#th: feat. frankie
illicit affairs
the one where Joel doesn't call
Summary: After making peace with Joel's decision not to get in touch with you, you move on with your life and meet your new neighbour and his friends.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x fem. reader
Wordcount: 1.3k
Rating: T
Warnings: accidental pregnancy, angst, fluff, some heartbreak
A/N: Pick your own ending part two. feat Frankie Morales
illicit affairs master list // Pedro Masterlist
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If was three weeks after you were back from Austin that you realised that Joel would not call. That he did not want to be there for you and most importantly for his daughter. You were talking almost daily to your brother and mother. 
So you knew that he had broken up with your mother and gone Mia almost immediately. 
More than once your finger hovered over the call button over the number your best friend had found online of his construction company. 
You were dying to just yell at him. 
Yell at him for breaking your heart. 
Yell at him for breaking your mothers heart.
Yell at him for being a coward and leaving you without a word. 
Yell at him for leaving you to carry all the consequences of one weekend full of sex.
Because that was what this was to him, wasn’t it? 
But what good would that do?
It wouldn’t help you in the end. And frankly you were scared of how he would react if you cornered him. If you got him on the phone in the first place. 
He obviously did not see you that more than a nice fuck, so you let yourself wallow in your heartbreak for some days more before you decided that it was time to move on with your life. 
Your life would change in a matter of months and you were nowhere close to being prepared. 
All your friends in Seattle cleared their whole weekend when you finally found your dream apartment. You spend the whole day painting and building the nursery with your best friend while all your other friend carried your furniture and emptied your boxes full of belongings. 
It was when you took a snack break and sat down on your new sofa to eat that you noticed a couple of faces you hadn’t seen before, helping to set up your new dining table.
It was the day you met Frankie.
„Are you sure they are not gonna be mad?“ Frankie’s arm was wrapped around your waist as you walked down the aisle, searching for ice cream. 
„That’s what the ice cream is for,“ you teased and he chuckled before he kissed you. 
A squeal came from your daughter who was in her seat in the shopping cart. Her wide brown eyes looking around in wonder. 
Frankie tickled her belly and she laughed loudly, a couple of people turning their heads towards her joyful laugh.
She was already so big at only seven months old. 
Frankie smiled at you and it still was like your breath hitched every time you looked at him. 
After you moved into your new apartment right across from Frankie’s you started hanging out together. You were both new to the neighbourhood, and while you still had your friends near by, Frankie’s friends (who had been the other three guys in your apartment, helping to set things up) had left his place and Seattle shortly after to get back to their lives. 
It started with you inviting yourself over to dinner when you were positively drooling at the scents coming from his apartment on a daily basis. 
He would tell you about his mother teaching him how to cook when he grew up. 
You went to get groceries together weekly, him helping you carry them, insisting that you had to take it easy, your belly getting bigger by day. 
He was there at night, when you couldn’t sleep because your back hurt. 
He had been there, when your baby moved for the first time. 
He had been there when you were so horny after he kissed you for the first time, you had spend all night desperately seeking pleasure only he could gave you in the end.
And slowly over the months leading up to your due date, you fell in love with each other. 
He had been there with you when your water broke, held your hand while you were in labour, witnessed your daughters first breath and cry, tears in his eyes. 
He was the father to her, you had only dreamed about. 
Your mother absolutely adored him and your brother was jealous. Mostly because Frankie was straight and he was absolutely in love with you. 
You visited Austin regularly. 
And you never told your mother the full story of how you ended up pregnant.
Your mother still asked you occasionally if you’re sure you did not want to move back, but Seattle was now home. Frankie’s best friend Santiago would move to Seattle in the next year and Frankie and you had just bought your first house. It was a fixer upper. It would take some time for it to be finished, but you were absolutely in love with the vision Frankie had for the place. 
You caught the ring on his finger, the ring you put there last week. 
It had been a small wedding. Just your closest friends and a dinner after at your favourite Pizza place. 
He had asked you to marry him on the anniversary of your first meeting and you had said yes without one doubt in your mind. 
That you found an open date at the courthouse for the week after, after jokingly checking for the next date had been a pure accident. 
You both made the decision to just take the date. 
You wanted to be married to him. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. 
At the courthouse you also filed the documents for him to officially adopt your daughter. 
He was the dad you always imagined for her in everything but paper.
But that was only a matter of time now. 
Frankie caught you looking at his ring, the dimple on his cheek deepening as he smiled. He took your hand, his thumb rubbing over your finger before he leaned down and kissed you softly. 
You were in Austin to tell your family in person that you eloped and were married, hoping they wouldn’t be too annoyed with not being invited.
You wanted to shout it from the rooftops, you were so disgustingly happy and in love. 
When you parted from his lips you smiled as you turned your head, looking for the favourite flavour of your mothers ice cream. 
You saw him then. 
Out of the corner from your eyes. 
He was starring at you, surprise written clear on his face. 
Frankie was back to entertaining your daughter and Joel’s eyes dropped to the baby giggling up at your husband. 
You could not read Joel’s expression, but when he made an attempt to come closer you shook your head at him. He blinked, stopping right away. 
„We gotta get ice cream for grandma, so she doesn’t kill your dada because he married your mama without telling her,“ Frankie said in a baby voice and you broke away from Joel’s gaze looking at your daughter. She was grabbing Frankie’s finger, her tongue out, a wide smile on her face. 
„No one is killing anyone,“ you said, closing your eyes and letting your head drop against Frankie’s shoulder. 
„You okay?“ He asked. He looked in the direction Joel was still standing, meeting the man’s eyes, having noticed you tense up. 
You took his hand, nodding your head and Frankie looked back at you, checking in. 
„I’m perfectly okay,“ you said with a smile before you kissed him softly, letting him pull you away to look for the ice cream you came here for in the first place. 
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beefrobeefcal · 4 months
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Catfish to BigFish feat. Dark!Frankie Morales
Summary: Boston. The Frontiersmen is a crime syndicate that deals in drugs, arms, and anything else they can to keep themselves on top. But how did Frankie 'Catfish' Morales, the coke-addicted, lanky mess of a man become its leader? And where did the moniker 'BigFish' come from?
Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI) | Word Count: 2,283 | 3+/- years before OTWF begins
Content Warning: threats of violence, crime, violence, betrayal, Big Fish is a bad man in the making, character death, allusions to drug use, swearing, choking, punching, eating, comments on body, weight gain, friendship but at what cost?, Tom is a bag of smashed assholes
Author's Notes: this is a prequel showing us the how, what, why, and where roughly three years before Honey comes into the picture in Chapter One: Signed and Sealed. The biggest, juiciest, wettest thank you to @neverwheremoonchild for brainstorming this with me and to @strang3lov3 and @noxturnalpascal for their love and eyes. Pour one out for @xdaddysprincessxx - she will need all the hydration she can get.
On the Waterfront Masterlist
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“If it were anyone else…”, Tom warned. 
“Yeah, we know. But it’s not. It’s Fish. He’s one of us.”
Pope sat back and watched Will do something none of them thought they’d have to do – convince Tom to give a shit.
“He’s a fuckin’ coke head! Snortin’ our own shit and lyin’ about it!”, Tom boomed, standing over Will. “You ran the fuckin’ numbers, you can see how much money we lost up his fuckin’ nose! And now you wanna spend more money tryin’ to get that fucker clean again?”
Will didn’t bend. He didn’t shrink and he didn’t back down. “It’s Frankie. Catfish. Our Catfish. And he needs help.”
Tom huffed harshly enough in Will’s face that his hair moved, then turned his ire to Pope. 
“You think Fish’s worth it? Already cost us a shit load of money and Will wants to blow more on that fuckhead.”
Pope slipped into his smooth and nonchalant voice and crossed his arms. He’d hoped this would give Tom the impression that he was just as unnerved and steadfast as Will.
“You know he’d do the same thing for any of us.”
“Fuckin’ altruistic bullshit!”, Tom barked, slamming his fist on the table. 
Pope felt his blood heating up and his jaw tightening. Will looked over at him quickly, his blue eyes ice cold and angry, and then back to Tom. 
“I disagree. He’s just as much my brother as Benny is. Or you, or Santi. He’s family and I’ll get’m help as many times as possible. And you know what you’re sayin’s bullshit-“
“Fuck you and your fuckin’ family values dog shit! You and I both know that he’s gonna get clean, last a week or two, then shit’s gonna start goin’ missing again and he’s gonna be right back to bein’ the fuckin’ crypt keeper he looks like now! He’s not gonna change. We need to cut him loose and let him kill himself. He made his choice, Will! Admit it - Fish ain’t worth it!”
Will stood up and moved close to Tom, almost nose to nose. Yeah, Tom was bigger, stronger even, but Will was precise and skilled in a way that seeing him square up like that scared Pope. He unfolded his arms and stepped forward. 
“Hey! Hold up! We’re not gonna do th-“
“You’re supposed to be our leader – our fuckin’ captain.”, Will seethed lowly. “I’m not gonna take orders from some mother fucker who decides to ‘cut loose’ one of our own. Fish needs our help and fuck you for turnin’ your back on’ im.”
Tom glared at Will. “Fine.”, he spat, then dug his index finger in Will’s chest. “But when he he fuckin’ OD’s, it’s on you!”
It felt like more than 90 days when Pope rolled up in front of the rehab centre to pick up Frankie, and when he saw him standing outside, waiting for him, he frowned. Not because he wasn’t glad to see him looking better and fuller, but because this was the third time he had picked Frankie up from a stint in rehab. 
Frankie pulled open the passenger door and slid in, not daring to look up. 
“Fish…”, Pope broke the silence as he put the car in drive. “You look good - ”
“How mad is he this time?”, Frankie interjected.
Pope sighed, knowing exactly how mad Tom was that the Frontiersmen funded another one of Frankie’s stays in an expensive treatment centre. The fact that Tom could be mad at Frankie for this used to baffle him, but by this time - the third time – he could at least see where Tom was coming from. It didn’t sway his growing dislike of their leader though. 
