#thank you dippi 😘
servegrilledcheese · 1 year
💌 | Forget about sims, lets learn about YOU! Tell us one fact about yourself, and then send this to 5 other simblrs to do the same 🤓
i just recently discovered that i’m not actually attracted to abs on men. like yeah it’s impressive bc of the discipline and dedication you need to achieve them but they’re not doing anything for me, gorge. i prefer strong shoulders and a soft tummy. ☺️
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dipperscavern · 8 days
dippy I’m sorry I’m a bit stupid I did not read either of the prompt bit 😭 but if possible could I just add a prompt to my previous Cregan bit? If so, ‘voices change around each other’, bc pookie would be all ‘👹👺fuck y’all I am the lord of winterfall RAGGHHH- Oh hi darling 🤗😘’
urs truly, ur very stupid cheeky anon
you’re ALL GOOD!! thank u for your congrats & i hope u enjoy!!
9. voices changing around each other (whether it deepens or their tone in which they speak changes)
ʚ‎‏ ͜ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ୨ ♡ ୧ ̩͙ ‏︵ ̩͙ ͜ ɞ
in cregans defense, he was usually ever level-headed.
being lord of winterfell and warden of the north, you had to be — patience and understanding is cregans middle name. it’s not often he loses his temper, even less often is it unjustified when it happens, and right now, his men had royally fucked up.
winter is approaching, and with it, cregans main task has been securing enough food to last winterfell & its inhabitants for as long as necessary. the maesters can foretell when winter comes and summers ended, but how long winter lasts is never known. strengthening alliances with other houses, expanding food stores, implementing more farms and crop production — cregan had pushed everything else aside to ensure the security of the people.
even if it put pressure on cregans soldiers, his hard work had made it so winterfells’ food stores were filled to the brim — and cregan was looking forward to being able to cease his constant worrying about having enough to eat.
unfortunately for him, the gods see fit to test him once more.
one of his men hadn’t closed a food store properly, and wasn’t aware until cregan himself checked on it a few days later. by then, the food inside of it had rotted.
it wasn’t the guard himselfs fault, as one of cregans council members had failed to instruct the newly appointed guards on how to close the stores properly. in cregans opinion, error truly laid with his council. you cannot expect people to perform properly if not taught or instructed, and this was so simple a lesson, cregan felt frustration at the prospect of having to teach it.
“Am I to understand, that because of your err, we’ve been lessened an entire store?”
the men in front of him glance at one another, attempting to swallow their nerves. the food store was now being emptied in the background, as cregan had not waited to “properly” assemble in the council room. they stood outside, where cregans tone had deepened, the way it does when lord stark is angered (which is, thankfully, not often)
cregan pauses, waiting for a response, and is only offered a- “Yes, I’m afraid so, my lord….”
“Winter is almost upon us, and you intend on crippling me further. How are you meant to advise me if I must coddle you as a babe?” his tone is harsh, unforgiving. he thinks to hear ideas of solution, about what could be done, but cregan notices something else.
instead of looking at him, every man is looking past him instead. ‘have they no respect for their liege lord?’, a part of him whispers; but curiosity takes over. he turns around, and is met with you.
he blinks in surprise. “Wife.” he says, not expecting your presence. his tone is light now, airy — alike to the cregan that usually graces winterfell. the contrast in his voice from a moment ago to now would make some grin if they weren’t afraid of inciting more of their lords anger.
“I missed my lord husband at supper,” you say, as if nothing was even amiss. “You worried me, Cregan.”
cregans tongue darts out to wet his lip, momentarily forgetting about the men behind him. “That was not my intention, I-“ he cuts himself off, turning back for a moment to glance at the food store being emptied. he sighs, choosing his next words carefully.
“I shall join you momentarily.” he says, turning to face you once more.
you hum, reaching to interlock pinkies (you’re close enough to be discreet). you lean to look past cregans shoulders (a hard task), and you’re met with the faces of cregans council. instead of their usual smug-ness, their faces are a mix of awkwardness, discontent, and embarrassment. the sight of it only makes you smirk, and when you return to cregans gaze, you find a hint of bashfulness swimming in his pupils.
“Behave yourself, my love.”
cregan nods, and you shoot him one last knowing smile before you move to return to the castle.
your presence has calmed him, allowing him to think without the cloud of emotions hanging over his head. he turns back around, and shoots a look at his council before focusing all his attention on the nearby food store.
“What can be done?” he says, tone still edgy, but nowhere near what it was before. his council share an equal relief, grateful to their lady stark for her rescue.
ʚ‎‏ ͜ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ୨ ♡ ୧ ̩͙ ‏︵ ̩͙ ͜ ɞ
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rosicheeks · 2 years
Are you trying to have me horny all day or just making me want to buy your Snapchat. Cuz you’re making me do both
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writingwife-83 · 2 years
Can I send you a dialogue prompt?
"There are times, Molly, when I ask myself "do trousers matter?"
"The mood will pass, Sherlock."
(it's a little bit of dialogue from a Jeeves and Wooster story, between a dippy rich man and his intelligent valet. It always makes me think of Sherlock in his bedsheet.)
Thank you!
