#thank you for everything. and im sorry i couldnt do more
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faellustrations · 2 years ago
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let's go ! you're coming too, aren't you ? (alt text)
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21. Friends hear through hotel walls? (Arabia and Ivy) for the WIP Ask Game !!!!!!!!!
Send me an ask from my WIP List and I'll post a little snippet or tell you something about it!
Ack sorry in advance this one is... Not Fun??? *hides under my desk* idk where this idea came from but I ended up writing it as a way to feel more comfortable writing Arabia/Ivy (there's nothing quite like putting character's in a crisis to get to know them better I guess??). Anyways, idk if I'm gonna post this one because everyone will banish me to angst jail and attack me with hammers and mean comments haha. But uh, here you go?? Enjoy???? (abuse tw)
Arabella curls up into a ball with her back against the headboard, trying to make herself as small as possible, trying to get away from the awful sounds coming from the next room, now entirely unmistakable as Satine’s boyfriend hitting her while she begs for him to stop. “You’re okay, Bella,” Ivy murmurs, momentarily covering the receiver with one hand while she rubs Arabella’s leg with the other. “They’re on the way. They’ll be here in a few minutes. It’s going to be okay.” Arabella shakes her head; she can’t seem to stop trembling, but it feels like it’s happening to someone else. Something glass shatters next door and Satine sobs and Arabella thinks she’s going to be sick right here on the mattress. Nothing about this is okay. She wants to lean closer to her girlfriend but she can’t seem to make herself move; besides, everything inside her is screaming at her to get away from everyone. Arabella covers her ears and squeezes her eyes shut tight, trying to block out the sound of her friend’s suffering, feeling guilty all the while that she has this option. There’s another loud thump from next door and Satine’s voice cuts off mid-scream. Ivy drops the receiver, her hand stilling on Arabella’s knee. For a moment neither of them moves or even dares to breathe, both imagining the worst. It turns out there is a more horrible noise than her friend’s cries for help, and that’s them going abruptly, horrifically, bone-chillingly silent.
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strab3rr · 4 months ago
(long story and no short sorry) GUYSSS I DID ITT
IDK WHAT TO SAY (ok enough w capslock)
i have so much to say and not a thing at da same time idk how
anyway i want to begin with thanking you @b4ddprincess bc youre the reason i realized why i started this thing. thank you for making my life better and make me realized what i need to do: nothing. (its same for you guys, all u have to do is nothing)
two fuckn years ago i said to myself that i need a better life, quiter life, less fight with everthing bc everything was so loud and not clear i was feeling lost like a child in the market, and i wanted to make things better for myself in every way, but the main idea of my reasons to wanting to get in the void was: making anxiety go and having better people in my life. but the ''voidlist'' just never stopped bc im kinda greedy(having the idea of controling on your life, the idea of that power makes you greedy. yes thats a thing) anyway the more i add to the list the more i feel like im movin away from my desires then i feel depressed bc ive overcomplicating it bc theres so many things to do but i dont do anything so nothing happend bc i was waiting to be someth happen. and then i started doing awkwardly silly things such as: void routines and challenges and (im embarrassed of this one bc i was too desperate) drinking water
youve read it correct drinking water.
i was sooo desperate for having those things id do anything to get them.
i am simple. i want what everyone wants🎀🎀🎀: shifting realities bc i have so many crush and i need them to be crush me in bed(for 2020 girlies)
being an academic weapon is so easy for me🎀(bc of the urge to make my family proud) +dream collage
being the girl that everyone gets along w(basic needs)
being the girl who is pretty not cute(trauma response)
glowing aura(cats loves people w glowing aura yes thats a thing too)
dream body n hair(bc i deserve this🎀)
healthy (girlyfriend)friends(basic needs)
and of course him, my sp(i cant tell wich one at that time but i releived that its not him now, bc MY BELOVED CURRENT BF. guyss he is the one. dont u dare ask me how you know? i literally manifested him🎀)
then i realized i can have everything bc its my reality so why not add these:
new phone, +macbook air
dream apartment of my own
pinterest closet
lifa app for this reality
financially free-money(a lot. like really a lot)
knowing 4 languages like a native person(bc i want to be diplomat so bad) +sign language(its in general)
a little drama(its not gonna hurt anybody)
my parents being more lovable and away from me
every time i try to get in, either i was failing or falling
and im sick of it, sick of it so much i quit.(for a year)
then i go to the theraphy(ofc no im jk ilove being crazy)
one day i saw a post ss from tumblr about pure consciousness on pinterest and i was like whaat is thiiss. no mention of void so i thougt its a diffrent thing and i download the tumblr again and search everything abt it. and same excitement again after one year same thougts and same list popes up in my head. and i was like ok maybe this time itll happen.
still waiting to be someth happen so nothing happend, it was such a waste of time trying to get in while i was already be, i was already what i want to become. i was that girl that everyone gets along with but i couldnt even see bc i was too focused on wanting to be. but still tried every night and failed. and again tried-failed-quit circle bc.. have you ever met me🎀
4 month ago i saw the girl, iconic blogger and the goddess of my dreams, her @b4ddprincess thx again love u so much
a post pops in my fyp and i see the words ''pure consciousness'' i was like noo not again. and i was serious abt it i wasnt gonna read the whole thing but it attract me n i couldnt resist it so ive read it from the top to the bottom. and she got my interest so i stalked her page from the last and to the first post. it was quiet a beautiful journey for me. lasted like 3 days, the end of the 3rd day i was ''woaw it was this easy all along? u cant be serious.'' she was. i tried one last time, no breathing exercise, no ridiculous routines and no waiting something to be happen. it was just me being real me chilling out asf.
and it was this easy and it should be this easy bc being your 4d self is being nothing also being everything at the same time. if u wanna be everything you should be nothing first(as wizardliz saying: drop the old story, leave the victimhood, for being better stop being bitter etc.)u should make a space for everything first and then u can be everything.
for being 4d self of yours stop being your3dself.
sooo long story (no)short i am writing this from my mac in my new apartment(in middle of the night bc i couldnt sleep and then one tumblr notification reminded me i have a success story to share too) and my phone buzzing two minutes a time bc of my friends while im writing this, so if theres anything wrong ignore it pls.
oh u asking my bf how cute, hes sleepin in my bed now, exhausted from the work n school balance.
YWS SCHOOL!! im in my dream collage and im going to be in paris for a week. i deserve a vacation i guess(its for another conference), i kinda hate french men bc theyre so mansplaning(not like how i imagined, its hard to be friends w them)girls are cute but i feel like theyre aware im not permanent there so we just con buddies still cute and hepful for this foreigner.
and i canceled the lifa app thingy bc i can be my purest consciousness anytime i want, so i am my lifa app.
and thx to 4 languages i make a lot of money and that brings us to the pinterest closet, yesterday i realiased that. theyre not comes to me w an imaginary way like i imagined! i go outside for shopping casually and theyre there luckily i have enough money to buy them.
and my family theyre living in our hometown now so as i want it to be, we are away from eachother.
and the most magical thing: SHIFTING REALITIESSS
i did 5 world before i met w my bf. it was such a wonderful experience. if you have doubts abt shifting you can go fuck urself
because sir i did it and i am very sure that dean winchester being my husband is not a daydream, fantasy nor lucid dreaming. believe it or not he kissed me GOD HE KİSSED ME(someone should stop me i have a bf)
is there anything i missed let me see.. cats i have 2 cats now and theyre adorable. glowing aura-check
the girl who is pretty not cute- check +make anxietygo-checkcheckcheck
dream body and hair- check and check
i wanna give u a info i didnt have all my desires by being my4dself
not directly actually. but i have them all. and thats the point.
im not trying to be a blogger but if you have any question abt anything, id be happy to help
now i need to upgrade things in my farm byeess
loves, siena.
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tender-rosiey · 1 year ago
hii, hope im not bothering uu!!
my brain is obsessed with ur daddy gojo ficsss!! 🤭🤭 just a thought though. what if gojo brought his kid to work since reader couldnt hire a babysitter and had work to do!! 😱😱 kid can be a baby or like, 7-10?? or something? (idrc i jus need to feed my head with more dad gojo fics 😔😔, kid can be a girl or boy!!) hopee u have a nice dayyy!! ❤❤
missing – gojo satoru x f!reader
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a/n: I wrote the kid being around 5 or 6 max, I think?? hope you like this as well! <3
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you are standing at the door, checking over everything with your husband, "satoru, you got the toys?"
like the proud and confident dad he is, he replies with ease, "yep."
"the snacks?"
“of course,” he grins, pulling up the bag of snacks and toys to show you.
but you’re still stressing, "what about—“
"wifey, relax!” he starts rubbing your shoulders soothingly; “I got everything she needs. you have nothing to worry about,” he presses a loud kiss to your cheek.
"last time you said that, you teleported with d/n to the maldives."
he laughs loudly, before pulling you into a big hug, "aww, babe; I said I am sorry,” he is swaying the both of you, “you know I wanted you to be with us."
"that's not the point!"
"oh wowie, look at the time!” he looks at his fake watch and starts gently pushing you towards the car, “you’re gonna be late sweetheart."
"oh god!" you gasp, quickly giving satoru his goodbye kiss, and running to your daughter to give her own goodbye peck on the cheek as well, “I will miss you; take care of dada, okay?”
“aren’t I the one who is supposed to do that taking care part?!”
“bye ‘toru; bye d/n! love you!”
“love you too!” they both reply in unison before looking each other in the eye. satoru grins at her, “do you want to see uncle nanami?”
“nanamin!” she squeals then runs to god knows where.
soon, they finally get to jujutsu tech.
it took longer than usual because the little missy ran off and decided to play hide and seek. in addition to that, since the madlives incident, you banned satoru from teleporting with d/n because it gets her really dizzy and she starts puking.
so like the common people, he takes a car and has to wait till they arrive there. he wants to grumble, but, at least, his princess is there to play with him and make conversations.
they are finally in class when nobara coos, crouching down in front of d/n, “oh, you’re so cute!”
the little girl grins, “thank you!”
“also, I love your dress!”
“oh; thank you!” d/n gasps and starts twirling around, “mommy picked it for me! It’s so pretty, right?” nobara nods eagerly at her and it makes d/n giggle.
d/n pauses for a moment, a pout on her face and eyes get teary, and looks at satoru, “mommy…”
satoru pats her head, “we will see her soon; don’t worry.”
“wow; I am surprised you’re acting like a proper dad,” megumi comments, waving at d/n who grins back at him.
swiftly, yuuji defends his teacher’s pride, “hey! sensei is a great dad!”
d/n starts swinging her arms around and running in place like she is preparing for something. soon. it is revealed what she is waiting for. the door opens and she launches herself at the new guest, “nanamin!”
nanami effortlessly catches her and secures his hold on her, “d/n, that was dangerous; what if you got hurt?”
she looks down with yet another pout, “I know…’am sorry. just missed you.”
nanami sighs before patting her head, “it’s alright,” a tiny smile creeps up, “are you having fun so far?”
she nods happily and starts rambling about how cool nobara is or how much fun yuuji is to be around. meanwhile, satoru is standing in a corner with his arms crossed and grumbling, “that’s my daughter, you know.”
“imagine losing your daughter’s affection to someone else,” megumi pops up from behind satoru.
he retorts with no hesitation, “imagine not having a father.”
satoru looks petrified at megumi who is so very offended. satoru starts mini-panicking, “wait—megumi, I was kidding!”
“divine dogs.”
satoru shrieks and d/n squeals, pointing at him, “minmin, daddy’s playing with ‘gumi’s dogs!”
nanami averts his attention to gojo playing (read: being attacked). he nods slowly at the suffering man, “he is having so much fun; isn’t he?”
 “yay!” she throws her arms in the air.
nobara snaps a picture of d/n, “she’s adorable!”
yuuji sobs beside her, “I know right?!”
that was at the beginning of the day, but, right now, satoru has to attend a meeting for some reason with the higher-ups, including yaga. though, it hardly counts as a proper one considering that satoru laid out d/n toys so she can play with him.
