky is like a Shadowhunters fan who suddenly wakes up in the Shadow World I love her
Shadowhunters actually doing shadow hunting?? Unheard of in this series called “Shadowhunters” but I am HERE for it
Alec is brooding this is not a good sign
Magnus please stop deflecting
When is it not a bad time when Jace comes in during a Malec scene lol
What is that??? A Clace snippet I enjoyed?? Maybe it’s because they’re acting like a couple instead of epically destined lovers for ONCE
“Clave business” Alec you are a terrible liar but I think I’ve already said that last episode
Okay so…I can somehow be okay with Maia forgiving Jordan for what he’s done to her but I am NOT here for anything more than acquaintances happening between these two. Jordan at least WAS an abuser. I feel like the writers forgot that.
Alec doesn’t have time for your bullsh*t, lady
Of course the as*hole desires it, he has his own plans that don’t take place locked up in Edom
“Alexander Gideon Lightwood” it’s Mr. Lightwood for you, Sir.
Man do I love Jack Yang as Asmodeus. He’s amazing.
Asmodeus, Prince of Talking Sh*t
Asmodeus feeding into Alec’s insecurities is a dick move but a smart move. The worst villains are the ones who are smart
“animal feature”?? I mean…yeah, most of them are kind of animal features but which animal has blue skin?
Since this is a plan that would prevent Jonathan from taking over Clary and end the Jonathan-Clary ark for good I am very sure it’s not going to work
Hi Luke!! We all missed you.
I heard that voice crack, Daddario
Kind of asking myself when Jonathan decided he wanted to be edgy and get his ear pierced
It didn’t work??? Colour me surprised!!
I am always here for Head of the Institute Alec it’s one of my favourite forms of Alec
What is this?? Parabatais actually talking?? They’re really doing good on the parabatai scenes these episodes
“hypothetically, if your boyfriend lost his magic and his evil Prince of Hell father demanded you to end your relationship with him in order to give your boyfriend his magic back, would you do it?” – “Asmodeus told you to break up with Magnus??” – “I said ‘hypothetically’!”
Dark!Clary is finally coming! In episode 8 of 12.
I’ve already seen this scene in a sneak peek but can I say again how much I love these Magnus and Maryse interactions? They’re amazing. I can totally see them meet up for monthly dinners or lunches in the future to chat.
Magnus ending the Joceluke ship 2k19
I don’t know what it is but there’s something I don’t like about the new Seelie queen. I can’t quite put my finger on it but something bugs me
When did the Seelie queen ever care about someone dying for her own profit?
Sibling scene!! They are really giving us everything this episode
Alec already had this conversation with himself in his head so many times but we already know that he made a choice for himself
“I’m not the first person he’s loved and I won’t be the last” just break my heart why don’t you
Alec’s silence after Izzy asks if he can recover from it is answer enough
Oh stop it with the flirty scenes between these two why couldn’t you have just let Jordan die or make him leave or whatever
The drunk werewolf cracks me up
I love Becky
I am here for Magnus confiding in Maryse she’s like the mother he never really had since he was a little child
Mothers are always right, Magnus!
“You’re part of the family” *sobs*
Again, Becky is like a Shadowhunters fan who woke up in the Shadow World
“The boss is calling” *cackles*
I gotta repeat myself, I love Becky
Becky, captain of the Sizzy ship
Okay so this whole seeing Jonathan standing there and choosing the dark side thing is actually pretty cool but I can’t stop laughing about Jace with those angel wings like…the symbolism is so in your face that it’s ridiculous
Dark Clary is one the wayyyyyy
What a pretty queen
Parabatai fight scene!! :DD these last two episodes they’ve been more parabatai than all of S2 and S3A combined
Alec nooooooooooooo
Writers, please, no don’t do this just let Jordan leave gosh damn it why would Maia even want him there
Like this they only turn it around and go “well, Maia made the choice!” and act like Jordan is suddenly such a good person because “he would leave, right?? Maia is the one who stopped him!” just. Stop.
