#raja raja chozha
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Arulmozhi Varman and Kodumbalur Vanathi from Ponniyin Selvan (dir. manirathnam)
Made by @mahi-wayy
@harinishivaa @yehsahihai @thegleamingmoon @houseofbreadpakoda @hollogramhallucination @yoursakhi @warnermeadowsgirl
#ponniyin selvan#varmar vanathi#arulmozhi#arulmozhi varman#desiblr#desi culture#vanathi#hindublr#raja raja chozha#thiripuvana madeviyaar
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And I'm waiting for both.
I need bahubali content.
#mahi make some moodboards and I will try writing something#you too akka drop two or three ideas maybe I can write something?#ponniyin selvan#bahubali the conclusion#bahubali the beginning#arulmozhi varman#raja raja chozha#amrendra bahubali#aditha karikalan
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Frustrated with the snippet translation, because it is time-taking work, lost on where to go with the fic, but I wanted to sing this for a long time, so…here we go, Sol in my untrained, squeaky voice.
Tagging my usual Ponniyin Selvan people as well as some friends who liked my singing.
@hum-suffer @humapkehaikaun @harinishivaa @celestesinsight @willkatfanfromasia @rdx-dcm @racoonpaws @favcolourrvibgior @hinsaa-paramo-dharma @hindumyththoughts @deadloverscity @mizutaama @thelekhikawrites @themorguepoet and @thereader-radhika
I remember @thegleamingmoon had a wonderful translation of this song on their blog, but I couldn’t find it there (thanks, Tumblr Search function) so I’m translating it here under the cut.
In retrospect, this ended up taking more time than necessary, because Tumblr was kind enough to delete the first draft of the translation. Sigh.
Let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the tag list!
Kaadhodu sol, kaadhodu sol
Whisper in my ears, whisper in my ears
Yaarendru sol, yaarendru sol
Tell me who it is, tell me who it is.
Perazhagan ah sol, kodar megan ah sol
Tell me if he is a man of great beauty, tell me if he is as tall as a craggy peak.
(Raja Raja Chozhan was apparently known to be quite handsome, from what I have heard)
Maaveeran ah sol, vaayijalan ah sol
Tell me if he is a man of great valour, tell me if he weaves webs with his words.
(Arulmozhi in Ponniyin Selvan is definitely a man of valour, and Vandiyathevan can weave anything he wants with his words)
Odathe soladi or vaarthai sol
Don’t run away, at least say one word (about him) dear
Kaavalan ah sol, en evalana sol
Tell me if he is a guardian, tell me if he is my servant
(in a scene in the movie, Arulmozhi calls himself both the kaavalan (guardian) and the velaikaaran (servant) of the Chozha people, though Vandiyathevan can also fit the ‘my servant’ part, for he is indeed serving Kundavai’s will at that point)
Poraali ah sol illai odoli ah sol
Tell me if he is a warrior, tell me if he is a coward.
(I don’t think ‘odoli’ here means coward literally, it is meant to mean, I feel, someone who escapes from sticky situations, which is definitely a fit for Vandiyathevan, and well, the great warrior can be both of them, though such magnitude of praise is probably for Arulmozhi)
Kichu kurala ah sol, kaviarasu ah sol
Tell me if he has a chirpy voice, tell me if he is the King of poets.
(Kaviarasu, I have heard, is a title given to Raja Raja Chozhan, and Vandiyathevan might have a chirpy voice, haha)
Ippodhe soladi inge sol
Tell me right now, tell me right here.
Mayai ah sol mayan ah sol
Tell me if he is an illusion, tell me if he is a magician.
(The illusion is probably Arulmozhi, who is, at this point in the story, not present in the flesh, only heard about in the highest of terms, though it can also mean Vandiyathevan with his many faces, while the magician can, again, mean the both of them, though it is more suitable to Vandiyathevan)
As Aa Aa Aa
Aa Aa Aa Aa
Kaadhodu sol, kaadhodu sol
Whisper in my ears, whisper in my ears
Yaarendru sol, yaarendru sol
Tell me who he is, tell me who he is.
Perazhagan ah sol, kodar mugan ah sol
Tell me if he is the most handsome of men, tell me if he is as tall as the highest of peaks
Enge avan sol, edhenum sol
Tell me where he is, tell me anything about him.
Maaveeran ah sol, vaayijalan ah sol
Tell me if he is the bravest of men, tell me if he weaves webs with his words.
Kaavalan ah sol en evalana sol
Tell me if he is a guardian, tell me if he is my servant.
Kichu kurala sol kaviarasa sol
Tell me if he has a chirpy voice, tell me if he is the King of poets
Ippodhe soladi inge sol
Tell me right now, dear, tell me right here.
Mayai ah sol, mayan ah sol
Tell me if he is an illusion, tell me if he is a magician
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V Venkayya, the scholar who rediscovered ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ Raja Raja Chola

In the early 20th century, the name of the king who built the big temple of Thanjavur was not known; some believed it was built by Karikala Chola, who lived in the Sangam age, around 1,000 years before Raja Raja . . . (Read the full article by clicking on the title)

Venkayya's handwriting
As an author and editor, Kalki was aware of the role of literature and archeological studies. He acknowledged it through Aditha Karikalan's words in the Ponniyin Selvan.
