#than the usual fifty words approach i've been taking this year
cerenemuxse · 1 year
"He Squawks!"
7th October 1963
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The story can be found at @eosr-by-muxse for easier access.
Under an agreement between James and the rest of the North Westerners, after every October 6th, James is allowed to spook any of his fellow co-workers. This year has a bit of a surprise for him.
For Traintober 2023: Day 8 - Bird
In Tidmouth Yards, three engines were laughing about as they cleaned up the little mishap one of them caused. Troublesome Trucks had been derailed by accident.
“Thon wis quite a scare, Jim!” piped up Donald with a chuckle. “Ye could’nae even wait a single day noo, could ye?”
James laughed loudly. “Of course not! It’s past my birthday, just like we agreed~!”
“We ken, auld man!” Douglas said cheekily as he pulled a Troublesome Truck back on the line. “At least we won’t be needin’ the cranes.”
“Ye’re gettin’ better at spookin’,” Donald added with the same cheekiness.
“As if I was never good at it!” huffed the red medium-sized tender engine playfully, giving a cross look at the Scottish twins. Within seconds of silence full of steam being bellowed, all three engines burst into laughter once again as they continued pulling the trucks back onto the tracks.
Once they were done, Donald asked. “Sae, who’s yer next victim?”
“Emily, of course! As always.”
“As always?” asked Douglas with a chuckle. “Sae we’re always first? How sweet, Jim.”
With another playful huff, James replied, “Well, you’re the furthest away from my branch line, and I haven’t seen you both in a while, except for the weekends, that is.”
“We saw ye yesterday, auld man,” reminded Douglas.
“But still-!”
“We get it, Jimmy,” interrupted Donald. “Still cannae believe ye’re turning fifty-ane ance this month is over.”
“May I remind you that you’re both fifty-four years old. You’re both not that much older than me, ‘auld man,’” James retorted with a tease, mimicking the twins’ Scottish accent.
“Alricht, get goin’ then if ye want tae catch Emily,” huffed Donald, shooing the larger engine away. “We dinnae want the Big Man findin’ oot aboot this.”
“Right!” puffed James. With two sharp whistles from the polished brass object, James reversed and gathered his goods train that was headed to the docks. Half of the train was from the Ffarquhar Quarry and the other was from the Goram Fell Quarry, so the trucks were full of stone. Thankfully, these trucks weren’t Troublesome Trucks. Otherwise, they would’ve gotten James back for the incident that had occurred moments prior.
The red medium-sized tender engine pulled out of the yard with his goods train and went onto the Main Line, heading towards the Brendam Branch Line.
Brendam Docks was busy as usual with Salty bustling about and Cranky loading and unloading cargo. Goods trains were being set up as James approached Cranky.
"Here's James!" he exclaimed, whistling sharply. "Here's my train, Cranky!"
"You're gonna have to move along, James!" exclaimed Cranky with his typical grump. "I need to load another train now. You can put it underneath the dock manager's building for now!"
Without another word, James whistled once more and moved ahead. He made sure the brake van of his goods train sat right outside of the roofline of the building. Once that was done, he collected his brake van and moved along, only to find another engine stalled ahead.
Although James hadn't planned on adding this particular engine to his list, he gave it a second thought. With a soft but mischievous chuckle, he whispered, "I've been a little too nice to Edward."
His driver, Fred, caught wind and immediately spoke up. "Oh, don't you even think about it!" he whispered hastily as he grabbed the handbrake. "Come on, old boy! We're gonna be late!"
"Pft! We'll be fine. I'll only take a moment!" he whispered. Fred and George looked at one another before giving in, with Fred letting go of the handbrake. James snickered as he approached the blue medium-sized tender engine as slowly as he could. Knowing that Edward lacked the ability to open his smokebox door, James moved closer than he typically would. Once he was at the halfway point of Edward's goods train, he stopped, making sure Edward hadn't taken notice. The other engine didn't do anything but hum about, presumably waiting around. With a devious grin, James rushed forward with full force and hollered, "I'm behind you!" as loud as he could.
Edward let out a very loud squawk, startled by the sudden scream and red blur rushing past him.
James immediately pulled on his brakes the moment the sound left the other engine's mouth. The noise had shaken him out of his joy, making it short-lived. Slowly, he reversed until his smokebox aligned with Edward. He popped open his smokebox door, seeing Edward's face.
Edward's eyes were blown open, his lips creased together in a thin straight line, and his cheeks were burning to a near sooty black.
"Did you just-?" began James.
"Naw!" immediately squeaked the smaller engine, trying to be stern. "Naw, I didnae!"
"You squawked like a seagull!" exclaimed James, flustering Edward even further. "I can't believe it! He squawks!"
"James, please-!" he insisted, still trying to be stern.
"I wonder if Duck quacks?" asked James smugly. "Now wouldn't that be a treat?"
"Oh, I won't tell anyone, Edward, if that's the problem."
"Well, aye, but-!"
"I've gotta go now! Talk to you later!" exclaimed the red medium-sized tender engine giddily before rushing off, leaving behind a very flustered Edward.
Just a fun short story! Looks like I did get a chance to join Traintober this year just for a bit.
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ellayuki · 4 years
Supernatural, Destiel 
Happy birthday, Dean!
"You know, I never thought I'd get to this age," Dean says, eyes closed in contentment. "Always thought I'd die young."
Cas hums quietly, face smushed into Dean's neck. "Good thing you were wrong."
He's right, Dean supposes. It is a good thing I was wrong. Damn, I'm one lucky sonuvabitch.
"Happy birthday to me," he murmurs and pulls Cas close, presses a kiss to his hair. "Happy birthday to me." 
Cas giggles, nuzzles closer. "Mhm, happy birthday to you. Many a happy birthdays to you, hopefully."
"You saying I'm accident-prone or something'?" Dean huffs, good-natured.
Cas shrugs. "Or something."
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➳the girl in the lilac dress ♠ ♡
in which y/n meets fred's ex-girlfriend, days after fred confessed his love for her. there's still some confusion on the status of their relationship. angst -> fluff. narrated by you, y/n l/n.
fred weasley x fem!reader
word count: ±5.4k
tw: angst (not too bad though), mean words, blood, mentions of auror missions, kidnapping, needles, st mungo's
drop a follow if you wanna see more of this content!!
my masterlist:D
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ft. hermione, lee and alicia
I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you
I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you
the girl in the lilac dress
i was in a good mood. on the way to work to receive my mission, i was humming a song that had just come out. it was catchy and worth the wait.
out of the corner of my eye, a lilac colour appeared suddenly. strange, i thought. it approached me, in the form of a beautiful woman. she had the lightest grey eyes and the smoothest milky-white skin, and the shiniest locks of dark brown hair. she walked in a flowy lilac gown, her slim model-like body walking in a model-like fashion.
i was pretty sure she wasn't headed towards me, but when her luxurious voice said "good morning" in the calmest tone possible to me, i looked at her confusedly.
"hi!" i replied brightly, smiling.
she smiled sinisterly, "my name is pretoria aphrodite, i'm fred's ex-girlfriend."
he hadn't ever mentioned an ex, but i knew he had dated quite a few people. she made me seem like a glass of water next to a glass of red wine, naive and ugly. i was those two things anyway.
"oh! i'm y/n l/n! nice to meet you, you do seem like a daughter of aphrodite," i said politely.
"darling, all women are daughters of aphrodite. i understand fred's interested in you?"
she observed me and i laughed.
"i don't think that's quite the word. he's my best friend."
"friends with benefits?"
"oh gosh no! i don't really know where we stand, honestly."
"bitter about it?"
i thought for a second, "nah, i couldn't be. love's a hard thing."
"it is, indeed, and you work for the ministry?"
i nodded, "head of the auror office. what about you?"
"i model for witch weekly."
i gasped, "you're the p. aphrodite? i should've known!"
"big fan?" she looked amusedly at me.
"my friends are, so naturally i am."
"you don't seem the type fred usually goes for."
"i wouldn't say he's even going for me," i said cautiously.
"you are much too cutesie for his type."
i glanced up at her. she was smiling kindly.
"pfft, but better cutesie than nothing, amirite?" i asked friendlily, "well it's been nice to talk with you, but i gotta hurry!"
"no worries, i'll come with you, i have some business at the ministry too. have you seen his past exes?"
"uhh, not really?"
"well they're all models for one magazine or another."
"oh, okay. and that's important because...?" i asked her carefully.
"i just thought you should know."
i laughed, "i'm not model material, am i? i don't mind at all."
she looks taken aback. "i would say, with longer hair," she plucked a hair out of my poor mess of locks, "and a shorter upper body, with perhaps lip fillers, you'd look model-like."
her tone was analysing and not at all attacking.
"only three things??" i asked, shocked.
"you are rather... pretty already," she mused, "not model-like, but cute."
we had reached the ministry.
"thanks, see you later!" she waved and disappeared.
all that was left was a buzzing fly which soon flew away.
i immediately dialled in my auror code in the red telephone box and was sent into hermione granger's office.
"'mione! how good to see you!" i hugged her.
"hello y/n!"
in the ministry and the auror department, the head of the auror office was probably more important than the minister for magic. i didn't know why. she had brought me a cup of hot chocolate.
"thanks, 'mione, you didn't need to. what's the mission today?"
"two babies are being held hostage in a coded location by a person who calls themselves the light lord. dark lord, light lord, y'know?" she handed me a coded piece of parchment.
i thoughtfully pondered, "the light lord. who do you need?"
"i was hoping you go on this mission, then you could give me some news on this light lord person."
"that's doable. we'll need to bring in hepole and a ministry official to negotiate passports and such. and a strong auror team."
"right on it. i'll get wally becker and charlotte-ann becker. they're a force to be reckoned with on the borders."
"how much experience?"
"they're twins, been doing this for about fifty years now."
"perfect. and hepole?"
"on the way."
"thanks, minister," i winked at her, getting out my telephone and dialling the disguise unit.
"hello, poplinn speaking."
"pop, we need a few disguises. light lord."
"miss l/n! o-of course!"
"and pop?"
"call me y/n."
i hung up, dialling harry's office.
"harry, call draco and be in my office in ten minutes. i don't care what business he's doing with scorpius, we've got babysitters here. light lord, perhaps a second of voldemort."
"of course."
i picked up the ringing phone that was in the corner of hermione's office.
"y/n, me and scorpy are having a zoo day, we're at the muggle zoo you suggested."
"sorry dray, but it's important."
"there's no one else?"
"there are others, but we need your expertise."
there was a pause, "i won't need to show my dark mark?"
"it's fading anyway. no."
"i'll be paid?"
"in hundreds."
"how old are the children?"
"2 and 4," hermione said.
the silence told me he was sold.
"i'll be there."
i picked up the big microphone and said, "auror unit 156 to the brief room. no need to bring anything. see you there!"
"good luck," hermione grimly said, "be safe, head."
"mhm and cup o' coffee tomorrow? if i survive, that is," i grinned.
i smiled, "c'ya!"
she was shaking her head.
