#thank fuck i am in the safety and security of my bedroom with a bucket and not sweating in line for the show
belle--ofthebrawl · 4 months
I'm having a final destination moment with the Chicago concert. Or is that burnt toast theory...final destination implies it's still going to happen 😨
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generallynerdy · 7 years
11 Jerks To Wake Up (Avengers X Reader/Loki X Reader Part 2 (12 Days of Fandoms: Day 2))
Day 1
Sam and Reader have
too much fun waking everyone up to exchange gifts.
    Days slip by endlessly and wrapped gifts begin to appear below the tree. After a few...incidents, you have to keep Friday from anyone scanning the gifts, not to mention make a whole separate security system for below the tree. Damn it, Tony.
    One unintended surprise is when Loki arrives alongside Thor. Apparently, Thor wants his brother to be able to experience Midgardian holidays as well, not that he really asked Loki. Loki is kept under close watch and no one really brings up the topic of Secret Santa to him, so you simply assume he isn’t involved.
Excitement continues to build as the day approaches and it’s practically all you can think about. Honestly, you can’t wait for everyone to open their gifts. See, the rule is that everyone can open their gifts a week before Christmas and they have until Christmas morning to figure out who gave it to them. No external resources other than your own sleuthing and wit are allowed; no gadgets, no security camera feeds, nothing. Having some experience as a SHIELD Agent, you’re sure to keep anything Nat and Clint can use far from their reach, as the both of them are your main concern.
Finally, finally , the day is here. Of course, most people plan to wake up as they usually do and go about their daily routines. However, you have different plans.
At 6 am, on the dot, you tiptoe over to Sam’s room, where you can just barely see light from below the door. Sneaking forward, you knock lightly in the rhythm of Shave and a Haircut, to which the door creaks open. It reveals a smirking Sam, still in his PJs, who holds up a can of whipped cream.
“Ready?” He whispers hoarsely, having woken up just a while ago.
You nod excitedly, “You got everything?”
“Yup. Uh, we’re avoiding Nat and Bucky, right?” He shifts nervously, terrified.
You giggle quietly, so as not to wake anyone else up, “I’ll just wake them up gently, Knowing both of them, they’ll be up in a bit anyway.”
“Yeah, Steve should be up soon, too. Did you butter the floor in front of the fridge already for him?”
“Yup, that’s done. The alarm for Tony’s lab- or should I say bedroom- is set for 30 minutes from now, too.” You count off on your fingers all the people you have to wake up at the same time. You only have 30 minutes to prepare, but you and Sam have really been prepping for weeks. “Vision’s already been informed and he’s gonna wake Wanda up around then.”
“Bruce said he’s gonna get up himself, so I’ll leave that, cuz I ain’t that stupid. Whaddya wanna do with the kid, Scott, and Birdman? Oh, and Rhodes, too.”
“Scott and Peter fell asleep in the lounge last night, but Clint is in his room. I got a couple of airhorns, if you wanna do that?”
“Sounds good. What about Rhodes and Birdman?”
“Hm...I think there’s ice in the freezer and I’ve got a bucket on hand.”
“Hell yeah, but you do that to Rhodes, since he likes you, and I’ll get the pain in the ass.”
“Yeah, okay. You go make sure the senior citizen can get up off the floor. I’ll get the assassins excluding Clint and make sure Bruce is up. Steve’ll make coffee first thing, knowing him, so you can check on Vision and Wanda while he’s doing that. I’ll get Thor with the whipped cream, you get T’Challa with...wait, what are you doing to him again?”
“I’m just gonna play that Nyan Cat thing until he wakes up.”
“That is ingenious. Okay, so then I’m sure Thor will drag his brother along with him and if not, not much lost I guess? We’ll meet up in Clint’s room and dump the bucket on him so we can sprint to Rhodes’ and be safe while we drench him in ice water, too. Tony’s alarm will go off and I’ve already asked Friday to record it, so we’re good in that department, as well as Cap’s fall, just in case you miss it. Then, we’ll head over to the lounge and get Scott and Peter. Sound good?”
