nidhi-writes · 7 months
Avalathu Kalvan (VanMozhi one shot)
Vaanathi, the princess of Kodumbalur, sat by her palace window in Thanjai, the capital of the Chola Kingdom. She gazed out, lost in thought, remembering her teenage years when she faced relentless bullying.
Her vision transformed into the memory of her first time in Pazhaiyarai.
She was a young girl sitting on the riverbed, tears streaming down her face. Her parents had passed away, leaving her orphaned. The other children taunted her, calling her an "unlucky princess" and shunning her from their games and conversations. The loneliness and despair weighed heavily on her young heart, and she often found solace in the quiet company of the river.
As Vaanathi recalled those painful memories, she felt a deep sadness wash over her. Despite her royal status, she had known great sorrow and hardship. But she also remembered the inner strength that had carried her through those dark times, which had helped her endure and persevere.
As she sat by the Ponni River in Pazhayarai, the gentle water flow calmed her nerves, and Vaanathi felt a familiar anxiety creeping in. She had barely arrived and already met the kind Chola princess Kundhavai, who had welcomed her warmly. But amidst the new surroundings and the friendly faces, Vaanathi couldn't shake off the fear of the unknown.
She was anxious about meeting Arunmozhi Varman, the youngest royal of the Chola Kingdom, who was adored by all. She had heard so much about him, his kindness, and his charisma. She couldn't help but secretly admire him from afar, though she had never seen him.
"What if he doesn't like me?" she thought, her heart skipping at the mere idea of meeting him. She knew she had to make a good impression, but her nerves got the best of her as she sat by the river, lost in her thoughts.
As the evening sky started to darken and the birds began to bid goodbye, Vaanathi's heart thumped with the possibility of doing something wrong. 
As she was lost in her thoughts, Vaanathi suddenly heard the sound of hooves approaching. She turned to see a teenage boy riding his horse towards her with admiring eyes. Startled by the sudden interruption to her solitude, Vaanathi quickly stood up. She felt disappointed that her peaceful moment by the river had been disrupted abruptly. The boy looked at her with a warm smile, his eyes reflecting the fading light of the day. He dismounted from his horse and approached her, his gaze never leaving her face.
"You looked like a beautiful nymph, lost in the beauty of the evening sky," he said softly, his voice hinting at admiration.
Vaanathi felt her cheeks flush at the compliment. She had never been compared to a nymph before and wasn't sure how to respond. She looked down, feeling suddenly shy under his gaze.
Vaanathi quickly let go of her shyness and stood straight, reminding herself of her status as a princess. Despite her initial shyness, she tried to sound harsh when she asked the boy who he was. However, her innocent voice came out more like a kitten meowing.
The boy, amused, laughed but quickly composed himself. "I am a stable boy working in the palace," he replied.
As Vaanathi heard the boy's explanation, her eyes narrowed. For a stable boy, he looked remarkably polished and well-kept. She couldn't help but admire how he cared for himself, even in his role.
"I see," Vaanathi said, trying to maintain her composure. "As a stable boy, you seem to take great pride in your appearance."
The boy smiled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Appearances can be deceiving; sometimes, things are not as they seem."
Curious, the boy asked, "And who might you be?"
Vaanathi hesitated momentarily before replying, "I am Vaanathi, Princess of Kodumbalur."
"Princess," the boy repeated with a hint of surprise. "It's an honour to meet you, Princess Vaanathi."
Vaanathi slightly let go of her fake seriousness and smiled as she relaxed at the boy's gaze before her. She sat down and looked at the space beside her, indicating that he would sit beside her.
The boy understood the silent invitation and sat beside her, leaving a respectful distance between them. They sat silently momentarily, watching the river flow gently past them.
"It's peaceful here," the boy said, breaking the silence. "I often come here to escape the hustle and bustle of the palace."
Vaanathi nodded, enjoying the tranquillity of the moment. She opened up to this stranger despite knowing very little about him.
"I come here to find solace," she admitted softly. "Being a princess can be lonely at times."
The boy looked at her with understanding in his eyes. "I understand. Even though I'm just a stable boy, I often feel the weight of expectations on my shoulders."
They sat in companionable silence, each lost in their thoughts. Despite their different backgrounds, Vaanathi felt a connection with the boy beside her, which went beyond their titles and positions.
"But what's troubling you, princess, if you don't mind me asking?" he said, looking at her face admiringly, taking in her eyes, lips, nose, and everything about her.
Vaanathi exhaled slowly, relieved to confide in someone. She closed her eyes briefly, taking a deep breath before speaking.
"From the time of my birth, I have always believed that I bring bad luck to the people I love," she admitted her voice barely above a whisper. "My parents passed away when I was young, and I have always felt responsible for their deaths. I fear anyone close to me will suffer the same fate."
The boy listened intently, his gaze soft and understanding. He reached out and gently took her hand in his, offering her comfort and reassurance.
"It's not your fault, princess," he said softly. "Bad things happen to everyone, but that doesn't mean you're cursed. Sometimes, we have to believe that things will get better."
Vaanathi felt a warmth spread through her at his words. For the first time in a long time, she felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, her luck was about to change.
"So, as a Kodumbalur princess, what brought you to Pazhayarai?" he asked, his curiosity evident.
Vaanathi raised an eyebrow at his question. For a stable boy, he sure did talk a lot. She decided to indulge him with an answer.
"Well, I am here to meet the royals, and I've already met the princess," she replied. "But I am nervous for tomorrow, as I will meet the two Princes of Chola Desam."
The boy nodded, understanding her apprehension. "Meeting royalty can be intimidating, but I'm sure you'll do just fine."
Vaanathi smiled gratefully at his words. Despite his humble station, the boy's words were comforting, and she felt a sense of calm wash over her.
"Thank you," she said softly.
The boy smiled back, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, I am just a stable boy, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here."
Vaanathi hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "I am nervous because this is the first time I will meet Arunmozhi Varman, whom I am meant to marry."
The boy's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly recovered and smiled at her. "Why nervous if you are going to marry him?" he asked.
Vaanathi sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "What if he doesn't like me? I am not the strongest nor the most beautiful. I am just an orphan princess with nothing else to offer."
The boy gently took her hand, offering her comfort. "You are more than your titles, Princess Vaanathi. You have a kind heart and a gentle spirit. Prince Arunmozhi will see that and cherish you for who you are."
Vaanathi smiled, touched by his words. Despite being just a stable boy, he had a way of making her feel valued and understood.
The stable boy reached into his bag, which he always carried, and pulled out something that caught Vaanathi's curiosity. She watched closely as he turned around, asking her to open her palm and close her eyes. She did so hesitantly, feeling something round and cold placed in her hand.
"Open your eyes," he said gently.
Vaanathi opened her eyes to find a beautiful golden ball in her palm. She gasped, her eyes widening in surprise. This looked expensive.
The boy smiled at her reaction. "I crafted this from bits of gold I collected since childhood," he explained. "I always carried it with me. It brings me calm and serves as a lucky charm."
"You should keep it for tomorrow, for good luck," he suggested, noticing Vaanathi's apprehension about the upcoming meeting with the Chola princes.
Vaanathi shook her head, hesitant to accept such a precious gift from a stranger. But the boy persisted, his eyes filled with sincerity.
"I insist," he said softly. "It's just a small token of my appreciation for your kindness and for sharing your story with me."
Vaanathi looked at the golden ball in her hand, feeling touched by the boy's gesture. Despite his humble status, he was willing to give her something precious. She closed her fingers around the golden ball, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort wash over her.
"Thank you," she said softly, her voice filled with gratitude.
The stable boy smiled at her and slowly bid her goodbye. As he turned to leave, Vaanathi couldn't help but ask, "How can I meet you again to return this golden ball to you?"
The boy turned back, his smile warm and reassuring. "I will come before you when I want it back," he said cryptically.
With that, he left, disappearing into the fading light of the day. Vaanathi watched him go, her heart filled with hope and happiness. She knew their paths would cross again, and she looked forward to the day when she could return the golden ball to him.
As the next morning dawned, Vaanathi got ready for the day ahead. She dressed in her finest attire, the golden ball safely tucked away in a pocket close to her heart. Just as she was about to leave her chambers, Princess Kundhavai entered, her face beaming excitedly.
"Good morning, Vaanathi!" Kundhavai exclaimed. "Are you ready for the meeting with the princes?"
Vaanathi nodded, returning Kundhavai's smile. Together, they made their way to the royal court, where the meeting would occur. Vaanathi's heart fluttered with nervous anticipation, but she felt a sense of calm knowing that she carried the golden ball with her, a reminder of the kind and hopeful encounter she had with the stable boy by the river.
As they entered the royal court, Vaanathi held the golden ball tightly, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. She thought of the stable boy and his kind smile, finding comfort in the memory. Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
Startled, Vaanathi looked up to see a tall boy a few years older than her looking down at her with a smirk. "Please don't be Arunmozhi, please don't be Arunmozhi," Vaanathi prayed silently, but the boy seemed to hear her and chuckled. Kundhavai, who was beside her, laughed as well.
"Don't worry, this is not Arunmozhi," Kundhavai reassured her. "This is Aditha Karikalan, my and Arunmozhi's elder brother."
"Sorry to disappoint you, my dear princess," Aditha joked, extending a hand to welcome her. Vaanathi smiled sheepishly, relieved that it wasn't Arunmozhi.
Kundhavai then asked about their brother, and all heads turned to the footsteps behind them. Vaanathi's eyes met with familiar ones, the eyes that made her feel calm and safe, the face that made her blush. Standing before her was the stable boy. Before Vaanathi could speak to him, Kundhavai looped her arm through his and brought him closer.
"Vaanathi, meet my little brother, Arunmozhi," Kundhavai introduced.
Vaanathi's heart raced. How could the stable boy be a prince? Her anxiety soared, and her vision started to blur. Before she could collapse, Arunmozhi caught her, his smile warm as he gently caressed her hair.
Flashback Ends
The now slightly older Vaanathi chuckled at her memory as she rolled the golden ball between her palms. "What made my queen so happy?" a voice called out. She looked up to see her husband, the great King Arunmozhi Varman, standing tall and strong with a face filled with love.
"I was thinking about a stable boy who captured my heart," Vaanathi replied, smiling at him.
"A stable boy?" Arunmozhi feigned hurt. "Where is this stable boy? I will have his head!" he joked, and they both laughed as they cuddled each other.
"Careful, my King," Vaanathi teased. "I am currently pregnant with his baby."
Arunmozhi gasped jokingly. "What?!"
Vaanathi Nodded as she laughed at her husband, to which ArunMozhi wiggled his eyebrows.
'What?' Vaanathi questioned. ‘Well, I am waiting for the princess to return the golden ball. She borrowed it from the stable boy," he said, and Vaanathi shook her head, stating, "The princess has now become queen, so her rules, as she has already given heart." She whispered as she closed their distance, and their lips met.
She knew they were destined to be together no matter where their journey started, ruling their kingdom with love and compassion.
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Ohh! I am in love with the above AI art; it just gives me a peek at the romance that post-marriage VanMozhi would have had.
@whippersnappersbookworm  @harinishivaa @thelekhikawrites  @willkatfanfromasia  @yehshuhua  @arachneofthoughts  @vibishalakshman @nspwriteups  @thirst4light  @hollogramhallucination   @celestesinsight ​  @curiousgalacticsoul  @themorguepoet @tranquilsightseer @nature-writes29
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ambidextrousarcher · 1 year
“ஆமாம். அக்கா, ஆமாம்! நாகைப்பட்டினத்துப் புத்த பிக்ஷுக்கள் சொன்னதாகக் கூறினாயே? அதன்படியே நடந்தது. அநுராதபுரத்தில் புத்த பிக்ஷுக்களின் மகா சங்கத்தார் எனக்கு இலங்கைச் சிங்காதனத்தையும், கிரீடத்தையும் அளிக்க முன் வந்தார்கள். நான்தான் மறுத்து விட்டேன், அக்கா! இராஜ்யத்தில் எனக்கு ஆசையில்லாதபடியால்தான் மறுதளித்தேன். நீ வேறு எது சொன்னாலும் கேட்கிறேன். இராஜ்யம் ஆளும் தொல்லை மட்டும் எனக்கு வேண்டாம்! அதைக் காட்டிலும் கடலில் படகு விட்டுக்கொண்டு எவ்வளவோ ஆனந்தமாயிருக்கலாம். கேள், அக்கா! கோடிக்கரையில் ஓடக்காரப் பெண் ஒருத்தி இருக்கிறாள்...”
