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staraluman · 2 years ago
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that moment when the photographer is also model material 📸
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kharmii · 11 months ago
Since there has been so much negativity on here I wanna share a fanart (artist) with you: komori1031 on x
They made my absolute favorite submas reunion fanart ever and I admire those raw emotions they displayed on there. The tears, the joy, the hug that is tight and so much attention to detail! They reposted it in late February and created it in late February in ‘22.
Hope it’s something that you can smile about in these rough times!
Oh yeah, I remember the reunions:
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Looks like they also did Battle Gremlins:
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Cloud the Depot Agent calls them out for a prank, and neither twin wants to cop to it.
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Artist must have believed the theory that Ingo was brought to Hisui by an ultra worm hole long before Volo's rift. The caption talks about him becoming a daycare.
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realm-sweet-realm · 11 months ago
One For All, chapter four
In an AU where the protagonist never fell from the sky, the Survey Corps will have to pull together and make use of every resource at their disposal to face the challenges present in Pokemon: Legends Arceus. There will be surveyshipping.
Sorry for the long wait between chapters- the next one should be up in about a week.
The Survey Corps members moved aside for Laventon as he approached the pastures, each understanding that the quest of the lake guardians would take precedence. Laventon didn't have many Pokémon that were trained as anything but research subjects, but he gathered his typhlosion and beautifly nonetheless, along with some particularly mysterious specimens he hoped would come in handy. He then stuffed his backpack with healing items, food, and crafting materials and met the others at the gate. It wasn't long before the six were gathered.
"According to Cogita, the materials we need to forge the red chain can be obtained from beings in the three lakes," Cyllene reiterated once everyone was present. "Splitting up seems inadvisable until we know what exactly the trials will entail. We'll start at Lake Acuity, as it's the furthest from any route Kamado is likely to be taking. I've gathered enough flying Pokémon from the pastures to transport those of you who do not have your own. My staraptor is fit to carry two. Laventon?"
"Alright, you'll ride with me. Let us be off." Cyllene took out the staraptor and mounted it. Laventon got on behind her as the other four got onto various flying creatures themselves.
With that, the staraptor took off into the air, the other four following. Afraid of falling, Laventon grabbed onto Cyllene's waist. If she minded, there was no sign of it. Everything looked so small from the sky, and the air rushed past them as though they were going a thousand miles an hour.
In less dire circumstances, this might be very pleasant, Laventon thought. Then he took a closer look at the world below.
From the up high, the disarray caused by the bleeding sky was already apparent. Grasses were beginning to wilt and turn brown, and normally docile Pokémon were running about, agitated and confused. Worse was that in the distance, Kamado's army could be seen marching up the trails of the Coronet Highlands. Laventon looked up at the hole in the sky, two massive shining creatures seeming to peer through it, and it dawned on him that he might not live to take a recreational flight.
The group landed on the island in Lake Acuity, returned their birds, and entered the small cavern without much thought, only to be faced with a ghostly maned fox that was larger than an ursaluna.
"Is that- the vengeful fox?" Irida exclaimed, terrified. It was so much bigger than the legends had said.
Whatever it was, it charged towards the group, teeth bared.
Volo ran to the front of the group and threw out a Pokémon- a strange, ghostly thing Laventon didn't recognize. "Dark pulse," Volo ordered. The second the dark beam caught up to the charging zoroark, it went down. That was another disturbing thing about Volo- he always seemed to have just enough power to handle any given task, and no one quite knew how he'd acquired it.
In a flash of light, a small, blue figure appeared in the center of the cave. Though the creature was small, power could be felt emanating off of it in waves. Cogita had described the being with a yellow hood as being the representation of knowledge. Was this it?
R e i came a voice. It was like a horrible vibration in Laventon's skull, but somehow he could tell that it had come from the lake guardian. S t e p  f o r w a r d.  M y  t r i a l  i s  y o u r s.
Rei stepped forward.
S h o w  m e  h o w  y o u  h a v e  u s e d  y o u r  c a p a c i t y  t o  l e a r n.  I  w i l l  j u d g e  i t s  w o r t h i n e s s.
Rei hesitated, trying to work out what exactly he'd learned that might impress the being. It wasn't though he was terribly intellectual- wouldn't Laventon be a better choice for this? But he had to try.
"Well... I learned how to make a pokéball," Rei said. "I guess I could show you."
Rei knelt down and took out his crafting kit. "Basically, you just have to make something hollow. The nuts are already hollow, and I take the ores to a smith to make the top half. You just put the two parts into the seal belt, and that’s all they need to be functional,” Rei explained as he cobbled together a basic ball. “There's other stuff you can add, though. One thing that’s a really good idea is the spark release on top, so you know when a catch has been successful. Without that, you might think you’ve caught something only to have it burst out in your face when you go to pick up the ball. Aside from that, there’s different types of ore for different weights, and iron for better quality. And that's pretty much all I know."
The strange pixie twirled in the air and then lowered itself down to Rei's level, presenting him with something in its tiny hands: what looked like a fragment of claw.
T a k e  t h i s  p i e c e  o f  t h e  s p i r i t  a n d  b i n d  t h e  s k y  o n c e  m o r e.
"Is this... for the chain?" Rei asked. But before he even finished speaking, the Pokémon was lifting into the air and was already fading away- perhaps teleporting, or simply destroying what had always been a mere representation of itself controlled from elsewhere.
"Wait! I have so much to ask you! We need your knowledge to fix the sky!" Rei called out, chasing after the form. A few steps into the chase, the creature had faded entirely, and Rei stopped.
"You did well, Rei," Cyllene assured him.
"Indeed you did," Laventon added. "I'm sure it has its reasons for not granting us its knowledge."
The trip to Lake Valor was uneventful, and this time the group had a better idea of what to expect. Cyllene led the group in, on alert for a Pokémon standing guard. No sooner did she poke her head into Valor Cavern then were a barrage of poisoned quills shot at her. She scrambled out and took out her alakazam, which put up a forcefield.
"Laventon, can you identify what Pokémon these barbs are from? I didn't get a good look at the Pokémon that shot them."
Careful not to exit the safety of alakazam's forcefield, Laventon picked up a barb from the ground. He squinted as he looked at the quill, trying to place where he'd seen anything similar.
"Those are definitely from an overqwil," Adaman cut in. "Looks like a big one, too. Their only weakness is ground."
"Then I know something that might help," Irida said, taking out her Celestica flute. With a few notes, an ursaluna came running over the hill. It swam through the lake and shook itself off once it washed up on the island, soaking the six humans.
