#thank you bb ❤️
loveshotzz · 2 years
sorry to hear you had a rough day :( sending love🖤
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Thank you Sava 💕 That means a lot.
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Hello smooches, i hope you are doing well and also good luck on ur finals!
I've been reading a lot of ur Dottore ramblings with others and fics, and i have a random thought about Foxtorre and the pufftorres always beefing with Dottore and other segments 24/7 😭 like whenever Dottore commands them to leave reader's room (he wants to have some alone time with his s/o 👀), Foxtorre and pufftorres are either giving him the nastiest side-eye or just pounch at him. Poor reader have to stop or scold them every single time 😭
AHH YESS THE LITTLE GUYS ARE ALWAYS BEEFING WITH HIM 😭. And they will fearlessly do it too because they know you'll always protect them, you'll scoop them up in your arms and scold Dottore for trying to hurt your babies! How dare he! When Dottore tries to kick Foxttore out of the room, he bites the scientist, which doesn't hurt too much considering his strength but, it's a surprise, and the angry creature holds on for dear life no matter how hard he tries to shake it off. You end up having to remove Foxttore and cradle it in your arms for the rest of the day, making your husband even more irritated. Why does an abomination get more attention than your own husband...? He hugs you from behind all while glaring at the creature. Puffttores aren't any better. Will try and crawl all over his body to distract him from work but he bullies them more because they can't particularly fight back...
Dottore holds a scalpel to Foxttore but the creature doesn't even flinch, in fact it seems to be smirking at him to say 'you can't do it otherwise [Name] will never forgive you.'
Dottore doesn't know how or when that little abomination got so smart.
The only segment they like is Zandy of course. He cuddles with them sometimes when you're not around.
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Honeyboo, I know you said you don't do HC's and stuff, but can you imagine Driver!Jake as he is driving RichGirl!Reader around on a shopping day and he has to carry all of her bags after her as she is going from store to store cause her daddy said so 💀
(it's not that i don't do them, per se, i just don't think about them until someone asks me lol 😆)
ooo i can see this taking place both before they're together and after. 👀
if it's before, jake would probably be kind of annoyed (and perhaps even a little insulted) to be reduced to a literal bag boy--though, he can't lie, the bonus her daddy gave him is more than generous enough for him to swallow his pride for one afternoon. she's polite enough to him initially, thanking him for holding doors for her and apologizing to him when she just wants to try on just a few more dresses.
but then she meets up with some friends.
he can see them from where he stands at the front of the store, his arms laden with shopping bags. she and her friends are looking at him, not at all trying to hide that fact as they're whispering and giggling about him like school girls. jake is torn between being annoyed and amused (but mostly he just wishes he could have a cigarette). her friends spend the rest of the day shamelessly flirting with him (one even tries to get his phone number) and he thinks he must've imagined the spark of jealousy in your eyes.
if they're already together? well...she'd obviously spend the day torturing him. instead of making him wait at the front for her, she tells him she needs him in the dressing rooms. she makes him sit in the waiting area and models every single outfit for him. there's one particular dress, one with a slit that goes up your thigh that leaves little to the imagination, that he almost begs you to buy, if only so he can peel it off of you at some point in the near future.
the smirk on her face as she buys it tells him how obvious his desire was.
he's about to take her home (maybe practice getting her out of that dress) when she asks him to make just one more stop. he does as asked, of course, and he drives to the store. he doesn't think anything of it until he walks in with her and sees it....all the lingerie.
he practically swallows his tongue when she asks him to accompany her to the dressing rooms.
it's the end of the day and the store is (blessedly) empty so they have the dressing room to themselves. just as jake is giving himself a pep talk, telling himself he can do this, that he can control himself, that he will not fuck her in the middle of this high-end boutique, she walks out of the dressing room in the most beautiful set of lace and silk scraps he's ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.
he wants to rip them off her with his teeth.
in the end, he does end up fucking her in the middle of this high-end boutique, his hand over her mouth muffling her cries of pleasure as he pounds into her over and over.
as she comes around him, her pleasure dragging him over the edge too, jake has the thought that maybe being a bag boy isn't actually as bad as he'd thought it'd be. 😇🤭
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tonguetyd · 4 months
just minding my business then *BOOM!* Ice Cave by a band called The Maine
That is kinda Ice Cave in a nutshell. You’re just vibing and then the GNARLIEST guitar comes descending, followed by John screaming “WHAAAAAO!”
If Ice Cave has 100 fans I’m one of them. If Ice Cave has 1 fan it’s me. If Ice Cave has no fans I’m dead.
And that GUITAR SOLO ITS SO! Here I’ll leave the link so yall can enjoy
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lifemod17 · 4 months
(Cursed morning thought just allow it to happen)
Vessel covering Sabrina like
How quickly can you take your clothes off, pop quiz?