It was so close and then the stupid Lanaia had to break into the stupid institute to try to kill stupid Jonathan >:c
“Nothing but darkness” lol foreshadowing
We could have had dark Clary so much earlier and it would have made for a way more interesting plot these last few episodes
Oh no. I know what’s coming and I’m not ready. Please don’t do that.
No nononononononononononononononononononononono
“This isn’t you. You’re not this selfish” THANK YOU. This right here is the reason Magnus is going to find out about this whole bullsh*t because he’s not stupid. And especially when Asmodeus suddenly shows up like “heard your boyfriend broke up with you :ccc so sad :ccc”
I mean…yeah, Alec is good at pretending and picking the things to say that hurt and make it seem like his decision but after everything they’ve been through? If I didn’t know about the deal with Asmodeus I’d say that Alec is highly out of character here.
These last seconds of Magnus begging for Alec to stay just rip my heart out and trample on it then set it on fire
And you can see that it almost keeps Alec from going through with it
The music suddenly stopping when Alec goes outside is just so. It’s like Magnus’ whole world briefly stopped.
Aswufwjdasjdaosidjdfjfslksaklsa I am ready for Asmodeus doing his sh*t on earth finally we have an interesting villain
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dreamycloud1 · 5 years
Think Piece for 3/21 and 3/22
Are there... even words for it? I can’t really think right now I’m just dazed and high on euphoria and also sadness??
This is it. The end of an era. For now, maybe forever. Only time will tell.
This episode had so many things to talk about I don’t even know where to start.
At at the end of the day I loved this series finale more than anything I had ever watched on television, in my life.
It started with the hunt to save Magnus. Alec was so willing to give everything to be with Magnus, he was willing to leave it all behind for the chance to be with his one true soul again. Izzy knew this.
Magnus was her friend, her brothers world and she was going to use the last of the life she thought she had to make him happy.
Clary, who was so happy to help her friends and used the one strength she had to get them all to Edom. They met up with Magnus (after he gets through politely telling Lilith to fuck off) and all take a part of Izzy’s pain to destroy the ENTIRETY of Edom. Home of the demons, and Lilith along with it. (Don’t ask how the Downworlders didn’t die shhh it’s fiiiine)
They get back to relatively normalcy and Magnus Bane. Magnus LIGHTWOOD fucking BANE couldn’t wait to marry the love of his life. Just like Alec said Magnus has never been married. This is his first of many new experiences he will get to have in his long long life.
Also HC! Alec is immortal because I say and the writers never said he wasn’t haha take that.
Anyway. Clary is sat down by the one person who the angels thought could convince her and told that the power she was gifted with was being revoked. If she used one more self-made rune she would lose her entire Shadowhunters life. Clary knew this but nothing was ever going to stop her from defeating Jonathan. It had to be her, it had to be with her runes. She finally saved the boy in the tower from all those years ago.
And she paid.
Then she went to the Malec wedding and put on a brave face because two of her best friends in the world were getting married and she would be damned if she didn’t smile through the trauma for them.
Now that I’ve arrived here even after attempting to stall for as long as possible because I am going to start crying again, the Malec wedding. I know everyone is going to have their opinion of how it went. It’s how you feel and I’m never going to try and argue that with anyone.
To me, it was a moment of cinematic beauty captured in time. It wasn’t long, it wasn’t flashy, not in Abu Dahbi or Taipei, but it was *Malec*. In all their beauty.
Robert was invited because he was still Alec’s father no matter what. His mom and dad put aside their differences to walk their children down the isle on the most important day of their lives. The music had me weeping before anyone stepped out. Then Alec was brought in by Robert and I cried like a baby. Then Magnus. Oh beautiful Magnus. Walked out by the biggest mother figure in his life, not replacing his birth mom but filled the gap with so much warmth that it’s hard to be sad anymore.
And I sobbed.
And sobbed some more. Their vows I will listen to over and over again until I can recite them in time. They were simple yet so filled with love and adoration that you didn’t need many words for the bond to be felt through time and space.
Then Clary said her goodbyes to Jace. Despite being so against Clace from the beginning of the show this episode slowly broke that wall down. I will never truly ship them in the way you’d think but by the end of season 3 I see the appeal. Kat and Dom played them so well and it shows. Jace grew as a person so damn much this season and it shows. They broke my heart with Clary losing her powers so hard. Clace are meant for each other. Heart and Body, Mind and Soul.