“You keep clean, and he won’t have a reason to be pissed.”
“Fuck… Santi… I try, and – “
“Just shut the fuck up and keep clean, Frank.” Pope snapped, cutting Frankie off in turn. “Besides, I have something in mind to keep you motivated.”
All Frankie could do was nod, despite not knowing what Pope could offer as motivation. He never wanted to relapse, but the call was too sweet, too enticing, for him to stay away too long. He’d said this the day before while he was going through the exit procedure and the facilitator just shrugged and said, “Find something else to get high on then.” 
Less than two months after Frankie came back to the compound, Tom was dead. 
Pope had walked down the hallway to the office where Will waited, and he pushed open the door. Will had looked up, expecting to see Tom, and when he saw Pope instead, blood on his hands and splattered on his body and face, and wide eyed, he stood up, confusion etched on his face.
“Santiago… what the fuck is goin’-“
“He’s dead.”
Will dropped the file folder he held precariously and moved quickly to Pope’s side as he sat heavily in one of the armchairs. He wiped his hand over his face, smudging the semi-dried blood, and he sighed.
“Who’s dea- “
“Tom… Tom’s dead. He’s fuckin’ dead, Will.”
“Santi.”, Will said in a low, controlled voice that just barely masked the panic writhing below. “What happened?”
“I… I was… I didn’t…”, Pope paused, trying to find a way to confess. Instead, his conscience was silenced by his ego, and he found himself lying without even really thinking. “He was… taken out by… by the Gutierrez gang… those fuckers… they ambushed him, Will.”
Pope looked up at Will, daring to see if what he said even sounded feasible. To Will, Pope’s wide, frightened eyes convinced him to ignore the itch at the back of his brain, needling him to probe further.
“I was… I was with him when he… I found him before he died. He was fuckin’ babbling some shit… who was supposed to take over…”
Will’s eyes narrowed subtly, but enough for Pope to register. He knew he couldn’t say he was the one Tom wanted; it would be too suspicious. And he couldn’t say Will because that would give him full control - something Pope truly believed would be his own downfall. 
“He wanted Fish…”
Frankie was a half a year sober – actually, really, fully, no-word-of-a-lie sober – and had been the head of the Frontiersmen for just shy of four months. He’d spent the last six months trying to find a new vice that wouldn’t render him a liability and bankrupt the organization. He was just barely making an impact as the new leader; no one took him seriously. He was skinny and quiet. Only his inner circle knew how violent and dangerous he could be, but even then, they knew he really had to be provoked to get him to that point.
Pope decided he had to do something. His plan to put Frankie in the captain’s chair was failing miserably, and he knew if he couldn’t land this, he would be sussed out. 
“Fish… come on… we’re going out for dinner.”, he said, slapping Frankie’s back.
He looked up at Pope, tired and miserable. “Why?”
“Because you need to eat. You’re skin and bones and no one wants to be led by a corpse.”
Frankie’s expression turned from confused to hurt as his shoulders dropped, feeling the weight of everyone’s expectations gnaw at his sobriety. He carried this somber aura all the way to the restaurant. 
The dingy little Italian restaurant had a name – Marcello’s - and it became Frankie’s haven. It was nowhere near as festive or amazing as Benny had indicated. The way he raved about the place, Pope thought he was taking Frankie to a pasta titty bar paradise, and instead he found them in a mid-century dive with carpet and wood paneling on the walls. 
It wasn’t until the hostess came out from the bar to greet them that Pope understood exactly why Benny loved this place, and he understood it even more when they had their food served.  It had started out as once a week, then turned into almost every night. The effects of pasta, heavy cream sauces, and garlic bread we’re beginning to show on Frankie. Gone were the feeling of his ribs when Pope patted him on his back and gone were his sunken cheeks. Frankie had filled out and he was glad to see his friend looking better. 
That was, until he noticed something. Yeah, Frankie was clean from coke, but he seemed to have turned that same veracity that he’d once carried for the narcotic on to food. It used to be that Frankie could barely finish a frozen TV dinner, being able to stretch one over two meals. As Pope sat across from him at Marcello’s one Tuesday evening, he watched his friend plow through two whole plates of pasta in one sitting. Pope noticed that while Frankie ate, he seemed almost tranquil, serene.
He’d found something else to get high on.
There was a notable change in Frankie as he gained weight. The soft spoken, always amenable Frankie was slowly being enveloped by a bigger, meaner, and more vicious version of him. 
When he was thinner, Frankie could get lucky with women if he tried, but he wasn’t the most confident and rarely put himself out there. But as he grew, so did his self-esteem. He no longer sat back and accepted things as they were said to him – he questioned and even demanded answers, using his newfound size to intimidate if need be. If he saw something he liked, be it clothing, electronics, cars, he took it and gave no one a chance to say otherwise.
The legacy Tom left behind began to fade within the Frontiersmen as Frankie’s violence took centre stage. His quick temper and fists built a reputation; he was still quiet, but the silence he offered was no longer one of contemplation, it was one of simmering rage, liable to explode into violence at any moment. But this was within their group alone. No one outside of their crew took him seriously enough to even warrant giving him a foot in the door.
All of that changed one evening and Pope got a front seat to watch his plan to hide behind Frankie finally bear fruit. Catfish’s temper finally exploded on the right person to get the message out. 
Chuck, the leader of another group called the Golden Kings, had sat across from Frankie at a roundtable, hosted by one of the other gangs to broker agreements and territories. Chuck had taken every opportunity to remind everyone that Frankie was a junkie who used to pilfer his group’s own product to get high. When he stopped getting the reaction he wanted, Chuck moved onto Frankie’s weight, which had pretty well doubled since Tom’s death. 
Will, seated on the other side of Frankie, quietly said, “Let it go, Catfish.”
“Catfish?”, Chuck laughed cruelly. “Fuckin’ Catfish? Really? Fatfish is more like it. What happened, Morales? You eat your feelings ‘cause you can’t get high no more?”
Pope caught a glance at Frankie’s face which only could be described as dark and malevolent as a thunderclap. It unnerved him to see Frankie looking so dangerous around other people. It was one thing for him to beat one of their own for being a dipshit, but this was someone who wasn't below Frankie – he was ranks above him. Frankie sat, glaring across the table at Chuck, his elbows on the armrests and his hands tensely tenting his fingers.
It seemed that the rest of the men at the table could sense the electric tension between Frankie and Chuck. Dan Connor, leader of the Dead Rabbits and host for the evening, motioned to Frankie with a head nod. 
“Get it out, Morales. Can’t move on with you having a bitchfit at some name callin’.”
Pope knew none of these men took his friend seriously and it was either going to be Frankie using his keen negotiation tactics or Frankie showing off his newfound rage. 
The latter won. Frankie sat in silence as Chuck beat his mouth off at him, trying to get Frankie to react, to no avail. He didn’t speak; he just watched, letting Chuck keep talking, letting him fuel his violent rage even more, until it reached a tipping point. 
“You may be a big fish now, you fuckin’ goof, but you’re still a rat-faced junkie.”
It happened quickly. Frankie stood up and grabbed Chuck from across the table by his suit jacket lapel and pulled him to his side as his fist began beating into the man’s face over and over.
Chuck’s men stood up, but Dan Connor’s hand came out, motioning for them to sit. His own men waited for their cue to remove Frankie from Chuck, but Dan just watched in reverence.
The punching stopped and Chuck gurgled in pain, and Frankie wrapped his huge hands around Chuck’s throat and squeezed. 
“I am Big Fish, you fuckin’ cunt.”, he growled in a calm and low tone, then he spat on Chuck’s face.
Will looked at Frankie horrified, and Pope couldn’t help the grin that forced its way to his face. Dan finally motioned for his men to intervene, and it took all four to pry Frankie’s hands off the bloody, gasping mess that was Chuck. 
Chuck’s men moved to get their boss away from Frankie as he sat back in his chair, and nodded at Dan, signaling for him to continue. The room remained silent, save for the pathetic whining of Chuck in the hallway. Dan looked at Frankie, eyes narrowed, then finally he started laughing – hard.
“Fuckin’ BigFish Morales! Welcome to the table, asshole.”
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no more taglist! follow @beefnotes for fic updates!
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poolboyservice · 8 months
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silly simple about feat. interests
tags: - #franky posts: general posts made by yours truly :3 - #mikeys art: posts where I share my art, writing, nd other creations - #magic marble box messages: posts where I receive asks/messages by people and I answer them! (don't be shy, I don't bite that hard) - #mindbreak (IS THAT A SPLITTING OF TH: basically reminders for myself/things i really wanna keep in mind (bcz I got bad memory)
anime girlified bert the rat below
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first taxidermy project <3 he looks better in person trust me
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New Members of The Mighty Solars Pt. 1
Okay, happy news! A lot has been on my mind since I got into the Mighty Solars! I like to announce the new additions who are proud new members of the Solar Opposites as The Mighty Solars! Meet the new members:
Parker/Venus Tip
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That’s right Parker is a Mighty Solar now. Her powers are gonna be like Pidge from Voltron: Legendary Defender, but different because this time her powers come from her hands.
Suit Color: Different shades of Neon Lime
Theme Song: “Just like Fire” from P!nk
Ms. Frankie/Night Saw
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Her powers is just like Wolverine *which references the episode Apple Pencil Pro” when Yumyulack and Jesse turned Ms. Frankie into a Wolverine.* She became one after she redeems herself to help the Solar Opposites/Mighty Solars with a dangerous thing happen. In this version, Ms. Frankie became a good person and is now good friends with the Solars now. He suit color will be the same color as her shirt.
Suit Color: The Same color as her shirt
Theme Song: “Wolves” from Selena Gomez
Principal Cooke/Trailblazer
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Since that episode “The Gargoyle Ray”, Principal Cooke instantly started to grow a soft spot for the Solar Opposites since Yumyulack and Jesse saved himself from being fired. After he got his powers of lightning dash, he became a Mighty Solar after helping save Pezlie.