"oi, no disappointment, 'mione! i was the one who got the ministry out of paperwork!"
"burning paper doesn't count, y/n."
"it wasn't burning paper, hermione granger, it was arson."
"no, it was the saddest form of arson i've ever seen."
"hey! that's rude."
"just go on your mission already."
i laughed, "on it, minister. kalle?"
kalle looked at me, "yes?"
"tell miss minister to take a break and play a game or something, will you?"
she smiled, "okay."
"give my thanks to your mother too, loved the cookies!"
"alright, good luck, head!"
"thanks, bye!"
i apparated to the brief room, where everyone was strapped into special camouflage clothes.
i handed hepole the parchment and immediately began briefing the unit, harry and draco, on the mission.
"please be safe out there. if you're injured, apparate or travel back here, okay?"
i looked at hepole.
he cleared his throat, "they're in albania. the forest there."
"okay. harry and draco will provide attacking forces," the two nodded.
"i want lopex, quentin blake, quentin grill and hilly to break into any establishment," i say to the team, "and eron, hawks, melv, argonas to hold the offender hostage. johnathan, team healer as always. i'll take the children. hepole, you come and accompany us till the forest, then you have my permission to stay back, and beckers, stay invisible with the cloak, write a report for the minister when you come back, understand? have faith, team! i believe in you. we travel by apparition with the machine in three minutes. call your family, chat, have a snack, drink some water, and relax."
i picked up my telephone and dialled my parents.
"hi mum, dad, i'm going on a mission!"
"alright, be safe sweetie," my mum called.
"yeah, don't die kiddo," my dad added.
"right right, i love you, bye!"
the mission was successful. we rescued the children and sent the kidnapper to trial for azkaban. i escaped with a gash on my forearm, but quickly fixed it up with a spell. it ended late in the evening, so the team healer had gone home. the wound kept opening again, but i wasn't sure if it needed stitches.
putting everything away and making sure the aurors were okay, i headed back to the apartment i shared with fred.
i felt emotionally and physically drained, ready to enjoy a good shower and a good late dinner.
when i fiddled with the key to the door and opened it, my heart absolutely stopped.
pretoria aphrodite was kissing fred passionately. i felt my heart fall ten thousand flights of stairs in disappointment. of course. i was all a rebound who was pathetically in love with him.
when they stopped and saw me, pretoria smirked and fred stood up, astounded.
"uhh, continue? sorry," i apologised awkwardly.
"wait, y/n, it's not what it looks like-" he said.
"i don't mind, be safe," i smiled, too tired and too weak to do anything, closing the door and feeling tears well up in my eyes as i took my bag and myself somewhere. anywhere away from this all. my wound burned. i cursed under my breath as i made my way to st mungo's.
"y/n, you should have come here earlier!" yvonne, my friend, says, as she slowly injects a needle into me, "it's infected! and it needs stitches."
i laughed, "everything needs stitches. this is why i didn't become a healer, yvonne."
she shook her head in dismay.
i watched the needle go in.
then she stitched the bloody mess of a wound up, cleaning it gently.
"now i can't stay, y/n," i pouted, "no, don't give me that face, i have other patients."
i nodded, "thanks yvonne."
"no problems. take care. you're too reckless."
"am not!"
she laughed. "that's funny."
after the trip to st mungo's which was pretty short, i wondered what to do. my mind kept floating to the scene i had just witnessed.
i was just the stupid, stupid, girl he used as a rebound. he didn't even use me as a real rebound, just someone who was simply infatuated with him to help him forget his unforgettable ex.
looking at a shop window, i caught a glimpse of myself. i hated being insecure but it happened.
i looked ugly. eyes too small, nose too big, lips not full enough. my thighs touched and i didn't have abs. i had a long gash running down my forearm, surrounded by other cuts. my hair was messy and disgusting. compared to the angel on earth pretoria was, i was nothing. small and plain was nothing when luxurious and beautiful was present.
and it hurt. my heart hurt. my head hurt.
i shook my head gently of my thoughts, chuckling bitterly.
fred weasley was completely and utterly out of my league.
whatevs, i thought. hurting was fine.
deciding to get over him once and for all, i bought some groceries and apparated to the doorstep of lee and alicia's glamorous cottage.
i knocked twice on the door. "hellooo!" i called out.
"baby, can you get that?" lee asked alicia.
alicia opened the door, smiling as she saw me.
"hey ali!"
"hi! come in!"
at first glance i could tell she knew something wrong.
"can i sleep here tonight? and take a shower? and eat some of your food please guys? and maybe steal a shirt i left here for safekeep? and maybe use your telephone? i'm really sorry for troubling you, so i got you guys snacks."
i was the second cousin by marriage of lee. it was good overall, but he was super naughty.
"your favourites."
"then i guess you can," he said cheekily and i laughed.
"alicia, i don't know how or why you ended up with this child, but i'm glad you did," i told her and she laughed heartily.
"he's cute, isn't he?"
"no," i quickly stepped into the guest bedroom and took a long shower, letting a few tears slip but not enough so that it looked like it. i was subtle.
i bundled up in heavy clothing and wrapped my hair in a towel.
gingerly, i bandaged the wound.
by the snores in the other room, lee was asleep. i crept out quietly, going to cook something.
alicia was sitting down, with my favourite comfort meal prepared. i felt tears of appreciation well up in my eyes.
"thank you, ali, i love you."
"you damn well do."
we both giggled.
"what happened?" she asked me.
"nothing. i just wanted a change."
"from fred? liar. i'll ask again. what happened, y/n?"
"just a long mission, that's all."
"after long missions you usually watch movies with fred."
"couldn't i visit my best friend and my cuz?"
"you visit us on weekends. it's a friday."
"well i wanted to visit you!"
"is it that hard to believe?"
"what the fuck did fred do to you?"
"c'mon y/n, you have to tell me. there's a reason why you didn't go to angie and george's tonight."
"i went here because they're super kissy. you guys have space and act normally. i appreciate that."
"you're awesome at lying."
"i'm not lying!"
"does this happen to involve pretoria aphrodite?"
i nodded, sighing, "she's so nice and pretty." i played with my food.
"i bumped into her. she's pretty, but not nice."
"she called me fiercely ugly. she forgot i model for witch weekly too."
"what did you say back?"
"i told her to fuck off."
i laughed, "she was very nice to me. but next time i see her imma kill her."
"of course she was nice to you, you're a lil angel! anyway, she's an animagus, didya know?"
"whoa how did you know?"
"caught her in a jar. she's a fly. who do you think told hermione to catch rita skeeter in the jar?"
i laughed, "rita skeeter is a beetle! gosh, she's annoying."
"what did fred and pretoria do?"
"please tell me?"
"they-" i swallowed, "they were kissing, and so i came here because i didn't wanna watch anymore."
"hang on, he told you he loved you a few days ago?"
i nodded.
"that doesn't seem right."
i shrugged, "pretoria's better than me. i don't blame him."
"his mother would kill him!"
i shrugged again, "i don't think he was legit when he said that."
"molly weasley, y/n!"
"look, he can explain it to you, i don't even wanna hear it. the first stage of mourning is denial, they say."
"doesn't mean it's good."
"denial is awesome. it's ignorance, but you choose to be stupid. i'm already so stupid!" i groaned, covering my face with my hands, "so so so so so so so stupid, foolish, dumb, and i don't want you to tell me i'm not because i know i am. pathetic."
i gobbled down the rest of the meal, "ths 's delicous," i said, swallowing, "g'night!"
"don't be afraid to let it all out."
i shut the door softly, before brushing my teeth and collapsing exhaustedly on the bed, nodding off quickly.
the next day, i woke at 4am, and put on new clothes, apparating to the phone box and filling out paperwork for the missions yesterday.
i joined hermione quickly, handing her a cappucino and sipping my mocha.
"court sitting this early?" she asked me.
i nodded, "mistake of sirius black, now they do all court sittings within 24 hours of arrest."
"that's smart."
"yeah. it's good. he's obviously guilty right? just a dust of veritaserum to bring it all out?"
"i reckon he'll just confess."
"criminals don't go down easily."
"you guys did a spotting job. the children were unharmed."
"are they here today?"
"they're in st mungo's. being monitored."
"oh gosh, those poor children. what's going to happen to them?"
"someone's adopting them, wally becker and his wife."
"that's awesome."
the court hushed as we entered the room. hermione and i shared amused glances and began the sitting.
he was found to be guilty and was chucked in azkaban.
"what an idiot, sending a message like that."
"yup," i chuckled, "what with hepole in our ministry, they never escape."
we laughed.
"how's everything with ron?" i asked her.
"i don't know if he's still into me?"
i almost laugh at her statement, "bro. of course he is."
"i never see him."
"then see him more!"
"how? i'm so busy!"
"busy enough for ron?" we both took sandwiches from the canteen lady with courteous smiles and words.
we sat down at the cafeteria.
"i guess not, but he's busy!"
"busy enough for you?"
"i guess not."
"but he might not wanna go on a date."
"why? the boy's obsessed with you, 'mione!"
the aurors and ministry workers looked at us in fear as i rose up. i chuckled.
i immediately skipped over to the telephone, putting in the WWW's number.
"y/n! what on earth are you doing?" hermione said in a panicked tone.
"nothing to be worried 'bout."
"hello?" it was george. i thanked the heavens for that.
"yolo george, give the phone to your lil bro please."
hermione was gaping at me. i smirked at her.
"hey ron, i want you to meet me in rosemary park at 5pm today."
"could you also bring hermione's favourite snacks and wear an extra jumper?"
"what? why?"
"i'm curious, that's all," i said, "see you there!"
"is that y/n?" i heard fred's voice.
"nup, it isn't," i replied.
and with that, i hung up.
"hey 'mione?"
she was glaring at me, "what."
"meet me at rosemary park at 5pm?" i batted my eyelashes at her, before bursting out in laughter.
she laughed, "i love you."
"pfft, love ya too. you really are too careful. like he would reject you."
"what do you think i should wear?"
"let's go off work early today, at 3," i suggested, "we're both on top of our work anyway."
"okay! you wanna go now?"
"it's 11?"
"alrighty! kalle!"
kalle turned to us, "yes?"
"hi! me and minister are going out to talk about the mission."
"alright, bye."
we apparate to hogsmeade.
"what theme do you wanna go for?"
"hmm," she thought for a second, "floral!"
"alrighty!" i fumbled for my cell phone and dialled the WWW's again.
"hello?" it was fred this time.
"heyo freddie," i said to him like nothing had ever happened, "tell ron to dress up at 5 pm in something cute but not too out there, preferably in florals or somethin', and he better bring me hermione's favourite flowers."
"wha? if he's going with you then- ohhhh."
"thanks, bye."
"can we talk?"
"erm- about what exactly?"
i sighed, "later, okay? i'm out with hermione and you've got work."
"okay. have a good time, lovely."