"Hey, big guy," Irida said, giving the bear a stroke on the cheek and ignoring the grime she was now coated with. "I know you're usually a finder, but would you mind fighting something for us today?"
The ursaluna grunted in acknowledgment and shuffled into the cave. After taking out a few additional psychic-types to bolster Alakazam's forcefield, the others followed in and watched as the bear charged the enormous pufferfish. The overqwil expelled its quills, but most of them bounced off the bear's thick hide as easily as they bounced off the forcefield, and those that did prick it didn't seem to bother the ursaluna in the slightest. The ursaluna roared, reared up, and took the giant fish in its mouth, shaking it around as it deflated. It threw the fish against a wall and then ran to it and slashed with its claws until it was satisfied that the job was done.
No sooner had the bear returned to Irida's side did a light begin to shine in the middle of the cave. From the light, another sprite appeared- the one Cogita had called "Azelf."
L a v e n t o n, came the spirit's voice, s t e p  f o r w a r d.  M y  t r i a l  i s  y o u r s.
Laventon glanced nervously at the others and then stepped forward.
Y o u  m u s t  c a t c h  m e, Azelf stated. A large bag of ultra balls appeared in Laventon's arms. Then, Azelf turned into a shiny zubat and flew out of the cavern.
Laventon continued to cast nervous looks at his companions. He probably seemed on the brink of panic. "This is much more suited to any of you, I mean-"
"Laventon," Cyllene said, "We will help you however we can, but Azelf wanted you. It must have its reasons. You can do this."
Rei gave a nod of agreement. "I had the same thought with my trial. If I could do mine, you can do yours." Behind Rei, the clan members were nodding as well.
“Jolly good,” Laventon said, straightening up. “Irida, I’ll need use of Ursaluna’s nose.”
"You have my blessing," Irida said.
Laventon mounted the bear. Ursaluna didn't wait for orders. As soon as Laventon was securely upon it, it took off back into the lake and began swimming across. Laventon had to pray it knew what it was doing. As the bear neared the opposite shore, Laventon looked back at his companions, following him on various flying Pokémon. Ursaluna ascended over the hills, and that's when Laventon caught sight of a glimmer of hope: to their left was a colony of zubat flying about in the shade of a forested area.
The bear took an aggressive right.
"No!" Laventon told it. "Ursaluna, you have to turn around!"
Then, Laventon saw it. A shiny stantler in the fields was looking at him with a competitive gleam in its eye.
"Oh my, Azelf has taken a new form! Ursaluna, you're a genius!"
The stantler took off at a run. It was faster than Ursaluna.
"Stop," Laventon ordered. The bear skidded to a stop. Moments later, the other five landed. "I need something swift enough to catch up to Azelf. Cyllene, may I borrow your alakazam?"
Cyllene handed him the pokéball. Wasting no time, Laventon released it and used the creature's teleportation to catch up with the stantler just as it transformed into a buizel and scurried into a thick, wooded area. The woods were too dense for a riding Pokémon, so Laventon took chase on foot. He was hardly the fastest runner, but the weasel stayed within his sights, looking back at him periodically as though to mock him. Laventon fumbled for an ultra ball, took aim at the creature as it watched him from atop a log, and then promptly tripped over a tree root.
Laventon laid in the dirt, trying to catch his breath as Azelf scampered away and his companions caught up to him, none of them half as tired as he was. He really was terrible at this, wasn't he?
G i v e  u p.  Y o u r  s t r u g g l e  i s  i n  v a i n.  R u n  f r o m  t h e  g r o u p  y o u  a r e  o n l y  a  b u r d e n  t o  s o  t h a t  a n o t h e r  m a y  s u c c e e d  i n  y o u r  p l a c e.
If it was the only way for them to pass the trial and save Hisui then perhaps that was for the best...
Cyllene offered Laventon a hand up. He took it.
"You know, individual strengths are often less important than the ability to use the strengths of others," Cyllene said. "Kamado has issued commands while injured that led the Galaxy Team to success. You are a field researcher. How have you caught slippery Pokémon in other regions?"
Laventon thought on that. "Well, there have been other species that I've had to flush out of their hidey-holes, and this isn't a big bush," Laventon mused. "If the five of you surround it with your Pokémon and move inwards, we can force Azelf out no matter what form it takes. I'll stand outside the bush, you get it to come towards me. Does that sound like a plan?"
"That sounds like an excellent plan," Cyllene said.
Laventon stood at the edge of the bush and waited as the other five and their Pokémon marched inwards. Bugs, birds, bats, rodents, and the occasional stantler were flushed out, and Laventon watched for any that showed signs of being Azelf, ultra ball at the ready. Azelf wanted to test him on willpower- on not giving up- so surely this was the correct course of action. Yes, he was sure of it.
Finally, a shiny buizel emerged from the bush, grinning at Laventon with pleased determination. Laventon hucked a ball at it. It bounced out of the way. He hucked another. It wasn't even close. Then, a number of other buizel emerged from the woods, scampering about as though Azelf had ordered them to make this trial even harder. Laventon trained his eyes on the white collar of the shiny and kept throwing.
Ten balls later, one hit. The ball shook once and then sparked.
Laventon let out a sigh of relief. Blood was coursing through him, and he felt more alive and keyed up than he could ever remember being.
The buizels dispersed, leaving behind only one- a second shiny. To Laventon's horror, the creature turned into Azelf. But then it picked up Laventon's ultra ball and handed it to him, along with a small horn.
T a k e  t h i s  p i e c e  o f  t h e  s p i r i t  a n d  b i n d  t h e  s k y  o n c e  m o r e, said the spirit before it vanished.
"That was some leadership, professor!" Rei explained.
Laventon was stunned silent. "I caught a swift and slippery little buizel all by myself," he mused. "A shiny one! My God, that was... I don't even know what that was!"
"It was a fine performance," Cyllene said.
Before long, the group was on the move again, and not long after that, they were on the island of Verity Cavern. Before heading in, the group took a moment to heal their Pokémon.
"So, if Uxie's trial was showing knowledge, and Azelf's trial was showing willpower, Mesprit's will be showing emotion? That sounds like a really lame trial," Adaman stated.
"Maybe it'll go to someone who struggles to control their emotions, and they'll have to do something frustrating," Irida suggested.
"In that case, it's definitely your trial."
"Oh, please. You're the drama queen. And anyhow, I fought overqwil, so I had my turn."
"Ursaluna isn't your Pokémon, and you didn't give it orders," Adaman countered.
"Hmph! well-"
"Now is not the time," Cyllene said, leading the group in.
