midnight-in-town · 7 years
Hello, a few weeks ago you posted an omake of a younger Tsuneyoshi Washuu fighting Roma. He referred to her as a "special third degree" which a note below states was terminology used before 1945. So, this was at least 1944, and assuming TG takes places in our current decade then it's been over 70 years. This is strange because Roma's backstory said she was 51. This age was given after showing a picture of her as a child. So, could this be the age she was in the picture, and is now much older?
Hi Anon! Oh, I’ve seen a debate on that actually between @echo-from-the-void and @eto-when-and-where [x] and I meant to try and help, but I was so very busy last week that I thought I would leave the matter alone until I had enough time to try and solve whether this is a little plot hole or not. ;_;
Anyway, I gave it some thinking after receiving your ask, so here’s the thing: I don’t think there is any plot hole, it’s just that we all made the mistake to assume that…
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…Roma was approximately 51 years at the time of ch135. So actually, I think the omake you’re talking about(credit goes to @randomthoughtpatterns for the translation)…
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is a hint to the very complicated timeline about the remaining Clowns that we still know almost nothing about.
Basically, I think Roma was 51 years old at the time she was thrown into Cochlea (that panel of ch135 indeed), but what’s left is for us to determine when exactly that was and that’s when it gets tricky, since we’re currently in 2015-2017. 
(crack theory under read more)
Considering the omake with Tsuneyoshi though, my theory is as follows:
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Roma lost to Tsuneyoshi just before 1945 and was thrown into Cochlea back then, which would explain why…
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…there are several hints that apparently a long time passed between the moment she was locked up and then freed by Aogiri.
Besides that, there are other little hints that make me think that Roma was locked up a (very?) long time ago actually:
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Because “Gypsy” being a name from an old past would explain why we never heard about her special reputation before: ghouls in their 20s/30s probably don’t know about her, because Roma was locked up so long ago in Cochlea. 
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Roma herself told us that she knew about when “the King of the Underground” was rampaging around, which is to say she knew or met…
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…”the Nagaraj” that led to the creation of the predecessor organization to the CCG in 1890 (more details for the general timeline here). 
So, assuming that Tsuneyoshi is the one who threw her in jail when she was 51: 1944(~) - 51 => if Roma was born around 1890…
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…it would fit with the timeline and her being around when the Washuus were trying to deal with the Nagaraj.
TL;DR At the age of 51, Roma was thrown in Cochlea by Tsuneyoshi who defeated her apparently around 1945, which means that…
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the “Clowns’ annihilation” that the CCG led only 10+ years ago had no direct link to Roma who was already in jail. In fact, Roma apparently was the founder of a gang that lasted several decades, which is why “even the Clowns [who were defeated by the CCG 10 years ago] didn’t know who their leader was”. 
Sorry for all the pictures, it’s supposed to be helpful. xD 
That’s my take on it but I’m still waiting for more hints about the Clowns’ gang and the part of the timeline that’s dedicated to them, since the more the story goes, the more hints we get that they are definitely older than they look (and thus they make everything more complicated). :3
Take with a big grain of salt though! And have a nice day. :))
EDIT: Additional relevant info here. :))
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midnight-in-town · 7 years
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An assassin’s bullet?! OR...........
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midnight-in-town · 7 years
One less clown... I feel sad :/
Awww Anon…! Yes, I’m a bit sad as well to have lost Roma since she was quite amazing but don’t worry Anon, we still have Furuta…
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And I doubt Shikorae/Rio is dead. So it will be alright, the Clowns certainly aren’t done with their shenanigans!
Cheer up! :3
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midnight-in-town · 7 years
No offense, but seeing furuta get shot in the head felt vey satisfactory.
Hello and no offense Anon :) I definitely enjoyed it as well and I’m definitely cheering on the person who did it (whether it is Matsuri or Marude or Akira or someone else), but I also enjoy his character overall so in the end it’s not like I’m being particularly harsh on him by saying that I liked the cliffhanger. xD
It’s like when Takeomi punched Mutsuki, I totally live for the villains to get a good punch (or bullet) in the face sometimes! xD
Have a nice day!
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