Suit Color: Maroon
Super Powers: Lightning Dash
Theme Song: “By the Way” from The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Cherie/Shining Light
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Cherie found out about the Solar Opposites as the Mighty Solars. At first, she was distrustful at them since Yumyulack shrunk her. But after Yumyulack apologizes thanks to Jesse forcing him and the Mighty Solars helped save her baby Pezlie, she made Korvo and Terry honorary godfathers of her child, which happened after she got the power of super stealth.
Suit Color: Cherry Pink
Super Powers: Super Stealth
Theme Song: “Titanium” from Sia ft. David Guetta:
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Montez is also Cherie’s new boyfriend since he was a mole for the Wall and defies Sisto’s awful orders. He got the power of electricity like Livewire from Superman and is even a member of the Mighty Solars since he began to trust Korvo and his family.
Suit Color: Silver Blue
Super Power: Electricity like Livewire
Theme Song: “Bad Company” from Five Finger Death Punch:
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Pezlie is now the godchild of Korvo and Terry and is even became the Pupa’s best friend. Pezlie’s powers is super sonic screams whenever someone threatens her or her mom Cherie or father figure Montez.
Suit Color: Cupid’s Blush
Super Powers: Super sonic cries
Theme Song: “I know The Way” from Ariana Grande:
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After reeling from Halk’s death and finding peace with her life as well as making amends with Cherie, Nova became a member of the Solar Opposites/Mighty Solars as well as Phoebe’s best friend. She later gain the powers of psychic that can help her see through memories and thoughts from other people *just like Sunset Shimmer*
Suit Color: Neon Pink
Super Powers: Super Empathy
Theme Song: “Rise” from Katy Perry:
Ms. Perez/Core Burn
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During a fight between two rivals, Ms. Perez accidentally got the powers of the Sun star, and ends up causing a mess. But after some help from the Mighty Solars, she manage to control her powers and became a Mighty Solar, since she found out about the Mighty Solars’ identities earlier before.
Suit Color: Tangerine
Super Powers: Based on the sun
Theme Song: “Towards the Sun” from Rihanna from Home:
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Mia, after being unshrunk and now helps with tours of Earth-4, became a Mighty Solar, which gave her powers X-ray vision that helps her see through villainous plots.
Suit Color: Blue-Green
Super Powers: X-ray visions
Theme Song: “Can’t be Tamed” from Miley Cyrus:
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Since Kevin is a good friend of the Solar Opposites, he accidentally gained the powers of power blast from he he does whirlwinds and the ones that like the abilities from Tron.
Suit Color: Red
Super Powers: Like the ones from Tron
Theme Song: “Derezzed” from Tron: Legacy:
Jamie and Darcy/Firewall and Sonar Woman
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Jamie and Darcy (I hope I got her name right) became the Mighty Solars after they, along with some of the humans, were kidnapped and experimented by a mysterious villain. Now Jamie has fire power and Darcy has star powers.
Here is Jamie’s Suit
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Suit Color: Red-Orange
Super Powers: Fire Powers
Theme Song: “Feeding the Fire” from Disturbed:
And now here is Darcy’s suit:
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Suit Color: Yellow
Super Powers: Star Powers
Theme Song: “Confident” from Demi Lovato:
Kevin’s Wife/Tsunami
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Ever since she got back together with Kevin in Solar Opposites Season 4, Kevin’s Wife ends up getting water powers after a incident that involves two teenagers turned into mermaids. She would hurt anyone who dare offends her family and friends especially her kids.
Suit Color: Ocean Sea Blue
Super Powers: Water Powers
Theme Song: “Rain on Me” from Lady Gaga ft. Ariana Grande:
Now up next is Pt. 2
Parker belongs to @prospitdaydreamer
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mghiggins · 1 year
Breakfast Club Musical 021
1. [00:00] Intro
2. [00:24] Marsh feat Jodie Knight- Sleep (Alex O’Rion Remix) {Anjunadeep}
3. [04:37] LP Giobbi feat Caroline Byrne- Feels Just Like It (Joe Goddard Remix) {Counter}
4. [08:50] Backeer & Elline- On Repeat {Exx Underground}
5. [13:31] Marsh Feat Jodie Knight- Fragments (Dave DK Remix) {Anjunadeep}
6. [18:30] Foletto & Hoo- Make Me Feel {43 Degrees}
7. [23:19] Mike Suntower- Resonator {64K}
8. [26:26] Stan Kolev- Ardent {Outta Limits}
9. [30:35] Anyma & Delhia de France- Walking With A Ghost {Interscope}
10. [35:03] Franky Wah feat Rae Morris- Call My Name {Anjunadeep}
11. [39:53] Eli & Fur- Where Do We Go (Hugo Cantarra Remix) {Anjunadeep}
12. [42:57] Yotto & Sansa- Meadow (TH;EN Remix) {Odd One Out}
13. [46:52] Fideles- Waterfall {Tomorrowland}
14. [51:37] Korolova & Richard Judge- Under My Skin {Tomorrowland}
15. [56:16] HOSH & Camelphat feat Jalja- Tighter (Camelphat Remix) {Three Six Zero}
16. [01:00:37] Glen Horsborough & Leo Wood- Go the Mile (Dancing) {Let There Be House}
17. [01:05:29] Rhadow- Indigo (Vocal Mix) {Bondage}
18. [01:09:34] D-Nox & Sharon Graziani- Shining {Plaisirs Sonores}
19. [01:12:13] Redspace- 1994 {SLC-6}
20. [01:17:06] Siskin- Let Go {Black Hole}
21. [01:22:06] Yotto & Julia Church- No Ending {Odd One Out}
Check out this episode of dj bigdirty's night club musical
0 notes
thedjmusic · 2 years
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Beatport Top 100 Tech House December 2022 FLAC
DOWNLOAD: https://thedjmusic.com/news/beatport_top_100_tech_house_december_2022_flac/2022-12-03-105
DATA: 2022-12-03 TOTAL: 99 GENRE: Tech House
ACRAZE - Do It To It (Extended Mix)
Andruss, Fatboi - Agáchalo (Extended)
Andruss, Umberto Pagliaroli, El Apache Ness - Mueve (Extended)
Anthony Attalla, Max Styler, Brux - Talk To Me (with BRUX) (Extended Mix)
Anti Up - Chromatic (Extended Mix)
BLOND:ISH, Amadou & Mariam, Francis Mercier - Sete (Original Mix)
BLOND:ISH, Nfasis, Hugel - Tra Tra (Extended Mix)
BeMore, Wøvex - Ma Love (Original Mix)
Beltran (BR) - Smack Yo' (Original Mix)
Beltran - Warning (Original Mix)
Bootie Brown, Tame Impala, Gorillaz - New Gold (feat. Tame Impala and Bootie Brown) (Dom Dolla Remix Extended)
Bruno Furlan - Baila (Extended Mix)
Bruno Furlan - NY to LA (Extended Mix)
Bryan Softwell - Cúrame (Original Mix)
CID - Deep In Your Heart (Extended Mix)
CID - Hold Me Close (Original Mix)
CID, Westend - Let Me Take You (Extended Mix)
CID, Will K - OoooH (Original Mix)
Carloh - Esta Pegao (Original Mix)
Chapter & Verse - The Beat Goes On (Extended Mix)
Chris Lake, Aatig - In The Yuma (feat. Aatig) (Extended Mix)
Chris Lorenzo - California Dreamin' (feat. High Jinx) (Extended Mix)
Classmatic, Mc Th - Catuca (Original Mix)
Cloonee - MOFO (Original Mix)
Crusy - Release Your Mind (Oscar L Grooves Remix)
DJ Susan - Hush (Extended Mix)
Dale Howard - Tempo (Extended Mix)
Deeper Purpose - Party Diva (Extended Mix)
Disaia - Tumba La Casa (Extended Mix)
Dom Dolla, Clementine Douglas - Miracle Maker (Extended Mix)
Escapade, Walker & Royce, Ardalan - Ballroom (Original Mix)
FISHER (OZ) - Yeah The Girls (feat. MERYLL) (Extended Mix)
FISHER (OZ) - You Little Beauty (Extended)
Franky Rizardo - Ain't Nobody (Extended Mix)
Friendly Fire (US) - Informer (Extended Mix)
GW Harrison - Caliento (Extended Mix)
Gorgon City - Sidewindah (Extended Mix)
Guy Gerber, Albertina - Bocat (Michael Bibi Remix)
HUGEL, Merk & Kremont, Lirico En La Casa - Marianela (Que Pasa) (Extended Mix)
Havoc & Lawn, Dot N Life - Witch (Original Mix)
Hot Since 82 - Poison (Harry Romero Remix)
Hugel, Westend, Cumbiafrica - Aguila feat. Cumbiafrica (Original Mix)
Jacq (UK), Laura Davie - Just Live It (Extended Mix)
James Hurr, Anton Powers, Tasty Lopez - That’s It (Extended Mix)
James Hype - Let Loose (Extended Mix)
Jen Payne, Leo Wood - Toca's Miracle (Extended Mix)
John Summit - La Danza (Extended Mix)
Josh Samuel - HRTBRKR (Extended Mix)
Joshwa - Miracles (Extended Mix)
Julio Navas, Gustavo Bravetti, David Amo, Tony Romera - Raw (Tony Romera Extended Mix)
KH (UK) - Looking at Your Pager (Chris Lake Remix - Extended)
Kevo Krows - Choose Your Side (Original Mix)
Kidoo - Yoruba (Original Mix)
Kyle Walker - Háblame (Original Mix)
Kyle Watson - The Reason (Extended Mix)
LF SYSTEM - Afraid To Feel (CID Remix)
Marshall Jefferson, Solardo - Move Your Body (Extended Mix)
Martin Ikin, Joshwa - Take Me (Extended Mix)
Matroda - Main Ingredients (Original Mix)
Matroda - Mozart (Original Mix)
Matroda - Temperature (Original Mix)
Matroda, Tom Budin - Body Move (Original Mix)
Matt Guy - Party Starter (Original Mix)
Matt Guy - Set My Mind Free (Extended Mix)
Matt Sassari - Give It To Me (Full Vocal Mix - Extended)
Matt Sassari - Step To (Original Mix)
Matt Sassari, Chrstphr - Boom Boom (feat. CHRSTPHR) (Extended Mix)
Mau P - Drugs From Amsterdam (Original Mix)
Max Styler - Resist (Extended Mix)
Moreno Pezzolato - Shake (Original Mix)
Mr. V, Max Dean - Future Looks Bright ft. Mr V (Original Mix)
Muzzaik, Andrea Lane, Deaf Jules - What Goes Around (Extended Mix)
Nick Curly - Find Out (Original Mix)
Niko The Kid - Atmosphere (Extended Mix)
NuKey, Kevin McKay - Gospel Jam (Extended Mix)
Oravla Ziur, Gustaff - Say Cheese (Original Mix)
Paolo Pellegrino, Martina Camargo, Hugel, Jude & Frank - Rio Rio (feat. Martina Camargo) (Extended Mix)
Retna - Can You Move To The Beat (Extended Mix)
Return of the Jaded, Karsten Sollors - Step Into It (Original Mix)
Roxe - Coldest (Original Mix)
Roxe - Dara Dum (Original Mix)
Saison, Tigerlight - Addiction (Extended Mix)
Shermanology, FISHER (OZ) - It's A Killa (Extended Mix)
Shokë - N.5 (Original Mix)
Sorley - Short Circuits (Original Mix)
Sosa UK, Prok & Fitch - Dance Lapse (Extended)
TECH IT DEEP - Maria Maria (Extended Mix)
TOBEHONEST - Party (Original Mix)
The Cube Guys - Rich Girl (Cubed Mix)
The Martinez Brothers, Rema, Gordo - Rizzla (Mochakk Remix)
Tita Lau, James Hype - B2B (Extended Mix)
Tita Lau, James Hype - Disconnected (Extended Mix)
Tom Santa - Rainfall (Praise You) (Extended Mix)
Tomi&Kesh - Dance To My Beat (Original Mix)
Toyzz - ASI (Extended Mix)
Vitor Vinter, Sudden Heat - The Hook (Original Mix)
Volac - Bump (Original Mix)
Wade - Pan Jabi (Original Mix)
Wade - The Melody (Original Mix)
0 notes
thebeatricesmith · 4 years
“Thank you so much Leonard, you’re a doll,” Pepper coos at the UberLux driver as she strides into the lobby her building, and he really was. “You’ve more than earned that five star rating. Just hand the bags to Frank, sweets.” 
