#thank you ! <3
tsams-confessions · 23 hours
This is a good blog <3
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peppermintquartz · 3 days
Prompt- "Never again, Tommy"
They're at their favorite park. The skies are finally blue after the weeks of wildfires.
But Tommy is looking only at the man he loves.
"You don't mean that," Tommy says, his voice low, practically pleading. It's pathetic. He's pathetic. "Evan. tell me you don't mean that."
"Never again, Tommy," Evan replies. He finally turns to look at his boyfriend. "You set foot in a helicopter, that's it. We're done. I'm not going through that again."
Tommy clenches his jaw. Finally, he grits out, "I never once asked you to stop being a firefighter. And you're the one who's actually died."
"It's not the same!"
"Do you even hear yourself?" Tommy snaps and stands up. He can feel some truly cruel words itching to crawl out of his mouth. "How can you ask that of me?"
Evan loses his composure. "You nearly crashed! If you'd... The wildfire, three fucking weeks, there wouldn't even be enough to bury... There'd be nothing left. I can't do that. I won't do that."
"It's not easy for me either!" Tommy shouts, and then visibly restrains himself and takes another step back, away from Evan. "Let's take a couple days. You think about what you've asked of me. And I'm gonna need to think about your ultimatum."
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sourcxre · 5 months
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silly Wally thingy (:
i saw another artist (@//aljsthings) do this meme with Wally and wanted to make my own!
thank you <3
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ky-landfill · 5 months
First I love your art. It's GORGEOUS
Second please please please please do some jayroy. I beg you
Luv you
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landosjpg · 24 days
CONGRATS ON 1K NELL! you deserve it <3
pls can you write a drabble with falling asleep in landos arms for the first time🥹 thank youuuuuu
saturday night. it wasn’t usual for lando to be free during the weekend; but luckily he had some free time after a double header. and he had reached out, asking if you were up for a quiet night in at his place. you weren’t dating just yet, not ready for the commitment of a relationship when he was away so much.
it also was the first time he invited you over. used to going on dates and going separate ways after a few hours, at first it made you nervous. but his presence was calming, and soon you found yourself with his arms wrapped around you with a cheesy movie in the background, sweet nothings whispered in between soft kisses.
kiss. the doorbell rings. “dinner,” he mumbles. you feel cold when he gets up. but it only takes him one minute to come back. kiss. you eat. giggles. kiss. and one more kiss.
“you wanna move to bed?” he whispered against your ear, his breath on your neck sending a shiver down your spine.
you two had lied down on the couch again as soon as you finished your food, your back flush against his chest, his arms around your frame.
“no,” you mumbled. “let’s finish the movie first.”
at your words, lando chuckled. the exhaustion in your voice was more than noticeable, but he didn’t push it. instead, he just murmured a soft “okay”, nuzzling his nose on your neck.
gentle kisses and the steady sound of his breath lulled you to sleep, his arms tightening his grip around you as he felt how your breathing slowed down.
a smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he admired the view before him; you, asleep in his arms. safe. and he thought, that was a sight he could get used to.
with a last kiss to the nape of your neck, he whispered the words he had been afraid of saying out loud before letting himself doze off,
“i love you”.
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cassolotl · 1 year
Short survey for nonbinary people about NAMES
Please click here to participate! I will publish the results. Also please tell your nonbinary friends about it, let's get several hundred thousand participants so we can once and for all find out the quintessential Nonbinary Name™️
Notes on privacy:
I won't publish the full spreadsheet of results, I'll only publish the list of names entered more than once, in order of popularity descending, so that people with unique names won't be outed.
The name question itself is optional, and there are other helpful questions to answer, so it's still worth taking part even if you don't want to tell me your name.
Edit: Survey's closed, results are here!
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fluffyfangirl · 3 months
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So... @mikeslawyer, I hope I did your ask prompt justice! (because I loved it, thank you so much for it). (Continue for without the doodles.)
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originalartblog · 1 year
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don't trust that cute face he WILL
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snailspng · 9 months
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Hello I saw a beetle today. Not 100% that it's a yellow ladybug or a mimic to it but.friendly either way. If you'd like to use any of these 3 pics feel free too, all I ask is that if you do the finger one you only leave the one finger if you do do it. I bet someone smart enough could turn it into a cursor
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goldenpinof · 8 months
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no words for anon
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moldrata · 9 months
[Fanart] Yatora and Yotaske from Blue Period
It was the exam arc, when yatora felt very peepee poopoo
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spicy-apple-pie · 4 months
Welcome to my Blog!!!
I'm Spicy Apple Pie, but you can just call me Spicy!! Here's the main menu for my current projects and ways to support me.
Commission Info
Adopted Damian AU Masterpost
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allastoredeer · 23 days
Chaggie's Totally Legitimate Dating 101 Crash Course - Chapter 3 Snippet
“Vaggie has a point,” Charlie says, putting a hand on Vaggie’s shoulder and gently pushing her back on the couch when she rises, mimicking choking Alastor with her hands. Her tone is gentler than her girlfriend’s. Padded and careful, like she’s trying not to spook him.
Alastor glowers.
“I understand why you and dad are doing this,” she says. “Dad, he…I think it’ll be good for him to get out and see the city. And after what happened downstairs,” to Alastors surprise, her expression darkens, and her eyes dart briefly to his chest, “that shouldn’t have happened. My dad…I talked to him. It won’t happen again, I promise. I want you to have all the time you need to heal, Alastor. As much as you need. ”
Alastor glowers harder.
“But, if you still want to do this, well…” she sucks in a breath through her teeth, cringing, “you guys aren’t exactly giving off relationship vibes.”
“And what kind of relationship ‘vibes,’” Alastor finger-quotes, “were you expecting?”
“Something that isn’t antagonistic,” Vaggie offers dully.
“Well, seeing how you two are the experts here, how would we do that?” Even as he asks, he leans back, crossing his legs and flipping open his book. His eyes skim the paragraphs blindly, stuffing his rising agitation into the gaps between the words before it reaches his pulsing chest.
“I don’t know, like, holding hands occasionally. Sticking by each other. Showing a smidgen of affection. It’s not that hard.” Vaggie gestures between her and Charlie. “Do you think anyone has a hard time figuring out we’re together?”
Alastor’s eyes slide over to her and he snaps his book shut.
It's been a while since I've posted anything for "Just Kiss Already," so please enjoy this little snippet from chapter 3 of "Chaggie's Totally Legitimate Dating 101 Crash Course." Why did I give this fic such a long title T.T
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sourcxre · 11 months
i quickly made a lil animation for Wallys silly interview lines
thank you<3
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captainfern · 2 months
today is the one-year anniversary of my very first fic on this app, breed
it was my first time really writing smut lol. i’d been a lurker on tumblr for about a month before i decided to post, and i remember checking back in later and seeing so many positive comments. i felt honoured that people actually liked my writing :)
so thank you all for all your support and kindness this past year, towards both me and my writing. i appreciate all the luv <3
i’m sorry i don’t write as much as i used too. uni and work is hard lol but thank you for sticking with me. hopefully this year i can write a bit more (don’t hold me to that LMAO)
anyway, thank you all. sending you lots and lots of luv <333
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justaphantomhuman · 10 months
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Two of a Kind (Super & Fun Spooky AU)
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