No, Parthiba, no. We've never heard of a dynasty that lasts forever. Even the Ikshvaku dynasty to which Rama belonged, came to an end. The Rashtrakutas made their appearance in order to defeat the Chalukyas. It’s natural for kingdoms to reach their heights sometimes and eat dust at others. Some kingdoms attain great prosperity, then disappear without a trace. Just look at my ancestors! Karikala Valavan, Killi Valavan and other Chozha kings like them lived a good life and achieved fame. But what do we know of them now? We know their names only because there were poets who sang in praise of them. We do not even know whether what the poets sang was true, or whether they were so drunk that they sang whatever came to mind. But these architectural masterpieces that Mahendrar and Mamallar created will remind people of their greatness for thousands of years. Compared to them, what have you or I achieved? We killed thousands of men in battle, we made rivers of blood flow. What else have we done to perpetuate our names?
@willkatfanfromasia @celestesinsight @favcolourrvibgior @harinishivaa @sakhiiii @ambidextrousarcher @sampigehoovu @balladedutempsjadis @whippersnappersbookworm
#ponniyin selvan#ponniyin selvan 2#aditha karikalan#aditya karikalan#kundavai#arul mozhi#arulmozhi varman#arunmozhi varman#rajaraja chola#chola dynasty#vallavaraiyan vandiyadevan#vanthiyathevan
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Trinity - The Men of Ponniyin Selvan
He is funny, he is charismatic, he is a soft soul who fights for his loved ones, he is a warrior who make sure to defeat enemies so that his prince win. He is a wandarer bt with an aim, he wanders for love, he wanders for passion, he wanders for a reson to live, he wanders to achieve his Princes goal.
Just like his name he is attractive, restless, determined and much more.
To Aditha Karikalan he is the best friend he ever known, he is the best warrior he had ever fought along in the war.
To ArunMozhi he is teh best brother-in-law he could ever find, best humanitarian he had seen, and a best man.
To Kundhavai he is her lover, her husband, her heart.
Aditha Karikalan
The crown prince of Choa desam, the ferocious lion tiger who preyed on his enemies, he roared like a lion on the battlefield making his enemies run away. The young tiger whose life was filled with many wounds and scars but yet fought as a king.
Would he be different if his white flower chose him? Would he still be restless if his love had not been abolished from the land? Would he still be dead if his love touched his heart with her hands instead of a sword?
The death that caused a turn in history, the death that made Ponniyin Selvan into 'Raja Raja Chozhan'
ArunMozhi Varma aka Ponniyin Selvan aka Raja Raja Chozhan
The 'Kutti Puli' of Chozha desam, the most generous, righteous of them all. He is the favorite person of Cholzha Desam. The lovely younger brother of Princess Kundhavai and Aditha. The prince who never meant to be a king, the king who rose to achieve the greatest, the king who soared through the sea to capture the kingdoms, the king who roared enough to be heard all through.
He is kind, he is charming, he is lovable, he is the Prince, and at last, he is the King. What more can you ask in a person and one that captured the heart of the Kadambur princess and held her hand in marriage.
With him started the golden era of the Chola kingdom.
#tamil#ponniyin selvan#chola#nandhini#karthi#vandiyadevan#trisha kundhavai#arulmozhi#poonguzhali#nandini x aditha#aditya karikalan#adithakarikalan#arunmozhi varman#arunmozhi#rajaraja chola#kingdom#chozha#trinity#vanthiyathevan#vanathi
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Sol- Song analysis
(The first of many collabs by @thegleamingmoon and myself)
Song name : Sol
Composer : AR Rahman
Movie : Ponniyin Selvan - 1
The captivating female characters of PS have always managed to delight our hearts. One of the points to highlight in the novel as well as the movie has been the endearing bond of friendship between the Chozha princess Kundavai and the Kodumbalur princess Vaanathi, which has been beautiful portrayed in the song 'Sol',a lilting melody from the movie PS-1.
The song starts with the princesses sweetly singing and dancing in a swan shaped boat which moves merrily letting them enjoy the gentle embrace of nature. In a happy mood,these princesses sing a song,teasing each other in the names of their future lovers (who are Vanthiyadevan and Arulmozhi respectively) but what's surprising is how they predict it aptly.
Lyrics :
Kadhodu sol,kadhodu sol,
Yaarendru sol,
Yaar endru sol.
Tell me in whispers,tell me in whispers,
Tell (me) who is he,tell who is he
Perazhagan ah sol,
Kodharmugan ah sol,
Is he the handsomest of them all?
Is he tall like the highest peaks?
(Here,the former is referred to Arulmozhi Varmar since 'Perazhagan' is a title given to Raja Raja Chozhan' while Kodharmugan can be referred to Vanthiyadevan.)
Maaveerana sol,
Vaaijaalana sol
Is he the bravest of them all?
Does he have his way with words?
(Here,'Maaveeran' is most definitely Arulmozhi while 'Vaaijalan' can be none other than our Vanthiyadevan for him getting away with this talent of his is no hidden fact)
Oodathae solladi
Oor varthai sol
Oh dear don't blush away,
Tell (me) atleast a word (about him)
Kaavalan ah sol
En yevalan ah sol
Poraali ah sol
Illae ododi ah sol
Is he a guardian?
Or is he (my) messenger?
Is he a fighter,
(Or) is he the one who runs away?
[ Here,the former is most definitely Arulmozhi for he describes himself to be a 'Kaavalan' just a short while later in the movie, while the latter is Vanthiyadevan for being a messenger is his prominent role in most parts of the book as well as the movie ]
Keechu kural ah sol
Kaviarasu ah sol
Ippodhae sol
Adi ingaeye sol
Does he have a screechy/chirpy voice?
Is he the king of poets?
Tell me now oh dear,
Tell me right here.
[ ‘Keechu kural’ means a screechy voice but can also mean chirpy which is Vanthiyadevan in both the cases for both, his sometimes loud and sometimes humorous behaviour while ‘Kaviarasu' is definitely Raja Raja Chozhan for his love for poetry and for his qualities being the centre of the world of poets as well. ]
Mayaiya sol
Maayana sol
Is he an illusion?
