#thank you again !! <33
nortyourself · 2 months
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Two goobers in love (they’re married now!!!)
Commission for the lovely @ejunkiet ft. Asher and Babe! ^^
You can find my commission info in my pinned :3
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mirkwood · 4 months
feanormelkor/ feanope 31
Hi thank you for the ask!! And sorry for the delay <3
Prompt 31 : After a small rejection
Pairing : Feanor / Melkor
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Fëanor can sense the Vala’s presence the moment he enters the forges. 
The air, previously heated by the forge’s flames, abruptly turns icy. The sudden chill makes the sweat on Fëanor’s skin feel clammy. He doesn’t need to turn to see the intruder. Familiar with Melkor's constant lurking, he knows when he is there, watching him silently.
He finds himself instinctively searching for him in every corner, in every dark room.
Gripping his hammer tighter, he wills himself to remain composed. 
“Whatever brings you here,” Fëanor says, his tone devoid of any warmth or welcome, “I have neither the need nor the time for it.”
A moment of silence fills the space between his words and the darkness behind him. As if the presence he felt was nothing more than just a trick of his imagination. 
But still, he waits. 
And there it is, a faint hum that morphs into a deep chuckle, reverberating through the forge room. 
“I doubt you truly mean that, Fëanáro,” comes the response, teasing and casual as if Fëanor is his friend.
It is a cruel melody, a rumble that could shake down the foundations of Fëanor’s resolve. He hates the way it makes him feel. Weak and defenseless against that voice dripping with saccharine deceit and lies.
Turning sharply, hammer still in hand, Fëanor faces the part of the forge where the fires' light doesn’t reach. In the darkness, two fiery eyes meet his gaze.
Melkor finally steps into the light, yet Fëanor can only spot his pale face, cloaked in darkness as he is. Fëanor straightens his back and folds his arms in front of him, waiting for Melkor to speak his lies once again. 
“I have a proposition for you,” Melkor breaks the tense silence while looking around the forge with an innocuous curiocity. Fëanor knows what he is looking for, and he also knows well that it is not here. 
He remains silent. 
“We could achieve great things together,” Melkor says, approaching the bench where Fëanor’s new project sits untouched. “Your brilliance and my insight could create something unparalleled.” 
Fëanor's expression hardens as he turns to face the Vala. "I have no interest in your schemes, Melkor,” he rebukes. “I work alone, as you well know. Nothing can change that.”
Melkor falls silent, his gaze lingering on Fëanor’s workbench, as if it is the most interesting thing in Arda. For a moment, Fëanor wonders if his words have gone unheard. 
“You are making a mistake, son of Finwë,” Melkor speaks again and his voice holds a dangerous edge to it. Gone is the friendly lilt and the false sweetness of it. “You would do well to reconsider my offer.”
Fëanor scoffs, his anger fully resurfacing. “Save your threats. I know what you are and I will not let your tainted hands or your insight near my creations,” he says with a sneer, the fire in his eyes blazing. 
Melkor turns to face him, and beyond the bitter disappointment and frustration, Fëanor can see destruction and death in his steely gaze. 
"You are a fool, Fëanor," Melkor murmurs, stepping away from the workbench and closer to Fëanor until he is mere inches away. "But a brilliant fool."
Before Fëanor can react, Melkor leans in, his lips brushing against Fëanor's cheek in a quick, provocative kiss. The unexpected contact sends a shockwave through Fëanor, and he jerks back, his face flushed with a mix of fury and bewilderment.
Melkor steps back, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. “Do not keep me waiting, Fëanor,” he says. 
Fëanor holds his ground, refusing to look away. It's a battle of wills, and he's determined not to yield. He waits until Melkor chooses to leave, his cloak melding into the darkness as he departs.
Just as quickly as he arrived, Melkor is gone, the heavy iron door of the forge clicking shut behind him.
Fëanor's fingers linger on the spot where Melkor kissed him. He can still feel the warmth of his lips.
A fire ignites in him, a fire fueled by rage and a new unspoken, unacknowledged spark.
Send me a ship and a number
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tracybirds · 8 months
John and 6 :)
Thank you!! Hope you enjoy my rambles and vague sense of a story lol <3 I decided to give John a go on the 2050s version of the "vomit comet". Note that I have not been to space, have limited experiences with extended freefall, and I'm banking on everyone else being in a similar position so that any nonsense I spew is easily overlooked lol
That being said, have an article because of course I did SOME research xD When they refer to "anorexia" in the symptoms, I'm like 90% sure they're meaning a general loss of appetite NOT anorexia nervosa.... that threw me for a loop at first.