“daddy, you’re not supposed to give him the green shirt; he needs the blue one.”
satoru quickly obeys, “yes ma’am,” and he changes the doll into his fabulous blue outfit. d/n giggles and holds his face to kiss his cheek.
one of the higher-ups clears his throat, “refrain from such disrespectful behavior during the meeting, gojo.”
satoru smiles humorlessly at the elder, “last time I checked, my daughter’s happiness is a lot more important than the nonsense you spout every single time.”
d/n carefully makes her way down the table and pulls on satoru’s pants, “daddy, toilet, please.”
“this was a fun meeting!” he beams, collecting d/n’s toys in her bag, “I have more urgent matters to attend to so adieu!” he mock bows, before bending to pick his daughter up, “let’s go princess.”
the door closes after satoru and d/n leave, and everyone looks at yaga. he takes a deep breath, “listen, that's his daughter. asking him not to pamper her is like asking a cat to let go of her kittens. you will get bit.”
time passes and satoru is chilling with d/n in the common room. she is laying on his lap and curled around herself. she groggily looks up to him, “when are we going to see mommy?”
he starts stroking her hair, “soon; I promise,” he takes out a candid picture he took of you and hands it to her, “how about you take this until we go back home and see mommy?”
she nods slowly and hugs the photo close. satoru smiles softly and presses a kiss to her forehead. not much after, d/n falls asleep with your photo secure in her hold.
it makes satoru chuckle. it reminds him of how he can never sleep without you either.
that’s why when he goes on mission, he scrolls endlessly through your photos until sleep takes over him or he listens to any voice message you sent. it helps him with the dilemma of missing you, and he is glad it helps his daughter the same way.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @sonder-paradise @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies@pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @satoryaa @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author @stray-npc @libbyistired @anon1412 @anakalana @maehemthemisfit @satorustar @b4nka1
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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annebaby · 8 months ago
hello everyone! i am back :) i have recently fell down the kate martin hole ( if you couldnt tell already) and decided to write. i have been working super hard in clinics and classes since you last heard from me, so i hope this isn't too rusty! love you guys!
warning: fingering (r receiving), oral (r receiving), making out, nipple play
i think that's it? let me know!
my divider is from here!
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as i sat in my car with tears rolling down my face, i didn’t know who to call. the rain was pouring, a perfect parallel to the emotions flowing through my body. my vision blurred and my tears welled just thinking about it.
i had just been on a date. needless to say, it did not go well. i had been continuously let down by every man i deemed well enough for my attention. i guess i was just bad at picking ‘em out. 
it always ended the same way.
“wanna come to my place?”
“ohhh cmon. don’t be a prude.”
i couldn’t even gather my thoughts about the night as i scrolled through my contacts list. i was searching for somebody - anybody- that could provide me with any sort of comfort. however, i knew there was only one person who could make me feel better. 
kate martin. 
as much as i hated to say it, the girl had a comforting aura around her. something about her just drew me in every single time. imagine a bee to a flower or a moth to a flame - that was kate and me. 
our past was patchy, the ups and downs of our so-called “friendship” had blurred the lines for boundaries too easily. whether we’d end up making out, staying over, or doing much worse, each time would end with one of us being heartbroken. 
but i didn’t care right now. 
i needed her scent and her eyes. i needed her hands and i needed her mouth. 
i needed kate. 
my fingertips scrolled relentlessly to the bottom of my text messages, finding the abandoned chat from a month or two ago. 
tears splattered on my phone as i pressed the call button and brought it to my ear. 
it rang once. 
it rang twice. 
it rang three times.
“hello?” kate answers. 
“hey. kate im so sorry for calling you but i-,“ i stopped as tears continued to flow down my face. 
“you know my address. just come on over. it’s just me here.”
god kate, i could kiss you. 
“thank you,” i whispered. 
i hung up the phone and placed my forehead on the steering wheel. thoughts of another night with kate kept creeping into my mind. the good ones and the bad ones. 
nonetheless, i put my car and drive and headed her way. 
every time i thought the tears were done, another pool of them welled in my eyes. every time i thought about my past few dates, my heart felt a pang of sadness. 
i tried to push the tears and thoughts away as i reach kate’s apartment door, but my pathetically light knocking reminded me of how sad i really was. 
i stood in front of her door for a few seconds, trying to keep it together until i was in the comfort of her home. 
i heard the lock clicking and the door opened. kate stood there, worry filling her eyes and her face full of pity. 
i looked up at her, letting the tears fall down my cheeks as she pulled me into her apartment and engulfed me in a hug. her arms squeezed around my waist as mine wrapped around the back of her neck. i cried into her, tears staining her iowa t shirt. 
“im so sorry for calling you,” i sobbed, backing out of her embrace. i wiped my eyes with my hands, trying any attempt to get rid of the nonstop tears. 
“i know we said we’d never do this again. i’m so sorry i just didn’t know who else to call-“ i was cut short as kate held my face and gently kissed me. 
i placed my hands on her waist, my body savoring everything about her. the kiss was soft and sweet, full of love. there was no hunger or sinister desire about it - just pure comfort and affection. 
my eyes fluttered open as she moved back, her thumb wiping a falling tear off my cheek. 
she gently smiled and looked at me with her bright blue eyes. 
“you and i both know that we need each other more than we let on,” she said, sighing. 
i leaned into her hand, my heart finally feeling at ease. she stroked my face with her thumb before pulling me into another hug and kissing me lovingly on my head. 
she led me over to her couch with her hand on the small of my back. 
“before i ask you to be my girlfriend, tell me all about the horrible date you went on.”
i paused, stopping in my tracks. kate turned me to face her, her hands moving to my hips. she smiled at me before speaking again. 
“i know things have been rough between us ; on both ends.” 
her hands move to cup my face as she brings me closer. 
“but i cant seem to get you off my mind. ever.”
now, i seemed to notice how good she looked. her hair was down, her eyes wide as she stared into my own. 
i smiled up at her as tears kept falling from my eyes. she leaned in slowly and kissed me. the kiss was sweet. it was filled with love and care and tenderness, everything she felt in her heart. 
all for me. 
i kissed her back slowly, feeling the despair and sadness in my heart melt away. she was so warm, so comforting. her fingers slid into the back of my jean pockets as she breathed in through her nose. 
my hands hesitantly wrapped around her neck, tangling in the roots of her hair. 
then suddenly, she was everywhere. gripping my ass, attacking my mouth with her tongue and pulling my body impossibly closer to her. 
i broke the kiss quickly, looking at her wide-eyed. was this really something that we should be doing? 
i pushed the thought out of my head hurriedly, the impulsiveness of her actions sending heat straight between my legs. then, she leaned down and began to kiss me again. she gently put her hands on my waist and backed me into her room.
she flipped me around and pressed me against the door-shutting it. her hands were traveling everywhere fast. she was on my waist, my breasts, my ass, etc. you name it and she was there. 
i gasped out quietly as she began to leave sloppy kisses on my neck. i leaned my neck back, allowing her more access. she grinned against my skin.
“no man,-” she panted.
“will ever,-” she said, her fingers tugging on the bottom seam of my shirt. she leans in to continue kissing me.
she pulls my shirt off smoothly, her fingers digging into the exposed skin on my waist,
“make you-“ she kisses me again.
“feel like-“
her hands reach around to the clasps of my bra, her mouth moving to my neck. 
she takes my bra off effortlessly, the material falling to her floor along with my shirt.
her eyes travel down to my breasts. 
i reach for her shirt seam as well pulling it over her head, i notice her sports bra and her toned abdomen. my fingertips trace up the sides of her body and swear i felt my mouth watering. 
as if something snapped in me, i push kate’s shoulders until her legs hit her bed and she sits down. i crawl on top of her, sitting in her lap. 
“you’re so pretty, kate,” i whisper.
she smiles and brings her hand to the back of my head, pulling my lips to hers. 
i open my mouth invitedly, her tongue slipping in and fighting for dominance with my own. the fight for control caused kate to moan in my mouth. her hips buck up against mine, the friction causing me to tug on her hair.
“you like that?” she whispers against my lips. our noses touch and i open my eyes, looking straight at her. i nod my head frantically, encouraging her to keep going. her hands grip my hips, holding me down against her thigh. she starts to move my body back and forth, grinding my body against her thigh.
the friction is enough to make me throw my head back, and i feel her grip me tighter. 
“god you’re so perfect,” she whispers. then, she stands up and switches us so she’s on top of me. 
she’s quickly unbuttoning my jeans, wasting no time on teasing. 
“damn, kate. are you excited or what?” i ask, laughing. 
she looks up at me, staring me in my eyes. 
“i haven’t tasted you in months.”
i don’t respond, instead i lift my hips up so she can pull down my jeans and underwear. im completely naked under her, something she’s admitted she likes before.
she crawls up my body, my legs parting and wrapping around her as she leans down to kiss my breasts. she kitten licks one of my nipples, her other hand harshly groping the other breast. my back arches due to the pleasure, a pornographic moan escaping my lips. 
i feel her teeth slightly graze my nipple again before she switches sides. i can practically feel myself pooling between my legs. 
she slowly licks down my torso, stopping to give me kisses on my inner thighs. i can tell she’s leaving hickeys, another thing she likes to do. 
“kate stop it,” i plead. i needed her now. 
my hips bucked upwards, her hands aggressively holding me down as she placed a singular kiss on my pubic bone, then another on the spot where i needed her most. 
i look down at her, her blue eyes already staring into mine. her tongue darted out, hardly grazing me.
i snap my head back, my thighs subconsciously trapping her head. 
then, she moves one of her hands from around my thighs, and she slips a finger into me. 
before i can even make a sound, she begins to eat me out and fuck me with her finger at the same time, adding a second. 
i moaned her name, my face scrunching up with pleasure. 
“kate ohmygod,” i breathed.
she moved her head from side to side, my pleasure increasing tenfold - if that was even possible. 
she took my ankles and set them both on her shoulders, pulling me closer against her in the process. i knew she could tell i was close. she started moving faster and curling her fingers inside of me.
“kate please,” i begged. i didn’t even know what i was asking for. she felt so good. 
i felt her hum against me, completely sending me over the edge. pleasure ripped through me as my stomach twitched as i came down from my high. her hands moved to my hips again, holding me down as she cleaned me up with her mouth. 
i stayed laying flat on her bed as she crawled on top of me. she took her fingers and placed them in my mouth. i sucked on them, tasting myself. 
she smiled wide and licked the mess off her lips.
“you wanna be my girlfriend?"
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81folklore · 6 months ago
robin - LECLERC
pairings charles leclerc x fem!singer!reader (fc: gigi hadid + pinterest)
summary fans get a look at charles’ family
warnings a baby + pregnancy (the baby is the entire plot point and one pregnancy mention) poorly translated french, some taylor swift songs are used as readers songs. HUGE TIMESKIPS (sorry lol)
notes we are BACK!! for the time being at least,, sorry for being gone again😣 also im using gigi again because i had this one specific photo in mind of her pregnant!!
notes 2 kind of short but i want to try and gain some more motivation buuuut in my absence from writing ive created a rec blog so i can show you all my favorite works by all the incredible writers on here! @81folklore-library
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yourusername • may 2020
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton and 1,283,693 others
(im)patiently waiting to meet you tiger 🐯🩵
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charles_leclerc you are glowing mama🌟
yourusername charlie🥹
lewishamilton cant wait to meet the little one, you’re doing amazing yn!
yourusername thank you lewis💜
user44 you are gorgeous omg
user23 i can’t believe charles is going to be a dad soon
user2 it feels like its flown by
user17 i love that they call their baby tiger☹️
user6 me too!! i hope it sticks as a nickname
arthur_leclerc lunch again soon?
yourusername of course art! let me know when🤍
yourusername • january 2021
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liked by charles_leclerc, lorenzotl and 3,930,519 others
our little tiger blessed our lives a few months ago and we couldnt feel more overjoyed to have her. we want to thank those around us for their continued support during our first months of parenthood
tiger, we cant wait you grow into a beautiful young girl and we are already so proud of you🐯🩵
tagged charles_leclerc
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charles_leclerc so happy i get to be a dad with you🩵
charles_leclerc i love you so much im so proud of you
yourusername i love you charlie, thank you for everything
lorenzotl toi et charlie êtes de merveilleux parents 🩷🩷 (translation you and charlie are wonderful parents)
yourusername merci! revenez bientôt, vous êtes toujours le bienvenu! (translation thank you! come back soon, you are always welcome!
