#thank you every and all elizabeth swann defenders
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kickingthepirate · 7 months ago
me, tapping the mic on a stage: ''elizabeth swann not only was and is the confirmed primary protagonist of the pirates of the caribbean trilogy, but also is an incredible example for female characters to be flawed with complex inner conflicts while still having clear desires and goals; she's morally ambiguous yet simultaneously is a beacon of bravery and hope; in subtext representing an audience of admirers of piracy but also standing out as a believable, organic character with her own evolving relationship to what being a pirate means. She got and still gets unfairly bashed for doing nearly the same things the rest of the male cast does and is constantly demeaned and insulted in the most misogynistic and myopic, bad faith lenses. You may not like her personally, but it's important to consider that her role is factually very important and meaningful to the franchise and to many many fans who felt inspired by her, the truest of pirate kings.''
people start booing me off the stage, I start to step down. Three voices stand out in the crowd while clapping instead, silencing the ruckus made by wide-eyed self-proclaimed 'mega-fans' of the franchise.
everyone turns to see to whom the voices belong to...
gore verbinski, the director, terry rossio and ted elliot, the scriptwriters of the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy say: ''they're right, you know.''
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janefaery · 3 years ago
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The wedding between King Ben and Lady Mal is an event that’s stolen attention for months, rumors and speculation about the ceremony traveling through every kingdom on the trails of the invitations. Their wedding marks an unprecedented reunification of Auradon and the Isle - of Heroes and Villains, and is being lauded as the first chapter in a new story.
But not everyone is so happy. There are dissenters that will never fall silent, villains that won’t change their ways, and threats beyond the shores of Auradon more than willing to use the festivities as a cover for their own fiendish goals.
From attacking Jacqueline Sparrow’s ship out at sea to capturing one of the ships that reports to Elizabeth Swann on Shipwreck Isle, trouble’s been brewing out of sight of the excited party planners, the only signs of danger for them a lack of supplies arriving on time and strange objects floating ashore.
The wedding day arrives and all eyes are on the happy couple, wanting an excuse to celebrate and share in their happiness or ready to nitpick at any flaw, determined to use anything less than perfect as a source of mockery. In the history of the United Kingdoms of Auradon, there have been few moments of greater distraction.
Wedding bells chime and Fairy Godmother announces the king and his bride, the new Queen of Auradon. As they leave side by side from the place where Ben was first crowned King, the outside forces attack.
A fleet of ships led by the Tsaritsa takes advantage of the scarcely watched harbor and the spies that managed to sneak their way in on other ships with false identities turn on the people that dared think of them as new friends. These ships are powerful, with canons that don’t seem quite normal, and their fighters tear through anything in their path. Someone stole their flagship and insults like that aren’t taken lightly.
The invaders are strong, but they could grow stronger still. Fairy Godmother’s wand. Maleficent’s scepter. These are items that have been used before to cause trouble and they aren’t the only objects of power just wanting to be seized.
The wedding is over and now comes the reception, an event held at the end of a red carpet made of blood.
This event will start at the beginning of August, Friday the 13th, at midnight GMT. Your muses are not to know anything about the invasion or have any idea of what’s coming, but they could have noticed strange faces around or be confused about other warning signs. Their focus should be on the wedding until the start of the event, then they may choose their actions.
This is going to be a highly interactive event that will feature randomized outcomes if you choose to partake. You have the choice of having your muse interact in the fighting, be it on the side of Auradon or as part of a villain uprising taking advantage of the chaos. If you choose to have your muse fight, you can also select how badly they’re allowed to be injured on a scale of one to five*, with five being the worst. 
The invaders (or the villain forces) and the defenders of Auradon will clash at various locations around Auradon and the Isle of the Lost. A generator will determine how badly the location is damaged, what damage the participating muses incur, and which side wins. Muses can engage in repeat battles until they reach their maximum injury level and a new fight will be released daily. 
The event will run from August 13th-22nd and the outcome of this event will help shape future events. Please reblog this post to help spread awareness of the event and make sure to tag all related posts with #descuninvited. To enter your muse in the fight, submit an injury ranking, or suggest a location for a fight (such as a business your muse runs, etc), please message me either on tumblr or discord. 