Within the cave was an alpha goodra. Rei took out his decidueye, but Cyllene stepped in front of him. "Allow me," she said, taking out her staraptor. "Close-combat."
The bird struck at the armoured dragon, denting its shell, but the goodra struck back, hitting Cyllene's staraptor with its massive tail and knocking it into a nearby wall.
Cyllene gave her bird a stiff nod to let it know to continue, and took out her samourott. "Ice beam," she commanded.
Between the two attackers, the Goodra was giving out far less damage than it was receiving, but Laventon found Cyllene's choice to step in baffling nonetheless. With the amount of office work they had to do while the other members were in the fields, he and Cyllene were among the weakest of the Survey Corps when it came to their Pokémon's levels, and Rei had long surpassed them. It wasn't like Cyllene to fail to delegate when it was for the better.
Is she trying to make sure she won't have to face the trial? Laventon wondered as the Goodra finally hit the ground and Cyllene's Pokémon returned to her for healing.
Just as had happened in the previous two caves, Mesprit appeared to the six in a flash of light.
C y l l e n e, Mesprit said telepathically. M y  t r i a l  i s  y o u r s.
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only-lonely-www · 2 years ago
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wanted to draw Irida too, but I have no time :)
Ironic, considering who I drew
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p-chux · 2 years ago
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marias-attic · 2 years ago
Ah Volo how I wish we could have destroyed the entire game with him instead of being a doormat to pretty much everyone
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Volo portrait
he is my most beloved ever and this is one of my favorite drawings I've done of him
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lucky-clover-gazette · 8 months ago
so i know the amandafiles sneasler rant went pretty viral on here, but the real highlights of her pokemon legends arceus playthrough were her unhinged volo-related rants. this one is probably my favorite but there were many and i will absolutely clip and transcribe (not by hand i'm not that insane) more of them if asked
transcript under the cut:
Yeah. So, um, I'm just kind of leaving the scene of the crime now. And hopefully Adaman is still interested. That's all I have to say. Yeah, that's my statement at this time. Thank you. Thank you! Yeah, mhm. Bye.
Like, what. Is Volo gonna fucking pop out at me from the shadows over here? Is anybody around to talk to me? Like, about what just happened?
(Sees Melli.) Not what I meant, but um, you know what? Fuck it, Melli, guess what just happened. So, you know that guy Volo? Basically, like, we were talking, right? It was actually going pretty well. You know, just like this nerd, and he was like, so cute and so, like, excited about history and stuff, and, like, I was really feeling that, you know, and I dunno, he was, like, my champion. He was there for me when no one else was. He, like, picked me up off the ground at my lowest point. He was always cheering me on. He was always, like, hyping me up to other people. Wouldn't that be awesome, Mellie, if like someone ever did that for you? Not that that would ever happen, of course, but, like, can you imagine, like, someone being out there being like, "yes, like, that's the one, like, that's my girl. She's been doing it like, she's working so hard." That was Volo for me.
Melli, imagine my surprise when I go up to the mountain there because—we did this whole thing. Basically, I'm an important person. You wouldn't really understand. I, like, collected all these artifacts. I thought we were going to, like, do this thing that was important to, like, the history of the world.
But turns out Volo was fucking insane. And, like, no, I truly mean that, like crazy and saying he was like, a totally different person. He had been cosplaying as a normie the entire time. He's really a serial killer, I think. He's like a lunatic, right? Like, a cringey one. He did his hair. So he, like, is obsessed with Arceus. Right. The god pokémon. And Arceus, like—have you ever seen a picture of him? I'll pull it up on my Arc Phone real quick. He's got these, like, horns that come back and stuff. Bitch, he did his HAIR like this. AHH! I know. I got, like, a little picture of it. Look at him! An entire bottle of American Crew.
He, like, totally thought he ate that, but, like, he didn't. It looked so bad, but, like, that was the least of it. He was—his eyes got crazy. He was wearing, like, bright green capris and gladiator sandals. AHH! Melli, I know. it was fucked up. You know, it's like how quickly they change when you find out, like, what they really were after and what they really want. It was stunning. Startling, Melli, it's really like—have you ever had, like, an experience like that before with a guy? Probably not, since you're so insufferable and, like, you probably have never had anyone show interest in you before, platonically or otherwise, but maybe, like, read a book or something where that happened. That happened to me. That happened to me today.
I really had a huge crush on this guy. Like, to the point where I thought he was the one, Melli, I really did. I was like, ready to leave this whole place with him. Travel the world, and I won't lie to you, um… if he had been like, "Hey, you want to be crazy together? You want to be crazy with me?" I might have done it. I might have also tried that lifestyle out for a minute. I would have tried, like, the villain arc thing out… but lucky for you, it didn't work out. Otherwise, you would have been right on the top of my list. But anyway, yeah, I ended up, like, totally embarrassing him. We did a pokémon battle and he just fucking violently lost.
And then he teamed up with, like, the satan pokémon? It was weird. And they tried their little thing. It was cute. It was very cute. You know, I have to give it—it was camp, It was cute, it was like rehearsed. There was some choreography. It was cute, but obviously they lost horribly. But anyway, yeah, that's, uh. That's how my Tuesday's going. And I'm going to stop you there, Melli, because I really don't care. This wasn't an open invitation for you to talk. I just wanted to let someone know what had just happened.
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waywardstation · 3 months ago
will you ever put anything for Kamado up on your shop? cant find anything for the old man anywhere lol 😭 if no, ive noticed that some people turn their art into acrylic stands, would you have any advice with that at all? :)
Yes I plan to! He’s set to be in my second set of PLA keychains/stickers, along with Cyllene, Irida, Adaman, and Professor Laventon. I only have Irida and Adaman’s flats done however, the others are only sketched.
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I also have a series that I am making of small, connecting keychains. There will be magnets in the hands, so that you can have them hold hands and make a train!
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I also have Warden Ingo, Akari, and Rei done for this series. But I plan to draw other characters (and their pokemon), and Kamado is one of them ^^
And in general, here are some previews of other things I have planned that are past the sketching stage! The subway boss team pins and pokeshi doll wooden charms have many more sketched out, but I’ve been too unwell to draw them. I hope to finish them for January.
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This Ingo and Akari asset is one of several old drawings I have wanted to reformat better for stickers, and maybe keychains, and sell all together a set. I also have to finish the others but haven’t been able to. But I want Uncle Ingo merch haha
AND as for turning your art into acrylic stands!! I recommend checking out Vograce, and their selection of standees ➡️here!!⬅️
Each standee’s page has a set of instructions to follow, and usually have downloadable templates for you to follow when creating merch. (If it doesn’t have a template, most likely you can just submit a flat drawing as is!)