Excerpt From
Ponniyin Selvan Anaithu Pagangal (Tamil Edition)
This material may be protected by copyright.
Context: Arulmozhi thinks he is speaking to his sister in his fevered delirium.
“Yes, elder sister, yes! Had you not told me of the prediction made by the Buddhist monks in Nagapattinam? Events happened just as they were foretold. The Buddhist monks belonging to the Maha Sangam in Anuradhapuram came forward to grant me the throne and the crown of Lanka. It was I who refused, elder sister! Having no desire to rule a Kingdom, I refused. Whatever else you say, I shall listen. Only the trouble of ruling a Kingdom, I don’t want! Instead of that, how happy we can be sailing in the seas. Listen, elder sister! There is a boatwoman in Kodikkarai…”
Delirious as he is, I still think Arulmozhi holds Poonkuzhali in a high regard at this point of time, because his first thought to tell his adored sister was about her. I do believe he felt something for her, at least as a friend, or something akin to admiration for her.
Also….this is making me think, for in a future chapter, one probably set a few days after this one (as Arulmozhi, Sendhan and Poonkuzhali reach Choodamani monastery) one of the monks there speaks of Kundavai having visited them in the recent past, and spoken of the possibility of them hosting Arulmozhi, that what is the timeline for these events? I like to think that Kundavai had spoken to the monks in Nagapattinam and sent Arulmozhi a letter regarding the possibility of him being enthroned, or had Annirudhar rely her message, which means Kundavai had visited Nagapattinam very recently, perhaps after leaving Thanjai on the way to Pazhayarai?
Tagging my usual tag list! @whippersnappersbookworm @mizutaama @celestesinsight @thereader-radhika @thelekhikawrites @themorguepoet @deadloverscity @harinishivaa @racoonpaws @favcolourrvibgior @willkatfanfromasia and @humapkehaikaun
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dosai-maavu · 11 months
Two Full Moons
I recently rewatched both of the PS movies and I gotta say, the dialogues are just INCREDIBLE.
i don't know if anyone else has noticed it, but there's such a clever play on words when Nandini and Kundavai have their exchange when Kundavai enters the Thanjavur Fortress.
The conversation goes: Nandini: Welcome Princess, your arrival has beautified the whole of Thanjai's fortress.
Kundavai: I've heard that you have collected and kept all of the beauty in the fortress.
When you watch it for the first time, it looks like it's just clever conversation between two smart and sharp women. But wait. Who in the story is described as being so beautiful, that their NAME was altered to celebrate it? Kundavai's father, Sundara Chozhar. Kundavai and Nandini are indirectly talking about how HER father, the King of the Chola Empire, has basically been imprisoned in the fortress.
The conversation continues,
Nandini: Yes, beauty is kept captive here.
Kundavai: Captive? I thought it was seated on a Golden Throne.
Nandini: Yes, but it is old gold.
Kundavai: The older the gold, the more respected.
Nandini: Even if it is made of gold, shackles are shackles.
Kundavai: The key to those shackles are in my hands.
Nandini is taunting Kundavai here, talking about how her father is old and cannot do anything to resist becoming a puppet of the Pazhuvettarayars. He has no freedom. It doesn't matter that he's a King with a luxurious palace and everything he needs a beck and call away, he's still under the thumbs of the Pazhuvettarayars.
Kundavai has a befitting reply of course. It doesn't matter that her father is basically under house arrest. She, Kundavai, being a Princess of the land has much more power than the Pazhuverttarayar brothers. She has the power to release her father from their control. She still has more power than Nandini.
It's such a clever way to show how Nandini and Kundavai hate each other, to the very core. It looks like a fun, teasing conversation but in reality, both insulting each other in the worst way possible.
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houseofbreadpakoda · 1 year
Thanjai was in denial. The kingdom was in denial. Everyone absolutely refused to believe the news.
Aditha Karikalan was no more, or so they'd heard. Killed at the hands of the Ilaya Rani.
"They're all rumours. Arulmozhi came back alive. Aditha will come back alive too." Kundavai had muttered to herself several thousand times in the past few hours. Arulmozhi had taken the letter sent by the Senatipati to Sundara Chozha, had tried to tell him that Aditha was truly no more, but Sundara was far from convinced. "I will not accept the news until i see his body with my own eyes, understand this arulmozhi!"
Rumours would usually spread like wildfire in the kingdom, and would pass on from one to another curious ear, until it was heavily manipulated. But this time, not one entertained the news, not one believed it. The Periya Puli couldn't have possibly fallen into a such an evident trap, they said.
All until the procession arrived in Thanjai.
There lay Aditha's lifeless body, somehow still holding a strong command over the crowd.
Sundara Chozha threw away Kundavai and Arulmozhi's hands that had held him upright, slowly limping down the stairs towards his eldest son. One look at Aditha's peaceful face and he knew, Aditha hadn't fallen into Nandhini's trap, he had walked into it knowing all the repercussions. Rather he had awaited it, awaited it since the day he was seperated from his kaadal. Sundara regretted his existence. He had known how much Aditha had loved Nandhini, and knew what it meant to love someone that immensely, but had done nothing to warn or prevent his son from falling that hard and deep in love. He regretted his existence, because he always knew that Aditha was a mirror image of himself, but did nothing to protect him from his own doings.
Kundavai prayed and pleaded to her stars, for a sign that this wasn't true. For a sign, that this was all a nightmare, and she could wake up and go back to her Anna. She stared down at Aditha, as she felt a palm over her hand. It was Arulmozhi's. Aditha was indeed no more.
Kundavai broke down before her brother's body. She held Aditha's hand one last time. Stone cold hands. And that broke her even more. She could still feel his hold on her when they met for the last time at Nagapattinam. His warm and possesive hold. And with every passing moment that she looked at him, the hold only became fainter, and Kundavai didn't know whether to hold him tight for as long as she could or run away from him.
Just for a second then at the Viharam, she'd thought that maybe things would go back to how they were before. For a second, she'd thought that maybe she'd get back her bestfriend. But he was gone. Forever.
Arulmozhi was brought up around a pack of Tigers, who never let their guards down. And here today the very same tigers had shattered and thrown away those guards. His Father, who he believed was the epitome of calmness, had lost all control of himself and was on his knees, staring emptily at Aditha. His elder sister, who always presented herself in the best demeanour was now a mess, weeping in front of his Anna's body. Was he supposed to uphold what he was taught, or let his emotions flow; he did not know.
Although Arulmozhi was the first to accept and put forward the news, it hadn't dawned upon him that death meant losing one, and never getting them back. Death to him was just a word, which held no real meaning until he saw Aditha's body. Maybe all along in his mind, he subconsciously believed, that Aditha would come back, alive.
With his family so out of their element, his surroundings felt unreal. A tear dropped from his eyes, soothing his burning skin. For the first time Arulmozhi felt, that maybe crying would help. He kneeled next to Kundavai and let another tear roll down. Then another. Then another.
Thanjai was engulfed in a grey vignette. The citizens who had last seen Aditha as a mere teenager, refused to accept that their dear boy had died. No matter how much one cried or prayed to their lords, the deed was done.
Aditha Karikalan was no more.
@thegleamingmoon @whippersnappersbookworm @celestesinsight @nspwriteups @thelekhikawrites @yehsahihai @harinishivaa @vibishalakshman @chiyaanvikram @willkatfanfromasia
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Inaidhal [Anuraga]
Collab with @harinishivaa
Arulmozhi Varman was confused with himself. He said he didn’t want Vanathi, and yet, his thoughts had been deeply sunk into her, and his worry had been for the tender heart of said maiden. Why was her heart and it’s condition so important to him? What was it about her that made him worry so much?
Was he supposed to like Samudra Kumari?
And yet, his eyes would not even wander from Vanathi? What sort of man was he?
He was annoyed with himself, but even he knew that he couldn’t deny that something about his Akka’s best friend endeared him to her in a way no one else could.
He had felt her gentle gaze on him often, but every time he turned to look, she was looking away from him. Why did she not meet his eyes? Why did she change?
Why was she not that mischievous, teasing maiden he had met at first? Does his being Ponniyin Selvar change that they had interacted so well the first time?
Why would she want that change?
Parameshvara, has he gone mad? Why is he thinking so much about this and her?
He could hear a persistent voice in the back of his head trying to tell him something, but he shut it down. Now was not the time.
Even as he pondered so, he saw Vanathi walking along the flowers, and admired the connotation. Was she not a flower herself?
‘Arulmozhi!’ He chided himself firmly. ‘Stop it.’
He forced his mind to turn to something else, something political, something that had been bothering him since Vanthiyathevan had come to Eezham with news at Thanjai.
Ah, a hundred years. Vanthiyar had come up to him.
“Vaarungal, Vanthiyare, (come, Vanthiyare)” he smiled briefly at his friend.
“Is everything alright?”
“It is, though I have some doubts now… Vanathi!” He called out, taking quick steps towards her, her name sounding as common to his tongue as he said Chozha Nadu. Almost as if he couldn’t bear to call her anything else.
She startled, her doe eyes widening as her eyes met his, the sheer gaze of them having the ability to stop Arulmozhi’s very movement. Why did she always have this effect on him?
“Vanathi, can I ask you a few questions?” he said softly, walking to stand a respectable distance from her, though he was itching to stand close to her for some reason.
“Of course, Ilavarase,” she blinked her doe eyes at him, though easily accepting his request. It was clear she was curious what he wanted to know, and he was gratified at her easy acceptance.
“Vanthiyathevar has told me of the situation at Thanjai. But he was there only for a few days. You stayed there with Akka for quite some time, based on what Akka told me. What was your experience with the Pazhavettarayars there, Vanathi?”
“They weren’t incredibly welcoming of even Akka, my Prince,” Vanathi started. “They seemed very displeased that she had suddenly chosen to visit, with her whole retinue that too. And they were probably disconcerted by the fact that Akka insisted on parading with me into Thanjai. Nandhini Devi even made a comment on it that I think she thought was to hurt me, but it didn’t have the intended effect.”
“What did she say?” he asked, curious.
“Princesses flock Pazhayarai like bees flock flowers for nectar, she said. It goes to show her intelligence that she was able to hide her real meaning with pretty words,” Vanathi said frankly. “She isn’t actually wrong, but is not the true nectar the friendship of Kundavai Akka and the guidance of Sembiyan Patti?”
“How many would view it as you do, Vanathi?” reposed Arulmozhi rhetorically, smiling when she acknowledged his words with a smile of her own, having understood what he meant.
“They do have full control, my Prince. They have made the Chakravarthy a prisoner, and even try to manipulate him with regards to you and the Pattathu Ilavarasar,” Vanathi said softly. “They tried to imply that you both are competing for the throne, but Chakravarthy got furious and asked them if they had cut the tongues that wagged such tales about you and the Crown Prince.”
Arulmozhi’s eyebrows rose in some surprise and sadness.
“So my Patta also feels this?”
“My Prince, he may be playing politics, but I believe he does really adore you. I saw his face when the news of your drowning reached us. He was broken, shattered beyond belief. He kept saying, ‘En Arulmozhi, en Chella kuzhandhai’ over and over.”
“I see.”
Arulmozhi looked distant, silently feeling the emotions and smiling mildly.
“What else, Vanathi? Have all the scrolls I sent reached Appa?”
Vanathi looked at him with something like awe and knowing, as if she had been expecting this from him.