Or is he a trickster?
[ 'Maayai' or the one who can weave illusions can be Vanthiyadevan while 'Maayan' is most definitely Arulmozhi Varmar for he is too good to be true, especially for Vaanathi. ]
Kaadhodu Sol,kaadhodu sol
Yaarendru sol,
Yaar endru sol
Tell me in whispers,tell me in whispers,
Tell (me) who is he,tell who is he?
What do you guys think? @vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @chiyaanvikram @hollogramhallucination @nspwriteups @kovaipaavai @rang-lo @dumdaradumdaradum @willkatfanfromasia @whippersnappersbookworm @yehsahihai @ragalata Please tag whoever I missed.
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Kannalane - Prologue
Nandini and Aditha in their teenage years
I am leaving for Thanjai today, Nandini. I wouldn't return till the war is over
The words stopped her midtrack. He was…leaving? So soon? Her mind wasn't able to process the rest of the day as everything happened in a flash and soon enough she watched him receive Vijayatilak from his family and ride off with the soldiers. That day, she prayed the entire night. Only for him. For his success. For his safe return and for his happiness. Her heart worried for him - the numerous wounds he would recieve, turning into scars that he would proudly show off. But her mind chided her. What is this Nandini? He said he is leaving for battle right? It's not as if he's leaving this world. Again she tried to shake the thoughts out of her head. Nothing will happen to him. He's Aditha Karikalan. Eldest son of Raja Sundara Choza and also the crown prince. Moreover, the love of her life - the one she wish to spend the rest of her life with. But an ember of doubt still remained in her mind. What would she do if he dies?
She couldn't imagine marrying anyone else and she was afraid his sister Iliya Piratti Kundavai will find a way to relocate her as the latter was not enthusiastic about the relationship between her and the prince.
"I can't imagine a life without you, Aditha" she thought aloud, as she sat outside her house, out of sight of her stepfamily, looking at the full moon in the sky. "If you leave this world, you'll have to take me with you"
Flash forward several years - Now Nandini in her adulthood
She kept moving into the river until the waters touched her shoulders. In the end neither war nor any enemy took him from her. He died by her hands, in her arms, but with a content smile - maybe he was happy he was able to die just the way he always imagined. And with him gone, she felt a void in her life which was irreplaceable and extremely painful.
She recalled her younger self at that moment. "I really can't live without you Aditha" she said, closing her eyes before fully immersing herself in the river, letting her lungs fill with water. "Maybe in the next life, I can make amends to you"
Little did she know, Kaalachakram did hear her prayer.
In the reign of Rajendra Chozha, son of Raja Raja Chozha born as Arulmozhi Varman
Sooryanarayanan, the priest to the local Vishnu temple held his new-born daughter in his arms, in awe of this tiny human being who is his first-born. "Accept my hearty wishes, Sooryanarayanan" his friend told him. "What are you going to name the child?"
"I thought if it was going to be a girl, I'll name her Saraswati but now…" he said looking at the sleeping face of the bundle of joy in his arms "but now looking at her, I feel tempted to call her…Nandini "
Prologue to my Nandini x Aditha series 'Kannalane : A Re-imagination'
@ramcharanobsessed @dumdaradumdaradum @vibishalakshman @thatacademic @hollogramhallucination @kovaipaavai @rang-lo . @willkatfanfromasia @thelekhikawrites @thegleamingmoon @deafeningflowercat @yehsahihai @whippersnappersbookworm @itsfookingloosah @gemsmusings @chiyaanvikram @elvenladysakura . @matka-kulfi . @madatdisney @bumblebeeskywalker @vahnithedreamer @nkarti @dosai-maavu @utterlynotperfect @winter-birds @happy-bookworm @tumbledout @anabanana4115 @freeunknownwasteland @bhataktiatmacore @rapunzels-stuff @celestesinsight @mairablue @rationalelderberry @existenceiswhateven @arachneofthoughts @spider5884fan11 @nirmohi-premika
#ponniyin selvan#ponniyin selvan 2#aditha karikalan#nandini#nanditha#vanathi#arulmozhi#kundavai#vanthiyathevan#arulmozhi varman#ps fanfiction#fanfiction series#fanfic
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Veera Raj Veera
This OS is inspired by the sang 'Veera Raj Veera' from ps2
~Kaaneero neer kaan, Sozha Vetri vaal ondrai Kaaneero~ [Are you not seeing it?
Can you not see the victorious Chozha sword? ]
Arulmozhi was getting ready. He was to leave the Choodamani Monastery today. He had asked Vanathi to be there on his left and had left her to get ready. The plan was made.
~O azhagiye poovae, Selludhiyo, malaridu po sagi~ [ O beautiful flower, Will you not garland him, o friend? ]
He came down the stairs. He was being rained with flowers. Just then Vanathi came infront of him with a smile. He smiled back at her. She too threw a handful of flowers on him. "She looks so beautiful today" he thought to himself.
They stared at each other for some time and moved forward, down the stairs, side by side. Everyone was looking at them and chearing.
~Veera Raja Veera Soora theera soora Veezha sozha veera Seerar gnyaalam vaazha Vaarai vaagai soora~ [ O royal warrior! O brave and strong one. Invincible Chozha warrior May the world prosper Hail to your victory! ]
It was night time. They were sailing. They were to reach the southern banks of Bharat in two days. Musicians and singers were singing a song on the Cholas and their brave Soldiers. He stood their looking and listening to them.