"you too."
i was utterly confused. here he was one day kissing pretoria, and now he was calling me lovely?
what the hell was going on?
"let's go, mione!"
we went and bought her a pretty pink dress with white lilies adorning it. it was cute and definitely casual, sort of like a sundress.
"what if he doesn't come?" hermione chewed on her lip.
"hermione jean granger, we both know that ron is absolutely definitely a thousand times head over heels in love with you. he wouldn't ditch you for the world! and look at you! anyone can see he's lucky to have you! you both are star-crossed. when has he ever ever ditched you?"
"with lav brown."
"lavender, she's, she's dead, hermione," i said carefully, "fenrir greyback bit her to death. it was a tragic, heroic, death. she was listed in the extended casualties sent to my office a few months after the battle. i think she's watching down on us from wherever she is up there."
"she's dead?"
"yeah," i replied sadly, "life is so short."
"what i'm tryna say, is that that might've happened, but it won't happen again now that he knows you love him and he loves you. understand?"
"and love him well, for the sake of lavender brown."
"for the sake of lavender brown," she said, smiling.
"yup, now, light lord. his name is actually pont knight."
"pont knight?"
"former assistant of me."
"pont knight?"
"yeah, i know right."
"how did he go again?"
"oh, i fired him," i laughed.
"smart guy but terribly lazy and he kept asking for promotions! like please do something if you want money."
"he moved to eastern europe to chase after the trendiness of the islands. i think it was just an excuse. he's changed. he used to be clean-shaven and have the blondest hair."
"do you think he did anything else?"
"we did put him on veritaserum, right?"
"yeah, but it's illegal to put someone on it for more than 10 minutes now in court sittings."
"we could go visit him in azkaban later? i'll take gregir."
"yeah, maybe tomorrow or the day after?"
i nodded, "'course. today is a rest day for the aurors right?"
she nodded, "yeah, half of the agency is at home or working out in the gym."
"good. sometimes this work is so tolling, 'mione."
"yeah, i heard from st mungo's you got hurt?" her eyes were concerned.
i rolled up my sleeve, "that's it."
"that's it? what do you mean, that's terrible! you need to take better care of yourself."
"well sometimes it's hard to. it was worth it."
we continued chatting until it was 4:30.
"oop!" she checked her watch, "i have to go!"
"good luck! tell me how it goes, minister! i'll head back to check if anyone's called for you or me and dust it all up."
"thanks. i owe you."
"nah. i owe my job to you. if minister for magic didn't exist, i wouldn't either. i love you 'mione, be safe!"
"love you too!"
i apparated to the phone box and typed my letters in.
with a whoosh, i immediately spotted two letters and a beeping phone. i answered the phone, solving the problem of the woman on the other end of the line and scribbled a reply to both of the letters.
i finished the paperwork and sent it off, then visited my office. it was piling with letters. i answered all of them, redirecting some of them to different departments, before calling everyone back.
i spotted some of the aurors from yesterday's mission sitting in the cafeteria and talking.
i sat down next to them, "how are you guys doing? any injuries?"
they shook their heads, "we've been spending time in the healer's office and just exercising lightly by the orders of johnny," argonas explained and i nodded.
"take it lightly, and go home if you want to. seeing family always helps the process, hopefully not too many nightmares?"
they laughed, "nightmares all the time, miss," hawk said lightly, "get used to it in this job."
i frowned, "have you tried speaking to doctor yvonne? she might have ways to solve nightmares."
"ahh, miss, sleeping draughts can only do so much," hawk replied cordially.
i laughed, "alright, hawkeye, but just make sure you're not getting traumatised okay? what about you, lopex, quentins?"
they shrugged.
"it's okay? the door was very hard to bust into," lopex said quietly, "we had to try several bombarding charms."
"now, lop, it was easy work!" draco said, sitting down, "hello, head auror, hello unit."
it brought on a cacophony of greetings.
"how are you doing, dray?" harry sat down next to him, "hi everyone!"
we all replied with more greetings and a steady conversation started and flowed for a couple of hours.
i felt my cell phone go off and i excused myself, noting it was 9pm already.
i apparated to the apartment doorstep, knocking on the door just in case anything was happening. i checked the caller id, it was hermione.
fred opened the door, hair messy, still good looking. i smiled at him, patting his shoulder as i ran to the ringing telephone and picked it up.
"y/n!" i could just hear the beam in hermione's voice.
"'mione! how did it go?"
"absolutely wonderful, head auror, ahhh, he's so cute!"
"what happened?" i asked, smiling already.
"well it was really cold when i saw the picnic blanket, which was matching my dress for some weird reason, and ron was there in the cutest button up and he looked so handsoME and he gave me a flower, he's always handsome but i just can't! ahhhh!" she squealed and i clapped my hands in excitement.
"and then i was shivering and he gave me hiS JUMPER and it smelled like him and oh my gosh i think i might just be in love, y/n!"
i giggled, "my cooling charm did work!"
"whaT y/n????"
cackling, i said, "continue, i wanna hear more this is so adorable!!!"
i ignored the dirty glance fred gave me, quietening my voice.
"and then we had food and he said he had cooked it himself and was being such a dear and i told him that i loved him over and over again!!!"
i squealed silently again.
"and, and, gosh my english has gone out of the window!"
"english is nothing compared to the language of love!!" i giggled.
"we watched the sunset whilst cuddling, and i fell asleep and then when i woke up i was in his bed and he was looking at me intently and i just, i'm the luckiest girl alive!"
"you are but you deserve it! that's so sweet! i'm happy for you goshhh, you are the cutest couple. you're both such darlings!"
"and then we watched a muggle movie and he got scared of the spiders and it was so adorable ahhhhHHHH!!!"
"that's the cutesttttt," i gushed.
another dirty look from fred. i gave him a frown back.
"and then he walked me home and it started raining and we kissed in the rain and another check off of my bucketlist and oh my gosh he's so perfect."
"oh gosh that's beautiful," i was smiling uncontrollably.
"anyway," her tone changed into one of mischief, "wanna meet up tomorrow to talk about it?"
"sure thing! when and where? i'll be there!"
"erm, lemme chec- think," i heard the suspicious rustling of papers.
"you're sus. let's just talk about it over the phone. i don't want anything weird."
"how about 10 am in the morning at the field of fireflies?"
"that's a highly romantic place, miss minister. isn't it for couples or something?"
"no? you must be talking about fiona farm."
oh. "yeah, probs, well okay, it better have good coffee. i'm dying of boredom too, does it have a playground??" i asked, hopefully crossing my fingers.
"awww, shucks, i don't think i'll go then. you wanna come over though?"
"no please come! there's a surprise!"
i was sold, "lovely. i'll be there at 9:30!"
"no, no, don't do that."
"what the hell, hermione, you're being so suspicious!"
"i'm not, okay? just come on time, you won't regret it."
"if there's any funny business i'm not committing arson ever again."
"oh crap."
i sighed.
"just come anyway!!! good night cheerio!!!"
"what the-"
the line ended.
i frowned, noticing the glare fred gave me yet again.
"is everything okay??" i asked him.
"no," he said rudely.
"well, do you need any help?"
"how was your day?"
i sighed, "okay."
"you called ron cute."
i laughed lightly, "that's it?? and so what's kissing a girl huh, nothing? i called him cute because he treats 'mione like a goddess, because she is a goddess, for goodness sake. and he is cute, in a completely objective way," i added absentmindedly, "all you weasleys are."
he frowned.
"she kissed me!"
"oh i don't mind, i couldn't. my two braincells can't handle it. you kiss whoever you wanna, okay? live, laugh, love, and all that." i smiled.
he was silent.
"and we can talk after i meet up with hermione, okay?"
"we don't needa if you don't wanna, of course. g'night."
"have a nice sleep."
the next morning, i got up and went to the field of fireflies or whatever.
it was a beautiful place. it was a full on field. meadows stretched across the near english countryside. the sky was clear and light, and the world around me was stunning.
winds blew from all directions, and i soon found myself accio!ing a jumper.
"hermioneeee???" i called, "you're leaving me hanging."
had hermione stood me up? i chuckled at the very thought, soon rolling in the field of flowers as i laughed.
"hermione you devil you stood me up! you left your poor little work wife hanging!" i shouted dramatically.
i suddenly spotted a little house? by the side of the meadow.
i ran towards it.
it was absolutely magnificent. beige little bricks were stacked on top of each other, grey bricks dotted in. the shillings were dark green, and plants hung out everywhere in the cracks of the house.
large windows which reflected the blue light in the sky spanned across the whole house, and a single wooden door stood ajar.
i just wish i had brought a camera. i sat on the grass, playing with the hem of my jumper sadly. even hermione didn't have time for me. i wondered what a sad person i must seem like.
"contemplating life there?" i heard a far off voice. i swung my head around, seeing fred standing and grinning.
yeah well duh i was, no thanks to you, i thought.
i immediately got up.
"we can talk here, right?" fred asked, as he brought me into the house.
"wow," inside, it was cluttered and messy, with plants sprouting everywhere and bookcases and things everywhere. i loved it.
"you like it?" he asked.
"love it."
"good, because i bought it," he laughed at my flabbergasted expression, "i'm rich, darlin'. let's sit, i cooked lunch."
"was this your plan? to have hermione stand me up?" i asked.
"love, i wouldn't call this a plan. simply just a boy trying to explain himself."
"look i don't need an explanation. i told you, you can love whoever you wanna, i don't mind, i don't care, i support."
"but i'm gonna have to explain because i wanna kiss you."
"then go ahead," i sighed, "if you're lying i will stab you."
"jeesh okay."
i looked at him.
"oh yeah, i forgot the food, here," he said casually, handing me a plate filled with yummy looking delicacies. i was willing to put up with his rubbish story telling for the food, i guess.
"alright, i'm all ears."
"okay. so she talked with you right?"
i nodded.
"did she take a piece of hair from you?”
i nodded again.
"so you came home just right about when the night lights flicker on in london. or so i thought it was you. it was actually, aphrodite, yeah? in polyjuice potion. and she knocked on the door, which i thought was strange. i opened it and she immediately kissed me, as you. and it was weird but it was you and i would give the world to kiss you like that," he said bluntly and i could feel my face heating up, "and then it went like that for a few seconds and she turned into pretoria, and by then the woman had her claws on me. then the door opened and i knew i had made a mistake and then you left and apologised so sweetly. i'm so so sorry, my love, please, i never meant to hurt you, i never meant to do anything. i broke up with her last year. i haven't wanted to be with her since. i want to be with you."
i looked at him. i knew he was genuine.
"okay. i'm sorry too, for not trusting you. i guess i was just really unsure of our relationship. it's still kinda blurry."
"what do you wanna be?"
"could we be official, please?"
he grinned, "of course."
then smiling sheepishly, he added, "can i kiss you now?"
"only if i'm the only girl you kiss from now on," i teased, smiling.
he blushed, placing my hands over his heart. it was beating very very fast.
"feel that, beautiful?"
i nodded.
