#thank god i like. had the link saved from when i linked the video here
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this video was originally created by もるであ (@/deoxymole) on youtube.
it was deleted well over a year ago, but recently i managed to use the wayback machine to salvage it. it's my favourite animatic in the world ever, and it had millions of views before deletion, so i thought others might appreciate my uploading it here. original video link, accessible with use of the wayback machine.
#jujutsu kaisen#ocean.mp3#i was heartbroken when it got deleted man#and i would think about it all the time#im so glad i could find it again.#i want to like. hug this video. you've been returned to me at last i missed you so much never leave me again#gojo satoru#geto suguru#satosugu#hidden inventory arc#jjk#thank god i like. had the link saved from when i linked the video here#because otherwise it would have been well and truly gone
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Do you have reccs for "ugly" art (manga, comics, movie, etc.)? Thanks for the Tekkon recs btw I really liked it
That really depends on your own personal media landscape and what your definition of "ugly" is! As a random example, I've seen many people call ONE's art ugly because of the wobbly linework when I think it's lovely. Ugly could also mean something a bit shocking/crass in its themes. Etc, etc... I'm going to go with the definition of "something that's a bit jarring to look at or go through" here :)
Disclaimer: a lot of these tackle sensitive topics, sometimes for fun and not always tastefully. If there's themes you really can't handle in media, do your research before looking into them.
I keep recommending yes because it rules but Dorohedoro and its scratchy messy art and gore galore. talking about the manga exclusively here the anime is too polished for my taste
God's Child (Kami no Kodomo): tbh this one is for the art only I hated the writing. very gruesome & unique looking short story
I hesitate to recommend this one because it's edgy as hell but I shan't lie I had a lot of fun with Hellsing. it's "bad" in the same areas as something like berserk but unlike that one it does not take itself seriously
if you liked Tekkon i strongly suggest trying out more stuff by its author (saying this with immense biais). the most ugly/messy thing i've read of his, which isn't a lot because i find his work very delicate, is No. 5 which i would less describe as "good" than "very compelling to me". i also recommend this wonderful essay tearing it down
Comics (non JP)
FLEEP: a short story about a man who wakes up in a phone cabin seemingly encased in concrete. one of the comics i always recommend for its length and storytelling. (link leads to the artist's website where you can read it for free!)
The Astonishing Exploits Of Lucien Brindavoine: a young artist gets drafted in the first world war and goes through a series of almost supernatural adventures. beyond the adventure book aspect, a harsh criticism of nationalism/patriotism that's still awfully relevant
Ruben Brandt: Collector: a psychiatrist suffers from strange art related nightmares ruining his life. his clients, a bunch of high profile criminals, decide to help him fight off his demons by organizing one long vacation where they steal every painting involved. extremely unique visually, a fun heist movie with thriller elements.
Junk Head: goofy post apocalyptic movie about a man on a quest to save, who keeps losing sight his goal because cartoony violence episodes have his head tumble into new lows, literally. this is, perhaps, one of my favorite animated films ever, it's earnest and fun and lovingly crafted. very unique of a watch
The Apostle: freshly escaped from prison, a thief is on a mission to find treasure hidden by his old cellmate, and finds himself stuck in an ancient village who's strange looking elderly inhabitants are way too insistent on his stay. classic spooky folktale with its millennial curses and foreboding warnings, it's also a nice peek into the culture of Galicia and old world medieval weirdass catholicism. you can buy a DVD on their website
MKFZ: dumb as hell high adrenaline animated B movie with excellent animation. there's a plot about alien living undercover in fantasy california but you don't watch this kind of film for the plot. fair warning this is adapted from a french comic so of course, it's crass and racist
Blow to the Head - Lightning bolt: awesome music video (YT link)(warning for flashing/strobing lights if you're sensitive to that!)
Canon Fodder: from the Memories omnibus film. little slice of the life of a fantasy war obsessed industrial nation
with its new movie on the horizon, it's a great time to get into Mononoke, despite traditionally pretty visuals its got a unique style and gets pretty offputting
Live action cinema
7:35 in the morning: short film about the fear in improvised musical numbers where you don't expect any. it's on youtube in bad quality
The Draughtsman's Contract: an artist is hired by a Lady to draw several vistas of her house, in exchange for money, good drawing condition, and the Lady. follows a good hour of cunts in powdery wigs being awful to each other for their own gain. if you're into dark humor it's a good test, otherwise it has a really satisfying murder mystery to follow too.
Three Kings: during the gulf war, a group of US soldiers decide to steal Hussein's gold for themselves under the mighty standard of kuwait's loot repatriation. extremely caustic take on good ol murican international politics. i was shocked at how far it goes and it's express, low budget treatment which i did not expect from a hollywood film. the movie tires itself fast and becomes less good in its second half but the it's opening acts are interesting
Delicatessen: a sliver of humanity survives in an old timey stone building in the middle of nothingness on top of a functional butcher's shop. gossip follows the arrival of a new roommate. how does one even maintain a butchery in a no man's land? weird film with a unique(ly goofy) take on the post apocalyptic genre
For traditional artists, I like the works of Beksinski (<3), Schiele, Giger. For modern artists Oleg Vdovenko (heavy gore warning for that one), Jeff Simpson
I'm less a fan of the MV and live performances they got infamous for than their music proper but I really like the band Cardiacs, who's judged by many of my friends to be extremely hard to get into lol.
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I have an unpopular christian opinion but idk if it’s really that unpopular but here it goes - fundamental christians aren’t christ like and I suspect many don’t really have a solid relationship with god. I’m from USA and when I say fundie I mean the Duggar types. If anyone isn’t familiar with duggars, they are a very strict family of christians but usually these types of families like to ignore actual issues in the family for the sake of appearances. In this case, it was sexual abuse by the older brother towards his own sisters. The oldest brother was caught by the fbi for having one of, if not, the WORST child p0rn ever produced on his laptop. Even the investigators were so disturbed by it they needed a break. The brother felt no remorse and expected forgiveness despite being a literal pedophile. He was sentenced and jailed, and yet I’ve seen radical christians online (like that Lori Alexander for example)call for his release and lessen his crimes as being “foolish” but “Christ forgives all” but will continue to say how children need to be protected. but I guess when the predator is one of their own, they want to ignore that. His own wife is standing by him despite having children… to forgo your own children’s safety for the sake of keeping a rotten marriage to a pedophile that got pleasure from seeing babies be tortured is not christ-like or even biblical. What the fuck is wrong with them
I've said it and I'll say it again : US Christians are the weakest link of the body of Christ.
It's crazy how worldwide Christiandom will collectively agree on things (such as refusing violence) but somehow US evangelicals act like snowflakes that can't be reasoned while pretending they are the ones to get it right.
I've watched countless of videos/testimony of Christians across the world. Sometimes, they came from places where Christianity was illegal. They had to deal with the most awful treatment, and sometimes torture or death. And what always struck is that while they NEVER retaliated with violence (because they were authentically saved) crazy/supernatural things happened to them to protect them from their oppressor.
I'm thinking about that new convert from middle east that was sequestered & chained by his own father, and when his father decided to finally kill him there's been a blinding light, his chains were gone and he could escape (it reminded me of Paul & Silas in prison).
Or that (indian or Pakistani) new convert girl who was arrested with her (illegal) church by the Islamic authorities, they killed a bunch of them (martyrs) and that she heard an angel tell her how to escape.
Or that Nigerian man screaming "the blood of Jesus" while being hunted by militias with guns, that managed to escape thanks to some divine intervention.
Or a woman in Africa who was being sexually assaulted and by the testimony one of the men who tried to assault her (and later repented), her dress turned "metal like"(???) and they were unable to undress her, saving her from rape.
And I heard of countless of stories like that..
BECAUSE God PROTECTS His children.
And if God decides to let you die by the hand of the unrighteous that's ALSO His will and we have to humbly accept it. A question that so many pro gun/pro violent retaliation Christians NEVER managed to answer is : Stephen and John the Baptist died as martyr without defending themselves. Countless of Christians of the early church died at the hand of roman authorities oppressing/torturing/killing them for their faith. They still didn't violently resist. WHAT MAKES YOU BELIEVE YOU'RE SPECIAL AND THAT *YOU* SHOULD DEFEND YOURSELF? It's always cricket after that.
Or their hypocrisy of seething against this fallen world while being willing to disobey God to keep.... living down there?? Real Christian grasp that death is actually a deliverance. Why do you think Paul longed for death?
I think that's what so many USAmericans have such a hard time to understand : they come from such a barbaric dominative culture that constantly overpowered others with its violence they cannot accept the vulnerability that Christianity encompasses.
Yes, we may die by the sword of our ennemies. That's what God expects from us. Trying to argue over it shows that not only they do NOT understand the message of Christ, but also that they are not as fearful of God as they pretend because you do NOT argue the orders of someone you fear.
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So I would like to officially announce that this blog is retired.
It has been a great 12 years of absolute wholesomeness and bullshit. Sadly not everything lasts including my files. While I still have all the screenshots of every post I do not have the demoman model backed up and that was corrupted in storage and out storage.
So to end this blog let me sum up the story in the quickest and most understanding way possible. (I made this up when I was 15 btw)
So hugman fell in an endless hole that time did not run, out of nowhere Trigon from the DC universe pops in and tells him he'll save him if he takes care of his baby Raven, hugman does so, Raven doesn't like being trapped and escapes with the help of hugman while also opening a portal for hugman to escape as well. Hugman is in the white void of protection and does random stuff via the blog.
I had this idea of a proper ending for the blog for Trigon to find him and use hugman as bait to get Raven out of hiding and some fighting that results in hugman finally dying, but my motivation ran out as I grew up.
I want to thank everyone that interacted with my silly little blog and to wish you all amazing lives moving foward. I had fun.
Currently I am in the process of making a video for my sideblog that's going to take me god knows how long but other than that I'm just watching youtube and playing video games.
So I'm giving this blog a month before I change name/description all of that so if you want to relive some posts as they are go ahead, I'm not deleting any posts but the blog theme will be changed. If you want to follow me elsewhere here are some links:
Discord: boris0733
Instagram: slavboriss
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Do you take angst for your prompts? Just thinking of an ianthony fic but ian-centric that’s inspired by “I can do it with a broken heart” by taylor swift. Would really love a good/comfort ending!
As I said Anon, I love me some angst! Here ya go!
He's not coming back - Japhan2024 - Smosh [Archive of Our Own]
Slowly, it began to register with Ian.
"Cause I'm a real tough kid
I can handle my shit
They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it til you make it."
And I did
Lights, camera and smile
Even when you want to die
He said he'd love me all his life
But that life was too short
Breaking down I hit the floor
All the pieces of me shattered
As the crowd was chanting "MORE!"" - Taylor Swift
He's not coming back. At all.
"Ian? We, we want to tell you something."
Courtney and Shayne sat with Ian in his office at Defy.
"What's up?"
"Well, you might have noticed that me and Courtney hang out a lot together..." Shayne's smile had never been wider.
Oh god. Ian really tried to act surprised and happy at the news that Shayne and the only person left at Smosh he could confide in, Courtney, were now a couple.