“No my Prince,” she said, sighing. “Your dearest mother told me that the Chakravarthy wanted you and the Pattathu Ilavarasar by his side, but that the two brothers did not relay the message. She requested Akka to bring both of you back, as at this very moment, your father needs you by his side.”
Arulmozhi felt disturbed. He had to get to his father. He really did. But his brother- he felt almost disoriented.
“Is there anything else?”
“Ilavarase, they manipulated your father’s orders and made it an arrest instead of his order for you to return to his side,” she said quietly. “And I know who suggested that as well.”
“Nandhini,” Arulmozhi responded, sure and certain.
She nodded, sighing.
“She hides her intelligence behind her honestly stunning beauty,” Vanathi said frankly. “She has dropped suggestions for your Chittappa to covet the crown. She had suggested your imprisonment, and she dislikes Akka, for reasons you well know.”
Arulmozhi nodded, his eyes sparkling at how honest Vanathi was, and how her acumen was showing itself in subtle peaks, one he had felt in her but not seen till then.
“So tell me, Vanathi, how have your fainting spells been?” he teased.
“Vanished finally, my Prince,” she blushed and teased back, making him laugh.
“You stopped fainting, you talk, Vanathi, how could you hide this from me?” his tone stayed teasing and mischievous, making her laugh. The particles of the air seemed to laugh with her, showering the world with golden sparkles, and Arulmozhi was captivated, despite not realizing it.
Vandiyathevan was confused; he didn't expect to see his Uyir thozha's face getting illuminated in the presence of the Kodumbalur ilavarasi. Arulmozhi's eyes sparkled with a different kind of emotion as he continued to tease Vanathi ,who discarded her usual shy self and actively participated in the banter.
" Didn't Ponniyin Selvan say that The Ilavarasi is nothing to him then why is he behaving like this?"- Vandiyathevan wondered , he had previously seen Arulmolzhi converse with Poonkuzhali, the girl he thought he was in love with . With Samudrakumari, Ponniyin Selvan was his usual charming self , easily fluctuating between flirtations and platonic adoration . But with Vanathi , the great prince transformed into a young child who doesn't know how to behave around a woman. His behavior reminded Vallavaryan of young boys trying to catch the eye of the girl they loved with teasing and bullying.
" Was the adoration him and Samudrakumari shared was a figment of my imagination or a projection of my own desire for Kundavai?"
Vandiyathevan glanced at the pair standing in front of him lost in their own world , laughing like little childrens on a comman joke they shared , adoration visible in both their eyes as their laughter spread like music across the Vihara. Their serene countenance didn't show any sign of the storm raging inside their hearts, the small moment of happiness among the grieve tension filled atmosphere has separated them from the real tangible world and its problems.
Looking at them reminded the Vanar kulam warrior of a certain moment he shared once in a boat with his beloved, the moment where they were lost in each other's eyes without a care of the world and the rules that forces them apart.
‘Was Kundavai right all along? Is Kodambalur ilavarasi Vanathi always the one for Ponniyin selvan?’
His thoughts continued to ring in his head, as if in some divine push, when he heard the Prince laugh out loud, genuine and open, hearing something the Princess had said.
By Ishvara, had he been that wrong about the gentle Princess?
@vijayasena @vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @ambidextrousarcher @celestesinsight @jukti-torko-golpo @ @rang-lo @dr-scribbler @ragkee @ @ @ @sakhiiii @harinishivaa @freeunknownwasteland @nspwriteups @willkatfanfromasia @gemsmusings @celestesinsight @sampigehoovu @balladedutempsjadis
We are finally back !!!!
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ahamasmiyodhah · 1 year
Oru Pakka Kaadhal
Note: It would be better if you read and no bashing comments in the comment section.
There are many terms to describe love in Tamil Language. Anpu, Kaadhal, Achai, Paacham, and what not. Kundhavai knew all them. Anpu; which was general term for Love, she felt that for everyone she held dear. Kaadhal; the romantic for of love was what she felt when a certain Vaanarkula Veeran started making it's home in her heart. She felt the Achai love, the longing, when he was away. But what she never knew was the true meaning of term Kaikkilai.
When she had met with a certain Princess of Kadambur, Kundhavai's heart was filled with dread. The said Princess was bawling wildly, "He- He who's in dungeons, he didn't kill Pattathu Ilavarasar!!! It was me! It was I who killed him! Vandhiyadevan is innocent!! Please listen to me Ilaiyapiratti! He is innocent!!!" She had bawled, her face swollen with the tears and a red hue on one side of her beautiful dusky face was telling that she had been smacked.
Kundhavai very well was aware of the fact that Kandhamaran had gave his sister's hand in marriage to Vandiyadevan, only to retreat it abruptly and leave the army, much to her Anna's chagrin. "Idiot, Kandhamaran was. Who knows what went in the mind of that baffoon." He had cried out in anger that day when she visited him in Kanchi. The Kadambur Kula Vilakku was betrothed to her Chithappa; well, her foster Chithappa, and then to her Anna before he was killed. Kundhavai was worried that Vandiyadevan might have feelings for her, but he disregarded the thought and said he had eyes for her, although his eyes shone a little different.
Kaikkilai, was a term that is used to express a romantic love that isn't reciprocated. Kundhavai realised that Manimekalai's devotion for Vandiyadevan was same as Vanathi's for her Thambi, although he had reciprocated, Vandiyadevan didn't. He couldn't. Or maybe he did, only he knew.
Vandiyadevan escaped from Prison, and two days later a disheveled yet widely smiling and proud Kandhamaran had claimed that he killed Vandiyadevan, only for the doors to burst open and came in Vandhiyadevan, drenched head to toe and still half unconscious in fever, yet tightly holding a passed out and equally drenched Manimekalai. Kundhavai, Vanathi and Poonkuzhali had ushered Manimekalai to the Vaidhyar, and all while being treated she only mumbled one thing.
“This life is for him, if he is not there neither I. If he lives I live, even if he loves someone else.”
Kundhavai couldn't help but cry at that. Cry for the lovely maiden who had nothing to do with them yet she suffered. But what hurt her the most was that she had not asked about Manimekalai when her Father took her back. She insisted with her Patti Sembiyan Mahadevi to keep Manimekalai in Thanjai, so that they can heal her. But Sambuvarayar was adamant on taking her back, and did that.
The Letter fell from her hands, that had started shaking. Yet, she smiled when Vandiyadevan visited her. She had told him about Kandhamaran's letter, and also beseeched him to go to Mekalai.
“What's the use Ilavarasi? Manimekalai has forgot me.” he had sadly smiled, and Kundhavai realized that somewhere, he did loved Mekalai. She was well aware that they loved each other, but he loved her too.
“Vandhiyare, Please go, I beseech you. Please go to her, for Kandhamaran says Manimekalai might not see the sun tomorrow.” Kundhavai's eyes which always brimmed with inteligence and wisdom were now filled with worry and dread. Vanathi, who had married to her thambi, too asked him to go.
Next day when he had returned, she knew something changed. His bloodied hands were the proof that the Lamp of Kadambur was extinguished. His tears were proof that he did loved her at some point.
Kundhavai held onto Vandhiyadevan as the Vallam Prince had shook and cried, her hand rubbing soothing circles on his back as she whispered sweet nothings while slipping tears of her own.
That day, Kundhavai had decided that whatever happens, even if he marry someone else too after her, she will take in them with a smile. Be it political marriage or other. She had promised herself that no other Manimekalai will die. Vandiyadevan did married few more women, and she accepted them like an elder sister, searching Manimekalai in them.
Although she found none of her.
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Pic: Final Chapter of Book 5 :: The Rose Withered Away.... | Manimekalai's Death as Vandiyadevan Weeps
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Manimekalai is a Character who will always be attached to me. She knew Vandiyadevan was not hers, yet she took the blame of Karikalan's murder that was pasted on him so that he can be proven clean. She jumped into Ponni Nadhi after hallucinating Vandiyadevan being hanged (That's when VT sees her jumping and saves her). She should have been become better if Sambuvarayar had left her in care of Periya Piratti and Ilaiya Piratti, I think. I cried for like an hour after read her death. I will never forget her. Never ever ❤️
@harinishivaa @vibishalakshman @kovaipaavai @willkatfanfromasia @nirmohi-premika @nspwriteups @dr-scribbler @rang-lo @deadloverscity @hollogramhallucination @whippersnappersbookworm @rambheem-is-real and half of them who's Usernames I forgot 😭😭😭
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nspwriteups · 1 year
Kannalane Chapter 2: Conversations and Confessions
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Aditha. Why did that name sound so familiar? And that person.She was sure she had never seen him in Thanjai before, never heard a voice similar to his, never seen someone who even remotely resembles him but still ... .His presence was so comforting and familiar. Who was this Aditha? How was he able to have such an influence on her after meeting for only a handful of times? Nandini was suddenly gripped by a desire to know more about him. So she made a decision as she laid down to sleep that night. She will go back to the old Banyan tree one last time tomorrow. Just to see that person again.one more time. Maybe even have a friendly conversation as Vishaka told her to do. And then they would separate as acquaintances.She would find a new abode of peace and he can take rest under her Banyan tree with his sword and  daggers as much as he wants without her interference. 
 The next evening Nandini seated herself under the same old place as usual, savouring a mango she got from Vishaka, after putting some mangoes aside for her family and one more for her fellow visitor. He must be from a wealthy family, he may even get baskets of mangoes if he just wished. Her mind chided her. Still, she kept one aside for him so that they could start their pleasantries on a good act of benevolence. But time flew by and her visitor failed to come. She saw the sun disappearing and decided to return to the temple, her heart heavy with disappointment at the absence of her mysterious youth. Well, not so mysterious but a name and a suspicion about his status was all she knew about him.Why was she so crestfallen ? It wasn't like they agreed to a meet and greet. Surely he must have other important duties to attend to, just like she has. With these thoughts, she made her way to the temple. She was again assigned the role of distributing prasad to the devotees. 
Sometimes fate works in strange ways. That was what Nandini thought when she saw Aditha enter the temple. He was alone and seemed to be searching for someone. The moment his eyes locked on hers, he gave her a grin and made his way over standing at the end of the line.She returned to focus on her task at hand but couldn't help sneak a glance at him at times. He was standing straight, with hands at his back, moving ever so slightly as the queue started moving, looking around at the crowd with a carefree look. Suddenly she wished the queue would move faster so he could reach her quicker. Did he come to see her?  Maybe apologise for not coming today? She wished to talk to someone about it. Where was Vishaka when you needed her?
After what seemed to be a long time, he stood in front of her. "Hello Chempaka" he said in a teasing tone.
"I'm not wearing any Chempaka flowers today" she said 
"Do you want me to get you some?" He replied quickly, with his usual smirk.
She narrowed her eyes at him. How brashen he is. " You didn't come today" She said, meaning to say it as a question but it came out sounding like a statement. He looked at her for a minute in genuine confusion before a look of realisation came over his face. 
"I'm sorry Devi. I didn't know you were waiting for me" he said, looking for confirmation in her face.  She knew even if she denied it, he would catch her lie from her face. " I was ..just…wondering" she nevertheless made a somewhat convincing excuse, as she handed over the prasad to him. He received it and said " I will come tomorrow. I promise" .Then turning to pray to the deity, he walked away, not before giving her a reassuring smile. She returned the smile.
He came as promised. And what occurred was deafening silence. Nandini quickly realised she wasn't like Vishaka at all. Vishaka could make friends with anyone within minutes while Nandini took longer time to create friendship. She was even comfortable sitting in silence instead of filling the quietness with words like Vishaka. It seemed Aditha was also of the same attitude. At first they used to bask in their silence, occasionally remarking on the weather or talking about the latest events. Slowly but surely as the days passed, Nandini found herself going back on her decision and arriving at her personal abode of peace now sharing it with her newfound friend, Aditha. And as the bond of trust between them started to strengthen, they exchanged their life stories. 