"only you."
he gave me a cheesy grin and laughed at my blushing face, before tilting my head upwards and going in for a kiss but kissing my cheek.
"that's not fair!"
and that's how his head ended up falling into my lap, as i ran my fingers through his ginger strands.
he had fallen asleep just as the sunset began.
it was breathtaking. hues of orange and red danced across the sky.
"i can think of something a lot more beautiful than that," fred said, smiling.
"yeah. yeah."
"i don't believe you."
"that's because you can't see yourself right now."
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hajimeiwaswife · 3 years
congrats on your milestone ane! I would like yuuji itadori with these lyrics!"And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime, and I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine" . Take your time and please don't feel rushed!!
Request: yes, for the 130 followers event.
Word count: 1,2K
Warnings: none
Summary: Yuuji indulges on his desires for once.
It was the first time in months that the students at Jujutsu High had a day off, a very rare sight, indeed. The second years proposed to their juniors to go to the beach, a relaxing paradise that would bring so much needed rest to the sorcerers. Crystal clear water, bright sea shells, flamboyant swimsuits and delicious food, that was what the young adults had for themselves.
Megumi was under an umbrella, covered in sunscreen and reading a book, content with his own safe space. Nobara and Makki were toasting under the sun, thinking no one suspected anything of their small and lingering touches to each other. Playing in the water were Panda and Inumaki, the taller one running away from a wild Toge who tried to rub a fish on his back.
Meanwhile, Yuuji and you were sitting in the sand, smiling and talking about everything and anything. It had been like that ever since you met each other, finding comfort and a scape in the other's arms, easy conversation falling out of your mouths, as if you had been friends since childhood.
You always felt some kind of warmth emitting from Yuuji; at first, you thought it was his natural good aura, being the closest thing to the sun you had ever witnessed. But that was discarded the moment you decided to face your feelings for the boy. Gentle, caring, outgoing, happy-go-lucky and attractive, you didn't even know when it happened, but you fell head over heels for him.
Yuuji, on his part, felt this cold breeze of August afternoons after a really hot day at the Mediterranean Coast when he was with you, refreshing and renewing. He loved to witness your beautiful personality grow and transform as you learned new things, your illusion for your job, how you cared for those near you, how strong you were. The duality in you made him feel butterflies in his stomach.
And that is why he decided not to tell you about his feelings. He knew how his story would end being Sukuna's vessel, when he had consumed all the fingers, he would be sacrificed for a greater good. He wasn't going to lie, he was terrified of dying, losing the possibility of growing old and experimenting life to its fullest, not being able to spend more time with his lovely friends ―or, as he liked to refer to them, family―, and not being able to live a life with you. His biggest regret. How could he be so selfish of hiding his feelings for you from you? But maybe it was better that way, losing a friend is less painful than losing a soulmate, and you had already lost him once when everybody thought he was dead. You would be okay.
Still, he could do it with just a kiss, just a gentle caress of your lips on his before he had to say goodbye. He looked at your profile, relaxed and breathing the salty sea breeze, the sun kissed your skin, glowing under dusk. You were truly beautiful, so much that he was left breathless with only the sight of you.
"I was thinking of going tomorrow for some Korean noodles to the Korean restaurant next to the school," you commented, amazed watching the swinging of the waves, "and I was wondering if maybe, uh you know... if you wanted to come with me." flustered, you asked him.
However, Yuuji was still trying to get over the sweet tone of your voice to even process your words. How could a human being have such a mellow voice? He could hear you talk all day in exchange of being allowed to listen to it. But, sooner than later, you would want a reply to your question, so he made the effort to think about what you said. Once he processed you had asked him out without actually doing so, his brain stopped working. You wanted to go to have lunch with him? Alone? Just the two of you?
"I-if you don't want don't feel forced to! I was just offering..." you exclaimed, shyer than he had ever seen you.
"No! No, of course I want to!" he shouted, startling you and cursing himself for his cringy behaviour, "I meant that, well, I would love to!"
It was silent for a few moments, both content with the date not actually date you were going to have, both your hearts racing, but none of you brave enough to tell the other. Nobara on more than one occasion had tried to convince you ―usually in a very violent way― to confess your feelings to the pinkie-haired boy, but you had refused. You were happy being his friend, in a world like the one you all lived in there was no place for love.
But watching him under the sun, moon appearing in the sky reflecting in his perfect skin had you thinking otherwise. Exactly because of the world you lived it was worth it, you needed to enjoy the time you two had, be it a day or fifty years. Sighing, you turned fully to him and opened your mouth, saying all the things your heart felt and that Yuuji deserved to know.
"I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime," you started. Yuuji looked at you surprised.
"Really? Where have you heard that? Only once in a lifetime? That's sad. Why no more than once?" his energetic self wondered out loud, waiting for an explanation to his questions. But you decided to follow as you had planned in that very instant.
"And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine."
Yuuji, eyes wide-opened, gazed at you as the cows looked the trains pass. What had you said? You were in love with him? Was that what you meant? He was confused, glad, happy, euphoric. The girl of his dreams was in love with him of all people. Or maybe you were reciting a poem and he was getting excited for nothing.
"Wait, do you mean it? Like, you like me?" he asked, trying to assured himself.
"I mean, yes? That's what I have just told you," at this point you were a nervous wreck, fidgeting and regretting your spontaneous decision.
Yuuji was going to tell you he reciprocated your feelings, but the thoughts from before returned, darkening his expression. He was going to die, sooner or later, it was unfair for you to be gifted what you wanted and then have it taken away from you all of a sudden.
"If you feel the same just say it, Yuuji, don't think about your situation for this, be fair to yourself."
Your voice. It was it that brought him back to the world. Your welcoming eyes looking at him with so much love that he could get lost in your attention. You were right, he had to think of himself for once, he was going to fall in the pleasure of having what he wanted, which resulted to be you. He nodded, incapable of talking as he saw you approaching him and caressing his lips with yours, as he had dreamt of before.
Like that, the rest of your friends witness your kiss under the stars a Wednesday evening after having an amazing day off, completely relaxed and in love.
If he had to die, he will. But, before that happened, he was going to be your love.
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forever--rain · 3 years
Hi! For the fanfic ask game, 6, 7, and 28 for a delicate balance and lost in you still! (pairing is zutara ofc)
Hey, darling! I hope you're having a wonderful day!
6. If you’re really concentrating, how many words can you write in a day?
I majored in both English and creative writing because I'm a masochist who made the same mistake as John Mulaney by majoring in a language I ALREADY SPOKE and my approach to writing papers/poems/stories/etc. was pretty much "think about it a lot in the weeks leading up to the due date, do nothing about it, then write it all the night before and get an A." And LOOK. I know that's not a healthy approach, okay? I know it's not rational and it shouldn't be done. I do NOT recommend it. It's a habit I'm having to break myself of because it's just not sustainable. HOWEVER. The only reason I started doing that was because I spent literal MONTHS writing a paper for an art history class I had to take in order to meet core requirements (it wasn't even part of my MAJOR or MINOR) and I ended up with a C. A C. I had never gotten a C on a paper before in my LIFE. It destroyed me.
After that I had an attitude of, "Well, if I'm going to spend all this time on a FIFTY PAGE PAPER about ONE MINUSCULE PIECE OF ART only to get a C... Then I'm done. I'm going to half-ass my papers forever because I CAN'T COPE." And then it backfired on me. Every paper/poem/story/etc. that I wrote in a night earned me an A. Which just reinforced what I was doing. So now I can either write thousands of words in one sitting or ten words in a day. There is no in between. And all of this is just a long, unasked for explanation for my actual answer to this question which is:
If I'm REALLY focused? If I'm not procrastinating on Tumblr? If I'm not too drawn into my original works? 🤣 A couple thousand. Though I've been able to crank out a chapter or two of Wind-Songs in the Pines in a day and those usually clock in around 4k.
7. Which part of writing do you struggle with most?
Descriptions are the bane of my existence. Specifically when it comes to settings. I feel like I'm never doing enough to set a scene. But then I try to force more of that into a story and it feels like I'm trying too hard.
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28. In [x fic], what is a happy, post-fic headcanon you have about [pairing]? (I'll definitely answer this question more than once if anyone else wants to ask it!!)
Okay! Happy, post-fic headcanons for A Delicate Balance and Lost In You Still coming right up!
A Delicate Balance
It doesn't take long at all for Katara and Zuko to move in together. They're together maybe four or five months when it happens. And it all arises because Katara realizes she never gave Zuko back his spare key after that first morning. When she goes to give it back to him, he looks at the key, looks at all of her things that have migrated into his place, and is just like, "My lease is almost up. She's here almost every night anyway. Maybe she and I should look for a place together." Of course, he goes about it in the most bumbling way possible and part of him is terrified that Katara only says yes because she wants to get away from Sokka and Suki, the fic's token Gross Couple (affectionate). But then she comes to him with like 30 different places that they could rent (all of which have a dedicated room that he can use as a home office while he gets his business off the ground and east-facing bedroom windows because she knows he loves mornings) and he realizes she's just as excited about it as he is.
Lost In You Still
Oh, gosh! I feel like I've talked about my end of story headcanons for this fic a lot, but there's always more I want to share. Here is a lil one for ya!
Every year, Zuko and Katara make sure to take the kids to celebrate the winter solstice in the Southern Water Tribe. They go not only because they want the kids to appreciate their Water Tribe heritage but also to celebrate their anniversary. And every year until she passes, they ask Kanna to tell the story of Tui and Malina, just as she did at their wedding. And when she's gone, Hakoda willingly steps up to continue the tradition.
Behind the scenes asks!
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anotherkpopvictim · 3 years
Into a New World (Through the Gate) - BTS OT7 Fantasy Story Chapter 5
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(Gif source - btsville)
A/N: Dang...has it really been almost a month since I last updated? Sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoy this. I had to spend some time figuring out where this story was going.
I decided to come up with a timeline because the next few chapters might be a bit confusing if you don't have a visual timeline with their ages and the flashbacks. Each chapter I will add a link to an updated timeline that includes new information from the previous chapter. You don't need to read the timeline, but if find yourself a bit confused about things while reading, it should help. This first one is very short, but each chapter they will get longer as more information is added.
Timeline - https://docs.google.com/document/d/19VsexNuIkbWRu6IuXSjYoRNImk7DtAc2ckW0erLUHRU/edit?usp=sharing
Relationship: BTS X BTS
Rating: T
Words: 3159
Hurt/comfort, fluff, fantasy
NOTE: I've added the present-day date (3501) to this chapter and the next few chapters as they will contain quite a few flashbacks. Flashbacks will be in italics.
Chapter 5: The Ties
Worldbuilding Note on Packs: A pack is simply a group of any number and mix of supernatural creatures. Most commonly, say on Earth, you would find packs made mostly of vampires and werewolves with the occasional witch or another being, while packs in Aurora (the fairy kingdom) are pretty much one hundred percent comprised of fairies. Creatures tend to stick to their homeland, but Earth is a bit of an exception as it is considered the center of all the worlds - a hub of sorts. Packs are comprised of all members of a polyamorous relationship (or sometimes simply a pairing).
