#thank uYOU!!!!!!!
hardpee · 2 months
LOVE YOUR ART GRRRAAA 👹👹👹 so glad youre back Hi
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rockwgooglyeyes · 29 days
hi rock this is para. asuka and kio friendship maybe..... while jiu relates more to asukas older sister isla.... would you perhaps have any ideas..... (it's okay if not! ^^)
HI PARA!!! So excited to see you, love you btw, thank you for being your awesome self <3 <3
It is immensely funny to me that Jiu sees Asuka and goes "nope" because 1, fair and 2, understandable and 3, I get it (but actually Asuka really does seem like the type of person who would drive Jiu up a wall so I really do get it). As I said before, I do think that Yumi would admire Jiu and want to be like him (even with the mental illness lmao) because he's so diligent and organized. Asuka, on the other hand, either avoids Jiu like the plague because he's afraid of being scowled at. Isla (@nottoonedin) might even end up hanging out with Jiu specifically to deter her brother from bothering her but that's not up to me hahaha
Asuka definitely wants to be friends with Kio if they aren't already. Like, he desperate wants to be her friend, he thinks she's so cool, it's kind of pathetic. Since she's good when it comes to athletics, he probably asks her for tips when it comes to dancing because unlike his sister, he isn't super coordinated. He has great fine motor skills but his body? does not listen to him. He gives Kio little gifts, shiny stones or other baubles he finds at first, to ply her and try to befriend her (he may be bold and kind of gregarious but he's also an anxious overthinker.) I imagine that by the time he finally asks her if she's okay with being his friend, Kio already assumed that they've been friends for months lmao
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junebluues · 1 month
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scathingeyes · 1 month
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someone reblogged my bumbleby art and added these as the tags and this is honestly going in my permanent vocabulary
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pumpmans · 2 years
hello everyone!! below i will disclose the results of the mm classic fandom survey from a few weeks ago... this will be a longer post so it is under a read more. thank you all for participating!
1. has the fandom played mm classic?
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largely, yes! only five people haven't been able to play the games. that makes sense, i suppose, but its still interesting!
2. has the fandom read archie/ariga?
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according to this survey, a large majority of people have read the archie comics, while only a slight majority have read ariga. this could likely be due to the larger access to archie as opposed to ariga, but it cant be said for certain.
3. did the fandom grow up playing the mm classic games?
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for the most part, people in the fandom weren't exposed to classic between the ages of 5 and 14 (i.e., they got into the series later); though, a considerable number of people did get to see the games while they were younger. a smaller portion of people interacted with classic in other ways, such as reading the comics or watching ruby spears.
4. through what media does the fandom like to interact with classic? what is their focus?
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as shown in the chart above, most people use the games as a lens to engage with the series, but this is usually supplemented with the comics or even ruby spears. notably, there were also 7 people who felt that fanmade content was crucial enough to their engagement with the series to include here. only two people felt that the bands were significant enough to shape their enjoyment of the series!
5. what is the fandom's favorite game in the series?
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mm3 was voted to be the fandom's favorite game! as you can see above, the first three games in general are big favorites. interestingly, mm10 follows closely behind mm1. other games, such as powered up or megaman & bass, also make an appearance here. mm6 and mm7 arent as loved as the other games.
6. who is the fandom's favorite character?
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it makes sense that mm3 was the fandom's favorite game, as blues really knocked it out of the park as the favorite character. he had 14 votes more than the characters who tied for second place! several other characters got a few points here and there, and all characters in the "other" category got one vote each. yet, i would love to highlight some of the interesting characters from that category: punk, dr wily, copy robot, evil robot, dynamoman, and many others got to be included on this list. good for them!
7. dr light or dr wily?
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it was a very close tie, but dr light won in the vote between him and wily: only by 4 votes! there was a point where wily was winning, and a point where they were tied, but light came out on top.
8. what kinds of content does the fandom make?
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there was a lot of variety here, but a majority of fandom members are artists! writers are also very prominent. shoutout to the one person who makes plushies... that is amazing!