~Thoduvor pagai porai nadugal serkkum veera maara kaadhal maara Poovor engum theera Paavor pottrum veera~ [ Those who dare to oppose you, you send them to their graves O angel of undying love Lovely damsels yearn for you. We sing your glory, o brave one! ]
Some female dancers and singers joined the melody. Enchanting the people and soldiers which were on board. Arulmozhi's chest swelled with pride as the recited the greatness and achievements of their ancestors.
~Aayiram vezham pola Porkkalam serum sozha Vendha Raja Raja! Vaarai vaagai Soora! Veera Raja Veera Soora theera soora~ [ A sword on your waist, carrying the world on your shoulders come and rule us Board your ships! Enter the battlefield like Thousand charging elephants! O Lord! King of King! Come, Hail to your victory! ]
While everyone was engaged in the music and dance, Arulmozhi's eyes wandered off. He was searching for a perticular person. He turned away to look at the wave which just had hit the hull of the ship. Just then heard a voice which his ears were waiting desperately to hear.
~Viraliyar gaanam paada Kanigaiyar nadanam aada-~ [ Royal maidens sing and women dance- ]
He quickly looked back at the performers as Vanathi came into the picture. She saw him and smiled while still singing.
~-Paavaiyar kulavai poda Parithear sagadam aada~ [ -Singers sing in celebration Horse chariots move in harmony. ]
Their eyes locked as she started to dance. He thought that he was in heaven when he saw her singing and dancing. Even though he didn't like that he thought about her this way.
~Alaimel Kathirai Pola Vilangidum aruma deva Padaiyani Perumai saattra Pulavargal thamizhum theera~ [ Like the rising sun over dappled waters You shine O Lord! When singing praises of your army Poets struggle to find words. ]
Everyone was enchanted by Vanathi's dancing and singing. She looked like an Apsara who had descended on the earth in the light of the fire lamps and moonlight.
~Kadalmel puyalai pola Kalangal virainthu paaya Vannalai seeratta Thenpulam eengum veera Veera Raj Veera Soora dheer doora~ [ Like the blustery wind skimming the sea Your ships sped across the choppy waters Blowy waves caress you Charge south, O valiant warrior! ]
With this last sentence Vanathi and the group of girls took a leave, and some men came and stared doing Bharatnatyam on the rhythm of the sitar.
The lady on the sitar was pouring her heart out while playing it as the Tabla vadak accompanied her. It felt as if they were challenging each other. Everyone watched it with a big smile etched on their faces. It was magnificent and a show full of celebration. The whole vibe in the ship was positive. Everyone was happy that their beloved prince was safe and healthy.
~Kootraagil Sel, Kaatraagi sel Sara sara sara saravena velmazhai than Peidhida Para para para paravena paayattum paaimaaram~ [Be assertive, go like a wind to rain arrows let's sail the ship faster]
The Tabla Vadak did a splendid solo as Vanathi and the other maidens came again with an Aarti plate. Every girl was holding an Aarti plate exept Vanathi. They all danced on the rhythm. Especially Vanathi, who was the lead.
~Malavargal veeram kanna Samuthiram veruvi pogum Uruviya vaalai kandu Piraimadhi naani pogum~ [ To witness the bravery of warriors the sea becomes scared of when he pulls out the sword The Moon will shy away ]
Vanathi was dancing with all her heart. The waves seemed to dance with her. He stared at her for some time and then started to walk towards the front of the deck where the stairs were.
~Ethirigal uthiram serndhu Kuthikadal vannamaagum Udhirndhidum pagaivar thegam kadalukku annamaagum~ [ The blood of enemies Makes the sea change its color the bodies of enemies become food for the creatures in the ocean ]
She started to twirl around. Her flowy dress moved with her. It looked like the water in the ocean itself had surrendered to her and was following her around. He wasn't able to keep his eyes off her. A mischievous smile played on his lips.
~Pulimagan veeram kandu pagaikkulam sithari odum saramazhai peithal kandu kadalalai karaikku odum~ [ After witnessing the bravery of Chozha tiger The enemies run away After witnessing the rain of arrows The sea waves runs to seashore. ]
She walked towards the stairs and took her Aarti plate which was kept on a table. She looked up at him and started to ascend the stairs. A smile was there on her face, even though she was singing. She came in front of him.
~Adada perum veera edada thodi vaalai~ [ O such bravery Take your sword ]
She stepped forward and started to do the Aarti. As she neared him, he took a step behind and bowed back. Teasing her. She saw a mischievous glint in his eyes. She started to feel dizzy, but as she was going to fall, a strong, muscular arm cought her. The Plate fell from her hands and landed on the deck with a loud clang. The fire of her oil lamp started to spread a little. But it didn't matter to them
~thodada sara maalai adhuda pagaivorai.~ [ Make garlands Kill your enemies. ]
Her body filled with goosebumps as he slowly slid his hand around her back and waist, pulling her closer. Their bodies clashed together. And in the heat of the moment, he put his other arm around her too, and lifted her up.
~Veera Raja Veera Soora Dheera Soora Veezha Chola Veera Seerar Gniyalam Vazha Varai Vagai Sooda~
He started to twirl her around. She put her arms around his neck, giving her some support. Their noses were touching each other's. The time seemed to slow for them as a big wave hit the deck, engulfing and drenching them both. Leaving them wet head to toe.
~Thoduvor Pagaipporai Nadukal Serkum Veera Mara Kadhal Mara Poovor Yengum Dheera~
He felt his cheeks burn as she rested her nose on his cheek. Their cheeks were sticked together along with their bodies. The people around them weren't able to see this scene because of the waves, etc. He still kept twirling around in circles. All of their hair and clothes had sticked onto them. She pulled her head up, which had been resting on his neck, and their eyes met. They were millimetres close. So close that they could kiss each other.
