onecassian · 2 years
@galacticmilla​ asked: "You think I really give a fuck? I can’t even read."
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     There's a small laugh that leaves Cassian's lips at the other's words and they simply give a shrug of their shoulders just then. "I don't really care if you give a fuck or not." He admits, gaze settling upon the other though, still finding a mild amount of humor at their statement. Cassian gives a shake of his head just then though. "What I do give a fuck about is getting out of here." He states, keeping their words strong and known. Cassian has no plans on dying on a mission again. Again. That was still weird for them to admit. The fact they had died and are back? No, that wasn't right but the Force apparently did strange things and Cassian was no exception to those strange things. "So help me get out of here and I'll make sure we both survive, sound good?"
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onecassian · 2 years
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Luke often felt drawn to those in need of help. Many would say it was their obvious hero complex, but Luke would just say that they wanted to do their part to help. Now typically in the young jedi’s life, this meant things such as fighting battles, and saving planets, but every so often he found that it meant helping those that seemed to be in some form of mental turmoil. Which was why he had stopped to speak to the person before him. 
“Well I suppose many people may not consider it important, but I was just curious as to how you are? I feel like that is not a question we ask often enough.”
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     Cassian's ready with a quip of a reply. Wanting to lash back at whoever had stopped just so they would leave them alone faster. Enough time to get back to dwelling on what was truly inside of his head but instead, as Cassian turns to look at the other, their words catch them off guard. How were they? They repeat that question again and again and he wonders when the last time they had been asked such by anyone other than Jyn. Cassian simply mentally shakes their head and offers the other a small, low smile. "I suppose I could be better." They nod then, letting their shoulders relax and they shift their weight from one leg to the other. "You're right. I don't really remember the last I was asked that by someone that wasn't Jyn." Cassian gives a shake of his head just then. "But I do not believe anyone really has the answers to the questions in my head. So I considered this spot good to think things through." Another pause just then. "How are you?"
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onecassian · 2 years
fearlessenator asked: “Pick a god and pray.” ( iden ) ( @versios )
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There's a small laugh that leaves their lips at the other's words. He moves, blaster in hand and takes shelter behind a crumbling wall. There's a breath upon their tongue and their gaze shifts to look to Iden. The battle had felt as if it had waged on for years, but it had probably only been a matter of hours. Instead, he releases the breath he's held, nodding more so to themselves than Iden. "I never believed in Gods." Cassian states, leaning out from behind the wall, taking a few shots before covering again. "But I do believe in escape plans." The small laugh returns again and they're looking over to Iden. "We've got the ships at our backs and the quicker we can get to them, the faster we'll be out of this nightmare and in a cantina."
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onecassian · 2 years
artfuldarthness asked: 📜 - from Mon
Cassian: Mon! My face is on fire! Mon: Cassian! Are you ok?! Cassian: Oh yes, I'm fine. I just said that to make sure you'd come in here quickly. Mon: But your face is on fire. Cassian: Yes. It's much faster than shaving.
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They grab a damp towel at the words, patting at his face with such haste before letting the smile cross over their lips just then. Gaze settles upon the other. "I heard it from some person in passing at a bar." Cassian states, a bit of enthusiasm in their voice. "I had my doubts, but who knew, it actually did work!"
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onecassian · 3 years
starter   ;   open. where   ;   sorca retreat.
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the space station wasn’t the type of person that the jedi found themselves usually, however being in such a place was a much needed change of pace. although their lack of knowledge of current day technology was able to be seen a mile off as the pureblood attempted to access a terminal, their face contorting slightly in the process.     “what do you mean unable to process request?”     he asks under his breath to no one in particular. error sounds could be heard again and again as fingers push at buttons to no avail.     “apologies– do you mind helping me?”     they ask, cheeks turning a darker red as mild embarrassment finds its way into their system, accompanied by a bashful laugh.     “i’m trying to check in, and not having much luck.” 
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It had been a few days since Cassian had landed here, the last message telling them to find their next set of orders here. He felt out of place, mixed in among those that wandered these halls as if they were home to them and those that also seemed out of place as well. It had been days since the comms had gone down and he was left in the dark of what to do next. If there was one thing that Cassian hated, it was sitting and twiddling their thumbs while they waited for some sort of order to come through or mission to be given. "Ah," he starts, looking at the other with a slightly soft smile. "It won't be responding any time soon." He replies easily, walking up to the terminal with ease. "We've been working on trying to bring back comms but it seems to have affected this little guy too."
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onecassian · 3 years
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it was a fortunate thing that lando was not a jealous person –– he really could not afford to be, given the stance that he took on life and plentiful relationships –– but had he been one, he imagined that cassian’s presence in jyn’s life once more might have set that off. but he was happy for her, for them. she’d come to this time without much familiarity and struggled with it, and even if she had adapted, proven herself to be just like the rest of them, she deserved to have those that she had known before, too. “yeah, that seems like a good idea,” he agreed with them with a slight nod of his head. “i’ve heard a lot about you through jyn. others as well, of course, you all had left behind quite the legacy for the rest of the rebellion.”
