#thank yiewww bec!!πŸ–€
etherealdemon Β· 2 years
C, H, N β€” oliver πŸ’–
C β€” CHOCOLATE : does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
oliver is indifferent to chocolate. he doesn't love it but he doesn't hate it either. he'll happily eat it if it's available but he's not going to go out of his way to get it. in terms of flavours, oliver is simple and likes milk chocolate. he doesn't get the fuss over all these fancy flavours of chocolate and thinks that they can get a bit overwhelming at times. the most experimental chocolate he enjoys is chocolate with a bit of sea salt. he likes the way the salt cuts through the sweetness.
H β€” HEART : is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
when it comes to giving his heart away, oliver lands right in the middle. he's not opposed to giving it away too quickly, it's just because he's never really found the right person at the right time. oliver's always found himself too busy with assignments and band stuff that he's never found the time to go out on dates. his outlook changed when he met lacey. he really enjoyed talking to her that night and wanted to get to know her better. he made the conscious effort to talk to her more and hang out whenever they were both free. he instantly felt that lacey was going to be someone special to him and there was no way he was going to let her go that easily.
N β€” NAUGHTY : what is your muse like in bed?
in bed, oliver's number one priority will always be lacey. he'll always put her needs before his and will always try to take care of her while still making her feel good. he's very observant and is always quick to pick up on what lacey likes, often using it to his advantage. oliver's dominant side also tends to come out in bed. he tends to get a little handsy and rough with lacey, especially when they're both backstage after a show.
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