user55 theyre parents🥹🥹
user80 oh im sobbing this is so lovely😭😭
user17 they still call her tiger☹️☹️
user49 im confused is that the babies name?
user17 no they just call her tiger in public, we dont know her name! they started calling her tiger when they found out they were going to be parents and it seems to have stuck!!
liked by yourusername
user32 i was listening to never grow up when i saw this post🥹🥹
user47 congratulations guys!!
yourusername • september 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, olliebearman and 5,291,649 others
happy birthday little tiger, it has been a joy to watch you grow into the wonderful girl that you are (please stop mama cant handle you getting bigger🥹)
you are so incredibly loved and i hope you feel that every day, i hope you have a wonderful day today and everyday baby!
happy birthday love mama and papa🐯🩵
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charles_leclerc happy birthday angel, we love you🐯
olliebearman happy birthday tiger!!
yourusername see you soon darling🩷
lewishamilton i can’t believe she is already four🥹💜
yourusername time really flies by🥹
user5 right?! i remember when yn posted her on charles back☹️
user52 these pictures are so cute oh my god😭😭☹️☹️
user60 actually my favorite family ever🥹
user21 i feel so emotional knowing ive watched this family grow
user19 is anyone else sad charles hasnt posted the annual story?
user37 theres no way he just stops,, she has so many more songs☹️
user66 wait im new what are we talking about?
user37 because charles and yn write the birthday captions together, charles started posting a picture of tiger with a song yn has written about children or babies etc (example: last year it was never grow up!) and she has so many more songs that would fit but he hasnt made one this year :(
yourusername & charles_leclerc • september 2024
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liked by lewishamilton, pierregasly and 6,280,740 others
tiger its your birthday surprise; Robin out now🐯
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yourusername📌 ps robin is not tigers name🩵
charles_leclerc thank you for letting me on a song🫶
yourusername always baby
charles_leclerc we love you tiger🐯
charles_leclerc added to their story
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[song used: Robin by yn text: way to go tiger🐯🩵]
seen by yourusername, pierregasly and 1,279,940 others
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temiizpalace · 6 months ago
Ooh, maybe #6 with the tweels for the new event?
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CHARACTERS: floyd leech vs. jade leech
WARNINGS: no determined end couple, jealousy, violence (punching and stuffs), minor blood
NOTES: leech twins fight is crazy. i appreciate you, anon. thank you for your request!
reader is g/n, reader is yuu
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jade was a patient man.
very patient. he’ll wait as long as he has to for something, including your love. he’ll do anything he needs to to win your love. tend to you, defend you, fight for you, serve you, just name it and it’s already done. he knew human courting rituals were far different from those of a moray eels, but he’s oh so willing to learn just for you.
his brother on the other hand..
impatient. if floyd wants something, he wants it then and there. which also includes your love and attention. if you don’t speak to him within 10 seconds of calling your name, he will pout about it and make everyone else’s day horrible. while this was usually where jade got most of his entertainment of the day, knowing his brother chose the same person to be his mate was incredibly irritating.
especially whenever he’s trying to court you. seven forbid..
“prefect, there you are.” jade smiles, standing behind you with a bag in his hands. “hm? oh, hi jade. need something?” you ask, noticing his body language is much more chipper than usual. “i actually have gotten something for you. a token of my gratitude and an invitation of sorts.” he hands you the gift bag, the weight being much heavier than you anticipated.
“woah! what’s in here?” you raise your brow, looking up at jade to ensure this wasn’t some prank. you knew that jade liked stupid jokes as much as his twin, despite his gentlemanly appearance. “you doubt me? how cruel, id never lie to you.” he wipes away a tear, a sad look on his face that was more than obviously fake.
“mhm.” you hum, looking through the bag. there were terrariums, small potted plants, packets of flower seeds, just anything and everything a gardener could hope for. “oh wow.. this is all for me?” you ask, trying to calculate the cost in your head.
“why, certainly. as i said before, this is a token of my gratitude and an invitation. i was wondering if you’d like to—”
“boo! there ya are shrimpyyy!” floyd giggles, wrapping his arms around you tightly. “GAH—! FLOYD, YOU SCARED ME.” you shout in return, unaware of jade’s murderous glare. “just what i was goin for! what’s in the bag?” he asks, already rummaging through it. “floyd.” jade states, his tone stern and slightly annoyed if you listened closely.
“hm? oh it’s from jade ain’t it? probably a ton of terrariums or somethin boring.” floyd scoffs, looking to his brother. jade couldnt help his eyebrow from twitching, finding his twins antics much more annoying than it usually was. normally this would provide entertainment, not fuel to a fire. “well, i think it’s a sweet gesture.” you shrug, fiddling with the handles of the bag.
“whatever. just a buncha leaves.” he mumbles, feeling his jade’s smug expression burning a hole into his head. your phone buzzes in your pockets before jade can comment, your eyes widening as a sign of your concern. “sorry guys, gotta run. grim got his ear stuck in a mousetrap and i don’t even wanna know how.” you sigh, running off with a wave.
the twins stare at each other, the silence awkward for the first time in forever. “alright jade, fess up. i know you’re tryna court the shrimp.” floyd grunts, jade only laughing smugly in response. “let’s not act like you don’t have similar intentions, floyd. you won’t believe how difficult it is if you’re always there to interject.” jade feigns distraught, knowing floyd doesn’t buy it.
“womp womp, not my fault im tryna court em at the same time as you.” he frowns, sticking it his tongue in retaliation. the tensions in the air were high. just stepping into the same room was enough to intimate the bystanders.
their antics continued for the whole day. floyd could come up to you, smiles and all, only for it to be dissipated as jade entered the room and swept you away. same thing for jade. he could be explaining to you the different types of mushrooms from his well tended garden, before sending his brothers presence a moment too late. floyd stomps in, picking you up, and running off. poor you, it’s been like this all week.
“i know you’re going to see em, jade. quit hogging!” floyd whines, shoving his twin out of the way as he tried walking out of the mostro lounge. “i wouldnt have to if you just waited your turn rather than be a thorn in my side.” jade scoffs, pushing his brother off of him. “haah? you askin to be squeezed? been awhile since we fought.” floyd scowls, grabbing his brothers arm.
“oya? id like to see you try.” jade chuckles, grabbing floyd’s in an attempt to toss him to the side. however, he doesn’t go down easily. floyd quickly grabs his brothers hand before he could strike, kneeing him in the stomach harshly. jade winced at the pain, but couldn’t give up now. not when his pearl is on the line.
floyd tries locking him into a hold, but jade was a quick thinker with quick reflexes. he elbows floyd aggressively, kicking him to the ground as he was stunned. floyd drags jade down, letting him hit the cold marble floor. they hit each other against the ground as blood trickled down their noses. floyd had stamina for days, but knew when he hit his limits. he free spirited, not stupid.
red stained the floors as panicking students ran to the board game club in hopes azul would stop this mess. luckily, someone else was able to manage things. “JADE AND FLOYD LEECH, WHAT THE SEVEN IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!” the boys stopped in their fighting, turning towards the entrance of the lounge. it was you.
walking towards them with a frown, you separate the two from each other, tutting in disapproval. “what has gotten into you both lately?! all you guys ever do is fight now, i never thought it’d get like this.” you sigh, dragging them both by the hand into the kitchen. “oh my, it’s quite embarrassing for you to see me in such a state.” jade sighs, glaring at his equally beat up twin.
“tell me about it. if only someone didn’t try to rock my shit.” he hissed, wanting to grab at his brother for a second time. “don’t even think about it,” you groan, grabbing the first aid kit from the counters. you sat them onto the barstools outside and began to rub alcohol onto their wounds. bite marks, bruises, scars, scratches, just all kinds of injuries.
“i apologize for having you do this.” jade looks at you apologetically, actually looking genuine for once. “hehe, shrimpy it burns!” floyd giggles as the cotton swab grazed over his cuts. “don’t mention it, but you should probably get some guys to clean up before azul sees the blood on the floor.”
“of course. at your service.” jade smiles, bowing before you jokingly before ruffling your hair. “fineee. cleanings borin but azul forcing me to wait extra tables sounds worse.” floyd sighs, giving you a quick squeeze before grabbing a mop and bucket.
and as if on cue, you could hear azul scream in horror at the mess of his dining hall.
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A/N: idk how to fight 🧍🧍
date published: 8/30/24
© temiizpalace — do not copy, steal, or put my work into ai. thank you!
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danyasblogsblog · 2 months ago
WRITERS NOTE: this piece is loosely based off an edit on tiktok made by @adoreghvst. i give credit to them for this idea, especially the text messages. please go check out their page as their work is amazing. thanks!!
- after a late night argument, youre out of the house, needing some air away from your military man, who was so protective to the point it felt unfair to you. three in the morning, you realise why he cares so much.
warnings : AAAAHHHDJDHSK SO ANGSTY, reader is drunk, könig crying in front of you, reader gets hit on by a little asshole in the bar
based on the arctic monkeys song, “why do you only call me when you’re high?”
ps i love thinking of könig as a gentle giant and like so protective and loving towards you. thats prolly what all my fics involving könig will be like aha
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schatz - darling
liebling - darling (aswell)
bitte - please
ja - yes
ich liebe dich auch - i love you too
mein engel - my angel
hör auf - stop
‘Hello? Don’t ignore me, schatz.’
your phone buzzed in your small purse. you took it out, knowing exactly who was lighting it up. 4 missed calls.
you sighed, putting your phone back. at this point, you were so drunk you couldnt even remember what you and könig were fighting about. all you knew is that it was the 3rd night you and him had been arguing, and you needed a break.
‘why are you so protective, könig? im not your fucking dog, im able to defend myself.’
‘im doing whats best for you, why cant you see that y/n? i do everything for you and youre so ungrateful.’
your heart ached at the memory. you thought of könig alone at home, calling you over and over again, not being able to sleep. you opened up your purse again, checking your phone. 3 more missed calls.
‘I need you, schatz. Please come back home.’
a tear snaked down your cheek. you wiped it away swiftly and put your phone on do not disturb. you needed a break- no matter how badly it hurt you. while putting your phone back into your purse, you dropped it, a thud bouncing in the air because of it. a curse dropped from your mouth. while leaning down to get your phone, a hand reached for it before you.
‘you dropped this.’ you turned your head up to be greeted by the face of a stranger. he held your phone out, beckoning you to take it. you took your phone, shoving it back into your purse with a huff. ‘thanks.’ you muttered, avoiding eye contact with the young man. he invited himself to sit next to you, introducing his name. you sat there, staring into space as his eyebrows furrowed from how you didnt introduce yourself back to him. ‘hello?? are you mute??’
you felt annoyed. this cunt of a man was destroying your alone time, and all the vodka you drank was catching up with you. ‘sorry, im not interested.’ you mumbled, finally locking eyes with the stranger. he went on a rant about how he couldve just taken your phone and ran off with it, but he decided to be a ‘gentleman’ and give it you. your mind went blank. all your thoughts turned to könig, who was probably still calling your phone, hoping you would home soon.
tears pricked at your eyes. ‘what, so you are gonna cry now?’ the man said.
you stood up and left.
your mascara ran down your flushed cheeks, and your whole body churned with pain. the alcohol rushed through your blood as you stumbled out the bar. you called a taxi, pulling out some notes to pay to the driver. you felt your whole body sinking into the backseats. the sound of cars driving past the taxi just made you yearn to go quicker so you could see your boyfriend and apologise to him.
you took your phone out again. 32 missed calls. a pang of guilt hit you.
‘Please, liebling..’
‘I miss you’
‘Im so sorry, schatz.’
you rang könig’s contact, staring at his profile picture - an image of you and him on your one year anniversary.
one ring. you looked up, expecting a few more rings before he would answer. you were slightly surprised when he picked up the phone right before the second ring. ‘schatz, are you okay? where- where are you i can pick you up’ he sniffled. his voice slightly broke, and the thought of könig crying over you made your heart hurt in an indescribable way. you hiccuped.
‘um- i dont know where i am but im in a taxi come- coming home. im so sorry könig im so sorry im so sorry.’ hot tears fell from your eyes, staining your cheeks.