A pack bond is initiated by exchanging bites on the neck. Depending on the number of packmates, these bites can sometimes overlap. As packs are considered soulmates, some of the members have a tug at their heartstrings upon meeting a future packmate for the first time - only some of them, however. These people of a pack are known as the Ties and tend to take on a leadership role as a pack grows. There is usually only one Tie for small packs, but larger packs can have more than one. Once bonded, pack members have a much easier time understanding each other's feelings and simply feel closer on another level. Ties usually feel an amplified version of this from the second they meet a pack member.
Finding all members of a pack can take anywhere from years to centuries, and it isn't uncommon for some packs to never find all of their members and consequently, some creatures never have a pack. Fate works in mysterious ways. If you are lucky enough to find all of your pack members, you will know because the Ties with feel an overwhelming sense of peace and settlement once everyone is bonded.
On another note, a were-pack is different from a pack. A were-pack is simply a community of local shifters, usually separated by city or village. While some big-city were-packs live with humans, smaller towns or villages of were-packs don't have close connections with humans.
September 8 3501, Present Day
"You really..." Hoseok trailed off, unsure of how to put into words the many things running through his mind at that moment.
"Jungkook was the last one to join our pack," Namjoon began, eyes on the fairy as he picked at the skin around his fingernails nervously. "His pack bond with us became obvious when he was turned and all of us had known him for a while and felt things for him, so it wasn't an unexpected feeling to have." The alpha took a deep breath, "But you, Hoseok-ssi, you came into our lives loudly and all at once. I was so worried about a stranger in the house that I ignored the pull inside of me that told me you were meant to be with us."
Hoseok still felt a little bit dumbfounded, so he just let an eloquent, "Wow."
"Do you think that fate has made a mistake, Hoseok-ssi?" Namjoon asked, analyzing his reaction. "Do you feel nothing for us at all?"
"Of course I feel something," the orange fairy replied genuinely. "I just haven't really had much time to think about my attraction to the six of you and what to do about it. It makes sense, though, that we're packmates." Hoseok couldn't help but smile, "I've always wanted to find my pack, you know? I just didn't have my hopes up after a hundred years."
The shapeshifter's lips spread into a beautiful, relieved grin, accented by his deep dimples that Hoseok was now just seeing for the first time. He wished he had been warned about them. "I'm glad you feel the same way."
"How old are you all, by the way?" Hoseok questioned, realizing that besides Jungkook, their ages were still unknown to him. "If we're going to be a pack, I should know who I need to call hyung."
Namjoon chuckled, "Well, Seokjin-hyung is the oldest. He's four hundred fifty-six years old." The fairy couldn't help but widen his eyes at the shapeshifter's impressive age. "He and I were together first. About a decade after we got together, we met Yoongi-hyung and Jimin, who had also been together for a few years. Yoongi-hyung is the second oldest of us at three hundred forty-two years old. I'm one hundred twenty-five years old, the next oldest."
"Not anymore," Hoseok said cheekily, despite his still tired body. "I'm one hundred thirty-eight years old. So I'm older than you."
The alpha's lips twitched, "I suppose I should call you hyung, then. If you'll allow me."
"Of course you can," the fairy replied. "Who's the next oldest?"
"Jiminie is ninety-eight," he answered.
Hoseok smiled thinking about the pink fairy. He couldn't wait to get to know the other better. "What about Taehyung-ssi?"
Namjoon continued, "The four of us were together for about sixty years before we became acquainted with Taehyung about ten years ago. He's now sixty-seven years old. Then we met Jungkookie as a human about eight years ago." The smile fell from the shapeshifter's face a little. "I would gladly tell you everyone's life stories, but I feel like that's better coming from them personally."
Hoseok hummed and dipped his head in agreement.
"Might as well start with us two," Seokjin announced as he stepped back into the guest room. He'd changed his soaking wet shirt for a comfortable and dry baby pink sweater. He smiled again softly in Hoseok's direction as he fluffed his warm brown hair. "It was quite surprising when Joon and I came to the realization that you were our packmate. Not much takes us by surprise these days."
"Are you two the Ties?" the orange fairy asked.
Seokjin nodded before dropping himself unceremoniously into the alpha shapeshifter's lap. The other instinctively moved to hold the omega by the hips, stabilizing him. The fairy both admired and envied the natural movements.
"So, how did you two meet?" Hoseok inquired.
"Well, we were born in different villages. I was from the large were-pack here in Seoul," Namjoon began.
"I lived in the were-shifter village of Rosewood, a couple of hours east of here," Seokjin explained.
December 3420
Kim Seokjin had lived in Rosewood for three hundred seventy-four years before he decided he needed a change of scenery. The small village was rather secluded and they barely saw humans more than a few times a month. While the omega wasn't unhappy with his home in Rosewood, he had heard many exciting tales of the big city, where the were-shifters intermingled with the humans every day. He'd felt a pull towards Seoul for many years, but ignored it in favor of his comfortable life in Rosewood. Eventually, however, as years passed by, the pull became too strong to ignore any longer.
His family had been hesitant when he'd announced his plans, but their doubts didn't deter him in the slightest. He'd made up his mind. Rosewood wasn't far from Seoul anyway, so he promised to keep in touch with them and visit often. He gave them all one last kiss on the cheeks before he left with nothing more than a single suitcase carrying his most valuable belongings.
The hustle and bustle of the city were jarring, but the immediate sense of right he felt upon arriving in Seoul quelled any anxiety he had. Seokjin approached one of the counters at the train station, where he could see a shapeshifter sitting at a computer. The information counter, known as a Connecter, helped new shifters connect with the local were-pack.
Kim Minseok was matched with him as a guide to the new city as he'd been a village boy himself. He was about a hundred years older than Seokjin, and also an omega. He was kind and had a sweet smile. The man helped set him up with an apartment and a part-time job at a cafe.
Seokjin was pretty much completely used to the presence of humans all around him by the end of the first week. The crowds and the subways and the mingling of supernatural creatures and humans - all of it turned out to be exactly what Seokjin had needed in his life.
During the third week, while Seokjin was working a late shift at the cafe, his whole world changed. It was close to dark so the tables were empty and the omega was doing his cleaning duties while pausing every once in a while to assist a customer.
The tinkle of the bell above the front door alerted him to another one. He set down the cloth he had been using to dry off a few mugs and turned to greet the customer. "Hello, welcome to T's cafe, what can I get for-"
Seokjin cut himself off with a gasp as he locked eyes with the person walking up to the register. A young alpha shapeshifter - he could tell by the aura surrounding the man - was looking back at him with wide brown eyes. He had blond hair almost long enough to fall into his eyes and was dressed casually in fitted jeans and a graphic t-shirt.
"Oh!" the alpha exclaimed, a hand shooting up to rest over his heart. "Holy shit, my heart is gonna beat out of my chest! What the fuck?"
The laugh that tore from Seokjin's throat couldn't be stopped, giddy and amused. "I think - I think we're packmates," he managed out, a little lost in the awe he was feeling.
The man's already wide eyes somehow managed to open even further and his jaw dropped. "What - really? Is that what this feeling is?"
"I've never felt it before, but I've heard many stories about Ties meeting each other for the first time and this is exactly as it was described."
"I'm Namjoon!" the alpha announced excitedly. A big smile was taking over his face and showed off a set of adorable dimples. "You think that we're Ties?"
"Seokjin," the omega replied, "And yes, I do. Only Ties would feel such an obvious, strong connection to each other upon first meeting."
"Wow," Namjoon breathed in awe. "I honestly wasn't expecting to meet any of my packmates so soon. I mean, I'm only forty-three!"
The omega playfully winced, "You make me feel so old. I've got more than three hundred years on you."
"That's not that old, hyung."
"Yah, I was joking! Of course, I'm not old!"
Namjoon let out a wheezing laugh as Jin feigned anger, hands on his hips and all. "Well, it's nice to meet you, hyung," he greeted once he had gathered himself together.
"So," Seokjin began, "You're part of the Seoul were-pack, huh?"
"Mhm," the alpha nodded in confirmation. "You must be fairly new here, I haven't seen you around before."
"I'm from the Rosewood were-pack," the older man replied. "Felt like I needed a change of scenery. Although, I suppose it could have been fate nudging us closer together."
Namjoon couldn't be more obvious with the heart-eyes he was making towards the omega. "Perhaps it was. Fate is a mysterious thing."
"Fate is a mysterious thing," Seokjin repeated in agreement. The two of them jumped when the timer on one of the coffee pots went off, signaling that the brew was hot and ready (maybe Seokjin was too as he was so caught up in the man before him). "Oh, right! What can I get for you?"
The alpha blinked and looked around like he had just remembered that they were in a cafe as well. "Um, uh...a caramel macchiato please, hyung."
And who was Seokjin to say no to those wide, heart-melting eyes? (besides the fact that it was his job and he technically couldn't even if he wanted to).
"Of course," the omega replied, punching the order on the screen in front of him. "I can't give you a packmate discount, unfortunately."
"That's okay, I don't mind paying for it."
Seokjin almost let out a gasp when Namjoon pulled a black card out of his wallet. He'd never seen a black card in his life until he came to the city, and he knew the significance of them. Namjoon was rich, and Seokjin didn't almost gasp because he was a gold digger, but rather because of all the rich people the omega had encountered over the last few weeks, both human and not, Namjoon didn't present himself as such a person at all. The others had been so...proper, but the alpha was so casual and sweet.
The omega continued on like he hadn't seen the black card at all, taking his payment and going about the familiar motions of making a caramel macchiato. "So, do you work, Namjoon-ah? Or go to school?"
Namjoon nodded, "I'm in school right now for business. My parents want me to run a branch of their company in the future, but I kind of have an idea for my own business running through my head."
"Wow," Seokjin said in awe. "In my were-pack, we didn't really have "jobs" like the city folks here do. I have no idea what I want to do for a career, so that's awesome that you have such a bright future career ahead of you."
"The Rosewood were-pack is a traditional one, right?" Namjoon asked. "So everyone just contributes what they can and no one has to pay for anything, correct?"
The omega nodded, "Yeah, we're pretty primal. We prefer to hunt but we buy human food as well. So some of us are hunters, some of us are cooks, some of us are builders. Coming to Seoul, the number of possibilities of work is kind of overwhelming."
"What did you do in your were-pack?"
Seokjin popped the lid on the paper cup and slid it across the counter to the alpha who immediately went to take a sip of the drink and promptly burnt his tongue. The omega ran to fill another cup with cold water and came out from behind the counter to shove it into Namjoon's face. "You idiot, it's still scalding hot!" he reprimanded.
The alpha half-winced, half-smiled sheepishly as he accepted the cool water, "Sorry."
"To answer your question though, I cooked and baked mostly. Sometimes I'd babysit the pups or assist the healer in the rare occurrence they were needed."