I am certainly open to explaining more in-depth if you’d like, but besides recommending you draw art meant for physical merch in CYMK colors, and drawing in at least 1000x1000 pixels, vograce’s instructions and templates can be pretty straightforward :)
I just feel like I should mention, I’ve usually had overall good service with vograce, but there is always a risk, like with any company, that artwork doesn’t translate the best due to error, or products are damaged. If you show them any errors that were made to the product or anything that differs from any proofs they would send to you for approval, they should offer to replace it.
Thanks for the ask, anon!! ^^
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sanjisboyfie · 1 year ago
eren first meeting his roommate
aka ; eren yeager having a gay awakening <3
-> might be a series? idk i love roommate eren a lot so probably will be a series LMFAO also also there's really no obvious romance here, it's just silent admiration and crushes
also eren is very much puppy-like and high energy in this one hashtag sorry if u love emo eren, he will NOT be emo here!!! hashtag no regrets.
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eren yeager x male reader
— eren was dead broke. his ass definitely did not have enough money for either dorming on campus or off campus, but off campus was the cheaper option. and since he went to a college so far away from home, it would be too big of a hassle to commute. so him and his parents compromised by giving him an "allowance" every month, which would basically pay for a third of rent. but that meant he had to use his own money to pay the next third, then find someone else to pay the final third. ( 1/3 being paid by his parents, 1/3 being paid by him, 1/3 being paid by a lifesavior roommate, aka you!!!!!)
— it was very odd to see eren, who on first impressions seemed like an intimidating individual, sit you down at the empty kitchen table and beg you, literally beg you with his hands in praying form, to room with him. he was very, very obviously desperate to find someone else to live with.
"please, i will be good - i've heard from all my friends i'm a great person to live with, my mouth will vouch (he is a terrible person to live with, but if he has to do more household chores in order to get a roommate he will). i will let you speak to my own mother and father, they will vouch and say-"
"i believe you, eren, why are you crying?"
that's an exaggeration of what happened...he didn't actually start crying, but his begging was insistent and borderline pathetic.
— in the end, you agreed !!! paying 1/3 of rent was better than paying 1/2 + the place wasn't in a terrible location, it was close to school, and was a pretty good size for two bedrooms. since eren was already settled in, he helped you move in. and that was when you were given a free GUN SHOW because damn was this man working hard in lifting your many boxes of belongings. it was almost like he wore a tight shirt on purpose, just to show off. he very adamanently told you that you didn't need to hire movers and he'd do all the heavy lifting, along with muttering about how they were "scammers" with how much they charged.
"eren, i can lift some of these-"
"no, please, consider this my thanks for moving in with me," eren grunted, holding a huge box of your clothes with relative ease. he was sweating, but that was because this was probably the third box of heavy stuff he had to carry from the car to the building.
he was wearing a beige shirt that hugged his muscular form, emphasizing every single ripple underneath the fabric. and as you two stood in the elevator (thank god the building had an elevator or else eren would have had to carry all the boxes up three flights of stairs), the only sound in the metallic box was eren's heavy breathing.
his muscular chest (boobs) were moving up and down as he tried catching his breath, his hands lifting to wipe the sweat off of his forehead with the collar of his shirt.
your eyes watched each of his movements carefully before you snapped out of it with the dinging of the elevator to tell you you were on your floor. you got out of elevator first, holding your arm to the door to prevent it from closing on him.
he shot you a smile in thanks before proceeding to easily lift up the box (it was at least over 50 pounds, mind you) and walk ahead to the room.
what you didn't know was that eren's cheeks were burning red as he had felt your stare on him earlier and it made him feel shy. you didn't have to know that he was purposely flexing harder with each cardboard box he had to lift. it was his own subtly way of trying to impress you, anyway.
it was flustering to know that it was somewhat working.
— after all the boxes were situated inside of the small apartment, he went to put all of your utilities away, like your own set of utensils, plates that you bought to share, and a couple of mugs. meanwhile, you went to your room to personalize and unpack all of your clothing. as eren was occupied working in the kitche, he felt himself smiling to himself as he carefull put away any of your belongings in the shelves. he felt himself laughing at one of your comedic mugs, a ceramic figure that took the shape of a chubby cat. the tail of the animal curved into being the handle and a funny expression was painted onto the cat's face.
"what's so funny, yeager?" you challenged, stretching your hands above head, "you think my mugs are funny?"
eren laughed, putting it away intot he cupboard and turning to look at you, "i think they're cute, they're also fitting,"
you made a face of uncertainty, which only made eren's grin go wider, "alright, you'll see."
"i'll see what?"
"you'll see — when i get you your own mug, you'll learn to appreciate it more,"
"oh, god, please don't." eren said, leaning against the counter on his elbow and staring at you, who were sitting on the other side, "for your first night here, you want me to treat us to take out? the chinese place down the road is really good,"
he watched your expression carefully. wordlessly, you walked around the counter and to the fridge. once you opened it, it took you a total of three seconds before you looked back at eren with a grimace.
"the only thing in here is ketchup and mayo..."
"those are the condiments i use to eat my fast food with," eren shrugged, making you only become more flabbergasted. "what??"
"oh my god, let's finish unpacking later, we need to go buy groceries,"
"but you didn't answer my question on dinner?"
"i'll make dinner — you save more money buying groceries and making meals out of them instead of buying takeout everynight, eren," you lectured, making him tilt his head in thought. he supposed you were right, so he didn't argue against going grocery shopping.
as you announced you were just going to change quickly, he then thought about it for a second longer. then a blush fell on his face as he imagined you at the kitchen, cooking a meal for just him and you.
god, was he really developing a crush on his roommate that just moved in?
— the grocery shopping turned unserious very fast. bring eren to any public environment and he won't be able to stay on track for a second. you didn't really know eren that well (it sounds silly to say that considering you are now living with him, but prior to agreeing to be his roommate, he really was just a stranger to you), so to see his more childish side bleeding through his cold exterior was a good change of pace. he was a very goofy guy, making funny faces at babies with the intent of making them cry, and would easily get distracted. he had tried dragging you off to the pokemon card wall several times when all you needed were groceries.
"did you see the way its face scrunched up?" he grinned in excitement before focusing on mimicking the expression a baby he tormented made. you laughed at the face he was making before smacking his shoulders.
"be nicer! they're just babies, eren," you softly scolded, weak chuckles escaping from you.