" I'm an orphan" Aditha said "My mother died in childbirth and my father was a soldier who was killed in war when I was seven. He was a close friend of the Sambuvarayar Shivarama. After my father died, he adopted me as his son as he and his wife were childless. I had been at Nagaipattanam for the past few months to learn sword fighting and horse riding . I wish to be a soldier like my biological father and to serve the Chozha Naadu" 
"Have you never wished for a sibling?" Nandini asked
"I like to think I had a handful of siblings last life and that's why I don't have any in this life" Aditha shrugged
"Well, I have two headaches in the form of human beings as my sister and brother. You are lucky " 
He laughed " I know you appreciate and love them despite their mischiefs, Chempaka. You seem like a very considerate person " 
"Nandini " 
"You don't have to call me Chempaka anymore. You can call me Nandini, "she said softly.
"Nandini" He said it aloud as if testing to see how it sounded. " That's a beautiful name" 
Nandini was aware of a change in her feelings towards her friend. She started waiting for his arrival and reminiscing about their conversations afterwards. Even Kaveri caught on to her changed demeanor. "Akka, why are you smiling at the food? Are you thinking of someone? Am I going to have a brother in law soon?" She would tease, only to have Nandini box her ears for her cheekiness. But try as she may, she wasn't able to settle the butterflies in her stomach whenever he said her name. 
"Nandini, tell me, is there any backstory to your name?" Aditha asked once
" My father told me he thought of the name when he saw me for the first time" Nandini said
"He chose well. You really are a bringer of joy" He said with his signature smirk and Nandini tried not to let him see her blush. 
"What about you?" 
He let out a deep sigh " I remember my father telling me I was named after the late uncle of the current ruler, Aditha Karikalan. I have heard stories of how fierce a warrior he was and one day, I hope I can be a warrior just like him" then he turned towards her " I also remember there was a Nandini at that time. The Pazhavur Iliya Rani . People say she was the most beautiful woman to have walked the land. No one knows how she died though. Some say she passed away due to an illness, some say she was killed, others say she drowned herself" 
What has gotten into his mind? Nandini wondered. Comparing her to that of the enchanting Pazhavur Iliya Rani just because they share the same name. She looked back  to see he was gazing at her playfully. 
"What?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at him
"You know, before she became Pazhavur Rani, Nandini Devi and Aditha Karikalan were rumoured to be lovers" Aditha continued, watching her expression.
"So.." He took a minute to grin at her before saying " Would this Nandini like to be the lover of this Aditha?" 
Her eyes widened as she processed what he just said. This time though she wasn't able to hide her blushing cheeks from him. Not giving an answer and thoroughly taken aback by his upfront manner, she did what she did best. Standing up and briskly walking off. 
"Nandini come back" She heard him laugh behind her "I was just teasing you, Chempaka"
To be continued…
@ramcharanobsessed @dumdaradumdaradum @vibishalakshman @thatacademic @hollogramhallucination @kovaipaavai @rang-lo . @willkatfanfromasia @thelekhikawrites @thegleamingmoon @deafeningflowercat @yehsahihai @whippersnappersbookworm @itsfookingloosah @gemsmusings @chiyaanvikram @elvenladysakura . @matka-kulfi . @madatdisney @bumblebeeskywalker @vahnithedreamer @nkarti @dosai-maavu @utterlynotperfect @winter-birds @happy-bookworm @tumbledout @anabanana4115 @freeunknownwasteland @bhataktiatmacore @rapunzels-stuff @celestesinsight @mairablue @rationalelderberry @existenceiswhateven @arachneofthoughts @spider5884fan11 @nirmohi-premika
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vishnavishivaa · 1 year
Enadhuyire (Three Shot- Part 1)
Plan In Action
Arulmozhi leaned against the wall, waiting comfortably in the silence of the chambers with Vanthiyathevan, Poonkuzhali and Sendhan Amudhan. The latter two had brought him to Choodamani Viharam safely, and he was incredibly grateful to them. He also knew that Poonkuzhali had developed feelings for him, but he was unable to return anything more than a gentle affection and a platonic friendship. 
His heart was already occupied with doe eyes and shy smiles, with a cursive handwriting etching Thevarams on scrolls and a gentle voice calling out to him, discreet mischief as she out maneuvered his elder sister- he was captured, though he had done nothing to show her his affections. 
Something that would change, he had determined, especially after seeing her peer at him through her window, as he had termed it. 
“Vanthiyare, are we waiting for Akka?” he asked, despite knowing the answer. 
“Kundavai Devi and Vanathi Devi as well, Ilavarase,” Vanthiyathevan replied with a knowing smile. “The Kodumbalur Ilavarasi was busy with prayers to Durga Amma, thanking Her for your continued survival. Ilaya Piratti has gone to finish the prayer with the Ilavarasi, before the two make their way here.”
“And we are here now,” Kundavai’s voice announced, as she gently held Vanathi’s hand, tugging her in with a gentle smile. Arulmozhi instinctively got up, his eyes on Vanathi entirely, something he knew his elder sister had noticed very well, given the smirk that played on her features. 
“Kodumbalur Kula vilakke,” Arulmozhi greeted Vanathi, his piercing eyes tracing every feature of hers, noting the loss of weight with concern. 
“Ponniyin Selva,” she responded with the wide eyed gaze that she had when she spoke to him, her luminous golden orbs stunning him to the very embers of his soul. 
“Eppadi irukkirai? (How are you doing?)” he asked softly, stepping forward to talk to her intently. 
“Thangal eppadi irukireergal, Ilavarase? (How are you, Prince?)” she turned the question on him, and he smiled. 
“I am fine, as you can see, Devi. Come in, join us. Akka,” he smiled at Kundavai. Turning around, he quickly introduced Poonkuzhali and Vanathi to each other, a little sad when he saw a flash of what looked like sadness and heartbreak pass through Poonkuzhali’s face.
Feeling bad, but unable to move Vanathi from within him, he prayed to Parameshvaran for Poonkuzhali to find the right man for her. 
His gaze was once again captured by the yellow wearing beauty, who had sat down next to his elder sister as always, ever like an extension of Kundavai herself. 
“Akka, do you have to leave today itself?” Arulmozhi asked. 
“I do, thambi,” she said softly, a gentle smile of understanding on her face. “I need to go and move the chess pieces before you arrive, as Aditha Anna is decidedly going to Kadambur despite our requests.” 
She sighed at this, smiling at Vanathi, who patted her hand with exceeding gentleness. 
“Akka, shall I return with you?” Vanathi asked. “I am already prepared.” 
Vanathi was already returning to Thanjai? No no, she couldn’t. He had to talk to her, spend some time with her, even through all this tumult. Luckily for him, Kundavai had seen his expression, and decided to respond for him. 
“No no, kanne. It might be better for you to come with Arulmozhi,” Kundavai said instead, a mischievous expression that seemed to simply making Vanthiyathevan melt alighting on her face. 
“W-what? Akka!” An alluring blush made its way to the fair cheeks of the maiden who had captured his heart, and Arulmozhi had to smile at her adorableness, not quite able to hide his affection for her. 
“Actually Akka, that would make sense,” Arulmozhi said, suddenly lighting up with an idea. When everyone turned to see him, including Vanathi, he just smiled gently at her, before turning back to Kundavai, whose happy surprise made his heart soar that this was the right decision. 
“You need me to come to Thanjai in secret, isn’t that so?” At Kundavai’s nod, he too nodded, certain in his plan. “Then I can come as a mahout, who is parading Kodumbalur Ilavarasi to Thanjai. The Princess is coming as a messenger to our father.” 
“W-what?” Vanathi was completely startled at the words of Arulmozhi, which was clear in her tone, though her eyes shone like lights that attracted him. He registered Poonkuzhali’s melting heart, and smiled, understanding that his Princess had simply enchanted the boat woman by her simple elegance. 
“Ilavarasi, it would make the most sense,” he said softly. “But if you are uncomfortable with the plan-“
He faltered, praying to his Parameshvaran that she wasn’t uncomfortable. 
“No no, Ilavarase. I am fine with the plan,” she smiled softly, the rosy hue of her cheeks like fire, but elegant like smooth plains. 
“Are you sure, Vanathi?” Her name slipped from his mouth as if he had been saying it all his life, the little gasp she uttered making him smile, even more enchanted by her. 
“I am, Ponniyin Selva,” she said softly, nodding decisively. He smiled and looked at his sister, her proud smile making him smile wider. 
Things were taking shape, finally. 
It had been certainly clear to both him and his sister that there was a heavy risk that their plans will be foiled, and he would have to give up his secret hiding. 
What neither had anticipated was the fervor and hope in the people, who wanted him to spend a day of festivity with them before he left. 
He now had to adapt the plans based on this hope he had given his people. He had hoped to spend time with Vanathi, but everything had changed, and now he was devising a method to show her what he felt, for he did not know if his words were sufficient to tell her his thoughts. 
Maybe if he… he smiled brightly, going in search of the Princess of Kodumbalur again, hoping to have found her. 
He saw her in the company of Vanthiyar, the two seeming to be bantering with each other like he himself often bantered with Kundavai. From Vanthiyar’s body language, he could tell that Vanathi had won him over by just being herself. 
“Vallavarayare, Vanathi, Thirumalai,” he greeted the third too, who had been standing in the corner, watching the discussion in what could be called amusement. 
“Ilavarase!” The Vana warrior looked at him, hopeful that he would have changed his mind. Arulmozhi shook his head, smiling slightly when his new friend sighed in acceptance. 
“We need to replan tomorrow,” he said softly, sitting down on the seat coincidentally closest to Vanathi, though he knew his being was simply pulled towards her. 
“What should we do, Ponniyin Selvare?” Vanathi asked softly, her dark orbs peering at him, determined and shy all at once.
He smiled at her, joyful, and said, “I am still taking you to Thanjai on the royal elephant, Devi. But before that, maybe you could join me in the festivities as the princess of Kodumbalur?” 
Yes, Kundavai enables Arulmozhi with regards to Vanathi- I mean, are you really surprised?
Yes, I just went with the movie verse lol. 
Also. @kovaipaavai thanks for this prompt, which turned into three parts, somehow. 
@vibishalakshman @rang-lo @thelekhikawrites @kovaipaavai @chiyaanvikram @hollogramhallucination @thegleamingmoon @ragalata @willkatfanfromasia @nspwriteups @whippersnappersbookworm @yehsahihai Whoever I missed, I am sorry!
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nature-writes29 · 7 months
An Oath fulfilled |Vanathi × Ponniyin Selvan
      It was a quiet, silent Night. The city of Thanjai was getting ready to sleep. It has been 6 weeks since Sendhan Ammudhan's death. The throne was widowed within a night. With no Chakravarti to rule the place, the whole chola kingdom faced quite a threat from other kingdoms. Everyone knew that Ponniyin Selvan would ascend the throne sooner or later. It was inevitable and everyone knew it. The whole palace had started preparations for the coronation. Everyone seemed to be in the festive mood, exept the person who was about to get coronated.
      Arulmozhi knew that one day he will ascend the throne. At first he didn't even had many problems with it, but now, it seemed impossible for him to do so. 13 years back, when he was to be coronated, he had faced a problem similar to his current one. Vanathi and her her oath.
      He wanted to deny the fact that she had taken the oath, but he just couldn't. He wanted her to stay with him till his last breath. He wanted to hold hands with her even at an old age. He wanted to close his eyes with her face infront of him, giving him the last goodbye, and not the way around. He wanted her.
      Yet, he found himself catching her fall after she fainted between a pooja 1-2 weeks ago. Yet he found himself tending to her high fever. Yet he found himself holding her hair as she vomited like there was no tomorrow. Yet he found himself comforting and cuddling her as she shivered from a non existent cold. Yet he found himself listening to the Vaidya say that she was getting nearer to see Vaikuntha (heaven). Yet he found himself being comforted by his Akka and Vanthyathevan as he cried like a baby after hearing the news.
