#thank you I'll be here all night
livstarlight · 3 months
Expanding that headcanon of mine of Zoro kissing Sanji right after winning the title of greatest swordsman from defeating Mihawk with:
Zoro beats Mihawk. Pause. Sighs a breath of relief... and then yells "Oi! Shit cook!"
"The fuck do you want, mosshead?"
"Come her for a sec."
Cue to Sanji begrudgingly complying (not without complain) whining and lamenting every step of the way but doing it anyway, because despite everything he is happy for him and you know... the idiot just achieved his dream, would be rude to ruin the moment. Zoro starts slow, makes a run for it, drops the swords... and BAM grabs Sanji and kisses the living daylight out of him. Everybody is cheering. Everybody is laughing. Nami especially yells "Fucking finally" with a pent up exasperation of years and high-fives Usopp.
BONUS POINTS If Sanji squeaks/shrieks before giving in and responding tenfold.
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green-circuits · 9 months
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that thing where he thought he killed him but he actually survived.
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mxadrian779 · 7 months
Q: What's another name for Eda?
A: Raine['s] Beau
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ursaspecter · 2 years
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Well I am a person of my word. Here it is: Vlad wearing the Koss Cheese Headphones. Both in the show style and in my style. I will admit I am a bit rusty at emulating the show's style, but I think that just adds to how cursed Vlad looks in those cheesephones.
idk anything about football or if 12 is a good packers number please don't bully me
Tools Used: my hubris
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crimsonbits · 9 months
You're not a "new type of youkai" that has "adapted to mountain dwelling", you just put a camo outfit on and moved to a different place. Have fun experiencing long-term dehydration, dipshit. I'm sure having to probably double your already demanding sodium intake in order not to collapse will be worth it.
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shmreduplication · 8 months
David when he's about to regenerate on Doctor who: the situation has become untenable
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sonic-wildfire · 1 year
the VOTE
the PARENTship
the loop-dee-LESBIAN
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herbirdglitter · 1 year
I'm trying to decide whether I should sew my project on the cross-grain or the diagonal but honestly I'm a little biased.
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ladyloveandjustice · 1 year
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Oh hey, England's underwater and sinking further and further into the ocean in Girl Genius Land! I bet the Irish and various other colonizer victims are partying SUPER hard right now.
On the other hand, the Queen being undead and eternal...now there's a fuckin' horror story.
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I wish dick smith still had physical stores where else am I meant to get my bottom surgery at now
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bethanythebogwitch · 2 years
What kind of glue do Vulcans use?
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theelvensleuth · 8 months
I'm an adult... 🤪
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ybcpatrick · 1 year
call him lala knight the way he's teaming up with mr. teletubby himself tonight
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ouranbutworse · 1 year
kyoya playing minecraft: oh no there's a phantom flying around because i haven't slept... also in the game there's a phantom flying around because i haven't slept
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 5 months
Ok but I’m still gagged by the choice of the white dress covered in her spilled ink for the TTPD set.
The way it’s almost certainly meant to reference a wedding gown just like the music video and how that ties into the narrative of TTPD in general.
The way so many of these songs are about how she’s been wronged and how she’s angry.
The striking image of her floating around on stage unleashing her anger in Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me, or her collapsed on the platform in Down Bad begging to be beamed back up to the space ship. Very much giving dying on the altar waiting for the proof (in both meanings). She’s the jilted lover and the runaway bride. She’s the old widow who goes to the stone everyday and she’s the girl heading towards a shotgun wedding if she keeps this up. She's the unhappily married woman whose life is turned upside down by a man beyond her reach, with the chasm between them widening the longer the set goes on. And then!!! she's taken away (held back?) by the nurses at the asylum -- the crazy wife being committed for hysteria!!! (Actually I don't know what order that comes in in the set -- I'm going to have to find better videos.)
She said that the TTPD set is Female Rage: The Musical, and a lot of that is "I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free." She sacrificed her youth to her demons and to people who never had her best interest at heart. She sacrificed her youth to bad actors who wanted to ruin her. She sacrificed her youth to men who traded promises of commitment for their own safety.
So to see that all symbolized in the white gown, saying "I love you, it's ruining my life," is so powerful. By the time we get to "The Smallest Man," she's covered up in the band (or army dress?) uniform, those dreams finally dead and buried, marching to her own memorial service. They all finally kill her, and her dreams of her future.
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Okay one more. Call that man Schrodinger's Cat the way he's in a state of superposition in which he's both alive and dead at the same time and he'll only definitively become one or the other when we see him next episode and also is a cat for some reason heyoooo-
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