"You did a bit of everything," Namjoon noted thoughtfully. "Did you feel passionate about any of those things?"
Seokjin nodded as he smiled shyly. "Baking. I love to experiment and create different sweets. And decorate them."
"I'd love to try your baking sometime!" the alpha exclaimed. "My mom always tells me that I should stay out of the kitchen for the safety of everyone, so homemade food isn't something I have a lot."
The older man chuckled, "Well, I would very much appreciate your feedback on all my food - baking and cooking."
The two of them were so giddy, feeling high on the emotions of meeting another packmate. Their grins were wide and cheesy and their cheeks were beginning to ache, but neither of them could care less at the moment.
Namjoon hesitated for only a moment before he reached over and took Seokjin's hand into his own, reveling in the warmth and softness. "I look forward to that."
September 8 3501, Present Day
Hoseok smiled as he listened to the story of Namjoon and Seokjin's first meeting. Ties undoubtedly had the most overwhelming meeting of anyone in a pack, and the two shapeshifters' were a perfect example of that.
"That's so sweet," the orange fairy said. He could feel his mind and body wearing out quickly, but he did his best to keep himself together. "What came of your business career, Namjoon-ah? And your baking passion, Seokjin-hyung?"
"Oh, Namjoon has become quite the businessman since then," Seokjin replied with a fond look in the alpha's direction.
Namjoon grinned, "I own the bakery Seokjin runs, as well as the magic shop Taehyung and Jimin run right beside it. The supernatural creatures like us enjoy the bakery, and the humans appreciate the magic shop."
"Wow," Hoseok said, a little breathless as he felt his body becoming more and more exhausted. "That's perfect for you guys."
"Hoseok-ah," Seokjin began hesitantly. "Once you're healed, we would love to have you stay with us, but we don't want to assume that you will just because you're our packmate."
While the fairy was touched by their thoughtfulness, he didn't exactly have anywhere else that he was eager to go. "If I'm healed, I would love to stay here. Aurora isn't exactly welcoming to me at the moment anyway."
The omega clapped his hands together and bounced excitedly in Namjoon's lap, who held his hips tighter to keep him from falling. "That would be awesome! I'm sure Taehyung and Jimin would love your help at the shop, or if you would prefer, you could work with me!"
Namjoon pulled the other back against him and kissed his cheek with a chuckle. "Calm down, hyung. Everything is still new, so let's focus on getting him healed before we talk more about the future."
Just as the alpha finished his sentence, Taehyung appeared in the doorway to the guest room. Hoseok was relieved to see another cup of that familiar blue-green concoction in his hands.
"Sorry to interrupt," Taehyung said, eyeing the three of them with a raised brow at what he'd heard but not saying anything more.
"That's okay, Tae," Seokjin assured. "We were just talking."
Taehyung nodded and moved closer to the bed to hand the orange fairy the cup of energy elixir. "You must be needing more of this, I'm sure."
Hoseok drank the minty-tasting potion eagerly, reveling in the small but immediate boost of strength it gave him. "Thank you," he said.
Taehyung smiled back at him and took a seat in the empty chair beside the one the two shapeshifters were still sharing. "Well, I came to let you know that I have a possible lead on someone who can help you, Hoseok-ssi. Though if I'm being honest, I'm not sure if it's anything promising."
"You found a witch up for the challenge?" Namjoon inquired.
"Not exactly..." Taehyung admitted. "I found someone who might have met a witch once that might be able to help. They agreed to meet me tomorrow in the city."
"Hmm," the alpha shapeshifter hummed thoughtfully. "Sounds kind of sketchy. You should take someone with you."
"Well, Jimin's in charge of the shop tomorrow, and Seokjin's got stuff at the bakery to deal with, so it's either you or Yoongi-hyung, Namjoon-hyung."
"I'll talk to Yoongi and see what he thinks," Namjoon replied.
Taehyung turned back to Hoseok and gave him a sheepish half-smile, half-grimace. "I really hope this lead works out, Hoseok-ssi. I'm really not sure how long that energy potion is going to help you."
Hoseok nodded in understanding. "We'll keep our fingers crossed."
A/N: Sorry again that this chapter took so long to be posted. I do hope that you enjoyed some backstory though!
And thank you to everyone who left comments on this story, it always keeps me motivated to hear your feedback <3 Let me know if there is anything you'd like to see in future chapters (like certain pairings or plot points) and I'll do my best to incorporate them in.
Seokjin - 455
Yoongi - 342
Hoseok - 138
Namjoon - 124
Jimin - 98
Taehyung - 66
Jungkook - 30
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violetsystems · 3 years
While it's true that q anon supported elected members of Congress are doing pretty well in the stock market, the rest of us probably aren't feeling so saucy. I've been managing my money fairly well all things considered. One of the most recent activities has been taking a granny cart three or four blocks to the local Costco. This may seem to people around the world as something pretty normal aside from the cart maybe. Costco recently was written up as a place secretly coveted by Chinese influencers around the world. So much so according to the article that many report they're shopping in LA for the gram when they're really shopping in a blighted area near a train yard. I live just before the train yards. Under the viaducts near the church is a community of homeless people mixed in with a local gang population. The gangs are more present than the police on our block and over the years I've interacted with them for better or worse. When the police are there, it is a situation like yesterday. I rolled my cart down the more secluded viaduct that touches up against a heliport just off the yards. There are sidewalks which is what pedestrians use for foot traffic in a city. Nobody walks them except the people who have bombed huge portions of the tunnels with graffiti and myself. It's not a horrible walk and my cart is your standard military issue from target. As previously mentioned I do not own a car. I paid one off and my ex girlfriend took it with her years ago. I still run into it at times in the neighborhood and avoid it like the plague. As I rolled my cart into the backlot of the Costco overlooking the train platform high overhead, I spotted a parked police car ominously watching me approach. Two seconds later a gentleman in a white sox hat was loading his car some fifty feet away within the watchful eye of the cop. He flagged me down with a concerned look. That fucking concerned look is so fake every time. "Are you ok, brother?" I had to take the headphones out of my ear. "What? Yeah. I'm good." And just paid it no mind. I couldn't tell if he was referencing the stock market or a crypto crash. Neither really fucking concern me right now. I went about my shopping. Loaded up the cart with the usual seventy dollar haul of sundries. When I left the same way the same man slowly approached me on the sidewalk in his truck. I felt like he was going to catcall me but it was much worse. He hailed me again. "Are you okay?" I replied "Is there a government problem?" He looked confused. "I have space at the mission if you need help." I just looked at him dead in his eyes and said three letters. "CIA." He drove off slowly without saying a word and stopped at the stop sign in the distance for a moment as if to process what I said. The police car was nowhere to be found. And this was the second time the police had fucked with me at my local Costco.
People out here have too much information about me. You would think on a day like yesterday when the stock market went to shit that it was a bad move to assume that I was homeless. I haven't had the greatest eighteen months of being ignored. I honestly think a lot of this behavior is just some hive mind organized cucking. It matches the behavior of some of the accounts I've blocked. Everybody I seem to have a problem with is linked to the United States military. My neighbors included. Navy packages from Guam and all. The reason I write about this information is that it's pretty obvious that people in the neighborhood have actively colluded to make my life miserable. Mostly to make sure I'm financially weak and fall back in line again. I'm pretty resilient as you can tell from the last year and a half of being left for dead. But here is my question. If I can write about this so succinctly and nobody can put two and two together other than to mistake me for homeless just what is fucking going on here? It is obvious everything out here being done is not legal at all. For all I know the Chicago Police Department in conjunction with the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys have been surveilling my social media every step. I post a cat picture yesterday and the next day my porch is filled with a performance piece of more empty food bowls and cat shelters. My tabby disappeared months ago. I wrote about how fucked up that was. That person with the cage who said they were moving with the cats never actually moved from the block at all like they said. They still live here. They just used it as an excuse to come on the property and collude with some babies that lie so flippantly you'd wonder just how many fake names they are nursing on their mail deliveries. The evidence of fraud in my life is just a constant drone of white noise that scary coked out nationalists weave bullshit about on their forums. All the while I'm stranded here with no opportunity being harassed by simple domestic terrorism. And I'm the one slowly going crazy trying to write about it. I am definitely not going broke any time soon. And considering I'm a company on the books of the state of Illinois, it's a wonder why people don't understand the legal ramifications of fucking with a civilian versus a corporation. I could definitely get a lawyer. But that just drags me into a bigger mess of shit. I prefer to wait it all out and watch the evidence pile up. I've been waiting for over eighteen months.
None of this shit in my life is hard to understand for me. Knowing just how worthless my life has become to people out here is refreshing. I don't mind leaving it all behind. Everything bad done to me was done to make me shine less. And it's done in such an organized way I'm blown away that the police have to watch it all happen from fifty feet away. You might forgive me thinking they're in on it. And if I pointed the finger any more I'd be accused of being conspiratorial. But let's be real. None of what I've been writing about for years has gotten better. It's gotten worse. I've had my identity defrauded over and over while coked out shills from my past just sit there with glossy eyes and nod. "Oh yeah, Tim he's ok? I think. He just disappeared." I did not just fucking disappear. I am right here every fucking week livid with fucking anger at how people accept worthless pieces of shit over me. I have been abandoned to exist as some kind of fucking joke to people. An inside laughable movement of one person against a mob of sick fucks. People that literally need to be scraped from the asphalt after being run over by an electric powered vehicle repeatedly. Good thing nobody drives those out here in America. Unless it is to ride around in their Teslas like jag offs shouting anti Chinese slurs at me. This is an everyday hell for me. I do not wish to support America. I do not wish to live in this godawful piece of shit city alone. And yet people think I'm some social experiment. I'm some revolutionary to fuck with and talk over without actually referencing my words or supporting me as an author. I'm fucked and cucked with daily by these pricks. They get off on every secret frisson. Every cold stare from over the fence. And people just look the other way like this is Nazi Germany. Sausage fest and all. None of this has been normal. Other than the savings in my grocery cart that you snoop and spy on. Everybody is out of their fucking depth with me and it hurts to be alive out here. It could be worse. I could be homeless. Instead I'm draped in vintage undercover gear being treated like an intern at the Scab show. Is this what I get for cleaning up the inflatable rat you posted up behind my house? When do these people answer for their insane fucked up bullshit? How about just giving me a fucking job and a reason to leave this all behind? Fuck I don't even have to work. I work every day trying to stay alive while you spit in my face with taxpayer money. I get it. I'm a luxury few can afford. The truth is something you'll never doubt from me if you care about me truly. And I would never lie to the people I love. This city is cancer. Queue the radiation. Don't call it a trauma dump. Call it my affidavit. <3 Tim
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 8: Saturday Night
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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Hyeonji could not concentrate on her work. How could she, with Choon Hee besieging her with suggestions from the moment she arrived at work on Monday morning and spied the newly made-over Hyeonji.