“Yes, ma’am. Best damn Christmas I’ve ever had.”
“Hehe, alright, let’s get to work.”
 “Damn it!”
“Wow, Cap, you kiss your mother with that mouth?”
“Can it, Wilson, and help me up.”
“He’s beauty, he’s grace, he’s Mr. United States!”
“Sam, don’t you dare-”
“Help! A senior citizen has fallen and he can’t get up!”
“Come over here so I can kick your ass!”
“My grandma runs faster than you! But you’re the same age, so I guess it’s not that a big of a deal- Shit!”
 You sneak quietly nearby Nat’s room and knock quietly on the door, knowing that entering without making a sound would be a deathwish. She answers groggily and rubs her eyes. “You better have a damn good excuse for waking me up this early, or at least something that’ll get you off the hook.”
You smile proudly and motion vaguely to the kitchen. “Steve’s making coffee.”
“Thank fuck.”
“Language, Nat, you know he doesn’t like it.”
“Please, Rogers can kiss my-”
The next target is Bucky. He doesn’t keep a gun anywhere nearby, not since Steve confiscated it from him. It wasn’t safety issues for anyone else per se...it was more for Bucky’s own good.
You knock gently on the door and push it open, glancing briefly into the room. Bucky is stirring in his sleep, but he isn’t fully awake yet. You approach his bed, whispering. “Bucky? Bucky, c’mon. It’s time for Secret Santa.”
Bucky blinks awake slowly, rubbing his eyes and looking up at you. He croaks, “Mornin’, doll. What time is it?”
“Six thirty.”
“God, (Y/N)-”
“Hey, Sam wanted to get everyone up at 5. I saved your ass.”
He sighs and chuckles, burying his head into the pillow before sighing. “Yeah, okay. Is the punk making coffee?”
“Yup! C’mon, sleeping beauty.”
 You’re pleased to see Bruce already in the kitchen alongside extremely exhausted members of the household that you’ve already woken. They’re quickly joined by Wanda and Vision, who woke themselves up but were checked on by Sam. Said bird boy isn’t anywhere to be seen, so you assume T’Challa is either chasing his ass down or he’s about to. Glancing at your clock and seeing that it’s already 6:45, you get a move on, grabbing the whipped cream from the fridge.
Steve tilts his head at you. “(Y/N), who is that for?”
You smirk devilishly, “Two guesses, Steve.”
Bucky snorts from where he’s sipping his coffee and Nat shares an equally amused expression. Both seem to be more proud than disappointed, while Steve is amused and somewhat disappointed, though he tries to hide the first part.
 Waking Thor is considerably harder than you thought and it takes a lot of tickling his face with a feather. Just as you’re working your magic, someone enters and scares the shit out of you.
“Thor-” A low voice sounds from the door before it stops in shock.
You turn in terror to the voice, thinking you’ve been caught. You sigh in part relief upon seeing the God of Mischief standing in the doorway. You’ve still been caught, but- considering who caught you- maybe you won’t be as deep in shit. “Oh, uh, hi, Loki! How’s it goin’?”
“What are you doing in my brother’s chambers?” He cocks an eyebrow, glaring at you with those gorgeous eyes.
You bite your lip nervously. “J-Just waking him up by getting him to hit himself with whipped cream.”
There’s a moment of silence before a sudden snort takes you by surprise. You smile brightly at the realisation that it was Loki who made this sound. He approaches and glances at his slumbering brother. “Here.” He waves a hand over Thor’s face, which briefly glows green for a few moments.
“What-?” You don’t get a chance to finish asking him about what he’s doing, though, as Thor starts to twitch in his sleep. You see things in slow motion as he slams his hand upward to itch his face.
You gasp in pure amusement and excitement, Loki sniggering beside you. Suddenly, Thor’s eyes snap open. “Shit!” You exclaim, grabbing Loki’s hand and dragging him out the doorway with you in sudden terror.