‘liebling, bitte, dont apologise. just come home and sleep and we can- we can talk about it in the morning, ja?’
you felt so much guilt. hearing your boyfriend’s voice break, and listening to him be so wary of you made your heart crack into pieces. god- now you understood why he protected you. that guy in the bar, you were drunk. what could he have done to you if you hadnt left earlier?
being entrapped in your thoughts made you forget about the call. ‘okay könig. i lo- love you im so sorry.’
‘ich liebe dich auch, mein engel.’
the phone disconnected. you checked the time, 3:26AM. you left the house at 9. how could you do this to könig? the man who just wanted to protect you from all things bad- the man who just wanted to hold you in his arms and rock you to sleep. your body ached with guilt- and the alcohol ran through your body in a way that made your stomach churn.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
you turned the keys into the hole, desperately missing the warmth of you and könig’s home. the door opened, and you pushed yourself inside.
as soon as könig heard the door open, he ran for you. he held you in a tight embrace- his muscles practically crushing you. ‘im so sorry im so sorry im so sorry im so sorry’ you whispered into his chest. könig could smell the alcohol on you, something you hadnt even been aware of. ‘mein schatz, please stop apologising.. come into bed, engel.’
you broke away from the hug, but you still clinged onto him. your whole body ached. you knew könig could tell, based on the way he swooped you up into his strong arms after watching how you were wobbling and stepping onto his feet. hot tears rained down your cheeks, staining his shirt as you nuzzled your face into his chest. he carried you to your shared bed, settling you down before sitting right next to you.
looking up into his apologetic blue eyes, you could tell he was crying earlier. one thing you know about könig is that he never cries. you knew you had hurt him. you knew what he’d been through, and he had never crumbled talking about it. you knew you did damage. ‘im so sorry’ you mumbled, staring into his hypnotic eyes. ‘liebling, bitte hör auf. go to sleep.’
you closed your eyes, leaning into könig and his scent. he stroked your hair, whispering sweet german words into your ear until you fell asleep.
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stormsplurge · 10 months ago
if they woke you up, somebody better be dying
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warnings: none!
pairing(s): seth jarvis x fem! reader
inspired by the interview he just did for spittin chiclets where he talks about how he usually wont fall asleep until 3am (and the title is from one of my favorite phoebe bridgers songs, halloween)
760 words
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the clock on the bedside table blinks “1:00” as you slowly open your eyes. the only light in the room is coming from the moon shining between the blinds, casting a cool glow on the noticeably empty bed next to where you were lying.
seth wasnt in bed; same as last night, and almost every night before. 
you can hear the faint sounds of a seinfeld episode coming from the living room, letting you know immediately where your boyfriend was. sitting on the couch in front of the tv instead of in bed next to you. so you begrudgingly pulled on the first sweatshirt you could find, trying to beat the cold winter chill that had invaded the apartment, and tiptoed out of your bedroom.
“seth” you grumbled. “its one in the morning”
“i know, i just” he replied, pressing pause on the tv and turning to face you. “i couldnt sleep and i didnt want to bother you.”
“you should also know that if you cant fall asleep i want to help. you arent being a bother, im your girlfriend. this is the shit im supposed to be able to help you with” you said as you sat down at the far end of the couch. pulling one of the spare blankets you had all over the apartment over your lap.
“im sorry” seth returned, scooting closer to you and interlacing your hands with his. “can i get a do-over?”
“i guess” you giggled, amused by the sight of seth doing his sad puppy eyes in front of you.
“i cant sleep, can you help me?”
“of course i can, give me five minutes.” you said as you rose from the couch, gliding over to the kitchen and pulling out two coffee mugs. running your fingers over the design adorning the box holding the tea bags, you turned your attention back towards seth. “the sleepytime bear reminds me of petya.”
“the what?”
“you know, the bear on the boxes for all those non-caffinated teas. with the red hat and the nightgown.”
seth slipped into the kitchen behind you, pulling out his phone and snapping a quick picture of the bear before sending it off to the group chat and spinning you around so your back was pushing against the counter.
“thank you” he said before pressing a long kiss to the top of your head.
“you dont need to thank me.” you replied, snaking your hands under his shirt and hugging his waist.
“i know, i just wanted too.”
“youre so sappy.” you mumbled into his shirt, letting the sweet, woody, smell engulf you.
“yeah but you love it.” he mumbled back before pulling the kettle off the stove and pouring its contents into the mugs you set out. 
you released each other from the hug and grabbed your respective mugs before hobbling back into your bedroom. you pulled up the episode of seinfeld seth had paused before sliding in bed. 
making tea might have been a waste of time, seeing as seth was more interested in holding you than holding the mug. as soon as you got under the covers he’d wrapped his arms around you.
“youre wearing my hoodie.” he whispered as he traced circles along your thighs, letting the callouses on his palms graze the goosebumps on your skin.
“am i?” you murmured. “i just picked it up off the floor, it was the first one i found”
“my old blue bombers one.” he replied. “it looks good on you”
“you say that about everything i wear.”
“i wouldnt say it if it wasnt true.” he says before turning your chin towards him and pulling you into a kiss. 
the stubble growing in as a result of his budding playoff beard scratched at your face as you pulled him in deeper, and as you turned your attention back towards the sitcom on the tv you felt your eyes grow heavier. 
you fell asleep with the moonlight glazing over you and seth, and seinfeld playing on the tv. on a cool carolina night, with no care in the world. 
seth wasn’t far behind, wrapping his body around you before finally succumbing to his fatigue.
maybe it was having his girlfriend care for him that slowed his brain down enough to let him finally catch a semi-decent night of rest, maybe it was the reminder of unconditional love that put him at ease. regardless of the cause, you woke up to sunlight streaming through the windows, and a clingy, but well rested, boyfriend attached to your hip. 
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mit0bee · 2 years ago
Hii! Could you write Silver and Jamil with a s/o who is touch starved? In the sense they're not opposed to affection, but aren't that used to it and get kind of startled, but crave it nonetheless? Thank you so much, have a great night!
WHY IS THIS ME???? ill def be making a pt 2 because i love this so much
Twisted Wonderland Boys with an S/O who is touch starved
Stuff you should read: touch starved s/o, a tinyyyyyyyyyyy bit self indulgent because me too anon me too, bulleted post, i didnt use actual grammar/punctuation because i am lazy, once again no beta we die like men Characters: Silver Vanrouge, Jamil Viper, Malleus Draconia, Leona Kingscholar, Sebek Zigvolt, Lilia Vanrouge
Silver first found out about your touch starved-ness when he accidentally fell asleep on your shoulder
When you shrieked softly in suprise, he shot up, thinking that he might've hurt you.
When you explained to him that you were just not used to physical contact, he sighed in relief.
i kid you not he genuinely thought he somehow headbutted you
And oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh boy when he learned that you craved touch, the boy was so ecstatic (for his standards)
from then on, he was always somehow holding your hand, or had his head resting in your lap or something
(at first, he would ask you or warn you before he would touch you, just so you wouldn't be too suprised or startled, but if you were okay with it, and as you got more comfortable, he'd just go for it)
if you were okay with more romantic displays of affection, he'd nap during lunch with you in the courtyard, with you somehow in his embrace
hes such a pookie i swear (im sorry his is so short idk how to write silver *sob*
Jamil actually found out from a silly little walk to Sam's
he went to hold your hand, and you pulled away, surprised
he thought you were mad at him and when i tell you this man tried to think of a reason why you would be mad at him
when he couldnt think of anything, he decided to just come out and ask if he did something wrong
and then you explained it to him
like silver, he sighed in relief
but not a little sigh
a big one
like muscles relaxing and everything he genuinely thought you were mad at him.
so when you slowly brought your hand to his, lightly squeezing it, you almost killed him
my dude ASCENDED like he actually would die with no regrets
when he figures out that you actually crave touch, he isn't as ecstatic as silver, but hes fairly excited
he'd definitely enjoy showing that he loves you through small physical touches (hand holding, maybe having your arm around his, ect)
Again, like silver, he'd tell/ask you when/if he was going to hug you or something
he wouldn't ALWAYS be touching you, but he would be in private
he himself is kinda iffy on pda but he'd hold your hand or something, nothing like kissing or full on big hugs, but hand holding is a big one for him
you two probably came up with one of those cute systems where its like "two hand squeezes means ily" or something
he found out when, on one of your nightly walks, he tried to hug you and you just...froze in the hug
he just comes straight out and asks, he doesn't want to assume you're mad at him, but he did do something wrong, he wants to apologize
"Child of Man, is everything alright? You froze."
when you explained that no, nothing is wrong and that you just were a little touch starved, he nodded thoughtfully
"Well then, would you be okay if I request a hug, instead?"
^^^ (all of these men are so polite omg)
when you say yes, he is very happy
if he had a tail, it would wag
you know those cute pictures of rlly tall people hugging their shorter friends, s/o's? thats what this becomes. he is just leaned over, hugging you
"tsunotarou....shouldn't you let go now...?"
give him a second
when he learns you crave physical touch HE IS LITERALLY SO HAPPY
i hc that one of his main love languages is physical touch, so he is VERY HAPPY that he gets to show you just how much he loves you
once again, is another who would start with telling you when he will touch you, but his telling phase ends fairly quickly compared to silver and jamil
his main forms of physical contact are those elegant ones like where he has a hand on the small of your back
more than silver
tfym he cant come to your ancient curses class with you when he has potionology? he already knows everything he needs to know anyway, so why cant he hold your hand a little longer :(
will 9/10 times end up sleeping over at ramshackle big spooning you (the big spoon in me wants to big spoon malleus but maybeeeeeeeeeee ill save that for another post)
he puts his head in your lap, and now youre shifting around?
come on herbivore smh smh you cant move so much hes trying to sleep!
when the thought eats a little too much at the back of his mind, he finally asks you whats up
when you explain it to him, he sighs and STAYS WITH HIS HEAD ON YOUR LAP.
but the only reason he keeps his head in your lap is because he knows his herbivore, and he knows all the signs that you're truly uncomfortable with something, so he knows that you don't mind
he breaks the cycle of asking. like i said before he knows his herbivore well, and he knows your boundaries and the signs that your uncomfortable even better, so he knows he won't overstep
i feel like he never had to figure out you craved attention, hes an observer, and just kinda always knew by your lingering touches, even after the shock of the touch
his favourite forms of physical touch are to lay his head in your lap, and basically anything (sexual or non sexual) where your body is on/close to his
hes another one whos main love language is touch, so he is too seen skipping his classes to hang out with you/to pull you from yours to the botanical garden
hes very aggressive with his affection, so when you shied away from his hug after training, he did a Jamil and tried to think of any reason you'd be mad at him
hes kinda sulking for the rest of the day until he decides to just come to ramshackle to ask you
"sebek wtf are you doing at my door its the middle of the night- WHY ARE YOU WET?!"
you had to run and grab a towel because this idiot decided to WALK over while it was RAINING
when you explained everything to him, how you were just surprised, he understood immediately, so, he joins the Polite Cult (tm) and asks you to give you a hug
when he finds out you crave touch, he is a man on a MISSION
he WILL make sure you get what you want becuase he LOVES YOU SO MUCH
(just dont use your power over him when hes trying to protect malleus. he will become crisis'd about what to prioritize)
he loves to hold your hand sosososososo much its such a little gesture that can mean so much
hold his hand.
he went to taze you (yk when you put your hands on someones waist and just pinch/tickle them while going ZZZZZT? yeah that) and you almost died of shock
hes seen many things, when your a prehistoric artifact like him, you know whats up
so you didnt even need to explain, he just kinda knew the second you screamed
hes also like leona in the sense he just knows you arent necessarily uncomfortable or anything
but he still tries to limit the amount he scares you but COME ON....your back is faced to him! its the perfect chance to scare you!
he, again, knew you needed more physical touch, so he's always stuck to you whenever he can be
not like skipping class level like malleus and leona, but he still is with you 90% of the day
another one to come to ramshackle with you, but he wont tell the others where he is so everyone thinks peepaw went missing
get peepaw to take his meds please hes a little deranged
--------------------------- I LOVED WRITING THIS SM but i was cramping the entireee time :( m.list @mit0ee 's work, please do not steal!