Also side note... Magnus and Lorenzo talking before Magnus gave him the wedding invite?? Pure poetry. You can also see how much Lorenzo has grown. I’m sure this is perhaps their way of redeeming characters before the show ends but I don’t really care because I want to love and support all of them. Lorenzo wants for a family of his own just like Magnus has found. In my heart I think he got it. It’s not much of a connection aside from just shoving them together at the end but I still and very very fond of Underhill x Lorenzo anyway. Lorenzo deserves is and Underhil has never done anything wrong in his life TM.
Maia is leading the New York pack, and opening a restaurant! She wants to bring everyone together, guys I love Maia.
Sizzy is together! Like officially even more of a thing and Simon brings Izzy lunch and I’m so on board with this ship I’m so happy for both of them. And Saphael made up! They are friends now and Rafael is becoming a priest and I couldn’t be prouder.
Maryse and Luke are a thing and they both deserve it after everything they’ve been through.
Helen and Aline are together and wanna get married and I’m so supportive I love all my gay/bi/pan children! (Also thanks again Jem for like saving Magnus from being and idiot and officiating their WEDDING!)
Oh god we’re here so I’m gonna address it. Alec is the new Inquisitor! I’m so fucking proud. I guess the old hag wanted to settle down and Magnus finally can do and be as he wishes because Magnus will always be there. Magnus is the!!! HIGH WARLOCK!!!!!! Of ALICANTE!!!!!!! I love my husbands so much no words can fully get the message across. They’re so domestic and seem like they’ve settled in and I will never be happier st knowing I got to see them grown and be the happiest people in the world.
That’s my o my real complaint with this episode is that I was promised parabatai and then I get my heart ripped out (only to be thrust back in by the wedding).
To end it all, the elephant in the room. The Clace ending. I can’t say I’m mad about it. We have known the writers set it up on a never ending cliffhanger. They told us way in advance that they would leave the show like that. I don’t think they could have balanced it so perfectly again in a million years of they tried. It’s a perfect mix of being able to say that Clary slowly regains her memories of the shadow world and then comes back to Jace and they live on fighting demons and getting married.
But it also leaves it open to be able to be picked up if that were ever a feat that could be achieved. I think it’s brilliant and in a way satisfies something in us even if it is never picked up again.
Thank you, Shadowhunters. For giving me years of life and an endless world to believe in.
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jordancat · 5 years
'Shadowhunters' Series Finale: Bosses Explain Clary's Cliffhanger and Malec's Near Perfect Wedding (Exclusive)
By Leanne Aguilera‍ 7:30 PM PDT, May 6, 2019
Go to the article and give it a hit, but in case the article is moved or has been taken down if you are finding this post in a year or so after Shadowhunters has been saved, here is the content. 
WARNING: If you have not watched the series finale of Shadowhunters, then grab your stele and escape through the nearest portal. For everyone else, grab that extra box of tissues and listen up...
After three action-packed seasons filled with gut-wrenching twists and heart-pounding turns, Shadowhunters has come to an end.
The series finale of the Freeform drama has just bowed on our screens, but if you're anything like us, then a lot of questions must be racing through your minds as you try to catch your breath through a river of tears.
In one last quest for answers – and perhaps a bit of closure – ET called up Shadowhunters executive producers, Todd Slavkin and Darren Swimmer, and asked the co-showrunners to explain our most burning questions after that two and a half hour finale.
Read on for exclusive explanations about Clary's shocking cliffhanger, the few things missing from Malec's near "perfect" wedding, and one last answer to the question that every fan has been asking: Is this really the end of Shadowhunters?
ETonline: How important was it for you deliver a Shadowhunters series finale that you knew fans would be proud of?
Todd Slavkin: It was hugely important. We poured our hearts into this finale and we wanted every moment to count – especially Malec’s wedding. That was a big moment for a fandom that had been waiting a long time to see it and it had to be really, really special.
Let’s talk about Malec’s wedding – it was gorgeous. What little details did you make sure were included in the Malec wedding, so it could be perfect for the fans?