Ian had developed a crush on Courtney shortly after Anthony left. They were funny, witty, knew when to change the subject. And they were always there for him when he needed them. Granted, those times had been in short supply the last couple of months.
"Congratulations you too, and thank you for telling me."
They all got up.
"I love you so much, Ian," Courtney said as they hugged him tightly."
Ian managed a tortured smile.
He's not coming back.
Ian watched in shock as people looted the Defy office. They were drinking, putting graffiti on the walls. He couldn't blame them too much, but it still kind of hurt. What would become of Smosh?
What would Anthony think about this?
They exchanged a short conversation, then it went silent again.
Ian buried himself in his work. Getting a buyer for Smosh to save it from being sold off for parts. Then he became the president and had Rhett and Link to talk to. It was great but not enough to get Ian out of his head.
Ian watched tv. His house was a mess. Nobody visited anyway, as they were in lockdown.
His phone rang.
Nerves shot through his system but it was for nothing. It was Spencer.
"Hey man," Ian picked up.
"Hey Ian, how are you doing?"
"I'm good, just chilling I guess."
"I just want to say it's really nice what you're doing for all of us. Keeping us on payroll. It's frankly the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. And I wanted to tell you thank you. We're cooking up all kinds of fun videos for Games."
"Aww, that's so nice! I'm glad, Spence. Take care."
Ian didn't feel like talking at all. He wanted to vanish, but he couldn't. He still had to be in videos every day and it was just so hard.
It was so hard without Anthony.
Anthony had always been there.
He opened his sixth beer of the evening.
They were back in the studio. It was better times for Smosh. It started to have an identity of its own.
They were shooting a meme reaction video.
"I guess the other guy left..." Shayne laughed his maniacal laugh at the meme. Everyone lost it. But Ian was close to tears.
"Are you okay?" Courtney asked empathetically.
"I'm fine," Ian managed to say.
The carefully constructed walls around Ian's feelings all came tumbling down. He remembered everything. His and Anthony's friendship deteriorating. Anthony becoming so unpredictable: hostile one moment, begging for connection the next. He hadn't trusted him anymore. How he regretted it now. He'd been so young and dumb. And now he didn't have his best friend anymore. It was like Ian's world shattered all over again.
After the shoot, Courtney came up to him.
"Hey, Ian, you alright there buddy?"
"I guess I am, Court. How are you and Shayne?"
"Better than ever." They smiled.
"I'm glad. I'm heading back home."
"Alright, take care okay? We all love you, you know that right?"
"I do. I think you're not too bad yourselves."
Courtney smiled. They truly were very pretty.
They stood on the balcony. Their mutual friends had left them to talk.
Ian had completely forgotten how gorgeous Anthony was. Damn. His features so lean, his smile so convincing. His eyes so dark and warm, hot even.
"It's a miracle you saved Smosh when Defy went under. I have to really thank you for that, Ian."
"It was all I had left- you know. Of our friendship."
"Ohh.." Anthony gave him a hug. "That's so sad but also so nice."
"Yeah." Ian smiled wide. He'd also forgotten how *nice* it was to be around Anthony. They got each other. There was an understanding, from knowing each other for so damn long. It was incredibly reassuring.
They stood there, watching the LA night sky.
"Anthony? What if- what if we bought back Smosh?"
"We look for love, no time for tears
Wasted water's all that is
And it don't make no flowers grow
Good things might come to those who wait
Not for those who wait too late
We gotta go for all we know
Just the two of us" - Grover Washington Jr.
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Going insane about the last two videos !!! What is happening right now !!!!!

Avior being able to see Starlight's home for the first time in person-- the both of them trying to take the little victories where they can get them considering all that's stacked against them :(((
And yet the Ear-Ringing continues.
But it's nice to learn a little more about Inchoate Demon feeding needs !!
"My Starlight, so determined and so beautiful. Both for those things, and separate from them. In every hell we find ourselves, you're heaven to me." I'M GOING. TO SCREAM. God what is with Redacted Characters and being so Poetic. This is beautiful. Starlight is his Home now, i'm falling to the floor.
Their cute moment getting interrupted by more Ringing :(( and RUMBLING ??? Oh god, it's actively getting Worse. A VOICE ? He feels nauseous even though D(a)emons can't get sick.
VOICE DISTORTING ??? Oh god it sounds a little like Hush. and it Keeps sounding like the time Hush used his powers in the First Video. is Hush trying to reach out to Avior ? And not Starlight ?
Is Hush the Sovereign's way of communicating with the Outside World ?
Avior asking to be held before he goes to Aria to try and figure out what's wrong :((((( Poor guy. HIS VOICE DISTORTING WHEN HE THANKS THEM ??? Hey. Hey that's Scary.
Hello Blake. We're back in the fucking Building again. Already i notice that his Symbol is Different. Also looks like Hush's ??? This is getting Ominous now !!
"We're done here" Is... Is he letting Sunshine go ? OH MY GOD HE'S LETTING SUNSHINE GO ?
oh GOD he's wiping their memory. Oh but memories of Elliot still remain. Thank God. SCORPIOUS MENTION YIPPEE !!!!
"I'm going direct to the Source." WHAT does this mean. Is he going to the Sovereigns ? How is that possible ?
HE'S GOING INTO THE SHADE ROOM ?????? "I'm doing this for You. All of this. For you. You'll be Happy. You'll be safe...." ??? WHAT ????? HE JUST LETS THE SHADE GET HIM ??? WHAT ???? HE'S FUCKING DEAD ????????
Oh my god, Blake actually made it to the Sovereigns. He actually did it.
"I've been expecting you." A Singular voice ?? I assume it must be a Sovereign, but aren't they all fused together at this point ? Did they manage to split apart for just this One instance, or is this something else entirely ?
So now it's my turn to ballpark theories.
Hush, Blake, and Avior are mostly likely bound together in Some way. Maybe. I have Two (and a Half) Ideas:
1-- Hush is somehow reaching out to Avior, or they're Linked some way. Every time Hush uses his powers, Avior hears/feels it. And because it seems like people are hunting Hush so frequently, he has to use his powers more and more often-- which in turn makes it worse for Avior.
2-- Blake could be Hush, sure. I like this idea. Very interesting twist. He is obviously crazy enough to go to the Sovereigns, maybe this IS his "Deal with the Devil" situation. And they're using him for whatever purposes-- probably Freeing Them.
Maybe Doc stirs up the old residual feelings he had for Bestie in his past life, which is why he feels the way he does about them. Or maybe Doc IS Bestie-- we never got confirmation on if they were Empowered or not. He can't save them as Blake, but he can save them as Hush.
2.5-- Blake OR Avior could be Hush's Brother, the one that Hush said is out to get him. Maybe Hush is an unwanted byproduct of the Inversion-- something the Sovereigns did not expect maybe-- and Blake/Avior is tasked with finding him and seeking him out.
OR. hear me out. Vega is Hush's Brother. Maybe. In some weird twisted way. Vega wants to go to the Sovereigns, yeah ? I wonder what's going to happen when/if he reaches them. Or Hush is just another stepping stone for him to reach the Sovereigns or something, maybe. This is probably NOT it at all lmao.
The timeline is about to get Real Weird, Real Fast I think LMAO. BUT HEY, SUNSHINE IS GETTING OUT OF THE BASEMENT !!! WOOO !!!
Oh my god I wonder how that's going to play out with Elliot, Aaron, and Smartass. And how the Department is going to look into things going forward. What happens when they find Blake's Body in that room ? Is everyone going to be pulled into this mess now ? And we still don't know what Vega is up to right now lmao.
I'm on the edge of my seat !
#redacted audio#redacted asmr#redacted spoilers#moon's thoughts#redacted the balance#redacted sovereign state#redacted avior#redacted blake#You know those conspiracy red-string corkboards. Mine is getting Really messy rn LMAO.#What could possibly happen next dude. What is happening right now.#Combining Two audios in One post is. Very convenient.
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this is completely self-indulgent, but i was thinking about apollos career before him disappearing and stuff and now i cant stop imagining apollo in a similar situation to Jeremy Jordan with the greatest showman. i know you are not that into musicals so long story short, jeremy jordan (who is like a big deal on musical theater) was supposed to play phillip on the greatest showman but ended up being replaced by zac efron even though he (jeremy) kind of saved the entire movie by singing all the songs during the demo (except "from now on"). i can 100% see apollo taking part of a demo for a musical movie and being promised a part to later on be replaced by someone else. jeremy actually told his side of the story (and sang snippets from the songs) and how he was super excited to play the part and be part of the project (ill link the video in case you want to check it out) and it was actually his way of telling this story what sold me on it being something apollo would do. like apollo is such a theater kid in my mind that him doing a whole stand up thing talking and singing about how he did not get a role for a movie is just soooo in character.
anyway, here's the video im talking about, its just such an insane story that i still cant believe it actually happened https://youtu.be/08AGzOmCk-s?si=XfX3xIpFmkqQePrI
wanted to wait until i watched the video to respond to this so sorry that it took so long!! but WOW. oh my god. that's so... i want to say rude, but also frustrating, and heartbreaking to a certain extent?? like to have done all of that just to know that you were never actually gonna get the part and it was going to go to someone that just had a bigger name - i loved the greatest showman when it came out (and ngl my family was a bit obsessed with it, i can't even count how much we rewatched it) and ngl, was a huge hsm stan as a kid (also cannot count how many times i rewatched those movies) so seeing zac efron be in the greatest showman was part of the incentive that got me to watch it for the first time - but it's still just such an asshole move??
as for your question, i feel like that ABSOLUTELY would happen. even though apollo is technically like the "big name" in this, and would be offered roles without even an audition, i do think that his father may occasionally just have gotten him to sing demos and have to step in everywhere, seeing as his father was a director and producer and occasionally just needed an extra person to sing/act - but then the role wouldn't actually be given to apollo because his father wouldn't want that role for him or approve of it, or any other reason.
apollo probably didn't care much of the time (except his sleep deprivation definitely did, because also the flying across new york while being horribly sick and still having to sing?? definitely smth that has happened to apollo) but i bet there was at least a movie or a show or something that he was really disappointed about not being a part of :/
thank you for the ask!!
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Hi Kreg, this is a long one, so I apologize…
I am saved but struggle with some thoughts from time to time. First, I slip into thinking that the Christian life is boring and frankly miserable (this point is more linked to the second paragraph) I really don’t see how it’s interesting or how it can be fun. When I look up discussions on this, Christians just say, “It’s not boring” and then don’t elaborate. Respectfully, specifically what about it is not boring? I also don’t see many options for introverts like myself to have fun as a Christian. It seems that every Christian’s idea of fun has to involve going out in groups and doing things with other people. I feel ashamed that I think this life is boring, because it probably means that I’m not doing enough for God.
Another thought I struggle with is: how can I have joy when people I love may very well be on their way to Hell? I don’t know how I’m supposed to be content and at peace when I have loved ones who hate everything that God stands for.