~Ayiram Vezham Pola Porkkalam Serum Chola Vendha Raja Raja Varai Vagai Sooda~
Their faces were red because of this moment and their last thought. They were late to realise that they were too close but in the end they did. He slowly placed her down. She loosened her grip on his neck and pulled her hands down so that they now rested on his chest. The waves were still clashing, making it hard for people to look at them.
~Em Thamizh Vazhga Vazhga Veera Cholam Vazhga~
Though she had loosened her grip, his hands didn't left her waist for a long time. They both stared at each other. She was grasping for air. His hair were sticked to his head.
~Natramizh Vazhga Vazhga Nallor Dhesam Vazhga~
He slowly let go of her after a long time. Their minds cleared up as they took in their surroundings. The singers were still singing. The people on the instruments were pouring their hearts out. No one had been able to see them. When the atmosphere finally cleared up, they only the aftermath. Some of the maidens, the Ilavarasi and the Ilavarasare were drenched wet.
~Em Thamizh Vazhga Vazhga Veera Cholam Vazhga~
They both shared a knowing look with each other. No one in the ship had come to know about their little.... Whatever you can call it. This was their secret which they never shared with anyone...... except for their Akka and her Husband offcourse.
~Natramizh Vazhga Vazhga Nallor Dhesam Vazhga, Veeraaaaa!~
•••••~•••••~•••••~•••••~•••••~••••• ( A/N )
@Amulya_Rajesh had requested for this oneshot. I know, I know, this was a bit of a boring chapter. But nothing much happened in the starting of the song! I am soo sorry if you got bored. But I will like to know your thoughts on the twirling scene and when the wave hits them. Please tell me how was it/ how I have written it. I hope that you guys liked this oneshot. Instances mentioned are from the movie. If any confusion let me know! :). If you want to read more of my work, you can visit my Page on Wattpad. I am also doing a separate book on VanMozhi there
Any suggestions and feedback appreciated.
∆ Requests Accepted ∆
_ All work is original. Do not copy _
> Btw, the song is actually so addicting right? <
#arulmozhi#ponniyin selvan#love#vanathi#vanmozhi#The tiger throne#Kalki#Ship#Movie#Old tamilnadu#Book#Raj Raj chola#historic fiction#Vallavarayan Vanthyathevan#Kundavai
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Brihadeeshwara temple A.K.A Periya Koil, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India. Built in 11th Century CE by Raja Raja Chozha I of the Chozha Empire.
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The duo which unraveled Ponniyin Selvan ....
The late Kalki Krishnamurthy's Ponniyin Selvan, a captivating mix of history & imagination about Chozhas enthralled the readers when the historical story first appeared in his magazine Kalki as a weekly feature running into several years. The weekly feature kept the readers in the grip of never ending excitement waiting to grab the next weekly issue of the magazine. His absorbing story telling kept the audience spellbound during the entire period, from the first to the last issue.
For the very first time, through Kalki's descriptive words woven around a few generations of Chozha dynasty. the Tamizh readers could catch the glimpse of the ancient Chozhas' glory which earlier formed part of the rural folklore without much authentication. The accompanying drawings of the characters added more life and colour to the imagination of the author keeping the audience engrossed on the edge of their seats while reading the weekly feature.
The author's imagination was at its eloquent best to recreate the story through the characters which took place almost a millennium back in the Chozha heartland of Thanjavur. He could vividly take the audience back to the Chozha era in an effortless manner which made the weekly feature, the most successful in his times. The weekly feature which later on became a compiled novel series also became a huge hit with the generations which missed the weekly features of the magazine which appeared in the 1950s.
The riveting story which was adapted as a movie in 2022 has also created the same kind of excitement even in the modern times leaving the audience awestruck about the Chozha era happenings. Without doubt, there must be something extraordinary about the spectacular presentation of Kalki's portrayal of the events surrounding the royal family of the Chozhas which kept the audience enthralled in every format of its presentation over the last 70 years or so.
Kalki Krishnamurthy took the literary World by storm when his story first appeared in his weekly magazine providing the audience a 'never seen, never heard' story line exquisitely mingled with the Chozha history which was earlier communicated through random oral narrations, generations after generations, based on the hearsay. Many of the heroics of the ancient kings, particularly the Chozhas were always part of the folklore in & around the places where the kings ruled.
The other reason for the readers to feel excited about the story was the non-existence of written historical experiences about Chozhas during the earlier part of 20th Century, a void effectively filled by Kalki Krishnamurthy through his Ponniyin Selvan. Audience experienced an authentic narration of Chozha era events for the very first time in a print version.
Sitting in 2022 one would simply refuse to believe the fact that Chozha history & the history about Brahadeeshwara temple, the iconic symbol of Chozha architecture remained in the dark & was largely unknown, unraveled & unveiled for almost nine Centuries till the 20th Century. Despite the Chozha kingdom being ruled by Nayakas & Marathas for several Centuries post Chozha period, the history about Brihadeeswara remained locked in mystery.
Yes, people till the 20th Century were not even aware about the emperor Raja Raja Chozha or his monumental Brihadeeshwara temple, for which he is been talked about, even after 1000 years since it was completed. The reason being, neither anyone actually cared to translate the inscriptions nor any had the ability to read & figure out the inscriptions which were meticulously recorded by Raja Raja Chozha across the length and breadth of the grandeur structure.
V Venkayya and Eugen Hultzsch
But destiny had its own plans. A chance meeting of two important historians in 1886 proved to be a turning point in unraveling the Chozha & Brihadeeswara temple history. V Venkayya, a school teacher turned epigraphist by hobby, met Eugen Hultzsch, a British appointed epigraphist. They both landed in Mamallapuram separately to study the stone inscriptions in the shore temples. Impressed by Venkayya's enthusiasm, Eugen Hultzsch invited him to join the government's epigraphy department to carry out the epigraphy works across various historical sites. Together they undertook an arduous mission to study & unravel the history of the land, particularly the South Indian.