There’s a momentarily lag as Leonard scopes the lobby for a man named Frank. and while as a feminist she should be annoyed by the assumption, Pep instead finds herself chuckling, waiting until she had poor Leonard’s attention before gesturing towards the plaid wearing brunette fixing something or another with the tilt of her head. Men, she thought, with a good natured roll of the eyes. 
“She’ll help me from here,” she insists, even if Frankie doesn’t know it yet. 
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
*Slam in.* Hi! I am here to request from your event, if that is fine by you. Could I please have a guardian! Reader x Sanji with the number 8, “I’m glad I finally get to see who you really are.” for the angst category. I love angst, especially one-sided character angst-
*clears throat*
Anyways, I would also like to say congrats on reaching 100 in followers! That is no easy feat. I mean, I am stuck on 3 in my writing blog but I am only just beginning. (❇^❇) I shall reach high up in numbers-
*cheats throat again.*
Congrats! Hope you continue to write and that you don't get writer block!
Haha, thank you for joining my event and sending in a request. I know you don’t have much now, but I’m cheering for you! I only started writing in February and it’s because of a couple of mutuals (shoutout to Cyborg-Franky and Some-piece) that I got here so quickly. I hope this is about what you were looking for.
Being in love with Sanji was hard while also being his Guardian Angel. All guardians had rules they had to follow, but the angels were the strictest about their rules. No revealing yourself to your wards and no interfering with their lives were the two that annoyed you the most. Still, every rule had its loophole. In this case, Sanji’s dreams. You’d visit him every night while he was asleep, spending the entire night with him, talking, laughing, and enjoying yourself. When you’d first started entering his dreams, they were filled with beautiful women who loved him, but as you kept visiting him, the women dwindled until disappearing altogether. It was just the two of you as he flirted and fawned over you. Granted, he still did that in real life as well, but you couldn’t be too mad when you weren’t allowed to physically be with him.
The next morning Sanji was going on about his latest dream about you, about how beautiful you were, how kind you were.
“So then why don’t you marry her and get it over with? She’s just a dream woman, right?” Zoro said, rolling his eyes at the man.
“First of all, mosshead, you can’t just go up and propose to a lady suddenly like that, secondly, perhaps I don’t want to marry her just yet.” Sanji shot back, glaring at the man. You stared at Sanji wide eyed, did he not want to be with you? He’d always called you his darling, he’d asked you out on a date in one of the dreams, he’d even called you his dream girlfriend, was that all a lie?
“I don’t know, she’s probably not real.” Nami said, stepping between the two boys so as to halt their fighting.
“If she’s not real then why shouldn’t Sanji propose to her? She’s merely a dream, it would have no impact on his real life.” Robin suggested as Sanji began to serve food.
“I don’t know, I’m not sure if I’m ready to settle down yet, dream girl or not.” Sanji said as the group laughed about Sanji’s dream. Not real? Not ready?! Well Sanji would be in for one hell of a time tonight.
That night you appeared in his dream once more, clearly irritated, even as Sanji offered you a gorgeous rose.
“Sanji, I thought I proved to you I was real! How could you say those things! And you keep telling me how much you care about me, so why did you just completely blow off the idea of marriage?!” you demanded, catching the blond off guard. 
“Th-that’s… how… I…” Sanji looked at you, dumbfounded, you weren’t supposed to be angry with you, you were a dream. The blond’s brow furrowed as he closed his eyes. If he just focused on you going back to normal, you would, right? Your irritation grew, knowing exactly what he was doing.
“What the hell, Sanji! You said you believed me! I did my best to prove to you that I was real! Yet you still don’t believe me!” you shouted, your hair starting to float as divine power began to radiate off of you. The man took a few steps back, worried about what was going on.
“Fine, you want proof of my existence, then I’ll give you proof… I suppose I should thank you, I’m glad, really, I finally get to see who you really are, Sanji Vinsmoke.” you growled before exiting his dream. He didn’t believe you, he didn’t think you really existed and even if you had, he clearly wasn’t actually interested in being with you. Nothing more than a disgusting ladies man, you thought angrily. Summoning all your power, you fell to the deck of the ship, the loud bang and sudden shaking of the ship waking the entire crew as they ran out onto the deck to see what was happening. Standing there, in the middle of the deck, wings fully outstretched and still radiating divine power, was you, glaring directly at Sanji, the young man staring at you in shock. 
“Strawhat crew, I am Y/n! Former Guardian Angel to Sanji!” you declared, the crew turning to stare at Sanji.
“Wait, former?” Sanji asked, taking a step forward.
“What, you think I was joking about the rules? Just like how I wasn’t supposed to be real? Did you still think those were a dream as well?” you demanded, the rest of the crew backing up to give you and Sanji some space.
“I… I don’t…” Sanji was at a loss for words. You were actually real, your rules were real, everything about you was real. The blond quickly reached down, pinching himself, yup, definitely real. 
“Um, excuse me, miss guardian angel?” Nami piped up, looking all too terrified of you, “You aren’t uh, you’re not going to curse us, are you?” you chuckled before glancing back at Sanji.
“You? No, but him? Well, I’ve already broken a number of rules, what’s one more?” you asked, glaring at him. 
“Hey! You can’t curse Sanji! I’m his captain and I say you can’t!” Luffy said, hands on his hips as he looked at you, clearly upset. You glared at the boy before glancing back at Sanji who was currently slowly backing away towards his kitchen. After a moment of debate you nodded.
“Very well, I won’t curse him, but such a poor excuse for a man deserves punishment. So punishment is what he’ll receive!” you shot a bolt of your power at the man before taking to the sky, not giving the crew enough time to attack you back. Perhaps it was for the best, your fellow angels had always told you how humans were often vile creatures, now you could tell them that humans were willing to break an angel’s heart. You quickly wiped away the tears, no, you wouldn’t cry over him, he didn’t deserve your tears.
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wypapichulo · 3 years
𝟕 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬.
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pairing ; lee donghyuck x reader genre ; fluff, very very slight angst / high school au word count ; 5010 words warnings ; some explicit language? the use of the word 'shit' a few times? playlist ; dive into you – nct dream | walk you home – nct dream | best friend – rex orange county | anti-romantic – txt | can't take my eyes off you – frankie valli | backyard boy – claire rosinkranz author's note ; i hope the ending doesn't sound too rushed,, aah i just lost the vibe and wanted to get it done ;,, i hope it's alright🚶 dt ; @matchaeee <3
Making someone you don't know fall for you would have been easier. Making your best friend fall in love with you? A little bit more of a hassle But not unless they've been in love with you from the start.
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“I can make her fall in love with me in 7 days”
Haechan had said this whilst he was sitting on the sidewalk in front of the small convenience store beside an exasperated looking Jeno. “Hyuck, I’m pretty sure you can’t.”, “No I’m confident!” He continued, sipping his carbonated drink and cutting Jeno off as he spoke, “Look– I know her inside and out, I’m sure I know just the right tricks to make her fall for me!”
Jeno sighed slightly, knowing it was no use to force Haechan to listen to him. “You shouldn’t play with feelings like this…” He started, taking a sip of his own soda, “Can’t you just tell her you like her like a normal person–“, “you’re seriously no fun.” Jeno deadpanned at the statement, hand ready to reach for the brunets to pull his fingers back, “I just wanna see if she really likes me back for real!” he said, hands fidgeting with the rim of the soda can, “I don’t know, what if she doesn’t like me and rejects me when I ask her!”