Lastly, I also have trouble with comparing myself to others. I basically see myself as a loser Christian. Last week, a missionary to Tokyo came to speak to our Sunday school class and the main point of his message was that God wants to use each of us in a special way. I just don’t see it for me. I hate that I think this way, but I don’t believe God wants to use me in any extraordinary way. This missionary got saved in the US even though he’d never heard the gospel growing up in Japan. I’ve heard numerous testimonies from both pastor and other guest speakers at church where they got saved at a younger age and just kept growing more and more in the Lord. Meanwhile, I’m over here experiencing setbacks and struggling to stay on track. These testimonies are extraordinary and I can’t even remember the exact date that I got saved like most Christians can. I also had older relatives who have passed away and whose legacies are marked by their love for the Lord. To me, they’re legendary, while I’m ashamed that, even though they were model Christians, I’m nowhere near that. To know that these are the people that came before me and to know that these pastors, guest speakers, etc were/are so greatly used by God makes me not even want to try.
I also have a straight up question…does God bless you even if you’re not exactly walking with Him? Like, when you fall short, does He still bless you? I’ll admit that I have fallen short kind of a lot lately, and so whenever something good happens to me I don’t know if I should thank Him or not because I assume He’s not happy with me, so these blessings definitely can’t be coming from Him (or so I think). I’m also afraid of the possibility that He doesn’t deem me worthy of His discipline, which He only doles out for those who are, basically, walking with Him. I think that, if He were disciplining me, I would be going through more trials, not less of them.
Hello friend,
I'm sorry it's been weeks since you sent this. Life is crazy right now.
1) Boring is pretty subjective; depending on what you find fun, the normal Christian life can seem boring. We don't get into drinking, drugs, or promiscuous sex. We don't indulge in pornography, and we avoid a lot of movies and tv shows that glorify sin. That said, it's also true that a lot of movies and tv, and video games, music, board games, sports, and a lot of other things aren't sinful and are fully available to Christians to get into while glorifying God. When I have down time, I play video games, watch tv and movies, play board games, and every once in a while, get some nature by going to be beach or going on a hike. I also hit the gym multiple times a week. All of that stuff I find very fun. And I'm also a big nerd about theology and Bible study. Getting into the Scriptures, learning about God, seeking Him in private prayer and worship, and telling other people about Him is amazing. It's very much not boring at all. So, my advice is to try and change your perspective. Get into the Word, private prayer and worship. Once you experience God's presence, there's nothing else on earth that even comes close. And then find some hobbies to enjoy on the side; surely not everything you like is contrary to the Christian life.
2) Having joy in the Christian sense doesn't mean you're happy about everything all the time. It means that you understand in a foundational way that, although this life is full of tragedy and sorrow, God wins in the end; death is swallowed up by life, and our future in Christ is one of inexpressible happiness, where evil is finished, true justice is secured, and eternal peace, contentment, and satisfaction is ours.
We should be upset by our loved ones rejecting Jesus. We should care a great deal about it. We should let that concern fill us with an urgency to cry out to the Lord in prayer for their salvation, and drive us to share the Gospel with them as often as we can, in every way that we can. And once we're doing all we can, we rest in the knowledge that God is good, that He is perfectly fair, entirely just, and abounding in love and mercy.
3) Don't compare yourself to other Christians. You gotta stop it. Instead, focus on your own walk with the Lord. Read your Bible daily. Set aside some time specifically for prayer and worship and get alone with God. Ask for His help to conform your life to His commands. Focus on sharing the Gospel with the people around you that you know need it. And forget everything else. Let God be the one to decide how and when to use you. Work on being faithful in the little things and don't sweat the rest.
4) God blesses those of us who are in Christ because of Christ, not because of us. All of the promises of God are secured for us in Christ Jesus. You stand in His righteousness, not your own. So, yes, even though we're imperfect, God does still bless us according to His will. He also disciplines and corrects us when we misbehave. The best way to be is obedient to the best of your ability, to the best of your knowledge, all the time. And when you mess up, confess it quickly and get back to the obeying. This isn't so that God will bless you. Rather, we obey because we love Him and we want to worship Him with our whole lives, and because we want to glorify Him and be faithful witnesses for Christ.
I hope this helps! I'll be praying for you. Be blessed!
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a latine voter here: its not that quetzalcoatl is a dragon but more that quetzalcoatl can very easily fit into the category depending on how you define dragon imo? like if you were to ask me to list dragons i would probably not immediately say quetzalcoatl, but like, feathered serpent deity is really giving dragon, yknwo?
Answering this now since the fiona vs Quetzalcoatl poll is over (n im extremely surprised he won in the end like i really thought fiona would be the final round vs ace ppl irl) anyways
I agree!! Quetzalcoatl to me and many others is not a dragon but a feathered serpent n deity.
For me in particular I didnt see the relation of Quetzalcoatl being added as a dragon and a dragon species? type? sub-type? until it started appearing in media like video games and anime. Not that they appear often or are popular enough for it imo but in the few ones its more in the dragon dep. or divine dep. (bonus points for showing my bestie anime dragon girl Quetzalcoatl* to induce dmg)
*if ur curious i showed her both Lucoa from Dragon Maid** and Quetzalcoatl FGO **I wanna say search Lucoa out of ur own will but id rather not send minors that could be reading this towards that anime so trust me when i say her designs is a fanservice big breasted character type and her dragon form imo resembles more a chinese dragon without limbs and shitty wings. I also think it gets included into the dragon category bc it helps fill a gap in like "world dragons" if that makes sense. If you told me a giant reptile with wings id be yeah sure thats a dragon bc it fits.
But idk if its bc i grew up with subeta that has a feathered serpent pet species I would again not think yeah thats a dragon but yeah thats a snake.
Actually when i saw the coatls from fr i did not make the immediate connection at ALL (also fandomwise i saw them linked more to cats so i was like yeah makes sense KLJHLDKFJSAHLKJGH)
Now i gotta show one of my favorite designs in modern media for Quetzalcoatl comes from Las Leyendas***. LOOK AT THIS MAN!!! ITS SO COOL AND POWERFUL!!
***Las Leyendas was a very good show dripping with pride for its roots but i have to mention that they did have an episode with a w*ndigo and its been a long time so i cannot remember if there were other insensitive depictions of other cultures.
In this show he's the big bad but he's a complex deity he's the god of the wind and fertility!! and crops!! He's complex!! But he's not a dragon.... to me.
Now all this said and done take my opinion with a grain of salt because, while I am latine I am not of Aztec Descent or Mexican (my bestie is tho and when i asked they too didn't consider Quetzalcoatl a dragon but a serpent). In general I am always overjoyed n excited to just see him and just latam pantheon/characters around. I had slightly more typed but i had to retype this like 3 times bc tumblr didnt save. I really do appreciate the ask i was excited when i got it n wanted to respond immediately thank you for sharing!!
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Act III, Track 14 - Theme of Antichrist
Song links: Spotify - YT Music - Apple - Tidal
If Beloved Antichrist were a film, this is the track that would play during the end credits. Nothing new happens, but much of the story is summed up. Also a devil/dragon type creature plays the drums in the video, we finally see Marcus Jupither's terrifying face (not really), and the female singers have found a glitch that gets them to the highest point of the map. ...I'm sorry. Look at these 90s video game graphics! A bold visual choice for sure, and not uncontroversial, but personally, I like it. This is also the only time Seth is explicitly called the "morning star".
[Choir:] He came to our world, to save us all from disaster In search of truth, to bring us hope for a new day But haunted by his pride, mirror of a lie, he was led astray Moving silence cold Visions to behold He would lose his way Antichrist Antichrist Antichrist [Apollonius:] A new kind of vision Nothing may be what it seems [Seth:] Consigned to the flames Bloodshed would rise from my dreams [Choir & Johanna:] Hallowed be thy name But what will remain More than empty words? Never take away questions from the Answers to the world [Seth, spoken:] "Path of night, where dark is light The only left to claim Only one, to travel on, which shall remain the same." [Helena:] Our bodies have parted But never our spirits Joined in my soul with him With the morning star forever more (ah-ah!) [Choir:] Antichrist Antichrist Who is good? Who is evil? Will we ever live to see the truth?
I thought I'd comment on the end of the story here instead of in the post about the last song so as to not lessen its spontaneous emotional impact.
The ending of BA was generally meant to be open and leave some room for interpretation, something that I think it achieves quite well. What was the place Seth and Johanna went to when they died? Where is God in all of this? What will become of the survivors of the battle - the children, the old and maybe certain disabled people? And will Apollonius try to influence the development of their society? What were Satan's true intentions when he contacted Seth? How would things have continued if Seth had been allowed to rule unchallenged?
However, Christofer stated that the end was also written with an eye toward how the audience might react: Had the Antichrist lost, metal fans might have been unhappy about it. But since the ambition behind BA was to create something that could also be staged for a general audience, an ending that sees the Antichrist come out on top might have alienated people without a metal background and allowed the work to be pigeon-holed as the "typical" satanic story a metal band would tell. Thus, an ending in which everyone would die was deemed best.
Indeed the end is quite different in the Solovyov book: There are some rebellions by Christians, but it's a minority movement. Most Christians (the "superficial" ones) continue to be enchanted by Pope Apollonius' "miracles and spectacles". Eventually the Jews rebel too, showing far greater unity. A "final battle of the two armies" nearly comes to pass here too, but the Antichrist and Apollonius end up dying in a volcanic eruption instead. Then the real Second Coming of Christ happens and the faithful Christians and Jews who had been killed by the Antichrist come back to life to rule with Jesus for a thousand years.
Solovyov, after all, was a Christian theologian and mystic and thus probably did not worry too much about whether his Short Story about the Antichrist might alienate a Satanist reader.
This is the end of the Annotated Antichrist series. If you've read this far, thank you for your attention! This was fun to write and I hope it was fun to read.
#tracks#act 3#seth thanos#johanna orsini#apollonius#helena orsini#symphonic metal#therion#taaposts#opera#metal#musical#musicals
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How to Write an Ebook on Canva and AI in Less Than 24 Hours - for Free - Step-by-Step Checklist & Instructions
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How to Write an Ebook on Canva and AI in Less Than 24 Hours - Step-by-Step Checklist & Instructions
I got to get this written down, before I forget. Has this happened to you? You are looking at the result of one late night when I had an idea for a book or ebook. I decided to record it on a voice recorder app on my phone, then that is the origin of Ebook Assistant. There is more to the story, and I hope to share it later, yet also I have to give credit to a video I watched that encouraged me to take action on this, and it ended with this saying, "enough thinking about it, just go do it". I did and now we have Ebook Assistant. I hope you enjoy today's blog and podcast. I love to hear (signals) from you, so please like, follow, share, and comment - even message me at our site ebookassistant dot com if you like. Now, enough thinking, just go do it....
About this Post
Why stay until the end? Stay because you will like what I have to give you, please stay, or save or download this now; so that you can refer back to it for years. Share it on your social media. Here is the link to copy to your Social Media posts: https://howtowriteanebook.blog/{Post Name}
Terminology and Jargon: You will learn these and much more
proofreading - draft - Canva - AI - Beta-Reader - Bard - ChatGPT
Good to Take Notes of These Because You Will Use Them ....