Over the years, among many sites, the duo also toiled hard and analysed the stone inscriptions of Brihadeeswara temple & finally concluded the ownership of the builder who was none other than the great Raja Raja Chozha. As they say, the rest is history. After their priceless discovery, it was just a matter of time before the entire Chozha history was mapped based on the stone inscriptions identified across various temples and other historical sites. By the turn of 20th Century, the Chozha history was firmly in its due place, thanks to the amazing efforts of Venkayya-Hultzsch.
Before the duo's discovery of the inscriptions at Brihadeeswara temple, lots of rumours, unsubstantiated myths & imaginary stories surrounded Brihadeeswara temple about its builder & the origins as also the exact period of its construction. The duo effectively sealed those stories by declaring the exact history of the temple & its builder without an iota of doubt.
Their tireless efforts gave rise to further epigraphic and archaeological studies across various historical sites in & around Chozha dynasty, paving way for near completion of the study of Chozhas with authors like Neelakanta Shastri and Sadashiva Pandarathar taking up precise and detailed write ups on Chozha dynasty. And that triggered the enrapturing imagination of the novelists like Kalki Krishnamurthy who penned Ponniyin Selvan, kindling the curiosity of the history loving masses making it a fascinating & an all season compelling read about the Chozha dynasty.
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Raja Raja Chozhan Birth Day- 20th October.
Raja Raja Chozhan Birth Day- 20th October.
Among the Thamizh kings, Rajaraja Chozha was one of the TOPS! Look at the above place BIG TEMPLE in Thanjavur – my home town- and under the 216 feet tall tower, I used to sit for about a couple of hours every day for more than a decade in Nineteen Sixties! A period still remains VERY, VERY GREEN in my mind! There is a road in my area in Chennai- PADI THEVAR NAGAR AREA- where there is a road…

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Maatrutva (2)
The Soldiers and all the servants bowed as the regal looking man walked hastily into the anthapuram. His best friend and advisor, who was also his brother-in-law matched his steps side by side beside him and the duo made haste towards a certain chamber.
Raja Raja Chozhan was discussing about Political Matters with his Thozha Vallavarayan Vandiyathevan, when a maid barged in and cried about how his Queen Panchavan Madeviyaar had collapsed near Ponni in the arms of Udaya Pirattiyar. The world seen to zone out as his mind was filled with constant thoughts, his mind reliving his whole life with her till now.
"Thambi!" He heard his elder sister's cry as she ran towards him with his wife Abhimaanavalli in tow. He had recently wed Abhimaanavalli, and the said girl was mingling nicely with family because of the friendly nature everyone had, except she was taking a place in heart of Kundhavai more because of her bubbly nature.
"Akka! Valli! What is it I hear? What happened to my Panchama? Is she fine? Is she hurt anywhere?" He bombared his Akka with questions, reminding her of the time he had got so worked up when he found out that Vanathi fainted because of dehydration as she was doing Nirjala Vratham.
"The Vaidhyar is here Thambi, he is checking Panchama. Vaa, let's see." Kundhavai said and the brother-sister duo rushed inside the private area of Panchamadevi's chambers. Where no one except Royal Family members was allowed without permission.
Thiripuvana Madeviyaar and Loka Madeviyaar sat beside a lying Panchama, the former softly running her palm at her sister-wife's head. Panchama laid unconscious, unknown to the upturn of emotions and chaos she caused.
"Swami! Panchama!" Lokamadevi hastily moved behind a little, making a place for Raja Rajan to sit, his hand immediately getting hold of Panchama's jewelled palm.
"Vaidhyar, what is it? What happened to the Queen?" He asked restlessly, Lokamadevi's palm resting on his shoulder to ease his restlesness.
The Vaidhyar smiled. "Arasae! Looks like Sakthi Amman finally heard the plea of Rani. Congratulations Arase, for your Queen Panchamadevi is going to be a Mother. Yes Arasae, the Queen is pregnant."
Abhimaanavalli squealed in delight, hugging Kundhavai excitedly. She had known very well that Panchamadevi was the only Queen of Raja Rajan who was barren, and she prayed to Durgai Amman to fill her life with more and more happiness.
Which Durgai Amman did.
Thiripuvana Madeviyaar cried happy tears, arms wounding her shoulder from back as she turned to see her other sister-wife Cholamadevi smiling tearfully at her. "Swami, my heart teared up when she cried and pleaded Maa Jagadambika for a child in her barren garden. Finally, Amma heard her plea." She said crying happily.
"Urgh..." Panchama groaned, taking all the attention on herself as she tried sitting up. The Vaidhyar bowed and took his leave, leaving the family bask in happiness. "Akka," Panchama turned to Thiripuvana Madeviyaar. "Did I faint again?" She asked hoarsely, and turned her head to see her beloved husband looking at her with tearful but happy eyes. "Swami? Why are there tears in your eyes?" She asked hastily and he caressed her forehead gently.
"Panchama, here, have this water first. We can talk later." He said and made her drink water. "Now tell me, did I faint?" She asked gulping the rest of water.
"Panchama, you did, and it's a good news." Loka Madeviyaar smiled, wiping the tear that fell from her eye. "What is it Akka? What did that Vaidhyar said? What happened to me?" Panchama asked, Raja Rajan immediately holding her palm.
"Panchama, Kanne, you are going to be a mother. Yes, the Vaidhyar confirmed that you are pregnant!" Thiripuvana Madeviyaar told her and Panchama's eyes widened.