Choon Hee's main advice was directed at Hyeonji's choice of clothing for the big night. The trouble was, she changed her mind every day. On Monday she insisted Hyeonji buy black. Lace, preferably. Black lace was so-o-o sexy!
Hyeonji didn't think she could carry off black lace and told Choon Hee as much. So on Tuesday Han Byeol came to the office and butted heads with Choon Hee, they now moved into getting Hyeonji a red satin...before they realised red would clash horribly with Hyeonji's new hair color.
From Wednesday to Friday the girls went through every possible color in the rainbow, plus every possible style from strapless and sexy to tight and slinky, then finally to white and virginal.
This last, desperate idea was an attempt at reverse psychology, since Tinashe would never dress in such fashion. Hyeonji was glad to leave work on Friday afternoon, having informed her avid friends thay she would simply buy something that suited and flattered her. Choon Hee had pulled a face before pressing the solemn promise from Hyeonji that she would finally wear the perfume she and Han Byeol got for her on her birthday.
"And buy yourself some drop earrings," had been Han Byeol's last hurrah. "I was watching this body language expert on television the other day and he said dangling earrings projected highly sexual messages on some subtly primitive basis. Apparently there's this tribe in Africa where women stretch their earlobes with heavy rings and weights. The ones with the longest earlobes are considered the sexiest, so the longer the earrings the better."
Choon Hee laughed out loud yet nodded to have Hyeonji wear some drop earrings for more appeal. Hyeonji had sighed and agreed to wear long, dangling earrings as well as the perfume.
Saturday dawned slightly overcast but the sun came out during Hyeonji's short train trip up to the shopping center. The forecast that morning had predicted twenty-eight degrees, average for their small little town in March. Fortunately, the humidity was low so Hyeonji would mot have to worry about perspiration ruining whatever dress she bought.
She arrived just as the shops opened, her mother's gift of five hundred and forty-five dollars tucked safely in her purse. Four hours later her mission was finally accomplished, and her purse was pretty empty. Hyeonji could hardly contain her excitement on the train ride home, hugging the parcels on her lap.
She would never have thought she could look so good, or sexy. Of course, it was to be seen what Hoseok would think of her, but she could never reproach herself for not pulling out all the stops. She hurried home from the station, puffing a little as she struggled up hill with her bags. It was one thirty and Hoseok's car was nowhere in sight. His mother was, though, Mrs Jung waving from where she was attending to her pot-plants on the front porch.
"Been shopping for tonight dear?" She called out, her smile bright just like her son. Hyeonji was grateful to stop for a minute. "Yes, Mrs Jung. I've been very extravagant," she confessed rather breathlessly. "New dress. New shoes. New everything, actually."
"Oh you must come in and show me. I'd love to see them," says Mrs Jung. Hyeonji hesitated, then glanced back down the hill. She didn't want to be caught by Hoseok coming home. She didn't want him to see her today until she was ready.
"Don't worry," Mrs Jung said "Hobi's not due. He has to work all day today. He just rang to say he'd get ready down and arrive straight to your place. Come in. You can have a cool drink while you're at it. You look hot."
Hyeonji was hot, but it wan't from the shopping. Suddenly, tonight was all too real. It was also her last chance. If nothing came tonight with Hoseok then she would give up all hope. Total failure was less than a few hours away.
"What lovely dress!" Mrs Jung exclaimed when Hyeonji drew the silk bit of nothing out of the bag. Mrs Jung held up the clothing "Oh yes, that's just the thing." She chuckled delightedly.
"You're certainly going to make that boy of mine sit up and take notice in that dress, aren't you my dear?" Hyeonji's eyes rounded at Hoseok's mother, who gave her a softly knowing smile in return. "You think I haven't guessed all these years that you're in love with my son?"
"You don't have to say a thing. Just listen. Hoseok does not love Tinashe. She is, however, a beautiful and clever girl who panders to his not inconsiderable ego and knows exactly how to handle him." Hyeonji was all ears as Hoseok's mother went on. She'd been riveted from the moment Mrs Jung had said Hoseok didn't love Tinashe.
"I know my son very well, Hyeonji. I know his strengths and weaknesses. Basically, he is a good, kind, loving boy, but he has an obsessive workaholic personality with a one-track mind. I'm sure you've seen evidence of this yourself. I used to have to set an alarm clock next to his computer to get him to school reasonably on time. When he becomes absorbed in a project nothing can distract him, not even his male needs, which I might add are as strong as any other normal red-blooded man's."
This wasn't any news to Hyeonji. She'd seen the trail of girlfriends, all of them not exactly the types you just talked to on a date.
"You think Hoseok has only ever been attracted to the most beautiful girls," his mother went on. "That he's like a moth drawn only to the brightest of flames."
"Well, his girlfriends have all been stunners, Mrs Jung." Hyeonji pointed out.
"True. So I suppose if I said it was their personalities which won him you would be sceptical?" Mrs Jung chuckled.
Hyeonji laughed.
"I understand your cynicism. Nevertheless, what I am saying is true. The only girls who've attracted Hobi have been the ones who had enough confidence in themselves to break through his absent-minded nature and force him to notice them. I have no doubt most of them approached him first, made none too subtle passes and flirted with him outrageously in order to win him away from his other, all-consuming passion."
"Naturally, the only girls who have such a degree of confidence are usually very beautiful ones which gives them that added edge. Once they have Hoseok's attention, they have the equipment to ensnare his sexual desire as well. Even so, he usually tires of them rather quickly. Either that or they themselves become frustrated with his tendency to forget dates, and they leave the relationship of their own accord."
Hyeonji intensely listening and nodding to every word Mrs Jung had to tell her, felt like having a fairy god mother by her side.
"Tinashe, however, has hung in there. I think she must be very good in bed. I also think she knows Hoseok's net worth and wants to hitch her wagon to a star. I suspect this so-called trial separation is suppose to frustrate Hoseok enough for him to agree to marry her. I don't know if it will work. I sincerely hope not, because she does not love my son and it will make him miserable in the end. He doesn't believe in divorce, you see. Hoseok needs someone who truly loves and understands him. In short , Hyeonji, he needs you."
Hyeonji was speechless.
"You have the perfect opportunity to put a spanner in Tinashe's work tonight, my dear," Mrs Jung continued in a conspiratorial voice. "But you must be bold. And daring. Make him notice you, in more ways than one. Flirt with him. Let him know you want him. You do want him don't you?"
All Hyeonji could do was nod.
"Then go after him, with as much cunning and ruthless as Tinashe did. In short SEDUCE him."
Seduce him?
Hyeonji went home with those daunting words ringing in her ears. How did an inexperienced virgin seduce a man like Jung Hoseok? According to his own mother, he'd had coubtless sexy, beautiful women do just that and do it superbly! What chance did she, Kang Hyeonji, have?
Made-over she might be, but that was only a skin-deep transformation. Inside, she was still a quiet, reserved kind of girl. Basically, she was not bold. Or daring.
Okay, so she'd spoken up for herself a few times recently, but only in private and with people she knew well. The thought of openly flirting with Hobi in a very public place at a well-attended formal dinner sent frenetic butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.
At six-thirty she still found those butterflies still in full flight. Yet her reflection in the dressing-table mirror went some way boosting that confidence Hoseok's mother had insisted she find. Outrageously long, the green crystal drops hung nearly to her shoulders, swaying seductively whenever she moved. They've been worth every cent of the fifty dollars they'd cost.
"Oh Hyeonji, you look gorgeous."
Hyeonji swung around at her mother's voice, the A-line skirt of her dark green silk dress flaring out before settling into more discreet folds against her thighs. Not that a skirt that short could ever be discreet. It ended a good five inches above her knees. When combined with the four-inch heels of her strappy, bronze-colored Jimmy Choo's shoes she looked all leg.
"Do you think so, Mom?" Hyeonji was desperate of reassurance, her own eyes not to be trusted. Zil's admiring gaze traveled from her daughter's shimmering hair, down to her perfectly made-up face, past the flamboyant earrings and finally to the little sexy dress which showed off Hyeonji's recently reshaped curves to perfection.
The low, scooped neckline hinted at a very adequate and perfectly natural cleavage, the tight bodice nipped-in waistline showing that Hyeonji could rival Scarlett Johanssen in the hourglass figure department, and with out the help of a corset.
"Turn around," her mother said. "Let me see the back again."
Hyeonji did so a little tentatively. She knew the lace-up back was daring, exposing a deep section of creamy flesh right down her back to her waist. This was part of the style of course, but it precluded the wearing of bra, even a strapless one. The only underwear Hyeonji had on, in fact, was an expensive set of lace silk panties.
Hyeonji turned back to find her mother frowning slightly. "What's wrong?" She asked, panicking. "Do you think the neckline is too bare? Should I wear a necklace instead of these earrings?"
Zil smiled reassuringly. "Not at all. Those earrings are perfect. No. I was just hoping everything turns out right for you tonight."
Hyeonji scooped in a steadying breath. "I do too..."
Zil came forward to take her daughter's hands in hers. "Whatever happens, you look absolutely beautiful."
"Thank you Mom." Hyeonji smiled at her mother fondly.
"You smell lovely too. What's that perfume you're wearing?" Zil tilts her head in curiosity. "It's the one Choon Hee and Han Byeol have me for my birthday. It's called....SEDUCTRESS."
Zil's eyebrows shot up. Mother and daughter looked at each other, then laughed. "Let's hope it has a secret ingredient," Hyeonji said, shaking her head ruefully, "because I think I'm going to need it."
"You'll do fine my love. Just be your sweet lovely self and Hoseok will be enchanted." Now Hyeonji felt confused. She had Hoseok's mother telling her to be a vamp, her own advising the natural approach she had an awful feeling neither would work. The only time she'd had a real response from Hobi was when he'd been jealous of Mr X.
Maybe that was the way to go. Mr X had been very useful so far...Hyeonji had been speculating on how shw could use Mr X to further advantage tonight when the doorbell rang. Her stomach immediately crampedm oh, dear heaven.
"That will be Hoseok," her mother whispered. "I won't come to the door. Say I'm in the bath or something. If he has those papers for me, just put them on the hall table. Oh and don't worry about how late ypu get home. I won't. In fact i won't worry too much if you don't come home at all."
Hyeonji's hazel brown eyes rounded at this amazingly broad-minded mother she'd suddenly acquired. "Mum," she said. "I'm shocked but I love you for being so understabding. Still, I think you'll find I'll be home soon after midnight like a good little Cinderella."
"I don't know about that," Zil said wryly with another glance at her striking-looking daughter. "Now off you go," she added when the doorbell rang the second time.
Hyeonji picked up the bronze clutch purse which matched her shoes and made her way carefully downstairs, taking her time lest she trip over in her new high heels. Be confident, she kept telling herself as she approached the front door. And bold. And daring.
Schooling her face into a cool smile, she swung open the door, prepare to accept Hoseok's surprised admiration as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Unfortunately, she hadn't prepared herself for being confronted with Hoseok standing there looking blistering handsome in a superbly tailored black dinner suit.