      Yet he found himself alone in their chambers with her . The night was quite and chill. Arulmozhi was laying beside Vanathi as she slept. His strong hands running through her now weakened and frailed hair. He hated how she looked right now. Her skin was almost sticked to her bones. Her usual bright doe eyes were sulking. Her hair were withered. And what he hated the most was, how sick she looked. He hated seeing her in pain, but he wasn't ready to let her go yet. A bit selfish? Yes. But she was just too precious for him. She was his brain, she was his heart. She was his soul. She was in every breath he took. She was a part of him. Inseparable.
      He was shaken out of his thoughts when he felt her stire beneath him. He quickly but cautiously pulled out his hand from her hair, as if she were a really fragile piece of glass.
      Vanathi slowly opened her eyes. She felt someone was there beside her and looked over. There she saw her husband, her Ponniyin Selvan, her yaanai paagan beside her. He had a serious and... What was it? Sad expression of his face. She knew that he knew, and he knew that she knew. And since today morning she had been feeling that weird feeling far more strongly that it had in many days. She knew that her time was almost finished.
      She looked at him, studying his face. His beautiful face, the same one she had fallen so hard for. But right now, there was something glistening around his eyes and cheeks. Then she understood, he had been crying. For her. Because of her actually.  She felt bad for this.
   "Swami-" Vanathi croaked out. Even slight talking was starting to feel like a big task to her. Arulmozhi quickly grabbed the glass which had her drinking water in it and he slowly made her sit a bit with his other hand, and started to feed her water little by little.
      After she was done drinking, she quitly asked him.
   "Swami.. Why are there tears on your cheeks? She asked in a low voice
   " Tears? -" Arulmozhi hadn't even realized that he had started to cry. He quickly wiped them away but Vanathi stoped him and tried to do it herself.
   "It's actually nothing chellam, I wasn't crying" He started.
   "Swami, I know that I am not actually able to think properly right now, but, I do know when you are sad" She said. He looked at her more intensely after this. What had he done to deserve her?
      "Aay.. Forget it, look what I got you few hours back." He pointed at the table beside her. It was a flock of Kodupul flowers. These flowers had always been the symbol of their love. He had gotten then for her in all of their milestones as a couple, or when he had gotten a bit too romantic.
   "Kodupul? " She smiled a bit saying this. Remembering all those beautiful times. A single tear rolled down her cheek. Arulmozhi was quick to notice it.
      "Kanne, why are you crying? " He asked slowly tilting her head towards his.
   "It's nothing" She said. But she didn't wipe it. She didn't think that she had enough strength remaining for that. Amv took her hands into his own.
   "Tell me, please. Don't hide what you are thinking, please. " He said with plea written all over his face.
   "It's just... I was thinking of all our memories which are tied with this flower." She said. Her tone was getting lower and lower. He smiled at the thought. She continued. But it was evident that talking was getting harder for her. Yet she wasn't stopping. It seemed like she sense that this was going to be it.
   "How many times you bought these for me... One time you even climbed a tree right? Just to give me these before our wedding. Our every single moment was tied with this flower in one way or another. Till now. It was great wasn't it? " She said while looking at him. More tears were forming under her eyes.
   "Haan- wait- was great? Dear, we are going to have those moments again. We just have to wait till your sickness goes away! Look! you are improving! There is no need to say anything like this Chellam! " He said. Vanathi smiled sadly at this statement.
   "Natha, I think we both know that I don't have much time left-"
   "Don't say anything like that! You are going to recover. I know it!" Amv interrupted her.
   "Natha, there is a thin line between what we want and the facts-"
   "No! Let me finish. I have been wanting to tell you this Swami from a few days. I heard what the Vaidhya said. And I am also feeling myself slipping away. Initially I was scared of the very thought of leaving you. I want to stay with you for an eternity. I really do. B-"
   "You can Vanathi, You can! Please listen to me,-" He took her hand in both of his palms "-I can't live without you! I want to listen to your laughter, I want to see your eyes in mine, I want to hold hands with you like this, I just... Just want you Chellam! " His voice croaked at the last word. Why was this happening to them, why was this happening to her! Why does parmeshawara opt to take the bestest of people first along with them! Why?
      "Swami, pleased don't make this difficult for me, I also don't want to die, but it is fate swami, fate! And I have also taken the oath-"
   "To hell with your oath! I don't care about your oath Vanathi! I. Just. Care. About. You!! And the very thought of you- yo- not-" He fully broke down. His head bended down in defeat and rested on their hands. He wasn't able to comprehend this fact. He knew that she was telling the truth, but it. was. just. too. much!
    Vanathi's heart broke down seeing this. She didn't wanted to die, but she knew that her life was going to be short the day she took the oath. So she had excepted this fact long ago, and used to cherish every single moment she had with him. Today morning when her Akka had visited her ( she used to be there in the morning and he used to be there for her at night time. ) she was also holding back her tears. Vanthyatevan had also been there and he was already in the crying state.
   "Swami.. " She gently kept her free palm on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her.
   "We can't do anything about the oath, and I knew that this day was going to come. But now, I will have to take my leave-" She said breaking down a bit herself. Arulmozhi quickly stoped her by placing one of his hand on her mouth.
   "Please don't say anything like this Vanathi. Please. We are supposed to get old together! And what about Madhu! He needs a mother. We were supposed to see his marriage together! When he first goes to battle, when he will be crowned the next prince, when he will become the chakravarti, whe were supposed to see all this together Priye! " After listening to this Vanathi grabbed his hand pulled it down. And said quietly.
   "Do you really think that I will leave you that easily Swami? I will always stand with you, whether I am there or not. I will always look for your back, be there with you. And in the end we will meet again right? I will always wait for you Natha" She said with a weak smile. Arulmozhi just looked at her. Impressed by how greatly she was handling it.
      He then took her completely in his arms so that one of her hand rested on his heart and his on her shoulders. One of both their arms were interlocked together. They were looking at each other. Comfortable in their positions.
      He was comforted by the fact that she will at last be free of all of her pains. All he wanted now was for her to be happy. He quickly pecked her and looked at her with an expression which can only depict love, sadness, excepted fact, and adoration.
   "I love and will always love you my Vanu" He said just after giving her a deep kiss.
      This was all she wanted to hear. This is what made her heart free of every burden, worry and questions she was carrying. Her family will be okay. She will meet him again in few decades and she was sure about it.
   "I love you, My Yaanai Paagan.. " She said in a soft voice. She knew she only had a few moments left. All of her energy was drained.
      He looked at her peaceful expression as she closed her eyes. Her last thought being of him. The last thing she saw, was him. Her last breath was of his name. Her heart beated for the last time with only him in it. She was his, and she will always be his. For an eternity.
      He stared at her lifeless body. Tears building up in his throat. His Vanu, his Kadhal, his Chellam, his Kadambur illavarasi was gone. He held her more closely. He bought her shoulders close to him and kissed her forehead.
   "Vanu, you not only did just leave me, but you also took my peace, my love, my brain, my heart, the half of me, my soul with you Kanne. You took a big part of me with you chellam, you did. " He said hugging her close. She had left him to deal with this world alone, without her love, without her enchanting doe eyes, without her laughter, without.... Her. He had no one now to come home back too. She had taken his life away along with her.
Kundavai came rushing into the room after hearing the noises. Only to find the scene which shattered her heart beyond anything. Vanthyatevan came rushing behind her, just in time to catch her as she fell down crying. Her sweet best friend, her thozhi, his maya kanan had left them.
The night was filled with cries as Amv's other 2 wives were crying too. They also loved their Akka. Madhu's cries were the loudest, as he had lost his mother at the tender age of 12.
Arulmozhi didn't make any sound, but his grief made the loudest sound. He and his Akka, after some time, we're only starting into the abyss. Vanthyatevan was trying to console Kundavai but Arulmozhi had no one.
He was the one who had given fire to her. The whole country was in awe and shock... For the queen had completed her oath, but at the cost of her life. After persistent requests from his Akka, he did proceed with the coronation. He did it 'cause he knew that this is what his Vanathi wanted. His other queen sat on the throne with him, but in his heart, Vanathi was the only queen he ever lived for.
( A/N )
Ha ha ha, I made you all cry, didn't I? This is the longest OS I have written standing at 2300+ words. And of course, the saddest on also. I started writing this yesterday instead of studying for my Marathi exam. (It went well), and here I am completing this. Please tell me your thought on this. I hope that you guys liked this one shot. Instances mentioned are from the book. If any confusion let me know! :)
Any suggestions and feedback appreciated.
If you want to read more from my works, visit my wattpad page. Same Id name.
∆ Requests Accepted ∆
_ All work is original. Do not copy _
( I usually do not mention anyone unless it's an request, but, I want to hear your feedback :) and I got some of your id's from a fellow writter. And I won't tell who, but they told me to tag people, so it reaches to more ps lovers. )
@nspwriteups @thelekhikawrites @dr-scribbler @kovaipaavai @dosai-maavu @matka-kulfi @curiousgalacticsoul @harinishivaa @chiyaanvikram @celestesinsight @thegleamingmoon @ragkee @inlovewithfictionalbeings @voidsteffy @whippersnappersbookworm @hollogramhallucination @thereader-radhika @sowlspace  @favcolourrvibgior @ponniyin-selvan @ponniyinselvann-blog
please tell me I made you cry :)
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willkatfanfromasia · 1 year
Thanks for reading and encouraging me guys☺️ here's the finale💗
A Matter of Chance -17
The coming weeks saw Nandini converse more closely with her twin, although the world saw them as uncle and nephew’s wife who shared a common interest for spirituality. She notice his eyes, face and gestures and was gaining an idea about his motivations and insecurities. His doe eyes resembled her own as a youth while she mourned fate for parting her from Aditha. The same man who was now her brother’s challenger.
She made use of her ‘admirers’ to shepherd their relatives and friends into not changing sides regarding the succession.
She thanked Perumal daily for Sembiyan Madevi’s and kundhavai's uncharacteristic non-interference during her wedding plans. But she realised they merely saw her as a candy for tantalizing Aditha into remaining at Thanjai, to prevent Madhurantakan from becoming king
How the tables had turned! they plotted to ensure neither twin reached the throne but now it was destined for atleast one.
She sat in the palace courtyard with Madhurantakan, observing the ornate water fountain and its bubbling when she began.
“Does it hurt? It must, right?
“What?” asked her companion
“Being lied to and led on, only for them pull the ground from your feet?” Nandini continued, looking into his eyes
“Cha! I never thought that your life can be difficult too. I thought hardship was only for folks like us- abandoned at birth, raised in a humble home, exiled for attracting a man beyond her and to live alone amongst the wilderness “ she lamented.
Madhurantakan’s face curled in sympathy, May Shiva forgive him! here he was cursing his fate- bitter over the throne not falling into his lap- while his akka had undergone pain beyond his comprehension.
He bore no ill will for Aditha Karikalan. He merely resented how Sundara chola ‘s 2 sons seemed to have all glories served to them on a silver platter while he wasn’t given a choice. People whispered that he too deserved the throne and he had believed it. Only now, the man he thought to be his father wasn’t that and he was left with no basis to question them. His ‘mother’ raised him away from war and politics and now he understood why- he was merely an ornament- admired but of no practical use.
His opinion of his ‘nephew’ was greatly improved by his steadfast commitment to his twin. The stubbornness that once seemed ungodly now showed a brother in-law who’d always protect his sister.
“They’ve used you ill, thambi (little brother). To raise you as a placeholder, to have cornered you such that you can neither lay claim to the throne nor reveal your plight to others” nandini said tutting “they shielded you from the common citizens, but didn’t hide your upbringing from the aristocrats- wonder why?” she trailed
Nandini saw him realize with every word she spoke that it wasn’t merely his supposed birthright that attracted the chieftains. His cloistered upbringing, away from people, politics and battlefield made him pliable as clay. They’d press their opinions as facts and he would have to listen. Any minister or courtier would see him as a simple devotee to be influenced.