"What- but- how..?" Panchama was too flabbergasted. At first, the Vaidhyar broke her heart by saying she was barren, what happened now? Could it be the miracle of all the penance??
As of reading her thoughts Thiripuvana Madeviyaar nodded. "Yes Kanne, your harsh penance finally was fruitful." She said kissed Panchama's forehead.
"Akka! I am going to tell about this to the Kids. They will be so excited!" Abhimaanavalli said with a happy clap.
"Valli, you seem more happy than her." Raja Rajan teased his newly wed wife with an amused glance, her turning bashful at the comment. "Arasare, how can I not? I have been praying to Durgaiyamman for Akka's happiness ever since I set foot in Thanjai as your Rani. Finally, Akka is graced with the beauty of Motherhood." Abhimaanavalli replied, her voice not holding any sort of resentment but pure love and devotion of her Akka and sister-wife.
Which was one of the best traits he liked in her, thus he took her as his wife rather than her sister.
"Vanathi, Sakti, Abhimaana, why don't we all leave and tell others?" Kundhavai, who was silently celebrating Panchama's pregnancy and thanking Uma Maheshwara again anf again suggested and the other three Queens of Raja Rajan immediately nodded, shuffling out eith Vandiyadevan in tow.
"Panchama..." Raja Rajan kissed her forehead. "You made me the happieat person on the earth." He said tearfully kissing her forehead, Panchama's own eyes tearing up at the news. "You don't know how much I suffered while you cried to sleep for not being able to give me a child. How much I prayed Shiva to fulfill all your wishes. See, he did." He said and Panchama burst into tears followed by him.
"Swami, the love of Madhuranthakan, Araiyan, Kundavai and Mathevadhigal overpowered the sadness of me being barren. I am so happy that they will finally have amother playmate. Madhu and Araiyan will finally get one more sword fighter or Kundavai and Mathevadhigal will get a doll to dress up." Panchama sniffed with a happy smile.
Raja Rajan laughed. "What did you think of names?" He asked suddenly.
Panchama was in thoughts. Then out of nowhere, a small smile bloomed at her face. "Adithya Varman— if boy and if girl, we will think." She said and gauged his reaction, which contorted into a pained look and then a smile. He didn't said anything but hugged her.
Months later, Panchamadevi gave birth to a very healthy boy, and he was named after the elder brother of Raja Rajan, Adithya Karikalan.
Note:- Adithya Karikalan's birth name is said to be "Parthivendra Aaditha Varman".
@thatacademic @vibishalakshman @nspwriteups @yehsahihai @rang-lo @whippersnappersbookworm @ragkee @dr-scribbler @willkatfanfromasia @hollogramhallucination @deadloverscity @ragalata @dumdaradumdaradum @chaanv
#ponniyin selvan#arulmozhi#vanathi#arulmozhi varman#fanfic#desiblr#kundhavai#panchavan madevi#udaiyaar#raja raja chozha#veera raja veera
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Brihadeeshwara temple A.K.A Periya Koil, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India. Built in 11th Century CE by Raja Raja Chozha I of the Chozha Empire. via /r/ArchitecturePorn https://www.reddit.com/r/ArchitecturePorn/comments/pieecn/brihadeeshwara_temple_aka_periya_koil_thanjavur/?utm_source=ifttt
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❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Great Raja Raja Chozha 🔥 (at Mandapam) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8QdfhDB0Tdp9ry_pI8h0IZsdOGmgulAtHMl8s0/?igshid=tzhbedyre79z
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Malayaman: Then Kodumbalur Velan, Pazhuvettarayan who has become today the Shani of the Chozha country, Kadambur Sambuvaraiyan, Munayatharayan, Mazhavarayan, Vaidumbarayan and others had camped with their respective forces between these two rivers. . . . The news of how Rajadhithar had died, seated on an elephant, fell like a thunderbolt on the heads of everyone in our army. In a short while our army had to retreat. It's always easy, isn't it to chase someone on the run? I was one of those who fled like that.
Sundara Cholan: Amma! After my elder uncle Rajadithar rode out on an elephant and attained a warrior's heaven at Thakkolam, the decimated Chozha forces began to flee. If Periya Pazhuvettarayar, the great warrior, had not stopped them in their tracks that day, made an army out of them again and driven out the forces of Kannaradevan, there would be no Chozha kingdom today. His revered body sustained sixty-four wounds at the battle of Thakkolam. Even then, he did not tire but stood firm on the battlefield and achieved victory.
Periya Pazhuvettaraiyar won everlasting glory as the hero who saved Chozha empire in the aftermath of the Battle of Thakkolam. When everyone else fled after the death of Rajadithan, he and his army stopped Kannara Devan from advancing further. Out of reverence, he was made to retire from active military duties and given the post of the Finance Minister. Regardless of who sat on the throne, it was Periya Pazhuvettaraiyar's word that prevailed.
How could he even think about crowning Maduranthakan? It is quite obvious that he wasn't going to gain anything more by giving the throne to Maduranthakan. Not even his grandfather would have supported Karikalan if he moved against Pazhu for merely marrying his childhood sweetheart.
Bonus: Sarath Kumar's stills from the 2009 Malayalam movie Pazhassi Raja. He played Edachena Kunkan, the Commander-in-Chief of the eponymous character played by Mammootty.

Friendly match with the King

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1- An Invitation to Pazhayarai (Ennavale)
Prologue link: https://www.tumblr.com/harinishivaa/718575281936498688/ennavale?source=share
“Ilavarase, Idaya Piratti is calling for you,” the voice of one of the mahouts of Tanjavur, the capital of the Chozhas, reached Arulmozhi’s ears. The Prince was patting the trunk of Gajendra, one of the elephants he commonly rode on, pacifying the animal about his having to go. He could not disobey an order from his mother.