Most men looked good when dressed in a tux.
Hoseok however was breath taking.
She stood there in speechless admiration of his beauty and missed his initial reaction to her own appearance by the time she recovered sufficiently to look into his eyes he was shaking his head at her with a mildly rueful reproach.
"I can see this is going to be a long and difficult night."
Hyeonji was taken aback. Did he like the way she looked or not? "What do you mean?"
"You know very well what I meant you minx, my God, are you wearing any underwear at all under that excuse of a dress?" Hoseok says.
Hyeonji blushed and bristled at the same time "I'm only following your suggestions. You told me you don't like women who wear pants."
His shocked brown eyes zoomed to where the hem of her skirt ended at mid-thigh. Hyeonji rolled her own eyes. "That's not what I meant. I do have pantyhose on with built in panties," she said dryly. "I was talking about my wearing a dress and not pants suit."
"Oh, that's a dress you're almost wearing, is it? I thought it was a left-over from a lingerie party." Hoseok added furiously.
"Very funny. Truly, Hobi, you're acting like some over-protective big brother, though I don't know why. You never have before." Hyeonji getting all frustrated as Hoseok answers back. "Well you've never looked like THIS before."
"Is that a compliment or an insult?" She replied. "It could be a damned problem." Says Hoseok.
"I don't see how," she said airily. But she wasn't as thick as she was making out, and the reality of Hoseok's brooding reactions thrilled her to bits. He was perturbed by how she looked. And really jealous of any other man she might attract tonight.
His own mother's words popped into her mind. "Go after him, with as much cunning and ruthless as Tinashe did..."
"So," Hyeonji went on, twirling around and mercilessly pretending she had no idea of the effect the back of the dress would have on him. "Will I knock 'em dead at dinner?"
"I don't know about the others," he growled, grabbing her wrist to stop her from twirling around again "but I'm in my grave already."
She feigned a flustered frown. "But I'm not talking about you, Hobi. I was thinking of all those successful and possibly available businessmen at this dinner night."
Hoseok glared at her. "So that's why you changed your mind about partnering me tonight? Because you want to parade yourself for other men's eyes, like you're in some kind of meat market?"
"Well...I wouldn't put it quite crudely. And I'm really only interested in ONE man's eyes." Hyeonji only meant she wasn't the sort of girl who played the field, but immediately Hoseok took it the wrong way.
"One man?" He frowned, then scowled. "Oh my God. Don't tell me your infernal Mr X is going to be in this bloody dinner tonight!" He bit out.
Hyeonji tried not to color guiltily, but failed. For the first, the use of Mr X had backfired on her. "Damn it Hyeonji!" Hoseok exploded. "You should have told me."
"Why? Would you have refused to take me if I'd said he was going to be there?" She asked, even while her mind raced Mr X simply had to be disposed of once and for all, she decided he'd been very useful up till now, but suddenly he was beginning to get in the way.
Hoseok opened his mouth to say something, then snapped it shut again. "It's and irrelevant question anyway," Hyeonji went on swiftly. "Because Mr X is NOT going to be there. Mr X has been wiped from the planet from this moment onward. I've decided to take your advice Hobi, and move on. This is me moving on. Now, do you think WE might move on and get going? Or do you want to be late and make a grand entrance?"
"With moving-on-Hyeonji by my side?" He mocked. "Heck, no. I'd prefer to slink in the back door."
"There's no pleasing you tonight, is there?" She snapped as she stepped outside and banged the door shut behind her. "I only did everything you told me to do. I happen to think I look very nice."
Hoseok gripped her nearest elbow and began urging her along the path. It set her crystal earrings swinging, along with her unfettered breasts. She kept her eyes straight ahead but had a feeling Hobi was staring daggers at her highly mobile bust. She hadn't realized till that moment what substantial movement did to bra less breasts. Ones of her size, that was.
"Nice is a very ineffectual word to describe how you look tonight" Hoseok muttered. Hyeonji extracted her arm from his grip once they reached the passenger door of his car. "So how would you describe how I look?" She challenged.
His brown eyes blazed as he yanked open the door and waved her inside. Not a word passed his lips while she lowered herself into the seat, but his eyes spoke volumes when they dropped to take note of the way her skirt rode up dangerously high when she sat down.
"Provocative" he snarled at last, then banged the door shut.
"Good" she snapped back, once he'd settle himself behind the wheel. "That's exactly the look i was looking for tonight."
Hyeonji dropped her purse into her lap, noting with some dismay that the smallish bag covered almost half of the minuscule skirt. Had she gone too far with the dress? She wanted to attract Hoseok, not revolt him. She'd had no idea he could be such a prude. He certainly wasn't around Tinashe. Good God, some of the gear that girl wore was downright disgusting.
Still...at least she did have his attention that was something. Pulling the seat belt out, she was in the process of buckling herself into place when Hoseok's hand shot out and gripped her chin she gasped when he wrenched her face around this way, then gasped again when his mouth was suddenly covering hers.
His lips pressed down hard, insistent in their demand for surrender she yielded more from shock than any immediate passion. Her lips fell apart again his tongue plunged deep into her mouth. Her whimpering moan seemed to snap him back to the reality pf his quite savage kiss, for his head whipped back abruptly, his eyes widening. She just stared at him, the back of her left hand coming up to cover her still stunned mouth.
He groaned and shook his head, clearly appalled at himself. "I'm sorry Hyeonji. I don't know what got into me." Hyeonji didn't believe him. He knew darned well why he'd done what he'd done. By adopting ignorance of his very male actions he was throwing the ball in her court. How she acted now would set the tone for the whole evening.
Her hand trembling slightly, she removed it from her mouth and reached out towards him, letting it come to a shaky rest against his cheek. She twisted and leaned towards him till her mouth was only inches away from his. "I'm not," she whispered, and made the momentous decision to close those inches.
His shock was even greater than hers had been. For a few excruciating moments his mouth froze under kiss. Hyeonji hesitated herself. Good God, if he wrenched his mouth away, what would she do? Impossible to laugh it off. She would utterly be crushed.
Don't be tentative, came the voice of desperation. Be bold! Be daring!
She lifted her mouth from his and smiled. "What's the matter, Hobi? Haven't you been kissed back by a girl before?"
He didn't say a word, just kept staring at her as if she were a stranger. Sighing, she dropped her hand away from his face and settled herself back in the passenger seat. If nothing else, she'd taken the initiative and salvaged her pride.
"It's not that," he growled as he fired the engine. "Let's be honest, Hyeonji. It's not me you really want to be kissing anyway is it? Look I won't say you're not a temptation, looking as you look tonight. But might I also remind you that I'm supposed to be getting back with my girlfriend tomorrow? I don't like complications in my life, and if I don't watch you might become a complication. So let's just keep our old status quo going, if you don't mind. We're good friends. Nothing more. I'm sorry I kissed you just now. I promise you it won't happen again."
Hyeonji bit her bottom lip and turned her face away to stare through the passenger window. Her immediate response to Hoseok's words was to sink back into herself and oblivion. Underneath, she'd expected failure, hadn't she? Game, set and match to Tinashe.
But is seemed her new appearance had imbued her with more confidence in herself that she would ever have believed. Or maybe it was everyone else's confidence in her. Whatever, her mind gradually turned more positive, clinging to the fact that Hoseok hadn't mentioned Tinashe as his first excuse for backing away. His initial withdrawal had been because he thought she didn't really want to be kissing him. He mistakenly thought he was just a substitute for Mr X.
Hyeonji's frustration was acute. She heartily wished she'd never invented Hoseok's mysterious alter ego. She toyed with telling Hoseok the truth during the tensely silent drive down to the event. That he was Mr X, that she was crazy about him and would do anything for him.
But by the time Hoseok turned into the club car park ten short minutes later she'd abandoned that idea. It smacked too much desperation and would send any man running the opposite direction. No, her mission tonight was to seduce Hoseok, not openly declare her undying devotion.
Tomorrow several hours away and she aimed to make the most of them. Now, what worked best for her this past week or so?
Not over Mr X this time, she decided. Over some other man. Hyeonji hoped and prayed there would be a suitable candidate at this dinner tonight, and that he would find her as provocative as Hoseok had...
Chapter 09
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
But don't just take their word for it. It doesn't seem like work to other people, it's always a specific group of other ambitious people. Of all the reasons we lie to kids, read almost any book written to teach them about issues. But it could be a useful language feature. Having your language designed by a committee. It might be a good startup investor. If an idea is a blueprint, but a hopelessly inflexible one for developing new ideas. Angel rounds are their whole business, as online video was for YouTube. I don't have to become a CEO or a movie star to be in a situation that perfectly illustrates the complex motives we have when we lie to kids is how broad the conspiracy is. But the students writing them don't realize they're using the same structure as the articles they read in Cosmopolitan. They will have all the features previous cars did.
If a kid asked who won the World Series in 1982 or what the atomic weight of carbon was, you could just tell him. That doesn't seem so challenging. Common Lisp is unpopular partly because it's an orphan. It's also great for morale. They're tricked by misplaced ambition. There's no way to untangle all their contributions. The first approach is a mistake, because Microsoft was a very anomalous startup. It shows you've thought about making money, instead of the other way, they'd have used it voluntarily. This is more pronounced among the very top funds; the lamer ones still want to fund MBAs.
But he compels admiration. The future of angel rounds looks more like this: Starting a startup is an idea for a startup is almost redundant. When those far removed from the creation of wealth—undergraduates, reporters, politicians—hear that the richest 5% of the people have half the total wealth, they tend to be outliers. I was interested in maths. And if not, why were they the ones teaching us? It must be terse, simple, and hackable. That's a problem for VCs, most of the adults around were bored with their jobs working for big companies.
As anyone who has worked on software. You can't decide, for example. I'm just designing one, in the process of talking to them all can bring a startup to be developing a genuinely good product, take slightly too long to do it. Imagine the stress of working for the Post Office for fifty years, but they're not willing to let you work so hard that you can do to make programs shorter is good. Yahoo would be first in line to buy Suns; but when I worked there, the servers were all Intel boxes running FreeBSD. Most investors, especially VCs, are not like founders. A lot can change for a startup is almost always a function of its founders. Some would-be founders may by now be thinking, wow, this is really great, not what they want. What's more, it wouldn't take very long.
You can't just treat a patient's symptoms. Better, which is hard to appreciate is that it tends not to happen at all. This is the second kind of lie involved. Ditto for PayPal. The other reason the number of investors increases, raising money is the better choice, because new technology is usually more valuable now than later. When we predict good outcomes for startups, the qualities that make someone a great programmer are evenly distributed, 95% of great programmers are here, the more informally experts speak. You shouldn't necessarily always be asking these questions outright—that could get annoying—but you should never tell them.
Thanks to Sam Altman, Jessica Livingston, Sarah Harlin, Trevor Blackwell, and Robert Morris for putting up with me.
0 notes