TS: The flower girl was really important in that it had to be Madzie. Maryse walking Magnus down the aisle was a really powerful statement after all they’ve been through and knowing what the wedding was like in season one. It felt important that it was full circle and that hug between them still breaks my heart when she sends him up on the stage. The vows needed to be perfect – every single word needed to count. There was a little fun behind-the-scenes moment where it felt right that Alec would be very nervous – more nervous than Magnus. After all, this is The Institute, this is The Clave and there’s a great moment where he’s nervous and Harry just gives him a little nod like, “Its okay. You’re going to get through it.” And it felt so right and so honest and like a lot of weddings that I’ve been to. Just capturing those human moments – the whole show has really been about that. Even in this heightened reality, these human emotions and moments really mean a lot to all of us.
Darren Swimmer: We wanted to populate the wedding with as many of the characters in the overall series as we could. So anybody who wasn't at the wedding, you can be pretty sure was not available due to scheduling, or they were deceased on the show, or a villain.
Speaking of deceased villains – Let’s talk about Jonathan. How did you guys decide that Clary would create one last rune in order to take down her brother?
TS: Well, it felt so right that the ultimate sacrifice that Clary had to do would be killing her brother and saving the world at the same time. We knew that he couldn't die by anyone else’s hand. And we knew that it would be incredibly heartbreaking that his sister – this human that he’s loved so much and he’s wanted her love for so long – is the one who finally wanted to take his life. The idea of creating this new rune and using this winged embrace to kill him just felt like such a perfect moment. Rhyming the wings that we had seen before and with white conquering darkness and all of that.
Even though Clary used this new rune to save the world and take down Jonathan, Ithuriel (sic - it was asctually Raziel - jordancat) still stripped her of her Shadowhunter status. We had a one-year time-jump and a cliffhanger ending with mundane Clary recognizing Jace and seeing his runes. Can you explain the meaning of that last scene?
TS: The expression of the love between Jace and Clary is such an integral part of the series and we knew we had to pay it off in a huge way. The idea that the love that they have is even more powerful than the wrath of the angel Ithuriel (sic Raziel - jordancat) is just such a great statement. Love conquers all. Love conquers darkness.
DS: I would also add that we see the inevitability of Clary as a Shadowhunter. At the end of the day, her fate is that she’ll be a Shadowhunter. We don’t completely answer that question or present that, but I think that’s what the takeaway is. She’ll be a Shadowhunter.
Take me past that cliffhanger of an ending. What do you envision what happens next? Does Clary need to re-learn her training? Does she need to re-form those bonds with all these people? Does she need to re-fall in love with Jace?
DS: I don’t want to give too much away because we want to make it something that the fans can think about in their imagination. But in the fourth season that we were hoping might somehow materialize itself when we wrote this, we would see Clary and Jace working together to sort of re-train her and get her to back to Shadowhunters status 100 percent.
TS: We’d have this new Clary with the cool hair, and the awesome outfit, and she’s kind of like a strong young woman who’s found herself as an artist, but knows there’s something missing in her life. Even just like in the pilot, there was this feeling that would just start all over, but they would be more adult now.
In this potential future for “new” Clary, is there a possibility that she would get her memories back?
TS: Yes. In the Shadow World anything can happen.
It was so amazing to see Clary ask Izzy to be her Parabatai. It made it even more gut-wrenching to realize that this wasn’t going to happen once Clary lost her memory. Can you talk about dangling that conversation over the fans and then your decision to have that not come to fruition?
DS: The two of them becoming Parabatai was something that we always imagined we would work towards, but it was something that we also thought needed to be extended and pushed as late as we possibly could. So when we knew that we only had two episodes left, we wanted to take advantage of that and present it here.
TS: But the great thing is when Clary recognized Jace at the end, you’re like, “Wow! Okay I could see that happening again for sure.” That [bond] is not going to go away.
Izzy and Simon’s slow-burn of relationship was sped up quite a bit in that series finale. What was your goal when it came to showing the love story of these two characters?