9. does the fandom prefer a serious version of classic or not?
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as you can see, most people in the fandom like a non-serious version of classic. they might include some serious aspects, but its largely not too dark or anything. one person focuses on the serious aspects only!
10. does the fandom ship the classic characters?
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yes, the fandom does engage in shipping! there were a TON of ships, way too many to list, so i'll just mention the three couples that tied for the most votes (4 votes each): QuickElec, FreezeIce, and ShadowBlues!
11. does the fandom rp?
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for the most part, the fandom doesn't rp. of the ones who do, shadowman and blues (3 votes each) are the most popular to rp as!
12. last, but certainly not least: what does the fandom want to be canon to classic?
i dont have a chart for this one. the answers were so different, and people had a variety of very interesting and cool ideas that they obviously had put a lot of thought into! i'll highlight some of the most popular trends:
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there were quite a few people (like the example above) who wanted some side-series, such as archie, rockman adventure, or mmV to be canon or have parts of it be canon.
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other people wanted particular characters to have more depth! this largely applied to blues (see above), but there were also responses like this for dr cossack/kalinka, swordman, quint, and shadowman. there were also quite a few cases of people wanting particular characters to be canon like quakewoman.
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some people mentioned wanting to have the robots interact with others: feeling that they did not have enough in canon. this largely included the rms, but it also involved human characters! kind of on this same topic, many people wanted to see the robots have a "happy ending."
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lgbt rep was a huge desire for the fandom! quite a few people talked about wanting lgbt characters to be established in the series. to add onto this, five responses were along the lines of this one:
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this post has gone on for a super long time, so I probably should stop here. i wish i could have included the really long responses to the last question; some of you are really talented writers who put a ton of thoughts into your ideas. i really really REALLY appreciate all of your responses and also the patience you all have had in waiting for this to upload... i hope you all have enjoyed this!
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smittyplus · 4 months
the way you drew swagger in your recent art is so accurate?? like the whole thing is ADORABLE and WONDERFUL art!! something about swag’s eyes is like so RIGHT & good! modest’s pose and hair looks so right too :)) your art is amazing!!
GUHHH... thank you so much!!!
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ouroborosreilig · 7 months
what brushes do u use! specifically for colouring i love them so much ur art is so swaggy
been using default wet blotting ink in clip studio
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jfouler · 10 months
I need you to understand the impact Jamie Fowler has had on me. Genuinely in my top 10 all time characters
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anon i hope u know this means the world to me
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electrofloat · 1 year
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starts doing flips
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locallibrarylover · 1 year
🌟 hiiiiiiii omg. you’re one of my favorite mutuals because you are sooo cool and from our few one on one conversations you’re soo sweet as well — you got me into chess for the first time so i owe you for that one i think <3 you also have suchhh good taste generally and especially when it comes to theatre. ALSO a fellow classical history guy which means that we have a classics guy bond forever…
THIS IS SO SWEET THANK YOU;;;;;; classics girlies bonds are not one that can be broken .... its like that line in frankenstein the musical or whatever
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mackmp3 · 3 months
Another one XDDDD
oh this ones cool as well nice!!
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eulchu · 8 months
the normalest and hottest of dtblr
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thecubes · 2 years
i need to get everyone on tumblr into randall and hopkirk (deceased) the way everyone got into mash but only if everyone pinky promises not to be weird or take it too seriously
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komashkathesilly · 1 year
I would be the forever grateful if you drew kanamizu or just Mizuki please and thank uyou
sure :3c
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lotus-pear · 5 months
i'm seeing all of my favorite bsd artists interact i'm having the ultimate crossover moment rn thank uyou
sabh0 and i can both say from our ends that we appreciate it very much and also hope you enjoy the chaos that ensued from her fans attacking me
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saffricatrice · 5 months
thanks for giving me a new weird hyperfixation on house horror (there are too many fixations now and I need you to look after them every other wednesday)
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