Start Somewhere
Write it, Record it in audio or video on your phone, write it on a piece of cardboard from a container you are putting in the trash, or sit down at your computer and type it. Just get it down and take action now, or reserve a day this week or weekend to start.
Direct Your Sail Boat - Mind Setting and Mindset
Set your mind on this: You Can Do This! I believe in you. Write down on a piece of paper something like the, 'I will have my ebook online for sale by tomorrow, and then I will promote it and I will earn money from the sales of my ebook in a month or less'
Do this, it does wonders for your chances of succeeding. Then understand that Setting your Sail Boat direction is pointing yourself in the right direction to achieve landing at your goal, and I have gladly provided a well-planned map for you. Just read until the end and save it to your bookmarks - favorites or download it.
Meditation - Thankfulness - Calmness, & Prayer
No special instructions really here, it is just something that most people overlook. Do these things above, and the better you ask for prayer to God for success than not, even if you do not believe in God, i think you will be glad to have God on your side. Be thankful for your opportunity to do this. Meditate or just quietly focus a few minutes, and do some things that allow you to be calm. I turn down the lights and play some water sounds from YouTube sometimes as I write.
Go to Your Happy Place
Try to get to a quiet place you can write. I know of friends that have their office in their closet, and one that has an office the size of a phone booth (look it up if you do not know what a phone booth is, it is small). I saw it, and it was amazing. Worst case, if you have a loud home, you may have to sit in the bathroom, or in a car. I see people often film YouTube videos from their car, so you would not be the first to have to do this. When you are filming or recording it is required to have quiet. It is very important to you, and it is okay to talk aloud to yourself or ideas.
Go to where you can get your ebook writing done with quietness, focus, without restriction on your emotions, and thoughts.
The Idea
This is the most important part. It is the seed your ebook masterpiece grows from. Protect it and expand it. It will be a complete ebook soon. You will be able to share your idea and influence improvement in complete strangers, while earning.
Outline (The First Draft of Table of Contents)
How will you record it: pen/pencil paper, typewriter (explain for younger audience), phone voice recorder (app suggestion), word processor Google Dogs
Cover - Make it Now or at End -
I do recommend Canva.com for your cover creation. Just search for ebook cover once you login with your free login. I would recommend editing an existing cover. I usually just use a cover that gets my attention over all others. I try to imitate some cover that comes from a bestselling book that I see when searching for bestselling book book covers. I just use there idea as inspiration for mine, and I do not use the same cover idea. An example is if a top book has a all white modern background with one big word on it. I may use that same idea, and the word will be different and it may be in different colors. Remember you have to be 31 percent different to avoid copyright errors.
Research - How to Do
Keep it simple and this will work for every book you ever write. Look up the top listings, sort by page views or likes, for at least a month in history, and write on what they talk or write about - do not copy , just write on similar topic, even same name, if it is something that is common like: how to use Google docs for example . Although you can make your name better, by adding some good things and combining with things others are talking of in their posts or videos
Record it - Document it
again, How will you record it: pen/pencil paper, typewriter (this is the thing that we made books with before computers, it has a keyboard and a piece of paper that comes out just above the keyboard), phone voice recorder (app suggestion), word processor Google Dogs
Get it in Writing - Write It - Use AI ChatGPT or Bard
If this is your first use of ChapGPT or Bard A.I. (artificial intelligence, yet i prefer assisted intelligence); you are in for a treat. It is like searching on Google, yet, you just say things (called Prompts). An example is "tell me a list of 5 books about writing I should read" or "write me 10 titles for a book about romance that is set in Paris" . It will give you some amazing results. Go here to get a free account and get started in the A.I. age of enlightment:
ChatGPT: https://openai.com > Menu > "Try ChatGPT"
Bard: https://bard.google.com > Login with a Google account
"Give me a name for a new ebook about succeeding in writing ebooks" (check this on yours, you probably will get the same response, although it may not be the first respons. I tried this with a video I saw of someone in another country and I did get same response)
Example, Created by Bard: (first result response to prompt)
(result) From Blank Page to Bestseller: The No-Nonsense Guide to E-book Success
Same Example by ChatGPT: (first result response to prompt)
(result) Wordsmith's Triumph: Mastering the Art of Ebook Success
So, you see, probably not the title you would have written.
Let's say you wrote your idea on a napkin at lunch, now you need to get it in computer file on your word processor. If you recorded with voice recorder app for Google, then you can just export, or save the transcript to Google Drive or Docs. (explain More)
Summarize (This is Great for All, and Not Done by Many)
Simple - Just cover again the main big points that you talked of. Basically if you talked of 20 points, then you can summarize them all in 5 to 7 big sections. This meaning that your outline can be 10 to 20 points, yet it should be divided into about 5 to 7 bigger headings that contain these 10 to 20 points or sub-sections
Edit it and Add Your Style to it
Now Edit (cleaning for authors and writers): and Keep Your Style or Add your new style. I suggest this order of editing: Spell Check, Grammer Check, Add Paragraph every 5 to 7 Lines (where thoughts change), and Add SEO (keywords) use Find and Replace (explain)
ReRead it (Proofreading, Format, Cover, Guest Reader)
Fast Feedback is Good (remember you only have 24-hours) [Click Here to Go to Our Feedback Request on our Support Page]
I am sure you will get at least one feedback. Send me, gj, a message at ebookassitant.com/contact and say in the message "i need fast feedback". You see you already have a dependable virtual ebook assistant to help with writing ebooks.
Check your format and add Section Bold Headings, as I have here, if you like. Done is better that perfect, just get it done. You will price it cheap enough, so that the information is most important - not every detail.
Cover - Make sure it good and looks like something that is a successful ebook or book. Search Google for best sellers, and look at the Image results. Pick the one that stands on the page, and imitate that style
Guest reader, Beta Reader - A beta-reader is the B reader or second reader of your ebook. They can read it and give you notes on changes and fixes. Preferably a friend, Post a entry on Facebook and ask for a few readers to message you for a free copy (2 at most, I guess because of time constraint) and turn away the others. Say in the post you are only accepting two, so act fast, because you have a deadline of 2 to 4 hours. Implement fixes that are suggested and are appropriate.
Post it to Internet for Sale
I suggest Etsy (0.20$ per posting) or Free, Amazon KDP, Gumroad, or Ecwid (the last 3 are free) - Contact us for help - https://ebookassistant.com/contact
Market and Promote it
Social Media, I prefer Pinterest, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube Shorts or Videos - in this order. Just post about your creation. I suggest pages from your ebook pictures (use screen shot or screen capture it is on your phone or computer), cover pictures, videos, how-to's, short videos of you or words on a presentation videos use Canva, and why you want to help them as content.
Share it on video if you like. The key here is to post daily for weeks afterward. If you found your passion (the thing you would write on even when you do not want to write) then posting will be great.
Setup a free ConvertKit account and make a Landing Page. Give them a one-page summary of your book for signing up on your landing page or some useful checklist. Put this link as the link they buy from (if you use it), and make the link shorter by using site TinyURL.com.
Get Sales -How to Write a Ebook that Sells
Make sure you include a link to two places to buy it. I suggest one place to buy as Amazon, then I suggest two being a free one or Etsy. I say this because if for some reason Amazon closes your account, you need a backup. Really it is better practice to have both Amazon and one other.
Now What - Expectations
You can expect to feel drained from writing. It takes much out of you, and it expands your thinking. You can expect to have mixed feelings or success from writing, then maybe sadness if you do not get sales or "signals" from the Internet. Signals are some one liking your content on social media, or comment on your posts. It takes a week or so. Stay in it and post daily. It will happen. Stay small, do not try to do everything. Only have at most 2 of each social media, sales pages, etc. AND please do contact us at Ebook Assistant to get help, proofreading or evaluation of your work before posting, technical help, and/or if we need to explain something further or edit this post
Article Summary
We have here about 15 points that basically are in about 4 main sections: The Idea and Mindset, Writing the Book, Placing Online to Sell, and Marketing and Promotion. You will do good to follow this outline, and add to it as-needed. Make sure you do some mindset preparations, and train on AI with the help of YouTube videos. It will greatly improve your ebooks and save you much time. Implement Canva not only for covers, also try to use Canva to do the entire book. Canva also make video easy, so you can make video in Canva to produce your marketing and promotional content. AI is the future, so learning it now will be great for you. And your AI books will be using the latest technology while also improving with the expanded knowledge AI can add to your ebooks.
Congratulations - All of That in 1 day is a Large Accomplishment
Do not worry - Do it in a Weekend, or A Week if you Want - And View Videos on YouTube for direction, just try not to sit and scroll videos to long. If you focus for 1 full day on only this, you will be done. And have confidence to write more while promoting on social media.
Do all of this and you will have become a published author, or if you are already a published author you have a really useful checklist and you may write and publish your first book in one day. Hopefully you will get sales in one day. If so, and any other great things happen - please Comment or Message Us!
DO GET YOUR FREEBIE - JUST FOR READING OR SEEING THIS CLICK HERE or go to: https://tinyurl.com/myfastebook
Do This When You Can: Follow Our Blog, Podcast, or Social Media; Take a Look at our Exclusives and Freebie membership at Patreon.com/ebookassistant; Go to our Shop at Etsy.com/shop/gjwriting, Comment or Send us a Contact on our site at EbookAssistant.com/contact + Let Us Help - Ask via Contact
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the ramblings of a madman for your viewing (dis)pleasure
‼️ spoiler warning ‼️
link to the video for context but if you don't wanna watch it's the chat where he's talking abt their "connection" and durge's "killer instinct" blah blah path of blood or whatever. a little world domination as a treat. you know the chat. anyways here's my tweet thread reposted for anyone who cares to read <3
ok ok it was this convo. like i joked at the time abt val having to redirect their moral compasses after this but i was thinking abt it last night trying to sleep and i was like man. MAN they could have ended up SO BADLY
like this kind of makes me sick to watch LMAO it's the way he consistently uses 'we' and 'us' for me... "a connection between us, like we're two souls walking the same path" "killing is an instinct for us" "we're very much on the same page" "the power we'd wield" LIKE AGHH
makaria with this deep seated need to be in control because she was created for it would absolutely be swayed by this. of course it sounds like a good idea - she's literally BEEN there! she was created to head bhaal's murder cult and was pretty handily doing so before +
orin cut out a chunk of her brain. that pull isn't going to go away. it's her destiny to rule and to rule violently. astarion is checking every box in this conversation to manipulate her but it's not even like it's hard for him because she's much easier to coerce than a normal +
good-aligned tav. she let the kuo-toa call her a god, she's gotten by on deceit and intimidation, she gave him a cursed book without blinking and she didn't say no when he asked for a tadpole, like! he doesn't even have to lie to get her to see his point of view!