"just babies that make funny faces," eren laughed, switching from standing at your left side to your right side repeatedly as you stood in front of the produce section, "what even are you going to make tonight?"
"hm, how about pasta? you like pasta?" eren nodded his head in affirmation, "i was just going to buy some staple fruits and vegetables too, though, in case we get hungry for snacks,"
"snacks? i can run to the chips section too then! what chips do you want?" eren said, very excited to go to his second favorite section of the store (the junk food aisles).
"just get me a bag of f/c," you requested politely, making him nod like an eager puppy and run off.
you finished going down the list of basic ingrediants for a white sauce pasta, while also grabbing anything that you could use for other dishes in the future.
just as you turned around to your now full cart of vegetables, sauces, fruits, and meat, eren came bounding back towards you. this time, he was now holding five bags of chips, in his mouth he was carrying a single packet of pokemon cards, and in his fingers he was desperately holding a lottery ticket.
"look! we can open up a pack of pokemon cards, i got you one too, it's in my pocket though, since i figured you wouldn't want my spit on it, and then i also have a lottery ticket. i have a feeling we will win it big! and if we do, we won't have to pay rent for like five months!"
"eren, what the fuck? i thought you were just getting chips,"
the accused man pouted at the tone you were taking with him, dropping his arms into the car to free them of the five bags of chips, "i was!! but look, i'll pay for the lottery ticket, chips, and pokemon cards! c'mon, it'll be fun to open the cards together and everything!"
he almost pouted at you, can you belive this guy? pouted at you with begging puppy dog eyes. you almost smooshed his face with the palm of your head, but restrained yourself.
"fine, let's just go and pay,"
eren grinned in achievement, pumping his fist into the air, "c'mon, i wanna open these on the ride home!" he said, referring to the pokemon cards.
"alright, alright, i don't know anything about them though, so you're just gonna have to tell me what's good or not,"
"if it's shiny and reflective, give it to me, that's all you need to know," eren said dismissively. he swiftly took your spot behind the cart, pushing it with ease and only allowing you to walk beside him. "what pasta are you cooking for tonight?"
"i bought alfredo sauce, so i'll just add in some vegetables and to the pasta and make...chicken alfredo? if that's alright with you," eren almost salivated at the thought. he simply nodded his head eagerly, the bangs around his face bouncing at the movement.
"sounds delicious! man, i really lucked out with you as my roomie, huh? we're gonna make a great pair!" he threw his arm around your shoulder and pulled you in closer as he said this, an innocent grin on his face.
— that night, the two of you sat on foldable chairs watching tv. eren's parents gave you two as a house warming gift. it was small, but it was working so that was all that mattered. eren and you laughed at the tv screen until the late hours, where you both agreed to finally call it a night.
"should i make breakfast tomorrow morning? or are you gonna be in clases by the time i get up?"
eren frowned, "i have classes all day tomorrow, from 8 in the morning to 7 at night, so you don't have to worry about making too many servings,"
you nodded in understanding, "alright, then, i'll see you when you get back then,"
eren and you were about to break off to your own rooms, but he called out to you one last time, "uhm, what time are you gonna be in classes?"
"i only have one class tomorrow, 1 to 3:15," his face brightened up, which instinctively made you smile at him in return.
"we can go get lunch together then," he offered, "there's a good place that has burgers, it's like a ten minute walk from the main campus. i have a break in between classes at 4? if that's okay with you, of course,"
you grinned so wide that it almost hurt your cheeks. eren was a really nice guy, he was going out of his way to just get to know you better and spend some time with you, "yeah, that sounds perfect. meet me at the bus stop that's right outside the main hall and we can walk together,"
"okay, yeah!" eren nodded his head repeatedly, the bangs on the side of his head once again moving at such rapid mvoement. "then, i'll text you tomorrow when i get out of class!"
"sure, that sounds good." there was a pause and you pivotted your torso to turn away from the smiling brunette, "good night, eren,"
the man blinked and nodded his head, also turning away, calling out a, "goodnight, [name]," very quickly.
and the two of you fell asleep with grins on both of your faces. eren had brought the blanket up to his face, as if he was paranoid that there were someone watching his blushing face only redden. your smile was really, really handsome, his heart felt like it was in his throat everytime he remembered it.
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smashingdollz · 2 years ago
Headcanons of Guzma, Raihan, Piers, and Adaman react to shy crush confessing to him?
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hello anon, thank you for the request! i can totally do this for you!
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-you decided that today youre going to be confessing to Raihan. with the help of one Pokemon, Applin. you read somwhere that Applin can be used for confessing your love to someone. so you went on a journey to find Applin, even though it was going to be a rare find you were dedicated to give him that Applin.
-he loved your confidence and determination, and admired you for going far and beyond for someone that you love. and he was determined go go far and beyond just for you.
-he definitely teased you a bit during the confession (and still does) "haha, youre face is as red as Applin!" he loves to gently pinch your red cheeks for some reason.
-he of course accepted your confession as soon as he took the pink loveball containing Applin out of your hands. you two definitely raised the Applin together, he even uses it during battles at times.
-like true Raihan nature, after the two of you confessed he took a picture of the two of you captioning it something cheesy. and in that momment everyone knew that the two of you belonged to each other.
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-you did not confess to this man out of your own will. It was actually one of the team skull members who teased you about it and threatened to tell Guzma themselves. so after hours of contemplating and procrastinating you decided that you would go up to him yourself and proudly spit out your confession. (however, it did not actually go like that. you were whimpering and trembling the whole way)
-he actually admires your confidence for going up to him and just confessing to him like that (little does he know), knowing how that stuff isnt easy for you. and hes actually suprised you confesses to him out of all people. how could such a gentle person like you love someone like him?
-of course he loves you too, he always has. but the idea of someone returning his love seems so surrel to him. you've always made him feel some type of way, around you he feels like he can let go of his "big scary tough guy" demeanour, thats when he knew he wanted to spend his life with you.
-he notices how much youre shaking after minutes of silence from him, he then confesses. you're relived, you can finally let out that shaky breath youve been holding in. he walks to you and pulls you in to his side, which is somewhere you'd never leave
-he would tease the hell out of you. i mean even before you confessed he would tease you, but this was the cherry on top. he would just keep on going and going until you turn red in the face and pass out. (jk he wouldnt go that far, maybe just some "light" teasing)
(aaaaaaa sorry this is more of a short story than a headcanon)
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-you two confessed to each other on the same day!