“So the only logical way to fix that is by ‘making her fall in love with you in seven days’?!” Jeno exclaimed, nearly in tears at his own friend’s stupidity. Haechan grinned, “well if she doesn’t like me yet, she’ll definitely like me by the end of this.”
“I’m going to forget about him in the next 7 days.”
Renjun looked up in surprise at the girl’s statement, never having thought of the day she’d finally say it.
“You won’t.” He stated simply, continuing to sketch the tree outside the window of her room. She whined slightly, turning her attention to the boy in her room, “and what makes you say that?”
“You said that two years ago.”, “I was younger then!”, “Sure you were.”
She groaned, falling back on her bed with a thud, “I need to try… this one-sided shit is getting to me…”
Turning to look at the heap of sadness on the bed, Renjun sighed quietly. “I definitely won’t question you if you tell me you’re still in love with him by the end of it.”
“I’m only trying right?”
“How you doin’ gorgeous~”
To say she was shocked was an understatement. What?
“What do you want Hyuck.” She asked with a deadpan, staring down at the blank page of her notebook. Her plan was to study but it seemed as if the man duped as her best friend had other ideas. “I don’t want anything! Can’t I say nice things about you?” He said, taking the seat across from her.
The library was quiet, save for the few students chattering mutedly by the computers. The whole day Haechan had been fine– normal, so to speak… He sat next to her as usual during lunch–as they barely shared any classes this school year–and joked around for a bit, he stole the milk that she had painstakingly waited behind a line of first years to buy, giving her a presumably empty promise that he’d buy her another one… but then he came in the library and said that?
“You’ve never called me that before,” she scoffed, “and if you have, I’d remember.”
Of course she would. Somehow every compliment he had given her always stuck in her mind, even the few ingenuine ones that came out as jokes. The time he called her quick witted when she replied to one of his jokes, the time he said she was pretty good at math’s when she had explained to him how to find an axis… And of course there was the time he had exclaimed how she was prettier than the girl she had been talking shit about… not one of her best feats but... it was something.
So to have him call her gorgeous, even if it was just as a passing nickname… it was something that made her cheeks burn when she remembered his exact wording of the sentence.
“Well that doesn’t matter does it?” he said, leaning over the table to read through the same passage as she had been going through for the last hour, trying to fit anything and everything in her head. “Are you having trouble with anything?”
“Nothing you can help me with.” She scoffed, turning a page. “Aw, come on, don’t say that!” he laughed aloud, earning him an abundance of shushes from the few students scattered around the area. “I’m sure I, with my great expertise, can help you in some way with–“ he looked down at the chapter’s name, “intercontinental… exchange… what the hell is this–“
She laughed lightly at his confusion, “It’s economics,” she smiled, making his heart race with anticipation for some unknown reason, “you won’t get it.”
“Well maybe if you taught me, I’d understand.” He chuckled softly, sitting properly once more and sighing as he stared at the soft curve of her lips. She blushed lightly, realizing the direction of his eyes and looking back down to her book.
Barely the first day and she was already smitten once more with him… she wondered if she’d ever manage to escape from the trap that was Lee Donghyuck.
Closing her locker up, she nearly went into cardiac arrest as she saw none other than Haechan leaning on the locker right beside hers.
“Donghyuck! You almost gave me a heart attack!” she exclaimed, heart pounding at a thousand beats per second… or not– maybe she was just exaggerating…
He smirked, an image that had always and forever will be engraved into the crevices of her mind. “I hope that’s a good thing?”
She merely rolled her eyes at him, shoving her textbook into her backpack. “no.” she stated with a deadpan, turning to walk away. “Wait uppp!” he whined, following along behind the exasperated girl. If Jeno was tired of him, then she was something else entirely. How she managed to keep up with the outgoing boy was a mystery even to herself.
“Are you busy this weekend?” he asked as he caught up with her and took long steps to follow along with her short quick paces, “I was thinking maybe we could go to that new café that just opened– you know, the library one?”
She kept on walking, but her pace slowed significantly. A small tell to her interest in the subject. He smiled.
“You don’t even like reading much.” She said with a chuckle, “why’d you wanna go there?” She asked softly glancing up at him. “Well… you like reading… so–“ he shrugged slightly “–I thought you’d enjoy it…”
See this was the thing about him. Whenever she had made a commitment to stop thinking about him–leave her feelings for him in the dust–he’d always come back strong, making her feel as if he never wanted her to stop liking him. But what could she do? It seemed as if he never had the slightest interest in being anything other than friends.
She smiled softly, sighing as she opened her mouth to give out a small, “alright.” As her answer to his invitation.
“Great! It’s a date!”
The four words stopped her in her tracks between the horde of students walking to and from to get to their classes.
He only grinned, turning to face her as he walked backwards. “I’ll see you after class!”
She was frozen in place it seemed. Blinking as she watched the retreating back of the boy who had… just asked her out?
Again, confusion had begun to settle in. Was this ‘date’ meant to be a romantic date? Or just– one where they hung out as friends and had coffee?
In her confusion, she had forgotten to ask him about the exact day of which their little ‘date’ was supposed to be on… but she was sure he’d text her everything she needed to know about it, right down to the dress code.
Retracing her thoughts, maybe she was wrong… this might have been the first time he’d ever shown any interest in being anything more than friends… And to be quite honest, it may or may not have scared her…
What would she do if it turned out he really had feelings for her…? DAY 3
“I thought you said you were going to stop liking him.”
She had found Renjun in the art room as per usual, painting away at whatever his heart had decided to explore. The golden particles drifted in from the late afternoon sun as she had just finished up her own after school activity. “I want to… But he’s making it so hard!” she exclaimed, sitting on a table to the side at the back of the room.
Renjun was somehow her only sane friend, and even so, he preferred to stay out of her messy love life with the undeniably annoying Haechan. Not to mention that he couldn’t even talk to Haechan without bursting a nerve. “I don’t understand how you don’t see how annoying the boy is.” He said nonchalantly as he continued to mix and match an array of greens to the trees he had started on. “Just thinking of that should be enough to stir you away from him.”
Sighing in aggravation to her situation, she sticked out her tongue at the back of his head. “I saw that.” He stated, barely even looking up from his canvas. “’course you did…” she grumbled lowly, pouting and looking out of the window.
“That’s just the thing…” she started, her tone soft and her eyes unfocused, “he’s not… annoying…”
Renjun scoffed aloud, nearly keeling over in laughter. “Are you sure about that?” He said in between his dying giggles, turning to finally look at the girl who was now looking at him with an unamused look. “Shut up– you know what I mean!” she cried out in annoyance. He made a face, turning back to his painting and continuing to work on the piece. “Really, when you get to know him– he’s more than that!” she tilted her head back to rest on the cool wall of the classroom.
“Today he actually got me the milk I wanted…” she muttered softly, “It’s not much of course… but…”
“You said the other day that you had to wait a long time to get the milk cause of those underclassmen, so– y’know– I got it for you.”
“But it’s enough for you to stay deeply in love with him isn’t it.” Renjun sighed, knowing that she would start yelling as soon as the thought sunk in her head.
To his surprise, she didn’t. She simply sat in thought in the back of the class, watching as Renjun shrugged and continued with his painting. She mulled it over, what he said, and came to the personal conclusion that he in fact was right. It was no use in fighting the feeling. She really did care for him… a little afraid to say love– but she cared for him immensely nonetheless.
She got off the table and walked towards where Renjun sat with his canvas and patted his shoulder lightly.
“Thanks Renjunnie.”
“I told you not to call me that… makes me sound like a child...” He murmured, rolling his eyes before continuing, “what are you even thanking me for anyways? I didn’t do anything. The feelings were there the whole time.”
Her lips turned up slightly, and she hummed softly before walking towards the door.
“You did more than you think.” She said, turning to look at him once more as she opened the door. He merely looked at her in puzzlement, not understanding just how he had helped her in her quest of love. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow!”
“Yeah… see you…” he muttered quietly, his eyebrows still furrowed in confusion, before shaking his head as the door fell shut.
“Why are all my friends so weird…”
The living room of her house was spacious.
Very much so that she wondered why it felt as if she couldn’t even get a distance away from the clingy boy.
Haechan had come over to help her with some of her class work she was struggling with, and truly, she couldn’t thank him enough for the help… but why did he have to sit so close to her?
He had been reading a passage out to her from the book, shoulders brushing ever so slightly against one another, causing her cheeks to flare with heat. Every single move he made seemed to make her tense up all the more.
She was never like this! Each time they had studied together, even as much as she liked him, it never caused her to blush or fidget as much as she was doing now.
Maybe it was the effect of realizing that he might like her after all… The last three days were such an improvement in that area of their relationship that it made her wonder if he actually had liked her all along and just decided to showcase it all now.
“And that’s why the tectonic pressure in this area is much larger than here.” He explained– arm stretching slightly over her to point at an image on the book. For some unknown reason, she had held her breath ever so slightly as to maybe become stone in the next few seconds. He turned to look at her– their faces not too far from one another, and it was like time had stopped right in that moment, just to make her realize how much trouble she was in by falling for this forsaken boy. She could feel her face redden to the deep color of the roses on the front porch of her house, and suddenly, all she wanted to do was melt into a puddle right there and then.
Oddly enough, he seemed to be reactionless. It was as if the proximity of their faces had absolutely no effect on his own heart, bringing up the question in her mind once more whether he actually held any feelings for her other than the simple platonic ones.
“You weren’t paying attention were you?”
Her eyebrows raised to her hairline, quite literally, at the accusing statement he had thrown upon her. “I– Hey! I was listening!”