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firemenenthusiast · 10 months ago
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—“like earth orbiting the sun”
farleigh start x fem!reader
summary: farleigh start! who makes his girlfriend his entire personality.
content warning: sfw, sweet fluff all the wayyy, farleigh being down bad for reader. farleigh being sweet (rare), suggestive themes at the end but just a little bit
a/n: giggling, kicking my feet, rolling on the bed while writing this. farleigh just one chance pls
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farleigh had always told himself and people around him that love’s a scam. he was taught that family are supposed to love each other. but after learning about what happened between his family and his mom, why should he believe in such thing ? after they hurt his mom in the name of love ? he refused to believe in such thing. until he felt it himself.
-ever since he’s fallen for you he’s willing to use all of the love he has on you. ever since you show up into his life its like his earth stopped orbiting the sun and started orbiting you instead. you’re his new-found love. but farleigh’s still the same old farleigh who’s too proud to say it. so he shows it instead. you understood long ago that his love language is act of service that he only does for you. anyone else that wants him to do something out of his will can fuck off. so he said.
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“you’re going out again ?” you swiftly turn to face your roommate sitting on her bed, folding her clothes rather messily. she couldnt care less if theyre not stacked symmetrically, just wanted to have the mountain of unfolded clothes out of her chair. “of course, its friday night! aren’t you ?” you cheerfully say as your hands busy putting on the earrings you’d picked out earlier. “is that new ?” she asks, eyes squinting in an attempt to have a closer look before getting up to actually take a look. “-and no, i’d rather stay in. wow these are pretty- if they ever go missing best bet that’s me”. you hold still as she examines the newly bought earrings before chuckling at her joke. “yeah, farleigh saw them when he was walking around town” you hear her groan before plopping herself down onto her bed. you giggle at her response. “im sorry! i promise to not mention his name anymore” you raise both your hands to surrender before letting out a laugh.
you couldn’t blame her, you’d be annoyed too. its always farleigh this, farleigh that. farleigh bought me this, farleigh bought me that- and you love him for that. always letting you in on stuff. he tells you everything too. thanks to him, you can atleast watch out for those people he’d gossip about, so you dont get into their mess. if it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t know anything. you’re not the type to hop around searching for gossips but you love hearing about them, then fueling his gossips with your insults. in that sense you’re fit for each other, and you’re happy to have your own personal source of campus gossip. “do i look okay ?” you take one last look at your reflection in the bodysized mirror hung on the wall, smoothing out your casual dress. nothing too sexy or uncomfortable, you just wanted to chill and have some drink. “you look absolutely gorgeous like always m’darling” your roommate teases you before giggles erupt between the two of you. “where are you going anyways? need your location” she asks, not bothered to look as she’s more focused on folding a tshirt.
“the pub- like always. farle-“ his name almost slip your tongue as you receive a warning look from your roommate. you widen your eyes as you mouth an ‘okay’ before saying, “well he, who shall not be named- invited me. wants me there, he said” she rolls her eyes. “he always wants you EVERYWHERE” “bet you’re there when he goes shopping for new underwear”. she jokes. you look at her with your head cocked to the side, confused. her jaw drops as she points at you “oh my gosh, you’ve totally done that !” she gives you the most dramatic mind blown look ever “is that not normal ?” “fucks sake its not !” you shrug at her, not caring for her going ballistic. it’s not like you’re always there with him anywhere. shit, are you ?. you cant help but give it a quick thought. well you sometimes have classes buildings away from each other, so no, you think. a normal response for someone in denial. making sure you’ve put everything you need in your purse, you blow your roommate a kiss before waving her bye bye to which she jokingly shoos you away
the pub’s busier than other nights with it being the weekend and all but mostly because you and farleigh’s friendgroup members are all bunched up together tonight. courtesy of felix offering to cover every round of drinks. who would pass up on an offer like that ? you’re approaching the bar, lips letting out singsongs as your fingers play with the new earring on your right earlobe. farleigh had offered to walk you from your dorm but you declined, telling him to save you a seat instead. so he did just that. also because its just a 5-minute walk or so. the atmosphere in the pub getting thick as he’s getting antsy waiting, almost barking at his friends who tried to sit in the seat designated for you by him. “that’s for my girlfriend you dumb” he told them. as felix walks towards the table at which they’re all circled around, farleigh’s head cocks seeing the pub’s door being pushed from outside. he almost jumped out his seat seeing that it’s you. “there she is !” he exclaims, he’s quick to get you at the door. everyone else cheers seeing you walk with your hand in farleigh’s, fingers intertwined.
as soon as you’re both seated he has his hand around your waist, resting at your thigh. “how was the walk ?” he asks, his nose almost nudging yours. you lean in to give him a quick kiss before nodding, “it was nice, a little breezy” you told him without giving it a second thought. he quickly took off his knitted cardigan-like sweater to drape it over your shoulders. you giggle at his reaction, you didn’t think he’d react that way as you weren’t trying to imply that you were cold. as he is admiring your pretty face, he notices the shiny thing on your earlobe. “is that—“ his hand reach up to touch the earrings, a huge smile appears on your face before nodding. “wanted to show you. you pick the prettiest things for me. maybe i should bring you when i shop for jewelries” its been long since you last went jewelry shopping. probably since you started dating him cuz he always buy you shiny things that he’d stumble upon. he spends a lot of time looking to pick the prettiest among them. he would buy them all but he thinks that it would only show that he’s lazy. he wants you to know how much he loves you and the time he spends picking them out shows it.
farleigh would go absolutely feral whenever there’s like a bazaar on campus where students set up their businesses’ booths cuz that means there will be girls selling their handmade jewelries. he thinks they’re so pretty that it would be a waste if they’re not being worn by you. bazaars happen maybe a couple times a year and the girls already know him cuz he spends the longest time looking at their rings, necklaces and earrings trying to pick out something for you. the first time he came by the booth they thought he was gonna insult them, maybe say things like ‘aren’t you too old to be making bracelets?’ or call their handmade pieces ugly. they tried to avoid him until he picks one of them up without saying anything, taking a closer look before handing them one that caught his eyes the most. one of the girls gathered all her courage to ask him who was he thinking of buying the stuff for and he proudly said “its for my girlfriend, she loves handmade jewelries” as they nod at his answer he started going on and on talking about you, stuffs you’re interested in so they can help pick out what would suit you best. “—yeah she’s in class right now, wouldn’t want her to know im here. want to suprise her with these. she’ll go wild” a grin plastered across his face imagining your reaction. sometimes its tmi for the girls but they dont care, they think its the sweetest.
farleigh doesn’t necessarily think buying you the most expensive things is the best way to show his love, its just as long as he’s poured much thought into his gifts. he fixates on thinking whether or not you’ll love the gifts he thinks of buying you and if you probably won’t, he’ll find something else.
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“they’re only pretty when you wear them. you make them look pretty” he whispers into your ear before taking your hand into his. he lean in to kiss you before pulling away just to kiss you again. and again. he rubs circles on the back of your hand with his thumb before looking back up at you. you’re getting all giddy from the attention he’s giving, your cheeks heating up. “yo guys— if you want to do romance maybe get a room” you hear one of his friends yell from across the pub. he flips him off before saying, “why were you looking at us anyways, loser ?” farleigh’s quick to rebut as the others’ reactions fill the room. he gives the guy a disgusted look before looking back at you, who is smiling. “sorry baby, would you like your usual ?” you nod before he gets up to go get your signature drink that you always have everytime you’re here. you’re not really into the heavy stuffs so he doesn’t force you to do them. he only does that to oliver.
apart from saving your seat, picking out jewelries for you and always getting you your drink to make sure it’s safe in his hands, he always want you with him everywhere he goes. just like your roommate had told you. he doesn’t care if he has to walk all the way across a field or a hallway to get to your classes, he’ll make sure he’s waiting outside for you by the time you’re finished so he could have you beside him everywhere he goes. and you dont care following him around. sometimes its just meaningless walks around campus but you’re happy as long as he’s with you. you’re his bestest friend. his home. he’d be telling you jokes as he walks, getting in front of you to make big movements to accompany his storytelling like he’d never run out of energy. like you’re his source of energy. you would give him the best reactions to his stories and gossips and he‘d fall even more in love with you if that’s even possible
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he was already quite famous on campus before dating you, but now almost literally everyone knows the both of you as THE couple. he would casually mention you everywhere he goes when you’re not with him, which is probably only the times when you have different classes. and you’re always with him too. the cafeteria, the pub, the field (he loves picnics with you), his homeroom, your homeroom, the random benches along the building, the hallways. its always the two of you. somehow you never got sick of each other probably cuz he’s nice to you. sure, there are times he’d accidentally lash out on you about something that got to him but he’s quick to make it up to you. he couldn’t imagine not having you everywhere with him. his buddies have all grown accustomed to you now, unlike the first few weeks when he started dating you. they got soo annoyed everytime farleigh brought you to hang out with them. he’s always out and about telling them like, “my girlfriends coming later” or “gotta wait for my girlfriend first” before actually hanging out with them. they were irritated cuz you weren’t as fun before, back when you were just being introduced to them. bros before hoes they’d told him. farleigh made sure to let them know you’re not just some ‘hoe’ and after that they’re basically pretty chill with you as soon as they realised you’re just like farleigh, but in female form. you get along with them and their convos just as well as farleigh. so they dont mind you tagging along anymore
its becoming his whole personality, dating you. its always you before all else. sentences like, ‘cant, gotta go get my girlfriend’ or ‘my girlfriend would love this’ or ‘the other day my girlfriend-‘ and ‘did you know ? my girlfriend-‘ are converging into his daily dictionary. you, are just the same. always mentioning him in everything because you do everything with him. like it or not the story’s gonna involve him cuz he was there. or it happened to him. or he was the one who told you. the two of you set the dating standards so high that the girls only want what the both of you have when it comes to relationships. cuz the both of you made it possible, you’d become the couple everyone put their trust in love in.
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you let out a laugh joining the others at something farleigh had said before taking a sip of the drink he brought you earlier. he has his one hand around your waist, grabbing your hand and the other on the table, near your drink, holding a lit ciggie in between his index and middle finger. he offers you a smoke to which you lean in. he holds the cig for you, watching you pull a puff before taking a puff himself. he closes the distance between you, leaning in to blow the smoke into your mouth, shotgunning.
the swirls of smoke mixing yours before he kisses you, deep. one of his favourite things to do with you. his hand that was holding your hand reaches into the hem of your dress, teasingly playing with it. he grins as his eyes bore into yours, tongue poking at the inside of his cheek. you giggle at his fingers dragging along your thigh, tickling you. he nudges his nose against yours before getting up, gently pulling at your hand. you follow him as you giggle, already knowing where this is going. he pulls your hand, walking towards the door before saying, “ciao everyone, and you-“ he’s pointing at the dude yelling at you guys earlier,
“-thank you for your suggestion” he chuckles as the whole room roar in mixed reactions. safe to say your poor roommate slept alone that night.
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taglist: @june-ebgert @radioloom @themoonchildwhofell @love-me-pls @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha @fuckshitslover @szapizzapanda @khxna
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mysicklove · 1 year ago
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With: Kyojuro Rengoku
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Sub! Kyojuro, gn! reader, blindfold/gag/earmuffs, feather usage, ice usage, nonverbal safe word discussed (not used), implied wax play, crying, begging/pleading, reader is a liar.
A/N: Everytime i wrote about his happy trail i thought of ashi. LOL. also this fic is a mess im going to be honest. not my best work, my friends.
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Rengoku doesn't understand why he was put in this position. He doesn't understand why he has a blindfold on with his arms tied together behind him, and his legs strapped to the bottom of the chair. He doesn't understand why he has a small black gag in his mouth and pink fluffy earmuffs. 
The thing was, Kyojuro struggles with restraints. He just can't seem to sit still when he receives pleasure. He wants desperately to obey your commands, but your touch always sends him spiralling, and his body always jerks and twitches without meaning to. He has accidentally knocked your hand away so many times when you overstimulate him, or forced your hand back onto his cock when you edge him. It was just a force of habit, and he always apologizes profusely when he does so. Its not like he means to disobey you.
So, tying him up was the next best option. Plus, depriving him of his senses was just because you were feeling cruel, and you wanted to see how strongly he was bound to react with your touch. 
So here he was, completely at your mercy, shivering slightly from what you could guess fear or guilt. He has never done anything to make him deserve a “punishment”, but you were mean. He just looked so pretty when his face was contorted in fear, you couldnt help yourself.