DS: We have to thank the Sizzy fans for being so patient while we laid the groundwork over this season for their relationship. We always felt that the longer we pushed it off, the more powerful it would be once they got together – and then suddenly we ran out of runway. I still think there was enough of the lead in, and the start of their relationship happens basically when we wanted it to happen. We just didn’t get to see as much as we wanted.
TS: The original end of season three was their kiss and then fire consumes Izzy. That was going to be the end of season three and then we would've spent the entire season four having to heal lizzy and there would still be more of a slow burn. So in a weird way, Sizzy fans got it early. They lucked out because we had to jump the gun.
DS: Yeah, how many times can you have the two of them start to kiss and then have an alarm go off? [Laughs]
What is a loose end that you guys wish you could’ve tied up differently?
TS: That’s a really good question. I feel like the loose ends were tied up really nicely. There’s a little bit of stuff that we would’ve wanted to see and we would’ve wanted to explore more.
DS: We tied things together, but we would've wanted to tie them together in a little bit longer way. The wedding wouldn’t have been planned in one day.
TS: But you know after thinking about it, I would've loved at the wedding if we would've seen a conversation between Jace and Magnus being like, “Thank you. I couldn't have asked for any one better to take care of my Parabatai.” And I would’ve loved to have seen Robert Lightwood say to Maryse, “I’m so happy for you that you’ve found love again.” And I wish Luke Garroway was at that wedding and I wish Maia was at that wedding. There are those little things. That wedding could’ve been an entire episode. It could have been a full 42 minutes and I think the fans would've loved it just as much and we could have had all of these moments that would have just gone on and on and on. We just were limited.
Was Clary losing her memory always part of the plan or was that conceptualized once you knew that the show was ending?
TS: It was conceptualized once we knew the show was ending.
Had the show not ended – and Clary never lost her memories – what would’ve been Clary’s fate as we moved into season four?
TS: Great question! I think she would have really been healing over the guilt she felt over Dark Clary and the terrible things she did and would’ve been cleaning up that mess. And Jace would have been helping her, like, get back to normal. I think Jace and Clary could’ve had this normalized relationship – at least for Shadowhunters. A peak in the normalcy and I think the fandom would have craved that a little. Those moments that we’ve had when they’ve gone out on their dates – like the ice skating moment and the moment in early in season three when they went to dinner with Simon. These are these great human moments that stand out and again I think we would've leaned into that more.
Would we have seen a Clace wedding?
DS: Absolutely.
The series finale of Shadowhunters is here, but the fans have not stopped fighting to save the show. Is this the official end of Shadowhunters?
TS: I think it’s the end of Shadowhunters in this permutation. Those books live on and the rights live on. Darren and I don’t have the rights and we don't control the rights. I think we’re all kind of going onto other things, but having said that – you never say never. What I wouldn't rule out and what I don't think is impossible is doing, like, a future movie. Where you could get everyone together for a few weeks and do like a two-hour, or a four-hour, or a limited six-episode thing. Maybe with the same cast, but you never know. Weird thing happen in today’s TV world.
DS: The only reason that it seems like it would be a long shot to [continue this show] in this permutation is that everything has been disassembled. The sets have been sold, and all the props, and that stuff [is gone.] It’s not like we could ever come back and just continue it where it is. It would be starting from scratch.
TS: Yeah they auctioned off props, like, in August or September. It was crazy and horrible.
The fans have been asking, “What more could we have done to save Shadowhunters?” What do you want to say to them?
DS: The fans did everything right.
TS: It’s an incredibly passionate, creative, strong fandom that should be so proud of themselves because this won't be forgotten and it’s bigger than a TV show. What this fandom is preaching is inclusion, and love for all, and all these positive things in life and I think that’s a rarity. I think that will go down in history.
DS: And I was just going to add that without this incredible fan base, we might not have had a two-parter [finale] at all. The show might have just been canceled. But knowing that there was such a devoted fanbase, the powers-that-be decided to do this two-hour finale.
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nathanmillers · 5 years
tagged by @zavens!! thank you so much for thinking of me :)
rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) peeps.
my shows:
1. the 100
2. teen wolf
3. shadowhunters
4. daredevil
5. stranger things
1. who is your favorite character in 2?