these two live blood-soaked lives and would very very easily be able to persuade one another to going down their darkest paths because astarion craves power because he's never had it and makaria wants it because she lost it. the difference is that she would know precisely how to+
wield it where astarion doesn't. that's also part of why she doesn't fuck with the tadpoles, it's an unknown power that already has a leg up on her by being in her actual brain and she's not foolish enough to believe it could be a good thing - but once they've learned there's +
maybe a way to actually, reliably control them, who's to say he couldn't potentially win her over? this whole thing was partly her fuckin idea to begin with! of course she could be swayed back towards it! without the rest of the party their relationship would be so so terrible
their bad ends would be like if endgame tomshiv was dropped in radioactive sludge. without gale and val and the party to balance them out they would both be GONERS. even the urge, interestingly enough, is part of that balance too because it's like. what astarion wants is, +
obviously, perfectly in line with what she wanted before she lost her memory. but because her brain's fucked and she doesn't remember that, it opened the door for her to be something else. one of her first major events is helping shadowheart out of the pod & being thanked for it
can you imagine?? living a ruthless life as a bhaalspawn for 30+ years and then having your world flipped on its axis because these two random women are helping you survive (lae'zel) and thanking you for saving their life (shadowheart). INSANE. the first thought she had upon +
waking up was wanting to rip apart whoever did this to her and then like a week or two later she's trying not to cry as val helps her hide the body of an innocent girl she killed in her sleep. and she hates that she lost control so adamantly that she actively tries to be better
she helps halsin and the tieflings, she saves arabella TWICE, she carries around alfira's teacher's lute as a reminder to not let anything control her. she helps the harpers in the shadows, she saves lae'zel from the zaith'isk, she finds infernal iron for karlach, etc etc
(obvs these aren't SOLELY her i'm just sayin in general she's not against these things) and then she has this fucking conversation with astarion where he starts tipping her towards his side because i mean... yeah a little world domination DOES sound tempting. that feeling in the+
back of her head is always there, lurking, waiting to come out -- and then IMMEDIATELY afterwards sceleritas shows up and wants her to kill isobel. this bitch is constantly in a game of tug of war with herself and honest to god both her and astarion would be doomed without the +
rest of the party. she would eventually relapse and he'd get what he wanted and it would be game fucking over. and that's not even getting into what THAT "partnership" would look like bc that would be a whole other thread.
i lost the plot somewhere in here. just musing about the power of friendship and how fucked her and astarion would be w/o it.
typing out an incoherent sixteen tweet rambling thread about makaria and how she and astarion would completely and inevitably be each other's ruin without the influence of their friends and how losing her memory was the single best thing that could've ever happened to her because it (+ the urge) actually helped save her from this hypothetical bad end when i should be working >>>
#courtney is the only person ever able to see this kinda rambling bc i am shy. so i might delete this 🫣#but yk. i'm feeling fun today.#this is so incredibly long what the hell am i ON#bg3#jess.txt#makaria#astarion#bloodstained
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Addidentally Injuring Their S/o
Part Two Here
YT Video Here (thanks @vanillaicedlatte-yt)
Genre: a n g s t
Type: Drabble/ Headcannons
Summary: in the heat of an arguement, after a battle, etc., they activate their quirk and Y/n somewhat permanently.
Warnings: gore, blood, fighting/ cursing, crying, burns, toxic relationships, 290 spoilers, endeavor
Other: This was meant to come out yesterday, but shitty mental health got in the way, so yeet. Also, I’m sorry these get worse and worse as they progress, that’s usually how things go for me. This was also inspired by a Tik Tok that I can’t find where Shigaraki accidentally dusts y/n who’s trying to comfort him. It was a Cosplay, if anyone can find it please let me know so I can link it and credit the creator.
Characters: Shigaraki, Dabi, Bakugou, Todoroki
Angst Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy (let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist)
Tomura Shigaraki
It had started as a great day, a perfect day even. Everyone was listening to him, the league was getting news coverage, people were afraid.
Everything was too perfect.
Something was going to go wrong, he was sure of it.
He hated the way everyone was laughing and joking together, Toga helping Magne do her nails, Spinner playing video games with Twice backstage, and you were chatting with Dabi and Compress about the league’s next moves.
Kuroguri was off doing something or other, and he’d mentioned another ‘follower of All For One.’
But something felt off.
And of course you would notice him.
You were hiding at an abandoned theatre, and he was sitting on the edge of the stage, staring out at the empty audience.
You were with Dabi and Compress in the wings, and glanced away from them towards your boyfriend.
He seemed stressed, scratching at his neck vigorously. You sighed, standing up and heading over to him, sitting beside him.
You placed your hand on top of his spare hand, offering him a soft smile.’
“Hey, baby~” you cooed. “How’s my boyfriend doing?”
He grumbled, yanking his hand away from you. Your theory was correct, he was stressed about something.
He didn’t want to talk to anyone, especially not you. You always tried to comfort him and convince him everything was ‘okay’ even when it wasn’t.
“Go away.” He growled. “I’m trying to think.”
“Thinking about what?” You asked, scooching closer to him.
“None of your fucking business!” He snapped at you, and you flinched away from him.
“Tomura, I was just trying to help-“ you frowned at him. He could be immature and bratty at times he’s, but he usually made sure not to get that way with you.
“I don’t give a shit! I don’t need your damn help!” He stood up, marching over to the wings to head backstage. You followed suit.
Compress and Dabi quickly rushed off the stage when they saw Shigaraki heading towards them. Dabi stopped for a moment next to you, looking at you.
“Good luck with him.” He said, jerking his head towards Shigaraki. You shrugged at him.
Shigaraki overheard Dabi’s notion, anger and distress intensifying. Good luck? Good luck?! What the hell was wrong with him?
Dabi and Compres joined Toga and Magne in the red velvet chairs, Compress requesting that he gets his nails done in orange and black when she finished with Magne’s.
Shigaraki pushed aside the large heavy curtains blocking his way backstage, finding Spinner and Twice huddled near a small TV, an old PvP game loading onscreen
They both looked over their shoulders, staring up at their boss. You quickly darted backstage, crouching next to the ‘gamer boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis’ as they had nicknamed themselves.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered to them. “He’s in a bit of a mood. I’ll take care of it, okay?”
Did he hear you correctly?
A mood?
You’ll ‘take care of it?’
Of it?
“Say that again, to my fuckung face!” Shigaraki screamed at you. “Tell me I’m just ‘iN a MoOd’ again!!”
You turned to him, eyes wide and scared.
“I’m sorry, Tomura, I didn’t mean it like that- I just didn’t want our friends to worry!”
“They aren’t our fucking friends! They just work for us- they work for me!” He corrected himself.
You stood up, flicking your wrist to motion for Twice and Spinner to leave. They quickly turned off their game and rushed away.
“You might not consider them our friends, but they’re certainly my friends. And I won’t let you scare my friends.” You stood your ground, taking a step towards him.
He scoffed, turning around and marching back onstage. You sighed, following after him, again.
“Please, Tomura talk to me. I’m your partner I want to help you!” You exclaimed. “You’re worrying me, please!”
“Well I don’t want to fucking talk!” He shouted, “and I don’t have to!”
“Please, Tenko!”
He saw red.
His hand flew away from him before he could stop himself, a target missile. It’s destination? Your face.
You lifted your hands instinctively, and he grabbed your wrist, fingers curling around your skin.
In that moment, all he felt was relief. Thank fucking god you’d lifted your arms. It was the one thing that has saved you from him.
You screamed, pain shooting up through you from your arm. Your skin peeled, falling away in tiny fragments of dust.
The dust fell around his fingers, your hand and wrist were completely gone now.
You felt someone pull you backwards, and you saw a glint of silver as Toga quickly severed your arm, blood spilling onto the floor of the stage where the pile of dust that used to be your arm lay.
You fell to your knees, screaming, reaching up and clutching at your elbow- the point of separation- desperately, trying to will your arm back into existence.
“TOMURA!” You shrieked, tears falling down your cheeks. “TOMURA! FIX IT!!”
It was hopeless, you knew there was no way for him to un-dust you. You fell forward, forehead pressed against the floor.
Shigaraki took a step back, glancing at his hand. There were a few speckles of dust resting on his palm. His breath quickened, eyes widening as he cupped his other hand over his mouth.
He stared down at you, Blood staining your shirt as you screamed and cried.
It must have hurt.
He remembered the promise he’d made after you’d started dating, when he’d protected you from some assholes trying to mug you.
“I promise you, I’m going to protect you. Nothing, no one, will lay a hand on you ever again.”
It was a promised meant against anyone who posed a threat to you.
He never meant to become a threat himself.
Touya Todoroki/ Dabi
Some days were always going to be better than others, that’s simply how it works when you’re recovering from trauma.
Today was one of the bad days.
He’d woken up with a thick, heavy, dark feeling in his chest.
He wasn’t even comforted by the warmth your body produced next to him.
Most days he’d roll over and wrap his arm around your body, pulling you close to his body to cuddle you.
This morning however, Dabi rolled away from you and climbed out of bed. You looked over your shoulder at him, confused and slightly hurt. Did you do something to make him upset last night?
You followed after your angsty boyfriend, walking out of the bedroom and down the hall into the kitchen.
He crashed at your apartment a lot, being a villain it was hard to get his own home. You didn’t know where he stayed when he wasn’t at your place.
He grabbed a box of cereal out of the cupboards, pouring himself a bowl. You pulled the milk out of the fridge, handing it to him with a smile.
He scrunched up his nose at your kindness, snatching the carton from your hand and angrily pulling the cap off.
You sighed, nervously pouring yourself a bowl as Dabi started to eat. He didn’t even bother to sit at the table.
“Hey, babe? You okay? You seem kind of... off today.”
Your boyfriend glanced down at you, cerulean eyes seemingly staring right through you.
“M’fine.” He grunted. Your frown tightened.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t believe that.” You shook your head at him.
Dabi glared down at you in annoyance. His scowl deepening. You took a step back, concerned and scared.
“Dabi, please talk to me.” You pleaded with him.
“Uzéndayo.” He grumbled angrily. “Fuck off.”
“Please, you’ll hurt my feelings.” You scoffed sarcastically. “You can talk to me, y’know.”
“Don’t fuckin need to. Leave me alone.”
“Dabi, this is my place. I’m not leaving you alone.”
“Then I’ll leave!” He snapped, brushing past you and leaving his cereal on the counter to sog.
He snatched his jacket off the back of the couch, shrugging it onto his shoulders.
“Seriously, Dabi! What the hell’s going on! Did I do something wrong?”
It pissed him off further to hear you blame yourself. You always thought it was your fault, but it never was.
“Oh shut the fuck up for once! Quit thinking it’s all about you! It’s not always about you!”
“Dabi just fucking talk to me! I’m not letting you leave until you tell me what’s wrong!”
You stepped in front of the door, flinging your arms open to block ilhis exit. He looked you in the eyes, seething.
“Nothing happened!” He shouted “Sometimes I’m just angry for no reason! Get out of my way and I’ll take my anger out on some rando and not on you. Then I’ll come back and we can pretend this never happened.”
“Dabi I won’t let you just kill some innocent person because you’re upset! Just sit with me and we can talk it out and-“
“That’s always your solution! Quit being a wimpy pacifist and move!”