The two of you are gasping with laughter as you drag him down the hall and back to the hallway where you reside, so that you can get ready to dunk ice water on Clint’s head. Finally, the both of you are safely in the hallway, gasping for breath between laughs and panting heavily as you lean against the walls for support.
“That was so worth it.” You chuckle, clutching at your side.
There’s a bit of silence, but it’s not awkward. It’s more of a comfortable silence before you realise you don’t have long before 7. “Shit, I have more to do. See you in a bit, Loki!”
At that, you disappear into your room, not looking back at the God of Mischief, who acted very out of character just now. Not like you would know, though, considering you don’t know him at all since before he moved into the tower temporarily this holiday.
 Clint is understandably furious when you and Sam dump water on his head, but he can’t catch up with you quick enough before the two of you escape to Rhodey’s room with another bucket of water. At this point, Sam abandons you to go get the air horns to wake Scott and Peter, leaving you to wake the colonel on your own.
“Damn it, (Y/N). Why?”
“Aw, c’mon, it woke you up, didn’t it?”
“Coffee. Coffee wakes me up. Not ice water.”
“I beg to differ. Look, I’ll buy you that special kind of coffee you like as a peace offering.”
“It better come with my own mug or so help me-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everybody else is up but Scott and Peter, but we’re about to wake them up. If you want that coffee before presents, you better get your ass up, Colonel.”
Day 3
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promptistrashqueen · 7 years
A Royal Commission (7)
Prompto can’t believe his luck when Noctis shows up for his next session an hour early. Not because he’s happy about it, though he really wants to be.
It’s been a shit day and Prompto was looking forward to seeing the Prince but he didn’t want Noctis to see this part of his life, not now...probably not ever honestly. He can’t do anything about the woman though so he just has to let the train wreck happen anyways.
He’s standing with his arms crossed, Charlie and Loqi hovering behind him, visible but quiet as his backup as the dark haired lady loses it.
“...on my baby girl! Desecration of the body won’t allow her to ascend when she passes and you’re the one who’s damned her! I will be seeing you in court for the intent to harm and spread of malicious and harmful material!”
Noctis, standing in the doorway goes from bewilderment to glaring anger when he figures out what the fuck is going on. Despite Prompto’s quick head shake he pushes past the woman and stands beside Prompto, brows furrowed and mouth twisting into an expression of distaste.
“The court won’t hear you, your daughter is an adult if she came in without you and maybe if you disagree with her decision to have art on her body, you should talk to her.”
He sees the way the woman recoils when she realizes who he is, but the shock is short lived.
“I see what this is. You’re going to protect him, even though he’s perpetuating evil in this city! I’ve always said you and that father of yours weren’t worthy of the crystal, that it should be someone pure who’s willing to rid the streets of filth like him.”
Prompto catches Noctis’ shoulder when he steps forward and it only fuels the woman as her nostrils flare.
“Disgusting, he’s befouled you hasn’t he? Not with his poisonous “art” either...You’re a sin-”
She doesn’t get any further, wherever her tirade is heading. Prompto’s had more than enough and so have the other two.
“Get out of my shop. Get out and don’t you dare come back. I have every right to call the police and I will not hesitate to do so if you don’t leave. Prince Noctis has nothing to do with this and if you wish to take us to court, that’s you. Now get. The. fuck. Out.”
Prompto’s not entirely certain what his expression looks like but it feels taut and rigid, his teeth clenched around his words and his eyes narrow. He hopes they’re still blue, but no one should ever, ever be allowed to insult Noctis.
The woman looks at the four of them, harrumphs, and turns on her heel.
“Fuck...I fuck…” Prompto’s hands are shaky with anger still as he runs them through his hair.
“Today’s been shit here, any better up there in the big time Noct?” Charlie breaks the tension with his calm voice and Noctis shrugs.
“Not really? We keep getting unannounced visits from Accordo and Niflheim and it’s making security crazy. That’s why I’m early, had to get out while I could.”
Prompto chuckles a little at that and sighs again, ignoring the way Loqi’s looking at him. He touches Noctis’ arm lightly and tips his head toward the back door, the Prince flashes him a smile and follows him back to his work room.