Rengokus blindfold was already dampening with tears as he continues to tremble under your view. His whole world is dark, and everything is silent. The lack of his senses was a strange feeling, and it overwhelmed him.  "I'm sorry, my love. I'm sorry. Im sorry," He pleads into the gag, the words coming out so muffled you can barely make out the apologies. 
You grab his chin, and press a kiss to his temple, his cheek, and his neck. Immediately he seems to calm down, and you take this time to remove just one of his earmuffs. “Did nothing wrong, Kyo. There is no need to cry.”
He jumps at the sudden sound, and turns to where your voice was coming from. He sniffles, but nods, leaning his head forward to hopefully coax out more affection from you. You smile at him and move to rest your palm on his cheek. He nuzzles it immediately, thankful for any touch. The darkness and the silence made him feel alone, and he was grateful to have some sort of reassurance. 
Your hands graze at his thighs, and he flinches at the feeling, breathing into the muzzle. “Not going anywhere, relax pretty. I'm here,” You coo, using your other hand to run through his hair. He seems to finally begin to melt, his arms no longer struggling against the restraints, and his body refrained from shivering. “Gonna make you feel good, yeah?”
He doesn't even try to speak, the gag wouldnt allow him to anyways. But he nods his head obediently, trying not to move too much from excitement. You kiss his cheek again, hardly containing yourself from how cute he is. Then, you reach back and place a small bell into his hands. He slightly cocks his head to the side, no doubt furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. “If you want to stop, ring that. Can you do that for me?”
He nods determinedly, and then rings it to test it out. Immediately, like a puppy, he turns to you, expectantly awaiting his reward for listening. You indulge him, giggling slightly and kissing the space right below his ears, one of his erogenous zones. He groans into the gag, accidentally pulling at the restraints once again. “Good boy!” You praise, and it sends his head spinning. “Now, ring that whenever you feel uncomfortable and I will stop, alright?” He nods his head. “Good. I'm not going to hurt you tonight Kyo, so you can relax.”
You fingers continue to drag along the area inches from his now hard dick, eyeing it contently. It sticks up proud, and seems to be begging to be touched. You smile and turn back to him, watching the way his chest raises from his breath in steady motions. “I'm going to put your earmuffs back on, so it's going to be a little quiet. It'll just make all the touches more pleasurable, I promise.”
He nods his head, and lets out a gargled, “love you,” through the gag, to which you smile, and murmur your own words of endearment. Then, you cover his ear with the earmuffs, and sigh.
Like a predator stalking their prey, you circle the chair for a second, overwhelmed at the possibilities of what to do to him first. Your fingers drag over his neck and then trace down his arm. He shivers with every movement, feeling goosebumps rise with every graze of your finger. Its overwhelmingly sensitive, and he swears he can almost feel your breath on his skin. His sense of touch was heightened with the lack of the others.
Your mouth latches onto his neck, slightly nibbling at the sensitive skin. He pants into the gag, and slightly bares his neck to give you more room. You pull away for a moment, and blow on his neck, sending his whole body into a fit of shivers. You cant help but giggle at the action, and place your hand on his thigh in mock comfort.
Your head was growing foggy from the meer power you felt over him. He was completely at your mercy, and other than viciously fight at the restrains, he could do nothing. Of course you loved him, and would never dare to do something he didn't like, but you couldn't help but tease him just a little. You may have lied about the “only” pleasure aspect of it.
You sit yourself on his lap, startling him. Baring no mind to his reaction, you lean up and kiss his chin in reassurance, before turning to your right and grabbing the object you have been dying to use. 
A dainty white feather. Something so soft and fragile, that is going to send your lover into a spiral. The thought made your mouth water, and Kyojuro, almost sensing your thoughts, visibly gulps.
You first run your own fingers over his chest, grazing over his nipples. He remains motionless, but you can see him tense. His chest was a very sensitive part of his body, and he was afraid of what was to come next. Rightfully so.
You pull away, and glance downward toward his abdomen. With a wicked grin, you take a hold onto the feather and graze his lower stomach, just where his happy trail begins. Its a light touch, and you barely even skim the surface of his skin, but the reaction is immediate. Another full body shiver, seemingly from the ticklish feeling this time. 
You hum, pleased with the reaction, and continue your antics upward. His pants grow louder into the gag with the passing seconds. Finally, the feather drags along his chest. The spot you have been most curious to see.
The feather glides over his nipple and he lets out a garbled whine. The buds harden in an instant and he nervously shakes his head. You ignore it and continue your movements, circling his chest.
Rengoku twitches under your hold and pulls against the restraints. He is so unbelievably sensitive there, and with the addition to the blind fold and earmuffs, he swears the feather is borderline overstimulating him. He can feel every bristle of it, and the cool air it pushes towards him when you slightly flap it. It sends him into a frenzy. It's too much, but too little. He wants more of the stimulation, but he also wants to pull away. He wants you to be rougher with him, but the idea of that makes him nervous. 
He doesn't know what he wants, and just like usual, he begins to tug at the restrains, body uncontrollably twitching. His chest tries to cave inward from the ticklish feeling, but he doesn't go far considering the restraints. He just continues to shake his head back and forth, high pitched yelps and complaints barely making it through the gag. 
“Aw baby, are you sensitive there?” You tease mostly to yourself, knowing he can't hear you all things considering. His squirms make you giggle, and you take vague notice to the bright hair that shakes from side to side from his sporadic movements. 
It tickles so much. It tickles and it feels good, and it hurts, and it is too soft, and he is losing his mind. The feeling of being bound, forced to take everything you give him only seems to make the feather more tortuous. 
He feels it begin to move downward, and Kyojuro heaves, trying to catch his breath after holding it for so long. His mouth clentches around the gag, and he tries to calm down his body. 
But of course, he can feel the feather move downward and oh. Oh no. He couldn't handle it down there. It was too sensitive.
He whips his head back and forth and whines into the gag. It comes out as a broken plea, and he can't hear your response, but he hopes you may take his noises to heart. He didn't get his hopes up.
The feather brushes around the tip, and Kyojuro yelps, jerking so much that the chair beneath him lifts up just slightly. You send a warning slap to his thigh, and he cries out, the tears beginning to flow again. It hurt more now that he couldnt see it. He apologizes through the gag, but it doesn't do much, other than make him drool all over himself.
You trace it up and down his cock, and he begins to tremble again. His dick is twitching with every stroke, and honestly it enamored you how reactive it was being. Cute.
One of your hands move back up his chest, thumbing at the nub, while the other continues its slow, light movements of the feather. Bringing it from the head, all the way down to his balls, giggling when your hear his cries.
“Not pweasure! Not pweasure!” He sobs, his thighs trembling. It tickled so much he couldn't stand it and with the addition of your fingers pinching his nipples, he was crumbling. You lied to him. He was supposed to feel good. Not to be teased to till he cant breathe anymore. You are so cruel.
Of course he couldnt say anything, nor use pleading eyes to beg for you to stop. But his body jerking back and forth, trying desperately to get anyway from your hands and the horrible, horrible feather definitely convey his emotions.
You grab one more item to end up the scene, finally setting down the feather. To continue on with little warning on what you had stored for him was cruel, even for you. But, of course you will have fun watching his reaction to this.
You place the small item in the palm of your hand, and gently bring it over to his cock. Then with a sadistic grin, you drag it down the shaft.
The first thing Kyojuro feels after the removal of the feather was cold. So unbearably cold, and right on his dick. 
Ice. It had to be. 
The chair comes lifting off the ground again from his quick movements to get away. He's screaming into the gag, and shaking his head profusely, begging for you to take it away. It was so cold, and he was so sensitive. His hands pull at the restraints and his body tries, and fails to crumble inward himself.
The blindfold slips off one of his eyes and he finally gets a view of you. His eyes are glassy, and flooded with tears, and his eyebrows are adorably furrowed in a plea. He makes a noise when you pull the ice away slightly, and you look up at him. 
“Aw Kyo, you want to see that badly?” You coo, and he can barely read your lips from the tears. He shakes his head and sobs, head hanging low. You bring the ice cube to his chest and he whines, eyes screwing shut automatically as his nipples harden. The cool water stains his chest, and he is shivering under it. 
His hips and back drive into the chair, to try to create some distance from the horrible coldness. It doesn't work, and his one eye watches the way the ice cube coats the dark patch of hair on his lower abdomen, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps. It was making his way back to his groin, and all Kyojuro can do is cry, and hope you be easy on him. He can't stand the cold. He was made for heat.
One hand grabs onto his cock, steading the trembling thing, and the other holds onto the cube. “Well, if you want to watch so badly, might as well give you a show,” You whisper, and Kyojuro cant read your lips this time. So, he stares at you with mild confusion and fear as to what you are going to do next.
With one last malicious glance, you place the ice cube on top of the tip, and swirl it around his hole. He screams again, back arching, and staring at the ceiling with wide eyes. You don't let up even when his legs try again and again to shut, but ultimately fail. 
He can feel the cool liquid drip into his slit, and he feels as if he cannot breathe. It was one of the strongest sensations he has ever felt before, and his fingers dig into his palm to help steady himself. It was so cold. Unbelievably cold, and the water was dripping inside him, in a place where it should not be. 
Kyojuro didnt know what to do other than take it. The silence of it all was driving him even more mad, and he wonders if having him see this was worst than being blindfolded.
Your circular motions dont let up, and eventually it's the ice that begins to melt, considering how hot the hashira runs. You rub it over his now slightly shrinking dick, and his whole body is shivering. But, his whines and cries have finally gone down, instead just loud pants to try and catch his breath. He must be growing used to it.
This was a good stopping point. You run the remainder of the cube over the throbbing tip again, and he whimpers slightly, but it doesn't compare to what the noises he made before. You kiss his thighs, and drop the sliver of ice back into the metal bin, whipping your hands on your shirt.
He did well. It was impressive really. How good he did. But, you didnt expect anything else from your lover. 
You smile to yourself, and then reach up to remove the earmuffs and blindfold. But strangely enough, Kyojuros one free eye wasn't looking at you. His whole neck was staring to the right while his chests rise and fall with heavy breaths, as if he was entranced by something. Drool coats his mouth, but he doesn't seem to notice, so enthralled at what he is staring at.
You follow his gaze, eyes widening when you see it.
You watch as the candle you lit earlier to set the mood, drips with wax. It falls onto the candle stand, and Kyojuro stares with hearts in his eyes as if mesmerized by the wax. 
You let out a shaky breath, turning to him on last time, reading his mind. He glances at you and nods every so slightly, with a small huffs. You grin at him, readjusting his blindfold and grabbing the candle. You watch Rengokus adams' apple bob as he gulps in both fear and excitement. 
He was shivering so much, it was like he was in dire need to warm up. And you had just the solution for him, and instantaneous way to heat up his skin again.. A drop of wax drips onto Kyojuros thigh, and the man does his best to not scream at the burning sensation. 