Suddenly every single feeling of embarrassment left her body as she pushed him playfully, as a means to get away from him as well. He yelped aloud, his back hitting the couch. “You weren’t!” he called out, a smile beginning to grow on the edges of his lips, “I can tell when you’re listening and when you’re not! And here, you were clearly not!”
She laughed loudly, throwing her head back as she did so. It had been ages since she had laughed so freely, and Haechan soaked up every single moment of it. His smile softened as he watched she tips of her eyes crinkle up and turn into crescents– the sound of her laughter as melodious as his own favorite song. In the moment, he wished so dearly he could just reach over and kiss her face all over, his heard filling up with affection he wished to shower her with.
Her laughter died down and she simply turned to look at him with a look in her eyes that he couldn’t quite place. “I really haven’t laughed that much in a while…” she said softly, watching as he nodded in listening. “I can tell.”
She giggled lightly once more. “Should we go back to studying?” she asked, a teasing smile gracing her features, to which he merely scoffed and laughed at.
“Only if you’ll listen properly this time.”
Another 3 days to go. If he was able to successfully make her fall for him, he’d be able to do all he wanted and more. DAY 5
So maybe accepting a walk home from the person you’re trying to forget about isn’t the best strategy to go with… but– in defense, Haechan had been more the one to tag along home, rather than ask her if she wanted anyone to walk her.
She had gotten used to it… but with the antics of the past week and the upcoming date on the Sunday (Yes he had given her all the information the night before. Yes he sent her every available picture there was of the place. Yes he was very excited and honestly, so was she.), who wouldn’t?
As Saturday was a day where she and the rest of the ’00 liners’–as they all preferred to call themselves (though their whole school year was the ’00 line’ so honestly that nickname was rather stupid)–usually had a game night at either Jeno or Jaemin’s house, both she and Haechan had settled on going to the cute little library-esque café on the Sunday.
The whole way home, Haechan couldn’t help but stare softly as she recounted the events of the day. Again, being in different classes had its perks, as there was always something new to tell each other about.
Every step he took felt heavier. He knew they both were getting closer to her house– every time he saw a bench on the side of the street his instinct would tell him to sit down with her and just talk for longer, wanting to keep all her minutes for himself selfishly.
“So that’s why she was kicked out of the class today– I honestly can’t believe she had the nerve to pull that off!” laughing slightly, she turned to face Haechan, “I’m sure you’d do some stupid shit like that too.”
Haechan snapped out of his short daze if not to cry out words of denial, causing her to laugh even louder at his insistence that he would not blend and eat drink his homework just to get extra time on a project.
“After all, I’m not stupid– I don’t need extra project time since I’m just that smart!” He huffed, glancing to the girl beside him to see if he had gauged a reaction out of her. To his delight, she laughed once more, letting him relish in her melodic laughter. “you’re really full of yourself you know?”
This erupted another fit of laughter and denial to spurt from the two, pitter patting home for the day. “I’m not full of myself! I’m just confident!”, “same difference, Hyuck.” She said between breaths as her laughter finally died down.
He merely huffed and pouted­– turning to the side and glancing at her a few times to gain her remorse for her mean words ; it clearly didn’t work as all she did was giggle softly and shook her head.
The brush of the back of their hands made his heart pound faster. He glanced down to look and there it was, the soft hand he wanted to hold in his so much. He looked back up in a panic– noticing that they were getting closer to her house.
Unknown to him, her heart was just as heavy at the thought of having to part with him for the day. Though she knew tomorrow would be another day that would definitely be spent with him, it made her sorrowful to think of the fact that they’d have to be apart for the night. Cheesy as it may seem.
As they stood in front of the pathway up to her front door, he debated internally on whether or not he should do what he wanted to do or not, his head spinning at the thought of her maybe thinking he was an idiot for what he was about to do. She smiled up at him, a silent goodbye being exchanged between them, before turning around to walk up the pavement to her house.
Her feet stopped, and in turn, so did her heart. In a good way, of course, but it stopped nonetheless. She stayed silent for a moment before turning to face the brunet once more. “Yeah?” she asked quietly, a soft smile present on her features.
His mouth dried up. He had nothing to say– stupid! Why did he stop her like that then?
“I– Uh…” he faltered in his words; eyes still stuck on her face. Lips, to be specific.
She tilted her head slightly in question, wondering what was going through that enigma of a mind everyone called Haechan. “Hyuck?”
He smiled and shook his head, opting to grin at her like the idiot in love he was. “Until we meet again tomorrow~” he said in a mock posh accent which made her giggle lightly behind her hand. She merely shook her head and turned once more, walking up to her front door and opening it slowly, turning to give him one last smile before she closed the door.
There he stood like a lovestruck fool in the middle of her driveway as he watched her back turn as she finally walked into the house.
“I wish I had the courage to give you that hug…” DAY 6
Jeno’s house was the choice of the week, Haechan and Jaemin having pestered him into agreement over where they’d all be bundling into for the afternoon.
“I really don’t see why it should have to be my house!” Jeno whined as he stepped into the living room with snacks in hand, “It was already my house last week! It should be nana’s this week…” he trailed off, grumbling as he stepped over the legs of a serious Haechan and sat between the sole girl in their group and Jaemin on the floor. Jaemin laughed aloud, “you have the comfiest sofa!” he hollered out, earning him a kick from Renjun, who’s legs he was sitting in between.
“You’re not even sitting on the sofa,” Renjun retaliated for Jeno, cutting him some slack, “you’re leaning on my legs.”
“Well they sure are comfy if that’s what you’re implying.” Jaemin said, pressing at the buttons erratically as he flurried to beat Haechan at what seemed to be a simple game of mario kart. Hey, anything to beat Haechan right?
“DAMN!” Haechan yelled, causing the girl seated beside him to jump slightly in her seat. Jaemin only laughed, leaning his head up to look at an unimpressed Renjun.
“Hyuck give me the controller, I’m gonna beat Jaemin.” Renjun said with some form of courage to beat the one and only Nana. “Sure you are,” he said, standing up and handing the controller over to Renjun. “Anymore soda anyone?” he asked, stepping to the side to head over to the kitchen. “I’ll have a soda!”, “alrighty! One soda coming right up!” Haechan called out, turning right out to the kitchen.
“I’m gonna run out of sodas at the rate you’re drinking them…” Jeno murmured to her softly, a giggle erupting out of her lips, “fine then– I’ll have a cup of tea instead, ‘s that better?” she asked softly, smiling at the black-haired boy beside her. Jeno smiled back, his eyes disappearing behind his perfect crescents, “I’ll go get you some then.” He said, standing up from his seat to get her some tea.
Walking into the kitchen, he tutted lightly as he found Haechan going through his fridge. “And what if my mom was the one who had walked in?” Jeno stated with a deadpan, rolling his eyes at the idiotic grin his friend gave him. “First off– she’s not home. Second off– your mom loves me!” Haechan exclaimed, closing the fridge behind him after finding nothing of his interest. He picked up the sodas on the counter– before Jeno stopped him. “She changed her mind on the sodas, said she’d have tea instead.” He explained, moving to the cabinets to take out some tea to brew for her, to which Haechan simply hummed in understanding before cracking one of the soda cans open and sipping it.
“So…” Jeno started, turning to face him as he leaned on the counter behind him, “how’s the love quest?” He queried, wondering about his best friends own pursuit of love. “Is she ‘in love’ with you yet?”
Haechan shrugged slightly, “I sure hope she is… if not then I’m not sure what I’m gonna do tomorrow…”
“Why… What’s tomorrow?” Jeno questioned again, tilting his head in confusion. In Haechan’s mind… he looked rather like a lost puppy…
“Date.” The only word that came out of Haechan’s mouth as he stared with a smirk on his face to the boy standing opposite him.
Jeno’s eyes widened significantly, “Date? You mean you asked her out successfully?”
Haechan grinned, “Of course I did!”, he boasted smugly, “only a fool wouldn’t be able to make her fall in love! Especially with the shitty dudes she’s liked before.”
Jeno looked up in glee, “then– after that– my days of hell are over! I won’t have to listen to your lamenting again!” He whined when Jeno exclaimed that, shaking his head, “I wasn’t lamenting, you were the one who complained about my topic of conversation–“ he paused, rolling his eyes at the grinning puppy-like boy.
“Alright fine maybe I was,” he agreed begrudgingly, “But hey! I managed to make her fall in love with me AND score a date in 7 days! My lamenting wasn’t for nothing after all!”
Their shared laughter was cut short by the sound of the slamming of the front door and the cries of both Renjun and Jaemin. Haechan looked up worriedly at Jeno, who in turn gestured him to the kitchen exit.
“what’s wrong?” Haechan asked once he reached by the front door beside the other two boys. “You!” Renjun seethed, turning to glare at the brunet, “She was already trying to forget about you and now you play with her feelings like this!”
Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, Haechan scoffed, “I never played her like shit! I was always honest!”, “Then tell me what this stupid 7 day bet is all about!” Renjun yelled in his face, angry for his best friend who had muffled out in tears the short reason she was leaving so early.
“Bet?” he questioned, truly confused as to the entirety of the situation, “what fucking bet?”
Renjun rolled his eyes, “Don’t play stupid Donghyuck. You were talking to Jeno about some 7 day bet to get her to like you or something–”, “wait, this is all wrong!” Jeno exclaimed, “We never made a bet! Hyuck wanted to confess to her at the end of the week, and that’s why the whole week he had been making proper advances to her…”
The room stilled as the clarity of the situation which was misunderstood settled into their heads.
“I need to talk to (Y/N).” DAY 7
Checking her phone, she grumbled slightly, rereading the message that Haechan had sent to her the evening prior, or rather, spammed her endlessly.
hyuck ♡ : please come tomorrow.
hyuck ♡ : i really really have to talk to you about this :((
hyuck ♡ : please please please
hyuck ♡ : I don’t know what I’ll do if you don’t come :(((
hyuck ♡ : please? At least consider it?