Noctis doesn’t waste time once they’re out of sight, he reaches and pulls Prompto against him. Prompto thinks about trying to resist for less than a second before he lets himself melt against Noctis’ warm body, hugging him back tightly. His fingers curl in the back of Noctis’ shirt and he huffs a breath that’s nearly a laugh.
“Long day?” Noctis asks conversationally, like he’s not saying it practically into Prompto’s hair. He rolls his eyes, not bothering to respond to that as he let’s the tension drain out of him.
“We can reschedule if you want the rest of the day off.”
Prompto does pull away at that, shaking his head and laughing a little, “Nah, working always helps me feel a little more put together, you know? Besides I might get beheaded if I make someone reschedule. I’ve got very important clients you know.”
He adds a little sniff, tilting his chin up and expecting Noctis to roll his eyes, but the Prince tilts his own head a little, his eyes a bit dark. He steps close, crowding Prompto toward the wall and making him swallow even though he feels a thrill as his heart jumps.
“More important than me?”
Noctis’ voice is pitched low and the joke is gone, leaving a playful sort of heat rolling off him. Prompto wants to be smooth and reply with some quip but his brain shorts out on him and all he manages is, “Maybe.”
He’s flushed though and his blue eyes are blown wide, he licks his bottom lip as Noctis steps closer, unaware how the swipe of his tongue makes the skin glisten. Noctis’ gaze focuses on the shine and he brings their mouths together, pressing Prompto against the wall.
Prompto spares a thought to the curtain but it’s mostly closed and Noctis’ mouth is warm and he lets his focus drop entirely to the Prince. His eyes slide shut and he cups Noctis’ face in one hand, sighing softly and allowing their tongues to meet. Noctis keeps the kiss soft and Prompto doesn’t rush it, letting the tide of warmth roll and break as the taste of the other man invades his senses.
If everytime they kiss is going to be like this Prompto’s pretty sure he’s going to need to hire someone to slap him or else he might start writing bad romance novels, because fuck, it’s good. Noctis tilts his head and licks further into his mouth and the thought sloughs off, leaving him groaning and pressing back against Noctis.
A harshly cleared throat forces them to part, though Noctis doesn’t bother to move back and Prompto can’t say he minds, though he is a little embarrassed. Loqi looks unimpressed as he fingers the curtain, unspoken remind to close the damn thing clear.
“If you’re not going to work on him, you might as well help close up so we can all get out of here sooner. Or I guess you could keep being lazy, since you’re the greatest and all.”
Prompto glares, because Loqi knows he’s being unfair with that last bit, “We’ll get to work then, leave the floors, it’s my turn to do them anyways.”
Loqi nods but doesn’t leave immediately, staring Prompto down for a long moment with a pinched sort of frown that leaves him grimacing.
Noctis watches him go and turns back to Prompto, raising an eyebrow as he takes a full step back, “Who spit in his stew?”
That startles a short laugh out of Prompto and he shakes his head, waving a hand, “ Who knows today? He’s right though, we’ve got work to do! Strip!”
Noctis rolls his eyes but shrugs out of his shirt, comfortable about it now, and takes his usual seat.
“Did you two ever-?”
It takes Prompto a moment but when he gets it he groans and slaps Noctis’ arm, “Technically? For a couple of months, but we didn’t work from the start and I think we only tried it because we have a uh...a shared past, sort of. I dunno? It was weird and the guy is an ass most the time. Now, no more questions I am arting!”
“Is that why it smells weird in here?”
“Make that joke again I will ink a bag of dicks on you.”
When they’re finished it’s late, nearing one in the morning and Prompto’s dead on his feet. It’s good he doesn’t have anything until noon the next day because he can feel the burn behind his eyes as he finishes mopping the floor, Noctis slouching over the waiting couch with his shirt rucked up to let air on his back.