“I’m not a pacifist, I just don’t think you should kill without reason!”
“Well I have a fucking reason!”
“And what’s that?”
“I want to!”
“That’s not a reason!”
“Just get out of my fucking way or I’ll make you!”
“Dabi, just talk to me!”
It was the last thing you said before he grabbed your arm and pulled your body forward to meet his. Your chest pressed against his, his face right in front of yours.
It’d be hot if you weren’t so scared.
“Listen here you little shit,” he growled, low and angry “I’m stronger than you in every fucking way.”
“I could kill you in an instant if I so desired.”
“Incinerate your filthy annoying ass any day I want, so be fucking grateful for once and watch your damn mouth!”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN! I am superior to you in every way, you should be grateful I even share oxygen with you!”
“I DON’T CARE IF IT HURTS, LISTEN TO ME YOU DIRTY MOTHERFUCKER!” He screamed in your face, eyes wild with unchecked rage.
Tears flowed down your face as you sobbed, indescribable pain was shooting up through your arms.
Dabi’s eyes finally drifted downwards, and he froze, mouth falling slack.
Smoke was billowing off his hands, and his knuckles were white with how hard he was gripping you.
He snapped his hands away from you, curling them into his body as his eyes widened. He took a few steps back.
There were black scorch marks on your body in the shape of his hands. They looked real bad.
“Get out.” You whispered, so soft he couldn’t hear.
“GET OUT!” You screamed, pointing at the door despite the intense pain in your arms. “GET OUT OR I’M CALLING THE POLICE!”
“B-baby I’m sorry!” He shouted “I didn’t mean to, I promise!”
Dabi stumbled past you, quickly rushing out of your apartment and shutting the door behind him.
His back was pressed against the wood as he slid down, covering his face as he listened to your sobs on the other side, hearing your footsteps fade into the bathroom, probably to run cold water on your skin.
For a moment, all the could think about was the cereal on the counter, getting soggy.
“Fuck.” He muttered, eyes burning as they tried to produce tears without his tear ducts.
“I’m so fucking sorry.”
Shoto Todoroki
Shit wrong emo scar boy with daddy issues, fire powers, and an evil older sibling with blue fire
There we go
It was a shitty day.
Well, most days were shitty days, but today was shittier than usual.
A home visit, Endeavor trying to act like he was ‘upset about everything that happened,’ and pretending he was the victim in the situation.
It would be enough to set anyone on edge, especially Shouto.
So it wasn’t much of a surprise when he returned to the dorms with a deep frown on his face.
Even when Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka tried to talk to him, he still seemed angry the whole time. There was really only one thing that should be able to cheer him up. Let’s hope you do your job well.
“Knock knock~ Shouto it’s me!” you stood on the outside of Shouto’s dorm. You knew Shouto must be stressed, so you’d gotten him some brownies from the sweets cupboard, Sato’s locks were easy to pick.
“I don’t want to fucking talk.” his response was blunt, clearly annoyed that you’d bothered his brooding. “Go away.”
You sighed, he could act like such a child sometimes!
“Shouto, I just want to cheer you up! Let me in, babe.” a moment later, he swung the door open, am annoyed glare on his face. You smiled sweetly at him, handing him the plate of brownies. His hands remained in his pockets, glancing down at the brownies then back up at you.
“Um... can I come in?” you asked quietly. He shrugged, stepping aside to let you in. You stepped past him, sitting on the edge of the platform bed, setting the brownies on the nightstand.
Shouto closed the door behind him, turning to face you.
“Do... do you want to talk about it?” Shouto huffed, shaking his head and looking away from you.
“Do I look like I want to talk?” he snapped. You flinched, his tone was harsh.
“Shouto I just want to help, you don’t need to be rude.”
“I don’t give a shit if I’m being ‘rude.’“ He growled, arms crossed.
His eyes stared coldly at you. Yeah, he was definetly upset.
“That’s okay, we can chat about something else. Oh, Sato probably needs to change the lock on the sweets cupboard, I kinda broke it getting you these brownies!” you looked up at him, smile faltering as he looked down his nose at you. “Are... are you mad at me?”
“Wow, you just noticed that.” he rolled his eyes. “I told you to go away but you didn’t.”
“I-I’m sorry, I was just really worried about you. You’re my boyfriend and I love you, I don’t like seeing you upset.”
“Then maybe you should try fucking listening to me for once. If I don’t want to talk, then you can’t make me talk.” You nodded, apologizing again.
“Oh my god shut the fuck up!” he shouted. “You’re always talking, always apologizing, you’re getting on my fucking nerves!”
“Okay!” you stood up quickly, lifting your hands defensively. “I’ll just leave!”
You brushed past him on your way to the door, hesitating on the handle. You glanced over your shoulder at him.
“Would you fucking stop with the pity?” you looked at the ground, not saying anything.
You heard the slap before you felt it.
The sting shot through your face, and you could hear Shouto shouting at you, but it was muffled. You didn’t know what he was saying.
You lifted your hand to your cheek, hissing in pain. He didn’t just slap you,
He used his fire.
You choked on your words, turning to look at your boyfriend with tear-filled eyes.
Shouto was looking at you with a look of sheer horror on his face.
“I’m sorry...” you whimpered. “I’m going-” you slipped out the door, ignoring Shouto’s shout for you to turn back and talk to him
That it was an accident.
That he didn’t mean it.
That didn’t matter.
Katsuki Bakugou/ Dynamight
Fuck Icy-Hot.
Fuck. Him.
He said he’d gotten stronger since the Summer Camp, but he hadn’t at all.
He was still loosing to Todoroki, and no matter how hard he was working, he still kept loosing to him.
His hand was buried in his hair, tugging harshly every so often as he listened to you ramble about something that happened during your work study.
Even you were getting ahead of him, his own partner was getting stronger than him. He’d promised he’d protect you, but that would be useless if you kept improving faster than him.
“Then afterwords, FatGum took me, Kirishima, and Amajiki to this resturaunt, and the owner turned out to be a huge fan of FatGum, she gave us free desert! Oh my gosh the cake was so good!” you exclaimed, laughing a little.
Bakugou grumbled under his breath a little, keeping his eyes away from your estatic face.
“Great.” you glanced back to your boyfriend from where you sat at your desk, eyebrows furroring. Usually, Katsuki would give you one of those proud smirks all like ‘that’s my partner,’ but today he seemed upset.
“You alright, Katsuki? Was your provisional licence class stressful today?” you asked sympathetically, moving your hand towards him to comfort him.
He yanked his hand away from you, shooting you a pissed off look.
“Fuck no.” he growled. “Even if it was, I can handle it. I don’t need your damn help.” you rested your hand on your lap.
“I know, Katsuki. My boyfriend’s so strong!” you smiled brightly at him. Usually complimenting him would make him feel better, but today it seemed to only piss him off more.
“Shut up.” he hunched over, curling into himself more. He pulled one leg up to his chest, holding it under his knee.
“Uh.. are you sure you’re okay?” you asked, cocking your head to the side gently.
“I’m fucking fine!” He snapped, keeping his eyes anywhere but on you. “I don’t need your pity!”
“Pity? Katsuki I’m not pitying you, I’m worried for you. You’re my boyfriend and I want you to be happy so-”
“Didn’t I say to shut up?” he stood up, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Don’t give me your worry, fight me instead!”
“Why the hell would I fight you, Katsuki? I already know you’re stronger than me!”
“Fucking how? You got that new work study you’re constantntly talking about! How haven’t you gotten stronger than me?”
“Is that what this is about? I’ve only been at my work study for a few days, how in the world could I have leaped leagues in that amount of time to reach your level?”
“Then why even join that stupid work study if you’re not getting stronger?”
“I am getting stronger, just not fast enough to be at your level that quickly!” you explained. “Sorry?”
“Ugh just shut the fuck up!” he shouted, storming out of your dorm and down the hall to the common room. There were a only a few people in there,
Yao-Momo and Jirou in the kitchen, Kirishima and Kaminari on the couches, and Sero was leaning over the back of the couch. They all looked up when Bakugou stormed in with you on his tail.
“Katsuki, you’re confusing me! What’s going on? How can I help? Is it something I did?”
“Just leave me alone, okay? Go away!” he shouted over his shoulder. Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Jirou, and Yaoyorazu all snapped their heads towards you and Bakugou.
“Katsuki, please! You’re scaring me!” you glanced over at your friends, Jirou and Yao-Momo glancing between each other and muttering.
“Yo, Kachan, the hell’s going on between you and Y/n?” Kaminari asked, standing up. Sero hissed at him to sit down if he wanted to keep his head.
“I’m sorry, Kaminari, Bakugou’s upset and I don’t know why-”
“Don’t know why? Quit it with the lies! I hate liars!”
“I-I’m not lying! I really don’t know!” you reached forward, latching your hand onto his wrist. “Please just talk to me!”
“BULLSHIT!” he snapped his hand away from yours. “You’re a fucking liar!”
“Bakubro, calm down!” Kirishima stood up, briskly walking over to the two of you.
“STAY OUT OF THIS!” Bakugou slammed his palm against Kirishima’s face, setting off a small explosion.
“KIRISHIMA!” You ran to his side as the smoke cleared, finding his face hardened.
“I’m okay, I’m okay!” he assured you. He offered you a small smile, suddenly, he yelped and ducked, avoiding another hit from Bakugou.
“LET GO OF THEM!” he shouted, and his hand sparked twice before setting off again. This time right next to your face.
You hit the ground first, then felt stinging pain across your face and shoulder.
You didn’t even hear your own screaming because of the fact that he blew up your ears.
You didn’t register Kirishima picking you up, or Bakugou staring after you in fear, or the others in the room scolding Bakugou or worrying about you.
All you knew in that moment was pain.
Pure, white hot, agonizing pain.
#bnha#mha#bnha x reader#mha x reader#bnha angst#mha angst#angst train#dabi angst#dabi x reader#todoroki angst#todoroki x reader#bakugou angst#bakugou x reader#shigaraki angst#shigaraki x reader#poc reader#male reader#trans reader#gender neutral reader
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Little Lee
Day 4 Of Lee Tommy Week; Lee Mood! Link for the prompts: https://fizzthelee.tumblr.com/post/690344255616663552/ah-why-ello-there-what-is-this-a-lee-tommy-week
Lee!Tommy, Ler!Wilbur, CC’s :] (all of these will probably be cc)
warnings: tickling that is meant to be “intense”, pinning, swearing, nervousness
Tommy woke up, smile on his face and blushing. For god knows what reason, he just had a fucking tickle dream, and woke up in a lee mood!
He was staying at Wilbur’s for the weekend as well. He questioned how else this day could possibly go.
When Tommy stepped out of his room, Wilbur immediately caught on to what was up just by the look of his flushed face and fidgeting. How lucky unlucky could Tommy be, Wilbur happened to of woken up in a ler mood.
“Goodmorning, Tommy. You alright?” Wilbur asked, a smile forming on his face. Tommy failed to notice.