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y-urios · 26 days ago
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      ℐ  𓈒  𝐹rayed 𝓃𝑜tes ♮f 𝑀us𝒾𝒸  🎹  𓏵         the results: 2.5k event special by @y-urios
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ℐ  𓈒 a  quick  foreword  by  evie  𓏵
 𓈒  HI IM NOT EVEN JOKIN GWHEN I SAY IVE BEEN PUTTING THIS OFF FOR SO LONG BC THERE ARE SO MANY FREAKING PRETTY ENTIRES IT HURTS ME TO PICK JUST 3... so i picked more than 3... the way i want to put everyone sin the mentions sighs.. laughs nervously.. uhm. its the fact that im almost at 3k and i still havent posted the reuslts for my 2.5K.. event.. realization hit!!  𓈒 a big thank you to everyone who joined this event: @atsubie @n-americano @soulari @7kyujin @ningrlz @miujo @misodolls @galapogos @hypndiary @lvioung@beompercar @hourlyhoon @mminmgi  𓈒 now ill shut the fuck up and announce the winners
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ℐ  𓈒 the  winners  &  mentions   𓏵
ℐ  𓈒  1st place @lvioung + entry u dont know me well enough if you didnt expect me to at least place this moodboard to win.. THE FREAKING COLORS? THE STORY OH MY GOHS?? THE VIBE IS SO PRETTY OVERALL AND THE STORY ADDS SO MUCH TO IT I LOVE THIS SO MUCH suni u are just way too talented whether it's a 3x3 or a non 3x3, IU LIT LOOKS SO FRAEKING GORGEOUS omg i love this mb sm and u suni!! I LOWK STARED FOR SO LONG WHEN I SAW U POST THIS CS IT WAS DOWNRIGHT GORGEOUS. 𓏵  𓈒  2nd place @ningrlz + entry when i made this event i didnt expect anyone to post a moodboard with the misc instrumnts cs i thought it was pretty hard to do but you pretty much proved me wrong with this GORGEOUS moodboard. the colors and the warm vibes are so fucking pretty and i love how each color complements each other and overall its so freaking cute i love it ist just gorgeous idk how else teo describe it its just too freaking pretty ℐ  𓈒  3rd place @n-americano & @soulari entry + entry THESE WERE BOTH SO FREAKING PRETTY AND I SWEAR I COULDNT JUST PLACE ONE OF YOU GUYS AS THIRD OKAY I KEPT DEBATING BETWEEN THE TWO OF U AND DEICDE TO MAKE U GUYS SHARE 3RD PLACE!! both of ur moodboards are so freaking pretty, i love everything about them and the color match agh ari & zia are so frkaeing talented at color match its crazy , ari ur mb lit reminds me of an electric guitar and omg zia urs does too, but with this cozy warm feeling and its so YUMMY omg idk how else to describe it either but you guys did so frekaing well and u lowk deserve more than 3rd ☹️☹️ ℐ 𓈒  honorable mentions @atsubie entry just freaking gorgeous i love this and im so sorry i coudlnt place u ☹️but the colors oh my oghs screams kicks my feet stares @miujo entry dan thisi s just outright pretty as fuck like all ur mbs, whenver i look at it i actually feel so freaking bad for only giving u an honourlbe mtnion when u desrve so much more for this entry u were so on point with the theme & the colors omg where d oi even start @hourlyhoon entry sososo cute omg!! i love the brass pictures you used too omg they fit so well in ur mb which is why im giving u this mention cs i love the ecolors you used for this entry & the overall feleing im getting from it is so welceoming and yummy HLEP, its so pretty and i love it smsm !!
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ℐ  𓈒   prizes!   𓏵
to the winners + mentions : please msg me to claim ur prizes!! (send the post(s) you would like me to reblog and gg idols you would like me to make a mb of!! (1-3 depending on prize heh) and if u want to try ur chances u can send some bg maybe idk!
ℐ  𓈒  1st place   follow if not already, 3 moodboards by me, 100 reblogs , shoutout on my pinned post for 1 month 𓏵  𓈒  2nd place   follow if not already, 2 moodboards by me, 75 reblogs, shoutout on my blog ℐ  𓈒  3rd place   follow if not already, 1 moodboard by me, 50 reblogs, shoutout on my blog can all be negotiable &  ℐ 𓈒  honorable mentions get 15 rblgs
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sturniolo04 · 5 months ago
The Confession 1 C.S.
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Fwb!Mean!Chris x Fwb!Fem!Reader
A/N: I tried something different :)
*Really long you have been warned.
I dont even know how I ended up in this position. One minute my best friend Madi thinks she likes both Matt and Chris and the next she is 100% Matt. Me and Madi are super close I mean we practically grew up together and when we met the triplets in Boston everything changed, our circle grew just a little bit bigger. Lately, I haven't been the best friend to Madi just because I have been neglecting to confess to her about my secret crush on Chris and I am not the type to run over her if she knows she likes Chris because who am I to tell her she can't like him especially since I haven't told her that I did.
its about 1:50 in the morning and by this time Madi had walked all the way to a park and found a bench to sit and bawl her eyes out she couldnt figure out why she was feeling this bad whether it was that she couldnt articulate how she hurt Matt and Chris or if it is was because she cant choose between chris and matt she knows them both equally for a long time. sighing looking down at her phone finally deciding to call the one person she knew is always there. Holding in my tears as the dial tone rings hoping she wasnt asleep yet.
"Hello Madi"
jess speaks into the phone
she states through choked tears
"Madi what's going on love what happened" 
"i messed up really bad and i dont know what to do"
she exclaims letting her tears fall
"I like chris and matt and ive might have messed up our friendship"
"no madi you didnt okay i promise you didnt they are still your friends and they love you"
you quickly reply feeling that heavy feeling in your chest again as she still thinks she like chris.
"i dont know"
she replies through a fit of tears
"its okay promise try to get some sleep and you will feel so much better tomorrow i promise"
you reply reassuring her.
"okay goodnight"
she sniffles out
"goodnight i will see you when you get back home "
she hung up from jess and sighed out once more calming her nerves proceeding to walk back to the house. as she made her way into the driveway sitting back on the concrete driveway where the night officially started 
you exclaim softly seeing her sitting on the driveway
she replies quietly as she turns around to look at you
"i was so worried are you okay"
you ask again.
"im sorry"
you sigh squatting down and hugging her then sitting down next to her
"i fucked things up didnt i"
she huffs out
"what no well i mean chris and matt are not speaking to each other currently but i mean whats new"
you sigh out since madi basically confessed to both of them on the same night and them both finding out in this driveway tonight.
" but it was my fault im the reason they are mad at each other"
"no no youre not okay they are just being them okay they will grow up"
you reassure her
"but i mean i told you had feelings for chris too"
you state smirking trying to shake the heavy feeling in her stomach at that sentence.
"you know i love you"
you say side hugging her
'well im going to bed you think youre going to be okay"
"yeah thanks j" 
you say standing up and walking back into the house as madi rests her head on her arms positioned on top of her knees as someone comes and sits next to her quietly
"hi matt"
she speaks softly out noticing his presence
"im sorry"
"why you were just being honest" 
he sighs out
"i do really like you" 
she confesses again
"no madi you and chris are perfect and honestly it makes he was at least able to communicate how he feels about you without being oblivious about it im not the one you need madi you are way out of my league and im okay with that honestly"
he sighs out rambling
"what the actual fuck matt stop youre  out of my league why do you just automatically assume your not good enough" 
she exclaims frustrated standing up and wrapping the blanket you had brought her getting upset
"madi no youre not out of league okay just stay"
he says pulling her hand down a little as she sighs and sits back down as matt pulls me into him connecting our lips guiding her on his lap in the process. He tangled his fingers through her messy hair as he continue to make out with her. Her hands wrapped around his neck tightly as he stood up carrying her back into the house. shepulled away quickly he closed the door behind them and set her back on her feet.
"Matt if-if"
she trails of whispering
he stops her as he pulls his and her shoes off leaving them downstairs as he swiftly picks her up again by her thighs taking her upstairs to her room quietly being sure not wake up anyone especially Chris. Matt leans back in after setting her on her bad standing in between her legs attempting to connect their lips again but madi halted him in the process.
"matt..seriously come on"
she giggles out as he sighs out stares at her as she bites her lip slowly.
"yes madi you were saying"
he chuckles out
"matt if- if we do this"
she trails off motions towards them
"no one can know yet"
he kind of chuckles at the concept
"im serious matt"
she exhales out looking at him as his face softens at her response
"at least until i figure out how to tell" 
"yeah because"
"i know i know"
he sighs out moving himself from in between her to next to her laying on her bed. 
"jess' mom might be coming to boston"
"what that so cool"
"yeah she called her when i walked off tonight"
"well im going to go"
he states standing up
she states worried
"dont worry just in the other room with chris maybe so you can get some sleep"
he chuckles out giving madi a forehead kiss as he walks out of her room.
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Madi wakes up the next morning mentally face palming herself considering well she basically made out with Matt after literally confessing to both brothers she has feelings for them. she rolled out of bed hoping everything will return to normal. she shower and put on this And head downstairs to be met with the face of the one and only
"good morning"
"whats up how are you feeling"
"better just like jess said"
"i talked to her last night after everything"
"oh okay hey madi listen forget everything i said last night i was just being stupid it was nothing"
he states quickly realizing he also confessed that he liked you.
"chris i dont think it was nothing you dont have to lie about it"
"no im being for real"
"what im serious"
"okay then sound cool"
she states heading back upstairs
"where are you going"
"to wake up matt and everyone else"
Chris couldnt understand why he said that he literally let her get away again. His thoughts were soon interrupted the sound of jess's doorbell ringing. He went over and opened the door to reveal
"oh hi there i was- where is jess"
jess mom trails off
"she's upstairs um"
he trailed off kind of awkwardly since he had no idea that this jess's mom as what sounded like jess's laugh approaching the bottom of the stair case. I turned to see jess walking down with Nick and Madi being carried down the stairs by matt. the lady at the door cleared her throat as they all snapped out of their trance looking in that direction
she exclaims running over and hugging her
Chris questions
"yeah.. mom this is chris, matt, nick and then you remember madi"
she trails off as chris waves his hand
"Hi you all"
she says with a raised eyebrow smiling
"jess; mom"
she exlcaims hugging her after jess
"hey madi"
"when did you get here" 
madi asks her
"last night when jess called"
Madi looks over at jess standing next to her as she shrugs her shoulders a little not wanting to talk about last night at all due to the fact she still felt the pit in her stomach of guilt of even allowing herself the like chris and not trust madi enough to even tell her that you liked him.
"so mom do you want to come on in then"
she states as madi and her both step aside to let her in
"how long are you going to be here for"
"just the weekend"
"maybe we can all go somewhere and just hang out for a little bit maybe grab dinner does that sound good guys"
she asks everyone
"im fine with that"
nick agrees nodding his head
you question her
"sure plus i want to see all there is about Boston since this is my first time up here"
"well the triplets can definitely help point out those key spots since they've grown up here"
chris chuckles out admiring jess' laugh slightly
"cool so do want me to ride with you"
"umm.. im going to ride with jess and her mom is that okay"
"uh yeah of course" 
madi and you grab your shoes and they all head out the door.
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she trails off looking the mirror at the two girls in the backseat of the car
"what's going on with you and Matt Madi"
" yeah i was going to ask about that i mean i knew you guys made up because i saw him come outside after i left you after you came back home"
"umm i dont know what you guys are talking about"
"are you sure because i remember clearly you being carried down the stairs by him this morning"
"in a skirt too at that madii"
you exclaim dragging out the 'i' in your best friend's name
"oh come on what is that suppose to mean just because we made up doesn't mean we are dating"
"so your telling me he hasnt tried to make a move on you after everything that happened yesterday evening"
she asks as madi kind of stares off into space getting flashbacks to last night of literally her and matt making out in her driveway
"oh my god he totally did didnt he"
"what no jess no" 
jess's mom exclaims trying to get an answer out of her
"OKAY maybe we might have made out in the driveway at like 2 in the morning"
you exclaim at your best friend with your jaw dropped
"what i mean its wasnt like terrible"
she shyly replies.
"that you made out with your bestfriend the best friend you liked for literally ever or that he was actually good at making out"
madi exclaims embarrassed
" just asking"
"it was definitely the second option"
you giggle out
"shut up Jess"
she exclaims pushing some of her hair behind her ear opening her phone
"just make sure you do and know what your heart wants madi" 
"of course always"
@dirtylittleheart333 @stayingstromboli @wh0resstuff @mintsturniolo @spicymuffins03 @emely9274
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h0ck3yl0v3r · 1 year ago
sparks fly
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
lh43 x childhood!bestfriend
warnings: none?!?!
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she missed him, and he missed her. with hockey season starting he was a mess. they had gotten paired together for a project in their english class. it was awkward, none of them knowing what to say.
The way you move is like a full-on rainstorm
And I'm a house of cards
they sat in class trying to figure out the topic they should research about. still no words spoken, luke couldn’t help but admire her as she worked. the way her hair kept falling in front of her face, and how she bit the top of her pen from nerves, and the way her eyes were so beautiful.
And you stood there in front of me
Just close enough to touch
Close enough to hope you couldn't see
What I was thinking of
after an hour right before class ended, the two finally found a topic to research on. they settled on how miscommunication can affect ones life. ironic isnt it he thought.
“hey y/n” luke said trying to catch up the girl in a hurry to get back to her dorm.
“what do you want luke.” she said turning to look at the youngest hughes.