Before he could think of another existential crises, Aditha’s voice boomed “Sithappa, you have taken up enough of my patta mahishi's time today. I have come to steal her lest you send her back into the temple” he laughed at own joke as his wife fondly rolled her eyes.
Madhurantakan was left perusing his ambitions as the couple skipped away to their bedchamber.
They kept him in the dark all these years, exiled his sister and now they’ve tied his hands.
Perhaps his claim to the throne was invalid, but his twin still stood a chance to one-up those Chola elders.
Parthibendran and Kandhanmaran were turning out to be miracle workers. They enjoyed being seen as altruistic patriots while they yearned for crumbs of the pattathu ilavarasi’s attention.
They spoke of Aditha Karikalan’s prowess in the battlefield that subdued neighbouring kings. They hailed Arunmozhi’s- Ponniyin Selvan- unmatched place in people’s hearts. Choosing one with neither asset will cause disquiet inside and outside the empire, they said. The chieftains too slowly began turning when enough people repeated these opinions.
To thank his 'friends' for their 'services', Aditha grinningly handed them permanent fiefdoms near the northern borders. “Serves them right for ogling her, like she’d give them the time of day” he harrumphed.
Nandini shot a satisfied smirk at her husband. She promised she’d ‘make amends’ to him for using his friends and making him jealous, and was definitely looking forward to it.
The chieftains grew increasingly reluctant to endorse madhurantakan’s suit. Their influence, afterall, greatly depends on the Emperor’s power. But they had given him their word and the hand of chinna pazhuvettarayar’s daughter and felt guilty backing out.
When Prince Madhurantakan – now supportive of Aditha’s claim for a reason only few knew- finally negotiated control for temple administration over being heir, they agreed with great relief.
“The Crown Prince mulishly wed a nobody, and Princess Kundavai too seemed to have set her sights on a penniless soldier- a lord only in name” the nobles lamented. Nevermind, Prince Arunmozhi may still become our son-in-law they soothed themselves.
Sundara Chola’s guilt over her mother gave Nandini’s efforts the final edge. He was ashamed at his inability to protect Mandakini and decided to ensure at least her daughter lived well.
She didn’t have to persuade or plot to make him ensure Aditha’s position.
Nandini marched out into the gardens towards her smiling husband, smoothing the silk saree over her bump and admiring how Perumal offered her a chance to rearrange her life. Her face glowed with the satisfaction of a job well done and leaned back into him.
She munched on a fruit while relishing Aditha’s roving hands, grateful for that day in the woods. And grateful to her husband’s perseverance
Nandini enjoyed her tenure as empress, working for the land’s orphans. Her Emperor’s devotion to her proved a greater prize than the throne.
The imperial couple spent their freetime between the Pazhayarai perumal temple and a Krishna temple that they built in Thanjai, the latter curiously resembling a small temple in the forest. Nandini would spend early mornings and some evenings leaning against the temple pillar chanting pasurams as her husband laid on her shoulder with closed eyes.
Courtiers were left wondering about her powers- stubborn aditha karikalan who couldn’t be swayed by his parents or the ilaya piratti- could be persuaded by mere glance from his consort. Aditha took pleasure seeing his wife thrive at court- seeing her manipulate the vultures who thought her beneath them only made her more irresistible.
The couple’s absolute need for one another shocked people – it was a wonder they survived their separation! Indeed, Aditha’s wars became infrequent, but when he did return his normally composed wife would cling onto him for days inside their chamber.
Marriage to Vanthiyadevan softened her once thorny sister in law, who had grown to respect her charming manner of manipulating courtiers. They often joined forces, rendering their foes defenseless. Kundhavai also was appeased by her dear younger brother Arunmozhi dutifully falling for her friend Vanathi- resulting in a marriage that strengthened their clan. Aditha was proud of matchmaking for the matchmaker.
The Empress Dowager was pleased with Nandini for thwarting Madhurantakan’s coup, and Madhurantakan was pleased seeing his sister as sole chakravartini- a mutually beneficial settlement.
Aditha was a formidable administrator, disproving those who called him a warmonger and was assisted by his astute brother Arunmozhi . His besotted wife bore him daughter after daughter filling the entire nursery, prompting bittersweet “better luck next time” greetings from all around them.
But for a couple who expected to live a barren life devoid of love, each daughter was nothing short of Gods’ favor upon them. They joyously lived, secure knowing that Arunmozhi would make a great emperor beloved by the people.
@nashibirne @nspwriteups @vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @dr-scribbler @kovaipaavai @budugu @dosai-maavu @matka-kulfi @nirmohi-premika @yehsahihai @curiousgalacticsoul @rang-lo @harinishivaa @chiyaanvikram @celestesinsight @inveter @deepti1011 @vidhurvrika @itszhunotz @babayagahunt @thegleamingmoon @maisadalawa @ragkee @inlovewithfictionalbeings @happysharkdragon @gowrimenonop-1 @ramcharanobsessed @nature-writes29 @voidsteffy @gemsmusings @sowlspace @canonless5
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moon-880 · 1 year
THE UNION.(part 1)
Everybody in the Chola kingdom was celebrating their beloved prince wedding. Many people travelled to Thanjai to see their price wedding with the Kodumbaloor princess.Everyone was aware of the fact that the Kodumbaloor princess was destined to be with Ponniyin selvan.The palace was decorated like a bride.
Few days earlier…
The Chakravarthy and his queen Vanavan Madevi were discussing about their late elder son desire to bring them to the Golden Palace in Kanchi. They came to a conclusion to wed their youngest son and go to Kanchi. Kundavai was excited and happy as her dear brother would marry her uyir thozhi. Soon the elders discussed the marriage with Periya velar and started to arrange the wedding. Kundavai was eager to send this news to her brother and started going to his chamber. As she entered she saw him near the window. “ Thambi, what are you thinking?’’ As arulmozhi heard his akka, he replied,” Nothing,akka. Do you want to say something?” “Yes, Appa and Amma have discussed your marriage with vanathi.They-” “What? Are you sure?” he replied as he couldn't believe. “Yes, your wedding is after two weeks. And we have already started the arrangements.” “Do Vanathi know this?” He asked Kundavai. “ Velar mama have already told her about the wedding and she agreed.” Kundavai replied as she saw her brother was worried.”Arulmozhi,what happened to you? Why are you looking worried?”
“Akka, I want to talk to vanathi once!”
@thelekhikawrites @nspwriteups @harinishivaa @vibishalakshman
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nidhi-writes · 1 year
Thuyil - Kundavai & Vanthiyadevan Oneshot
'Have you noticed how our Ilavarasi is becoming more beautiful day by day' Said one woman
‘Yes I have noticed, but what is the use of beauty if one remains barren’ Venba said to another woman.
‘What are you talking Madhi? You know if any royals heard you say that, they will have your head’ Said Sandhya who is currently collecting flowers for the evening.
‘Why would they? I am not saying any false information, I am just pointing out the fact right?’ Madhi said and looked at Venba.
‘She is our Ilavarai and we should make sure she is happy’ Venba said calmly and shook her head at her friend and helping hand.
‘But I am worried about our Ilavarasi, As she got married way before her brother and our Ilavarasar Ponniyin Selvar, but she does not yet birthed any children nor impregnated successfully’ Madhis words made Venba think, it is true whatever her friend said and Chola Desam is yet to receive jewel from their beloved Ilavarasi.
The people of Chola desam went ecstatic when Ponniyin Selvar announced the new baby Prince who is named Rajendra Cholan born 6 moons before. A healthy baby boy was birthed by Kodambalur Princess Vaanathi. But it only made people question why Ilavarai Kundavai didn’t yet get pregnant.
Many accused Ilavarai's marriage to Commander Vallavaran Vanthiyadevan is just for political agenda and the princess is cursed to have children that's why for name sake she married but still resides in Thanjai rather than to take the Magadai kingdom. But many praised the princess for the bold move and thanked that she chose the Chola kingdom always.
As the two women vent out their thoughts it’s been heard by the one whose eyes never shed tears for many matters are now filled with salty tears. Ilavarasi of Chola desam Kundhavai Pirattiyar
Oneshot URL:  Thuyil
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                                                Stay Tuned!!
Let me know your thoughts guys!!
@whippersnappersbookworm @harinishivaa @thelekhikawrites @willkatfanfromasia @yehshuhua @arachneofthoughts @vibishalakshman @chiyaanvikram @nspwriteups
@thirst4light​  @hollogramhallucination  @celestesinsight​  @curiousgalacticsoul
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ambidextrousarcher · 1 year
கலபதியின் உடலையும் மாண்டு போன மற்ற மாலுமிகளின் உடல்களையும் சேர்த்து உலர்ந்த மரக்கட்டைகளை அடுக்கித் தகனம் செய்தார்கள். தீ மூட்டி எரியத் தொடங்கிய போது இளவரசர் முகத்தில் கண்ணீர் பெருகிக் கொண்டிருப்பதைச் சேநாதிபதி பூதி விக்கிரம கேசரி கவனித்தார்.
“ஐயா! இந்தப் பாதகர்களின் சாவுக்காகவா கண்ணீர் விடுகிறீர்கள்? தங்களைச் சிறைப்படுத்த வந்த துரோகிகளுக்குக் கடவுளே தக்க தண்டனை அளித்து விட்டார். தாங்கள் ஏன் வருந்தவேண்டும்?" என்றார்.
“சேநாதிபதி! இவர்கள் துரோகிகள் அல்ல; இவர்களுடைய மரணத்துக்காகவும் நான் வருத்தப்படவில்லை. சோழ நாட்டுக்கு இவ்வளவு பொல்லாத காலம் வந்து விட்டதே என்று வருந்துகிறேன்" என்றார்.
“பொல்லாத காலம் பழுவேட்டரையர்களுடனேயே வந்து விட்டது. இப்போது புதிதாக ஒன்றும் வரவில்லையே!"
“புதிதாகத்தான் வந்திருக்கிறது. கலபதியின் கட்டளையைக் கப்பல் மாலுமிகள் மீறுவது என்று வந்து விட்டால் அதைக் காட்டிலும் ராஜ்யத்துக்கும் கேடு வேறு என்ன இருக்க முடியும்? சேநாதிபதி! இது ஒரு சிறிய அறிகுறிதான்! இதைப் போலவே சோழ ராஜ்யம் எங்கும் பிளவுகள் ஏற்படுமோ என்று அஞ்சுகிறேன்! அப்படி ஏற்பட்டால் விஜயாலய சோழர் அஸ்திவாரமிட்ட இந்த மகாராஜ்யம் சின்னா பின்னமாகிவிடுமே! இந்தக் கேடு என்னாலேயா நேரவேண்டும்? மகாபாரதக் கதை கேட்டிருக்கிறேன். துரியோதனன் பிறந்தபோது நரிகளும் ஓநாய்களும் பயங்கரமாக ஊளையிட்டன என்று பாரதம் சொல்லுகிறது. நான் பிறந்தபோதும் அப்படி நரிகளும், நாய்களும் பயங்கரமாக ஊளையிட்டிருக்க வேண்டும்!" என்றார் இளவரசர்.
“ஐயா! தாங்கள் இந்த உலகில் ஜனித்தபோது என்னென்ன நல்ல சகுனங்கள் ஏற்படலாமோ அவ்வளவு ஏற்பட்டன. தங்கள் ஜாதகத்தைக் கணித்த சோதிடர்கள்..."
“போதும், சேநாதிபதி! போதும்! இந்தப் பேச்சைக் கேட்டுக் கேட்டு என் காது புளித்துவிட்டது. என் ஜாதக விசேஷம் இருக்கட்டும். நாம் பிரிய வேண்டிய காலம் வந்துவிட்டது. சேநாதிபதி! தங்களைக் கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறேன். இந்தக் கப்பல்களிலிருந்து கலபதியின் கட்டளையை மீறிச் சென்ற மாலுமிகள் தங்களிடம் வந்தால் தாங்கள் அவர்களைச் சேர்த்துக் கொள்ளக்கூடாது. உடனே சிறைப்படுத்தி அவர்களைத் தஞ்சைக்கு அனுப்ப வேண்டும்.”