“Mhm.. m’alright,” Tommy muttered, loud enough for Wilbur to hear him. Wilbur decided he needed to be nice to the boy in the morning, but he’d get him in the afternoon.
“Want me to make you breakfast, Toms?” Wilbur asked in a soft tone, and Tommy smiled lightly.
“Yes.. pancakes, please?” Tommy replied, his voice a bit higher in pitch which caused him to blush more from embarrassment. “Sorry, voice crack..” Nice save.
Wilbur chuckled, “you’re good, mate. And the pancakes shouldn’t be too long!”
“Thanks Wil,” Tommy’s smile grew. Wilbur was the best big brother figure anybody could ask for.
Tommy went to go sit on the couch, deciding to put MrBeast on the TV since they had the option for apps on the TV. Tommy decided to watch the video where they gave $1,000,000 worth of food to people in need. (i think everyone reading this knows what happens in that video)
Tommy was laying in a pretty strange way. One arm on top of the couch, the other dangling off the couch, and his legs spread out pretty widely. He looked like a starfish that took up the entire couch. Wilbur looked over at him and giggled.
“Tohommy, what the hell are you dohoing?” He smiled at the blonde teen, who picked up his head to look at him.
“Watching MrBeast, wanna watch?” Tommy asked as the scene of Karl being taped to the boxes came on.
“Sure, but not too much. Gotta watch your pancakes, y’know?” Wilbur said as he looked at the TV.
“Karl, can you get out of it?” “I don’t think so..” “So, Chris, does that make you wanna..” Jimmy guided Chris’s hands toward’s Karl’s torso, and Chris smiled evilly then started tickling Karl anywhere he could.
“No!” Karl yelped before letting out high pitched giggles while squirming. “Karl is super ticklish,” Jimmy spoke before it cut to the next part of the video.
Tommy was blushing like crazy, and he immediately switched from being sprawled out all over the couch to laying on his side, curled into a ball.
Wilbur giggled at him, “you alright, Toms?” He noticed his blush spread to his ears and a bit down his neck.
“Yep! Just fine!” Tommy called, hoping the subject would be changed.
“I thought that was pretty cute, don’t ya think? I mean Karl couldn’t get away, he was trapped and just had to take it!” Wilbur decided to mess with Tommy a bit before going back to finish the pancakes.
Tommy was just a mess on the couch, but he ignored his growing lee mood and decided he’d just text Ranboo and Tubbo.
“Toms, your pancakes are done!” Wilbur called as he set the plate on the table.
“Fuckin’ finally, Wil! I’m starving to death here,” Tommy joked, and Wilbur smiled.
“Aye, good food takes time to make,” Wilbur said as he poked Tommy in the ribs. He didn’t miss the flinch and the muffled squeak that came from Tommy before he started eating.

Later on in the day, the crimeboys were on the couch watching movies, Tommy in the position he was in while watching MrBeast before.. that.. happened to Karl, and Wilbur just sitting normally on the other couch.
Wilbur decided it was time.
“Hey Tommy..” Wilbur said, trying to supress his evil smirk.
The tone Wilbur used caused butterflies to erupt in Tommy’s tummy, and nervous giggles bubbled in his throat. He knew that tone all too well.
“Y-yeah Wilbur?” Play it cool. Play it cool.
“Do you really think I haven’t caught onto your mood yet?” Wilbur asked, letting the smirk grow on his face.
Tommy choked and looked away. “Wh- whahat mood?” He cursed himself for letting a giggle slip. He didn’t notice Wilbur get up and stand over him.
“You really think I don’t know you’ve been in a lee mood since this morning?” Wilbur suddenly grabbed Tommy and set him on the ground, sitting on his thighs before he could get away.
“I- whahat ahare yohou talking abohout?” Tommy exclaimed and finally the giggles erupted from him.
“Oh, Tommy, don’t think I don’t know that you want me to absolutely wreck you. To wiggle my fingers up and down your sides, to scribble my fingers all over that adorably ticklish tummy of yours, and don’t worry Toms, I’ll make sure to get your giggle button as well~” Wilbur poked Tommy’s tummy, and Tommy flinched and giggled.
“Wihihihil!” Tommy whined through his giggles, the poor boy just wanted his tickles, damnit!
“Yes, Toms~?” Wilbur wouldn’t keep this up for long, he wasn’t that much of an asshole. But he still wanted to see if he could get Tommy to outright say that he wanted the tickles.
“Juhust- juhuhust tihihihickle me alreheheady!” Tommy spoke very quickly, hoping Wilbur would comply.
“Sure thing, Tommy!” Wilbur exclaimed cheerfully before drilling his thumbs into Tommy’s hips, to catch him off guard.
Tommy squealed, “AAHAHAHahaA! WIHIHIL NOHOHO!”
“Aw, but you asked for this, Toms~! If I can remember right, a couple seconds ago you said, and I quote, ‘juhuhust tihihihickle me alreheheady!’” Wilbur mimicked Tommy’s giggling, and Tommy let out a flustered groan. Wilbur switched to wiggling his fingers between each of Tommy’s ribs.
“Dohohohon’t mohohock mehehehe!” Tommy giggled as he weakly pushed at Wilbur’s hands for a bit before settling for covering his face.
“Nuh-uh, none of that, little lee~,” Wilbur gave him a smile as he grabbed both of his hands and pinned them underneath his knees, careful not to hurt him.
Without warning, Wilbur suddenly dipped his finger in Tommy’s bellybutton and wiggled it around, while also squeezing up and down Tommy’s sides. Tommy screamed bloody fucking murder.
“WIHIHIHILBUHUHUR! NAHAHAHA NOHOHO!” Tommy squirmed as much as he could, bucking ct his hips and trying to get his hands free.
Wilbur leaned down to whisper in Tommy’s ear, “tktktktktktktk~!” He then blew a raspberry on Tommy’s neck, which got a loud, high/pitched squeal out of him.
“FUHUHUCK! WIHIHILBYHEHE!” Tommy immediately looked away from Wilbur once the nickname slipped, and Wilbur stopped, leaving Tommy confused. He turned back to look at Wilbur.
“Wh- why dihid yohou stohop?” Tommy asked after about 25 seconds of silence. Wilbur had a wide yest soft smile on his face.
“You just fuckin’ called me Wilby!” Wilbur exclaimed. Tommy wasn’t sure if his face could be anymore red than it was.
“Shuhut uhup!” Tommy tried again to get his hands free, missing the evil giggle that came from Wilbur.
“Did you just tell me to shut up?” Wilbur asked, a smirk forming from his originally fond smile.
“No! Noho I dihidn’t!” Tommy tried to defend himself, and failed miserably. Wilbur slowly lifted uo Tommy’s shirt and stopped at his ribs.
“Ready?” Was all Wilbur said before leaning down and blowing a fat raspberry right above Tommy’s bellybutton while scratching at his sides.
Tommy shrieked, “WIHIHIHIHIL! NAHAHAH NOHOHO! CUHUHUT IHIHIT OHOUTT!” He didn’t actually mean that, but he was reaching his limit now.
Wilbur switched to smaller and quicker raspberries, Tommy’s laughter still being very shrieky and high pitched.
Wilbur giggled into Tommy’s stomach, which had absolutely no reason to tickle just as much as the raspberries!
Wilbur blew one more raspberry mixed with nibbling along Tommy’s stomach, which was enough for Tommy.
“OHOKAHAHAHAY! MEHEHERCYHEHE WIHIHIL! PLEHEASE!” Wilbur stopped and got off of Tommy immediately, pulling the boy into a hug and rubbing his back soothingly.
“You alright, Toms?” Wilbur asked as the boy calmed down and let out his remaining giggles. Tommy nodded and Wilbur picked him up then sat on the couch, Tommy still in his arms.
“You took that like a champ, mate,” Wilbur said, carding a hand through the teen’s hair. Tommy looked up at Wilbur.
“Pogchamp,” Tommy spoke with a smile.
“Pogchamp,” Wilbur repeated. The two sat in silence for a bit, aside from whatever the hell was playing on the TV.
“Wil..?” Tommy suddenly spoke up, and Wilbur looked down at him.
“Yeah, Toms?” The boy looked like he was about to fall asleep.
“C-can you give gentle tickles, please..” Tommy muttered, his face flushing pink out of embarrassment. Wilbur cooed at him.
“Aww, Toms. Of course,” Wilbur smiled as he lightly traced shapes into the boys side, producing giggles sweeter than honey. Wilbur loved moments like these, where Tommy wasn’t focused on streaming or content. Where he was just a soft sweetheart that loves physical affection and bonding with his friends.
Tommy loved these moments as well, especially with Wilbur. He’s like a brother to him, and he wouldn’t want things between them to be any different. He knew he could count on Wil, for anything.
They’re brothers, your honor.
#fizzthelee#fizzthelee fics#fizz’s lee tommy week#lee!tommy#ler!wilbur#lee!tommy event#crimeboys#mcyt tickle#mcyt tickle fic
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Could you make a story about both of the comic and video that we had discussed together. I want share the suffering to everyone.
Alright. I'll do the comic first, then share the link to the video story.
"Hey. Remember me? Remember all the fun times we had, growing up together? That was fun. I liked that."
Nora: Hi, Ren!
Ren: Hello, Nora.
"After Beacon, I tried to stay in touch. I remember getting on the train for four hours, every week, just to see you."
Nora: So, how's being a huntsman? Keeping busy?
Ren: More or less, I suppose. The Grimm aren't much of an issue here.
"I taught myself how to cook, so I can cook our favorites."
Nora: I made beef strips today. Fully cooked this time, too!
Ren: I'm glad to hear that, Nora. I'm excited to try them.
"I hated being far away from you, so I called as much as I could."
Nora: I'll be over soon. Just one more stop.
Ren: ...
Nora: You'll get this when the signal is better.
"I started saving up, and planning ahead, so you always got the best gifts from me."
Nora: How's that new wok treatin' ya?
Ren: Good. I just made some fried rice with pork grease today.
Nora: Ooh, yum!
"You were all I thought about. We were all I thought about."
Nora: I wish I was there with you.
Ren: I wish you were here, too. It's kind of quiet around here.
"You were hurt. Hurting so much, I couldn't stand it, so I tried to help. I tried to keep you happy, and smiling."
Ren: I saw a horse yesterday, and I flinched as it passed me in the market.
Nora: Are you okay?
Ren: I'll be fine.
Nora: (Cat Meme)
Ren: Haha. Thanks, Nora.
"I thought you would see what I was really trying to say."
Nora: (Meme about lovers)
Ren: Haha. Funny.
"So I guess that's my fault for wishing so hard."
"Because you don't feel the same way, and it hurt me, seeing you with somebody else."
Ren: Yang says hi.
Nora: Hi, Yang. How was your day?
Ren: We went to that new movie last week; Dragon VS God.
Nora: I still need to see it.
Ren: I wouldn't waste your money. It's not very good.
Nora: I was hoping to see it with you.
Ren: Oh, sorry.
Nora: Nono it's fine.
"It hurt thinking about how I wasn't them, and they weren't me."