Sighing quietly as she scrolled through the abundance of messages of theirs from previous sleepless nights, she jumped when she heard the call of the voice she had cried herself to sleep over the night before. Oh his treacherous voice, hurting her feelings like that with the words that came out of his wretched mouth yesterday.
“(Y/N)!” he said, jogging up to her with a grin spread on his face, almost as if yesterday had been a dream and she had simply hallucinated the entire event. But she knew better than to believe him that fast.
Giving him a curt nod, she spoke up before anything could leave his mouth– “Tell me, Donghyuck, what happened yesterday?” she started, face hard with the cut still deep in her heart. His smile faltered, realizing just how much his words had hurt her feelings the day before.
“Do you take my feelings as a joke?” she asked again, looking to her feet in fear of her eyes betraying her and leaving tear stains across her cheeks, “because if you do then i–“
“No!” he cut, knowing that if he let this go on for longer it would only hurt her more, “No, I’d never!”
She was quiet, listening to the sound of his ragged breathing, almost as if the quietness would let her hear the sound of his heartbeat.
“Then what… what…”
He sighed softly, “I was… scared.”
Looking up, she was met with the troubled face of the person she once thought to be the largest of mysteries. “I didn’t want to be faced with rejection, I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost you, as a friend or as…” he cleared his throat slightly, turning to the side, “as something more.”
The tension was thick, the street around them continuing on its route of life whilst they both stood in their own quiet bubble. Her eyes softened at his statement, the pieces of the puzzle which was Haechan starting to become clearer by every word.
“And you thought the most logical way to go, was to ‘make me fall in love with you in seven days’? come on Hyuck we’re not in some stupid romance movie–“, Haechan’s whine cut her voice short, “You sound just like Jeno now!” he cried, making her laugh softly, before stepping forward to take his hand in hers.
He looked down at their intertwined hands and looked right back up at her questioningly. “what…”
“If you liked me, you really should have just said so…” she muttered softly, shaking her head with a slight giggle, “If you did, it definitely would have saved us 7 days.”
He grinned widely, “so this… makes us boyfriend and girlfriend now, right?” he asked, grin turning into a teasing smirk on his face, making the girl before him scoff and laugh.
“We’ll see in 7 days.”
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dr-s--art · 8 years
DLYGD Playlist
Songs actually used in the fic, songs I wanted to use, and songs I thought of or was inspired by while writing. ~ Chapter 1: * Bigger on the Inside - Amanda Palmer * Stop and Stare - OneRepublic * Girls/ Girls/ Boys - Panic! At The Disco * Rotten Apple - Screaming Females Chapter 2: * Losing My Religion - R.E.M. * Ballad of the Tempest * Spellbound - Siouxsie and the Banshees * My Body - Young the Giant Chapter 3: * Come With Me Now - KONGOS * How Soon is Now? - The Smiths * I'll Make a Man Out of You * You're Gonna Go Far Kid - The Offspring * Walk Like a Man - Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons Chapter 4: * Gooey - Glass Animals * Hazey - Glass Animals * The Middle - Jimmy Eat World Chapter 5: * Here Comes the Rain Again - Eurythmics * Care - Bry * Irresistible - Fall Out Boy Chapter 6: * Young Volcanoes - Fall Out Boy * Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode * Raise Your Glass - P!nk (DON'T LOOK AT ME I ALWAYS THINK OF THAT SONG WHEN I SEE A TOAST GOING ON) Chapter 7: * Why Can't I Be You? - The Cure * Genghis Khan - Miike Snow * R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys Chapter 8: * I Don't Love You - My Chemical Romance * Not in Love - Crystal Castles feat. Robert Smith * Want it Back - Amanda Palmer * Marilyn, My Bitterness - The Crüxshadows * Somebody to Love - Queen * I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor Chapter 9: * Tongue Tied - Grouplove * Everlong - Foo Fighters * Whistle (While You Work It) - Katy Tiz (I always picture the SNK characters cleaning to that song, so I thought they'd have that as a color guard song one year) * Funkytown - Lipps, Inc. * Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper * Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen * Killer Queen - Queen * Pictures of You - The Cure Chapter 10: * Borderline - Playwrite * Households - Sleeping at Last * Fuck You - Placebo Chapter 11: * Somewhere Only We Know - Keane * Dancing in the Dark - Bruce Springsteen * Shelter - The XX * Livin' on a Prayer - Bon Jovi * As the World Falls Down - David Bowie Chapter 12: * French Kiss - Ashland High (I know that song is absolute garbage, but middle school me is still heavily addicted to it) * Kiss Me - Sixpence None The Richer (god, that song takes me back to my childhood) * You're Lovely - Esoterik * Send Me On My Way - Rusted Root Chapter 13: * My Alcoholic Friends - The Dresden Dolls * Lullaby - The Cure * Sin - Nine Inch Nails * Talk Dirty to Me - Poison * Close to You - The Carpenters * La Vie En Rose - Édith Piaf * Sex on Fire - Kings of Leon Chapter 14: * Enjoy The Silence - Depeche Mode * Dog Days Are Over - Florence and the Machine Chapter 15: * Happy House - Siouxsie and the Banshees * I Ran - A Flock of Seagulls Chapter 16: * Smother Me - The Used * Eye of the Tiger - Survivor * Saturday Night - The Misfits * Applause - Lady Gaga (lmao get it?) * You Spin Me Round - Dead or Alive * The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy * Astro Zombies - The Misfits * Thnks Fr Th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy (I can't picture a color guard competition without thinking of that song bc it was our school's guard song one time) Chapter 17: * Snow - Malumi * Disarm - Smashing Pumpkins * Flightless Bird, American Mouth - Iron and Wine * Winter Wonderland * The Russian Dance * La Lluvia * Carol of the Bells * Hallelujah * Sleep * I Am in Need of Music * Banks of Doon * Peace on Earth Chapter 18: * Infected - Bad Religion * Wonderful Christmastime - Paul McCartney * Secrets - OneRepublic * All I Want For Christmas is You- Mariah Carey (get rekt) * Silent Night * Wonderwall - Oasis * Indigo Children - Esoterik Chapter 19: * I Miss You - Blink 182 * American Idiot - Green Day * You're My Best Friend - Queen * Shut Me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence Chapter 20: * Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell * Everybody Talks - Neon Trees Chapter 21: * Electric Love - BØRNS * Closer - Nine Inch Nails * Jabberwocky * Baby Come Back - Player * F*** Time - Green Day * Paralyzer - Finger Eleven Chapter 22: * Jesus of Suburbia - Green Day * Under Pressure - Queen & David Bowie * Again - Alice in Chains * Guitar Hero - Amanda Palmer * I Don't Care - Fall Out Boy Chapter 23: * Mother/ Oh Mein Papa - Siouxsie and the Banshees * Born This Way - Lady Gaga (fight me, the song fit and it got stuck in my head when I was writing that chapter) * Mama - My Chemical Romance * Lovers - Specimen * We Are the Champions - Queen Chapter 24: * I Was Made for Lovin' You - Kiss * Dragula - Rob Zombie * Hallowed Be Thy Name - Iron Maiden Chapter 25: * Heaven Help Us - My Chemical Romance * Hero - Enrique Iglesias * Holocene - Bon Iver * Point of it All - Amanda Palmer Chapter 26: * Whipped Cream - Ludo * Friday I'm in Love - The Cure * Don't Stop Me Now - Queen * Come on Eileen - Dexys Midnight Runners * Planetary (Go!) - My Chemical Romance * The Space Between - Dave Mathews Band * Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls * How Far We've Come - Matchbox 20 * Take on Me - A Ha * White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes * Chanson D'automne - Charles Trenet * Skinny Love - Bon Iver * Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien - Édith Piaf * Vagabond - The Mister Wives (I feel like this would be the song for Annie's individual routine) Chapter 27: * Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day * All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix * Save Rock and Roll - Fall Out Boy * Holiday - Green Day * Stargazer - Siouxsie and the Banshees Chapter 28 (Epilogue): * I'm Yours - Jason Mraz * Happy Together - The Turtles * Spitfire - The Prodigy * Six Shooter - Coyote Kisses * Lovecats - The Cure * Riptide - Vance Joy * All The Small Things - Blink 182 * Wynken Blynken and Nod - Amanda Palmer * Lovesong - The Cure * Just Like Heaven - The Cure Sorry it's so long, I have no self control.
