#thank you angel for your prompt… 🤍🐚
wistful-giselle · 2 years
how are your days going? tells us a bit… you know we love your diary entries for that prose of you ☁️
diary of late; late winter into early spring ~
it has been an age since I logged a digital diary entry. what are my days like? they are filled with writing — self-indulgent essays on ceramics, white dresses, dream languages. anaïs nin, jeffrey eugenides, anna kavan. reading, too, for nothing but utter pleasure — the birth of venus, lud-in-the-mist, woolgathering. leonora carrington’s tarot.
I escaped to the seaside with a friend — picked shells and jewel-like stones, threw starfish back into the water, read next to the fire in the evenings, made a nighttime shrine at the altar of a ruined abbey. I have been making many shrines: consecrating spaces, honouring loved ones, carving out the mundane. making offerings from the market. lighting candles for those passed.
lots & lots of wanderings — through fields, through cemeteries, through woodland. I catch sunlight when I can. I practice pottery, too — staining hands and face an eerie white, creating strange, crude fae creatures with limbs that snap unexpectedly.
my friends live by dinner parties — I brought white peaches to one & red wine to another. dried cranberries for imbolc, of course. for an angel’s birthday I baked a walnut cake and covered it in icing & taper candles & little flowers (poisonous & edible — hellebores, primroses, violets). I eat other meals with my mother, who only eats food from the earth — I feel like a fairy, picking away at the soft flesh of raspberries and blueberries. food that is good for the soul.
I am over-saturated with art — I returned to paris for rodin and gustave moreau, will return to amsterdam for vermeer.
I was sickly for a long time, and lonely. I lost my mind, a little bit, at one point — a true madwoman in a white dress. I am trying now to remain above the earth, like persephone, to grow with the spring. to be conscious and grateful of my aliveness, of my breath and body and world. I refuse passivity, I say! I refuse rot and paralysis! I refuse to not express adoration in all that I do!
that is a glimpse into my days ♡
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