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In truth, Cassian had only known about Lando what had once been told. They had been around through the same time, even despite this rift business but Cassian had been so set on their own mission and their own agenda and making things right. When the plan to steal the death star plans had been presented to him and from Jyn? There was no way they were able to say no to such a thing. "Where shall we start?" Cassian begins, another sip of the liquid as it burns down their throat, a welcome distraction from everything else going on in their mind and the galaxy around them. "That so? Glad to know that we made an impact. As long as it saved lives, that was one of the goals. No one deserves the continued suffer at the hands of the Empire."
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onecassian · 3 years
Open Starter |
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Time had seemed to pass far slower than they had planned or even realized. After all, the way that he had seen time, it was always fast. It always seemed to take the things they cared most about, including their own life. Still, Cassian wanted to be alone, for the most part. They needed time to think. Time to let their own death digest inside their system. Who was supposed to handle that right? Even if it had been true and they were currently alive, death was still death and it shouldn't have been reversable. Cassian help questions that they figured no one else was able to answer, so instead, they simply just kept trekking forward, wanting to get back into the game again. Wanting to get back on the field of fighting. "If you're here for something important, keep speaking. If not, keep walking."
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onecassian · 3 years
         jyn can hardly believe cassian is finally here, the hope of seeing rogue one again, of seeing cassian again, it’s what kept her alive in the middle of the battles she had fought since the universe gave her her second chance. she remembered the confusion she had felt waking up on coruscant, how scared she had been, and now how could she explain any of what had happened to cassian? she was not the right person for the job, and yet, she would hate if it was anyone but her that told cassian what had happened to them. 
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        ❝we died❞ jyn said, her voice bittersweet, she had been ready to go, in his arms, at peace, finally a part of something bigger than herself, and for the first time in a long time home. ❝we held each other and we died on that beach on scarif… eight years ago❞ she said not knowing what would be harder to believe, to be back from the death or to find themselves in the future. ❝the force, it —❞ she shook her head, because now that cassian was here it all felt real, the dream of a second chance, now jyn had something to lose, something the universe could take away, ❝three years, three years i’ve waited for you to come back to me…❞ 
He hears her words and there's a moment where the world stops around them. Cassian doesn't quite know how to handle it. Death? No. There was no possible way that they had died together on Scarif. They had received the blue prints and they were getting off the planet. They remember that. They remember seeing the sky light up with the moon. Wait, no, that wasn't right. They feel the confusion inside of them. The way their mind works differently, trying desperately to grasp at any form of sense at her words. Death? What kind of...no. He couldn't believe it. They couldn't let that sink in ."Death." He says, a finalized way of it finally hitting them. They HAD died that day in Jyn's arms. They HAD died looking into her eyes and wanting to thank her for everything she had gave them, taught them. They had died wanting to tell her that they loved her.
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A sad smile crosses over his features as gaze never leaves Jyn. "You don't have to wait any longer." Cassian speaks easily, still wiping away her tears with their thumbs as he keeps their foreheads pressing together. "I'm here now and I don't plan on leaving any time soon." They hadn't planned on leaving in the beginning either but apparently the Force had something else in mind that day on Scarif. It was still mind boggling to try and believe. It didn't seem possible. "What about everyone else? Is it just us and K2?"
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onecassian · 3 years
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it had been a surprise when cassian had reached out to him to grab a drink. lando did not much about the other personally, though they had met a few times, but was pleasantly surprised by it all –– he knew how important they were to jyn, and jyn was someone that had become rather important to him in the last few years as they had gotten to know one another. “hey, cassian,” he greeted with one of his signature bright smiles, despite the chaos that the galaxy had currently descended into. with a little distance from what had happened to han, it had been easier for him to begin to put that face back on. “i’m already ahead of you on that one, pal,” he remarked with a slight tilt of his half-full beer bottle in the other’s direction.
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There's a smirk that crosses their lips at the bottle in Lando's hands. It's nice to know that he's ahead of the game in this one and Cassian takes a swig of his amber liquid in a glass. They had asked for a full one and they were not disappointed. Having woken up without much memory of what happened, Cassian found it a lot easier to find the bottom of a glass at the end of the day when he wanted to sleep properly. "I figured we should take some time to get to know each other?" He starts, gaze settling upon the man beside him. They're curious about Lando, aside from all the old stories they had once heard but Cassian had never got the privilege of getting close to the other. "Jyn's mentioned you as well."
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onecassian · 3 years
           ever since the comms went down across the galaxy, jyn felt like all she had done was travel. not that she would complain, it was just a familiar feeling she had barely been able to shake, not having a home. maybe it was better she did not have a home, you cannot lose what you never had. it made her slightly less worried at the current thread, most of the people she loved were dead. which was why coming face to face —well face to chest— with the droid sent a wave of shock through her, she did not raise her weapon, because even if the droid was imperial, jyn knew exactly which unit it was. ❝kay—❞ time to slow down, jyn had no idea how long it has been since she’s been rooted in place, and then cassian comes into her field of view, and it looks exactly how she remembers him. 