— scott!! he will always have a place in my heart because he’s so soft, courageous, and will 100% do anything for the people he cares about. he also has a strong moral compass that is unique about him in the show, because he honestly just wants to save everyone, even the bad guys. he was done dirty in his own show— constantly being overshadowed, made a true alpha but then barely being able to use his powers to their full potential because “reasons.”
2. who is your least favorite character in 1?
—i would say e.cho, but she isn’t really a character at this point (just a plot device), so i’m just gonna go ahead and say octanakin
3. what is your favorite episode of 4?
—probably 3x13 because it was an excellent finale and the acting was truly INCREDIBLE on everyone’s part.
4. what is your favorite season of 5?
— two, because they introduced some new characters really well while also making me love the recurring ones even more. the character-driven and action-driven episodes were well-balanced and babysitter!steve was iconic.
5. who is your favorite couple in 3?
— it’s a tie between malec and sizzy, i just love them both!
6. who is your favorite couple in 2?
—yeah i’m basic and ship stydia. i just wish we would have gotten more actual canon content than a kiss and then ... barely anything at the end of the last season.
7. what is your favorite episode in 1?
— day trip was thrilling, humorous, and also provided essential dynamic-building for bellarke, but i also love nevermore because it was INTENSE and lindsey’s acting was amazing! nevermind was incredible too. agh, there are too many to choose from
8. what is your favorite episode of 5?
— 2x09had all the best content: babysitter!steve, “yeah it’s me dont cream your pants”, amazing acting, el being badass, dad!hopper, will being cared for, etc
9. what is your favorite season of 2?
— season 3 is one of the best seasons in american television
10. how long have you watched 1?
— since june 2015 when only season 1 was on netflix and season 2 was still ongoing. i think it was on 2x06 when i caught up (it took me 24 hours to watch it all)
11. how did you become interested in 3?
— i was a big fan of the mortal instruments books, so of course i was ecstatic when it was going to become a tv show. i loved the cast (particularly how they actually made clary a redhead and not a red-velvet-head, added so much diversity, and made alec not look 35) and watched the pilot it when it aired. i ended up liking it a lot more than the books, which i have since stopped reading because there are way too many and i find them problematic and annoying
12. who is your favorite actor in 4?
— i’m gonna be a basic bitch and say charlie cox. his performance as daredevil is amazing and his emotional range is fantastic— he played matt’s dark side really well and is also capable of being the softest bean!! he’s also so funny in general
13. which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
—i like them all for different reasons, but i’m the most emotionally invested in 1 for now. it has me in a chokehold with no sign of letting me escape.
14. which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
—the 100 has had more seasons, so 1.
15. if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
—karen page because she is my MOM.
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
—i feel like anything is capable in the marvel universe. matt encountering shadowhunters while fighting crime in hell’s kitcen?? discovering that there are demons lurking around?? it could totally work. i can see simon fanboying over matt’s fighting skills and i would love to see him obliterate “the infamous jace herondale” in a sparring match!
17. pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple
—remember during season 3b when people shipped raven and jasper? yeah, i was one of them (i still have their ship tag on my blog but i can’t remember what it is!). i think it had potential because jasper was so concerned about her and they bonded over their trauma (“nothing like a little pain to remind you you’re still alive”). they had such a great dynamic that was constantly overlooked!
18. overall, which story has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
—i’d say 3 because the worldbuilding is better. i don’t think we were ever given an explanation for the upside down or why hawkins is where the gate is, aside from the fact it’s a parallel universe (or something?). why did the demogorgan choose 1983 to strike? if these were answered, i forgot about it. also, shadowhunters does an incredible job giving each character a storyline and development, which i think was lacking for some of the characters in season 3 of ST.
19. which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
—both of them are just instrumentals snjsjsjajs omg but teen wolf’s iconic DUN DUN, DUN DUN, DUNANANANANNANANANANANA will always make me go ham. daredevil’s theme music is beautiful but it’s also pretty long and i usually skipped it.
tags: @hostagetakerandhistraitor @clarkgriffon @thelightreflects @bellaarke @notsoplatonicsoulmates @kombellarke @cllarkegriffin @galaxyblake @blakes-griffin @bellamysgriffinprincess
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