“i was wondering if maybe you’d wanna meet after my game, you don’t have to go to it but i figured itd be best if we talk and clear the air since we got paired together.” he said in one breath looking down at her looking for a response.
“okay.” thats all she said. “okay, ill text you after the game, bye y/n.” he said softly, “bye luke” she whispered softly watching him leave.
Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
tonight was a big game, the game against msu. yost was packed, luke was in the locker rooms trying to prepare himself for the game but all he could think about was the one girl who truly made him happy that he hurt. as for her, she was finding her way through yost being dragged out of her dorm by her roommate who was dating one of the players.
as the team skated out for warm ups all the girl could think about was when she’d always attend lukes games, how cute he was in his element, how passionate and focused he is once he hits the ice. she couldnt help but notice how the lighting brought out his green eyes, and how his small smile still has a hold on her.
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down
Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
the game ended well, umich winning and luke scoring a hat trick, during his third goal in the third period he finally saw you, pointing at you during his celly. your heart melted at that, almost forgetting entirely about why you were mad at him.
My mind forgets to remind me
You're a bad idea
luke quickly finished changing back into his normal attire as you waited for him outside the locker rooms.
once he came out he gave you a small smile which you did the same back.
“care to go for a little walk m’lady?” he said and you couldn’t help but laugh and nod.
you guys walked in a comfortable silence before taking a break on a bench near his dorm.
“congrats by the way, you did amazing tonight.” you said looking up at him a d he smiled whispering a soft thank you.
“i know i said i wanted to talk to clear the air because of the project but it’s more than that.” he said and you nodded for him to continue “im sorry for everything, truly. i miss you so much it physically hurts and i know its not fair the way i treated you, i don’t expect you to forgive me but i just want you to hear my side of the story. i pushed you away because i thought you deserved someone better, someone who could be there all the time, and to have someone you wont have to worry about having to leave one day and do long distance. but in reality i did it to protect myself, because im in love with you, and i didnt want to have to face losing my best friend, or the heartbreak of when i have to leave for the pro’s but i realize now all i want is you, my whole life, its been you.” his voice cracking and leg bouncing from anxiety. you placed your hand on his knee softly rubbing it to comfort him. “lu, i thought you didn’t like me because you became so distant and went after so many other girls, so i never said anything to protect myself, i was so in love with you, the night i left i had cried to quinny, i thought i never had a chance so i pushed myself away too. but im still so in love with you, no matter how much i try to push it away” you said softly as he cupped your face caressing it softly, “i thought you knew, i gave so many hints” and you looked at him confused, “remember all times in high school when guys tried to hit on you and i immediately scared him away, or whenever id call you after a bad game, or when all i ever wanted was to be with you so i came over for like three days, holding your hand or cuddling watching movies that it came to a point my mom had to drag me back home. i thought you knew.” he said tears now falling softly down both of your faces. “im so sorry lu, i never picked up on any of that, i thought it was just because we were best friends.” he wiped your tears away “we were always more than best friends, so much for miscommunication huh? we better get an A on that project” he joked and you couldn’t help but crack a smile and laugh. and as the clouds began crying too, for the first time luke hughes kissed you. the most soft passionate kiss ever. “i love you.” he said pulling away resting his forehead on yours “i love you luke hughes.”
And the sparks fly
taglist: @drysdalesv @shy4turcs @ghostfacd @jackquinnswife
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cherryredstars · 1 year ago
HI OH MY GOSH i read your fic where the reader tutors miguel and im so Hngghuagsg its amazing youre so good at writing<33
i saw ur requests were open and i was wondering if you could write a similar situation with like reader who's not exactly quiet, maybe someone who doesnt even like take the subjects he takes, but he passes by her in the hallway, she's known by people in his classes, she has friends and she talks to everyone but him. and he doesnt know why, (ik its a stretch but could the reader have acne in so many fics i see readers being kissed on the forehead and im like i have acne there he wouldnt want to kiss it :"D)
little does he know that she, whos normally not a shy person is shy to talk to him because she likes him and like she cant fathom him liking her back, she;s...just her. shes not special, or even like a topper. she's just there. and she couldnt be more further from the truth
im so sorry if this is confusing its long and a bit confusing but id love to see what youd do with it<3 thank you
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Insecure!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Slight Insecurity, Mentions of Acne, Slightly Jealous Miguel
Summary: All he wants is your attention. 
A/N: So cute, so cute, so cute
Word Count: 1.8K (Barely Edited)
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You remind him of a mouse. 
Always running away before he can fully register that you’re there. Always skirting around his field of vision in the halls as you walk past and purposely quiet your voice to not alert him. It frustrates him. Knowing that you’re there and not at the same time. It pains him because he knows you only do it when it’s him. He isn’t even around you constantly, but he knows there is a difference in the way you act around him. 
He knows you’re usually an energetic and bright person. If he were to pull random people in the hall aside and ask them about you, all their faces would light up in recognition of your name and they would go on and on about their love for you. They would recount all the times you’ve made them laugh and smile, how you’re the sunshine stuffed into a single person, how you can’t take three steps inside the school without someone calling out a greeting towards you. They all talk from experience. Experience Miguel doesn’t have.
He’s tried, he really has. He thought maybe he intimidated you with his height and the usually dark look on his face. So, he tried his best to be soft when you’re around, and tried to convey that he wasn’t a threat. But all of his attempts are in vain. You still stop talking when he comes up to your shared group of friends, always pick the furthest spot away from him, always keep your words and attention towards him to a minimum. He can recount the multiple occasions where one of your mutual friends walked with you down the hall and stopped to talk to Miguel. Each time, his gaze shifted towards you and watched the way you don’t even turn towards him, instead scrolling through your phone as you waited. 
It takes everything in him to not wave a huge sign in your face spelling out PAY ATTENTION TO ME! A large amount of his self control goes towards not pulling whoever you're walking with away from you so he can take their place, forcing you to give him the attention he’s so deprived of. Whenever he asks one of your friends about your behavior, they can only give him a sympathetic look and the shrug of their shoulders. So instead, Miguel steals his time with you through secret observations. His attention instantly snapping towards you when the group is hanging out, his eyes searching for your frame in the halls in between classes. 
He watches the way your eyes light up when you talk to someone, wild hand movements accompanying your stories. He watches the way you always adjust the strap of your book bag that you can never really fix. Loves the look of surprise on your face when someone you don’t know calls out your name and you laugh in confusion as you say hello back and turn to your friends in astonishment. Watches the way you randomly pull your phone out in the halls when you trail behind your group of friends, a small frown on your face as you turn your head and poke at the raised bumps on your skin. Each little sight feels like a breath of fresh air to Miguel, welcoming anything you unknowingly give him. 
It’s a god given gift the day he finds you sitting alone on the bleachers afterschool, none of the people you usually hide behind when you want to get away from him in sight. He keeps his movements slow and quiet to not alert your attention towards his approaching figure. When he sits besides you, you jump in surprise, a look of awe on your face at the sight of him that quickly morphs into the familiar shyness. He watches the way your hand tightens on your phone before you quietly speak up. “Hi, Miguel.”
The sound of your voice, directed entirely towards him makes his heart sing. He feels the unease wash from his shoulders, but he can see it transferring towards you. Even though it pains him to, he leaves a considerable amount of space between the two of you. A whole other person can fit in the empty space. Miguel clenches his fist as he eyes the space in envy, trying his best to ignore it for the sake of your comfort. 
He must be god’s favorite today because as you watch him, you let out a shy smile and whisper out: “You can sit closer, y’know?”
He doesn’t hesitate to fill the space, his knee bumping with yours in his eagerness to be closer. A small laugh leaves you and every rainy day for the next month is cleared away in your happiness. Miguel is utterly hypnotized by you, his eyes shamelessly staring at your face as he drinks in what he’s been missing out on. Is this what it's like? Is this what it's like to be in the presence of a star?
Your smile turns awkward the more he stares at your face, mistaking it for him studying the patch of acne you’ve had difficulties getting rid off. You shift in discomfort, trying to subtly cover the area from view as you clear your throat. Miguel is awakened from his state of awe at the sight of your discomfort, the way you try to hide your imperfections clear as day to him from all the times he’s watched you do it around your friends. Miguel sits up straighter and turns his body to fully face you. He gently moves your hand away from your face, unobstructing his view of you. “You looked really pretty today. Liked the way you did your hair, it looks nice.”
Your eyes are wide as you look at Miguel, his words not fully being processed by your muddy mind. He’s so close and he’s touching you. You think maybe you’re having mirage from being out in the hot sun for too long. You hesitantly look behind you, thinking he’s talking to someone else. The action makes Miguel smile slightly, his thumb rubbing against the pulse point on your wrist to call your attention back towards him. You continue to blink up at him, a blush forming on your face as your point to yourself in clarification. 
Miguel’s smile widens as he tilts his head slightly, a strand of hair covering his eyes while his shoulder shake from silent chuckles. “Yes, you.”
Your smile grows wider in bashfulness, muttering a small thank you as your hand goes to your hair. In your nervousness, you start talking about your process in getting up this morning. Oversharing about how you had tried it out the night before only for it to give you difficulties this morning that made you frustrated and think you would be late to school. Miguel listens wholeheartedly, a small smile still on his face as he lets you say everything that comes to your mind. You end the rant with another thanks towards him for being the only one noticing your efforts with your appearance. 
He finds the appreciation unnecessary, but he’s proud to have gained it from you. He’s sure he looks like a proud puppy with a wagging tail at your praise and his ability to coax a conversation that lasts more than three words. He racks his brain for more things he could say, anything he can do to make you speak more and keep up this easy going air that's so rarely over the both of you. The tiniest bit of pride shines in his eyes whenever he’s successful. 
He lets you go on and on, dismissing your apologies whenever you feel like you’ve talked too much. He’s always been more of a listener than a talker anyways. Plus, he likes discovering the world you dive into when you get lost in your mind. He especially doesn’t mind it when that world subconsciously causes you to raise your hand and push away the strand of hair covering his forehead. His heart beats dangerously fast as he holds his breath, scared he’ll break whatever spell he’s in. It’s only after you start pulling your hand away that you freeze with the realization of what you did. 
A nervous look crosses your face as you start to apologize profusely, your hand still hovering over the side of his face. Miguel shakes his head with a happy smile, once again scolding you for your obsession with the word sorry. When you don’t stop your onslaught for forgiveness, he clasps your hand and presses a kiss to the heel of your palm, successfully shutting you up. You’re a stuttering mess, mouth opening and closing like a fish as you try to form words in your useless mind. Miguel chuckles against the warm skin of your palm and keeps it in his hold as he moves your joined hands to the warmed metal between the both of you. "Go on, princesa. What happened next?"
More shy than before, you continue on, both of your thumbs taking turns rubbing the back of each other's hand. During the never-ending conversation, the two of you get closer and closer. Your body now pressed into Miguel’s side as you laugh and smile at each other. Miguel adds little bits of speech into the conversation, commenting on things he hears or remembers happening or to agree with you on something. He's never seen you so open and carefree with him, and he selfishly wishes for more moments like this. 
Too soon, the moment is broken when your phone starts ringing. You answer, a sorry expression on your face before you turn slightly to answer, pulling your hand from Miguel’s. He clenched his empty palm as you talk, staring down at the lightness that it contains. When you hang up the phone and turn back towards him, the closed-off and reserved behavior returns. 
"I have to go now, but it was nice talking to you, Migs." You whisper as you begin to stand up and gather your things. The nickname you call him warms him through the cold reality of what the two of you will resort back to. 
He hums sadly, the hand previously in his pocket taking your hand again. He debates giving it another kiss, but he decides against it. Instead he gives your hand a gentle squeeze and a small smile. Your cheeks flush again and you give him a fleeting smile in return before making your way down the bleachers. Once you make it down, he stands up and watches as you walk towards a newly pulled up car. You turn and give him a small wave, turning away too quickly to catch his small wave back. 
A heavy sigh leaves him as you drive off. A small weight stays on his chest and he curses slightly, hoping the two of you won't go back to square one. 
Meanwhile, you sit in the passenger seat of the car, a fond smile on your face as you trace the string of numbers scrawled out on the slip of paper he pressed into your hand.
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This is the last Miguel request in my inbox WOOO!!
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