Gentle Prompts - 6. "I've got you."
His chest heaved, the shot of adrenaline marking the start of his racing heart. He could faintly recall the feeling, running laps bent over and gasping with a stitch in his side, or maybe in a school gym running through the same calisthenics day in and day out with gritted teeth as he silently hated the man shouting at them all to reach a standard beyond their experience. There was some sort of specific technique to breathe, something he'd been taught to employ, but that all meant very little now that the air had rushed from his lungs.
There was oxygen of course, otherwise John knew he'd have passed out already, and since he remained endlessly, stubbornly conscious, there must be plenty of it.
It was a good start.
"Still with us, Johnny?" called Jeff.
He nodded, eyes firmly shut as the whooshing in his stomach settled into normal gravity, surrounded once more by the sensation of synthetic fabric on skin.
"You sure?" asked Scott. John didn't need to open his eyes to know his brother was grinning.
He gestured rudely in response, trying to focus on stopping the world from spinning. No longer was he being jostled about, bouncing off the force of the chair, the wall, the seatbelt.
"Gonna need a verbal confirmation before we make another run of it, John," said Jeff. John opened his eyes to meet his father's in the mirror.
"I'm fine," he said. "'S just disorientating."
Jeff nodded. "First taste of zero g always is."
That wasn't what I meant, John wanted to say, the heaviness in his limbs pulling him down and away from where he wanted to be, his inner balance thrown off kilter forever by experiencing something of which he'd always dreamed. "Can we go again?"
"Looping around and climbing," confirmed Scott. "Dad, I can go solo if you want to jump in the back."
"I'm sure you can," said Jeff mildly. "But you'll go solo on my instruction, not yours."
Scott flushed, his jaw jumping as he shut his mouth.
"Yes, sir."
John paid them no attention as he slipped out of his seatbelt, centring himself as they reached the crest of the manoeuvre. A swooping in his stomach, followed by his feet gently lifting off the floor, confirmed the freefall and he whooped, pushing back down as his hands found the roof.
"Return to standard in 5... 4... 3..."
John scrambled to grab hold of something as his father's countdown filled the aircraft, and the floor came rushing up to meet him.
"Ow," he said succinctly, a tangle of arms and legs.
Jeff hardly glanced back.
"You only have about twenty seconds."
"I know," grumbled John. "It just caught me off guard."
"We're coming around again, get ready."
It was his own personal high, John decided, that little thrill of adrenaline as he watched the floor fall away from him again and again. A bubble of laughter escaped him, limbs flailing as they instinctively tried to swim despite his training.
Nothing could have trained him for this.
His stomach twisted mid air and John fell forward, heedless of his father's countdown.
He crashed into the floor, curled tightly in on himself as the disparity between his senses finally caught up with his body.
He hardly heard the instructions his father barked at his brother, the heaving sensation overpowering as he shuddered.
Strong, familiar arms gathered him from the floor, old murmuring comfort filling his ears.
"I thought I'd be the one in three," he whispered, feeling small and foolish. "I belong up there."
"The other two thirds don't belong up there any less," said Jeff quietly. "You did well for your first time. We were pushing it so Scott could practice just as much as you."
"Cruising at thirty-six thousand," said Scott. "You alright, back there, John?"
He tapped Jeff's hand twice for yes, not yet trusting himself to speak. He'd had motion sickness before, reading in the back of the car as a child, and he'd thought he'd be prepared. The nausea was all-encompassing, the dizziness making the world dip in and out of focus as he blinked back the pain from blood pounding behind his eyes.
Jeff chuckled.
"You look as miserable as I was on my first flight. Don't worry, Johnny, I've got you. We're going home."
[prompts from here - feel free to send one through!]
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 5 months
Hey! Just wanna say I absolutely adore the The Drakes spoiled brat! It's been so much fun, and I can't wait for the next update!!
You flatter me oh my gosh thank you for the ask this made my day <33
And next update will likely be within the week if I keep at the current pace of things lol
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okthatsgreat · 6 months
I'm obsessed with Sae I would ask every question if I coule I lov themn
AAAA this means so much to me bc IM OBSESSED WITH HIM TOO i am very very glad people like her ............................... 😁
oc ask game! (plus some art at the bottom lol)
🧠 - what do you like most about the oc?
answered HERE but alsoooooo i can definitely think of something else :)
i LOVE writing her dialogue LMAOO. her whole gimmick is that she acts wayyyyy older than she actually is, and when i say that i mean she truly acts like an old man. she is a very slow talker a mover and figuring out how to write for her has been lots and lots of fun !!!!