-while he listened to your confession he just couldn’t help but to admire you and your confidence. he admired the fact that you liked him out of all people, he didn’t see himself as anything extravagant but him hearing the way you praise him in your confession made him really feel like the best person in the world
-while you confession was nearing its end he gently grabbed your hand and traced circles on your skin with his thumb. and when you finished he aligned your hand with his and slowly intertwined his hand with yours. which obviously caused you to become more flustered than you already were.
-to accept your confession he pulled out a cute bat clip, one of the many gifts and trinkets he got for you this very special day. he gave yu many things that fit your interest and manythings of his own.
-for his confession he led you back to the Spikemuth gym so he could preform a song he wrote just for you! while he preformed he held your hand and looked lovingly in your eyes.
-after that he just preformed what ever song you like. and would mix in a song he had from a playlist he made just for you
-he would totally play any love song by The Cure. Lovesong, Friday Im in Love, Lovecats, etc
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-you decided to ask to confess to him two days before the festival being held in Jubilife village. (you had a week, but of course you were too nervous) he happened to be in the area, you decided not to waste anymore time.
-while confessing he noticed how shakey your voice was and how you stumbled over your words. he put a hand on your shoulder, "hey hey, its alright. take your time okay?" he smiled. (he made it worse)
-he was so bold and quick in accepting your offer to accompany him to the festival and in returning your confession. it almost scared you knowing that someone can be like this, but thats what you liked about him the most
-he loves the fact that you took the time out of your day to confess to him. how could you apologize for wasting his time? when youre around no time of his is wasted, hell be sure to let you know that.
-he gave you a blue hair pin/shirt pin that would match the outfit that he would be wearing to the festival.
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i hope you enjoyed! (i was in a bit of a rush to get this out im sorry!)
i posted this a bit later than i wouldve wanted, a shcedule changed happend at work today which messed up my whole routine for my assignments.
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eev583 · 8 months ago
Adaman: Due to personal reasons, I will be sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box.
Rei: Did Irida say ‘I love you’ and you said ‘Thanks’?
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agirlnamedstar · 1 month ago
GUYSSSS OMG I FOUND MY OLD BLOGGG!! I only had like three fics on there, but I’m rather happy with how those came out, sooooo I’m gonna edit them a bit and post them on here!!!
Here’s one of them!
Sooooo, what if you got super stressed out and just broke after a super difficult mission?
This takes place after the battles with Palkia, Dialga, AND Girantina. So, you know that Volo was an ass and just used you. So, what if you feel like everyone else is using you?
Like no one’s helping you and you’re stuck keeping Hisui safe by yourself? You’re so stressed out and you just crack.
You’re done.
You groaned as you heard loud knocking at your door.
As soon as you stood up to answer it, it burst open to reveal Adaman.
“Y/N!! We have a big emergency!” Adaman yelled at you, seemingly panicked about something. You yawned and then groaned out a reply, “What’s happening?”
“There’s a huge time distortion right next to the Diamond Clan Village. We need some help guarding it just incase some big pokemon escape or someone gets trapped in it. Could you help us out?” He asked, honey-lavender hair covering his face as he panted.
You sighed and nodded your head, stretching your already sore limbs, accidentally hitting a fresh bruise on your lower thigh in the process.
You hissed quietly at the sudden impact.
“Are you okay?” Adaman asked.
You gave a strained smile as you nodded, “Of course I’m okay. Let’s get going!”
A frown carved itself on your face as you looked at the size of the distortion.
It looked like it was about to swallow the entire village whole! It was no wonder why they needed so many people.
You stood next to Melli, who was also here for some extra protection. He looked annoyed, like he didn’t want to be here. But you didn’t blame him, you didn’t wanna be here either.
“So, you’re here too?” Melli asked, rolling his eyes as you.
You groaned quietly, not exactly in the mood to deal with him yet.
“I knew they’d call me here, after all I am pretty great. But I didn’t think it’d be so bad they’d have to call upon a last resort!” He cackled, looking away from you.
You seethed as you held back a comeback.
The last thing you all needed right now is an argument..
Suddenly, you saw something moving in your peripheral vision.
You turned around completely to see a child stuck in the time distortion.
It looked frightened, an alpha Steelix chasing the child around. Were you the only who noticed? Were you the only one paying enough attention to know that a kid was stuck in there?
“HOLD ON KID! I’VE GOT YA!” You shouted aloud, running into the distortion. The kid looked at you, tears clouding his eyes. He looked scared, scarred even.
“EMPOLEON! USE HYDRO CANNON ON STEELIX!” You screamed as Empoleon flew out from his ball. You hoisted the child onto your shoulders, keeping him out of harms way as water shot from Empoleon onto the Steelix.
The Steelix let out a mighty roar, and used rock slide. Empoleon dodged, causing it to head towards you.
You quickly pushed the child out of the distortion, letting the large pile of rocks cover you.
And then, the distortion disappeared.
Empoleon came running to your side as the pile of rocks disappeared off of your body. The pain still remaining as your lungs were crushed by the immense amount of rock.
You looked at the child who was staring at you with wide eyes.
You smiled at him, and he ran back to his mother, who was practically sobbing in relief at the fact that her son was okay.
You put Empoleon back in his ball, and tried to stand up.
You succeeded, somewhat, and limped back over to Melli and the others, who were looking at you with shocked faces.
Irida was the first person to say anything.
“Y/N! Oh thank the almighty sinnoh, I was so scared when I saw you fighting in there! Are you okay?” She quickly bombarded you with questions, seemingly concerned for you.
You gave her a small, albeit fake, smile and nodded. But, that soon faded away.
“…why didn’t you guys come and help me out, out there?” You asked quietly.
They all gave each other nervous looks.
You sighed, and turned to walk away.
You should’ve known not to trust them.
Not after Volo.
“Wait, Y/N it’s not..”
“Not what?” You interrupted. “If you guys wanted to see me get hurt, then you’ve succeeded! No one, absolutely no one was watching the portal. Only I was. The kid could’ve been seriously hurt, hell maybe even dead if I didn’t run in there and save him.”
You sucked in a breath through your teeth. “But it’s fine. I should be used to this.” You laughed out sarcastically.
“I should be used to saving the day and getting hurt in the process. I should be used to none of you caring enough about me to help.”
Irida, Adaman, and Melli all shared nervous, yet ashamed looks.
“Listen, Y/N, we’re sorry! We just didn’t..” Adaman started, but you cut him off. “DIDN’T WHAT? Didn’t care enough? Are you guys gonna be like Volo? Just use me for protection and throw me to the curb when I’m not of use anymore?” You laughed dryly once again, throwing your hands up exasperatedly.