Last one for the sentence starters! Thanks to all who sent them. 😘 btw, I’m totally unfamiliar with whatever Jeeves and Wooster is, but that’s a good quote for Sherlock lol! I went with a classic “drugged and confused about relationship status” trope for this one. Hope you like! 😁
“There are times, Molly, when I ask myself, ‘do trousers matter?’”
“The mood will pass, Sherlock,” Molly sighed, placing the back of her hand against his forehead. “At the moment I’m more concerned about making sure you clear what’s is in your system from that dart the suspect shot at you.”
He lifted the blankets momentarily to glance underneath, uttering a soft gasp before looking back at her and whispering, as if it were a secret, “I hope it doesn’t make you uncomfortable that as we speak, I’m not actually wearing any trousers!”
“No it doesn’t, seeing as I also helped you undress, helped you have a shower, and then helped you into fresh pants earlier, none of which made me uncomfortable either,” she explained with a patient smile as his eyes widened. “If that shocks you, you should hear about some of the other things we’ve done…in the five years we’ve been married.”
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y0itsbri · 3 years
Bri, my nerdiest bro, I am very intrigued by your questions substitution proposal, so this week you are getting one question on a topic I should like a bri-summary of, and two regular questions because we don't want you doing too much work.
Regular questions first:
1) Have you ever asked someone out?
2) Do you have any items of clothing that you 'borrowed' from someone else and then 'forgot' to give back 🤫
Gosh! I would like to know more about... The Yippies. Everything I know about them I learned from Aaron Sorkin and the man is known for stating his point of view as historical fact so a new perspective would be nice! Peas and thank you 😊 🤓 😘
howl my dearest! this is from ages ago! like i think a half dozen ice ages have passed in the meantime! jk but like i'm back babyyyyy okay so
1) i have not! in the time that this has been sitting in my drafts, i think my answer has changed <3
2) i am pretty good about returning things. the only thing i have of someone else's is a rando's package of makeup remover wipes that got delivered to my house.
3) the yippies! i have not even heard of them before, so prepare for this to be an Adequate At Best summary! essay??
okay! this paragraph is pretty history-y bc i am learning what the fuck the yippies even are. okay, so the yippies, a nickname for the youth international party, aka an anti-war american revolutionary group from the 60s. oh, pardon me, google also says that they like represent ~counterculture~ tendencies and are also for free speech! 1st amendment! nice! headed by abbie hoffman and jerry rubin, these radical hippies protested the 1968 democratic national convention in chicago in their anti-vietnam movement. (OH THIS IS THE CHICAGO 7). some sick features of the yippies include their use of weird street theater, anti-consumerist fashion, folk and rock music, and free sexual expression.
apparently the yippies invaded disneyland??? wild. oh, but why, you may ask? protesting the general 'establishment' and bringing attention to the evils of capitalism (valid) and to the war overseas (the key feature of their group). they also protested dress codes that were already inactivated by the time they got there (oops). wait this is wild, i gotta directly quote this.
"A list of activities supposedly going to take place included a “Black Panther Hot Breakfast” at the Aunt Jemima Pancake House, a liberation of Minnie Mouse from her male oppressors in Fantasyland, a “Self Defense Collective” at the Frontierland Shooting Gallery, and a 3pm barbecue of Porky Pig (who, of course, is not a Disney character). Reports on the number of flyers distributed vary by source (as do so many things from such hazy days) with 100,000 being reported by most authorities."
"Disney prepared for the oncoming “invasion” by asking the Orange County Police Department to be on hand. When the officers showed up before the park opening, they were decked out in full riot gear. An overreaction, to be sure, but they had good reason. 200,000 of the rebellious youths were expected to show up, an extremely high number that tends to scare local authorities. In the end, however, only about 200 came to the park that day. David Sacks was later quoted as saying, “Of the 200 quote “Yippies“, I'd say 100 of 'em were just freaks who were really apolitical but thought it would be fun to come to Disneyland and trip around that day”. 25,000 regular guests were also in attendance." (source)
okay so pretty much all they did in disney was get stoned and slightly irk some conservatives??? also disney barred hippy-looking people for awhile LMFAO.
it's also funny bc wikipedia says that the leader is nobody and the ideology is unofficial sjdkfhdshfj.
OH another fun fact. the dude who named the yippies, paul krassner said this “So I started going through the alphabet: Bippie, Dippie, Ippie, Sippie. I was about to give up when I came to Yippie.” king ig! you can read more about his wild life here if you're interested.
OMG the yippies had a pig run for president???? the pig's name was PIGASUS AKA PIGASUS THE IMMORTAL AKA PIGAGUS J. PIG. OMG "One reason why the Yippies preferred Pigasus was that "if we can't have him in the White House, we can have him for breakfast." SIR YOU CAN'T JUST EAT YOUR PRESIDENT SDJFHKSDHF (source)
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okay so like in conclusion, they weren't super respected because they did heavily rely on pranks and ~weird~ tactics. but they are important because they were the first to exploit mass media coverage and give a platform to ~express the repressed~!
other sources (1) (2)
disclaimer: this is all with like half an hour of googling and little to no proofreading so like, don't blame me if shit is inaccurate sjdfhkslfd. did i state their importance in the grand scheme of things? not really. did i find out some whacky stuff? absolutely😌
okay byeeeeee
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