#thank you! and sorry for the late reply
zu-is-here · 1 year
Had to share because it made me think of Cross, Dream and Aim
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Parenting is dangerous XD
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dailysoldier · 4 months
i love daily soldier >:)!
could you do solly hanging out with kermit the frog 💚 i think itd be silly hehe
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Thank you for tuning in to daily soldier !!
Daily Soldier 168 (Inspiration is Moving Right Along by The Muppets !!)
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ruelin024 · 3 months
Random absolutely goofy thought
Detective!Dust investigating cases of homocide/genocide and mentally part of him is still like "damn. i coulda used that."
Or like "damn. that's a rooky mistake."
I know it's probably not canon but I find the idea kinda funny
Yeah, I think Detective!Dust would be the type to say/think those things during a crime scene. 😂 I bet he'd also say something like this when he figures something out after a while.
*You're smart, but you could at least "try" to make this hard for me.
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I was about to draw him more unhinged. 🤣
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scarredlove · 3 months
Last Line Challenge-
In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many as you like).
I am grateful for the tag @spadillelicious!! Sorry for such a late response
Something I'm currently been working on is something my brain was cooking as I worked- Note to self: Don't be unsupervised lol
Last Line:
"If the money isn't collected by tomorrow, then I suggest you go to church." You begin, looking over to him with ice. "Maybe your God will show you some mercy... Because my boys won't."
Last Art:
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Please know these aren't final~
@certified-handler @pr0ng3ls @mamajebbun @sammehshark @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
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wombrion · 4 months
just wanted to say you are genuinely one of my favorite artists..
thank you. im glad i rotted you brain🌹
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glass-noodle · 1 year
Hello! I hope you are doing well! I love your works in general and have been following your mermaid au ardently so I wanted to express my gratitude for sharing it <3 I may have a question: does Connor have a family in this au or is he the only kind of his own? I don't remember if you have mentioned it before, but I assumed Kamski was trying to reproduce him which will result in having Nines or Sixty.
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Nines and Sixty exist! Amanda, their mother, exists too. Connor hasn’t been close to his brothers in years, but when they were younger they were very tight-knit and he served as the protective older brother of sorts. Their dynamic changed as they got older, though (constantly having to compete for Amanda’s approval hasn’t helped either).
Connor’s always been the most curious and sociable of his brothers, exploring off by himself for extended periods of time. He’s also the smallest, though he makes up for it in agility and adaptability. Nines is the strongest and biggest of the mer-brothers and is extremely protective of what’s left of his family. Sixty is vicious and competitive, constantly trying to expand their territory and getting into numerous fights along the way. He also despises humans.
Nines did look for Connor briefly when he was taken by Kamski, but eventually they all agreed that he’d likely left them for good to forge his own path. Sixty looks down on Connor for leaving the family to chase his foolish dreams of exploration, and he often sneers that it was for the best that his flighty, useless excuse of a brother had finally left. Nines has his doubts, but he also doesn’t trust Connor enough anymore to know for certain whether he would just abandon them or not.
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alpanmix · 2 months
I keep thinking about bodyguard Mashita trying to talk to Masamune, only for him to be intimidated by Mashita's social skills (they both have non existent social skills). Masamune trying to run away cuz he doesn't like talking to people but being middly intruigued by mr policeman
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In my headcanon, Masamune's awkwardness is to either outright ignore or try his best to end the convo as soon as possible, vs Yashiki's willingness to try and continue any conversation to be polite but also slowly try to steer it to ending as soon as possible (and failing, goddamnit Yashiki).
Tfw when you're trying your best to avoid everyone by looking busy and sticking close to your sister, but you keep stealing glances at the hot mr policeman across the room (who is also stealing glances at you.)
But oh my god when he's approached by Mr. Policeman he would definitely absolutely try to slowly move away from the hall into a more secluded part or even outside to the gardens (Where gasp! mr policeman can find him easily and talk to him by his lonesome oh no)
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ndcgalitzine · 1 month
top 5 NICHOLAS SCENES!! heeehee 🤭 so many to choose from
BOTTOMS/Jeff - "I can't answer that question because I don't know how to read!"
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2. MARY & GEORGE/George Villiers - his epic eye roll (I was trying very hard to not pick one of the many amazing nsfw scenes 😂😂)
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3. THE IDEA OF YOU/Hayes Campbell - Guard Down music video
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4. CHAMBERS/Elliot Lefevre - being a little sh*t 🤣
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5. RED WHITE & ROYAL BLUE/Henry Fox - coming out of the closet
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this was in no particular order btw !!!
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uhohdad · 13 days
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You wrote so much for us and so well omg I hope you get some rest. Your hands must be sore from all the fire they're producing.