“Because if you are, then leave me alone. I’m so sick of it all. I get hurt every day, just so all of Hisui can be safe. Yet who cares? Absolutely. No one. The only one who shows even the littlest amount of caring about me, would be Dr. Laventon. That’s it.”
You huffed.
Your lungs hurt so bad..
You coughed, blood and grit splattering all over my hand.
They watched with you wide eyes.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me? I’m going home. I don’t think I can stand being around any of you right now…”
With that, you called upon Braviary, and flew away. Their thoughtful, yet worried gazes glaring onto your back as you flew.
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embbu · 5 months ago
EEEEEE I LOVE HOW THE POKEMERS ARE BASED ON WATER POKEMON 🧜🏻‍♂️🧜🏻‍♂️🧜🏻‍♂️ Who else have you designed as mers?
Honestly, not enough characters! :D When it comes to Pokémon characters; aside from Adaman, Melli and Volo, I only have this drawing I made of a zebra moray Piers.
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My other "canon" characters I've designed as mers are Overwatch characters! I've designed Cassidy, Hanzo and Genji. They're made during 2017-2020.
I've put the drawings under the cut to make this post shorter:
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I think these should be all of the finished OW mer drawings! Some of these were personal drawings and some for zines.
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warden-melli · 7 months ago
Starting to polyship Irida Melli and Adaman thanks to you now help
Sorry, it’s incurable. Have something silly to help you while you adjust
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Potato mochi didn’t stand a chance
In Melli’s defence he did try to take a small bite. Honest ⏑ ̫⏑
Inspo ⬇️
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cardinal-crossing · 6 months ago
Tell me more about over the garden wall au?
Hello! I would be more than happy to tell you more! What I have right now is very barebones since I have not had time to really sit and think about it because of school. There will be more in the future, and things may change! I'm going to put a read more because this is more than I thought it would be. There will be doodles and sketches down there as well!
So far: I have Ingo in the place of the Woodsman, constantly searching for Elden Wood to grind into oil to fill his lantern, the lantern that holds his brother's soul; however, unlike the show, it is technically Emmet's soul, but I will explain that more when I get to his part. Having been at this for a while, Ingo is slowly but surely losing energy, and his partner, Chandelure, is doing all she can to keep him alive, as she cannot materialize herself in the Unkown. So Ingo looks a little worse for wear, and Chandelure's features show through on Ingo more and more as time passes, to where eventually half of his body cannot materialize correctly and shows as smoke.
Emmet, on the flip side, is the Beast in this story, having been corrupted by some entity and now feeding on lost souls. He still keeps his tattered coat, but most of his body doesn't materialize anymore and becomes black smoke. The deer skull was more for flavor and to match a little more with the beast design, but I'll think of the meaning later. As far as the lantern goes, it differs from the show in the sense that it is carrying who Ingo believes it is, his brother; however, it carries Emmet's uncorrupted soul, and the entity does not want that getting released, so it chooses to gaslight Emmet, and then Ingo through Emmet, to keep the lantern lit and locked up so the entity remains in control.
As for Akari and Rei, I am replacing Wirt and Greg with Rei being Wirt and Akari being Greg, mostly because I think it's funny. However, their stories do not significantly differ between the show and the story. They fell into one of the frozen lakes in the Alabaster Icelands when attending a Pearl Clan festival, and the story continues in the same way as the show. Greg's frog is replaced with a Crogunk, much like how Beatrice is a Starly.
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For Character Replacements/ Me decided who I'm putting where (thank you @gender-nuteral-nut-boy for your help) Beatrice - Melli Endicott - Adaman Margueritte - Irida Jimmy Brown - Iscan Ms. Langtree - Palina Mr. Langtree - Calaba Auntie Whispers - Gaeric Lorna - Sabi Sara - Hilda Jason Funderburker - Hilbert Adelaida - Beni
That's pretty much all I have for now. I am really enjoying the process of creating again, but it is taking me a lot longer than I thought it would.
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echantedtoon · 1 year ago
Adaman x Fem! Reader
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(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, adding it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Nintendo for creating such wonderful characters for us all.)
That work needed finishing. It was the only reason he got himself to get out of the arceus forsaken bed he was comfortable in. He felt terrible, like he couldn't keep anything in his stomach, everything was too hot, too dizzy. Too.....Sickly. By Arceus was he sick!?...He shook that off rather quickly. Didn't matter. Work was needed. Work was the thing driving the car today and if he crashed off the road of sanity so be it. He might've already been losing it anyways with how much he was coughing and how sore his throat felt. He might as well been one of the walking dead as his body spun between heavy and lightheaded with how he looked. Wheezes and coughs were what came out of him and the only language he spoke right now was lack of no sleep and 'I need coffee'-nese, and he didn't even LIKE coffee. He winced as his sore throat throbbed and suppressed the urge to cough as it would only hurt more. Darnit he just had to get to the dam kitchen area. He KNEW he should've stayed in bed that day...but he was so close to being done. He knew if he just got enough caffiene he'd be able to make one more day and finish. He tensed in pain from his chest as he coughed a little, face scrunched up. He LOATHED being sick Hated anyone around him being sick....Speaking of which where the heck was everyone? It was unusually quiet for their camp sight \ in the middle of the day. He sniffled again, slumped footsteps echoing out the entire empty place as his runny nose got the the better of him.
Wow...He really did have a cold didn't he?
"ACHOO- ow." The body of the man shook as the sounds of a sneeze echoed through the entire place and if it weren't for his hand quickly latching onto a doorway he was passing, he would've suffered more than just stumbling and landing into the wall...he let out a whimper from his sore throat and head that the sneeze made throb. He scowled. Whatever. If everyone was out doing something he couldn't care less. Right now he had more important things to attend to, like getting his butt awake and figuring out if he wanted to dunk his head in cold water or just see how that Jubilife coffee worked out for him. Another sneeze wracked his body resulted in more scratchy voiced whimpers and mumbles as he walked his way somehow back into his tent with his blurry vision and spinning head. The cold floor sent a shiver down his swaying form- "ACHOO!!" He stumbled and threw his hands out thankfully grabbing onto a shelf, gradually pulling himself along towards the upper cabinets. He reached up a hand and felt around for any spare cups of theirs lying around. Sniffling as he did light headed. Eventually his hand wrapped around a simple white mug and he was able to easier reach it with his slumped body against the counter. ".......ACHOO!!" He shook his head and sniffled. Man he hated having a cold-
A glass shattering rang from the sink as porcelain mug pieces scattered about on the floor. Feet stumbled and at long last he was too slow to reach for the counter instead tumbling to the floor with a thud and sore heap as he laid there...Head spinning. Whimpering. Body sore...and only a cough escaped the sore throat causing more whimpers and sniffles. Footsteps approached but he could only weakly shake. Great Sinnoh! He felt like almost crying-
"AH!! DONT TOUCH DONT TOUCH!! ACHOO!!" He rasped out in a croaky voice that sounded like he was smoking for fifty years as a white flash of pain passed over when two hands grabbed his side out of nowhere all of a sudden, his head slumping as the headache throbbed again from another sneeze.