Prompto groans as he pops his back, wheeling the dirty water bucket away and resolving to dump it tomorrow since the floor is still too wet to cross and he doesn’t want to track more than absolutely necessary.
“Doing alright Noct?”
He gets a grunt in response, but he’ll take it. They did a lot of work around Noctis’ spine and upper half of his scar today, finishing some of the geometrics and starting on the detailed spirals that extended up his shoulders. Prompto tries not to feel worried that there’s only one real session left and maybe a touch up.
He double checks he has everything and hums a little as he straightens the flyers by the couch.
“Okay! We can leave now! Thanks for stayin’ Noct.”
“No prob.”
Noctis yawns widely and Prompto shakes his head, he wonders if anyone would believe him if he told them what a sleepyhead the Prince was...probably just his guards.
They head onto the street as Prompto locks the big glass door and presses a small kiss to Noctis’ lips.
“See you soon?”
“I’m taking you home, no arguing.”
Prompto glares at him even as he bounces a little because he really, really liked the car. Noctis seems to pick up on the mild excitement because he smirks, actually fucking smirks.
“C’mon dude.”
Prompto opts not to say a word as Noctis leads him to a car, not the Aston Martin (totally not to his dissappointment, nope) but to a nice, normal mid-sized sedan. He sighs a little and gets in, noting the way Noctis winces as he settles into the seat.
“I probably shouldn’t technically be letting you drive but...the streets are pretty dead so?”
Noctis shrugs and flashes him a grin, “Here they are, not near my place. Guess I’ll have to crash on your couch.”
Prompto tries not to let his mouth hang open, he really does, but he could catch a few flies anyways. He wasn’t going to let Noctis in for Astral’s sake!
“I mean, for my safety.”
Shit. Can’t argue with that he supposes.
“Fiiiine. Not the couch though, you can have the bed! I’ll take the couch, or something.”
Noctis laughs and shakes his head, pulling out, “We can fight about it when we get there. Im too tired to use my words. Directions?”
Prompto’s house is not in a bad part of town, it’s not in a particularly good part either. They park in his little used driveway and he’s especially glad it was a short drive when he notes Noctis’ steps a little less even than usual. Not that he hasn’t noticed the way the Prince favors one side a bit anyways, like he hasn’t realized that the scar is only part of the damage.
He shakes the thought and hurries to let Noctis into the tiny house. It’s enough space for him but he’s sure it’s probably the size of Noctis’ whole bedroom. There’s a small living room, tiny kitchen, single bedroom and a bathroom with a fair sized claw footed tub. It’s what put this place ahead of some of the others, well, that, and the pretty little backyard.
Noctis though doesn’t seem to mind the size, he smiles at the inside, happy colors and posters, Prompto’s drawings scattered around and more photographs pinned to every open surface.
“It’s pretty clean for someone not expecting guests.” Noctis wiggles his eyebrows and Prompto snorts.
“I hate to see what you think messy is dude, I really do.”
Noctis shrugs and whatever he was going to say is cut off by a large yawn and a grumbling noise as he rubs at his cheek.
“Right, uh...bedroom.”
Prompto shows Noctis his room, glad that the bed is made at least. Noctis smiles again at the stuffed chocobo sitting on the bed and Prompto thinks, when they’re more awake, he’ll tell Noctis about some of the shit that means something to him.
As it is, Noctis tugs off his shirt and is reaching for his pants when Prompto coughs, “Uh, let me grab a pillow and blanket and I’ll leave!”
Noctis blinks at him and then nods, still undoing his belt and Prompto hurries to grab what he needs as well as his sleep pants. He sets an extra set on the bed and moves to go back to the couch when Noctis, in only his boxers, catches him.
“Goodnight Prom.” He mutters, pressing a sleepy, sloppy kiss to Prompto’s lips and smiling tiredly.
“Night Noctis.” Prompto answers, watching him stumble to the bed and, in a perfected move, grab the blanket, flop down and burrito himself as a fluid motion.
Prompto’s impressed, but mostly because Noctis is practically snoring when he hits the lights and heads for his fortunately comfy couch.
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