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         a thousand words should be spilling from her lips, every night jyn had rehearsed everything she was going to say when she saw them again, rogue one, but right now she could barely move, let alone run like she had planned and meet them halfway, her feet barely responding, but she was finally in front of cassian, tears pooling in her eyes, trembling hands reaching out, jyn gently placed one on each side of cassian’s face, ❝you are real, it’s really you… you are really here…❞ tears she really did not worry about containing started to fall.
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Emotion causes their legs to shake, unstable and unable to stay in one spot, Cassian moves, meeting Jyn half way and he can feel their heart restricting inside of his chest. The way their breath stops then and they look at her. She's beautiful. She always has been and he hopes she hasn't lost any aspect of her personality the way that they remember her being. "I'm real." He nods, hands coming up to rest upon hers as he leans down, pressing their forehead against her own and drawing in a breath of her scent. She was everything they had remembered and more. And her touch was still just as warm as it had once been. "I'm here and I don't plan on leaving again." Eyes drift open and he's gazing at her, moving hands to her cheeks, thumbs wiping away her tears gently. "What happened to us? Why did I wake up here?"
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onecassian · 3 years
Closed Starter | @swishycapes​
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Cassian steps into the café, a quiet atmosphere but people seemed to hold to their conversations with a silent tone of manner. Still, he finds it rather comforting to be here. To take a seat in a table in the back corner as they await their companion. Cassian has instructed K2 to wait outside, to wander around and to explore as they kept an eye on the door, drink ordered and small smile upon their face. Lando had been someone that Cassian had only met a few times, a man that was quite skilled and someone that Cassian happened to look up to in the ways of seduction and suave nature. "Ah, Lando!" He greets the other, standing from the table to motion him back to where they're sitting. "Thanks for meeting me, would you care to order a drink?"
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onecassian · 3 years
Closed Starter | @xkyberheart​
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Waking up on a planet that wasn't one that he remembered when he closed his eyes had been rather disorienting. They took a breath, sitting up in the bed they were fast asleep upon and looked around. Their settings weren't much different than those that he had remembered upon other planets and when he had pulled themselves out of bed and dressed, K2 was awaiting them outside the door, a mouth full of words for Cassian does his best to take it all in but eventually they tone out the other words and make their way into what is suspected as a living quarters. It's there that shock hits them like a wookie in full anger mode. "Jyn?" He speaks, gaze resting upon them so easily, eyes filling to the brim with emotion upon seeing her. How long had it been? Why had it felt like a lifetime? Why did he have the sudden urge to have her in their arms? "Jyn, why are you here?"
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onecassian · 3 years
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DIEGO LUNA // have you met CASSIAN ANDOR yet? HE/THEY is a/an 33 years old NONBINARY HUMAN, originally from FEST but typically reside on ONDERON. after everything they’ve gone through, they show loyalty to THE REBELLION. they are best known for being a/an SPY, and i hear they’re grown pretty LOYAL yet also STUBBORN at times; i hope they survive the galactic war. (ARIZONA, 30, CST, SHE/HER)
Cassian was born on the planet Fest, where he became a child soldier, much to anyone's refusal. His mother, proud of the son she had, urged him to be careful and to always come home to her when he could, however, he lost his father to a battle and that had only caused Cassian to push further into the Alliance as a soldier. Even as a young child, Cassian became a well trained soldier. They were able to become a  spy and an assassin and work well in undercover missions, always knowing how to sell an alias that no one would suspect to be fake. They were also vast in stealth, using that well in many assassinations that the Republic had given them. Cassian was quick to pledge his loyalty over without much of a fight and their mother had only continued to grow more proud of them. Cassian served on the mission to recover the plans to the Deathstar, knowing very well that this mission could be their last. A suicide mission, if you will and he signed themselves the moment those he cared for did as well. Cassian landed on that planet knowing that they may be breaking the promise they made to his mother but they did so with stride and pride. That mission was successful but it did end in Cassian's death upon the beach, a wanna-be moon showing up and striking the entire planet into nothingness within the blink of an eye.
Cassian was revived in the rift, brought back here without much of a memory of their death. The last thing they remember is stealing the plans of the deathstar and hearing K-2S0 going off on them about leaving the planet quickly, before danger found them or something worse. Cassian has set out to find those that were soldiers with him on this mission, wanting to make sure they all made it home as well. They have reconnected with their mother, keeping the promise they once made.
Things to Note: - Cassian travels with K-2S0 on every mission that they do. K2 is very sarcastic with his own personality to boot. - Cassian still carries out assassin missions with the Republic even after waking up in this era. - Cassian has a memento from their father in the form of a key that they wear around their neck on a chain.
Kind. Caring. Compassionate. Sarcastic. Stubborn. Cassian has a very quiet personality but he's also a very stern commander. They were by the book as an officer and they use their looks to lure in people as a spy. Due to their experience with war, Cassian has no qualms with preforming questionable acts but does show remorse and regret after doing them. They are extremely capable and reliable.
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