"What's wrong with you!? Are you ok!?," a voice sounded above him and he winced from the loud volume. "ANSWER ME YOU " Her answer? Another loud sneeze making him whimper and curl in on himself on himself even more and she leaned back a bit before groaning. "Of all the things you can get yourself into you get yourself sick?!"
Hey. That voice sounded familiar. He turned his head slightly up and his vision was too blurry to make out who it was but he had a good idea of who it was. ".....Y-Y/n?"
"Yeah, it's me." She groaned shaking her head. "the one time I stay behind and I find you sick."
"Is not my f-f-fa- AHCOO!" She quickly leaned away as he coughed and sniffled again from the sneeze. "F-Fault..*sniff*...W-Where is everyone?"
She made a cringe face and stared down at his weak form. "They left already. Y'know for the harvest? Did you forget?"
"M-Must've s-slipped my mind. I-...I-I-AHCHOO!!" He whimpered again and curled in on himself until he was in a pained ball. ".....I hurt...."
Her whole demeanor immediately softened as she watched him wriggled on the ground clutching his stomach as he did sniffling. Her hands coming to hover over his body but not touching him due to his past reaction. "Are you ok?!..Can you get up?"
"ACHOO!!....*sniff*" He gave a small hopeful nod to her as the swimming/light headed/spinning feeling intensified and forced him to close his eyes as tears brought him up to the for front. He couldn't act like a wimp in front of her. So whimpers aside he began to push himself up, stumbling and leaning more and more against the counter as his arms shook fumbling around for purchase against the cold floor. A worried and annoyed feeling coming over himself as Jirou didn't move from her spot, as if afraid he'd fall over- "ACHOO!!" His chest let a large pang of pain as he started coughing up again- "AH-" His legs gave out as he doubled over, in a bent over position, one hand gripping the shelf and the other covering his mouth as the coughs kept coming and his body lit ablaze with hellfire! He couldn't stop! It was too much! Dear Almighty Sinnoh make it stop! Black clouded in-
......................Well THAT could've gone better.
In panic, she did the only she could've done at that moment. Go get help! Luckily help hadn't been too far away and was quick to get Adaman's unconscious form to the clan healer quickly and find out what was really wrong with him. He was sick and exhausted with a fever and runny nose. Well it was a relief to her at least, and not too long after the man was carried back into his tent and half woke up enough to blow his nose and take whatever medicine was given to him before clonking out again. While relieved, she was still worried so decided to stick around. Not like she had any plans for the holidays anyways. Which turned into her just reading and checking on him every few minutes...which became every one minute for the past hour still finding him fast asleep under the blankets where they left him. ......He looked cold. She'll go get a blanket after a lil bit....Which in reality was five minutes. Hesitant steps came down the hallway back down towards the bedroom. A blanket resting under one arm. The footsteps soon stopped in front of one door on the right and the boy paused. It took a moment before he was able to reach a hand up to knock on the door.
"Adaman?", a voice forced out almost a whisper. No one answered so she knocked again a bit louder. Just to see if he had woken up while she was away ...Still nothing. So she gently grabbed ahold of the door knob and turned. "Adaman? I-I brought an extra blanket-....Oh."
The dark room made it hard to see but she could make out the sleeping figure over in the corner. His chest rose and fell slowly in his sleep and a smile was present on his sleeping face. She hesitated for a moment, but decided it was best to keep her silent promise of getting him the extra blanket. So slowly stepping in, she gently closed the door behind her with a soft click- She froze when he made a groaning noise but he didn't wake up, only buried his head halfway under the blanket. She sighed in relief before silently walking up to the bed, taking the blanket in both hands she flung it out. Then over the bed in the air. It gently floated down until it draped over his sleeping form. She stared down at the sleeping form of her friend for a moment, before gently smoothing the wrinkles out from the covers-
She froze. .....Slowly her eyes shifted up towards the bedframe. A pair of eyes blinked back up sleepily at her, wild blue and light tan bed head around his face.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh. I..Uh-" She quickly pulled himself away from the bed embarrassed and cleared her throat. Finger twirling around one of her locks of hair. "I-I-I was just delivering t-the blanket cuz you're sick and I t-thought i-it might help. *ahem* ....I-Im sorry if I woke you."
he blinked at her for a moment, before shifting his eyes down to his body. Indeed a new blanket was over his. He then looked back to her with a smile that made her heart skip a beat.
"It's ok. I don't mind. S-Sorry I fell b-b-back there...Must've been e-embarrassing."
"I- uh-.....N-NO! Of course not. You w-were just sick. It happens." Sinnoh she could feel her cheeks growing more pink by the second. His patient eyes and smile always seemed to make her forgive the doofus faster. Luckily he new exactly what to do- "W-Well I-I-Ill let you get back to sleep-" She froze when something grabbed her hand. She soon found out what when Adaman, now slightly sitting up in bed pulled her back a little more.
"Um- Hey. W-Would you mind if we-..." His eyes shifted to the side. Wait. Did he sound nervous? "Cu-.. Cuddle? Y-Y'know. J-Just as friends! I-Im s-still pretty cold from the fever and I thought- ..."
"Uuuuhh-" Her eyes went back to them still holding hands.
" I-I mean. I-Its ok if y-you don't want to. " he let go of his hand-
"What?! NO NO!" she froze when she regrabbed her hand and looked back into his eyes. He seemed to freeze for a moment himself. "I-....I mean I d-don't mind it. I just...I'm not sure if you would want to."
...he smiled. "Well I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't ok."
"Oh. W-Well...Who am I t-t-to deny a request from you...b-but you better not get me sick?"
He chuckled. "I make n-no promises."
he smiled again, before shifting over to make room for another, patting the spot next to him. She hesitated for a moment but gulped down what worries she had left and slowly lifted the blankets, before climbing in. He sat there for a moment un sure, but his face lit up like a million stars when he felt her reassuringly huddle up against his side. He swallowed, hard, before allowing himself to lay back and lay a shaking arm around her. In response she shifted to lay into him more and sighed in comfort.
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