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This is my favourite series. I keep coming back to reread the other parts. Part 3 was my favourite of the series. It was so nice and sweet. A fun little breath of air. The waterfall? Perfection. The ending? Had me wanting to throw my phone across the room ┻⁠┻⁠︵⁠ヽ⁠(⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠︵⁠┻⁠┻
I can't wait to read the last part :') :') :')
Sending you lots of love and encouragement 🫶🏼💕💖✨
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i hope you know that it literally means the world to me that my work means this much to you. i’m over the moon that y’all see my works the way i see them fr. it’s actually bonkers <3 🥹🥹🥹💗🩷💞💕
Been working on The Aftermath a lot today!! sorry if i haven’t been posting enough writing lmao just tryna crank this baddie out. so honored y’all are excited for it 😭
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nokk0 · 3 days
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*A wild Grovyle emerged from the bushes, with a look of mischief with a touch of perversion in the pupils of his eyes, with a box in his hands. He approached Fal, maintaining a certain distance between them. This one opened the box, it was a potato salad with carrots*
"Hey Buddy, I just 'borrowed' a package of the best salad I've ever seen. Do you want some?"
Fal was disturbed by the rustling of the leaves of the mysterious bushes that appeared out of nowhere
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While holding Snow, he turned to look at the bush...
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only to be cordially greeted by a rather friendly Grovyle
"Oh... That... That's for Fal, pon...?"
Fal timidly took the offered food, while Snow watched everything with intrigue and a lot, lots of confusion
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"...Is it okay for Fal to receive this after everything Fal has done, pon...?"
"... You are just question that...? You won't even talk about the... Forget it... Eat calmly, okay?"
Snow... She doesn't know how to deal with all of this. She barelly can understand what's going on. Not long ago, Fal dissapeared in front of her. And now, both of them were together again, just like nothing happened...
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leafdragon16 · 3 months
Can I just say that I LOVE your expirament!wheeljack au??? Horror Show is one of the best fics I've read, I don't really like expirament aus much but yours is the best I've seen! I literally just found this au but I'm excited to see where it goes :D!
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esteemed-excellency · 16 days
assuage & denouement? >:3
assuage- is there something that makes them feel better almost every time?
Hiram's answer is that after decades in the neath, whatever happens, there's nothing that a bit of laudanum can't solve. He always feels better after carousing and partying, but the truth is that he often seeks distraction from whatever he's supposed to feel, and there's nothing worse than the knowledge that he would be in a bad mood, if only he could feel his mood.
The real answer is that only the presence of a handful of people between his friends and lovers can make him feel better almost every time. He seeks their company because he knows that they would always make him feel good, even when he can't feel the mood. Besides, he's particularly fond of them and he likes to make them feel good too.
denouement- what is their destiny? do you interpret it differently than what is written in the game text?
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I think The Star fits perfectly into Hiram's story. His affinitiy with violant, the Time ending of HD, and the neon future are all part of the bigger picture I imagined for him, in a pattern of parallels and repetitions that began with the fall of London. The possibility to play a story with a recurrent nature is why I wanted to make an older character, and as much as I like the theme of immortality as a tragedy I also like it as an opportunity for improvement.
Other than his own violant nature, Hiram has already acquired some extra memories of the previous fallen cities and he's trying his best to preserve London's memories too. That's why he's playing a long game on the Chessboard and why he doesn't want to align with any faction other than what's useful to his his goals (he ended up as the red court champion but he's not even loyal to the Red Queen). He's going to ultimately fail in his plan to save London, but the neon future will leave a lot of room for self reflection and improvement.
I always say I'm a tragedy enjoyer, and I love that Hiram's immortality doesn't prevent him from failing, and falling, multiple times in multiple cities, but I'm also an optimist at heart and I like when a character that's been through hell (literally) has the chance to genuinely do something good. I like to see how time impacts the narrative and how a character adapts to the circumstances, especially if the character is a ruthless chaotic bastard who seemingly has no reason to be on the good side of things.
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ruelin024 · 3 months
as a simp, I humbly request nightmare in your style (only if your comfortable) because damn your art is good.
@superbfirnacho My fellow certified simp, I've received your humble request. Now I shall serve you some drawings of Grandpapi Goopy Nootnoot. 🤭
*cough-cough* I dunno what art style I have, I'm inconsistent.
(There's also a suggestive one in there, yeah. (¬‿¬)
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I also make drawing for your Main OC, Ivy. ヾ(•ω•`)o ✨💕
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otaku553 · 4 months
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HAHA my bad for reading it as cryptic! Thank you very much for the kind message anon :)
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strawowoberry · 5 months
i just realized
is your zim...fluffy???? :O
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victarin · 11 months
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I have a neighbor who lives in my house During the day they're quiet as a mouse I'm not sure what they eat, nor what they drink They often stare, but never seem to never blink During the night they like to come out and stroll And they know things about me I've never told a soul
(this was so much fun to draw and I absolutely lOVE YOUR AU AAA❤️❤️)
WAAAGHHAWKHAHA HOLY SHIT ????? YOU GOT IT . YOU GOT THE WHOLE FRIENDLY-SCARY VIBE DOWN SO WELL OHHHH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SO MUCH !!! SO SO in love with the colors <33333 AND THE WAY THEY FADE INTO THE DARK .... this is so incredibly cool . like. i am so obsessed with the dialogue THAT IS PERFECT.... !!! i could admire this forever actually i love so much about this <333 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DRAWING THEM ???? WOW
and OHH OH THAT POEM IS BEAUTIFUL??? so pretty and ominous WOWOW thats incredibly cool . WOW <333
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