*Only one muse per player will be allowed to reach  level 5. Level rankings are as follows: 1 – Minor. 2 – Moderate. 3 – Serious. 4 – Severe. 5 – Critical
[Special thanks to @auraskiing and @aurasqueen for letting us disrupt their wedding and to @spheirrow for the original inspiration] 
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anagraves · 7 years ago
Fandom Meme: Hit Me Up
Originally posted by @fanficmemes , I was tagged by @frombothofmyhearts . Thank you! It’s more difficult than the last one, so this time I’m not tagging anyone, but if you want to play just feel yourself tagged!
1.  Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Well... I’m currently watching “Victoria” and it’s hard to choose from Vicbourne and Ernest & Harriet. But when it comes to OTP that I’m currently obssesing over, that would be undoubtedly Jaime & Brienne (GoT).
2.  A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind (bonus points: who was that person).
Sansa & Littlefinger. I was completely repulsed by this idea at first, but later came to love them and they became one of my most important GoT ships.
3. A pairing you used to love, but it all fell apart for you.
I can agree here with @frombothofmyhearts - at the beginning of HP books I shipped Harry and Hermione, later I had no idea why on Earth I ever saw them together. From the more recent fandoms, I would say Jorah and Daenerys - I mean I still do ship them, but they used to be my OTP and now I don’t really care.
4.  Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what.
Don’t think so, sadly I’m not a funny person.
5.  What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
Harry Potter, definitely, if you can say I’m in a fandom since the moment I fell in love with the books. That would be seventeen years.
6.  Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it.
That is a difficult question... My first OTPs came from Polish soap operas, but since no one would know what I’m talking about I’ll focus on something well known and that would be either HP (Lupin & Tonks), LOTR (Aragorn & Arwen or Eowyn & Faramir) or “House M.D.” (Foreteen). When it comes to level of devotion that shoul go with real OTP, I would choose Foreteen.
7.  Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
"Once Upon a Time” - I had no idea about the show until I saw it here. And it was everywhere, really.
8.  Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
That’s difficult. I wanted to say something GoT-related, but I found myself either liking someone at least a little bit or hating them so much I cannot say anything nice about them. Ooh, I have it, from another fandom! Elizabeth Swann and William Turner - I don’t like both of them, but they know how to love each other and they would do a lot for this love. Although sometimes they forget about it, especially in AWE...
9.  Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
I’ll stick to PoTC - more James Norrington love, more Davy Jones appreciation, more respect for my favorite parts of the movies (DMC & AWE). 
10.  Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
I just saw Dream Theater and “Sacrifised Sons”. The title brought a lot of GoT connections - the Second Sons, the Starks, Jaime & Tyrion.
11.  A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
I think my only ship that could fall into this category would be Cam & Sweets from “Bones”.
12.  Your most scandalous headcanon for your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Scandalous? I can see that in “Victoria” - both of my ships eloping and living happily ever after away from all this ruling and this life they’re living... Would definitely be scandalous in XIX century, given their position.
13.  Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Maybe only that Klaroline (TVD) is and always will be the endgame, no matter how long it takes.
14.  5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (Angel the Series), James Norrington (PotC), Jaime Lannister (GoT), Mark Sloan (Grey’s Anatomy), Lance Sweets (Bones).
15. 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Weslah (AtS), Brienne & Jaime (GoT), Mark & Lexie (Grey’s Anatomy).
16. 5 favorite ships
Every single one has a special place in my heart, but if I had to choose they would be the ships from above, Klaroline (TVD) and Foreteen because of the nostalgy mostly.
17.  Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
I’m just fed up with most of the regular shows nowadays. They all go the same roads of misery and despair, constant plotting and destroying of the relationships (I do understand that happiness might not be the most popular thing in the world, but come on, sometimes someone is happy, the world is not all dark and gloom). Some of them start great, but then get extended beyond the point of logic and the writers screw everything up. Everything should have its end and it would be best if the end came in the highest and not lowest point of the series. The best example - “Grey’s Anatomy”. I loved the show, but now it’s a caricature of itself. The characters are the bunch of selfish people who don’t care about anything else but themselves, and mostly they even forgot they are doctors, behaving like five-year-olds. Just finish this show already!
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theabominableblogger · 7 years ago
My Reaction to “Gotham” S4E5
Another late night reaction post?  The devil you say!
[Slaughter Swamp] Oh God
“Rest in peace, Butch Gilzean, Cyrus Gold, whoever the hell you are!”  Solomon Grundy!
Holy crap, this music though!  Danny Elfman would be proud!
“Every mook you [Jim] bust with a license, the commissioner orders me [Harvey] to let him go.  What am I supposed to do?”  Ignore him [the commissioner]!