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themusicenthusiast · 5 years
Live Nation to Celebrate National Concert Week by Making More Than 2 Million Tickets Available to the Hottest Summer Shows for $20
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Live Nation revealed their fifth annual National Concert Week will take place from May 1st through May 7th and give fans the exclusive opportunity to purchases tickets for just $20 (all-in including fees). Kicking off an epic summer concert season, the offer will include over two million tickets to 2,800+ in-demand shows from Live Nation’s upcoming roster of tours across North America. The tickets will cross multiple genres for every type of live event fan, including Country, Hip-Hop, Latin, Metal, Rock, Pop, and Comedy. For one week only, fans can get their hands on these $20 all-in tickets. The general on-sale will start Wednesday, May 1st at 9am PT and run through Tuesday, May 7 at 11:59pm PT at  NCW.LiveNation.com Over 600 artists participating in Live Nation’s $20 all-in ticket offer including:
$uicideboy$ 311 / Dirty Heads / Awolnation AJR Alice Cooper / Halestorm Anjelah Johnson Australian Pink Floyd Ben Platt Blackbear Blues Traveler / moe. Breaking Benjamin Cage the Elephant / Beck Camilo Sesto Chaka Khan Chris Young Coheed and Cambria Dane Cook Dierks Bentley Disrupt Festival Flatbush Zombies / Joey BadA$$ Game of Thrones Heart Jennifer Lopez Jill Scott Jim Gaffigan Jon Bellion Kali Uchis Kidz Bop Kids Kirk Franklin Korn / Alice in Chains Lil Pump / Lil Skies Los Temerarios Mannheim Steamroller Marco Antonio Solis Mary J. Blige Maze feat. Frankie Beverly MC Hammer Nelly / TLC / Flo Rida O.A.R. ODESZA Papa Roach Peter Frampton PRETTYMUCH Randy Rogers Rascal Flatts Santana Sara Bareilles Shinedown Slayer Slipknot Smashing Pumpkins / Noel Gallagher Sublime with Rome The 1975 The Chainsmokers The Who Third Eye Blind / Jimmy Eat World Thomas Rhett Train / Goo Goo Dolls Vampire Weekend Willie Nelson Wisin Y Yandel Wiz Khalifa Yes Young the Giant ZZ Top Zac Brown Band This summer fans can expect Dos Equis Pavilion and The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory to deliver an even more incredible concert experience. Fans are encouraged to arrive early to enjoy new food offerings including: Questlove’s innovative spin on the classic cheesesteak made with Impossible meat, actor, Lady Gaga and Michelle Obama’s favorite Art Bird fried chicken, Italian favorites from Top Chef’s Fabio Viviani, hand-crafted, gourmet hotdogs and sausages from Dog Haus, and  Live Nation’s new  signature cocktails curated by world-class mixologist Sean Kenyon. (Note some of the food options might not be available at all venues.) The menu isn’t the only thing getting an upgrade this summer. Dos Equis Pavilion has made major improvements to the venue including additional restrooms, state-of-the-art LED screens for the lawn, a completely renovated VIP club and more. Additionally, Dos Equis Pavilion and The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory are continuing their dedication to reduce their environmental impact with the return of “Sustainability Rocks.” As part of this program, Dos Equis Pavilion, The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory and other Live Nation venues deployed over 900 Zero Waste Stations, eliminated plastic straws, installed water refill stations and implemented venue-wide compost programs. World-class performers coupled with a world-class experience makes Dos Equis Pavilion and The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory the premiere destinations for summer concerts.
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softlabirint-ru · 7 years
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Vanilla Kiss: Clubland Eurodance 90s (2018) Mp3 
Девяностые года – время тёплой, милой некоммерческой музыки, когда особенно ценились красивые стихи и приятная мелодия. Именно тогда в радио эфирах и на танцполах появились самые популярные исполнители: Missing Heart, Bing Crosby, Blue System, Magic Affair и многие другие, о которых сейчас вспоминаем с ностальгической теплотой. Исполнитель: VA Название: Vanilla Kiss: Clubland Eurodance 90s Год выпуска: 2018 Страна: All world Жанр музыки: Club, Dance, Pop Формат | Качество: MP3 | 320 kbps + Image Продолжительность: 07:46:46 Композиций: 120 Размер: 1.08 Gb (+5% на восстановление) TrackList: 01. X-Session - Lucky Number 3:05 02. Dean Martin - Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone 2:26 03. Missing Heart - Charlene 4:05 04. Music Instructor - Super Fly 3:44 05. Look Twice - Feel The Night 3:40 06. Bingoboys - Sugardaddy 3:49 07. Double You - Dancing With An Angel 3:47 08. Bizz Nizz - Dabadabiaboo 3:20 09. Jo Stafford & The Pied Pipers - On The Sunny Side Of The Street 2:58 10. Sin With Sebastian - Shut Up(And Sleep With Me) 3:44 11. Imperio - Quo Vadis 4:01 12. Bing Crosby & Fred Astaire - In The Cool, Cool, Cool Of The Evening 3:28 13. Dinah Washington - You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You 2:47 14. Trey D - Higher & Higher 3:19 15. Bomfunk Mc's - Uprocking Beats 3:41 16. Dean Martin - On An Evening In Roma [Sott'er celo de Roma] 2:26 17. E-Type - So Dem A Com 3:31 18. Midi Maxi & Efti - Bad Bad Boys 3:24 19. Double You - Send Away The Rain 3:59 20. HAD - Spirit Of The Night 3:39 21. Yaki-Da - Just A Dream 3:21 22. Masterboy - Mister Feeling 4:29 23. Lou Bega - Mambo No.5 3:39 24. Blue System - Baby Believe Me 3:40 25. Ace Of Base - Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry 3:16 26. Tess - One Love 4:00 27. Magic Affair - The Rhythm Makes You Wanna Dance 5:39 28. Keenya - Waiting(For Your Love) 5:46 29. Sandra - Secret Land 3:21 30. Ahmex - Paparazzi(I Am Camera) 5:01 31. Kim Lukas - All I Really Want 3:46 32. D.I.P. - Give Me Your Lovin 3:46 33. Sandy - Bad Boy 3:50 34. JLM - Groovy Beat 3:49 35. No Mercy - Please Don't Go 4:02 36. T.Bull Feat.Nicky - You Don't Fuck Me 3:05 37. Dr.Alban - It's My Life(Remix) 4:38 38. Leila K. - Murderer 3:14 39. Cheyenne - The Money Man 3:56 40. Flash - You've Got The Music 4:00 41. Kim Sanders - Jealousy (Radio Mix) 3:56 42. Modern Talking - New York City Girl 3:29 43. Army Of Lovers - La Plage De Saint Tropez 3:32 44. Midi Maxi & Efti - Ragga Steady 3:20 45. Cool Cut - Please Let Me Know (Radio) 3:32 46. Odyssey - Riding On A Train 4:05 47. Nausikaa - Light My Fire 6:21 48. E-Rotic - Temple Of Love 3:18 49. The Sun Company - Looking For Love 5:16 50. Co.Ro - 4 Your Love 4:27 51. 20 Fingers Feat.Gillete - Mr.Personality 4:06 52. Aqua - Lollipop(Candyman) 3:36 53. Scatman John - Scatman's World 3:41 54. One DJ Project Feat.Dame - Gotta Dance 3:34 55. Night People - In The Night 5:22 56. Indra - We Belong Together 4:38 57. Me & My - Dub-I-Dub 3:23 58. Vengaboys - Boom,Boom,Boom,Boom 3:22 59. Das Modul - Robby Roboter (Radio Edit) 3:25 60. Fun Factory - Pain 4:53 61. Shaggy - Boombastic 4:07 62. E-Motion - So In Love With You 3:58 63. Singma - Prt. Foure 3:53 64. 3-O-Matic - Success 3:41 65. DJ Bobo - What About My Broken Heart 4:09 66. Basic Element - Leave It Behind 3:42 67. Jam & Spoon - Right In The Night(Fall In Love With Music) 3:47 68. Denine With Collage - Love Of A Lifetime 4:13 69. Ofenbach vs. Nick Waterhouse versus Felguk - Katchi (Sergey Kutsuev Mash) 3:56 70. Heath Hunter - Master & Servant 3:37 71. Outwork feat. Mr Gee - Elektro (Mike Temoff & Velchev Radio Remix) 3:28 72. TH Express - I'm On Your Side 3:54 73. Paris & Simo Ft. Karen Harding - Come As You Are (Bobby Love Remix) 6:49 74. Natascha Wright - Say You Think Of Me 5:40 75. Phuture Mafia, Hubba & Morse - Pumping (Original Mix) 3:33 76. G.E. Con-X-Ion Feat.Samira - Gotta Have The Music 3:56 77. Pump Gorilla, Voltech - By Your Side (Original Mix) 5:25 78. CB Milton - It's A Loving Thing 4:00 79. Rika Ft. The Highester - No Need (Zaio Remix) 3:13 80. 2Alive - Tell It To My Heart Tonight 3:38 81. Salif Keita & Martin Solveig - Madan (DJ Ramirez & Mike Temoff Remix) ( Radio Edit) 3:01 82. Upfront - Everything 3:22 83. Sash! feat. Tina Cousins - Mysterious Times (A-Mase Radio Mix) 3:25 84. Solid Base - Mirror,Mirror 3:21 85. 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor - Come Take My Hand(Cooly's Jungle Mix) 5:23 86. Activate - Let The Rhythm Take Control 3:33 87. The Weeknd ft. Daft Punk - Starboy (Get Better Remix) 3:43 88. Mr.President - Where The Sun Goes Down 3:25 89. Therr Maitz - My Love Is Like (DJ PitkiN Extended Mix) 4:08 90. Centory - Point Of No Return 4:25 91. Modjo - Lady(Hear Me Tonight) 3:45 92. Toni Braxton - Coping (Stadiumx Remix) 3:21 93. Disco Sluts - Let's All Chant 3:49 94. Vigiland - Another Shot (Charming Horses Remix) 3:39 95. Melodie MC - Give It Up!(For The Melodie) 4:16 96. WHOISJODY - Wall Of Sound (Club Mix) 4:10 97. Bass Bumpers - Good Fun 3:37 98. Woo2tech, Caio Monteiro - So Good (Original Mix) 5:06 99. Haddaway - Life 4:18 100. E-Motion - Open Your Mind 3:45 101. Yves V & Matt Hill Ft. Betsy Blue - Stay (Original Mix) 3:08 102. Backstreet Boys - Get Down 3:51 103. N-Trance - Do Ya Think I'm Sexy? 4:18 104. Black Spaghetti - Stress No More 3:53 105. Chic Desire - Say Say Say I'm Your Number 1 3:18 106. Franky Fonell - Never Forever 3:45 107. Diesel Action - Night In Motion 4:42 108. 2 Unlimited - No One 3:29 109. Dream Beat - Everybody Move 3:52 110. Five - When The Lights Go Out 4:11 111. Corona - Try Me Out 3:29 112. Black Spaghetti - Build Up My Mind 3:40 113. Culture Beat - Crying In The Rain 4:37 114. Fantomaxx - Be My Lover 2:58 115. 3 II One - Make Love 3:53 116. Molella - Love Lasts Forever 3:37 117. ATC - Why Oh Why 3:58 118. Major T - I Can Only Give You My Heart 3:58 119. Tiggy - Waiting 4:04 120. John The Whistler - I'm In Love 3:31 DOWNLOAD LINKS: Vanilla Kiss: Clubland Eurodance 90s (2018) Mp3
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