she uses a lot of ellipses... and always drags on a sentence if it is possible. she never uses exclamation points if she can help it... because she tries not to raise her voice... and typically doesn't get excited or emotive about many things. she trails off a lot, either on a tangent about a sailing story or simply because she has lost focus... and includes a quote from her afi or from a writer that can shed wisdom on the situation. everything is a lesson to be learned, you see... she also tends to repeat herself at the end of the sentence, she does. it's either "you see" or some variation of "i do/i am", depending on what was said... and of course she always refers to her boats and the ocean using she/her. laughs like an old man too, eheheh... always keeps the mood light
but, uh, when she gets flustered she uses "um" and "uh" a lot. especially when backed into a corner. sounds a lot less wise. her sentences get shorter when she's upset. real short. she tends-- you see, she tends to stutter a lot more when she is stressed, or in a tense mood. corrects herself, or-- sometimes, she cuts herself off before she says anything too harsh. her tone grows a lot more "childish", and she wants to sound like she knows what she is doing. won't raise her tone. just gets rather blunt with you.
unless she gets very irritated. because then she starts to emphasize certain words to you in an almost condescending manner, and-- and she still might stutter over her words because she is thinking less about them, but they are all flowing out of her mouth at this point. and if you push her too far she'll start yelling! exclamation point! it is rare to get an exclamation point from her! if you push her hard enough she'll scream! she'll fucking yell!!
but yea anyways she's been fun GHFDJKG
✏️ - how often do you draw/write about the oc?
grins. the grinner
SOOOOOOOOO sae as of right now is being used in a killing game rp which means i get to write for her pretty oftennnnn :) she gets to hang out with a whole cast of awesome characters that are both amazing and stressing her out so badly. as hell. it is chapter 2 currently (we're at the motive!!) and literally every single thing is going wrong (the motive concerns her family and of course her afi was threatened bc thats all shes got, her plan to escape failed miserably and shes starting to resent people with very little reason, somebody in the killing game knows JUST WHAT TO SAY to seriously push her buttons) but she'll persevere 😍 she'll persevere and get so much worse
i loveee the rp server bc the people there love to write fics and draw art of their own AND each others characters and i eat it up every single time. me included i love creating for these rps :) which MEANS i actually do draw and write for her a bit often!! now a lot of it is practice and/or doesn't get sent to the server lmfaooo i think the last fic i wrote for her (and finished-- i keep starting things and stopping 😔) was a backstory fic for her about that one bad memory i mentioned in the last ask :) a single person has read it and that is the person running the rp in the first place ghfdjkg
UM UM here's some old art that i sent to the server and didnt post here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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and here's a chart of literally ALL of her siblings LMFAOOOO
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You're bee trio fic was amazing. "they weren't even the same bee species" 😔👌i'm bad at commenting on ao3 😞
Aww thank youuu <33 Glad you liked that one, I put my heart into it...
It's also kind of a joined effort, since people have fed me more ideas before and during writing (most notably @razerecherche hiii!❤)
I also have to mention the sheer impact of @vastwinterskies 's art on it
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httpiastri · 29 days
jaaaack happy birthday! i was here for your last birthday too, i can’t believe it’s been a whole year 🥹 have a good birthday!
thank you tons !!! and aaa i cant believe it either, i remember sitting in my old room and binge-writing that oscar blurb and now just…. aaaaa crazy!!
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thisfairytalegonebad · 10 months
for the ao3 wrapped ask game! 8 and 19 but character instead of pairing cos that's what I wanna know :D, and also 16 and 18~
Ohhh thank you so much for this ask! 💕
8 - Pairing Character you wrote the most for this year? So I can't say in terms of like, actual words written, but I've written 8 Ignis-centric fics for Whumptober, 1 for the Zibe Vol. 3 zine, and 3 chapters of my Love List project that heavily feature Ignis, which makes 12 Ignis centric things. and, y'know, I thought for sure the answer to this question would be Ignis. HOWEVER. I counted just to make sure, and I've actually also written 8 Whumptober things for Noct and 5(!) chapters of the Love List with Noct so that's actually 13 Noct-centric things which would make the answer Noct!
Also, if I simply filter my works on AO3 with the date set to updated year, Noct is still the most tagged character with 31 works that have his character tag.
19 - What’s one pairing character you want to explore next year? I'll be honest, I'll probably mostly stick to the chocobros because I constantly rotate them in my brain and I feel most comfortable with them, but I'd love to write more stuff containing Ravus. I've written him before and in the last fic that (heavily) featured him other than the Whumptober stuff, I finally felt I'd gotten the hang of him so I'd really like to write him more!