Nora clutched the scroll in her fingers, the pressure threatening to break the casing. Hot tears flowed down her eyes as she pressed her forehead to the screen. The screen was filled with the smiling faces of Lie Ren and Yang Xiao Long. The caption congratulated her on her invitation to the Xiao-Long/Lie wedding service. Nora broke a little more inside.
"Hey. I miss us. I miss who we used to be. But I want you to be happy, and I want you to stay happy, because that's all I ever wanted you to be."
Nora: Congrats, Renny!
Ren: Thank you, Nora.
Ren: Will you be able to make it?
Nora: I'll be there, no matter what.
Ren: That's great. I hope you and your date will enjoy the ceremony.
Nora: I'm going to show up alone.
Ren: Ah, I see.
"But it still hurts knowing how we didn't work out like I hoped."
Nora: I miss you, Ren.
Ren: I miss you, too, Nora.
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@ice-cream-writes-stuff @screaming-until-god-hears-me @stars-for-thought @linked-heroes @imprisioned-in-the-hole
I finally finished this bit! Certain parts are...not to my standards but I kept blanking so I just pushed through to wrap everything up decently! But Mafia Aus need to continue!
I hope you enjoy this one folks!
@yandere-linked-universe you remember when I was mentioning this part of the au during our chats! Hopefully I did it justice!
"You should be HERE. Working."
"Look, I didn't leave cause I wanted to, unlike you, I have classes to attend on occasion."
"Classes. School. The thing the old man insisted we do in order to keep the feds off us? Remember?"
"Ah, fuck." Legend snorted at that, understanding that feeling.
"I honestly can't wait for you idiots to graduate." Warriors grumbled.
"Mm, me too." Legend grabbed his keys and turned off his bike.
"How long until you're back?" He nods to a few acquaintances from his previous classes.
"Just have to sit through one class, not like I have much to do here:" He would have tested out of all classes sooner, but that always led to some type of unwanted attention.
"Thank the gods." Warriors was heard muttering, the sound of paper being shuffled around made its way into Legend's ear.
He sighed as he entered the classroom, already feeling that horrid sense of boredom all students have that came with the idea of sitting for an hour listening to a teacher to drone on and on.
"I'm in class, got to go. Talk later." Warriors grunted and the call ended.
He snorted softly and scanned the room as he picked up the orientation packet that was on the teacher's desk for the students, noting the small amount of people there despite being close to the starting hour.
Eyeing the seats, he took his place in the far back, set on just passing the class chatting with the others. He knew the teacher and already expected they likely wouldn't be in the mood of doing much today anyway.
He sat down, leaning forward on the desk, resting his jaw on his palm.
Ugh. He was already annoyed by this.
He boredly watched his classmates slowly trickling in, already pushing them out of his mind after taking note of their faces.
Finally, the teacher walked into the room, five minutes before class was scheduled to start, announcing ahead of time that they would be watching a video today.
Dull, he should have asked for his schedule ahead of time to avoid this.
(He had only turned away for a moment)
It seemed that everyone that would be arriving had settled into their seats. Yet as the teacher opened their mouth to speak, the door burst open, just as the bell rang to start class.
(The first voice didn't mean anything to him. Not bothering to open his eyes to categorize his new classmate.)
"We're sorry for being late!"
The teacher looked at the at the clock in response. "Well you came on time so I'll let it slide since it's the first day."
He hears a sigh of relief.
(The second voice...it froze him, locking his body in place.)
"Saved by the bell, literally in this case."
"I don't you we would make it!"
"Yes yes, go find a seat girls." A brief period between one moment and the next but it was all it took.
He forced himself to look up.
He needed to look up.
He was unprepared for the way he heart started racing. How the world around him slowly faded out, only leaving her in his vision.
She was beautiful.
He couldn't stop gazing at her smile, couldn't stop silently begging her to look at him as she walked down each row, so he could have the honor of her smile directed at him.
And her laughter.
When had it been since he last heard such carefree laughter?
(When had it slowly become strained, yet still so genuine? When was it when they had foolishly taken it away?)
It scared him greatly to think that she could vanish from his sight again.
He couldn't stop looking at her, his already racing heart nearly aching with intensity as she walked through the class and sat in the seat in front of him.
The room immediately darkened as the teacher turned off the lights. The projector being the only source of light in the room.
He could feel the air shift as she moved, the way her scent drift to his nose.
He could only swallow back the choked sob that wanted to escape his lips.
He could never forget her scent. Yet it was as if he was experiencing it all over again.
Where had she been? Where had she BEEN?
They searched for so LONG. Searched for so long, so desperately. but it didn't matter. Because she was here. He would be in this room with her for a whole hour.
That thought froze him, a touch of ice stabbing through his joy.
Only an hour, one hour so close to her presence. But not close enough.
There was so much they needed to prepare for now that she was found, they had to ready the house for her arrival. Perhaps if he asked the captain-
(It was with that thought that he realized, in the dim light in the darken room, his hand was stretched out, reaching right for her.)
...He couldn't do it.
(His hand wavered in it's place in the air.)
He couldn't subject her to that treatment, to the same cruelty that they subjected her with time and time again.
(He began to lower his hand.)
He wanted to experience the warmth of his hand held in hers. To have her smiles directed at him with warmth and care.
To have her close to his side, to never know another day without her kindness.
...But not like this...
He couldn't...
He couldn't hurt her like that again.
Never again.
(...He placed his trembling hand back on the his desk.)
His whole body trembled as a result of the action.
He tried to calm himself down but taking a deep breath.
It helped greatly.
Her scent was as he remembered. So delicate, but so very distinct.
It was comforting.
So very comforting that he didn't fight the gentle lull of sleep as it blanketed him, causing him to rest his head in his arms. Her scent wrapping around his senses and making him feel utterly safe.
...He missed it dearly...
Nothing could have hid the trembling shoulders as he silently sobbed in blissful relief.
He was so close to her. Could faintly hear her breathing and almost feel her warmth, it was blissfully intoxicating. To think, he had been upset that the first class of the school day had been an hour long.
But now, resting his head, taking in his beloved's scent, hearing her breathing.
He was upset it was only an hour.
He drifts off to sleep, so relaxed. So safe.
"...Hey...wake up."
When he awoke, he was groggy. (When was the last time he slept so deeply?) He groaned softly and slowly began to move, his back popping as he straightened up. He took in his surroundings. Noticing it was still dark, but light pouring from the doorway allowed him to remember where he was.
Oh right. Class.
He stretched, slowly allowing his memories to return, the haze of sleep making things sluggish.
He didn't understand how (y/n) dealt with this her whole life, he could barely have the few classes he had now.
That thought was enough to allow the memories to trickle back in—coming to class, and the sudden appearance of Her. Legend sucked in a breath and he quickly began scanning the room.
The seat in front of him was empty
Where was she?
Where was she?!??
He could feel himself begin to panic
How could he have relaxed so easily?!
Now that she was no longer in his sight, a sense of urgency and panic washed through him.
He had to find her. It couldn't have been a dream. He really saw her!! she had been there! How could he let his guard down so easily?!? He had enemies here! Could they have found her? He would have them killed.
So engrossed in his frenzied spiraling thoughts, that he didn't notice the shadow casted over him until a hand was waving in his face.
He flinched back as he was brought out of his thoughts. A brief sense of annoyance and anger passing thought at the thought of a stranger getting so close.
"Don't wanna be late for the next class buddy!"
He huffed and faced the individual who woke him up. Ready to close the conversation and immediately begin his search.
"Yes yes, thank you for waking me..." his voice died off, he felt his face go slack. His heart returning to that rapid pace as a face came into view, more familiar to him than his own.
"You must have been pretty tired, you slept through the whole class!" He never wanted to stop hearing her beautiful voice, how light and kind it was.
"Well...it's been a rough time." He rasped softly, flinching at his own voice.
It was at that moment, the teacher decided to turn on the classroom lights.
"...Hey...you sure you're okay?" He blinked at her, bring his hand up and touching his face, drawing his hand back and seeing moisture on it.
...When did he start crying?
"You okay?" She looked like she wanted to wipe away his tear herself.
Oh...his beloved darling, gentle even to a supposed stranger.
"...y-yes..." his voice cracks again as he rubs his cheeks, hoping to save himself from further embarrassment.
"Hey.." she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, his focus immediately zoning in on the physical contact and he repressed a shiver, her touch so delicate but oh so warm. It was scorching.
"Hey, it's alright. Everything's alright."
He wanted to hold her so much.
To do nothing more than cry within her arms, to let go. To apologize and repent over and over.
Because her words eased his soul more than she could possibly comprehend.
Because she was right.
She was right.
She was absolutely right.
Everything was alright now.
Because she was HERE. She was here, safe. With him. And soon, with all of them.
Their constant night terrors, their doubts, those horrid fears, they were all meaningless now.
There was no more fears of 'if' they would find her.
Of waking up one day and realizing her warmth was a cruel cruel dream.
Because she was here. She was right. here.
It made him want to grin so badly, but he repressed it. Not wanting to make her uncomfortable.
Every year he waited for her was now worth every second.
This moment was everything he could hope for, and that's what made it so much more agonizing when a voice grabbed their attention, breaking it.
"(y/n)! We're gonna be late!" His darling turned to the voice and smile.
"I'll be right there!" She looked back at him.
"Um," she starts awkwardly, "So...I know it won't seem much coming from a stranger, but everyone has hard days. So stay strong, okay?"
He nodded.
She smiles brightly at him. "You can do it!"
He wants to give into his urges right then and there, but he refused to, not again.
"Thank you." He says genuinely, love hidden behind his gratitude.
Her smile relaxes from it's anxious state, but stays as beautiful as always. With a small wave, she walks over to her acquaintance.
And he felt the absence of her presence almost instantly.
He watched her quietly as she walked up to her friend, muttering something that made the both of them laugh.
It was a spur of the moment decision, but almost without a thought, he pulled out his phone and snapped a photo as she turned to the door, able to catch her full image in the shot.
His heart sank as she slipped out of the room. Already feeling the anxious fear of her being out of his sight. The urge to scream and beg for her to return so intense that he almost didn't know what to do.
He merely took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Gathering his things, his thoughts drifted to the events that had taken place today.
He walked into the room expecting something dull, expecting things to be predictably boring.
And now he was walking out of the classroom with more joy and shiver inducing giddiness that he doubted anyone but the others could understand.
...The others...
He stared down at his phone blankly, gripping it tightly.
He should tell the others immediately. This wasn't something that could be hidden. If things had been different and someone else found her first, he would want to know to.
He should tell them....
...Then again...
He tapped out a single line, sending it with a large smirk.
'Meeting tonight.'
He slipped his phone back into his pocket and felt like whistling as he walked out of the school building, already counting the hours until they all gathered together.
He will most definitely tell them. But not just yet.
It was only a few hours, what's the harm? Let him enjoy this wonderful occasion by himself, he most certainly won't be able to after today,
He deserves it after all.
He was the lucky bastard that found her first.
(That's all she wrote~!)
#linked universe#lu legend#yandere linked universe#linkeduniverse#lu#loz#mafia au#yandere linked universe x reader
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