#thaNK YOU for this omfg ur constantly feeding me and i Love it thank u sm
yuexins · 4 years
𝚄𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙿𝙴𝚃𝙰𝙻𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙻𝙾𝚃𝚄𝚂, 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝚂𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙼𝚈 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴:       @goldencored​​                 /                   “  please, don’t ever give up on me.  ” — wwx & jc
red gleams pitifully within those warm,   warm hazelnuts   &   jiang cheng cannot see past the shrouded crimson shade of someone he barely recognizes        no matter how hard he wishes to see wei wuxian,   he cannot.   no matter how hard he reaches out for his brother,   for his shīxiōng,   he cannot.   
he has lost him those three months   &   his shīxiōng has never returned since then.
please,   don’t ever give up on me.            wei wuxian’s voice shatters,   tears apart at the seams   &   this normally high - spirited man is figuratively on his knees in front of the appraised sect leader,   this young sect leader who has rebuilt the lotus pier from ground up.   jiang cheng feels his eyes burn,   feels his nose tingle with an uncomfortable sensation   &   he tears his gaze for he is unable to say anything.   he cannot promise this.
is he being selfish? is he being a child? has he really grown like everyone praises him for?
when violet - flecked greys cut back to wei wuxian’s pleading expression,   those shaking fingers holding onto that damned flute  ( shaking,   trembling as if to reach out to his shīdì,   to cradle his face   &   hug him ),   jiang cheng wants nothing more than to believe that what the other’s attempting to achieve here will work,   that it will pass   &   wei wuxian will come back to yunmeng jiang.   then the two of them will do good on their promise to be the twin prides,   the twin heroes. 
please,   don’t ever give up on me.           jiang cheng’s words catch in his throat,   his breath hitches,   &   what is he doing?   what is-   oh.   oh,   he’s crying now.   hot tears roll down his tanned,   lightly freckled cheeks as those fingers grip onto sāndú .   zǐdiàn crackles wildly,   reacting to his uncontrollable emotions,   &   jiang cheng’s knees almost give out from under him,   almost dirtying his robes with this cursed soil.
but even from these cursed bones,   this cursed soil,   they’re doing their best to give birth to life.   they’re changing   &   evolving.   death makes way for life,   does it not?
                                             but even so   ...   even so.
please,   don’t ever give up on me,            yílíng lǎozǔ pleads.                 “   haven’t you given up on me?   ”           sāndú shèngshǒu replies.
FEELSY PROMPTS,                      ACCEPTING.
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chuuyazai · 7 years
overly positive anon: omfg what was i thinking im so sorry if u have to relive those terrible moments just to answer my ask. my apologies i was being selfish n neglect others feelings. and also please have some rest, u dont have to rep this right away instead go drink some water? go shower? feed urself? look at cat photos? also im never gonna expose myself lol im a fucking shy bean haha but the downside of this anon is that i dont get noti when u rep but no worries, im constantly on ur blog 😂
NONONONO I DONT MIND! Some people think its weird but I don’t hold much sentimentality to stuff that happened in the past lol so don’t feel bad! If there’s something that I don’t want to talk about I’ll say that straight (ha!) up! Seriously you’re not being selfish at all!! Don’t ever be afraid to ask whatever you want seriously I’ll answer nearly 99.9% of the questions you could possibly think of!
(shit man I also just realized that my last reply turned into a giant rant and for that I'm sorry)
I fell asleep for like 3 hours (which is more than I usually get a night yay!) but I don’t have to work until 2 so I’m gonna try to go back to sleep so wish me luck lol
Dude I totally get it lol I’m a shy person too and 80% of the messages I send people are on Anon. Either way I LOVE YOU!!!! Gah I just wish I knew who you are so I can return the favor!! But don’t worry about coming off anon if you aren’t comfortable I totally get it! I will continue to try to convey how awesome I think you are through my replies!!! Cuz, my friend, you’re like a damn superhero or something!! Coming in, saving the day, putting a smile on my face!! THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU!! I HOPE YOU KNOW HOW AMAZING YOU ARE!! Have an amazing day my love!!!! Stay awesome!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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