You say we’re not metal that’s some bull shit
You’re just mad that I can find your girl’s clit
Thank you Sleep, we offer you our worship
Thanks sorry gnite
Dawg when I tell you I was SCREAMING when I read this 😭😭🤣🤣 almost choked on my food this is SO FUCKIN FUNNY
The fact that I can totally hear that in his voice too PLEASE 💀
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Wanted to submit some more Cody writing for approval by the council (I used a name for the sake of the plot, not my real name though):
My eyes were burning from staring at the computer for twelve straight hours. Between virtual meetings with clients in another country, and an absolute mountain of paperwork from the court, today had been hell. It barely registered that it was past 8:30 at night until Cody pushed open my door heaving a heavy breath as he undid his tie. "Aisha just went home for the day, it's just us now. Have you-" his words dropped off as he realized I was still staring at the screen. "Luca...ahem, Mr. Rossi, are you listening to your EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT?" I was still too engrossed in typing, so Cody walked up and turned off the monitor, slyly flipping the blinds closed along the way (not that there was any light coming in from them anyway). "Hey, babe, can I just-" he cut me off with a raised eyebrow. I reluctantly stood shakily from my chair, which my butt felt fused with at this point, and he slid into my place, before pulling me by both arms into his lap, legs swinging off to the left, my left shoulder nestled into his right. I might be taller than him, but he can still carry me like a princess if he wants to. My left hand buries itself in his hair, carding through it gently, and my right arm wraps around his left shoulder and pulls our embrace closer. Odd as it may seem, this had become a pretty much nightly decompressing ritual.
"Long day?" Cody smiled as his fingers gently danced up and down my back, sending chills and tingles alike through my spine.
"You could say that," I groaned. "How were things up at the front desk today?"
"Not nearly as grueling as your day was, clearly," Cody murmured, his eyes sparkling with concern, "you're sure you're not pushing yourself too hard? I still can't believe you've made it this far this quickly...much less without running yourself into the ground..."
My eyes fell on the gold band on his left hand, with the two interwoven diamonds we'd picked out together. "And I still can't believe you married a loser like me and gave up acting to be a glorified secretary...I don't think I deserve you...and it should really be your name up on the door."
He chuckled gently and pulled me yet closer, "it'd still be Rossi, silly. There's a reason my nameplate up there says 'Cody Rossi', remember?"
"I still think we should've gone with Christian-Rossi or Rossi-Christian...or just dropped my last name altogether."
"And I still don't regret taking your name in the slightest," he quipped, pecking me on the cheek, "AND I still think it was important for you to keep your name consistent so everyone recognizes my husband for the hotshot awesome lawyer he is."
My tired eyes were getting heavy. Cody's smiling face was looking a bit blurry in my vision. "You know you're an angel, right?"
"And you're my miracle, Luca," Cody purred, tucking me all the way into his arms as my grip tightened in his hair and on his shoulder. As I drifted off into dreamland, some last calming words penetrated the veil and snuggled me off to bed:
"I've got you, always, and I'm not letting go."
Cody & Luca 🫶🏻
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geryone · 11 months
cant believe a month or two ago u were worried about not making ur reading goal and here u are with two months left in the year! so proud of u (also ur birthday is today? or maybe was yesterday? Happy birthday!!!!)
I know!! I’ve been reading pretty steadily this year! Thought I might fall off a little bit but I haven’t been bad! Thank you ❤️ My bday was yesterday!
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jossambird · 1 year
Happy pre birthday
Omg, its my bb, my rat, my bestie 🥹💕 Thank you so much!
At first I only read “Happy pre” and I was like “Wow this is a powerhouse of a comment, love that” HAHA HAPPY PRE TO YOU TOO 🥴
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feeling sad which means it’s time for a ✨WRITING UPDATE✨
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lilbuddie · 2 years
5 songs I’ve been listening to on repeat
Thank you @thosetwofirefighters for the tag, love you Nat 🤍
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I rarely tag anyone on these, so please, if you see this and want to do it, I tag you 💕
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hxnmas · 2 years
just stopping by to say that i hope that you’re doing okay! how are you doing—any plans for the weekend? ♡
Hey there lovely! I’m doing okay, still kinda experiencing the writing burn out but how about yourself? Any plans for the weekend?
I should be spending the weekend with my partner for his birthday but the cold got him so we shall see, hoping he gets better tomorrow 🥹
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tonguetyd · 3 months
Hopefully the horrors won't be too difficult to deal with today 🪄✨✨💕💖🫂🫂💛❤️ ilysm
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The horrors are not so bad with you, my love 🥰
A teddy bear friend also helps HI IVY AND IVY BEAR god I hope ivy bear is enjoying his new home 😂
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lifemod17 · 5 months
MY LOVE good morning!!! I hope today won't be too bad for you, and if it is, weekend is almost over, hang in there!!!
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cybersteal · 3 months
💖💖Love train! Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love!💖💖🏜🏴‍☠️
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20skai · 6 months
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
KATIEEEE - IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! 🎈🎂🥳🎊🎉🎁❤️❤️❤️❤️
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You make me as happy as a Pierre podium. As joyful as a speedy Ferrari pitstop. As excited as a @Calamars Sighting tag on the server.
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I cannot even begin to tell you how much you mean to me. From the first message you ever sent me, I've known that you and I get each other. We just clicked, and that is rare in this life. I feel so lucky. ❤️
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I hope this year is as special for you as you are to me. You deserve all of the love and happiness and good times - and I can't wait to see all that you achieve ❤️
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I love you so much today, and always. Thank you for being my best friend.😚😚😚😚😚😚❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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And finally.... Pierre being sexy collage for your special day ❤️
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LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
HI TO THE LOVE OF MY FANDOM LIFE (AKA pierre gasly looking sexy 👌👌👌😘)
... i'm joking. YOU are the love of my fandom life. of course you fucking are 🥹 i'm just like... BRIONY 😭😭😭😭🥺 we're british; we're not meant to be good at emotions!!! but i will CRY this is so sweet 💙 as charles said to pierre, we know each other too well. this is PERFECT ❤️
ughhhh, i don't even know what to say to you except that i love you SO MUCH, and thank you for being my best friend, too. thank you so so so much!! I LOVE YOU LIKE PIERRE LOVES CHARLES <333 😘
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