“It is my [Bruce’s] fault [for Alex’s death].”  NO IT IS NOT!
“If Ra's al Ghul believes this knife will kill him, that could explain why he wants it so badly.”  “So he can destroy it.  Before someone fulfills the prophecy.”  Oh God, this again.
*Alfred takes the knife away from Bruce*  There you go
“I’m [Alfred] worried about him [Bruce].”  Everyone’s worried about him.
I’m worried about him.  My dog outside is worried about him.
And of course he’s [Bruce] eavesdropping!
*Bruce sneaks in and takes the knife*  OH GOD
*Barbara puts together a lipstick tube disguised as a gun*  Oh that’s cool
“What about everything you [Ra’s] promised me [Barbara]?  ‘Do as I ask and I will give you a gift beyond your imagining?’”  Like what?
*Ra’s puts his hand up to the glass*  Oh the lightning bulb hand thing where she can see alternate futures or something like that!
It’s in Episode 19.
Ohhhhh that shot [of Ra’s] is awesome!
*Solomon Grundy rises from the swamp*  Ohhhhh ho ho ho hooooo!!
Wait, aren’t those the same robbers from Episode 2?
*jams out to the Solomon Grundy song playing on the gramophone*
AN:  Also, totally blew my mind when I found out that the Solomon Grundy poem is an actual poem
Which means I am totally behind in life :/
Oh that shot of Grundy is great.  Reminds me an awful lot of the Boris Karloff Frankenstein.
Why hasn’t Oswald or his assistant noticed that the list of all the people that have the licenses is gone?
“I [Sofia] propose we [her and Oswald] have lunch somewhere in public.”  Oh!
“You have to have something for me [Ed]!  I don't know, a pill to reverse the effect of having your brain frozen and unfrozen?”  “That’s kinda specific!”  Pffttt...
*giggles at Ed’s over-the-top reaction to getting stabbed in the hand with a paper pin*
“My [Alfred’s] concern is that he’s [Bruce] taken the knife and he’s gonna try and kill Ra’s al Ghul.”  Oh my God...
*Bruce sneaks through an open door in Blackgate*  Wow, there’s even no security here either!
*Bruce sneaks into Ra’s’s cell*  Oh Jesus Christ
*Bruce pulls out the knife*  NOOOOOOOOOOO
*Bruce puts away the knife*  Ohhhhhh, thank God
Wha- where’d the door go?
*The guards are revealed to be loyal to Ra’s*  WHAAAAAT?!?
*Alfred pulls a Elizabeth Swann and removes all his weapons after each prompt*  Gah hahaha!
“...Undercrackers?”  *snorts in hilarity*
Ed, that green is looking sharp on you!
*Grundy pulls a hot dog cart out of nowhere*  Wait, what? 
Oh my gosh, I want Sofia’s red coat!
Bruce, where the heck are you now?
“It means that you [Bruce] are the only one who can end my [Ra’s] suffering.”  Oh joy.
Well that’s a fine image [of Ed and Grundy eating lunch together]
*Grundy defends Ed from a couple of robbers*  Oh hey!
*Oswald meets up with Sofia for lunch*  Oh my God, I can’t believe this is happening
“My [Oswald’s] mother made goulash.  Brought the recipe from Budapest.”  I thought Gertrude was German
*Oswald tries the goulash and freezes*  Whoa...
“Where are the real guards?”  Oh snap!
*gasps when Alfred shoots the League assassin in the head*
Oh my gosh, there’s even a little penguin statuette on the bar [at the Lounge]!
What... are they doing with this little relationship between Oswald and Sofia here?
Is Oswald wearing a brace?  If so, kudos to the costume department for adding that in because yeah, Oswald would have foot pain or ankle pain because of his broken leg.
“[Bruce] Only you can kill me [Ra’s].”  Oh great.
*Ra’s reveals his true form*  Whoa....
“[Bruce] You will follow the path of light.  Grow into a fine man.  Become a husband.  A father.”  Oh God.
Oh God with the feels already!
*gasps loudly when Bruce stabs Ra’s*
*has to muffle a laugh when Ra’s jaw drops open after he dies*
Man, I really do love Bruce and Jim’s relationship in this show
Panning transition shot!  Take a shot!
“[Grundy] You and I [Ed] were the very best of friends!”  Oh, that is utter lies.
Oooh that shot of Ed next to that neon sign is cool
Ohhhh, it’s the Narrows!
“Go get the Doc!”  Wait, what?
*gasps*  LEE?!?!?
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