Excerpt From
Ponniyin Selvan Anaithu Pagangal (Tamil Edition)
This material may be protected by copyright.
Context: This snippet almost directly follows the last one, with the cremation of the dead crew of the ships which came to arrest Arulmozhi taking place here.
They cremated the bodies of the dead captain and the other crew members in a pyre of dry wood. As the caught and burnt, (as the smoke rose), General Boothi Vikramakesari saw the tears flowing down the Prince’s face.
“Sire! Are you shedding tears for the sake of these traitors’ deaths? God himself gave suitable punishment to the betrayers who came to arrest you. Why do you feel for that?” asked he.
“General! These men were not traitors. Nor do I feel sad because of their deaths. I feel for the cruel times that have arrived upon the Chozha Kingdom!” answered the Prince.
“The cruel times arrived along with the Pazhuvettarayars. They have not begun anew!”
“They have indeed arrived anew. If times are such that sailors do not obey the orders of the Captain of the ship, what worse than that need assail the Kingdom? General! This is merely a small sign! I worry that similar divisions will assail the entire Chozha Kingdom! If that happens, then this sprawling Kingdom established by Vijayala Chozhan will break into pieces! Does this evil have to occur because of me? I have heard the tale of the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata says that when Duryodhan was born, foxes and wolves let out almighty howls. Similarly, foxes and dogs must have howled on the day I was born as well!” proclaimed the Prince.
“Sire! When you were born, all the auspicious events that could occur did occur. The astrologers who forecast your horoscope…”
“Enough, General! Enough! My ears have had enough of these sayings (about purported omens surrounding his birth). Leave the subject of my horoscope. The time has come for us to part. General! I would make a request to you. If the sailors of these ships who went against the captain’s orders reach you, you must not let them join you. (you must) immediately arrest them and send them to Thanjai.”
Arulmozhi, again, is looking at the bigger picture that Boothi Vikramakesari is missing here. He can see how this seemingly trivial incident can portend civil unrest in his name, due to his astute political mind.
This snippet also marks the first time Arulmozhi has cut an elder off, rather curtly at that. He’s reached the end of his patience with Vikramakesari for the nonce.
Today’s snippet! (This was the snippet I was speaking of yesterday, @thereader-radhika ) Also tagging @whippersnappersbookworm @celestesinsight @mizutaama @willkatfanfromasia @themorguepoet @thelekhikawrites @harinishivaa and @humapkehaikaun .
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favcolourrvibgior · 1 year
NandhininKarikalan~ Chapter 12
•A Call from Motherland•
At the Chola Camp,
Nandhini was taken to the camp by the Chola soldiers. When she reached the camp she was greeted by Malayaman who was waiting for her.
" What is the reason for calling me here Ayya? " Asked Nandhini. " Nandhini I know that what I say will definitely break your heart but please kindly listen," told Malayaman.
" Sure but please tell me what it is first " asked Nandhini.
" As you know that Aditya Karikalan is the crown prince of the Chola empire he has to go back to thanjai" started Malayaman.
" So," asked Nandhini confused. " He can't stay with you here," told Malayaman.
" If he can't stay with me then I would give my life to be with him," told Nandhini proudly. Malayaman shook his head and said, "That's what I don't want "told Malayaman.
"what? Why? " asked Nandhini in confusion. "Yes Devi, I want you to stay away from Karikalan" told Malayaman shocking Nandhini. " But why ? "asked Nandhini in a broken voice
"Nandhini, Karikalan is the crown prince but you are just a poor orphan girl who lives in the house at the Temple's pond. we can't let an orphan girl ascend the throne," told Malayaman. The word "orphan" broke Nandhin's heart. even though her father was alive.
She was told by her father that her mother had died due to illness when she was five years old.
" But I truly love him," Nandhini said in a near whisper. " please Nandhini understand " pleaded Malayaman holding Nandhini's hands. Malayaman left Nandhini's hands and saw her face.
Her face didn't look convinced, Malayaman thought that this had to end in a tough way. " If you don't follow my orders, your friend Urvashi won't be alive the next moment you talk to Karikalan. My soldiers will always be watching you. Careful my child" warned Malayaman.
Nandhini didn't know how to react, one side of her felt sad and another angry. She can't let Urvashi's life fall in danger because of her and Karikalan.
Nandhini thought of telling him her true identity to Malayaman, she thought that this was not the right time to say that to him, all her words would be deaf to his ears.
She remained silent. Malayaman asked the soldiers to leave Nandhini back to her house.
Nandhini was left there by the soldiers. Nandhini was deep in her thoughts that she didn't even notice that the sun had risen.
Nandhini was sleepless the whole night and kept staring at the wall. In the morning, Urvashi came chirping into the Hut.
She called Nandhini's name but Nandhini didn't notice her. So finally, Urvashi shook Nandhini awake.
Nandhini just looked at Urvashi and then stared blankly at the wall. " Akka, what happened?" Asked Urvashi. Nandhini didn't reply. Urvashi repeated " Akka, what happened?", Nandhini stayed motionless.
Urvashi started to shake Nandhini. Nandhini became annoyed and shouted " LEAVE ME ALONE" at Urvashi. Urvashi was startled by Nandhini's words. Tears filled Urvashi's eyes. Seeing that made Nandhini's heartache.
" Urvashi I-I didn't mean that." Nandini tried to convince Urvashi but Urvashi left from there crying. " Urvashi don't go, I am sorry " pleaded Nandhini. But Urvashi didn't listen.
Nandini smacked her forehead and sat down cursing at her foolishness.
By this time Karikalan who was sleeping in the tent also woke up. He went out to see some soldiers outside acting suspiciously. They didn't greet him as usual, and didn't look into his eyes even when some greeted him, Karikalan frowned at them.
"What happened? why are you looking at me like that?" asked Karikalan.
" Nothing ilavarase," told the soldier as they bowed and left from there.
Karikalan walked towards his grandfather who was talking with some soldiers. " Thatha why are some soldiers acting weird?" Asked Karikalan.
His grandfather turned towards him and said " I don't think they are, you are just imagining things karikala".
Karikalan shrugged it off and went to take a bath. He had a long and relaxing bath. His thoughts were only of Nandhini ' What would she be doing?', ' Will she also be thinking about me '.
Only if he knew.....
" Greetings to the prince." Greeted a soldier, Karikalan nodded. " Ilavarase Your thatha wants to discuss something important with you, so he asks for your presence in the camp." Informed the soldiers.
Karikalan sighed in annoyance and got up, he followed the soldier to the tent. Malayaman was pouring a glass of water for Karikalan.
"Did you summon me Thatha?" asked Karikalan as he entered the tent.
Malayaman gestured for the soldiers there to go out. They bowed at him and went out.
"Yes my son, you have to go to Thanjavur tomorrow." Informed Malayaman. Adhita Karikalan froze in shock.
" What are you saying Thatha, I can't leave just like that tomorrow." Told Karikalan who was slowly getting angry.
" I know the reason why you are not agreeing, but it was an order from your father," told Malayaman.
" But we still haven't found who the killer is " told Karikalan in protest. " I will take care of it, my son, you go back to thanjai," told Malayaman.
" I can't leave her alone," Karikalan told to Malayaman. Malayaman very well understood and said, " Take her with you if she agrees to come".
This reply made Karikalan happy he smiled at Malayaman and went towards the horse stable. He took his horse and rode towards the temple.
Nandhini washed her face and went inside the temple to pray. Right at that time Karikalan enters the temple. He saw Nandhini standing in front of the deity and praying.
Nandhini sensed a presence behind her, she very well knew Who it was.
" Someone will see us," told Nandhini.
" Let them see" told Karikalan.
" We shouldn't meet it seems" told Nandhini.
" Why "questioned Karikalan." I am an orphan, I don't even know who my mother is "said Nandhini forcing every word out.
" Who told this? " Asked Karikalan in anger. " Your thatha," told Nandhini as she started walking towards the house.
Karikalan followed Nandhini, she stopped outside the house. " Why are you following me? "Asked Nandhini.
" Nandini please don't ignore me, I understand your situation but-" Karikalan was stopped by Nandhini's interruption.
" No buts karikalare, please don't come to see me here from now on," Nandini said as she entered the house. Karikalan was stopped by Nandhini closing the door shut in Karikalan's face.
Karikalan didn't know how to react he started banging on the door " Nandhini open the door ". Nandini who was on the other side muffled her cries with her hand. Nandini slid down and sat against the door, crying.
Karikalan got tired of banging he felt hopeless. He finally informed the news to Nandhini " I don't know if you are listening or not. But it is my duty to inform you, I will be going back to Thanjai tomorrow, I will be waiting for you till the sun rises tomorrow. I expect you to be there, goodbye Nandhini". Nandhini froze. Karikalan didn't wait for Nandhini's reply he went out of the temple.
Nandhini processed everything after a minute. She immediately opened the door and looked out. " Karikalare!" Screamed Nandhini. She saw Karikalan riding far away from the temple.
Nandhini wanted to run to Karikalan but she knew that it was impossible to do so. Nandini slowly sat down against a pillar of the temple mumbling his name. Tears spilt down her eyes as she watched him leave from there.
It was nearly evening all the people who came to the temple looked at Nandhini weirdly she was sitting there like a statue but the only difference between her and a statue was the tears spilling from her eyes.
Urvashi came to apologise for the thing that happened in the morning. She didn't find Nandini in the house. She searched for her everywhere near the pond but didn't find her.
Urvashi finally came inside the temple. She saw Nandhini's State and ran towards her, she hugged Nandhini hugged her back and started weeping out loud as she cried into Urvashi's shoulders. Urvashi herself started tearing up herself.
" He left. He left me Urvashi" Nandhini started wailing like a child. Urvashi took her inside the house. Nandini kept mumbling this as she cried herself to sleep.
That's when a Pandiyan messenger came with a message. Urvashi received the letter and dismissed the messenger. Urvashi opened the letter to read it...
Greetings to the Crown Princess,
Your father's health has been declining day by day, he wishes you to be by his side. Hence he has summoned you back to Madurai. We will expect you in Madurai the day after.
Yours Faithfully,
Periya Pazluvetrayar.
A tear slid down Urvashi's face Knowing that she had to return to Madurai and there was no way she could meet Karikalan tomorrow.
Nandhini woke up the next morning, hearing the news made her devastated, she had to be with her father.
On the next morning, Karikalan waited for her as promised. He had no other option than to leave. His grandfather has been forcing him to start the journey before the sun rose, yet he stayed for his Nandhini, but she never came. Karikalan accepted his faith and started his journey...
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Hope you liked this chapter!!!
@ambidextrousarcher @celestesinsight @dr-scribbler @nature-writes29 @nspwriteups @ragkee @sambaridli @sakhiiii @sowlspace @thereader-radhika @thelekhikawrites @willkatfanfromasia @whippersnappersbookworm @vibishalakshman @vijayasena
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houseofbreadpakoda · 1 year
Naatpu - 1
Ponniyin Selvan X Bahubali Crossover
next chapter
Vandiyathevan was leaving to Lanka in a day. The orders of the devi herself. His devi. Poonguzhali, well versed with the route to the lankan shore had agreed to take him.
"We'll leave tommorow afternoon" she mumbled biting off a piece of coconut. "Tommorow? What am I supposed to do till then?" Groaned Vandiyathevan. "Well, you're in Chozha Nadu. One can find many things to do around here" she replied walking towards the harbour. "Remember to meet me at the harbour tommorow by noon." Vandiyathevan knew what he was going to do.
Aditha had spoken about a certain Kuntalan princess, who he'd met while returning from his first war. He and a few other soldiers, had halted there for a day. In the short span he'd gotten to be around the princess, he'd developed a liking towards her. "She'd understood me and healed me like no other. I gained a true friend that day."