16 - What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? It's a tie between angst and hurt/comfort with 11 tags each, which is... not exactly surprising given that most of my stuff from this year has been Whumptober.
18 - The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Ignis' uncle, I think! Blank slate characters like him are pretty difficult to write for me! Ardyn is also kind of hard to write since I'm never quite certain about capturing his particular brand of creepiness. Also, I did venture into a new fandom this year, I wrote an Idolish7 fic and while Yuki kind of wrote himself, Momo was a little harder for me, the happy-go-lucky character types are kind of challenging (I know, in his case that's mostly just the public persona, but it's still kinda hard). Still had a ton of fun writing that one though, and I go reread it every once in a while because I like it a lot, haha.
Again, thank you so much for sending these, I love talking about my fics (who doesn't, lol) <3
ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
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What are some of your favorite songs?
best i can do is some of my current favourites, but thank you for asking, Natasha 🥰
Current bops (this is kind of a joke, I've been bad at listening to music since i started podcasting again):
Jet Airliner, Steve Miller Band
Rhythm of my Heart, Rod Stewart
Against the Wind, Bob Seger
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polarmary · 3 months
I can't speak on what happened, but I'm sure you don't suck as a friend! Life happens, people are messy, and people understand that. I am really sorry you're going through that, though. Please be kind to yourself, and remember you are always deserving of love and patience <3
(I can't send screenshots anon but I really like this post about friendship)
Ah- T~T thank you so much anon, thats really kind of you
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idk....my brain just does that sometimes....and I can't really ignore it even though ik i should hah....
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mrd0ll · 4 months
your art is really cute we can be friends
[Hello Hello! D0ll's here!]
[AAA Thank you so much dear new friend <3! Welcome welcome!]
[Sorry not art for now :(]
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fabledivine · 5 months
30 and give us a bunch of them <333
30. what piece of yours do you think is underrated? i'm just going to attach some links to said pieces <:) it's always hard to get original stuff noticed this halo and soda piece these two! soda and halo again the springclan opening comic this hana the sodahana color palette ask <3 my betta guy
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homosexualcitron · 5 months
Happy birthday Citron !!! Wishing you 10000 yummy sandwiches and more gay people kissing in your brain forever
THANK YOU!!!!!!!! <3333333333333
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witherfide · 1 year
Random but you're very cool, your existence is a blessing, thank u, keep creating for as long as it makes you happy!! You're amazing ^^
This is also me trying to make up for not participating in the get to know tag game (I didn't know 10 people I could @ yet lol)
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aaaaaaa,,a a thank you goblino :,]
i wish you many happy thoughts and i hope that you make art you are proud of and enjoy making!!
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dallaji · 10 months
The way you respond to everyone is so sweet. Also the things you write are so so good, you make smut look so easy to write when it’s not. You do such an amazing job I swear😩💖
Hope you write for other Bebe girls soon🙇🏽‍♀️
WOAH TY SO MUCH! to be completely honest with you, i am sooooo slow with writing! always deleting/rewriting parts over and over again, and i can't rly start something unless i finished a previous thing - which is probably why my posts are so spaced out. (⸝⸝⸝・ᯅ・⸝⸝⸝) but this is such high praise, thank you so much. 🥹🩷
i would love that!! i've been thinking about it a lot lately, just need some ~ideas~ and then hopefully i can get to it. <3
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asmidge · 8 months
Brutal ask game: 16, 20, 28!
Thanks for the ask bestie!! <33
16. Which is your favorite non-Dethklok song? Ex. Dory McClean, any of Toki’s musical numbers, etc
I love all of them but I think it's a tie between Toki's underwater friend's song and Takin' It Easy!! Underwater Friends is delightful and gets stuck in my head allll the time. Plus I saw it a few times growing up so it feels nostalgic <3 Takin' It Easy is just funny and it makes me really happy :] (I also really like Murderfaces song from Dethsiduals because he's RIGHT! Why IS stuff so hard, why CAN'T everything be easy? It's not my favorite song but he gets me fr)
20. Your least favorite character?
Generic answer but Rockzo. He's got maybe.. three good jokes in the whole show, but most of the time he's just unfunny/annoying. The part where he's talking about being sober during Snakes and Barrels 2 is actually kind of unbearable. I hope he dies and goes to hell xoxo
28. What is your favorite death scene?
oouugh there are so many good ones! I think I'll go with the one from Writersklok? The visuals during that one are so good and Andromeda is such a good song. That sequence rules. But also the one from Fanklok is so funny so maybe that one? Hard to compete with people getting killed by Dethklok yaoi
Brutal ask game
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