“Mikka nandri,” he smiled at the mahout named Murugan, before taking his leave of all the elephants, cutting into the palace with shortcuts only he and his siblings knew well.
He sped through the routes, curious, for his mother rarely called him when he was busy with the elephants, knowing that it was one of the few times he actually got to relax. Maybe some letter had come from his elder brother? Or had Sembiyan Patti had sent some new story on Parameshvara from Thirunallam?
Maybe some news from Pazhayarai, the capital where the women usually lived, where even his elder sister Kundavai stayed?
He frowned mildly when he thought of Kundavai; not due to his elder sister, never, but due to the rumours that had started flying about his supposed marriage to a Princess amidst the sitrarasugal of the Chozha empire. He knew Periya Velar Mama very well, and was ever grateful to Mama for teaching him the art of warfare, having trained him and Aditha Anna personally. He also knew that Mama genuinely adored him, and maybe that is why he felt that Arumozhi had to marry his niece.
Vanathi, was that not her name?
He ignored the shivers that wanted to creep up his body, deciding to keep his senses carefully controlled, and strolled into his father’s chambers, knowing well that his mother would be there at that time of the day.
“Thandaiye! Thaaye!”
He called out to them, touching their feet and hugging his mother, whose gentle caresses to his hair would end soon, for his sister had ordered him to go to Lanka and rally their troops in the already happening war against Raja Mahindan.
“Vaa, Kanna,” Vanavan Madevi’s soothing voice relaxed the burning nerves that had awakened within Arulmozhi, the wish to serve his country very strong within him. His mother’s gentleness contrasted with the disturbance Arulmozhi had felt when he thought of marriage.
“Amma, you sent for me? Naan thangalukku edhavadhu seyya venduma? (Is there anything I need to do for you, Amma?)” he asked, smiling when she patted his cheek smilingly, her bright brown eyes everything that he loved in the world, a gentle, motherly fire that only protected her children.
“Kanna, a letter has come from Kundavai. We thought you would like to hear about what she has to say,” Vanavan Madevi smiled, seeing the way her son lit up at the thought of hearing about his elder sister.
“How is Akka doing, Amma? Why has she not come to Tanjai yet? She has not even taken a step away from Pazhayarai for the past nine months. How is this fair?” Arulmozhi asked, talkative amidst his dear family, though silent and in control outside the circle of his parents and siblings.
“Kanna, your Akka is busy with the Princesses she is training,” smiled Vanavan Madevi, a knowing smile entering her face, making Arulmozhi frown.
“What does that have to do with coming and visiting us, Amma?”
“Kanna, you do not know the ways of Chozha women yet. For either you or Aditha to choose a bride amidst the sitrarasugal, the Princesses need to be trained by the Ilaya Piratti, the Periya Piratti or the Idaya Piratti. As I am here with your father, Kundavai has taken over the training of the Princesses, and has written a lot of little stories she had experienced in their presence. Particularly close to Kundavai is the Kodumbalur Ilavarasi Vanathi, who Kundavai is constantly writing to me about,” Vanavan Madevi said, smiling and continuing to pursue the letter. “She also says that she has finally found her uyir thozhi, and that she has never enjoyed herself in Pazhayarai as much as she is enjoying herself now, singing and dancing all day with her friends.”
Was Akka implying that the presence of the Kodumbalur Princess had changed her perspective so much that she now enjoyed her time in Pazhayarai rather than in Tanjai, playing politics? How was that possible? How can one girl change his adamant elder sister’s mind so much?
“I know you are skeptical, and believe me, I too was at first, till Sembiyan Amma sent me a scroll about the same thing,” Vanavan Madevi said, making Arulmozhi startled.
“Patti sent a similar message?”
He was surprised, for his Patti, being such a Shiva Bhakta, rarely spoke a lot, and whatever she spoke, it was filled with wisdom.
“She did. Even she could not stop talking about the Kodumbalur Princess, stating her goodness, kindness and gentle behaviour with everyone. She even told me that she is training the Princess in thevarams, which, as you know, is a rare thing for Amma to do,” Vanavan said. “She also…”
Here his mother hesitated, and Arulmozhi raised his eyebrow at her, almost sure what she was going to say.
“She as well as Kundavai believe that the Princess is a perfect match for you…”
“Amma, I do not want to discuss marriage now,” he responded strongly, knowing this would have definitely come up one way or another in the scrolls. “I have so much to accomplish, and so many things to achieve, why, I am going to Eezham soon. How can I think of marriage at such a time?”
“Kanna, I understand, but we do have to think about marriage anyway, right? Additionally, when Sembiyan Amma and Kundavai both get the same idea, you know they are going to push it, do you not?”
Arulmozhi nodded, sighing at the truth of his mother’s words.
“I know Amma, but even then…”
“Kundavai has also asked you to come to Pazhayarai for some weeks before leaving for Eezham. She wants to send you off from there,” Vanavan Madevi said, looking at her son, whose face brightened up again at the thought of visiting his sister.
“If Akka wants me there, I will go there Amma, if you and Thandhai are okay with it.”
Vanavan Madevi nodded, hugging her son gently. Arulmozhi hugged his mother back, ecstatic that his elder sister had finally called him to spend time with her, a little annoyed at this agenda of marriage his grandmother and sister were pushing, and quietly curious about the Princess two people he adored and revered were praising with such terms.
I just write him as I perceive him!
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#ponniyin selvan#ponniyin selvan 2#arulmozhi#vanathi#vanmozhi#aditha karikalan#nandini#kundavai#vanthiyathevan
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