Someone capable of understanding let alone healing Aditha? Now Vandiyathevan was too intrigued to let go of such an opportunity. The kingdom was four hours away, he'd make it just before sunset if he rode fast enough.
Vandiyathevan had begun to churn stories to convince the princess as to the reasons for his visit. He could say he ran out of water, and although he was fine, his horse was about to faint of thirst. Or rather, that he had fought the Pindari soldiers on his way to the palace and was injured.
He'd now reached the bastions of the palace. He hopped off his horse and introduced himself to the soldiers "I'm Vallavarayan Vandiyathevan, Aditha Karikalan's nanban."
The soldiers face immediately turned sober, "The yuvarani was expecting you" he smiled sending a nod to the other soldiers who opened the gates for him, confusing Vandiyathevan.
The palace was much smaller compared to the others he had seen. A young boy took Semba into the stables, as a daasi led him towards the meeting chambers of the palace. "Yuvarani Devasena will be here in a moment." She informed him. The kingdom was a heavy contrast to thanjai. The walls of the palace were made of marble. Agriculture seemed to be the major occupation. The palace itself looked quite whimsical and fable like.
"At last, we meet!" He heard a voice behind him. In a moment he knew what Aditha had felt. "Made us wait a little too long hmm Vanthiyare? Please do sit!" said Devasena leading him to a settee, seating herself too. There was something so warm about her aura, that made one feel, seen and included. "Karikalar had informed me that you'd be visiting. We've been eagerly waiting for you since then."
"Ilavarase knew I was coming? How- I myself hadn't planned on visiting until today morning".
"He'd informed me, that you were in thanjai and you were likely to come here if you got into any trouble. What he also told me was that he wouldn't be surprised, if you made up an excuse, just to come to Kuntala." said Devasena, a smile now playing on her lips.
Vandiyathevan winced. Aditha knew him too well.
The two had gobbled up a scrumptious meal which compensated for all the running and falling and dancing Vandiyathevan had performed. "Aditha has spoken quite a bit about you" Devasena said drying her hands. "Oh I can say the same! Ilavarase believes you changed him as a person, for the better. He told us that you understood him when nobody else could. Rather, that was what drove me to meet you."
Devasena's smile faltered, her eyes fading into melancholy. "He was so happy. He'd met the love of his life then. One would never guess a man like him to be so extremely mushy when it came to love. Oh and the way he took her name. As if it were a prayer, or a chant rather. Nandhini." Her eyes traced back to Vandiyathevan who looked almost bewildered.
"Nandhini?" He asked gulping slightly. "He hasn't mentioned?" Asked Devasena, a tinge of concern slipping into her voice, "Oh why did I have to bring her up after so many years. He has probably moved on. Must have, if he hasn't mentioned her to anyone. Back then, he wouldn't stop chirping about her for a moment."
"He hasn't." He spoke breaking his silence, "Atleast, I don't think he has. I always wondered what drove him to the insanities he committed. It isn't common for one to think about conquering another kingdom, while still washing the blood off their hands from the war of the previous one." He looked back at her, eyebrows furrowed. "And i don't think she's moved on either."
"Who, Nandhini?" Devasena's gaze grew sharper by the second. "You met Nandhini?" Vandiyathevan nodded. A sharp exhale escaped Devasena's mouth. "Don't mention it to Aditha unless he asks you so himself. And if he does, do not lie." Vandiyathevan understood.
The room fell silent for a moment. "But Karikalan and.......love? To such extents?" Devasena tried to speak, but couldn't utter anything. Things were conveyed, in plain silence.
"Well speaking about love...." sighed Devasena, "How are you doing? Romantically that is."
Vandiyathevan was taken aback and amused all at once. He stared blankly at her, waiting for context, realising immediately that he wasn't going to get any. "I- I'm sorry yuvarani, I don't think I'm following?" Vandiyathevan asked shaking his head.
"Oh please Vanthiyare, I heard you've met Kundavai?"
Vandiyathevan's eyes widened, as a slight blush crept up his face. Is that what it was. Had Aditha tried to-? No. it could not have been.
"Hey, Aditha set you up himself. What are you worried about?"
Vandiyathevan looked around the room uncomfortably, the awkwardness reaching to him. "Yuvarani, I think there has been a slight misunderstanding. I met Kundavai Devi only to spill whatever I had spied and learnt."
Devasena sighed, moving closer to Vandiyathevan. "Vanthiyare, firstly, please call me Devasena. Secondly, why are you in such denial? You clearly like Kundavai. Or, a little more than like i supposee"
"Tsk tsk"
"-I have no feelings towards the Ilavarasi."
"Vallava! Your face is as red as a ruby."
Vandiyathevan stopped, as soon as his eyes caught himself in the mirror across their table. His face had turned into a brighter shade of red, than the ink he had painted his face with for the MaayaKannan Recital. What had he done to himself. Since when had he begun to blush? He slightly smoothened his moustache before turning back to Devasena. She had now propped her chin on her hand, smiling wide at Vandiyathevan.
"But I'm just a soldier. With no land or identity. How could one even dream of such things at my stature?
"Why not? Who hasn't heard of Vallavarayan Vandiyathevan? Aditha Karikalan himself sings his name to every creature he meets. Imagine the stature of a man who rules the sky above him and every piece of land he stands on."
Ah, so it was Yuvarani who'd influenced Ilavarase to speak such words of motivation. The similarity in their thinking and choice of words, surprised Vandiyathevan.
"The thing about love is, it just happens vallava. Before you realise it, you've fallen for them. And they for you. People fall in love with souls, not bodies, and definitely not with statures. Knowing you, you must've already charmed her. And knowing Kundavai..." Vandiyathevan's eyes perched up, "she might as well be thinking about you right now."
Vandiyathevan sank back into his chair, exhaling sharply.
"Cause you're a little too precious."
His gaze met her's.
"The only reason I thought Aditha had moved on is because of how cheerful he was the last time he'd visited. But now that i think about it, i think it was all because of you. He'd gone on and on about you. So much so that Nandhini would be jealous if she were present."
Said Devasena breaking into a fit of laughter as Vandiyathevan joined her too.
"Before you know it you've fallen for them...." Repeated Vandiyathevan. "Who is it?" He asked abruptly, interrupting her thoughts. Devasena fumbled, her eyes blinking vigorously.
"Sounds like you speak with a lot of experience yourself."
Devasena smiled thinking about the love sick fool she'd fallen for. Vandiyathevan grinned jumping back into his element.
"So.....?" He asked bending forward resting one palm on his knee while the other held up his chin, raising an eyebrow, mockingly. Devasena chuckled throwing a pillow at him.
That day, he'd gained a new friend. A true friend.
If Devasena wasn't Devasena i would've made her fall for Vandiyathevan. I'm not kidding.
@whippersnappersbookworm @thereader-radhika @thegleamingmoon @yehsahihai @thelekhikawrites @harinishivaa @celestesinsight @chiyaanvikram @ragkee
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doesitmatterluv · 1 year
♤The Warrior And The King♤
The temple was filled with sounds of chanting and music as the tinkling of footsteps got louder. Just as the Warrior finished the pooja, the steps came to a stop.  “Vanathi, what brings you here?” it was early in the morning so Athreya was suspicious on why Kundhavai’s friend was here. “Akka, I have been told to inform you that you have been summoned to the court room in Thanjai today evening.” She stopped in her movements from applying kunkumam , she can’t leave Nandini to go to Thanjai. She took a deep breath, “Do you know why I have been summoned?” she asked as she resumed her tasks, she can just take Nandini with her.
“I am not sure akka, I think it’s about Nandini and the Elder Prince.” Letting out a sigh of resignation she nodded in acceptance. She knew that something was going to happen.
○Thanjai Palace 16 years ago, Aditha Karikalan’s birth.
Loud screams filled the usually silence filled palace. The flames danced as the rain felt endless. The blood red moon made the King’s heart thump, not knowing if this was a good sign. The shadows creeped around adding to the King’s anxiousness. The screams got louder until they stopped, the few moments of silence felt like a millennia of torture to the King’s heart, until cries of a small creature filled the air. The shadows that creeped disappeared in the King’s perspective as a midwife approached him smiling until her face split.
“A Prince has risen.” She answered the unspoken question. “And both the mother and child are healthy.” Sundara Chola could finally breathe. Maybe the blood moon was an auspicious sign afterall.
As he rushed inside to his wife, his mind went through names for the prince, until it stopped on a thought, “let the queen name him.” He thought. The flame flickered shining on the Queen’s already glowing face, her tired face filled with a beautiful smile. In her arms she held a bundle of cries. His beautiful son.
Names, politics, the throne and every other thought left his mind as he held his wife feeling blessed. He couldn’t ask for more.
The palace was unusually noisy as servants ran around, decorating the place with marigolds. The news of the birth of a Prince spread fast. The whole kingdom was engaged in rituals, prayers and hopes for a righteous and just prince, a brave warrior and a great King.
At the same time in an other part of the empire a 4 year old was looking for her lost mother. Her golden eyes terrified and teary. All she knew was that a man took her mother away. This was normal but it was the first time she didn’t return for a whole day. She probably was at the place with drunk men and loud shouting and the women with no clothes. Poor them she was glad she and her mother could got clothes from the men that took her away.
As she entered the brothel, some were startled at the entry of a child, some who knew her mother didn’t react much. She moved along a well known path where she knew her mother would be, normally crying or naked but sometimes she had a lot of money. As she entered the familiar room she saw her mother lying down, she was probably tired, she climbed up the bed to wake her.
“Amma, wake up I am hungry.” The 4year old didn’t notice the blood. She didn’t notice the rigid muscles or the cold temperature. She didn’t notice the lack of breathing for a long time. She held on to her delusion for some more time until she burst out crying. She might be young but not young enough or naïve enough to know what to do next. She took the money bag and the her mother’s mangalsutra for her memory, it wasn’t gold afterall.
If she doesn’t leave one day she would also die a death like her mother, she knows because her mother told her. She knows she has to go far away or the men will take her too, afterall they don’t care about age.
The child ran through the forest with her meager belongings in cloth bag. She knew this had to happen, her dreams always came true. She also dreamt about a warrior whom she will save, she hopes that comes true it would mean that the men were not able to take her.
She moved towards what looked like light, she could her chanting and bells. Was that heaven? Did she die on the way? She couldn’t understand before she fell to the ground, unconscious.
After a grand feast to celebrate the birth of a prince, the palace was filled with laughter and cries of a child. The new parents were content before they were interrupted by a servant. “ Your Highness, the Priest wants to meet you, as soon as convenient.” He panted.
With the same happy smile, feeling as if he can take over the world the King replied “Why? Is everything alright?” the servant was worried on what it meant for the royal family and the empire “A prophecy has been spoken.” His heart dropped.
Golden eyes opened, surrounded by chanting and the smell of jasmine incense. As she sat up, she saw a glorious statue of Shiva being bathed in milk, ghee and flowers. “You are awake child, are you well?” asked a aged woman. “Yes thaiye, I am but where am I?” The woman hummed not answering her and checked her body for wounds. “You, my dear are in Shivan Kovil at the border of Kadambur.”
Before she could speak, her stomach grumbled “Thaiye, may I have something to eat?” the woman did not speak but instead left and soon came back with a plate of food. She ate with vigour of a wild animal. The plate was clean very fast “Child, I will not ask how you hot hurt but rest assured you don’t have to go back there. My name is maithili, what is yours?” The child looked sad and answered “I do not have a name thaiye. Can u name me?” The woman pitied the poor child and then thought “How about Athreya?”
A prince is born, a warrior has risen and a prophecy has been made.
Note: Thaiye means mother. Athreya was named by her Thaiye and not her Amma. Athreya name is actually a male name but I like the meaning very much so
Athreya - Name Of A Sage; Clever; Receptacle Of Glory.
Her story is much more tragic than you would have imagined, tbh it was 3am motivation I actually had a plan of making her a lost princess but it's overused. @whippersnappersbookworm @sambaridli @thelekhikawrites @nspwriteups
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